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How do rich get richer using thinking in systems?

Most people shake their heads when they hear the common phrase, "The rich get
richer and the poor get poorer." They argue that this is incorrect. They argue that
it is unjust. The wealthy are said to be greedy. They believe the impoverished can't
seem to get a break. But what if we take a step back from our conclusions? What if
we take a methodical approach to this? Because most people are controlled by
their emotions, they are unable to take a step back and assess the situation
objectively. They can only make an assessment based on their emotional reaction.

Rich people have a distinct style of thinking than poor and middle-class folks. They
have distinct perspectives on money, wealth, themselves, others, and life. This
lowers their chances of becoming impoverished following a calamity and aids them
in achieving their long-term financial goals.

Allow me to give you a fascinating story based on my experience. My father's boss

has a daughter who is getting married. Her grandma was opposed to the marriage
at the time because her family was wealthier than the boyfriend's. This can be
interpreted as rich individuals having varied perspectives on each individual's
status, and they actually do find a purpose for each component of their system.
And that, as a result of this family system, wealthy people tend to become
wealthier as they pass down this system to their children, which I refer to as

These patterns are really effective. They provide information about the underlying
systems. These systems are quite effective. Some may argue that they are fair or
unjust, but that doesn't matter from a systems perspective. The systems are in
place. We can't transform the world with a flick of our fingers because we believe
it is unfair. However, we can alter our behavior to better fit the existing system.
It's similar to physics principles. We can't stop gravity from happening if we wake
up one day and decide it's ethically terrible. Gravity does not exist because a group
of people decided it was a good idea. The mechanism is unconcerned if we dislike
centripetal motion. It continues to act in accordance with the pattern. When the
rich get richer they get more powerful and that puts them in the position to lobby
for policies that make them richer still.

This is how the wealthy become even wealthier. This is why the impoverished will
continue to be poor. Both groups continue to rely on the same feedback loops. It's
only that one group has the procedures in place and feedback loops in place to
assist them build wealth over time. The other group, on the other hand, has those
systems working against them.

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