Valeria Reyes Chapter 30 Reflect Activity PG 682

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Reyes 1

Valeria Reyes

ENGL 1302-129

Judith McCann

6 October, 2021

Reflect Activity Pg. 682

In my opinion everyone has their different writing style and I think it is completely normal

because that’s what makes a person unique from other people. For instance, as Lunsford mentioned

in her book someone’s style depends on their topic, stance, purpose, genre and Audience

(Lunsford, 680). A great example I can use that I know it has it’s own style can be my aunt. One

of the reasons why I would use my aunt as an example is because her writing style is unique. One

of the ways how her writing style is unique is by writing motivational quotes and sharing them in

social media. Another reason why I would use her as an example is because she always writes

quotes that talk about God which makes a positive vibe. In my opinion I enjoy reading what she

writes in her social media because in one way or another it motivates me to be better every day.

Another reason why I like her writing style is because it motivates me to never give up and try to

meet my goals. A great example of her writing style can be this quote she shared in her social

media “Never stop trying, It might be hard ,but not impossible. Never give up on your goals.” I

really loved this quote she wrote because it motivates me to be a better person each day. One of

the ways how her writing style can relate to her personal style is when I talk to her. When I talk to

my aunt about how I feel, she is always happy and there for me which makes me feel in a good

vibe when I am around her. Another way how her writing style is similar to her personal style is

the way she likes to help out people in many ways.

I think that I would describe my writing style between formal and informal. Sometimes
Reyes 2

when I write an essay for school, I really have to find the perfect words to explain my

topic. I usually do this because that will look more formal in my essay. On the other hand, when it

comes into social media, I have different Audience which means that I can write the words that

come up to mind when I want to express or describe something. I think that I will also describe my

writing style in both ways formal and informal because there are different topics in each situation

and I also have different audience in both of my writings. In some of the writings I do for school I

kind of express differently, but at the same time I can relate with some of the topics I talk about in

my essays. I think that I try to be as formal as possible when it comes to my school essays because

I want to sound professional with my professors. As Lunsford stated in chapter 30, they are three

types of tones when it comes to writing which are humorous, serious, and exasperated tone

(Lunsford ,676). When it comes to writing a formal essay for school my tone is usually serious,

but if the writing is for social media it would be a humorous tone.

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