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Research proposal

The Role of Social Media in Political Activities among

Universities Student

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Miral Nauman Dr. Majid Ali Shah

ID: 28367

Department of Media Studies

Iqra University Islamabad


Media likewise assumes a vital job in forming a majority rules system, popular

government being the craft of how states related with one another used to be mystery yet now

on account of media is open and the administration doesn't have its security like it used to. In

any case, the media can likewise be acceptable since it makes us mindful of different social,

political and conservative exercises occurring around us. The media in Latin America has

developed and turn out to be increasingly dynamic over the time that is the reason the cutting

edge media reminds lawmakers about their unfulfilled guarantees and relations with different

nations they guaranteed during decisions. For instance the Colombian media, with regards to

the war with the guerrilla they spread what government officials don't need us to see since it

might be excessively abnormal and make the populace frightened, possibly the legislators are

directly in not lettings us see such unusual pictures but rather I believe is additionally

imperative to realize what is likewise occurring in the nation you live in and in particular on

the planet.

Political procedures and exercises incorporate all exercises that relate to the

administration of a nation or region. This incorporates political association, worldwide

governmental issues, political debasement, ideological groups, and political qualities.

The web has made channels of correspondence that assume a key job in circling news,

and internet based life has the ability to change the message, however the elements of

political defilement, values, and the elements of contention in politics.Through the utilization

of web based life in political race forms, worldwide clash, and extraordinary governmental

issues, strategy around the globe has gotten less private and susceptive to the open


Elites allude to the residents who are better than the remainder of residents in term of

intensity, authority and ability having essential impact and assuming conclusive job in any
state and society. They assuming conclusive job in practically every single society. Like

different conditions of the world it is likewise present in Pakistan and assuming overall and

predominant job. At present nine kinds of elites are exist in Pakistan, that are military elites,

landowners elites, bureaucratic elites, strict elites, industrialist elites, legal elites, dynamic

elites, burdening elites and elites in media. Components of these exclusive classes can impact

successfully over the approach and choices creation of their concerned establishment,

legislative associations and enterprises. They are abusing the framework and establishments

in their own support and get individual advantages and preferences. In Pakistan elites are

assuming negative job and overwhelmed the entire society. No any administrative, semi-

legislative or private association can work autonomously without their impact in Pakistan.

This paper is an endeavor to feature and dissect the job of amazing exclusive classes in

Pakistan and its suggestion on state and society

To a huge degree the media appreciates opportunity of articulation disregarding

political weight and direct bans now and then regulated by political partners. Political weight

on media is generally done in a roundabout way. One device generally utilized by the

administration is to cut off 'hostile' media from legislative publicizing. Utilizing draconian

laws the administration has likewise restricted or formally quieted famous TV slots. The

Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has been utilized to quiet the

communicate media by either suspending licenses or by essentially taking steps to do as such.

What's more, media is additionally undermined by non-state on-screen characters associated

with the current conflict.Security circumstance of the writer has improved and the quantity of

columnist executed in Pakistan has likewise declined considerably.However, the press

opportunity in Pakistan keeps on declining.

Media in Pakistan gives data on TV, radio, film, papers, and magazines in Pakistan.

Pakistan has an energetic media scene; among the most powerful in South Asia and world.
Larger part of media in Pakistan is exclusive. Pakistan has around 300 exclusive day by day

papers. As indicated by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (once in the past the Federal Bureau

of Statistics), they had a consolidated day by day offer of 6.1 million duplicates in 2009. TV

is the principle wellspring of news and data for individuals in Pakistan's towns, urban

communities and enormous zones of the open country. Promoting research organization

Gallup Pakistan, evaluated there were 86 million TV watchers in Pakistan in 2009.

To a huge degree the media appreciates opportunity of articulation notwithstanding

political weight and direct bans now and again controlled by political partners. Political

weight on media is for the most part done in a roundabout way. One apparatus broadly

utilized by the administration is to cut off 'antagonistic' media from legislative publicizing.

Utilizing draconian laws the legislature has likewise prohibited or authoritatively hushed well

known TV stations. The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has been

utilized to quietness the communicate media by either suspending licenses or by basically

taking steps to do as such. What's more, media is likewise compromised by non-state

entertainers associated with the current clash. Security circumstance of the writer has

improved and the quantity of columnist slaughtered in Pakistan has additionally declined

significantly. Be that as it may, the press opportunity in Pakistan keeps on declining.

Some example of elite in media like Malik Riaz's case demonstrated that the media

can consider the legal executive and even itself responsible," says Javed Chaudhry, reporter

and anchorperson working with Express News. "This case, alongside the missing people's

case has built up unbiasedness and validity of the media in its battle against debasement."

Chaudhry feels, in the same way as other others in nation, that the media in Pakistan has

gotten free and reasonable during the most recent decade. "The Pakistani media has secured

the excursion of 100 years in only 10 years, however their interest and push for disclosure

doesn't end and that is the thing that drives the media.
Literature review

Political parties using memes and news to spread the massage through

twitter,facebook and other social media websites and also through an experiment,

Greenwood et al (Greenwood, Sorenson, & Warner, 2016)

Researchers have agreed that the digital media environment which allows diverse

indigenous voices to be represented, but raised questions regarding which voices are heard as

politics is increasingly mediatized (Dreher, McCallum, & Waller, 2015). Although the

potential for users to learn political information from social media exists, it is not always

realized within the general population (Bode, 2015). Thus studies have been conducted to

reveal how individuals and organizations appropriate media resources to craft responses to

debates, and what this reveals about sources of influence in political communication are on.

As indicated by the (columnist Thomas Carlyle in 2016) "Media is frequently called

the fifth part of governments After the Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, and the

bureaucratic administration, saying that no other organization has such an effect on

governments as the media has". Well I think I need to concur with Thomas despite the fact

that the media individuals are not chosen by the individuals and its thought processes are

frequently determined by benefit.

According to cummings(2003) The broad communications use generalizations to give

shortened, quick and straightforward data to its crowds. Be that as it may, a significant impact

in the utilization of these generalizations is the benefit. Publicists specifically need safe

portrayals of the prevailing society's belief system to speak to their item. Broad

communications' utilization of generalizations is unmistakably founded on the predominant

culture's belief systems.

According to Linda Vuskane in (2009)The modern media play a central role not only

within the political processes of every type, ranging from coverage of major political events
and institutions to effects on campaigns and elections but also in any individual's life,

providing many necessary information services as well as offering possibilities for self-

enlightenment and entertainment.

According to Andrea calderaro in (2018) the approach of the Internet has created

gigantic enthusiasm about whether and how computerized stages, including Social Media,

have any effect on the political circle. Accordingly, today we can depend on an expanding

assortment of exploration tending to the numerous relations between Social Media and

legislative issues from alternate points of view. The methodologies proposed to investigate

the point are frequently unique and they don't generally collaborate with one another, and

power the examination of its circumstances and end results into disparate ways showing up in

some cases at various ends. Notwithstanding, there is a concession to the way that the

Internet has made new channels of correspondence that have drastically changed the

progression of data contrasted and the known conventional media.



 To find out the role of social media in political activities.

 To study the effect of demographic variables on the study variables.


 There will be a significantly positive relationship between Social media and Political


 Online political activities have a significant relationship with Real life participation.

Research design

Surveys are a commonly used research tool, the distinguishing features being the

organized data type and the analysis process (de Vaus, 2002). Quantitative survey research is

well suited to provide factual and descriptive information , which allows for a systematic

comparison of cases.This study will based on Cross sectional survey method. A cross-

sectional study is a type of observational study that analyzes data from a population or a

representative subset at a particular time point.


The sample of the present study will be comprised of 300 universities students. The

sample of the present study will be selected from different universities of Islamabad and

Rawalpindi by using convenient sampling technique. The age range of respondents will be

from 18 to 30 years.


With the permission of concerned authorities’ university students will be approached

by the researcher. After the brief introduction about the study, informed consent will be

obtained from the respondents of the study. Respondents will be requested to be honest when

they provide the answer and at the end they will be thanked for their cooperation. In order to
determine the results, SPSS will be used for descriptive analysis, Correlational Analysis,

ANOVA test and T-Test.

Ethical Consideration

Ethical approval will be attained from Ethical Review Board, Department of Media

studies, Iqra university, Ethics Committee, along with head of the institutes. In addition

inform consent will be taken from the participants and they will be assured regarding privacy

and confidentially of their information.

Proposed data analysis

Data will be analyzed by using SPSS version 25. For parametric data, an independent

sample t-test will be used to assess the mean difference between two groups. ANOVA will be

used to assess the mean difference between two and more groups. To examine the statistical

association between variables, Pearson correlation coefficient test will be used. Regression

analysis is used to examine the relationship between the variables.


Abbas, Tahir. 2005. Muslim Britain: Communities Under Pressure. London, England: Zed

Abbas, Tahir. 2007. "Muslim Minorities in Britain: Integration, Multiculturalism and

Radicalism in the Post-7/7 Period". Diary of Intercultural Studies, 28(3), 287-300.

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17-Jul-2019 · This study investigates how online political activities impact political ... Media
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