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Tan Gedik, @ Ankara Flipped Teaching LTT, Dec 2 2021
LESSON PLAN OUTLINE — theme: vacation time but a chain of unfortunate events

Student profile: 14-16 YO, upper-intermediate

remember: define the meaning of these sentences. what do you think they mean? (MCQ). give
them the collo-profile, recognize the sentences—> sentence building activity on h5p

understand: translate the sentences into your native lang (TR in this case). 

++++ in class ++++ 

remember + understand (rapid): form and meaning given at once and clearly —> repeat an
acting scene,

apply: role play a given dialogue between the characters. recognize the sentences (build the

analyze: compare the situations, what would’ve been different had the characters not used the
way cx?

evaluate: estimate what might be next for the family in 5 sentences, use the way cx (suggested
words — belch / way/ out/plane) in groups of 3. peer-correction and peer-sentence reading.

create: create your own vacation full of obstacles, write a story of about 150-175 words in
groups of 2 or 3 (give everyone a voice, person 1 is a cat, person 2 is the friend, person 3 is the
owner, they all tell us their experience using the way cx at least 3 times)

Knowledge of different constructions to be used in this lesson: different tenses, modal+tense

combinations, if type 3, comparatives

Objectives of the lesson, by the end of the lesson students will:

1. Have defined the way construction
2. Have identified its form and meaning
3. Have built sentences with it
4. Have given each other peer-feedback on the use of the way construction
5. Have created their own story using the way construction at least three times.

Tan Gedik, @ Ankara Flipped Teaching LTT, Dec 2 2021
Out of class: 


What do you think these sentences mean? 

1. The old man walked his way across the country to earn money for charity.

a) the old man traveled across the country with difficulties to earn money

b) the old man traveled across the country without difficulties to earn money

c) the old man walked across the country without difficulties to earn money

d) the old man walked across the country with difficulties to earn money

2. Passengers fought their way through smoke.

a) Passengers walked through smoke with difficulties

b) Passengers walked through smoke without difficulties

c) Passengers struggled getting through smoke with difficulties

d) Passengers struggled getting through smoke without difficulties

Mark the statements as true or false 

3. Sally talked her way to fame.

a) Sally talked and became famous without any obstacles ____

b) Sally overcame obstacles by talking and became famous ____

4. Lisa made her way to Turkey after college.

a) Lisa came to Turkey after college without any issues ____

b) Lisa came to Turkey after college with issues ____

Can you write what these sentences convey in common? What is the overlapping meaning?

Tan Gedik, @ Ankara Flipped Teaching LTT, Dec 2 2021
Check the collo-profile down below. It shows which items are used the most in sentences that
you just worked on.


Drag and drop the items in the following sentences into columns (H5P).

1. Her Find Way Through The bush She

2. We Our The snow Ski Across Way

3. Speak Germany Across Way My German

Try to translate 2 of the sentences into your native language (i.e., Turkish).

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

Tan Gedik, @ Ankara Flipped Teaching LTT, Dec 2 2021
In this lesson you will,

Describe an unsuccessful trip


What do you think is happening? Any issues?

When was the last time you went on a trip? Where did you go? How did you get there? Where
did you stay? How was the trip? Was everything OK? Have you ever been on a trip where you
had a problem? Where? When?

What did we learn outside of class? Does anyone remember this?


Tan Gedik, @ Ankara Flipped Teaching LTT, Dec 2 2021
Check out the dialogue and act it out with your partner.

Alec: AGH! Did I ever tell you about my terrible trip to Berlin last year?

Steffi: No, you didn’t. What happened?

Alec: Well, my parents and I flew there from Istanbul. But, we had problems with the border
control. Then, they started checking our visas. We had everything ready and correct. We had to
argue our way through the border control.

Steffi: And? That can't be the end of the story, right?

Alec: No, of course not! Just as we entered Germany, we learned that our house in Istanbul
was on fire! 

Steffi: Oh my goodness… did you guys make your way make to Turkey? 

Alec: Yes, but problems haunted us. A guy threw up on me on the way back.

Steffi: Ooof… you need to see a therapist after this, darling…

Highlight the sentences that you learned and that mean fighting against the odds and doing

Introducing the Way Construction

did you guys make your way make to Turkey?

Example Form Meaning
We made our way back to Subject + Verb + motion through a crowd,
Turkey Possessive + WAY + Path mass, obstacle, or other
difficulty that is, there is
some reason why a path
needs to be created.

Tan Gedik, @ Ankara Flipped Teaching LTT, Dec 2 2021

Build the following dialogue on your own and then act it out with your friends. Pay attention to

Alec: How was everyone’s summer trip? Mine was terrible. 

Steffi: Agreed. Mine sucked. 

Oscar: Wow, really? Mine was okay. 

Ella: Don't even get me started. (1)______________________

(I/could/way/my/barely/make/Ankara/to) during the wildfires.

Alec: Yeah. My family and I were in that region, too. But, our problem was that our phones
stopped working while we were hiking. (2) ____________________ (have

Steffi: Oh, yeah? The hotel we stayed in got flooded. (3) ____________________
(our/to/rooftop/the/way/make/up). But, it was something. Scary. 

answer key: 

1. I could barely make my way to Ankara
2. We had to find our way through the mountains
3. We made our way up to the rooftop


What did the way construction tell you about what happened to them?

What would’ve been different for each character if they had not used the Way Construction in
both dialogues?

Talk to each other in your groups and then pick a spokesperson and report.

for example: Steffi and her family had problems and Steffi argued and discussed and that is
how they got into the country. They wouldn’t have had to argue their way in if they had had no
problems at the border (We had to argue our way through the border control.)

Tan Gedik, @ Ankara Flipped Teaching LTT, Dec 2 2021


What else do you think happened to them? Write a couple more sentences in the dialogue
using the Way Construction (you can use the suggested words). Once you are done, we will do
a peer-review. Check if the form and meaning of the way construction are used correctly in
each sentence.

Alec: How was everyone’s summer trip? Mine was terrible. 

Steffi: Agreed. Mine sucked. 

Oscar: Wow, really? Mine was okay. 

Ella: Don't even get me started. (1)______________________

(I/could/way/my/barely/make/Ankara/to) during the wildfires.

Alec: Yeah. My family and I were in that region, too. But, our problem was that our phones
stopped working while we were hiking. (2) ____________________ (have

Steffi: Oh, yeah? The hotel we stayed in got flooded. (3) ____________________
(our/to/rooftop/the/way/make/up). But, it was something. Scary. 

Alec: Terrible weather. (sketch/his/through/the trip/way) (4)______________________.

Oscar: ?????
(5) ______________________ .

Ella: Rude hotel staff. (talk/way/through/her)
(6) ______________________ .

Steffi: Allergies. (sneeze/back/Ankara/to/way/her)
(7) ______________________.


Create your own vacation full of obstacles, write a story of about 150-175 words in groups of 2
or 3. Each person in the group has a role to tell us their bits of the story. 

Give everyone a voice, for example: person 1 is a cat, person 2 is the friend, person 3 is the
owner, they all tell us their experience using the way construction at least 3 times.

Upload this on our LMS once you are done.

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