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To ... a (Afraid to do and afraid of doing) Complete the conversations. Use 2 preposition + -ing or the infinitive. A. Sid and Tom are walking through the town centre. sw: TOM: swe ind preposition + -ing Look, there’s Angela. Isn't she lovely? She's all right. You really like her, don’t you? ‘Oh, yes. I often dream (1) 9b ¢... (take) her out for a meal or a film, but T'm afraid (2) ..£2.886.... (asi) her, Why? Well, T suppose Tm afraid (3) au If you like her so much, you shouldn't be afraid 4) Anyway, I'm sure she won't refuse. Really? OK, Pll phone her tonight. Good. I'm glad I've succeeded (5) hee. ‘Why do you say that? 1 happen to know she rather fancies you. I told her 'd make you phone her! She'll be looking forward (6). _-- (hear) from you! _~ (look) foolish if she refuses. _ (risk) it, ~ (petsuade) you to phone B Brian and Phil are at work. aRiaN: Good morning Phil, could we have 2 ward in my office? eran: Dm sony (7. aR: OK, I’m sure you'll make it up soon. I'm thinking (10). Of course. —. (have} to say this, bur Pm afraid you failed © om ane (achieve) high enough sales to carn a bonus this month. Tsuppose the bad weather kept the customers away? Yes, | guess s0. I'm very sorry 0) - (let) you down this time. (send) one or two junior sales staff on a course nexe month, Would you be interested 1 (go)? Yes, Twould be. sean: Good. Tl put your name on the list. Thank you. © Joanna has phoned Katie JOANNA: I'm sorry (12)... _- (forget) your birthday last week. ‘KATIE: ‘Thar’s OK. You were in the middle of your exams. You're allowed 113) ne ... (forget) people’s birthdays on exam dayst JOANNA: That shouldn't have prevented me (14) (send) you a card. Did you get some from the family? KATIE: Well, Mum was the only one (15) a vw. (remember). JOANNA: Well, she’s not likely ao). __. (forget), is she? No, I suppose you're right. Verb forms: review Put the verbs in the correct form. Can you solve this detective puzzle? i ‘Trevor Stern was not a popular man, in spite of his wealth. He (1) xed. (live) in a large house about 2 mile outside the village of Prenton. When he a) 4s. fo4nd._. (find) dead in his study, no-one (a) ..%#4.. (cry), not even his only daughtec ‘At was soon clear chat he (4)... wm (enurder). ‘Detective Inspector Blackledge took statements from his widow Dorothy, his seventeen-year-old daughter Lucy, his business parmer > Gerald Brook, and his doctor. poKOTHY (not / ove) my husband, he was a cold and selfish man. But I (not / murder) him, either. After dinner last night he said he (want) to check some business papers in his study. He (have) a meeting wich Gerald, his business partner, the next (ask) for some tea. Thar was about nine o'clock. 1 ao (watch) a rather exciting film on television, so I an (ell) Lucy to take it to him. ‘At quarter past nine Doctor Emerson (12). 03, (notice) the time because we (14 (expect) him to come earlier I as) (answer) the front door bell. Trevor 16) ~ (Shout) in bis study. He and Lucy «7 (obviously / have) a serious row. So I (18 (take) the doctor invo the sitting-room for a moment. Then Trevor stopped 119) (shout). I guessed Lucy 20). —-- (£0) the back door. Doctor Emerson went t0 the smudy. 1 think he wanted to persuade Trevor 2) re——- ~- (0) into hospial for some tests, but Trevor 22). ~~ (not / want} t0 20. | Te . (hear) my husband shouting again several times over the next twenty minutes, Hie called Emerson an ignorant country doctor and larer he said something like, “There’s nothing you can do?’ I think Lucy as. (come) back into she house while the doctor 25). 125) nnn Trevor (27) ann Onn morning. He (9) nr (call). 1 (still alk) to Trevor, (hear) the frone door bang during a moment of quict when _. (not / shout). I was tired and fed up, and went to my hedroom soon after that. My SISter (28) ....smnanme (phone) and we 2) _—-— {tall for ages. TOM ——— wo (tell) her To saeeeeneeennnenenees (G8Cide) to leave Trevor. 89 90 Verb forms: review f Verb Mum (32) cae ... (watch) a stupid film after dinnes, so she made me 4 | x (8) nnn (Cake) Dad’ tea into his stady. ft was about nine o'clock. He was x in a really mean mood. He shouted at me because I (54) nnn (Spill) afew e drops of tea on his desk while 1 (35)... (pour) it. 1 ¢t es) (not / want} to watch the film, so.1 67. ' st {crcep) out of che house by the back door. T (9m ———— (decide) t0 go down to the village and use the public phone to call Alan. He’s my boyttiend, d w To9).. vveenveeene (Vet | like) Mum or Dad to be around when 1 ‘ 1 190) weaeeeenenenen _-+ (talk) to him. Especially yesterday, because Dad and I 7 “ eo .. (have) a stupid argument abour Alan the day before. | h Ita smvvwee (usually / take) quarter of an hour to walk to the village. i Perhaps it (43) TAT _ (take) less time last night. I can’t prove I fc (49) renee (GO) 10 the village. NO-ONE (43) neanenn ( while I (46). 1 (walk) there. 1 (47)... 7 thac's Dad’s business partner. He 18) (stand) near the window in his you sitting-room. He (49) eee (not / see) me though, because it was dark ' outside, He (50) oan (talk) on the phone, 1 think. Alan sy (not / answer) the phone. Then I (3) AAANAROOOARA (remember) he (53) . sewcnnene (Cell) me he (54) on venenene (play) in . a concert that evening, $0 1158) nn (walk) home again. 1 l (58) eon _-vvneeem (Oneet} Gerald just before 1157)... ee (te2ch) ‘our house. He ($3)... .. {look} for his dog. That was about rwenry ro ten. I came in by the back door as quictly as possible and went to bed. T didn’t want to sce my: De parents again that evening. 7 . ms 80 fo DOCTOR EMERSON: / 7 , RC a ’ Tis .. (call) at the Sterns’ house at 9.15. 1160)... 7 4 BL (be) sather later chan I (ct) (plan) to be hecause I (Q)... on, (ist) another patient. When Mrs Stern (63) edie Z : Re (lex) me into the house, she (64) oon (Sem) tather embarrassed and ‘ si (show) me into the siring-room. [could hear Trevor Stern : a 6) (shout) at someone in his study. Mrs Stern said something about teenage girls and that they (67 (have) problems with Lucy. Well, the ‘ , shouting (68! . ~ {stop) almost immediately, so I (69)... 1 (go) tw his study. Lucy (70) (already / leave} the room before I m— ot (get) there. 1 tried (72). 7 .. (explain) to ‘Trevor why he needed (73. have} these hospital tests, but he : 5 (74) jot / listen). He said 1 (75) 2am (be) an ignorant : R conntry doctor who 76) sone (HOL/ KNOW) what he 7 — \ a (talk) about. 1.78)... (cealise) it was no ase 79) with him, so I (80) __ (leave) after only 2 few minutes. [was quite angry v actualy. [let myself out of the house without (8) (sce) Lucy or Mrs Stern. Verb forms: review ‘Yes, Trevor was my business partner, We (82) weo---— v-~wewesee (not / be) really friends. Yes, my howse (8) . (be) just round the corner from the Sterns’. I 08) on {live} here for cwo years now. I (85 (have) a litle cottage in the village, But T (66) started (87). _. (earn) a lot of money. T can’t really tell you very much about the night Trevor died. I took my dog for a long (go) up on the hills, away from the village. _.. (go) after a cabbit or something and T (lose) him in the dark. Len — (look) for (meer) Lucy, as a matter of fact. She (93) one (walk) up the road towards their house. She 04) (seem) rather upset. I told her 1195). (look) for my dog, but she said she (6 (not / see) it. She (97) (go) into ber house and T 1) —— (find) the dog a few minutes afterwards. I was back home by just after (quarter to ten. (buy) this house when T walk that evening. T at) ‘Then the supe dog (89) 90) him when 1 92 ‘ Di Detective Inspector Blackledge showed the statements to her colleague, Sergeant Ross. siACKLEDGE; Well, Ross. What do you think? Who killed Stern? i ROSS: T don’t know. It 9) (not / be) his wife, She (200) (not / even f'go) into the study. BLACKS2DCE: Bue she admits she didn't love him, Do you think shes i love with the doctor? ROSS: Ie’s possible. And perhaps Trevor Stern 401) . (find out). Bur we know the doctor was atthe hospital by ten o’lock that nigh. ‘And that’s at least half an hour from the Sterns” house. sLacsiRGE: But that 102) _. (gnean) he (103). (leave) the Scems’ house before half past nine. Ross: Exactly, Also, Dorothy Stern told her sister she (108) 7 her husband. She didn't need (105) (marder) him, huacksnncs: Yee, and there's something about Lncy’s story which doesn't quite ft. Let's see, what did Gerald Brook say? ROSS: Thar’s it! Lucy (196) a (leave) . vwssannn (NOt / Walk) to the village and back if he 007) vavsoa (ERE) hee at twenty £0 ten. She (108) meen = (still / shout at) by her father at 9.15. bLACKLEDGE: But look at all the statements. The times don fit. ROSS: Neither do the facts. Someone (105)... BLACKLEDGR: I think it’s time we (110) (tell) Kes. (make) an arrest. ‘Who did they arrest? See page 120. 132 Key 5 Lsometimes pretend to be listening co whar the boss is saying whea really Pm just daydreaming, 6 Talways encourage people te read books which T have enjoyed reading myself. 7 remember going to the circus when Twas a small child. 8 Leajoy swimming even though Tim not very good at it © Lexpecr to have passed my diving test by che cad of nest year 10 Tve given up going to discos because they're too noisy. 138 2a 3f 4c Se 6e 74 139 2 by checking the instructions 3 spending too long on one question 4 trying to see how your friends ae geting on 5 by allowing time co check all your answers 6 cheating in the long can 140 Example answers: 2 siteing at home 3 asking their permission 4 offering to help you 5 helping people who don’t want it 6 having any proof 7 being lare 8 starting 2 long journey 41 3 0 7 spending 4 waking 8 say S ative 9 being 6 finding 142 3 of looking 4 corisk 5 in persuading 6 to bearing, 7 to have 8 to achieve 9 for letting or to have let 10 of sending " 2 B “ 15 16 in going ‘about forgetting or for forgetting to forget from sending to remember to forget 143 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u 12 B 14 45 16 v7 18 19 20 21 2 23 24 25 26 7 28 29 30 31 2 33 34 35 36 a7 38 ct 40 a1 2 43 44 4 46 a7 had been murdered Gida't love idn' murder wanted had or was having asked was watching told called noticed had expected or had been expecting, answered vas shouting were obviously having took shouting, had gone to g0 dida't wane heard was still talking heard wasn't shouting, phoned called told had decided ‘was watching take pilvepilled vas pouring didn’t want crept decided never like salle or am ralking had had usually takes rook went saw was walking 48 49 50 31 52. 53 54 58 56 7 58 9 0. 6 2 63 64 6s 66 67 6 69 70 nm 2 B 4 1S 76 7 78 73 80 81 82 3 34 85 86 97 88 39 90 a1 m2 8 94 95 96 7 98 ‘was standing didn't see or couldn't see was talking didn't answer remembered had told or told was playing or was going to walked mt reached ‘as looking called was had planned had been visiting let seemed showed shouting were having or had been having stopped had already left got to explain to have didn’t listen or wouldn't listen was didn’t know was talking realised arguing left seeing, weren't have lived or have been living used to have or bad boughe eaming or to earn went lose was looking met ‘was walking seemed, vwas looking hhadn's seen found | soaw Lpaukwe nUusues Key 99 wasnt 149 remain a problem in the most 100 didart even 20 3a Sthe |B the countries for many Years to come. 101 had found out 4 some 9The 14 che 102 means Sthe che Sa 155 4103 lefe (must have Keftisalso «6 2 La 16 some “Example answers: posible) alll aae F All of them were wearing 104 was going to leave or was Example answers: sandals. leaving 17 In the bathroom there’ a Posen 105 to murder shower a 106 dido’s walk (can’t have 18 Thereare some pans on the 7 Both (of) the men bad beards. swalked anil could't have wall of the kitchen, or Both men ... walked ave also possible) 8 Both of them had short halt or tae 150 9 Roth of them were wearing 108 sas sll being shouted at Check cael your use of bel. 109 has been telling or is telling a/an/thelsome. 10 Neither of the men was 110 made wearing a at 151 11 Neither of them was wearing 144. 2the 6the «10 a ajncker, Babisnit 6 OK Sthe 7a ie 12 One of the men had a 40K 7 OK oo one 12 the newspaper 5 am omcleste 2 the 156 145 152 Exannple answers: 2a burger A The the 16 the 5 Nome of my stead lives in che 3 a bow! of soup or soup Ste 11-7 = country. 4 cheese 6-2-1 the 6 Lots of our neighbours have 3 a banana 7- Bike 19 the pees. 6 coffee or coffee Ste 14 20 the 7 All politicians are ambitious. 7 cream 9 the 15 the 3 Some of my cousin ate very sil, 146 a Neither of my paseats cajoys The diary entry shunt be similar Check carefully your use of the. ? aay peewee TIT to Jane's. Check carefully your wse 4p of alan before the names of food 4 agg Malaysia and shen go 87 and drinks. " 2 none of On to the Philippines, whee he SOE? 147 will make @ speech about che 4 half (of)... all of... any of 3 the traffic is verrible environment. NS boats ga) 2 becsave of bad behaviour Fhe King Juan Carlos of the Spain § POSE SOK arsived in London today for a eiaaey 6 Reluica had her haic cut shore three-day visit o the United i epee ee 7 che furniture takes up too much Kingdom. He was met by the 9 Few space Queen and drove with hes to the | 49 all (of)... each ... none of 8 [give you some advice or ...a Buckingham Palace, Tomorrow he Hani piece of advice ‘will have de lunch with the 158 SOR Governor of the Bank of England 3 if anybody gats left 10 was a less unpleasaoe and in the evening he will have 4 There are no good Sperience tien Fhad expected lke with she businessmen restaurant nothing! or ‘A-conference is taking place inthe There aren't any good | 148 Mexico City on ways of helping restaurants, nothing! | 3 room 8 rooms the nnemployed in the developing § because he had few friends . 4 experience 9 paper world. A report will be senctothe § OK | 5 scenery 10 experiences United Nations, but itis feared 7 hecause all the information 6 weather 11. views that ehe unemployment will etd atl 7 day 12 paper or papers

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