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Erica G.


Oisin in the land of Tir na nOg

Brief summary:

The warrior Oisin is persuade to come to the land of the ever-young by a beautiful goddess,
Niamh. In Tir na nOg no one grows old or dies, and there is feasting and music every day. One
day however Oisin realizes he misses his friends and family in Ireland and tells Niamh he wants
to return. She gives him a white horse to take him back to Ireland, but warns him he must not
get down from the horse under any circumstances. Oisin is shocked and saddened to learn that
he has been away for hundreds of years, everyone he knew has long since died and the land
has changed. While pondering this sad truth, he sees a man trying to roll a large stone out of a
field he is clearing and Oisin leans down from his horse to help him move the stone. In that
moment, the strap around his saddle snaps and he falls to the ground. In an instant hundreds of
years of time catch up with Oisin, and he turns to dust.

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