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Art has many function in my life whether its personal, social, and physical.

As for personal, I love

listening music and I have different reasons behind it. Sometimes I just enjoy the beat and rhythm and
sometimes I can relate to the message that it conveys. As for social, I am always up for those displays
and decorations in events such birthdays, weddings and celebration. It makes all the occasion a whole
new level of experience. For the physical function, I am very grateful to those inventions that makes my
life a lot easier and comfortable. This past few days, I really appreciate my rolling chair especially that
I’m always at the front of laptop.

Honestly, I can’t even imagine my life without the presence of art. I am born in an era where every
minutes there is a new invention that emerge especially now that freedom of expression is a trend. But
if I will describe my life without it, I would say that it is not living at all. I can call it just a mere existing. It
is lifeless, as outrageous as it seems but it is the truth. People that belong to this era always demand for
something and always want to be seen, so, how can they do that if there’s no art anymore. In the end, I
can say that art is already part of our life and without is unimaginable at all.

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