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Santos 1

Lovella Santos

Instructor McCann

English 1301.127

24 September 2021

Writers on Writing Activity

When Sontag mentions “to write is to practice…. the art of reading” (Sontag) she means

that without reading theirs no writing. Thanks to writing w have reading and thanks to reading

we have writing. Whenever one writes a paper, they practice reading. How? Well reading is

necessary to make a paper the writer must imagine the words that he/she is going to put in his/her

paper. So, either or the reader must need reading in order to write.

Sontag mentions “Like reading, rapturous reading, writing fiction…. feels like losing

yourself” (Sontag) meaning that reading, or reading fast or even writing a paper the author/reader

get lost with in the story/essay. I my self as a reader and writer I get lost and sometimes its hard

to get back in line. I feel as I did not learn anything at all. Whenever I get lost when I am writing

this means writers block, I feel like my brain is trying to me stay away from my work making be

feel lazy, lost, sleepy etc. It may be hard to get off of it but I think once you get off of it more

ideas come to mind.

Work Cited
Santos 2

Sontag, Susan. “WRITERS on WRITING; Directions: Write, Read, Rewrite. Repeat Steps 2 and

3 as Needed.” The New York Times, 18 Dec. 2000,

repeat-steps-2-and-3-as-needed.html .

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