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Name : Yeni Kristen Zega

Subject : English
Semester : 1 (one)
Registration Period : 2021/2022
Pokjar : Idanogawo

1. Complete this dialogue!

A : Where is the tomatoes?

B : It is in the kitchen

A : Thanks very much

B : You are welcome

2. Which one is right?

a. Carrot is less nutritious than candy.
b. Candy is sweetest of all.
c. Candy is sweet than Carrot.
d. Mango is sweeter than lime.

Answer : C. Candy is sweet than Carrot

3. Make the dialogue based this situation!

You and your friend go to the restaurant, a waitress approaches you ask you about your
order. You want to eat pizza. Your friend wants to eat hamburger. The waitress also asks
what you want to drink. You want to drink. You want to drink mango juice. Your friend
wants to drink coffee.
Answer :
Dialogue in the restaurant :

Waiter : Good morning, what would you like to order?

Me: I want to order pizza and my friend wants to order hamburgers

Waiter : What do you want to order?

Me: I want to order mango juice and my friend wants to order coffee
4. Complete this table!

Answer :

Positive Degree Comparative Superlative Degree

Fat Fatter than The fattest
Big Bigger than The biggest
Cool Colder than The coldest
Interesting More interesting than The most interesting
Comfortable More comfortable than The most comfortable

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