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Jennifer Christoffersen

M. Klauck

Art 395-Visual Literacy Practice – String Art

18 October 2021

1. After my first string art pull, the purple image reminds me of sand sifting through an hourglass. It
also reminds me of a fox with its tail curved around the front.
2. After my second string art pull, the image reminds me of a Siamese cat basking in the sunshine
with its tail curved in front and its eyes slanted trying to block out the sun.
3. The elements and principles I see are:

Color – overlapping purple and yellow. The purple colors is more defined than the yellow color.

Line – The lines are organized and flow rather than being straight.

Balance – There is symmetry on both sides of the paper because the images on both sides

Movement –The eye slides over the curving lines and pulls the eye into different directions.

Value – The contrasting colors provide two shades of color – the purple is dark compared to the
yellow which is light.

4. My finished artwork is supposed to be a fox with its tail curled up around its feet. The imagery I
added were ears to make it clear what type of animal it is. I also added shading around the
edges of the body and to the tail and the face (nose/eyes) in order to draw out those animal
features that are distinct and unique to foxes. The addition of these features made the image
less fluid and more line-driven. Overall, there are elements I like about both sides – the one I left
more abstract, and the one I created a specific image from.

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