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Good morning, teacher, the news that I chose was Xavi's debut in

Barcelona as a coach. His debut was this November 20 at Camp Nou.

FC Barcelona has signed, in Xavi Hernández's first game as coach, a
suffered triumph in the derby against RCD Espanyol (1-0) for the
fourteenth day of La Liga Santander, where a penalty transformed by
Memphis at the start of the The second half allowed the Catalans to win
the three points against an intrepid parakeet.

From 11 meters, the Dutch striker sealed the culé triumph, the former
midfielder's first, to end a disastrous streak of four consecutive games
without winning and settle in sixth place (20 points), eight points behind
the lead.
Xavi couldn't be expected to change everything in the first game. The
new coach has barely had time to work with the entire squad, although
already in the derby it was possible to see something of what the
Egarense wants for his Barça.

If the game had only lasted 45 minutes, the Catalans would have
reasons to be especially excited about their team. The pressure was
good, with many recoveries in the danger zone of the rival field. The
deepest and most vertical Barça of the season was also seen. The
problem is that all the good that was seen in the first half, disappeared
after the break, as the minutes passed.

In conclusion, I believe that with Xavi on the Catalan bench, the tactics
and confidence of the team will be greatly improved and the fans will be
able to enjoy the games more. and perhaps with xavi bring many
triumphs and trophies as the most desired which is the champions

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