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Internet Slang You Should Know: The Good and Bad

Here are some popular slang words being used today and their meanings:

 Bae: “Before anyone else.” Used as a term of endearment for a significant other or crush.

 Bet: Can be used instead of “yes” or “ok”, or as a response to a challenge, like “we’ll see” or
“watch me”.

 Cap/No cap: “Cap” means to lie whereas “no cap” means to be truthful.

 Extra: Unnecessarily over the top and dramatic.

 Fire: Really cool or amazing.

 Flex: To flaunt, like knowingly flaunting your status.

 FOMO: Fear of missing out.

 Ghost: To purposely ignore someone.

 Gucci: When something is cool or good.

 JBH: Just being honest.

 Lit: Word to describe when something is high-energy, super fun, and exciting. Can also mean
drunk or high.

 Salty: This means that you are bitter or mad towards something or someone.

 Shade: Generally means that someone’s actions are sneaky or unsavory, like “throwing

 Ship: Short for relationship.

 Slay: To be good at something or succeed.

 Snatched: Word that refers to someone who is fashionable or looks really good.

 Tea: Alternative phrase for gossip.

Red Flag Slang Terms to Watch Out For

Most online slang that teens use these days is harmless, but there are still a few bad apples floating
around that you should be aware of. In high-risk situations online, teens may use slang to hide their
mischievous or even dangerous behavior. Here are some red flag slang terms that are trending and
that you should watch out for:

 Addy: Short for Adderall, a medication that is used recreationally that is normally intended
to treat ADHD.

 ASLP: Acronym for age, sex, location, picture; often used by online predators.

 Break green or 420: This means to share marijuana with your friends or code for marijuana.

 Catfishing: Using a fake social profile to pretend to be someone else.

 Cook session: When a group of people gangs up on someone via social media.

 CU46: See you for sex.

 Down in the DM: Usually meant to share or ask for nude photos through private messages
on apps or to find a hookup.

 FWB: Friends with benefits.

 GNOC: Get naked on camera.

 KMS: Kill myself.

 KYS: Kill yourself.

 Netflix and chill: A euphemism for a casual hookup; to meet under the pretense of watching
TV together but actually just meeting for a hookup.
 NP4NP: Naked picture for naked picture.

 NSFW: Not safe for work.

 POS: Parent over shoulder.

 Ratchet: Usually describes someone as nasty, ugly, or awful.

 #selfharmmm: This is a trending hashtag used on social media to identify or even glorify self-
harming habits, such as cutting.

 Sugarpic: Erotic or suggestive picture.

 Thirsty: To be desperate for something.

 Xan/Xans/Xanny: Short for Xanax, a drug used to treat anxiety that is often used
recreationally with young adults.

 53x: Sex.

 9: Code for “a parent is watching”.

 99: Code for “parents are gone”.

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