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... one with self-control is better than one who takes a city.

Proverbs 17:32

Read Out Loud 

"Do you not know that in a race all Therefore I do not run like someone
the runners run, but only one gets the running aimlessly; I do not fight like a
prize? Run in such a way as to get boxer beating the air. No, I strike a
the prize. Everyone who competes in blow to my body and make it my
the games goes into strict training. slave so that after I have preached to
They do it to get a crown that will not others, I myself will not be disqualified
last, but we do it to get a crown that for the prize.”
will last forever.
- 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Self-control or temperance is a person’s abilities to keep the will’s power under the
direction of the Spirit. Temperance means power and the ability to control yourself.
The wise man said in Proverbs 17:32 that a person with self-control is better than the
one who controls a city. Controlling ourselves is harder than controlling a city. Paul
used a picture from the athletics’ world to describe the importance of self-control in
the Christian life. In the Greek athlete, following the rules was as essential as winning
the prize. In a recorded history, when an athlete got trained properly and kept the
rules, he asked his god to allow him to win the prize. In the same way, Paul asserted
things that he did were qualified for the prize. He ran his race by having a certain
aim and exercised self-control by keeping control of his body. [1]

[1] Robert Voight, The Complete Perfect Salvation in Christ Jesus (Tulsa, OK 1988)

Fill in the blanks below. What makes you think

1. ___ with self-control is better than ___ who takes a city. about self-control? Draw a
2. One with ____-_______ is better than one who takes a picture.

3. One with self-control is ______ than one who takes a


Let's write what you

remember from the verse.

Proverbs 17:32

Why self-control is important?


What action can I take to have self-control?

Give up trying to Surrender to Rely on the

control things on God for help Holy Spirit
my own

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