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Reyes 1

Valeria Reyes

ENGL 1301-129

Judith McCann

11 October, 2021

Activity Questions

I really enjoyed reading chapter 33 in this book. I learned many things in this chapter one

of the things I learned is how to write nice complete sentences. I also learned when it is

important to use a verb, subject, or noun in a sentence. What comes up to mind when you hear

the word introductory information? In my opinion something that comes up to my mind when I

hear this word is the introduction of something. It can be the beginning of a sentence that

explains what it is talking about. For instance, according to Lunsford something that is always at

the begging of a sentence is the subject (Lunsford ,746). This is super important because the

subject makes the sentence be complete and easy to understand it. Lunsford states that writers

tend to start a sentence with a introductory word or phrase ( Lunsford , 746). A great example, I

can use that it is missing a introductory word is a sentence in my essay 2 which is the following

sentence, “ Which means that they give more information about the product.” In this sentence

the word “Which” makes it an incomplete sentence, so instead I can use the word “This” to make

it a complete sentence.

Possessive pronouns are pronouns that expresses possession nouns such as their, hers,

theirs, or mine. A great example I can use is a sentence in my essay draft that has a possessive

pronoun which is the following sentence, “People love to look amazing and flawless when it

comes into doing their makeup.” In this sentence the pronoun I used was the word their.
Reyes 2

According to Lunsford she stated that the word “their” indicated possession (Lunsford, 752).This

word is mainly used to show the possession of something someone has.

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