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Reyes 1

Valeria Reyes

ENGL 1301-129

Judith McCann

30, September 2021

Essay Draft 2

People love to look amazing and flawless when it comes into doing their makeup.

Something that can be kind of helpful for individuals is watching different vlogs that can help

them learn how to do their make up. A great place where it could be helpful to find good

information that can teach people how to do their makeup is on YouTube. This platform is a

great place to find different vlogers that can teach others different tips on their makeup. Some

great youtubers that do makeup tutorials are “James Charles,” “Reuben de Maid”, and “Nikkie

tutorials.” Even thought these youtubers have the same content , they each one has its own

unique way of doing their makeup tutorials. Some of this youtubers can talk more about what

kind of products they are using. Which means that they give more information about the

products. Another thing some youtubers do is give extra information about how to do a specific

part of the makeup while they are applying it. The last thing some youtubers focus is on the

comments people leave on their makeup videos.

To begin with, James Charles is one of the most fundamental people in social media

when it comes into doing makeup. James Charles has a lot of makeup tutorials on his YouTube

channel that can be really helpful to others. In fact, he has some YouTube videos that are for

makeup beginners. This type of videos can be very helpful for people that are just starting to

learn how to do their makeup. James Charles usually gives some tips on where people can start

doing their makeup on. For instance, he likes to do his eyebrows before his eyeshadow because
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he can get nice eyebrows. He also give advice on how to find the perfect shape of your eyebrows

so you can look better. In other words, he likes to give little tips on how to do your makeup

better which can help you. Another thing James Charles does in his YouTube tutorials is answer

people’s questions that have to do with makeup. This is actually really helpful for people because

they can get advice on things they really don’t understand. He likes to describe every little thing

he does when he is doing his makeup. Which makes his tutorials easy to understand and helpful

for people. He likes to mention what kind of brushes he uses to blend in his makeup on his face.

This is so important when it comes to doing your makeup because they are different types of

brushes that are used for different things. This will defiantly help people understand what brush

to use to blend an Specific place on their face which will make their makeup look better. James

Charles also gives advice on how to perfectly blend the eyeshadow which is helpful for people to

understand what position they should move their brush so it will completely blend. James

Charles states that he recommends to put very little of product on the brush and if you need more

then apply more. One of the reasons why he recommends this is because sometimes your

eyeshadow will look very dark which is not good. This is actually a great tip for people that are

learning how to do their eyeshadow for the first time. He also explains how people’s face will

look if they make their makeup a certain way ,so this will help them think about how they will

look. James Charles is a great YouTuber that is really good at explaining makeup tutorials and

has great tips.

On the other hand, Reuben de Maid is a celebrity that also does makeup videos. Reuben

de Maid usually likes to focus more on making Reviews on different type of makeups and talks

about his opinion about the product he is using. Reuben de Maid likes to try different types of


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