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Blowdown Water In boiler, the blowdown water is discharged

from the surface and bottom to get rid of floating
Aamer Ali and settled impurities, respectively. On one side,
Department of Chemical Engineering and less amount of blowdown water may cause the
Materials, University of Calabria, Rende (CS), scale formation, water carryover, local heating
Italy leading toward the failure of boiler tubes, and
less heat exchange rate, while the excessive dis-
charge of blowdown water leads toward
Operational principle of steam and water boilers, increased water usage, loss of energy associated
cooling towers, evaporative coolers, and evapo- with the discarded steam, large amount of
rative condensers is based upon the evaporation makeup water, and excessive use of chemicals.
of water. Dehydration from these equipment Therefore, the quantity of blowdown water must
leaves behind a solution enriched with nonvola- be optimized.
tile substances mainly including salts of calcium, Scarceness of freshwater, stringent environ-
magnesium, sodium, and silica, requiring the dis- ment regulations, and cost reduction are the driv-
charge of contaminant-rich water. The drained ing forces for treatment of blowdown water.
volume of water in order to maintain an accept- State-of-the-art treatment techniques for cooling
able level of impurities in the evaporation equip- tower blowdown water include lime-soda soften-
ment is known as blowdown water or bleed water ing and thermal evaporation. The former removes
or simply blowdown. In addition to the salts, hardness but involves the use of chemicals and
blowdown water can also contain bacteria, produces sludge. Thermal evaporation, on the
algae, and pathogens. Increased concentration of other hand, is highly energy intensive. Due to
minerals and other impurities is undesirable for environmental concern, the concept of zero liquid
several applications. For example, in steam discharge for treatment of blowdown water has
boiler, the evaporation of pure water can lead gained popularity recently. The main tools to
toward the scale formation, water carryover achieve zero liquid discharge under consideration
with steam, and blockage of the piping system, include membrane filtration, electrodialysis, and
while in case of cooling tower, concentrated evaporation.
blowdowns cause scaling and corrosion problems In boilers, chemical pretreatment is applied to
even in downstream equipment. The concentra- reduce the scaling problem and to enhance the
tion of salts and other solid species in blowdown heat transfer rate. These chemicals along with the
water is much higher than the original feedwater other contaminates present into the boiler
introduced. feedwater form sludge that settles down at the
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
E. Drioli, L. Giorno (eds.), Encyclopedia of Membranes,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-40872-4_2183-1
2 Blowdown Water

bottom of the boiler. Consequently, the blow- equal or higher than that of makeup water, vari-
down becomes richer in impurities. Alternative ous membrane operations have been tested.
membrane-based pretreatment can be applied to Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis have shown
tackle these problems. For example, ultrafiltra- the capability to treat the water to required purity
tion has been used to affectively remove colloidal level but usually require a pretreatment step. On
silica from the feedwater that imparts a vigorous the other hand, forward osmosis and membrane
effect in controlling the boiler blowdown (Kochi distillation have shown more interesting results in
membrane systems, Inc. 2004). A more refined terms of less severe pretreatment requirements,
membrane process such as nanofiltration or operational stability, and less fouling problems.
reverse osmosis can further improve the
As far as the posttreatment of boiler blow-
down is concerned, there have not been signifi-
cant efforts devoted, probably due to high Kochi Membrane Systems, Inc. (2014) Case study: ultra-
concentration and very complex nature of the filtration reduces boiler blowdown at India’s largestpa-
waste stream. However, advanced membrane perboard mill, available online at: http://www.
operations, especially membrane distillation,
can be appropriate candidate due to high temper- Yu X, Yang H, Lei H, Shapiro A (2013) Experimental
ature and concentration of the stream and less evaluation on concentrating cooling tower blowdown
fouling tendency of the MD process water by direct contact membrane distillation. Desali-
(Yu et al. 2013). In case of cooling tower, where nation 323:134–141. doi:10.1016/j.desal.2013.01.029
the objective is to recover water with quality

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