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Trigeminal Nerve 93

1. The. first-order sensory neurons carry information from a specific region

of the face or meninges to the pontine trigeminal nucleus.
2. The pontine trigeminal nucleus is composed of cell bodies oi second-
order sensory neurons. Their axons leave this nucleus centrally, cross the
midline, and join the medial lemniscus en route to the thalamus where
they terminate within the ventral posterior thalamic nucleus.
3. Cell bodies of the third-order sensory neurons reside in the thalamus.
Their axons leave the thalamus and travel through the posterior limb of
the internal capsule and corona radiata to terminate in the appropriate
region of the primary sensory cortex, where sensory signals are
consciously perceived.

Figure V-12 Pain and temperature pathway from the head (Clinical Testing)

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