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Reyes 1

Valeria Reyes

ENGL 1301-129

Judith McCann

September 3,2021

Rhetorical Situations and their constituents

There are four rhetorical constituents when it comes to a rhetorical situation. The first

rhetorical constituent is exigence and it mainly talks about the discourse. In the exigence

constituent it describes more information about the discourse and informs the reader by

answering certain questions about the discourse. The second rhetorical constituent is known as

the rhetors. The rhetors are the people that are involved in the discourse and might play different

roles (Davie 269). Another rhetorical constituent is the Audience and it is known as the people

who are outside the discourse and rhetors (Davie 270). The Audience is also considered the

people that are reading or hearing the discourse (Davie 270). The last rhetorical constituent is the

Constraints and it means it can describe different type of things because it can represent the

audience beliefs or attitudes (Davie 272 ). Which means that constrain shows what people think

on certain points. The four rhetorical constituents can be described in many ways. For instance, I

can define exigence as giving background information about the discourse to the audience. In

other words, informing the reader about what is the discourse about and for what is meant for.

For the rhetorical constituent rhetors I can define it as the characters that are in the discourse. I

define them as characters because they are inside the discourse. On the other hand, I would

describe the Audience as people that are enjoying the discourse by reading it. Lastly, I would

define constraints as the audience opinion because it shows the audience attitude towards the

discourse. Three different rhetorical situations can be the audience, rhetors, and constrain.

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