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UNIVERSIDAD Gos an Zi FaHC CE| CUADERNILLO DE INGRESO 2020 INGLES 2 2 2 3 9 2 a 2 a e a 2 2 2 2 a 2 Le 9 2 2 2 a £E @ sutenumanioaves < @B equipo tencuas Avie a CONDUCCION DEL SERVICIOS DEL CEHCE > CENTRO DE ESTUDIANTES beSSHSS FaHCE FACULTAD DE HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACION SECRETARIA DE ASUNTOS ACADEMICOS Departamento de Len: Literaturas Modernas Py CUPS dit fF ODUCT GIA) f a Las Carreras Desertamanto de Langs Lertiras Moderna, acuta de Hurancace Canis ee Cocos, Livre Nacional de a eta Curso introductorio alas Carreras de Inglés 2020 [ Presentacion ] EI material didctico que contiene este cuadernillo ha sido disefiado especlal y exclusivamente para su uso due ‘ante el Curso Introductorio a las carreras Licenciatura en Inglés (orientacion Lingllistica y orientacidn Literaria), Pro- fesorado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas y Traductorado Pablico Nacional en Lengua Inglesa, dictacas en la Facul- ‘tad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacidn de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modemas Directora: Maria Leonor Sara Secretaria: Verénica Rafaelli, Roque Villar, Virginia Sénchez, Daniela Spoto Zabala 23 mailto:dentolm@fahee,| | “} hrtp://bit.y/Deptol yi M || @DeptoLyLM. Edificio B, primer piso, oficina 118. ‘+54 221 4236673 / 4230125 / 4230127 Interno 1144 Laboratorio de Lenguas Marié Lira, Liliana Simén, Silvina Vega Zarca Edificio C, primer piso, oficina 103. 2 Equipo de Coordinacién del Curso Introductorio \Verénica Rafaeli (Coordinadora), Maria Beatriz Munch y Cecilia Torres (JTP) 2a introinglesfahce@gmail.con Equipo Docente 2020 ‘Ayudantes Diplomadxs Maria Belén Bergna, Soffa Guardarueci, Evangelina Livati, Florencia Morales, José Oliver, Miki Okanan, Manuela Orbe, Natalia Pucci, Clara Solazzi, Florencia Stoppani Colaboradonss alumnxs Javier Arguiano, Lucas Octavio Armocida, Florencia Isabel Calderén, Juana Issel, Nadia Abigail Lissa, Macarena Reta, Micaela Schwab Bonfigl, Ailén Ungaro, Cristian Lautaro Veloz, Leon Alejandro Villar EGEONTENTS | Welcome to the Introductory Course! Campus Virtual Moodle Plan de estudios 2016 Primer aio We are at FaHCE We are Language mn ‘Saturday Schoof” (Lulu Delacte) suswssesror My opinion: “Out of Saturday School" We are Gendered... or aren't we? My Gender Twitterstory We ate MeMoty wnmnnnnn ‘Nativity” (Alicia Partnoy) — My story: "Tales of the BIMS Sign” We are Inclusion . : Site Intervention . Referencias an My Production Folder ¢ Cartilla de Ingresante 2020 ' = Boletin informativo de la SAE Ingresantes 2030 (2) Departamento de Lenguos yLtrauras Moderns, Facultad oe Humanisedsy Gans de scan, Unies Nason de La Pats (Curso ntroductorio alas Carreras de Inglés 2020, a [WELCOME TO THE 2 e INTFODUCTO FAs this new stage in your academic life begins, you embark a) oN a three-week journey in which you will make friends, discover Untravelled spaces and use what you already know to creste FS new meanings. This journey will become an ongoing quest to a) inhabit a new world and make it your own. is =] Thi rize the main ideas in a mindmap. [2 INFORMACION PARA ESTUDIANTES Pa Curso Introductorio ha sido disefiado para brindar a A) nuestro colective de estudiantes ingresantes un espacio de LL interaccén inlet fluida con docentes y con la insttucion Universitaria en general. Su objetivo es mediar en la creacién en = nuesths estudiantes de una nueva identidad como miembros de la comunidad académica de FaHCE, asi como colaborar en la reactivacién de los contenidos de lengua inglesa que > fy ESTRUCTURA DEL CURSO INTRODUCTORIO Fecha: 4 de febrero al 28 de febrero de 2020 Carga horaria: 16 horas semanales. i incluyen © charlasy talleres de ambientacion VIVID ASISTENCIA A CLASE Se computarén 24 clases de 2 horas cada horas). Otras ip SJEe@ Bligselp ‘As you go, you will draw on your experiences to create different written and oral texts (a comic, an opinion, a story, a ‘scene) and share it with your class. Are you ready to start? er important information you will need during the nex three weeks. As you read the text, you will summa- estudiaron en otras etapas del recortido educative, como la escuela primaria 0 secundaria, Encontrarén aqui muchas tareas y orientaciones para la actividad de clase en el Curso, y también para la actividad ‘administrativa e institucional que necesitarén desarrollar como estudiantes. ‘+ clases sobre reactivacién de contenidos disciplinares especificos: lengua en uso intos Estudiantes) y Prosecretaria de Derechos Humanos, Comision de Dis- Charla de bienvenida Charla det Departamento Charla de SAE (Secretaria de A capacidad Charla del CEHCE (Centro de Estudiantes de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacién) p> Taller "Memorias del BIM" y recorrido por el predio ex BIM 3 Taller de BIBHUMA (Biblioteca "Profesor Guillermo Obiols") Taller de la Prosecretaria de Géneros y Polticas Feministas Taller de Teatro en lengua extranjera inasistencias solo podrén justi horas. Quienes estén ausentes a alguno de los bloques de 2 horas tendrén 4 inasistencia y quie- nes falten 4 dia entero tendrén 2 inasistencias. Ls estudiantes deberén cumplir con el 75% de asistencia a clase; es decir, solo podran estar ausentes sin justificacién en 6 clases (12 Ly B : Teparisas en 12 das, Se tomaré asistencia | veces por ca, al Ineo de cada boque de 2 ficarse en caso de problemas de salud, causas de fuerza mayor, 0 motives cantemplados en el Art. 28 del Régimen de Ensefianza y Promocién (htto://wirw resimen-de-ensenanza-y-promocion); xs estud+ antes deberdn entregar a ks docentes de su co- misién los centficados correspondientes, 131 fl il Departament de LengiesyLterturas Moderns, Facultad de Haraniaasy Concise a Educa, Uns Nacenal de a Pate Curso Introductotio alas Carreras de Inglés 2020 EVALUACION DIAGNOSTICA (NO OBLIGATORIA) ‘ta evaluacién diagnéstica permit aconsejar ass estudian- La oferta de materias en espatol [iy unos eee {es ingresantes respecto de las materias en lengua inglesa que. serd igual para todxs, 3 oblgatona, pero si exe realizarén en su primer affo, de acuerdo con su uso de la lengua | macamente ’recomendable extranjera: ara_poder conocer qué| Introduccién a la Lengua Inglesa ieee ee emit (ign insivade rer ano) bert | felacon con les contenios o bien de primer aio, Lengua inglesa I Gramética Inglesa I y = Fonitica y Fonologia Inglesas 1 Horarias y aulas: se informardn a través del Campus Virtual atoms te Corrie one lorarios y aulas: se informarén a través del Campus Virt HORARIOS DE CONSULTA PRESENCIAL EI Equipo de Coordinacién atendera consultas de estudiantes martes 4: 10-12, 13-14 y 17-18 h en el aula A114 (primer piso del edificio A, al lado del Departa-_miéreoles 5 a viernes 7: 12-14 y 17-18 ‘mento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modemas) los dias reoles 12 y viernes 14: 8-9 y 17-18 h miércoles 19 y viernes 21: 8-9 h Fn cualquier otro horaro, la atencién seré a través de Jos medios digitales de comunicacin o en el Depto. de Lenguas y LM. MEDIO DE COMUNICACION: CAMPUS VIRTUAL EI Campus Virtual FaHCE sera el medio de Para cuestiones relacionadas con las clases: Comunicacién entre Equipo de Coordinacién, pueden consultar al Equipo Docente visitands la 5 Equipo Docente y estudiantes. Todas las noveda-_seccién "Partieipantes" (hitp:/campus. face. ea des se publicardn en el campus. Lxs estudiantes y haciendo clic en el {he quicran hacer consults sobre cualquier aspee- nombre de docente de su comisin paraenviar un EM torelacionado con el curso pueden escribir al mensaje directo, Equipo de Coordinacin | © introinglesfahce@ —_ fechas | charlas = - evaluacion porlacts: diagnéstica 4] Depanamor 6 Longue yLraturas Mesrnas, Facultad de Murano Genie I sal, Unies Nena de La Pas (Curso introductorio alas Carreras de Inglés 2020 (Tp) “you have rea, th Vtuat Campus wil be our main means of communication In this section, yu willow the CB} stenstoaccoss campus forthe first ie, change your password, chek your email address and upload a profile picture, COMO INGRESAR AL CAMPUS VIRTUAL Sippreferis acceder a través de un explorador (en computadora 0 celular) odes vsitarhttp://campus o escanear el QR. * eaaa la Facultad de Hur - Fahce pen teeter verte 7 i : =] Satin ecnanaspunaen ets overs ml a mi —— ae fl | Moodle TA sontery fnoodle rode ls URL de ust Moodle Ten ‘cine tao cogs 36% Puede que también te guste... Descarga la aplicacién de = Ee Una vez instalada la aplicacion, ingresd la Moodle en Play Store a direceién del Campus Virtual FaHCE. See Solo es necesario hacer esto una vez. [5] Departament de Langue yLlrturat Moses, Faced de Humanande Cnc de la Edvosn, Universo Nocona de Le Pita Curso introductoro a las Garreras de Ingiés 2020 noodle sewsuero tu DN Ingresé con tus datos. Usuario: completé con tu DN Por ejemplo: 37280630 Contrasefia: Abe_dni. Por gjamplo: Abe_37280630 Deberds cambiar tu contrasefia. po eee) cS tu apellido y nombre Se betas BB Envadss de biog @ natgniee Cee Aqui podras modificar tus datos. ‘Tocando la imagen podras cambiar tu imagen de perfil, En Detalles podras modificar tucorreo electrénico. eect ee ieee Bienvenidos! teeta esc plin prac ps aploe chee! Yya podras ver el inicio del sitio, Hacé clic en Perfil (as tres rayitas) Cece Se tee ee iBienvenidxs a FaHCE! iBienvenidxs al Curso Introductorio para las carreras de inglés! Sinben parte seiene seminotstia ae a = En "Inicio > Area personal” podras en- contrar el Campus Virtual del Curso Introductorio de Inglés. Co ko igenece ae tu apellid A csteacinee Boros aio o- @ @ Poamoned o & En Perfil, tendrés acceso atu informacién. Hacé clic en tuapellide y nombre. eProblemas para ingresar? Escribi a con el asunto "PROBLEMA DE ACCESO", consignando ‘nombre yapellido, DNIy Curso Introductorio Inglés 2020. Now you are ready touse our Campus! You will write your password here forsafekeeping: ‘And you will upload a picture that you like and feel identified with. Itdoes not need to be a real photograph of you LABORATORIO DE LENGUAS En este taller, conoceras el espacio de nuestro Laboratorio de Lenguas, sus recursos, cémo acceder y emo utilizarlos. ‘Como parte del taller, se presentaré un cues- tionario censal que FaHCE lleva a cabo cada afio en todos los Cursos Introductorios para conocer ‘més informacién sobre la poblacién estudiantil y ‘sus necesidades. Conover a nuestrxs estudiantes significa poder implementar mejores politicas de * a a RECORRIDO ILI ® Tintroduceién a la Lengua Inglesa (anual, intensiva) a * MATERIAS EN a a ingreso, permanencia y egreso: por ejemplo, el Programa gratuito orientado a ta terminalidad de los estudios secundarios, y otros programas destinados a beneficiar a nuestra comunidad académica en el marco de nuestras politicas insti- tucionales. Esta encuesta debe ser completada en linea por todxs Ixs estudiantes, en el espacio de los Laboratorios bien en sus teléfonos celulares otras tecnologias personales. ° (Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020, Oa " a} PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2016 (VIGENTE) CARRERAS DE INGLES, PRIMER ANO MATERIAS EN INGLES RECORRIDO LFGI Lengua Inglesa 1 (anual) 1 Fonética y Fonologia Inglesas 1 (anual) 1 Gramatica Inglesa 1 (segundo cuatrimestre:inscripcién en julio) ESPANOL (AMBOS RECORRIDOS) ( Introduceién a la Filosofia (primer cuatrimestre) o Introduccién ala Literatura (primer cuatrimestre) i Introduccién a los Estudios del Lenguaje y la Comunicacién (primer cuatrimestre: no confundir con otras mateias de nombre similar) MATERIAS ESPECIFICAS POR CARRERA > ee Taaieeeiresregel Preaerases cere ee Derecho 1 Aplicado ala Traduccién J) Fundamentos de la Educacién (sin materias especificas en primer afio) = (primer cuatrimestre) (Ge puede cursar en el primer cuatrimestre a ‘o enel segundo, a elecciin) ey martes, miérooles viernes sébado =| 8 © a|® | a | 0 | alee | a2 G le 4 >| 14 a a| ts @ la = T Sees |= =| 8 a| a a el a| 2 ae | 22 a ba m1 2B Departamento de Lengua yLrsurse Madu, Facade Huraneaée Cancas dea couse, Unversos Nasal da Pata (Curso inteductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020 [ we are aT FAHCE ] ‘bring this land Ive into myself ‘and lettiniabit me During the Welcome Talk at the Polideportivo, while you As you later find a place to sit in the classroom assigned to listened to our Department Director Prof. Leonor Sara comment your group, you look around and find yourself surrounded by ‘on several aspects of the course and the FaHCE, you also people you don't really know yet. Noticed that there are many, many people attending the How about a brief game to break the ice, then? Introductory Course! Ose o sme + Fistround: your name —what does it mean? + Second rund: @ person you admire ~who are they? + Thirdround: a cause you support whys itimportant? Fourth round: who you would like to be in ten years —what are your plans? [ye 7 3 fe a 1 2 ree 3 7 7 3 7 Ww 3 ie 3 Ee A 7 B 1 7 L a 7 c + 1 2 Talnoxl 3 2 + 7 M 7 ; ee AM Ste ese 1 ; 2 fe DEDEDE tcoug tor some intomaon on how to get to FACE ou fd an information page: La] Da] =F whips. lear i. ma Your friend at the Facultad de Psicologia, @compaenpsico, also sends you the link to the directions “7. El ‘nto Mn an ed ann dT he that on bet the sam infomation detail in bt What ae the flees? You carga the ae with face sate FP (81 ‘Curso Inlroductorio alas Carreras de Inglés 2020 -_ you decide how to get there. As you wrote down your ideas, you had some doubts as to which words to use. ‘When you get to class, you share your doubts with a classmate and edit the notes together. Sang cwab eres (udbond ttps//eudbands omar? yee ota = =a [Fen te erred STeketheUivestyBis wih gage yor car thre plenty jee = f “of seare parkongon the site = Universitario (between the comer of eee seme — me ~Take other buses: Lines 275. 214 or = ace s 22 ocak har ras easly | c BT EM Stats dtc] ey Hints megehint | Te tg ee RT Take he Unversity tran leaves DSmistmeitien t= Ts tesa am ==? once an hour and takes about 20° ‘6th and Th Streets to FaHCE. — = + + 7 fa ands onthe sie Tee | Where will ou be staying during the course? Have you already decided how to get here every day? Your classmate and you trace possible routes on the map, to help you decide which is the most convenient. Can you place some Google pins to describe your route? = i fie 2 ys wt Prec Sy PF cain Senet eevee i Segal aiifiono = asia me Seyi Ae te = ‘; oN | = bus otqan? ? 4 Sea havelo ~ Eanatilan?, o~ ~ Fr x ~ parking? 7 de, ry “taxi ranks? LaPtate yo soncanes Fins oa i ws. a eaneti Ze : x oon arcs cesan* ep papain loopansoatiag new op yprnapoepmp eit Calles Argentinas, hitns://« 191 Departament do Longue Llrturas Mearns, Facultad e Huranioze Cenc dea Eoucocé, Univers Nasnal de La Pata (Curso Introductorio alas Carreras ds Ingles 2020 ST —. SSS Our web developers want to know whether you found the directions on our page useful, Could they be clearer or ‘more complete? They have provided a short survey to be filled on our Virtual Campus, so as to help them think ‘of ways of improving our website, 41 2 you use the information fom the website ta goto FaHCE a A 2 | eee a 8a eas fv uhave 7 4 3 the (Gy arity managed gt and ena nigh tesa hapa to rye? You tuto your other side: how ai that classmate get here? What was thet Iie oday? [10] 4 = = = = a a a a a a = a = a = = = 2 = a = CHF PSDOHDHDOX HS HDS Departamento 3 Lengua y Lierurat Moses, Facute de Humanca6e Cons Gos Eescén,Uneates Nason Ls at Curso intoductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020, WL) ss soon asyou st foot on FaHCE, you realized thatthe place itself was huge and that there were many premises with different names. It will take some time to find your way around! But you already know several facilities: Where are the university bus stop and the bicycle parking stand? Where was your Welcome Talk? = Where are you now? As a Student of Departamento de Lenguas y Litera- turas Modernas, you wll mostly use the facilities in three of the buildings: Edificio Ks the one to go for administrative matters, 1 EidifitoB houses teaching spaces, and 1 Eeficio © contains teaching and research spaces. Have you already come across any of the following facilities? You tick the ones you have visited: ‘where are they? 4] dita 8 Galas C LB NUM “baffle Centro de Estudiantes (cence) ~Fotocgpiadora: “Departamentas dacentes ~Laboratorian de Lenguas “Departamento de Gtuntza (Direecién de Enaciianza) Seerdaria de ountes Estudiantes (SAE) ~ Sula de Profesor (a nc AE A EE ERE SLE I, Departamento de Longue Lteroturae Modems, Fecitad de Humane Carls dela Eos, Unversdns Naconal de La Pita Gurso Introductorio alas Carreras de Inglés 2020 ———- AANA Allof these are FaHCE spots you will vst often, How about going on a FaHCE quest to locate them? "Your lass group wil getinto ten teams each team wil face aaerent challenge! You all need tind each pot and complete a task: ask passersby rea signs, take photos or gather infomation, ‘Aenards, you wll meet back atthe clas, share your findings wth the other teams, and place apn for each spot ‘onthe map above. ‘These are the challenges: TEAM 1 TEAM 2 TEAM 3 Departamento de Departamento de Letras Departamento de Alumnxs. Longuas yLiteraturas Modemas (@ireecién de Ensefianza) Take a look at its bulletin board out Which first year subjects are Take a look at the information in the hall: which information does it managed by this Department? outside and find the sign: what do present right now? Find out its opening hours and you need to get your libreta de email address. estudiante? L ( | 7 TEAM 4 TEAM 5 TEAM 6 ! BIBHUMA Buffet (at Building B or C) ‘Secretaria de Asuntos Estudiantiles (SAE) Find the sign: what's the Find the sign: what do you Request a copy of a centficate WiFi password for Building 8? need to borrow a thermos? of examination (certiticado de Where can you get free hot examen parcial/fina). water for some mates? TEAM 7 TEAM 8 TEAM 9 Centro de Estudiantes de Humanidades y Fotocopiadora Laboratorio de Lenguas Ciencias de la Educacién (CEHCE) Which is the pottical group How much is a copy? How many Labs are there, in charge of CEHCE at the moment? There are three sections: and where are they? Are there other groups? what can you getin each? How many computers an you count in C102? TEAM 10 Sala de docentes, What does it say at the door: profesoras, profesores, or profesorxs? Which information can you find on the bulletin board opposite the stairs to your left? Departamento oe Langu Lirturss Modomss, osu de Humanicdesy Cerca 6 aura, Unies Nacional LPs (Curso intoductorio a les Carreras de Inglés 2020 @[we are LanGuaGe ] with these, my Latin eyes Iwate the wortd and every distant landscape becomes mine @ Theardmy 5 Isay.. You are on your fist few weeks at FaHCE and while classmato() say). speaking with students of many different origins you have noticed thatthe language most of us manila gatteita ‘speak, Spanish, is a lot more diverse than you've — experienced so far! Which Spanish language words that are different . from your own have you heard from your | classmates? Tl (= = Its curious that there are so many ways to name the same! This reminds @fahcecite of afunny anecdote in their first week in La Plata: When I'd just moved here, last December, | invited my Platense cousin over to drink some mate and to see the new place | was going to live in. | asked him to buy some *masitas” on the way to my flat. He was surprised and complained because they were expensive! But | told him not to worry because we would split the cost. | thought his ‘comment was strange, but well... maybe he was just short af cash? Then he showed up with {package of “masas finas" and a $500 bill and I understood why! Well, it was an expensive experience but in the end I learned a new word and ate some really good masas! EEE oars Has something like this ever happened to you? You feel so inspired by @fahcecite’s funny anecdote that you get ready to tell your group ‘hat happened to you. Take a minute to organize your thoughts and then be ready to share! what was the’ misunders— how was it clarified? what did you learn from this? (33) pods SSO HOY (Curso introductorio alas Carreras de Inglés 2020 6 @Fahcect's anecdote reminded you ofthis comic stip that came up in your Instagram feed! a couple of days ‘ago. When you repost it, you get some comments. As you read them, you notice that they have left some ‘questions to you: can you reply to them? NTCHY FEET = Liked by @otlotromfance and 20 others imatfahce Look st whet ve found @helotomince Gtaheacte @rewatahos more fahcecite Is the first character a langus speaker? imatfahce | think that the first character is because hellofromfahce what do the flags represent? imatfahce They represent fahcecite @amiguedeperio haracters Is real confused amiguedeperio | den't he conf learner or 2 e Exchanging comments wit your ends makes you wonder what does the crtonist mean to say about the ‘Spanish language? Why do you think so? He's laughing at Spanish speakers o He enjoys comparing accents o He'shad unfortunate experiences with He prefers Latin American vavieties language variation rather than the Peninsular one Other (what?) 1 think,» because ... 4) CHRO AmAmAAMAmDM mmm mmm mee eee ee makes you PPD VIGDS hats moter tongue? 1 stanquageyou speak A. sew erasnoes ~alongunee you sy ‘hie mene that ~ they are quite ‘ferent ~ they are very PDIDADI DIDS » each other well, don't you? The cartoon, however, (Curso Intraductoro a las Carreras de Inglés 2020 1u wonder if other English speakers are also raises some questions. disconcerted at all the variations in Spanish. SEE a] ~~ 900) Varieties Of Present-day Spanish Itis estimated that around 360 million people speak Spanish as their mother tongue, which places it among the top four languages in the ‘world in terms of numbers of speakers. Less than 12% of Spanish speakers live in Spain, the rest are spread from the United States in the north (where forty million people have Spanish as their native language) to Tierra del Fuego in the south. Whilst the Spanish spoken in Spain is by no means, uniformly homogeneous, regional differences within the European coun- ‘try pale into insignificance when compared to the extraordinary variety of| Latin American dialects of Spanish. “Unidad en la diversidad” was the main theme of the 4th intemational conference on the Spanish language. This slogan reflects the rich diversity of Spanish but also the fact that it is one language, with a strong basic com- mon core supported by a common cultural and literary tradition. There is a kind of neutral, standard Spanish which is used and understood by all ‘educated Spanish speakers and ensures that people throughout the Spanish- speaking world can communicate with each other as easily as people from Britain and the United States can, » ® & ¥ oe & a [35] You've noticed that some classmates and you some- You google "Spanish varieties" and find this article on times use Spanish differently, butyou still understand (, i The introduction thattsa lot, Sat whats the popula- ‘om n Argetina? wat oul be the other three? E>) 4s ou continue reading the article you highlight keywords or shot phrases that support the writer's main Idea about the Spanish language. oth "nett Spanish is. = what people really speck ~ an abstaction of wnat we al have n commen efeamente de Langue years Meas, Facute de Humana y Ces dea Educa UnverbdNaconal de La Pat Curso introductoro alas Carreras de Inglés 2020, G wenn tenants @ ‘Yau have also noted down some summary ideas, but your rend @newataice isnot cominced the are accurate, Ae these ideas expressed bythe author? You two go over them again and revise them, changing anything you disagree with, ~Spanish is so heterogeneous that Spanish speakers from different —_ regions have trouble understanding each other ~Being educated means learning | astandard variety of Spanish Z ~The basies of the Spanish language are shared by all speakers. so they can all communicate in spite of differences ~Sharing in a written cultural tradition helps Spanish speakers communicate easily —— 1] HA PEPTE | | i a ePID yaa D edad aaae » » sos ooo es Deparamenie 6 Longs yLersuas Moses, cuted de Hurray Cents a Esai, Uneead Nacional do La Ps (Curso Introductorio alas Carreras de Inglés 2020 {As the article continues, the author explains that there are many regional terms used to make reference to "bus" and “boy". Would these words be useful to communicate with classmates from other Latin American ‘countries? Use the next section in the text to complete the mindmap. ‘Spanish is rich in regional terms to refer to an urban bus: you may hear| colectivo in Argentina and Venezuela, dmnibus in Peri and Uruguay, micro in Chile, camién in Mexico and parts of Central America and guagua in ‘Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, but every Spanish speaker knows what an aufobuis is. In the same way, there are many colloquial terms to refer to a boy: pibe in Argentina, cabro in Chile, chaval in Spain| and chavo in Mexico and Venezuela, but the words chico and muchacho| are understood throughout the Spanish-speaking world 7) Departament de Longue yLtrturat Moderns, Facade Humanesces y Genos ce a Eovcosé, Universe Nacional La ita (Curgo Introduotori alas Carreras de Inglés 2020 ‘some Spanish-speaking regions. You highlight these regions for reference. Differences within Latin America Latin American varieties of Spanish resist classification and [contemporary national boundaries do not coincide with the boundaries between the different linguistic areas. We can, however, talk about certain [characteristics common to the countries of the Southem Cone (Argentina, (Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay) and within this group distinguish the dialect @) of the River Plate (Buenos Aires, Montevideo and the surrounding area) as having its own particular distinguishing features. In the same way, [Andean Spanish exhibits certain common characteristics, while many /Mexican uses extend into its neighbouring Central American countries ‘The influence of the indigenous languages on dialect differentiation has ‘been relatively modest (the influence of Nahuatl on Mexican Spanish being ‘perhaps one of the strongest) and can be seen mainly in the area of the flora and famna of the region. For example, the word for avocado is aguacate| | (rom Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs) in Mexico, Central America and ‘arethere anyothers? ee 42) As you read the second part of the text, you find that the author uses similarities in language features to identify | the north of South America but aguacate is replaced by palta as one travels| south into the area of influence of Quechua, the language of the Inca Empire 00s this explanation. You visit BIBHUMA together to find more information, and the Reference librarian leads you to 806.0, the Spanish language section. Browsing the open shelves you find La andadura del espaol por el ‘mundo, by Humberto Lépez Morales, which depicts these Spanish-speaking regions:'s text and in Lépez | Wandin Gy, / CE, Cuibeiva eos Z, | PE, Canvas fal | Mla ‘siern Hy | Vee Ws Sesame Lig | TReplisioe se . (18) ‘Are the Spanish-speaking areas the same in Morales's map? No, they're . How? 4 4 ‘ € ¢ € 4 £ € € é € 6 é€ 6 & 6 € © € . € € € € € Deparament Ge Lengua yLnaurse Neder, Fnutad de Hamanances y encase Euan, Unverieas Nason 33 Pats ‘Curso Introductoro alas Carreras de Inglés 2020, DE rnc sntrmnnnmnn nnn ‘The influence of the indigenous languages on dialect differentiation has been relatively modest (the influence of Nahuatl on Mexican Spanish being) pethaps one of the strongest) and can be seen mainly in the area of the flora a and fauna of the region. For example, the word for avocado is aguacate (from Nahuatl the language of the Aztecs) in Mexico, Central America and 2 {the north of South America but aguacate is replaced by palta as one travels| * south into the area of influence of Quechua, the language of the Inca a Empire main idea hhaven't had a great in making Spanish varieties different. | details Mostof the words are related t0 os Y examples | 2 2 a 2 a a 2 aT | 2 Thinking about Nahuatl and Quechua leads you to consider what the situation is ike in Argentina Are there many al ‘ups. who use Indigenous languages? Your friend @amiguedepero, from Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicacin Social, notices yournew interest and sends an aticle that was mentioned during a class debate at Inoduccén a los Estos de la Comunicacién. You read the frst section: does it answer your qu LYERR OF INDIG 2 The complex reality S of indigenous languages in Argentina TANGUAGES yday sf Spanish for five panish for five ae hundred years 2 native language v ity in many p ina, Bolivia, Peru, Brezil, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador. However, itis not the only one: fourteen indig be more than thirty r conquerors ar ther 39] ina nowadays, while there used to w about them? are spoken in Ar Why is it important 2 ‘ a | « Departamento de Lengua yLtrauas Medes, Fcitad de Hamandadery Sano cea Educ, Universi Nacional dL Pata « (Curso introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020 ‘The beginning ofthis article makes you wonder. You remember studying Argentina's indigenous peoples at school: which ‘ones do you remember? oe e Amiguedepero tls you that ast ear the UN General Assembly proclaiming 2019 asthe Intemational Year of Indigenous Languages. All around the world, conferences and congresses were held to celebrate such an im- portant event. In Argentina, for instance, the Organization Committee of Congreso Nacional de las Lenguas ‘Inaigenas published a map of the active indigenous languages to raise awareness oftheir current situation in ‘the country. Looking at the list, you realize that most of the Argentina territory is covered by at least one of these languages. Is. ‘there any region where more than one is still spoken? You locate the languages in the regions where they are ‘spoken tofind out. 1. AYMARA (Buenos Aires - CABA) 2. CHANE (Salta) GUARANI (Salta - Jujuy - Corrientes - Formosa - Entre Rios - Misiones - Corrientes - Buenos Aires - CABA) LAGATCA MOQOIT (Mocoit) -[Mocovi] (Chaco - Santa Fe} MAK‘A (Forrmosa} MANJUY-ECLENJUY (Yofwaja) [Chorote] (Salta) MAPUZONGUN (Mapuche, Mapuche-Tehuelche, Rankiilche) (Neuquén - Rio Negro - Chubut - Mendoza - San Luis - Cérbaba ~ La Pampa - Santa Cruz - Buenos Aires - CABA) INIVACLE (Chutupi) (Formosa) Noose NOCTEN (Weehnayek) (Salta) S 10. RIANAIKA6 GUAYURANGUE (Tapiete) (Salta) . 11. _ PITELAGA LLACTAC (Pilaga) (Formosa) 6 12. QOMLAQTAQ (Qom) - Taba} (Formosa - Chaco - Salta - Santa Fe~ © ABA) € 13. _ RUNASIMLQUICHUA (Quechua, Tonokote, Chichas) (Jujuy ~Salta - € Santiago det Estero - Buenos Aires = CABA) 7 14, WAQHA (Waghambalot)- [iota] (Santiago del Estero) a 15, _WICHI LHAMTES (Wiehis) Salta - Formosa -Chaco - Buenos Aires CABA) © é [20] (Curso Introductori alas Carreras de Inglés 2020, rz The stuation suroundng indigenous language in Argentina is more complex thn you had thought! You decide reading the whole article will prove interesting. ‘As you go, it helps to ask yourself about specific data. Then you add summary keywords to the right, so you can refer back o the information as needed and share with your classmates. INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF INDIGENOUS LANGLAGES| * THE comet EX REALITY OF Bose ‘ ., INDIGENOUS LANGUAGES IN ARGENTINA : us Social scientists share their cultural studies and ‘ experience in relation to indigenous peoples’ languages. Cancha (football pitch), poncho, gaucho, moracho (dark-skinned person), carpal | (tent), vincha (hairband), pucho (cigarette)... a great number of words of Argentinians'| + ¢ampalea-of indigenous everyday speech comes from Quechua, an Incan language that has been in contact] fanguages-irv Spanish, ~ | with Spanish for five hundred years. Quechua ~and its varieties is a native language * | with great vitality in many parts of Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Colombia How many % and Ecuador. However, it isnot the only one: at least fourteen indigenous languages groups are spoken in Argentina nowadays, while there used to be more than thirty five before| pete. % | the Spanish conquerors arrived. What do we know about them? Why is it important > _|tovalue and take care of them? 24 |. "In our country, there are 39 indigenous groups ~mbyé-guarani, mocovi, pilaga, toba-gom, wichi, huarpe, among others-, many of which are numerous, others are| ——+ * | smaller. According to te last population census (INDEC, 2010), out ofthe 40 million ® _|ithabitants, 2.4% declared to be indigenous, that is, more than 950 thousand people,” explain Ana Carolina Hecht, Noelia Enriz. and Mariana Garcia Palacios who are anthropologists and Conicet researchers. [..] Together they share the project| Howmuchof + 950/40 @ —|"Interculturalism and education in toba/gom and mbyé-guarani communities of| Our population * 1/40 | Argentina: a historical-ethnographic approach to the ethnic and linguistic diversity in] indigenous? » — 2.4/950 schools", which belongs to the Program for Anthropology and Education of the 9 | University of Buenos Aires. [..] Indigenous languages and tertitory According 0 the sins, the Argentine indigenous langngss ae those tat] Watare our” ® _ |come from from language families in our territory. At the same time, there are other] event | languages spoken in Argentina that were brought by immigrants from neighboring | countries. "Indigenous peoples are always more numerous than native languages, - because many communities have stopped speaking their own languages due to long, historical processes of invisibilization, discrimination, subjugation, among other) _, a factors," notes Hecht. * | Nowadays, the range of situations is highly diverse. There are languages which ® _|are no longer spoken, others that only have one person who can recall them, and there {are also bilingual situations. Spanish may be predominant in some bilingual) communities but, in others, the native language is so vital that is being used as the | main language. [...] ® | Acknowledging history to look towards the future = ‘The fact that many indigenous peoples are not speaking their language at present! Hs > |does not mean that they are less indigenous," lays out Carolina. The relationship between language and identity is always very complex, because many people are seen as less indigenous as they dont speak the native language, even at school", Mariana adds: "Language is very important for peoples’ identification, but not the only |defining feature. [..] [211 Deparamanto de angie Uterus Madera, Fuad ae Huraniases yeni den Educnsn Unive Nacional de Le Plata Curso introductorio alas Carreras de Inglés 2020 ‘As you summarized the main idea next to each section, you came across three words which were not quite clear and you highlighted them. You feel that to fully understand them you will need to do some research. ‘You wonder: what isthe difference between the factors the researchers talk about, /nvisibilization, discrimination and subjugation? You have heard that the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English can be used online for fee at httos://, so you use it to look up "subjugation". As you explore its website, you encounter a whole new world. What kind of information ‘does the online dictionary provide? @Fahcecite and @hellofromFaHCE tell you that they have heard of other free online dictionaries; they look up the word "subjugation" in them and share the QR code with you. Each member of your group scans one of the QRs and you all compare the information they provide. Which similarities and differences have you spotted? __ sub-ju-gate rs to tet a pezon or oun ans em by sou 49 Theratvepoplton van ebigted jn verb transitive] forma! 2 subjugated peoplenationicounty be subjugated to somebodyisomething Grammar