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Name : Meka Yulianto

NPM : 20510052

1. What do you know about 'management'?
Answer : a process that regulates activities or behavior to have a good effect.
2. When do you think 'management' was applied in human life?
Answer : Management has actually existed since humans existed. This is evidenced by
the success of the ancient Egyptian architect in realizing his work in the form of the
pyramid of Cheops. The construction of a pyramid that involves hundreds of thousands of
workers will not be possible without good management
3. aIs management only applied by modern society, or might it be applied by ancient
people? Why?
Answer : Management is applied since ancient times, with evidence of a pyramid made
by thousands of people. without good management will not be resolved
4. Is the principles of management applied in education different from those applied in other
sector of life? Explain it.
Answer : the same, because all the principles of management are all the same including
Planning, Organizing, Actuating, controlling to achieve a goal
5. What do you know about Educational management? 
Answer : Processes that need to be applied in the world of education so that the goals of
education can be achieved

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