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We would like to thank the following influential people who help us in making

this journey of research 1.

First of all the almighty loving Father, we are thankful that he guided

us till the end and the strength, wisdom and perseverance we need that help us

to finish this research. Second, to Dr. Severina Chin and Ms. Early Jane

Cabatana-Ecot who were the people that supported us for the completion of this

research. Thank you to Dr. Severina Chin who gave us permission to conduct this

study in the University. Thank you to Ms. Early Jane Cabatana-Ecot for her

frequent advices in completing this research and for the information and ideas

that we got from her. Thank you for everything you've taught us from the time

we've started this research up to now that we already complete it.

We thank all people who appreciate our study and those who help us

in doing this study, especially to our parents for unending support to complete

this research. We would also like to thank our classmates for their mutual

support in every ups and downs in our journey in making this research.

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another

person, each of us is thankful with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the

flame within us. Thank you and God bless us all.




The secret to achieving success in life is effectively managing this resource

that everyone possesses equally and paying sufficient emphasis to planning (Macan,

Shahani, Dipboye & Phillips, 2000). Conceptually, time management is a set of habits or

learnable behaviors that may be acquired through increased knowledge, training or

deliberate practice. (Carolyn McCann and et al, 2012).Time management includes setting

goals, meeting deadlines, using time management aids such as list making, coping with

change, making plans, and effectively organizing one's time ( Roberts and et al, 2006).

Previous research (Magher, 2005) shows that students are much more

motivated if they can solve the task in a personal rhythm. Students should be aware of

the hours of maximum effort and should adapt their personal rhythm to circadian and

ultrafine rhythm (Clinciu et al., 2005).

Students should be aware of their working rhythm and should learn to

organize their activities according to all factors influencing performance, so according

backgrounds on time management and it variables, in this study we investigated the

efficacy of time management training on increase academic time management of


According to Collins Dictionary, Time Management is the analysis of how

working home are spent and prioritization of task in order to maximize personal

efficiency in the workplace. Time Management is really important to students who are

undergoing pressure. Student are not fond of prioritizing things out and simply

neglecting and avoiding other activities such as school works and school performances

because they are more fond of doing nonsense things that entertained them. That's why

time management plays a vital role to every life aspect of a student.

Students specifically Grade 11 gas afternoon session students, encounter

different pressure and distractions such as academic pressure, parental pressure, peer

pressure and the personal interest or willingness of a student. Those things called

pressure and distractions lead the student to have their different ways on how to

manage their time under pressure. These students ways maybe effective in helping

themselves to manage their time or maybe not. That's why researchers investigate their

ways to determine the possible intervention programs that would help students

managing their time under pressure.

This study focuses among Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior High School

Students in University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue. The main purpose of this study

is to know how effective the ways done by the students to manage their time. It aims to

help the students to focus their ways on the most important thing to least priority and to

generate intervention programs that the students could use by applying this programs in

their daily lives and to know if these program are effective to use in managing their time

under pressure.


General Problem:

This study aims to investigate the different ways in managing the time under

pressure among Grade 11 GAS afternoon session students of University of Cebu

Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue in the 2nd semester of S.Y. 2017-2018. The result of the study

will be the basis of the awareness and intervention program for the students to improve

their time-management.

Specific Problem:

1. What are the ways of students in managing their time under pressure circumstances?

2. How effective those ways in managing their time as perceived by the respondents?

3. Based on the findings, what intervention program should be proposed to help

students in managing their time?


The study focused mainly on the ways of managing time under among senior

high school student in University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue of the second

semester of school year 2017-2018.

Time management was only limited to the activities, written works,

performances, outdoor activities, household chores, and entertainment interest. The

student’s pressure is limited only to the academic pressure, household pressure,

performance pressure, peer pressure.

The setting is the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue. The

participants are limited only to the senior high school students. Specifically the Grade 11

gas afternoon session students who experience to formulate ways on how to manage

their time under pressure.


This study will be greatly important to the following:

STUDENTS. This study will greatly help them to manage their time from the top priority

to least priority. The study can suggest efficient ways on how to manage their time

under the prevailing pressure in their environment.

TEACHER. The result of the study will give them knowledge about their certain

problem and also to better understand the effects of time management under pressure

to students and through this study they can be aware and they can identify what to

minimize certain activities that may pressure their students.

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. This will help the school administration ideas on their

students’ way of managing the time to the different activities and performances that

they have given. This study will serve as basis for them to develop more programs and

seminars that will help their students enhance their skills and performances most

specially the skill in managing the time in school.

PARENTS. The result of this study will give them the idea to know how to help their

children in managing their time. It will give them the hint to discipline their children in

doing their activities from the top most down to least priority.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This study will greatly help to the future researchers. It will

give them the hint about such thing and they will be the one to continue what has been

started. They tend to get some information to this study to in order fill in what is lacking

in their research. It will give them the answers about the ways of students in managing

their time and in how students cope up with the academic pressure. This study will

contribute information and ideas about student's ways in managing time under pressure

to the future researchers.


The theory that is anchored on the study was the theory proposed by Jeremy

Wright which explains the proper use of the time with the use of the following things as

perceived by the time users with their different activities. Rock represents as the top

most important things that must be prioritize followed by the pebbles as an average

important things, Sand represent as the least important things while the last things

which represents as water are the time waters. These things must be in order to be put

in and followed by pebbles and sand. Water can also be poured in depends on the time


Another theory that is anchored on the study was the Hierarchy of needs by

Abraham Maslow, this theory explains that if a person uses time efficiently, he will meet

the higher goals of fulfillment, but if he will not use time efficiently and effectively he will

not meet his higher goals of fulfillment which eventually fails his life vision. The theory

explains that each of the needs of a person is important and has its level in the

hierarchy, if the person marches his time to his needs he'll meet his explanation in life.


● Time management - is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your

time between specific activities (Mindtools Company, 2018).

● Pressure- To cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or

intellectual means (Shabdkosh, 2010).

● Awareness- knowing something; knowing that something exists and is important;

being interested in something (Oxford University Press, 2018).



This chapter provides an overview of research on knowledge in which

includes the current knowledge including substantive findings in the topic for this

phenomenological study that comprises the main focus of the research.

Time management is the coordination of tasks and activities to maximize

the effectiveness of an individual's efforts. Essentially, the purpose of time management

is enabling people to get more and better work done in less time (Rouse, 2018).

These demands are categorize into:

Study. Time management shapes the students' mind into the direction of discipline and

sense of duty. Discipline is extremely important especially in school life to become better

students, and is a skill that enables them to use their time productively (Sharma, 2016).

Social life. Effective time management is about self-discipline & organization. If you are

motivated to finish the tasks, you'll clear them faster, and able to squeeze in an active

social life in the midst of your busy schedule (Yusof, 2012).

Employment. Time is valuable commodity in the workplace, so it's important to help

employees manage it. Successful organization at workplace energy management is the

crucial strategy for improving productivity. (Incestors in people company, 2017).

Family. Time management can be difficult for every family member. Poor time

management in family member can cause person to feel sad, tired, or become physically

ill. Talking to a family member about problems can be a good place to start (University

of Illinois Extension in family works, 2018)

Personal Interest. “Time= life; therefore, waste your time and waste your life, or

master your time and master your life” Learn to manage yourself, and enjoy a fuller,

more productive life (Lakein, 2017)

Time management function sub taste team organized at length over the

approach to defining time management content, one of the most difficult traps to avoid

some errors was that of identifying the functions by describing the process to attain the

function. Identification of content as a means of defining time management function

formed at to be a larger than expected assignment. There are four functions that has

been defined as to their content in such a way that they can be executed in managing

time (MacDonald and David, 1983).

The four functions are:

A. Planning consist of identification of the intention of the different activities with

respect to the steps they intend to follow towards the accomplishment. Includes

depicting what thyself intend to do, how will it be done, and what will be used to do it

(Gale, 2017).

B. Scheduling. A schedule should be produced at the start of the work. One must

decide when you want to work on the task; one will next need to decide which task are

the most important. This requires to compare the schedule with your to do list

(Exforsys Incorporation, 2016).

C. Monitoring. Measures time related performances indicators to monitor how the

strategy is performing, Monitoring use for main parameters; Lost, Priority, Importance.

Understanding where ten inefficiencies in the process are key for future improvement

(Process Policy Company, 2018).

D. Controlling. Ability to direct the actions of what has to done is valuable. Finishing

crucial task first thing in work will leave a sense of accomplishments. Taking control of

the top important works down to least important work. The implementation of steps to

prevent undesirable impact. Control therefore must contain some other action to ensure

that the objects of the projects are met (Heston, 2018).


This section of the research paper provides the related studies,

investigations that has already conducted to which the proposed study can be relate to

the results or has some bearing similarity on it.

The findings of study Shazia Nasrullah and Muhammad Khan (2006) entitled

"The Impact of Time Management on the Students’ Academic Achievements"

demonstrates that Time management scores of the student’s show the way to score of

academic achievement as concluded that students who scored poor in academic

achievement gained significantly lower in time management. They found out that an

association found between time management practices, academic achievements and

stress reduction as the research study demonstrated that an association exists between

anxiety lessening, practices of time management and higher academic success.

Moreover, there is an association between time management abilities and educational

outcomes. Giving time to studies outside the class or at home have some positive

impacts on the studies and spending more time working have some negative impacts on

the outputs of students.

A similar study by Amanda et al (1990) that finds time management

behaviors scale consist of relatively independent factors; the most predictive was

perceived control of bone. Students who perceived control of time reported significantly

greater evaluations of their performance, greater work and life satisfaction, less role

ambiguity, less role overload and fewer semantic jobs.

Another study by Campbell and Svenson (1992) revealed that time

management refers to the way of students manage their time in order to have better

academic performance which is invaluable for academic success. Thus, it is important for

students to know the first step of time management which is giving priority to the

important matters, and should remain focused on issues essential for success. Inline this

notion, Gloe (1999) argued that the techniques of time management are the best ways

to manage course materials successfully.

The findings of the study by Faisal Z. Miqdadi, Abdulla F. ALMomani,

Mohammad T. (Shadid Masharqa), and Nabil M. Elmousel (2014) entitled "The

Relationship between Time Management and the Academic Performance of Students

from the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi, the UAE" states that few of the surveyed

students start working on assignments as soon as their classes finish. Although they

have good time management skills, they are unsuccessful. A possible reason can be that

these students are not focused on their studies. In other words, they get distracted a lot

when they study. For example, they text on their phones, they study in front of TV

screen, or they answer their friends’ calls. Another reason may be that they do not

concentrate in class. Also, it could be because they study hard but not smartly; they do

not know how to look for the important things. These students definitely feel

disappointed and upset about their grades.

Another study by Felton and Sims (2009) that closely associate the concept

of time management with one's self management. The authors assert that the focus of

time management is priorities and stems from self management. Self management is

powerhouse of time management.

A similar study by Zeller (2008) that revealed this idea that stresses the

importance of having a comprehensive specifically, the authors' reasons that effective

time management requires more than good intent and self-knowledge in place in order

to engaged in time management in an efficient manner.

Another similar study by Edwin (2004) that states Time management as the

best method of using the time to achieve the personal and occupational objectives that

creates a direct relationship between performing daily activities, on the other hand, and

ensuring project satisfaction and progress.

The findings of the study conducted by Karim Babayi Nadinloyia, Nader

Hajloob , Nasser Sobhi Garamaleki, Hasan Sadeghid Studies (2012) entitled " The Study

Efficacy of Time Management Training on Increase Academic Time Management of

Students" demonstrate that time management skills can be trained. Given the

relationship between time management and academic achievement the use of such

training programs could feasibly result in improvements in academic achievement,

particularly among students who are poor time managers. Time management is clearly

not independent from the broad domains of personality; there is a theoretically plausible

model for the personality or time management interactions.

A similar study by Classens et al. (2005) which demonstrate that time

management behaviors perceived control of time, job satisfaction, and health time. Time

management training seems to enhance time management skill, but this does not mean

that is automatically transfer to better performance.

Another study by Achunie (1998) which pinpoints time wasters in school

system as numerous factors that influence time management practices. The following

are noted: events that just come up. Various events that are not planned may come up

within school system. Events like lecture, strikes, students’ unrest, sudden accidents, fire

outbreak and many other emergencies can interfere students daily schedule. In reality,

the researcher support this view of unforeseen issues can take days.

Another similar study by Britton and Tesser (1991) which tested their

hypothesis that grade point averages could be predicted by Time Management practices.

They had ninety students in Georgia answer a 35 question time management survey and

submit their SAT scores. They found out that two time management components directly

affect the cumulative.

The findings of the study by Hamzah, Lucky, Joarder, M. H. (2014) entitled

"Effect of time management skills on students’ academic performance" which concludes

that there is a significant and positive relation between time planning, time management

and academic performance of the 9 and 11 grade students at NIS Pavlodar. According to

the survey results, students with high GPA are likely to have outstanding time

management skills. Therefore, those students devote much time to academic related

activities outside the class (reading books, working on projects, completing

assignments). As respondents stated, it is urgent to manage time effectively in order to

succeed in study and participate in the social life of school.

A similar study by Kaushar (2013) states that at higher education level the

study schedule must properly planned, Implemented and controlled for better results.

Emphasizing time also helps to develop cost effective educational policies by the

authorities especially at higher educational level. Ongoing problem of scarcity of

knowledge in connection with time management and academic outputs is due to lack of

easiness and of costly ways collecting data. Driven by this fact, particular emphasis has

been paid in the modern education system to time management issues has been paid by

evaluating students' attitude and behaviors.

Another similar study by Fleeming (2011) that focused on effective time

management that is closely associated with an understanding the difference between

efficiency and effectiveness. He clarifies that while efficiency involves completing

specified tasks in a right manner, effectiveness relates to identifying the right tasks to be

accomplished in the first place.

Another similar study by Macan (1994) which feels that lack of time is a

common complaint in western society, promoting many response from management

scientist on how time should be effectively managed to deal with it's perceived scarcity.

There is a proliferation of books, essay, articles, workshops and seminars on time

management in the general field of management, but these efforts are mainly done to

find ways of improving the efficiency and of mainly done with the western society


The findings of the study conducted by Hope NgoziChiekezie, Obianuju Mary

Ikon, Michael A.(2012) entitled "Time Management and Academic Performance of

Postgraduate Students in Nigerian University" clarifies that time management is not the

only variable that affects the Cumulative Grade Point Average of postgraduate students

in Nigerian Universities. Additionally, other intervening factors such as health, biological,

psychological and non residency of many postgraduates students are greater forces that

could affect the academic performance and in corollary, the Cumulative Grade Point

Average of the focused students.

A similar study by Nadiuloyi et al (2013) which demonstrates that time

management still can be trained. Given the relationship between time management and

academic achievement the use of such training programs could feasibly result in

improvements in academic achievement, particularly among students who are poor time

managers. Time management is clearly independent from the broad domains of


A similar study by Nazrullah and Khan (2015) focused that time

management is highly related to the academic performance, has shown that successful

students are good time managers. The result can be generalized to the students living in

the other universities

The findings of the study by John Dudovskiy (2013) that was entitled "The

Importance of Time management" states that the concept of time has been associated

with ambiguities and even contradictions. For instance, time has been described as “time

nothing more than the occurrence of events in sequence, on after another” and “a

resource that, when lost or misplaced, is gone forever”

A similar study by Mccay (1959) which demonstrate that a concept for time

management program, which is still being used. Critical elements are giving insight into

time-consuming activities, changing time expenditure, and increasing workday efficiency

by teaching people how to make a daily planning, how to prioritize tasks, and how to

handle unexpected tasks.

Another similar study by Becker and Mustic (2008) which divides time into

two categories: the quantitative and qualitative time is seen to represent time as

qualities; measured by min, or seconds. Qualitative time on the other hand is associated

with a meaning of an actively the time is spent on.

A similar previous research (Magher, 2005) which shows that students are

much more motivated if they can solve the task in personal rhythm. Students should be

aware of the hours of maximum effort and should adapt their personal rhythm to

circadian and ultrafine rhythm (Clirciu et. al., 2005).

The study that was conducted by Laurie-Ann M. Hellste entitled "A Review

of the Literature and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time

Management" shows that despite the widespread use of the term time management,

there is currently no universally accepted definition of time management and no

agreement regarding the skills and behaviors that constitute time management. In order

to address these limitations, this chapter provides the first comprehensive,

cross-disciplinary review, summary, and psychometric critique of existing programs and

instruments purporting to assess time management behaviors. According to the review,

time management is most commonly defined by: (a) time analysis, (b) planning, (c) goal

setting, (d) prioritizing, (e) scheduling, (f) organizing, and (g) establishing new and

improved time habits.

A similar study which was conducted by CAESC (2007) and Zieger

(2010) that the most essential learning and time of the day for the students lies in the

morning, specifically between 8:00 to 9:30 AM. It is because the students are most

mindful and observant at this time of the day.

Another similar study that was conducted by Glose (1999) which argued

that the techniques of time management are the best ways to manage course materials


Another study by Alay and Kosak (2013)which explains that the road

to success in social life passes through effective and efficient working which is only

possible via time management. The competitive environment we live in today

encourages people from as early as their elementary education to plan and manage time

effectively. The high performance required by competitive conditions forces

organizations and directors to use time effectively and stipulates the search to control


Another similar study by Heelsten (2012) which made effort to describe

the state of time management literature and the rationale for the time management

training. The aim of his study was to comprehensively review existing published and

peer reviewed literature relating to the concept of time management.

According to George and Jones (2000) the increasing of salience of time

is reflected in theoretical as well as practical publications. A number of authors discussed

the need for better incorporating time in theoretical models and research designs.

The findings of the study by Ahmad Saleh Al Khatib (2009) entitled "Time

Management and Its Relation to Students’ Stress, Gender and Academic Achievement

among Sample of Students at Al Ain University of Science and Technology, UAE"

determined the time management attitude and skill levels of Pamukkale University

students and the effects of these skills on their academic achievement. The findings

demonstrated that a majority of Pamukkale University students possess moderate level

time management skills and only a significantly small portion have high level time

management skills. Also, according to the findings, the prediction level of time

management skills for academic performance is 7.9 percent.

A similar study by Ugunlashi (2011), From Nigeria emphasized that proper time

management facilitates qualitative teaching and learning in accomplishing educational

goals and objectives.

Another similar study by Brint and Cantwell (2016) which explains that there

was no direct correlation fond, in this particular study, between engaging in cumulus life

activities and increased educational benefits.

Based on the investigations of the related studies which investigate the

importance of time management on workplace to achieve the efficiency of life using

time. Related studies measures the motivation of people towards consuming time on

more important activities in daily living. Also the related studies demonstrates the right

division of time into the different activities and it also show on how these individual like

students achieve the academic success within reach of their time. Based on the results

on what has been done by the previous related studies, the researchers of this current

study must continue the legacy on finding the very essence in managing time effectively

to ease the life bounded by time.



Research Design

A survey is used to collect original data for describing a population too large

to observe directly (Mouton 1996). A survey obtains information from a sample of

people by means of self-report, that is, the people respond to a series of questions

posed by the investigator (Polit and Hungler 1993). In this study the information was

collected through self-administered questionnaires distributed personally to the subjects

by the researcher. This utilized the questionnaire checklist in gathering data relative to

the time management of the students. This study made use of a fifty five items test also

that measures the achievement in science of the students.

In order to achieve the purpose a phenomenological approach is utilized in this

study. This study aims to investigate the different ways of students in managing their

time under pressure. In order to obtain the very essence of these thoughts and

perceptions (Avilla, 2016).

Research Participants

Built on the existing studies, this research was designed to enhance our

understanding of students way of managing their time under pressure, academically.

Focus groups were conducted to provide an opportunity for respondents to elaborate

their experiences about pressure as a Senior High School student and their perceptions

or ideas on how they manage their time under pressure.

The focus group participants were encouraged to investigate the ways of

managing the time under pressure, and the prepared questioning routes were revolved

around the following. (1) Know the ways on how you manage your time under pressure.

(2) Know your perceptions, insights or ideas about pressure. (3) Know the impact of

pressure in dealing with your different activities.

Research Procedure

A student survey form will be sent to all Grade 11 GAS afternoon

session sections, and by these a sample of 10 students in each of the section will be

selected to answer the survey form. In the survey form, the students will be asked to

report their time management habits and its status to the different activities in school

and out of school.

After conducting the survey form, the researchers of the study will be

tape-recorded with permission from the participants during their vacant time. One will

moderate the discussion while one researcher will take detailed notes. Efforts were

made to encourage open and honest responses by assuring students of complete and

personal confidentiality.

The data that will be gathered from every 10 participants will be transcribed

verbatim and will be cross-checked with the researchers meeting notes and themes and

categories will be developed. The transcripts will be carefully examined and data will be

coded into relevant sets and subsets.

Research Environment

The institutional setting of the study was private school located at A.C.

Cortes Avenue, Looc, Mandaue City. The setting was on the University of Cebu

Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue on a metropolitan area. With selective admission criteria and a

high graduation rate. The hallmark of the student achievement at this institution goes

beyond such common outcomes measures a persistence and degree completion. This

institution is clearly giving a quality education for the student. This institutional

advantage makes it possible for the researchers to refocus thinking about the ways of

student in managing their time under pressure directly related to students learning and

growth. In other words, this study represents and attempt to account on what will

student do when they encounter such pressure and how would they manage their time

in connection of such experience in the context of their senior high life.

Research Instruments

This study utilized research instruments that will be used in conducting the study.

These research instruments include a survey form, field notes, and observation


The survey form is used to gather information needed from the participants. In

the survey form, the students will be asked to report their time management habits and

its status to the different activities in school and out of the school by checking table and

it also includes open ended questions about their suggestions and experiences on how

to handle pressure.

The field notes consist of the detailed observations of the researchers while

conducting the study.

The observation checklist consists of the expected behaviors of the participants

during the conduct of the study.

Gantt Chart


ACTIVITIES W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W

Data Gathering through


Data Gathering through

Documentary Analysis

Analysis and

Interpretation of Data


Findings of the study


Formation of Rough Draft

Completion of final work


February 22, 2018

Dr. Severina B. Chin

The Principal Senior High Department
University of Cebu LM
A.C. Cortes Ave. Looc, Mandaue City

Dear Dr. Chin,

I am Julyanna Rose M. Amodia, one of the research group leaders from GA11A1. Our
group is conducting a research with the title “Ways in Managing Time Under Pressure
among Senior High School Students: A Phenomenological Study”. This study aims to
investigate the different ways of managing time under pressure of Grade 11 General
Academic Strand students of University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue for the Second
Semester of S.Y. 2017-2018.

In partial fulfillment of Research I subject under the advisory of Ms. Early Jane
Cabataña-Ecot, this research will utilize the following research instruments: a survey
form from a research, field notes, and observation checklist.

In behalf of my group members, I would like to ask your permission for us to conduct
the study to Grade 11 - General Academic Strand Afternoon Session students.

I hope for your favorable response on this matter. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

GA11A1 – Group Leader

Noted by:

Research Adviser

Approved by:



Directions: Read the instructions and answer the question honestly.

Name : Section:

Answer "YES" or "NO" to the following questions by YES NO

putting a check mark( )

1. Have you estimated how many hours you

need to study a lesson?

2. Do you tend to complete your assignments

on time?

3. Have you estimated how long it takes to

read one lesson in each of your textbooks?

4. Do you begin working on long-term

assignments at the beginning of the semester?

5. Do you make lists of things to do in your

head rather than on paper?

6. Do you also participate in non- activities

even when you know you should be studying?

7. Do you schedule time to study for exams?

8. Do you have a job that requires more than

20 hours a week?

9. Do you know exactly what tasks you are going

to do when you sit down to study?

10. Do you attempt to assignment for your most difficult

Answer the questions below in a sentence form.

1. Based on your answers above, Do you think you are managing your time effectively?

2. How do you manage your time during busy hours?

3. Can you give examples of a situations that pressures you on managing your time,
and how did you cope up on that?

4. For you, what program should be provided for a student like you in order to have
more knowledge in managing time?



1. Usually cram in
studying for exams

2. Comes late in school

3. Don’t have break time

4. Doing home works or

assignments inside
the classroom

5. Acts busy in terms of




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