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The Relationship of Sleep Patterns and Physical Activity with Hypertension in the

Elderly in the Ciceri Indah Complex RW 11, Serang City, Banten and Their Overview
according to the Islamic View
Alma Aprilia Salsabila *, Faizal Drissa Hasibuan **, Annisa Yolanda *, Aninditha *, Inggit
Sukmawati *, Lilian Batubara **, Diniwati Mukhtar **, Muhammad Arsyad **
* Students of the YARSI University Faculty of Medicine
** Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, YARSI University

Background: A person who has a poor sleep quantity will cause physical stress. The anterior
pituitary gland produces the hormone ACTH and then triggers the adrenal cortex to secrete
the hormone cortisol, which causes an increase in blood pressure. The relationship between
physical activity and diastolic blood pressure is clouded, the higher the physical activity the
lower the diastolic pressure, the lower the physical activity the higher the diastolic pressure.
Methods: This type of research is a quantitative study, using a cross-sectional study design,
taken a sample of elderly aged ≥ 60 years at the Ciceri Indah Complex RW 11 Serang City,
Results: 5 respondents (10%) who had Enough Sleep Patterns in the Ciceri Indah Complex
RW 11 Serang, Banten and 45 respondents (90%) had insufficient sleep patterns. While the
elderly who have high physical activity are as many as 5 respondents (10%) and those who
have low physical activity are 45 respondents (90%). The results of the bivariate analysis
showed the value of P = 0.042.
Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between sleep patterns and hypertension and
there is a significant relationship between physical activity and hypertension.
Suggestion: it is advisable to conduct research with a larger sample, so that it can represent
the entire population.

Keywords: Hypertension, Sleep Pattern, Physical Activity

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