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curious to know what conversation around casting Gloria would look like

(ex. BJJ’s An Octoroon having specific racial preference breakdown for casting
Nottage self-referential?
shift in power dynamic

knows it’s dumb, still does it


power dynamics—who has control over who (social vs. professional)

1933 Hollywood→ enforcement of Hays Code

colorism politics
doesn’t want Vera to open the door
BJJ published in 2014
Broadway vs. Hollywood
written memory
vs. aural/verbal

vs. theater

Black vaudeville performer

politics of this esp. having a white woman play Gloria
movie begins
and ends in
the same place
every time
Trouble in Mind parallels
all art
is political

The Octoroon
she’s remembered as Brazilian

amos and andy?

still not going
to out herself

Theatre Owners
Booking Association
vaudeville circuit for
African American performers

Vera nominated, Gloria actually getting awards

work vs. recognition
suicide as a statement
stealing the moment
the life she has made does depend on it

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