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Moxibustion : The Power

of Mugwort Fire
Lorraine Wilcox
Blue Poppy Press

Here is a complete history of the use of moxibustion in China from

the Han dynasty (200 BCE) through modern times. The author
presents practical protocols using many types and styles of
moxibustion based on the writings of Yang Jizhou (The Great
Compendium of Acupuncture-Moxibustion), Zhang Jiebin
(Illustrated Supplement to the Categorized Classic), and Li Shizhen
(The Great Pharmacopeia). Readers will find detailed information
about the source materials used for this book, along with passages in
Chinese in every chapter as relevant. There are general guidelines
and techniques for the use of moxibustion as well as special point
locations and usages; treatment protocols for a wide range of
conditions with case studies from classic sources; discussions of
moxibustion, astrology, and divination, and recommendations on
how to deal with moxa sores according to the classic literature.

Blue Poppy Press

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