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The Rose that Grew from

Tupac Shakur

A stunning collection of poems from one of the most revered rap

artists in the world, Tupac Shakur, now the subject of the major
motion picture, All Eyez On Me.

His talent was unbounded, a raw force that commanded attention

and respect.
His death was tragic - a violent homage to the power of his voice.
His legacy is indomitable - remaining vibrant and alive.
Here now, are Tupac Shukar's most honest and intimate thoughts
conveyed through the pure art of poetry - a mirror into his enigmatic
life and its many contradictions.

Written in his own hand at the age of nineteen, they embrace his
spirit, his energy and his ultimate message of hope. These poems,
which Tupac wrote from the heart, will encourage people to take the
first steps necessary to see his literary importance, as well as have
us acknowledge the life struggles of black men.

There is no better way to get inside the mind of an artist than to

examine his artistic expressions: sharing his sensitivity, insight,
revolutionary mind, fears, passions, and sense of humour, Tupac's
stature and recognition as a rapper is clear and unequivocal. THE
ROSE THAT GREW FROM CONCRETE now also confirms his
place amongst the best writers and poets of his generation.


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