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Teaching History (fictional)

A. My personal Education History
1. Graduated from Arizona State University in 2018 with a BAE in
Secondary Education Mathematics.
2. During college worked as a tutor for high school students and worked as
a paraprofessional in a charter school called Maya High School.
B. Current Job
1. Currently, I have been working at a Charter School called Maya High
School as an Algebra 1 teacher for 2 years now. I work side by side with
my mentor teacher who is now my coworker.
2. I run the GEMS club on campus AKA the gaming and anime club on
campus. Since I am one of the younger staff members and have some
interest and experience in the topics, I was the show in person for the
role. Currently, we are meeting every Tuesday via google meet.

II. Philosophy of Education

A. Purpose of Education
1. To prepare the youth of the world for the real world by teaching them how
to act and be social, while also teaching them the general knowledge
needed in the real world. It also prepares youth on how to be responsible,
respectful, and civil. A safe environment to nurture the generations of
B. Roles within Education
1. Teacher
a) Dedicated mentor, pushes critical thinking, compassionate mentor,
cares for all their students and is the one responsible for guiding
them through growing up socially.
2. Student
a) Hard-working, attentive, and committed to a class. The student is
responsible for being a team player and following their teacher.
They must be respectful and present to be properly guided by their
3. Community
a) It takes a village to raise a child. Supportive of all students and will
lend a helping hand when called upon.
III. Belief concerning Problem-based learning and/or technology integration
A. Instrustioanl Stragety in-use
1. Use tech in my classroom. I tech such as IXL and edulastic to teach my
students. Edulastic is used more in class and to test my students while
IXL is used for homework. It helps me keep track of what has been done
and what hasn’t been by my students.
2. Problem- based learning is something that I know about but have not
used in the classroom. I think is an awesome idea but would need the
entire school or district to convert to have any real use in the classroom.
B. Student engagement
1. The students love the tech. It allows them to see what they did wrong and
it also allows them to go at their own pace. There is no need to wait until
class to get help either since the programs can give them tips right then
and there.
2. Cons: the students do have tech issues as well since they might forget
the passwords, not have internet access or get computer problems. It is
not a perfect system but it does seem to ger more engagement then
IV. Classroom Description
A. Unique Needs (classroom)
1. Each class has been measured and put at an optimal desk load. Each
classroom is different. The room that I spend most of my time in can fit 23
desks. On average right now in an online setting, we have about 25 to 30
students in each class.
2. The classroom goals are to provide a safe environment for the students to
learn and grow. As well as to keep students safe and healthy in these
COVID times.
B. Unique Needs (community)
1. The community under normal circumstances needs help with food and
transportation. They might also need extra help in the classroom due to
the lack of English knowledge since over half of our roster does not have
English as their primary language
V. District Description
A. Mission and Goals
1. The “district” is a parent company called the Leona Group. Their mission
is to empower all students to own their futures by creating schools
that redefine what is possible. Each school year they want to
educate as many students as possible without letting any fall
through the cracks.
B. Connections and Community
1. The district offers food programs and they provide free education
for all. They never turn anyone away and work with families to
make education work.

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