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Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH)

Vol. 34 No. 1, January 2015, pp. 1 – 11

Copyright© Faculty of Engineering,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka, ISSN: 1115-8443


P. N. Onuamah1 and N. N. Osadabe2


E-mail Addresses: 1 , 2

The work is an investigation to develop and optimize a model of the compressive strength of lateritic hollow
inclusion.. The study applie
sandcrete block with mound soil inclusion appliess the Scheffe’s optimization approach to obtain a
i3,,,,xi4), where xi are proportions of the concrete components, viz: cement,
mathematical model of the form f(xi1,xi2,xi3
mound soil, laterite,
laterite, and water. Scheffe’s experimental design techniques are followed to mould various hollow
block samples measuring 450 450mm
mm x 225225mmmm x 1 15
50mm and tested for 28 days strength. T The
he task involved
experimentation and design, applying the second order polynomial characterization process of the simplex lattice
method. The model adequacy is checked using the control factors. Finally a purpose purpose--made software was applied to
optimize the design computation process which ttake akess the desired propert
ake propertyy of the mix, and generate
generatess the optimal
mix ratios and conversely takes the desired mix ratio to generate the optimal compressive strength.

Keywords: sandcrete, pseudo-component,

Keywords component, simplex-lattice, optimization, ternary mixture.

1. INTRODUCTION partial or full replacement of the scarce component

The cost/stability of material has been a major issue when it is possible to do so without losing the quality
in construction of structures where cost is a major of the concrete.
index. This means that the locality and the usability of
the available materials directly impact on the 1.1.
1.1. Optimization Concept
achievable development in any area as well as the Every venture that must be successful in human
attainable level of construction technology in the area. endeavour requires planning,
planning the target of which is to
As it is, concrete is the main material of construction,
construct maximize the desired outcome of the venture. As
and the ease or cost of its production accounts for the emphasized in their work on Orie and Osadebe [2], in
level of success in the area of environmental order to maximize gains or outputs it is often
upgrading involving the construction of new roads, necessary to keep inputs or investments at a minimum
buildings, dams, water structures and the renovation at the production level. The process involved in this
of such structures. To produce the concrete several planning activity of minimization and maximization is
primary components such as cement, sand, gravel and referred to as optimization.
optimization In the science of
some admixtures are to be present in varying optimization,
on, the desired property or quantity to be
quantities and qualities. Unfortunately, the quality optimized is referred to as the objective function. The
and availability of these components vary very raw materials or quantities whose amount of
randomly with location and hence the attendant combinations will produce this objective function are
problems of either excessive or scarce quantities of referred to as variables or constraints.
the different materials occurring in different areas. In The variations of these variables produce different
situations where
here the scarcity of one component combinations and have different outputs. Often the
prevails exceedingly, the cost of the concrete space of variability of the variables is not universal as
production increase geometrically. Such problems some conditions limit them. These conditions are
obviate the need to seek alternative materials for called constraints. For example, money is a limited

* Corresponding Author, Tel: +234-803-342


factor of production and hence, a constraint given to exponents. The challenging problem is to understand
the entrepreneur at the time of investment. Hence, and asses these distinctive constants by which the
according to Majid [3], an optimization process is one interplaying factors underscore some unique natural
that seeks for the maximum or minimum value and at phenomena towards which their natures tend, in a
the same time satisfying a number of other imposed single, double or multi phase systems.
requirements. For such assessment a model could be constructed for
Everybody can make concrete but not everybody can a proper observation of responses from the
make structural concrete which is made with specified interaction of the factors through controlled
materials for specified strength. Concrete is experimentation followed by schematic design where
heterogeneous as it comprises sub-materials. Concrete such simplex lattice approach of the type of Scheffe’s
is made up of fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, [1] optimization theory could be employed. Also
cement, water, and sometimes admixtures e.g. rice entirely different physical systems may correspond to
husk ash, mound soil, lime, etc. David and Galliford [4], the same mathematical model so that they can be
report that modern research in concrete seeks to solved by the same methods. This is an impressive
provide greater understanding of its constituent demonstration of the unifying power of mathematics
materials and possibilities of improving its qualities. [13].
For instance, Portland cement has been partially
replaced with ground granulated blast furnace slag 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
(GGBS), a by–product of the steel industry that has In the past ardent researchers have done works in the
valuable cementitious properties [5]. behavior of concrete under the influence of its
components. With given proportions of aggregates the
1.2 Concrete Mix optimization compressive strength of concrete depends primarily
The task of concrete mix optimization implies upon age, cement content, and the cement-water ratio
selecting the most suitable concrete aggregates from [14]. Majid [3] reports that of all the desirable
the data base (Genadij and Juris, [6]. Several methods properties of hardened concrete such as the tensile,
have been applied. Examples are by Mohan et al [7], compressive, flexural, bond, shear strengths, etc., the
Simon [8], Lech et al [9], Czarneki et al [10]. compressive strength is the most convenient to
Nordstrom and Munoz [11] proposed an approach measure and is used as the criterion for the overall
which adopts the equilibrium mineral assemblage quality of the hardened concrete.
concept of geochemical thermodynamics as a basis for Macrofaunal activities in soil are known to affect the
establishing mix proportions. Bloom and Bentur [12] nutrient and organic matter dynamics and structure of
reports that optimization of mix designs require the soil. Such changes in soil properties have profound
detailed knowledge of concrete properties. Orie. and influences on the productivity of the ecosystem.
Osadebe [2] adapted the simplex lattice design theory Termites are the dominant macrofaunal group found
by Scheffe [1] to the design of concrete five- in the tropical soils. Termites process considerable
components mix including the mound soil admixture. quantities of soil materials in their mound building
Low water-cement ratios lead to increased strength activities. According to Fageria and Baligar [15] such
but will negatively lead to an accelerated and higher activities might have potential effects on carbon
shrinkage. Also, apart from the larger deformations, sequestration, nutrient cycling, and soil texture.
the acceleration of dehydration and strength gain will The result of a study on some characteristics of
cause cracking at early ages. laterite-cement mix containing termite mound soil
(50% by weight of laterite) as replacement of laterite
1.3. Modeling are presented by Udoeyo and Turman [16]. The study
Modeling involves setting up mathematical showed that laterite-mound soil mix stabilized with
formulations of physical or other systems. Many 6% cement could serve as a base course for roads for
factors of different effects occur in nature agricultural trafficking in rural areas where mound
simultaneously dependently or independently. When soils are abundant.
they interplay they could inter-affect one another In the report by Udoeyo et al [17], the inclusion of
differently at equal, direct, combined or partially mound soil in mortar matrix resulted in a compressive
combined rates variationally, to generate varied strength value of up to 40.08 N/mm2, and the addition
natural constants in the form of coefficients and/or of 5% of mound soil to a concrete mix of 1:2:4:0.56

Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2015 2


(cement: sand: coarse aggregate: water) resulted in an PQ ≠ STUVWXYT, 0 ≤ PQ ≤ 1, [ PQ = 1 (1)

increase of up to 20.35% in compressive strength. The
availability of mound soil is not regular over areas That is, a lattice is an abstract space.
and, in some areas, quite low, just as the quantity in Scheffe [1] developed a model in which the response
the mix is comparatively low. surfaces of the physical and chemical characteristics of
Sandcrete blocks are masonry units used in all types a mixture can be approximated by a polynomial of the
of masonry constructions such as the interior and second degree. Using the approach, Akhnazarova and
exterior load bearing and non load bearing walls, fire Kafarov [20] predicted the variations of reactivity and
walls, party walls, curtain walls, panel walls, partition, porosity of coke with the charges of four process
backings for other masonry, facing materials, fire groups of coal in a mixture. The approach could be
proofing over structured steel members, piers, adapted to predict the desired strength of concrete
plasters columns, retaining walls, chimneys, where the essential factors lies on the adequate
fireplaces, concrete floors, patio paving units, kerbs proportioning of ingredients needed to make the
and fences. The block is defined by ASIM as hollow concrete. With the compressive strength desired
block when the cavity area exceeds 25% of the gross specified, possible combinations of needed ingredients
cross-sectional area, otherwise it belongs to the solid to achieve the compressive strength can easily be
category. Obodo [18] stated that methods of predicted by the aid of computer, and if proportions
compaction during moulding has a marked effect on are specified, the compressive strength can easily be
the strength of sandcrete blocks. predicted.

2.1 Background Theory 2.3
2.3 Simplex Lattice Method
This is a theory where a polynomial expression of any According to Akhnazarova and Kafarov [20] in
degrees, is used to characterize a simplex lattice designing experiment to solve mixture problems
mixture components. In the theory only a single phase involving component property diagrams the property
mixture is covered. The theory lends path to a unifying studied is assumed to be a continuous function of
equation model capable of taking varying mix certain arguments and with a sufficient accuracy it can
component variables to fix mixture properties. The be approximated with a polynomial. When
optimization that follows selects the optimal ratio investigating multi-components systems the use of
from the component ratios list that is automatically experimental design methodologies substantially
generated. This theory is adapted to this work of reduces the volume of experimental effort. Further,
formulation of response function for the compressive this obviates the need for a special representation of
strength of sandcrete block. complex surface, as the wanted properties can be
derived from equations while the possibility to
2.2 Simplex Lattice graphically interpret the result is retained.
Jackson [19], states that Simplex is a structural As a rule the response surfaces in multi-component
representation (shape) of lines or planes joining systems are very intricate. To describe such surfaces
assumed positions or points of the constituent adequately, high degree polynomials are required, and
materials (atoms) of a mixture, and they are hence a great many experimental trials. A polynomial
equidistant from each other. According to Akhnazarov of degree n in q variable has Cnq+n coefficients. If a
and Kafarov [20], when studying the properties of a q- mixture has a total of q components and xi be the
component mixture which are dependent on the proportion of the ith component in the mixture such
component ratio, only the factor space is a regular (q- that,
1)–simplex. Simplex lattice designs are saturated, that X i ≥ 0 (i = 1,2,...q ),
is, the proportions used for each factor have m + 1 then the sum of the component proportion is a whole

equally spaced levels from 0 to 1 (xi = 0, 1/m, 2/m, … unity, that is

1), and all possible combinations are derived from
such values of the component concentrations, that is, X1 + X 2 + X 3 + X 4 or ∑X −1 = 0
all possible mixtures, with these proportions are used.

where i = 1, 2, …., q… Thus the factor space is a

Mathematically, a simplex lattice is a space of
constituent variables of X1, X2, X3,……, and Xi which regular (q-1) dimensional simplex. In (q-1)
obey these laws: dimensional simplex if q = 2, we have 2 points of

Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2015 3


connectivity. This gives a straight line simplex lattice.

If q=3, we have a triangular simplex lattice and for q =

Y =(bo + b1 + b11 )X 1 + (bo + b 2 + b22 )X 2 +

4, it is a tetrahedron simplex lattice, etc. Taking a

(bo + b3 + b33 )X 3 + (bo + b4 + b44 )X 4 +
whole factor space in the design we have a (q,m)
(b12 − b11 − b22 )X 1 X 2 + (b13 − b11 − b33 )X 1 X 3
simplex lattice whose properties are defined as + (b14 − b11 − b 44 )X 1 X 4 + (b23 − b 22 − b33 )X 2 X 3 +
follows: (b24 − b22 − b44 )X 2 X 4 + (b34 − b33 − b44 )X 31 X 4
i. The factor space has uniformly distributed points, (7)
ii. Simplex lattice designs are saturated. If we denote
That is, the proportions used for each factor have m + βi = bo + bi = bii and βii = bi − bii − bii
1 equally spaced levels from 0 to 1 (xi = 0, 1/m, 2/m, then we arrive at the reduced second degree
… 1), and all possible combinations are derived from polynomial in 6 variables:
such values of the component concentrations, tall
possible mixtures, with these proportions are used.

Y = β1 X 1 + β 2 X 2 + β 3 X 3 + β 4 X 4 + β12 X 1 X 2 +
Hence, for the quadratic lattice (q,2), approximating
the response surface with the second degree
β13 X 1 X 3 + β14 X 1 X 4 + β 23 X 2 X 23 + β 24 X 2 X 4

polynomials (m=2), the following levels of every

+ β 34 X 3 X 4 .
factor must be used 0, ½ and 1; for the fourth order
Thus, the number of coefficients has reduced from 15
(m=4) polynomials, the levels are 0, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 and
in (7) to 10 in (8). That is, the reduced second degree
1, etc; Scheffe [1] showed that the number of points in
polynomial in q variables is
a (q,m) lattice is given by:
^_ = ∑ aQ PQ + ∑ aQQ PQ PQ (9)
C q + m −1 = q ( q + 1)...( q + m − 1) / m!
2.5 Construction of Experimental/Design Matrix

2.4 The (4,2) Lattice Model From the coordinates of points in the simplex lattice,
The properties studied in the assumed polynomial are we can obtain the design matrix. We recall that the
real-valued functions on the simplex and are termed principal coordinates of the lattice, only a component
responses. The mixture properties were described is 1 (Table 1).
using polynomials assuming a polynomial function of Hence if we substitute in Eqn. (8), the coordinates of
degree m in the q-variable x1, x2,……, xq, subject to the first point (X1=1, X2=0, X3=0, and X4=0, (Table 1),
equation (2), and will be called a (q, m) polynomial we get that Y1= β1.
having a general form: And doing so in succession for the other three points
in the tetrahedron, we obtain
^c = ac , ^d = ad , ^e = ae (10)
Yˆ = b0 + ∑bi Xi + ∑b X X ij i j +...
i≤1≤q i≤1≤ j≤q

+ ∑b Xi X j Xk ...+ ∑ Xi1Xi2...Xin Table 1: Design matrix for (4,2) Lattice

(5) N X1 X2 X3 X4 Yexp
i≤1≤ j≤k≤q

1 1 0 0 0 Y1
2 0 1 0 0 Y2

Y = bo + b1 X 1 + b2 X 2 + b3 X 3 + b4 X 4 + b12 X 1 X 2
3 0 0 1 0 Y3
4 0 0 0 1 Y4
+ b13 X 1 X 3 + b14 X 1 X 4 + b24 X 2 X 4 + b23 X 21 X 3

5 ½ ½ 0 0 Y12
+ b34 X 3 X 4 + b11 X 21 + b22 X 2 2 + b33 X 2 3 +
b44 X 2 4 (6) 6 ½ 0 ½ 0 Y13
In (5) and (6), b is a constant coefficient. The 7 ½ 0 0 ½ Y14
relationship obtainable from Eqn (6) is subjected to 8 0 ½ ½ 0 Y23
the normalization condition of Eqn. (3) for a sum of 9 0 ½ 0 ½ Y24
independent variables. For a ternary mixture, 10 0 0 ½ ½ Y34
applying some mathematical juggling the reduced
second degree polynomial comes to The substitution of the coordinates of the fifth point

Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2015 4


Y12 = 1 X 1 + 1 X 2 + 1 X 1 . 1 X 2 BZ = X = 1 (13)
where B is the transformed matrix.
2 2 2 2

= 1 1 1
β + 2 β 2 + 4 β12
2 1

f = gh ij kl f = h ij (14)
β12 = 4Y12 − 2Y1 − 2Y2 (11) For instance, for the chosen ratios A1, A2 , A3 and A4
And similarly, (Figure 1),
1 0.64 15.72 0.49
h = m1 0.62 15.21 0.52n
β13 = 4 Y13 − 2Y1 − 2Y3
1 0.58 15.21 0.35
,etc. 1 0.69 16.80 0.55
β 23 = 4 Y23 − 2Y2 − 2Y3
On generalizing,
−3.01 8.20 2.42 −6.61
(12) h ij = m −224.80 52.74 59.53 112.53n
β i = Yi and β ij = 4Y ij − 2Y i − 2Y j

which are the coefficients of the reduced second 9.31 −2.96 2.35 −4.00
3.05 9.31 −7.31 −5.05
degree polynomial for a q-component mixture, since
1 0 0 0
the four points defining the coefficients βij lie on the
Hence, fh ij = h. h ij = m0 1 0 0n. Thus, for
edge. The subscripts of the mixture property symbols 0 0 1 0
indicate the relative content of each component Xi 0 0 0 1
alone and the property of the mixture is denoted by Yi. actual component Z, the pseudo component X is given
2.6 Actual and Pseudo Components rPj u rhj u
(Q) (Q)
−3.01 8.20 2.42 −6.61
qP (Q) t q (Q) t
∑X P q c(Q) t = f m−224.80 52.74 59.53 112.53n h qhc t
The requirements of the simplex that X =1 makes it qPd t 9.31 −2.96 2.35 −4.00 qh (Q) t
1 =1

q (Q) t 3.05 9.31 −7.31 −5.05 q (Q) t

impossible to use the normal mix ratios such as 1:3, pPe s phe s
1:5, etc, at a given water/cement ratio. Hence a The inverse transformation from pseudo component
transformation of the actual components (Ingredient to actual component is expressed as:
proportions) to meet the above criterion is AX = Z (15)
unavoidable. Such transformed ratios say X1(i), X2(i), where A is the inverse matrix.
and X3(i) and X4(i) for the ith experimental points are From Eqn (13),
called pseudo components. Since X1, X2 and X3 are A = Z(BZ)-1 = Z.Z-1B-1 = IB-1 = B-1 (16)
subject to ∑ Xi = 1, the transformation of cement : This implies that for any pseudo component X, the
mound soil : laterite : water at say 0.30 water/cement actual component is given by:
ratio cannot easily be computed because X1, X2,X3 and
rPj u h
(Q) (Q)

X4 are in pseudo expressions X1(i), X2(i), and X3(i) .For 1 0.64 15.72 0.49 r j(Q) u
qP (Q) t qh t
the ith experimental point, the transformation h q c(Q) t = f m1 0.62 15.21 0.52n P q c(Q) t (17)
qPd t 1 0.58 15.21 0.35 qh t
computations are to be done. q (Q) t 1 0.69 16.80 0.55 q (Q) t

The arbitrary vertices chosen on the triangle are pPe s phe s

A1(1:0.64:15.72:0.49), A2(1:0.62:15.12:0.52), Eqn (17) is used to determine the actual components
A3(1:0.58:14.21:0.35), and A4(1:0.69:16.80:0.55), from points 5 to 10 , and the control values from
based on experience and earlier research reports. experimental points 11 to 13 (Table 2).

2.8 Use of values in experiment
During the laboratory experiment, the actual
components were used to measure out the
appropriate proportions of the ingredients: cement,
mound soil, laterite and water were for casting the
samples. The values obtained are presented in Table 2.

Figure 1: Tetrahedral simplex 2.9

2.9 Adequacy of tests
2.7 Transformation matrix This is carried out by testing the fit of a second degree
If Z denotes the actual matrix of the ith experimental polynomial [20]. After the coefficients of the
points, observing from Table 2 (points 1 to 4) regression equation has been derived, analysis is

Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2015 5


considered necessary. The equation should be tested

for goodness of fit, and the equation and surface
ai = X i (2 X i − 1) and aij = 4 X i X j (20)
values bound into the confidence intervals. In
experimentation following simplex-lattice designs
SYˆ = SY ( ∑ ai / ni + ( ∑a
ij / nij ) (21)
there are no degrees of freedom to test the equation
If the number of replicate observations at all the
1≤i ≤ q 1≤i≤ j ≤ q

for adequacy, so, the experiments are run at additional

points of the design are equal, i.e. ni=nij= n, then all
so-called control points.
the relations for SŶ2 will take the form
The number of control points and their coordinates
are conditioned by the problem formulation and (22)
SYˆ = SY ξ / n
experiment nature. Besides, the control points are where, for the second degree polynomial,
sought so as to improve the model in case of
inadequacy. The accuracy of response prediction is ∑a ∑a
2 2
ξ= +
i ij

dissimilar at different points of the simplex. The

1≤i ≤ q 1≤i ≤ j ≤ q

As in equation (23), ξ is only dependent on the

variance of the predicted response, SY2, is obtained
mixture composition. Given the replication Variance
from the error accumulation law. To illustrate this by
and the number of parallel observations n, the error
the second degree polynomial for a quarternary
for the predicted values of the response is readily
mixture, the following points are assumed:
calculated at any point of the composition-property
• Xi can be observed without errors.
diagram using an appropriate value of ξ taken from
• The replication variance, SY2, is similar at all design
the curve.
points, and
Adequacy is tested at each control point, for which
• Response values are the average of ni and nij
purpose the statistic is built:
replicate observations at appropriate points of the
2 2
t = ∆ Y /( S Yˆ + S Y ) = ∆ Y n1 / 2 /( SY (1 + ξ )1 / 2 ) ( 24)
Then the variance SŶi and SŶij will be: where
 2 ∆ Y = Yexp − Ytheory (25)
and n is the number of parallel observations at every
 S Yˆ  = SY 2 / ni . . (18)
 
 i

The t-statistic has the student distribution [23], and it

 2
 S Yˆ  = SY 2 / nij
is compared with the tabulated value of tα/L(V) at a
  (19)
 ij
By some mathematical transformations and level of significance α, where L = the number of
introducing the designation control points, and V = the number for the degrees of
freedom for the replication variance.

Table 2: Values for Experiment

N X1 X2 X3 X4 RESPONSE Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4
1 1 0 0 0 Y1 1.00 0.64 15.72 0.49
2 0 1 0 0 Y2 1.00 0.62 15.12 0.52
3 0 0 1 0 Y3 1.00 0.58 14.21 0.35
4 0 0 0 1 Y4 1.00 0.69 16.80 0.55
5 ½ 1/2 0 0 Y12 1.00 0.63 15.42 0.51
6 ½ 0 1/2 0 Y13 1.00 0.32 14.97 0.42
7 1//2 0 0 1/2 Y14 1.00 0.67 16.26 0.52
8 0 1/2 1/2 0 Y23 1.00 0.31 14.67 0.44
9 0 1/2 0 1/2 Y24 1.00 0.66 15.96 0.54
10 0 0 1/2 1/2 Y34 1.00 0.35 15.51 0.45
Control points
11 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Y1234 1.00 0.49 15.46 0.48
12 0.5 0.25 0.25 0 Y1123 1.00 0.48 15.19 0.46
13 0.25 0.5 0 0.25 Y1224 1.00 0.64 15.69 0.52

Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2015 6


The null hypothesis is that the equation is adequate 3.1

3.1 Materials
and accepted if tcal< tTable for all the control points. The The laterite materials were collected at the Emene
confidence interval for the response value is area of Enugu State and conformed to BS 882 and
belongs to zone 1 of the ASHTO classification. The
mound soil was collected from the bushes around
Yˆ − ∆ ≤ Y ≤ Yˆ + ∆ (26)

Emene area of Enugu State.

∆ = tα / L ,k SYˆ ( 27)
where k is the number of polynomial coefficients The water for use is pure drinking water which is free
determined. from any contamination i.e. nil Chloride content, pH
Using (22) in (27) we have: =6.9, and Dissolved Solids < 2000ppm. Ordinary
∆ = tα / L ,k S Y (ξ / n )1 / 2 ( 28) Portland cement is the hydraulic binder used in this
project and sourced from the Dangote Cement
3. METHODOLOGY Factory, and assumed to comply with the Standard
To be a good structural material, the material should Institute of Nigeria (NIS) 1974, and kept in an air-tight
be homogeneous and isotropic. The Portland cement, bag.
sandcrete or concrete are none of these, nevertheless
they are popular construction materials [24].The 3.2
3.2 Preparation of samples
necessary materials required in the manufacture of The sourced materials for the experiment were
the sandcrete in the study are cement, mound soil, transferred to the laboratory. The pseudo components
laterite, and water. of the mixes were designed following the background
The research was done by assembling mix materials theory from where the actual variables were
and preparing samples of lateritic concrete or latcrete developed. The component materials were mixed at
(cement-laterite-water) mix using mix proportions ambient temperature according to the specified
generated from Scheffe’s simplex lattice design theory proportions of the actual components generated in
after the laterite and mound soil were adequately Table 2. In all, two hollow blocks of 450mm x225
characterized. The compressive stress responses were x150mm for each of ten experimental points and three
obtained from crushing tests of the samples. The control points were cast for the compressive strength
responses were applied to the reduced and test, cured for 28 days after setting and hardening.
normalized polynomial equation assumed to
characterize the lines of components’ concentrations 3.3
3.3 Strength Test
in the mix to obtain the compressive stress model After 28 day of curing, the blocks were crushed to
capable of predicting the components’ ratio for any determine the sandcrete block strength, using the
desired lateritic concrete compressive stress using the compressive testing machine to the requirements of
laterite and mounds soil within the same range of BS 1881: Part 115 of 1986.
physical characteristics. Reversibly, the optimal
compressive stress of the lateritic concrete could be 4. RESULT AND ANALYSIS
predicted by the model given some desired mix ratios, 4.1 Determination of Replication Error and Variance of
using an application programs designed for the Response
property optimization process. It was found that it is To raise the experimental design equation model by
possible to quickly the lattice theory approach, two replicate
(i) fix the ratio of latcrete components without going experimental observations were conducted for each of
through the rigors involved in most existing mix the ten design points. Table 3 contain the results of
design methods two repetitions each of the 10 design points plus three
(ii) select latcrete component ratios for mixes to solve control points of the (4, 2) simplex lattice, and show
specific construction engineering tasks the mean and variance values per test of the observed
(iii) apply the ubiquitously locally available laterite in response, using the following mean and variance
construction works to achieve construction cost equations below:
reduction and ultimately increase our foreign
Y = ∑ (Yr ) / r
exchange earnings and conserve same.
where Ŷ is the mean of the response values and r = 1,
2, ..., i

Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2015 7


the theoretical expected results of the

SY = ∑ (Yi − Y ) /(n − 1)
compressive strength.
2 2

where n = 13. 2. Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant

difference between the experimental values and
Replication Variance the theoretical expected results of the
compressive strength.
SY = ∑ S i /(n − 1) = 0.03
2 2

Replication Error
4.4 t-Test for the Compressive strength Model
If we substitute for Xi in equation (33) from Table 3,
SY = ( SY )1 / 2 = (0.03)1 / 2 = 0.1732
the theoretical predictions of the response (Ŷ) can be
4.2 Determination of Regression Equation for the
obtained. These values can be compared with the
Compressive Strength
From equations (10), (12) and Table 3, all the experimental results (Table 3). For the t-test (Table
coefficients of the reduced second degree polynomial 4), a, ξ, t and ∆y are evaluated using equations (21),
were determined and therefore from (8), we have: (24), (25) and (26) respectively.`
Significance level α = 0.05,
^zj = 1.95Pj + 2.02Pc + 2.15Pd + 2.01Pe + 0.63PjPc
+ 0.34Pj Pd + 0.43Pj Pe + 1.83Pc Pd i.e. from α / L c
t (V ) = t where L=number of
+ 0.20Pc Pe + 0.31Pd Pe (33) control point.

Equation (33) is the mathematical model of the From student’s t-Table [23] the tabulated value of
compressive strength of the hollow sandcrete block t0.05/3 (13) is found to be 3.01 which is greater than
based on the 28-day strength. any of the calculated t-values in Table 4. Hence we can
accept the Null Hypothesis.
4.3 Test of Adequacy of the Compressive strength
Model With ;
k = 10, tα / k , y = t 0.05 / k (13) = 3.01
Equation (33), the equation model, will be tested for
adequacy against the controlled experimental results.
∆ = 0.66 for C1234, 0.68 for C1124, and 0.70 for C1224
We recall our statistical hypothesis as follows: which satisfies the confidence interval equation (26)
1. Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant when viewed against the response values in Table 4.
difference between the experimental values and

Table 3: Result of the Replication Variance of the Compressive Strength Response for 450x225x150 mm Block
Experiment No (n) Repetition Response Symbol ∑Yr ∑(Yr - Υ )2 Si2
Y (N/mm2) Υ
1A 1.94 Y1
1 4.04 2.02 0.01 0.00
1B 2.10
2A 2.01
2 Y2 3.89 1.95 0.01 0.00
2B 1.88
3A 2.34
3 Y3 4.30 2.15 0.07 0.01
3B 1.96
4A 1.99
4 Y4 4.01 2.01 0.00 0.00
4B 2.02
5A 2.30
5 Y12 4.28 2.14 0.05 0.00
5B 1.98
6A 2.01
6 Y13 4.34 2.17 0.05 0.00
6B 2.33
7A 1.89
7 Y14 3.81 1.91 0.00 0.00
7B 1.92
8A 2.44
8 Y23 5.01 2.51 0.00 0.00
8B 2.57
9A 1.79
9 Y24 4.05 2.03 0.11 0.01
9B 2.26
10A 2.00
10 Y34 4.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
10B 2.00

Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2015 8


Experiment No (n) Repetition Response Symbol ∑Yr ∑(Yr - Υ )2 Si2
Y (N/mm2) Υ
Control Points
11A 2.31
11 C1 4.28 2.14 0.06 0.00
11B 1.97
11A 2.07
12 C2 4.18 2.09 0.00 0.00
11B 2.11
13A 2.21
13 C3 4.22 2.11 0.02 0.00
13B 2.01


Table 4: t-Test for the Test Control Points

N CN I ai aij ai2 aij2 ξ Υ Ŷa ∆y t
1 2 -0.125 0.250 0.016 0.063
1 3 -0.125 0.250 0.016 0.063
1 4 -0.125 0.250 0.016 0.063
1 C1
2 3 -0.125 0.250 0.016 0.063 0.469 2.14 2.17 -0.03 -0.20
2 4 -0.125 0.250 0.016 0.063
3 4 -0.125 0.250 0.016 0.063
0.094 0.375
1 2 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.250
1 3 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.250
1 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 C2
2 3 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.063 0.563 2.09 2.27 -0.18 1.12
2 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
3 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.563
1 2 -0.125 0.500 0.016 0.250
1 3 -0.125 0.000 0.016 0.000
1 4 -0.125 0.250 0.016 0.063
3 C3 2 3 -0.125 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.656 2.11 2.06 -0.05. 0.33
2 4 -0.125 0.500 0.016 0.250
3 4 -0.125 0.000 0.016 0.000
0.094 0.563

5. DIS
DISCUSSION OF RESULT tables and this confirmed that the model is adequate.
The results of the pseudo-components and the actual- The user of “ONUAMAH.COM” only need specify the
components (values for experiments) shown in Table desired lateritic concrete strength and the component
2 represent the obtained components that conformed ratio associated with the desired compressive
with the analysis to the reduced polynomial strength will be automatically generated, whereas, if
coefficients under the ∑e}~j PQ = 1 normalizing it’s out of range, the program reports sends an error
condition of the simplex lattice design. The values of message. Conversely, given some mix ratios, the
the component ratios were obtained by executing the optimal attainable compressive strength is
matrix product in Excel program. The experimental automatically generated. It is the user’s to choose
and replication variance necessary for testing the from the generated list of the applicable mix ratios
model statistical adequacy was presented in Table 2. It based on material cost as such factors as workability
was observed that the t-test values from calculation and honeycombing are not considered in the design
were lower than the t-values read from the statistical approach.

Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2015 9


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