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NIM : 211217872


Marriage is included as basic needs (basic) of every human being,whose Goal is to form a
happy and eternal family or shousehold basedn on the One godhead .the inclusion of
thelement of the phrase’’belief in the one Supreme god’’ in the meaning of of as mentioned
in article 1974, showed That marriage cannot 1 of law NO. 1 year is seen only as a private
matter (individual),but mush also be seen as a legal relationship between a man And a woman
in one household.which has religious values based on pancasila As the of life of the indonesia


Difinition of marriage some experts provide a definition, that marriage is an alliance

between an man and women who is recognized by the state to be together /associte eternally.
According to soetojo prawirihamidjojo, marriage is a life partnership between a man and a
women which is formally confirmed by law ( juridical ) and mostly religious.maenwhile
according to subekti, marriage is a legal relationship between a man and a woman for a long
time. According to kaelany H.D, marriage is a contract between a prospective husband and
wife to fulfill the needs of their type according to that is regulated by sharia. With this
contract, the two condidates will be allowed to get along as husband and wife.

Marriage according to civil law provisions regarding marriage are regulated in the
KUHPer articles 26 to 102 BW. Article 26 BW states that the law views marriage only in
civil relations. This implies that a marriega is only valid if it fulfills the requirements set out
in the law (BW), Meanw hile religious requirements and regulations are set aside. Marriage
law is the legal regulations that regulate legal actions and their consequences between parties,
namely a man and a woman with the intention of living together for a long time.


1. Essay is easy to get done

2. My classmate has been married by my neighbour
3. Yesterday I went to BANK but it was closed
4. I had a bad memory about rain because my relation with my girl got broken when
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