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Nama : Bayu Muhaimin Caniago

Kelas : R

NIM : 195040200111052

The Development and Negative Impacts of Agricultural Sector on Environment

Agriculture we have been doing for years. Agriculture is not possible to die as long as there are
people who eat. Agriculture that initially had poor knowledge began to develop from year to
year. So that agriculture is currently producing better products than before. This happened
because knowledge began to develop about agriculture, starting from irrigation, farming tools
and others.

Agriculture that has been good with a variety of sophisticated equipment turned out to have a
negative impact. The negative impacts experienced not only for the environment but for humans
themselves have a negative impact. The negative impact on the environment is that it causes
deforestation which makes the forest into land for farming, irrigation can make the drying of a
habitat, as a result of excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides can cause irrigation water through
the river poisoning and topsoil depletion and groundwater contamination. The negative impact
on humans who are constantly exposed to various chemical-based fertilizers and pesticides can
cause several health hazards such as skin diseases, lung infections and certain other serious
illnesses. lung infections and certain other serious illnesses.

Therefore, let us avoid excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides. Use in accordance with the
measure so that we don’t have a negative impact or for ourselves.

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