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WRITTEN BY – Sharei Faedrawolf

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Cover: “Cover and back for Grimoire Book” by Agreat1 and modified by me

Page 9: “Tremere Thaumaturgy” by Arvid Antonen

All the other images where obtained from White Wolf Wikia.

Paths of Blood Sorcery
The following rituals and powers are a conversion of some of the old
Thaumaturgic Paths to V5.

• Those listed under Ritualized Paths function the same way as

corebook Blood Sorcery Rituals unless stated and can be
purchased as usual.

• Those listed under Overhauled Paths count as Discipline Powers.

For the purpose of balancing, the ST can decide to count them as:
o Additional powers of Blood Sorcery, substituting in the dice
pools or ratings the name of the Path for Blood Sorcery.
o Considering Blood Sorcery powers from the core as the
“Path of Blood” and decide which Path is in-clan while the
others remain out-clan each like a standalone Discipline.
o In-clan Disciplines for those clans with Blood Sorcery (not
o Behind a 4-dot merit that adds it as in-clan Discipline.

Table of contents
Ritualized Paths ......................... 5 Overhauled Paths ..................... 12
Biothaumaturgy ............................ 5 Levinbolt...................................... 12
*Level 2 ................................................ 5 *Level 1 ............................................. 12
Thaumaturgical Forensics ............. 5 Flicker ........................................... 12
Thaumaturgical Surgery................ 5 Frictionless Mobility ................... 12
*Level 4 ................................................ 6 Electroception............................... 13
Animation ....................................... 6 *Level 2 ............................................. 13
*Level 5 ................................................ 7 Synapsis Enhancement ............... 13
Cognizant Construction ................ 7 Electrical Stimulation .................. 13
Curses ............................................ 7 *Level 3 ............................................. 13
*Level 1 ................................................ 7 Discharge ...................................... 13
Stigma .............................................. 7 ElectroMagnetic Cover ................ 14
Malady............................................. 8 *Level 4 ............................................. 14
*Level 3 ................................................ 8 Eye of the Storm........................... 14
Pariah ............................................... 8 *Level 5 ............................................. 15
*Level 4 ................................................ 9 Thor's Fury ................................... 15
Corrupt Body .................................. 9 Redirect the Lightning ................ 15
*Level 5 ................................................ 9 Transmutation............................. 15
Fall from Grace ............................... 9 *Level 1 ............................................. 16
Lure of Flames .............................. 9 Fortify the Solid Form ................. 16
*Level 3 ................................................ 9 Crystallize the Liquid Form ....... 16
Anathema ........................................ 9 *Level 2 ............................................. 16
Warding........................................ 10 A World of Wet Clay ................... 16
*Level 1 .............................................. 10 *Level 3 ............................................. 17
Bar the Common Passage ............ 10 Liquefy the Solid Form ............... 17
*Level 2 .............................................. 10 Gaol ............................................... 17
Glyph of Scrying .......................... 10 *Level 4 ............................................. 17
Runes of Power ............................ 10 Imbue the Water of Life .............. 17
*Level 4 .............................................. 11 *Level 5 ............................................. 18
Glyph of Enlightenment ............. 11 Ghost Wall .................................... 18
*Level 5 .............................................. 11 Shall This Place Become Hell .... 18
Secure the Sacred Domain .......... 11

■ Ingredients: A sample from an organic
tissue (or ash), a monocle, several microscope
Ritualized Paths slides and a scalpel.
■ Process: To produce the means to analyse
the sample, the biotharumaturge first needs to
Biothaumaturgy incantate the monocle for about an hour. The
scalpel is “inked” with the blood of the vampire
This bizarre path reputedly has its roots in the and used to scribble runes and symbols on the
secret tomes of the inscrutable Black Hand. metal part of the monocle while chanting. Once
Over the past few years, its esoteric secrets completed, the monocle acquires a red tint on
have spread among certain cabals of Tremere, the glass and the metal blackens, while the
who regard it as a curious mixture of Hermetic runes start glowing a visible red. The artifact
science and genetics. Biothaumaturgy maintains its properties until destroyed and
concerns itself with the manipulation of life thus this part of the ritual does not need to be
energies. In the laboratories of inspired performed every time. To prepare the samples,
Biothaumaturgy may be found strange the biothaumaturge slashes the tissue into a
creatures almost out of myth, veritable thin laminar shape and mounts the microscope
Frankenstein's monsters and less wholesome slides around them as she would do with any
creations. Although it is not considered a other sample. Using the blood from a self-
"taboo" path, Biothaumaturgy is nonetheless inflicted wound as a staining method on the
strange and unsettling to those who observe its slides, she then proceeds to examine them.
results. ■ System: Each success on the activation roll
yields one piece of simple information about
Biothaumaturgy also requires the thaumaturge the subject, which may be any living, unliving
to have a laboratory where she may conduct or dead entity (but not an inanimate object),
her experiments. This need be nothing more including plants. This information is limited to
complex than a doctor's table and a few sharp physical characteristics of the subject -
knives, but it may be as complex as the "mad Thaumaturgical Forensics can be used to
scientist" affairs of pulp fiction, with steaming determine gender, clan, traces of diablerie and
alembics and crackling generators. The the like, but it will not reveal if a given subject
Storyteller should feel free to modify a killed an individual or where she kept her trove
character's Biothaumaturgy Difficulties if she of personal belongings. A critical roll may yield
has excellent laboratory resources or her the knowledge of a weakness to exploit at ST
facilities are utterly lacking. Working with a discretion while a complete failure yields the
crude lab may add two to the difficulty while a destruction of the sample. If the microscopes
high-grade facility may lower the difficulties by slides are prepared correctly, they can be used
two. again for further examination up to half the
Science rating of the user rounded up without
Because the way this specific concept work, the need of additional Rouse Checks.
the Storyteller might decide that you need the
ritual from the previous level to purchase the Thaumaturgical Surgery
next. The thaumaturge uses his knowledge of magic
and physiology to aid a body in its regenerative
capacity. Even the most grievous wounds may
*Level 2 heal more quickly if aided by this sorcerer’s art.
Thaumaturgical Forensics
■ Ingredients: Any level surface (preferably
The thaumaturge may take a tissue sample
elevated like a table), bandages, surgery
from a living, dead, or undead creature and
thread and needle.
ascertain its distinguishing characteristics. A
■ Process: The biothaumaturge soaks the
wealth of information may be gleamed from this
bandages, thread and needle in two Rouse
sample, including information that "normal"
Checks worth of her own blood and chants
forensics and genetics would not yield, such as
over them. When the blood is fully absorbed,
age, clan, etc.
and the Ritual rolls have been successful, the
needle blackens and the thread starts glowing
a supernatural red. She then proceeds to

operate the patient without stopping the chant. Frankensteinian in nature, meaning obtainable
Once finished, the thread will still glow faintly via crude surgery rather than mystical
while the bandages will become nearly fleshweaving. Extra limbs or major changes to
transparent on the body of the patient until fully the initial for of the creature are outside of the
healed which then withers away. real of this ritual. Prosthetics and similar
■ System: Each success allows the implants might be possible at Storyteller’s
thaumaturge to "convert" one health level of discretion.
damage from a mortal to a lesser type.
Aggravated damage becomes Superficial, and Creatures animated in this manner keep their
Superficial becomes easily slept -off fatigue original Physical attributes. Social and Mental
(and vanishes completely). Kindred find that Attributes are at zero. Each creation has a
they recover from Aggravated Damage twice number of Health levels equal to those it had
as fast for free, healing a maximum of 2 points plus half the Medicine rating of the user
per day, limited to the successes of the roll. (rounded up). They also gain a dot from a
The blood used in this ritual retains its blood Physical Discipline and a single level 1 power
bonding properties. known by the biothaumaturge as per standard
ghouling rules but do not need a Rouse Check
*Level 4 each month to maintain it.
The thaumaturge cracks open the skull (or Animations suffer damage like mortals and
equivalent) of a live organism and brainwashes cannot be mentally dominated or influenced.
it with surgery tools and magical energy. This They are effectively “meat” machines. A human
imparts to it a rudimentary set of instructions. animated in this manner retains none of their
The resultant creation carries out their orders original "self." The biothaumaturge can
to the letter. Biothaumaturgy use this power to maintain a number of Animations equal to their
populate their havens with guard dogs and rating in Blood Sorcery, however if they wish to
other, quirkier "pets". Even human and large keep them beyond the end of the story they
animals may be brainwashed with this ritual. It must invest Experience Points like any other
is rumoured that one biothaumaturge in Egypt Background, else they die of malnourishment.
has a pair of animated elephants which he
uses to terrorize his enemies.

■ Ingredients: Any level surface (preferably

elevated like a table), scalpel, a live organism,
narcotics or other restraining methods, surgery
thread and needle.
■ Process: After using the same principle for
preparing the tools as the ritual Thaumaturgical
Surgery, the biothaumaturge cuts open the live
organism and starts to meddle with the brain
(or equivalent). The surgery takes three nights,
needing to dedicate two hours of chanting per
night and a total of two Rouse Checks, one at
the first night and one on the last.
■ System: If the ritual is successful, the
animated creation may be given a one-
sentence command, which it will fulfil until
destroyed. Certain life forms are probably
beyond the capacity of this ritual, but the only
limit is what the Storyteller decides. This ritual
also allows minor changes to be made to the
subjects. For example, an animated human
may wield a metal-hook instead of a hand.
These physical changes should always be

*Level 5 feelings of inadequacy, often to the point of
becoming social outcasts. When accursed are
Cognizant Construction
afflicted, friends and society tend to distance
The pinnacle of Biothaumaturgy, this power
themselves from the victim, creating a social
bestows a creature brainwashed with the
Animation ritual with a semblance of the schism and driving the accursed toward
intelligence it had in life. Animated animals
possess a malicious cunning while higher life
All curses use the following Ingredients,
forms gain the ability to reason deductively
Process and overall System.
rather than satisfy one command.
■ Ingredients: Hair, blood, flesh, ash or any
■ Ingredients: An organism animated by the
other part of the victim (which depending of the
ritual Animation and the ingredients needed to
age of the vampire decay pretty quickly), as
cast it minus the body.
well as clay or other malleable material.
■ Process: Using the same principle for
■ Process: The thaumaturge creates an effigy
preparing the tools as the ritual Thaumaturgy
using the clay and the parts from the victim.
Surgery, the biothaumaturge cuts open the
When directly seeing the target she then
head of the animated creature without stopping
proceeds to curse it in whispers. The curse
the chanting. She then proceeds to heal part by
must be chanted for a minute per level and
part the brain of the creature, slashing and
often consists of dead languages. They use the
tearing apart what she cannot mend. This
Difficulty system of corebook Rituals. Any
involves an elaborate precision and knowledge
interruption during the process automatically
of the brain of said creature and might need
counts as a fail.
several nights of hard work. The crucial part
■ System: Even if the ritual is successful, the
(make the Ritual roll then) is the final connexion
target may cancel its effect. Once she knows
of all the parts of the brain. In total, this ritual
which specific curse has been inflicted upon
takes two Rouse Checks worth of Blood from
her, usually requiring an Intelligence + Occult
the caster, but the time that is needed for the
(or Fortitude) roll against a Difficulty equal to
completion of it is decided by the Storyteller.
the level of the Ritual + 1, or contacting a
■ System: Although this ritual gives an
specialist on the matter, she then can spend a
animation the base intelligence of said
Willpower point per level of the Curse to negate
creature, the animation nonetheless still serves
the effect. This is the victim asserting his own
the orders it is given by its creator and remains
immune. A creature animated via Cognizant strength of will and personality to throw off the
yoke of anathema. The thaumaturge can lift the
Creation has Mental and Social Attributes of
curses that she brings down at any time she
one less then it possessed (but never below 1).
wishes, which makes an excellent bargaining
This won't be creating any geniuses, but the
story effect is that it creates an animated
monster capable of reasoning. A Cognizant
Constructions won't mindlessly fight to its *Level 1
death if it sees a better or clever way of routing Stigma
foes, and it will be capable of other deductive The most basic of curses, the victim is stricken
tasks as well. They also gain a dot from a with an invisible stigma that manifests only in
Mental or Sorcery Discipline and a single level the eyes of those around them. Few can
1 power known by the biothaumaturge on top describe its actual form. People shy away from
of the one from the previous ritual. interacting with the marked victim, and will
have a hard time taking him seriously. Social
interaction becomes difficult, and frustration
Curses quickly follows for the accursed.
■ System: The stigma lasts until the next
Early in the history of Blood Sorcery, the Path sunset or for a week with a Critical Win. The
of Curses was developed and refined. It is still victim is doomed to frustration when
known by its early names in certain circles: performing any Social actions. All of the
Maleficium, Hexen-Kraft, the Evil Eye. Victims victim's Manipulation and Charisma rolls are at
of this path, often called accursed, are subject +1 Difficulty or add 1 dice to the opposing roll
to extreme treatment and psychological during this curse.

The thaumaturge causes the victim to suffer
intense illness and discomfort, not unlike the
plagues and pestilences of history. During the
Dark Ages, this power was used to strike down
rivals and force them into subservience to the
thaumaturge. Cainites likewise feel the pain
and suffering from the sickness instilled by this
curse. For elder Kindred, this is one of the
worst curses - to be stricken down with illness
as if a common mortal! For roleplaying
purposes, the intensity of this sickness
worsens the better this ritual is casted, varying
from a headache to a strong flu.
■ System: If this power is successfully
invoked, the accursed suffers the effects of
severe illness for a week, a month in a Critical
Win. It reduces the victim’s Physical dice pools
by one.

*Level 3
This curse touches upon one of the most
feared elements of society, that of becoming an
outcast. This power goes beyond cursing the
victim with simple social ostracism - while
under the effects of Pariah, the accursed
appears to be the most hated of enemies to
everyone they encounter. This alteration of
perception is only in body and form, the victim
still acts and speaks as normal. But then again,
few are willing to listen to the ranting and
ravings of a despised foe.
■ Ingredients: Blood from a Obfuscate user on
top of the regular ingredients.
■ System: Upon a successful Ritual roll the
subject suffers the curse for a period of one
week, a month on a Critical Win. Similar to the
power Mask of a Thousand Faces, this power
influences the perceptions of those around the
accursed, leading observers to believe that the
subject is a dire rival. This will not necessarily
result in attack indeed, in most cases, it
shouldn't - but will cause antagonism in
whatever way is most appropriate to the
onlooker. Most people will just leave the
accursed's presence with a look of disdain, but
some may snub her, insult her or even throw
the first punch. Sense the Unseen can see
through this involuntary disguise for the
duration. This ritual does not work on people
that already know the accursed.

*Level 4
Corrupt Body
This powerful curse is invoked by the
thaumaturge, who approaches the victim and
denounces his physical form. Over the course
of seconds, the victim's body distorts and
perverts into a parody of itself. During this
transformation, the victim suffers extreme pain
that wracks his body. This defilement leaves
behind a victim scarred both physically and
mentally. Recently, Camarilla princes have had
this power used upon violators of the Traditions
to enforce their will; a graceful Kindred dancer
reduced to an uncoordinated oaf is not likely to
forget his mistakes.
■ System: During the three turns that the
physical change occurs, the target suffers a
three-dice penalty to dice pools. For the
duration of the Corrupt Body, the accursed
suffers a one-die penalty to all dice pools, as if
she were wounded. This is cumulative with
other wounds.
Additionally, the thaumaturge chooses
Strength, Dexterity to warp. This drops the
appropriate Attribute to 1 for the duration. The
Storyteller should add any additional effects to
aid in how nasty this power is. Only one
Corrupt Body can affect a victim at any one
time. The power stays in effect for a week, a
month for a Critical Win.

*Level 5
Fall from Grace
The magus is now able to curse his victim with
supreme ineptitude, causing a loss in
confidence and failings in any and all tasks.
Lure of Flames
Striking a combination of mystical dread and
The Lure of Flames is the thaumaturgical
self-loathing in the victim, failure becomes
embodiment of victory over fear. Pioneered by
almost a certainty. Fate and circumstance now
conspire to prevent prosperity. Victims of this vampires of Clan Tremere, it is both a way to
protect oneself from the bane of fire and a
power often retire from the normal activities of
weapon used to instil both injury and terror in
their lives as nothing goes right; relationships
fall apart, jobs crumble around them, and the enemy.
accidents seem to become commonplace.
■ System: While under this curse, all failures *Level 3
count as a Bestial failure. Additionally, even the Anathema
most menial task become more difficult to With this ritual, the sorcerer conjures an eerie
accomplish. Add a +2 Difficulty to all the rolls flame in her palm that sheds light but offers no
the target makes. In case of opposing dice warmth and does not provoke frenzy in other
pools the enemy gain 2 automatic successes. vampires. When she releases it at a target
The power stays in effect for a week, a month within sight, however, it burns like any ordinary
for a Critical Win. fire and is beyond her control.
■ Ingredients: A pound of charcoal dust, a
bowl, a single ray of sunlight.

■ Process: The caster mixes the charcoal dust *Level 1
with his own Vitae in a bowl while chanting
Bar the Common Passage
during sunrise (which usually require a roll to
The vampire paints her ward on a door or other
avoid falling asleep), then she lets a single ray
portal. The affected doorway is imbued with
of sunlight in, which ignites the contents of the enough magical fortification to hold back the
bowl and forces a Terror Frenzy roll (Difficulty
ferocious strength of a werewolf or the head of
3). If the caster fails the Frenzy roll, the Ritual
a battering ram.
ends. If the caster does not enter Frenzy, they
■ Ingredients: Nothing apart from the usual
make the Ritual roll and continue chanting until
requirement of the caster’s Blood.
the fire dies. The resulting ashes can be
■ System: On a successful ritual Roll, the
collected. Upon necessity, the vampire cuts
warded door fortifies, adding a +2 Difficulty (+4
her palm and grabs a fistful of ashes,
on a Critical Win) to any attempt to open or
concentrating on the fire that once was, calling
break it via Larceny or Feats of Strength. If the
back its spirit. Once complete, the cold flame
warded portal opens, the Cainite ears prick up
will not manifest until the sorcerer opens her
and her hair stands on end. Last until the
fist and channels, however long that takes.
following night.
■ System: Each success on the ritual roll
grants one use of the ashes, which conjure up
a bright, cold flames on her palm. The flames *Level 2
do not harm the caster and give off no heat Glyph of Scrying
while held in the caster's hand. The caster may By focusing her will, the vampire can view the
'release' the flames with Composure + Occult. immediate vicinity of this kind of ward.
This counts as a Ranged attack with the Paranoid Tremere princes can monitor entire
effective range of a shotgun that deals cities through these glyphs. Portable objects
Aggravated Damage equal to the margin with can be imbued with these wards to function like
a +1 Damage modifier, +2 on a Critical Win. A remote senses.
Total Failure on the attack roll results in 2 ■ Ingredients: Dust from a smashed mirror
Aggravated Health Damage, flames exploding mixed with the caster's Blood.
in their hand, and must also resist a Terror ■ System: On a successful roll the ward can
Frenzy at Difficulty 2 Released flames are able be used for a day, a week on a Critical Win.
to set items around ablaze, causing Fear The ward can be destroyed as usual, but
Frenzy at Storyteller’s discretion. Fire created always fades after the time limit expires.
this way is treated as normal fire with no The vampire can establish a telepathic
special properties. The ashes are potent until connection but never with more than one at a
the following dawn, or until expended, time. She can move about as normal while
whichever comes first. focusing on a ward, but this subtract 1 die of
her pools as this is considered a minor action.
The Cainite can see or hear (chosen at the time
Warding of scribing) everything in the surrounding area
as if she were using a surveillance camera.
Tremere who study this Path dedicate
themselves to defending the holdings of the Runes of Power
clan. They can practically hold off entire Many elders place these wards on ancient
armies. They are also capable of exposing tomes of magic, doorways or even on the floor,
infiltrators before they breach the clan's havens always hidden among other runes or scriptures
and hiding places. of interest. Unwary neonates or intruders find
They follow the same Process as Wards in the their mind foggy and have difficulty
corebook and can be detected with Sense The remembering or recalling things they did before
Unseen (Auspex 1): or after reading the runes.
■ Process: The caster pours their Blood on the ■ Ingredients: Powder from dried valerian
object to be warded, tracing the glyph in it with mixed with the caster’s Blood.
their bare finger. Once the caster wipes the ■ System: Do not make the Ritual roll until the
Blood off, the ward becomes invisible. The first time someone reads the runes, since
Ward lasts until the warded object is physically seeing them is not enough to activate its
destroyed or broken unless stated otherwise. powers. If the caster wins the Ritual test, the

victim suffers no immediate effect. When the
current Scene has ended, the reader has
problems remembering specific information
they obtained during the Scene in which they
read the Runes. Recalling such information
requires an Intelligence + Resolve roll against
Difficulty 4 or 6 on a Critical Win.

*Level 4
Glyph of Enlightenment
The vampire who paints these glyphs can use
them to transmit her voice. Tremere with this
ritual can even use it to attack distant
■ Ingredients: The caster draws the glyph with
a fresh eye from a mortal, dipped in the mixture
of a handful of glass dust with the Blood.
■ System: On a successful roll the ward can
be used for a day, on a Critical win the ward
works for a week. By focusing on the ward, can
speak through the glyph. Additionally, the
vampire can choose to "transmit" another
Blood Sorcery power, thaumaturgicaly related
power or Ritual through it, if the power's
requirements can be met (physical contact with
the target of the power is not required, for
example). Using the glyph in this manner
reduces the rune's effectiveness by one day.

*Level 5
Secure the Sacred Domain
This potent ability can be used to seal off an
entire castle. One glyph, painted at the exact
center of a castle or tower, secures all
windows, portcullises, doors and other portals
from all entry or exit. A single Tremere can hold
off an entire army, for one night, this way.
■ Ingredients: Nothing but the Blood of the
■ System: The process takes an hour or more,
depending on the state or the area to be
warded. The vampire must paint the ward at
the exact center of the building. If the vampire
succeeds, no doors, windows or portals will
open via Larceny, and attempts to destroy
them are at +2 Difficulty (+4 on a Critical Win).
Likewise, existing breaches in walls may not be
passed, although new ones may be opened
and entered. The effects of this power last until
the following dawn.

Overhauled Paths
electrons as a means to influence the world
around them or power up their undead nerves
and brain as auxiliary “meat computers”.

Levinbolt ■Type: Sorcery

■Masquerade Threat: Mid-High
The lightning sparked across the room, hitting both floor Harnessing the power of the electricity with
and ceiling. “You seem to ignore why you’ve failed… bare hands is a clear Masquerade violation.
again.” The target, a wooden totem, lied on top of a black ■Blood Resonance: Sanguine. Scientists,
pedestal, untouched by the electricity. “You’ve mastered engineers, technicians.
the… liberation of the energy your body now produces, but
you lack… the focus. I thought I told you to read that *Level 1
book.” The sorceress was sitting on chair, all clad in black Flicker
and deep blue, reading something from a tablet while The vampire draws in ambient charge from
speaking. around her; static electricity and ambient
“But why would a book about Science help me? I mean no electricity in the air, or actual electricity from
nearby outlets and devices. The effect is not
disrespect, but when I joined you, I thought I would have
obvious, only visible in the snap of static
access to arcane tomes and deep secrets, not lessons about electricity from her fingertips. This charge can
mundane and humane things. I seek eldritch horrors, be used to cause glitches in machinery and
knowledge about ancient things.” The neonate was other devices or to directly fry it.
fidgeting his hands, feeling the phantom sensation of the ■ Cost: Free
electricity on its undead body. ■ Dice Pools: Intelligence + Levinbolt
“Underestimating the knowledge of the humans was one of ■ System: No additional test is needed to
many mistakes we made. We have much to learn from what create the glitches. Any use of a device or
they’ve discovered. Controlling the lightning requires machinery within a 10 meter radius of the
knowledge of polar charges and interactions between them” vampire removes dice equal to half the
The sorceress raised its sight from the tablet to the totem Levinbolt rating rounded up, as the electricity
and extended one of her arms. A continuous stream of sparks causes things like systems slowdown, glitches
etc. The vampire can attempt to 'discharge' the
emerged from her fingers, caressing and blackening the
electricity into a machine, frying it. This
wood of the totem. Without interrupting the stream, she requires a roll of Intelligence + Levinbolt vs a
began to move her arm at random, the end of the stream Difficulty determined by the Storyteller based
still focused upon the totem. on the machine's size, surge protection and
“It’s as simple as that. Negatives go to positives, boy. Now, other factors, being 2 a regular laptop. In case
go study.” of portable electronics, the Storyteller can opt
to make the roll against the Resolve + Stamina
Nicknames: Path of Levinbolt, Technomancy of the target. If successful, the electricity arcs
from the caster's fingertips, frying the machine.
Lightning has long been considered the ■ Duration: One scene or until deactivation.
dominion of the gods but has traditionally been
out of reach of thaumaturges due to a lack of Frictionless Mobility
understanding of the principles of electricity. As The vampire forces the electrons of the outer
a result, this Path remained relatively obscure layers of her body or clothing to avoid reacting
until the birth of modern science and the efforts with others, due to this, nearly imperceptible
of John Blackwood. The ample supply of sparks travel her body at intervals. This lack of
electricity in the late 19th century meant that interactions eliminates friction for the vampire,
thaumaturges no longer had to wait until a allowing her to slide across surfaces as if
convenient storm to charge their powers but having rollers or treat a steep slope as her
could gather the required electricity in mere personal slide. This power does not prevent
seconds to direct as they chose. damage from direct falls but depending on the
angle it can redirect it to a slide, maintaining the
Practitioners of Levinbolt learn to generate momentum and potentially bumping into
electricity with their vitae, use the flow of things.

■ Cost: Free *Level 2
■ Dice Pools: Wits + Survival or Dexterity +
Synapsis Enhancement
Widely used for those that consider
■ System: If the vampire has time to prepare,
themselves Technomancers, this power uses
no roll is required. As a reaction, such as during the dead brain as an auxiliary computer. The
a sudden grapple, activating the power
vampire draws in ambient charge from around
requires a Wits + Survival roll at Difficulty 3. As
her, and immediately applies that charge in an
long as the power is in effect, the vampire
unorthodox way: channelling it into her mental
becomes slippery. Pushing or grappling her
faculties, essentially giving herself medical
becomes impossible, but regular Brawl attacks
electrical brain stimulation and increasing
still work. Additionally, maintaining the balance
cognitive function.
while this is power active becomes tricky. The
■ Cost: One Rouse Check
character needs to make a Dexterity + Athletics
■ System: Add your Levinbolt rating to all
roll vs a Difficulty dictated by the Storyteller, to
Academics, Science and Technology rolls for
avoid stumbling and falling. On a Win, the
the Scene.
vampire is able to move with grace and ease
■ Duration: One scene or until dismissed.
until the surface she’s moving changes
significantly. On a failed roll, she falls and
Electrical Stimulation
continues moving in the direction she was
■ Amalgam: Fortitude 1
trying to move.
The vampire draws in ambient charge from
■ Duration: One scene or until deactivation.
around her, and immediately applies that
to attempt normal body functioning under
■ Amalgam: Auspex 1
extreme circumstances, like making broken
The vampire detects the electric fields
muscles work as intended or to ready one's
generated by living beings and modern
mind after mental defeat, effectively negating
technology or machinery. This allows them to
the effects of the impairment of choice.
“see” these fields even through walls,
■ Cost: One Rouse Check
effectively adding a new sense to her arsenal.
■ System: No roll is needed to activate this
■ Cost: Free
power. When activated, the vampire chooses
■ Dice Pools: Resolve + Levinbolt
its Willpower or Health tracker, ignoring the
■ System: No roll is required to activate penalties from impairment for the duration.
Electroreception. While active, the user senses
This power does not prevent penalties from
electrical fields related to electronic devices
Crippling Injuries. Only one instance from this
and living beings as part of their standard
power can be active at any time.
perception tests. This power also allows the
■ Duration: One scene.
vampire to perceive objects, animals and
people otherwise hidden from the naked eye
(such as behind a wall or in supernatural *Level 3
darkness) as long as they have electricity. Discharge
Anything that has a perceptible electrical Rather than drawing in ambient charge from
charge may be found with this power, at around the area; this time the effect is much
Storyteller’s discretion, including radio waves more pronounced, as their body takes on a
and other electrical signals. In the modern deep blue hue as energy arcs across them,
nights, radio and similar signals saturate the making this an obvious breach of the
city. Discerning between the multiple signals Masquerade. The vampire immediately
requires a Resolve + Levinbolt vs a Difficulty discharges this as a burst of electricity from
decided by the specific signal. Deciphering their hands, either in the form of an arc of blue
walkie talkie or radio signals is usually rolled vs lightning from their fingertips, or a full-body
Difficulty 2, while cell phone communication is discharge of deep blue electricity. Upon
rolled at 3. Landline or more encrypted impact, the muscles of the target stiffen up,
methods involve higher Difficulties at making it hard to move.
Storyteller discretion. ■ Cost: One Rouse Check
■ Duration: Passive. ■ Dice Pools: Intelligence + Levinbolt vs
Dexterity + Athletics or Strength + Stamina.

■ System: Channelling the raw energy of
electricity involves an Intelligence + Levinbolt
attack roll (which can be dodged like any
ranged attack) with +2 to damage bonus. This
causes the crippling injury stunned for a turn
and causes Aggravated Health damage to
mortals and un-halved Superficial to Kindred.
Alternatively, if the character is being touched
by the target (such as in a Grapple) this
becomes a full-body discharge, resisted by the
target's Strength + Stamina. A mortal who
takes even one point of damage collapses
unconscious. It is possible to use this power on
humans in a non-lethal way, removing the
damage but not the unconsciousness.
■ Duration: One use

ElectroMagnetic Cover
Channelling the electricity produced by her
undead body as well as the ambient charge
with great precision, the vampire creates an
electromagnetic field strong enough to stop
■ Cost: One Rouse Check
■ Dice Pools: Composure + Levinbolt.
■ System: The vampire creates a vertical,
rectangular field of crackling electricity that has
a maximum length in yards/meters equal to the
Levinbolt dots of the user. The size and width
of the field can be modulated once per turn to
cover other teammates inside the range at the
cost as risking more damage to it. The vampire
can do nothing else except control the field and
walk while this power is active. Anyone
attempting a Ranged attack against targets
protected by the field roll against Difficulty 1
and subtracts the margin to the field’s Health.
The field has a Health equal to three times the
Levinbolt dots of the user and receives damage
like mortals. The user can opt to redirect the
bullets trapped in the field to attack with a roll
of Composure + Levinbolt, with a damage
bonus equal to half its missing Health (round
up). This attack has the effective range of a
shotgun. Attempting such action makes the
field collapse.
■ Duration: One scene or until collapse.

*Level 4
Eye of the Storm
The vampire draws in so much ambient charge
that her body becomes the centre of a veritable
electrical storm, with significant electrical

charge enveloping her body and fluctuating Crippling Injury Stunned for a turn. This power
constantly in blinding flashes of light. can only be used once per scene.
■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks ■ Duration: One use.
■ System: Anyone attempting to make a
Ranged or Thrown attack against the caster
suffers a penalty to their pool equal to the Transmutation
Levinbolt rating of the vampire. When fighting
in Close Combat, the attacker suffers 3 Of course it was a trap, she thought to herself. How could I
Superficial Health Damage as the electricity be so naïve? Unarmed and unable to flee, hiding inside a
reacts to the stimulus and 'lashes out' at the fucking damped room in a fucking damped building a
attacker. fucking mile away from the fucking city. Fucking precious.
■ Duration: One scene or until dismissed. Voices came from the other side of the door, strolling along
the corridor. They were looking for her and unless she did
*Level 5 something, she was screwed. In no time they would find her
Thor's Fury and it would be the end. Water gathered together on small
An advancement of the Discharge power, the puddles, mirroring the dim light that the moon projected
strength of the vampire's bolts are such that the through a too small window to use for escape. She needed
damage is an order of magnitude higher, to get out of there. Fast.
lightning arcs and bursts from where the She reached out to one of the small puddles, willing her
vampire wills it to strike, more in line with 'real'
blood to interfere with the energies that bounded together
■ Cost: One Rouse Check
the molecules of the water, changing them, forcing them to
■ Dice Pools: Intelligence + Levinbolt vs interact in a stronger way. From the puddle emerged a
Dexterity + Athletics or Strength + Stamina. pommel that she grabbed eagerly. The small puddle
■ System: This power uses the same base disappeared as a slender blade made entirely of crystalized
system as Discharge, with increased damage. water appeared in her hand, still too fragile to do anything.
The lightning does Aggravated Health damage She willed her blood again to transmit its strength into the
to mortals and vampires alike. If the target links that made the strange object, fortifying its structure.
receives any point of damage, the lightning The door blasted open with a push, but she was ready and
discharges electricity around them. Anyone quickly slit the throat of the first enemy. The second pointed
within three-meter radius of it must make a a gun at her but with a tap, the gun that was no more,
Dexterity + Athletics roll vs Difficulty 3 to avoid liquified to the floor.
the bouncing lightning. Failing the roll causes
the Crippling Injury Stunned for a turn. A mortal
Nicknames: Path of Transmutation,
who takes even one point of damage dies
Thaumaturgical Alchemy.
■ Duration: One use.
Guns and knives melt into pools of metal, wood
petrifies and becomes brittle, and common
Redirect the Lightning
boundaries such as walls and doors transmute
Channelling the electricity of a nearby source,
to vapor. The laws of chemistry do not bind
like electric lines or during a storm, the vampire
Warlocks employing the powers of
can “call the lightning” to strike her enemies in
transmutation, as materials shift their state
a blinding flash.
regardless of their temperature. This path is
■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks
looked upon somewhat unfavourably among
■ Dice Pools: Resolve + Levinbolt the Tremere, as it reflects a "quick and dirty"
■ System: Given the erratic nature of this
effect rather than true mastery of alchemical
power, the opponent makes no roll to dodge or
defend. Roll Resolve + Levinbolt against ■Type: Sorcery
Difficulty 1 and Causes Aggravated Health ■Masquerade Threat: Mid-High
damage to mortals and Superficial un-halved
■Blood Resonance: Sanguine. Scientists,
to Kindred equal to the margin. When the
engineers, technicians.
lightning smashes, anyone within three-meter
radius of the striking point receives the

*Level 1
Fortify the Solid Form
By fortifying a solid object, a magus increases
the strength and integrity of an item. A
thaumaturge mystically transmutes a feather to
become a crude blunt object, pencils become
makeshift stakes, and a carboard box
becomes as tough as metal.
■ Cost: One Rouse Check
■ System: This power increases the offensive
or defensive capabilities of an object the caster
touches. When used for defence, the object
should be big enough to cover some part of the
body of the vampire, becoming a reinforced
cover. When used for offence, the object
becomes a Weapon with a Damage bonus
equal to half the Transmutation rating (rounded
up). Objects that are already weapons are
unaffected. This power cannot be used to
increase the structure of a living creature.
However, a thaumaturge may use Fortify the
Solid Form in conjunction with the Crystallize
the Liquid Form to make a very solid piece of
ice, molten metal, etc.
■ Duration: One scene or until the object is

Crystallize the Liquid Form

Tremere designed this power to prevent other
Kindred from taking vitae. This can also be
used to solidify water and molten metal. Liquids
within living bodies may not be altered, though
blood exiting the body may be solidified.
Kindred may not consume solidified blood.
■ Cost: One Rouse Check
■ System: The vampire may transform One
Rouse check (or about one litre of other liquids)
per Transmutation rating into solid form for a
scene. This substance will not change in
temperature; solidified molten steel still burns
and melts other material. The liquid must be
within the thaumaturge's line of sight.
■ Duration: One scene.

*Level 2
A World of Wet Clay
Thaumaturges with this power can deform a
wall with a simple caress, leaving their fingers
printed like it was made of clay. The main use
of this power is to deform solid objects but with
enough inventive allows the creation of traps or
artistic pieces. Quick uses of this power leave
significant trails behind, like if the object was

melted or the concrete was altered when it was Gaol
still wet. When a Warlock invokes this power, he
■ Cost: One Rouse Check solidifies the air into an opaque, indestructible
■ Dice Pools: Dexterity + Transmutation object. A crude shimmering prism forms
■ System: Once activated, the vampire treats around a victim's body, encasing him within
any inorganic solid material as if it was mud, unbreakable material. Doorways become
being able to easily disable most objects or impenetrable boundaries as the air between a
with enough time, even able to burrow herself door condenses to a resilient barrier.
into buildings. Molding to deform materials ■ Cost: One Rouse Check
requires no dice pool test. Additionally, ■ Dice Pools: Resolve + Transmutation
sculpting to create more complex structures ■ System: Touching the air, the thaumaturge
requires a Dexterity + Transmutation roll; the transforms it into a solid object. The Difficulty
Difficulty depends on the task required. depends upon the size of the object that may
Creating simple spikes is Difficulty 3, while be changed, being one for a brick and five to
creating complex traps is Difficulty 6. This form a solid block of air that can encompass a
power can also be used for artistic purposes single being. Once the air condenses, it
among others at Storyteller’s discretion. becomes completely indestructible; this effect
■ Duration: One scene or until a mass equal lasts for one Scene. Victims trapped within the
to that of a regular human has been molded. solid air will not be able to break through this
barrier (not even with Potence), though mortals
*Level 3 will not suffocate.
Liquefy the Solid Form The oxygen within the block is breathable,
A thaumaturge may "melt" solid objects and though liquid like. These victims will
leave them in a liquid-like state. By employing experience an uncomfortable sensation in their
this power, attackers could find their weapons lungs from the alien dependency on the
in small pools at their feet. Stakes rot away at oxygenated fluid, and they may reject it
a rapid pace, and blades corrode into soft, altogether. When the effect of Gaol expires, the
nondescript puddles. After a time, the object barrier around the subject dissipates into its
returns to their original shape which many original gaseous state. The oxygen within the
thaumaturges claim is a recent improvement target's lungs, however, will remain a fluid and,
over an older, more dated version of this though breathable, must be purged from the
power. body - coughed out - before it can transmute
■ Cost: One Rouse Check back into a gas. Subjects suffer one level of
■ Dice Pools: Wits + Transmutation Superficial Health damage from this
■ System: Touching an object, the overexertion.
thaumaturge transforms it into a liquid, thus ■ Duration: One scene.
assuming a deformed state and rendered
useless. The Difficulty depends upon the size *Level 4
of the object that may be changed, being one Imbue the Water of Life
for a lighter and five for an entire car. Only ■ Prerequisite: Crystallize the Liquid Form
entire objects can be affected by this power. The thaumaturgy is able to crystallize vitae with
On combat this can be used against the pool of the concentrated essence of other Discipline
an opponent, a Win rendering the weapon powers. Said crystal grant to anyone who
useless. This power does not work on objects consumes it one single use of the power.
that forcefully contact the vampire, meaning it Those that prefer commodity dissolve them
will not melt a weapon unless the user can first in a potion-like fashion, others destroy
catch it before it hits. As much as many them with their jaws. But some thaumaturges
Tremere would like it, Liquefy the Solid Form prefer to create needle-like crystals and insert
may not be used on living (or unliving) beings. them with it. The sight of a thaumaturge
A transformed object remains in a liquid state decorated with bright red crystal became
for One scene, after which it resumes its synonymous with trouble since this power was
original shape. discovered.
■ Duration: One scene. ■ Cost: One Rouse Check or several

■ System: Following a Rouse Check plus any this is an outrageous breach of the
needed to activate the desired power, the Masquerade if any inappropriate eyes observe
thaumaturge crystalizes its essence. The it. If an object cannot reform fully due to the
resulting crystal (which can have any form) can destruction of its environment, this power
later be consumed to activate the effect of said cannot be used again until the Scene ends.
power for free with the dicepool or rating of the Should a victim occupy the same space as the
original vampire. Crystals that house powers object after this power expires, she suffers a
that require a target need to be introduced into number of health levels of Aggravated Damage
the body of the desired target to make use of the Storyteller determines appropriate to the
the effects. For the purpose of Dominate circumstance. For example, a rock reforming
powers, the commands are said during the within a body might inflict a single level of
creation of the crystal. Imbue The Water of Life Aggravated Health damage, where a person
can also create crystals from Kindred that have trapped within a tree trunk should suffer at least
any amount of the user’s Blood inside them. five. Objects that reform partially within another
■ Duration: Depends on the power used but object will remain this way until physically
up Scene at much. removed or invoked to be vaporous again.
■ Duration: Three turns.
*Level 5
Ghost Wall Shall This Place Become Hell
After attaining this level of mastery, a Drastically elevates or drops the temperature.
thaumaturge finds herself no longer hindered Metals quickly become too hot to hold or
by common barriers such as walls and rock movement becomes difficult because of the
formations. With but a thought, solid objects freezing temperatures.
shift to a vaporous state and may be traversed ■ Cost: Two Rouse Check
with little difficulty. The Warlock passes beyond ■ System: The user makes the Rouse Checks
walls, as they are insubstantial and will not and spends a turn concentrating, changing the
obstruct his movement. Targets fall through a temperature over the desired surface. The
gaseous floor, and vaporous parachutes are effect covers a circular area with a radius equal
useless in slowing the travel speed of a to twice the user’s Transmutation rating in
skydiver. yards/ meters. The area is centred on the user
■ Cost: One Rouse Check or a spot in their line of sight. It doesn’t matter
■ Dice Pools: Intelligence + Transmutation if the thaumaturge choses to elevate or drop
■ System: The thaumaturge may transform an the temperature, the mechanical effects
object within yards/meters equal to her remain the same. The extreme temperature
Transmutation rating. The Difficulty depends deals 1 point of Superficial per turn and
upon the size of the thing that may be changed, prevents any kind of healing while inside the
being one for a laptop and five to transmute a range of this power. Additionally, any weapon
city bus. A transmuted object keeps its shape becomes too hot or cold to be wielded and
and becomes transparent, being able to pass movement inside the zone becomes
through it. This effect lasts for three turns, after problematic, requiring a roll of Stamina +
which the object in question reforms as if Resolve vs Difficulty 3.
nothing had ever happened. Needless to say, ■ Duration: One Scene.


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