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Game Effect Based on Particle System in Unity 3D

Raza Imam, Aligarh Muslim University
Qazi Mohammad Areeb, Aligarh Muslim University

With growing maturity of technology and rapid development in video games industry, players
have higher needs for game display. To fulfil this, game developers still pursue higher game
effects. Effects like fire, rain, shadow, explosion makes game attractive and shut to reality.
it’s difficult to experience these effects personally in world, but are often simulated in virtual
gaming world. during this paper, through the analysis of the essential principle and application
method of Unity3D’s particle system, we design and implement common game scene effects,
mainly simulation and realize the effect of a fire-system and water-system in conjunction with
a “Exhaustive” effect by combining both the results.

1 Introduction
The gaming industry has been one of the main driving forces behind the development of ad-
vanced modern hardware such as multi-core, hyperthreaded processors, high-performance
graphics processing units (GPUs), advanced sound processing devices, and extraordinary
human-computer interface devices such as virtual reality helmets and brain sensor caps [1].
The computer gaming industry has grown by leaps and bounds, becoming a mainstream soft-
ware development sector, and earning billions of dollars in revenue each year. Computer
games are like a book, a movie, or a museum [2].
In this paper we present our experience in creating an Effect based on the Unity game
Engine. Unity 3D is a Professional Game Engine which is mostly adapted in the recent years.
It has gained tremendous attention from game developers’ community for its quirky features

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Raza Imam,

Citation: Imam, R., Areeb, Q.M. (2021). Game Effect Based on Particle System in Unity 3D. Academia Letters,
Article 2447.

and strong capabilities. The high-quality audio and visual effects ease the development. Par-
ticles system is one of the effects which makes game irresistible and appealing. It helps in
generating a large number of particles with small lifespans in an efficient manner. These sys-
tems undergo a separate rendering process; they can instantiate particles even when there are
hundreds or thousands of objects. Particle systems are like salt; just a small amount can add
extra “pizzazz” to whatever you’re cooking up. Modern games that don’t use particle systems
in some manner can feel quite bland. In this paper, we designed a fire effect and a water effect.
Through Scripting and Programming along with some animation we try to connect both the
effects and produce logic and realism.

2 Particle System
Particle System may be a structure use to regulate the behavior of the many elements called
particles, where a particle is an object with some properties like position, velocity, and size.
it’s a set of the many minute particles that together represent a fuzzy object. Particle System
may be a technique in game physics, motion graphics, and special effects that uses an out-
sized number of very small sprites, 3D models, or other graphic objects to simulate certain
sorts of otherwise very hard to breed with conventional rendering “fuzzy” phenomena, which
are techniques-usually highly chaotic systems, natural phenomena, or processes caused by
chemical reactions[3]. The Particle System emits particles which are small representations
of straight forward images or meshes, that structure a bigger whole. they’re small sprites or
models which will create all quite effects like explosion, fire, water, lightning etc.

3 Particle System in Unity 3D

Unity 3D provides with modules so that the user can easily create particle system rather than
writing long codes every time. In the Particle System window, one sets the modules of the
particles that affect their behavior, these can range from collisions to speed to the color changes
over their lifetime. The Particle System in Unity is component, meaning it can be added to
any game object in the scene, this makes using the system flexible and easy.

3.1 Modules provided by Unity 3D

Unity technologies provides very efficient way to make any sort of particle effects. In the
inspector window of the particle system, there are several modules for designing the effect.

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Raza Imam,

Citation: Imam, R., Areeb, Q.M. (2021). Game Effect Based on Particle System in Unity 3D. Academia Letters,
Article 2447.

These modules are responsible for different types of production of thousands of particle ef-
fects. Some default Modules and its functions are given below:

• Duration – sets the duration of the Particle System

• Looping – sets the Particle to loop over a certain amount of time

• Prewarm – starts the emission as if one loop had been completed beforehand

• Start Delay – sets the amount of delay before the Particle Starts emitting

• Start Lifetime – sets the initial lifetime for the Particles

• Start Size – sets the initial size of Particles

• Start Rotation – sets the initial rotation of the Particles

• Start Color – sets the initial color of the Particles

• Gravity – scales the gravity value set in Unity’s physics manager window

Fig.1 Default Modules

Some other modules provided by Unity 3D are:

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Raza Imam,

Citation: Imam, R., Areeb, Q.M. (2021). Game Effect Based on Particle System in Unity 3D. Academia Letters,
Article 2447.

• Emission

• Shape

• Velocity over lifetime

• Force over lifetime

• Color over lifetime

• Size over lifetime

• Rotation over lifetime

• Renderer

• Collision

To create believable effects, usually more than one particle system is layered in the effect,
as the things one can do with just one are quite limiting. Effects like fire and lightning requires
more than one particle system in a scene. For example, Fire can require many particle effects
such as fire glowing, smoke emerging etc.
Each Particle System in a Scene are related with each other so as to produce a complete
and realistic effects. Each particle system behaves in a unique manner. While creating a
particle system, it is important to consider all possible parameters that we may want to affect
the system at any time in the game. There are two major parts to a particle system: the intrinsic
behavior of the particles themselves and the environment. Intrinsic behavior is influenced by
such attributes as particle color, velocity, lifetime and movement pattern. The environment
consists of a set of external factors which act on the particles; these factors usually have an
effect on all the particles in the system [4]. It is also important to link particles systems with
each other.

4 Development of Effect
Visual Effects in games consist mainly of gameplay effects (power ups, magic, sword trails)
and environmental effects (rain, smoke). Different Games have different amount of each. Here
we will be implementing two kind of game effect. Then we will be connecting both the effects
so as to produce a realistic effect.

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Raza Imam,

Citation: Imam, R., Areeb, Q.M. (2021). Game Effect Based on Particle System in Unity 3D. Academia Letters,
Article 2447.

4.1 Development of ‘Fire’ Effect
As one knows that a fire does not only consists of flames, it rather consists of black and white
smokes, glowing effects and so on. So first add Flames and then add smoke as its child particle
system. First of all, create a new particle system in Unity 3D, apply material named ‘flames’
and then assign it to system renderer material. So now, each particle looks like flame, after
this, we need to adjust the basic parameters of particles, including launch position, direction,
speed and particle size, etc. When we are finished, we will get a flame model as shown in

Fig.2 Sample Model of Flame

So now we need to add Smoke so as to complete the particle system. Create a child
particle system of flame system in Unity 3D, apply material named ‘smoke’ and then assign
it to system renderer material. So now, smoke is emerging from the flame, after this, we need
to adjust the basic parameters of smoke particles. So, we get smoke system as shown in Fig.3.

4.2 Development of ‘Water’ Effect

Create a new particle system in Unity3D, we need to design an originating effect in which
water emerges from a point and falls in the ground. So, we should adjust the basic information
of the particle emitter, including life cycle, emission speed, maximum particle quantity and
so on. One of the important steps is to turn on the gravity bool from the module. When we

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Raza Imam,

Citation: Imam, R., Areeb, Q.M. (2021). Game Effect Based on Particle System in Unity 3D. Academia Letters,
Article 2447.

Fig.3 Model of Flame after adding smoke

are finished, we will get a water model as shown in Fig.4.

4.3 Coding
While the most common use for coding with particles is most likely spawning the object itself
with instantiate, the Particle Systems can also be affected through code. Every module that
the system has can be accessed and modified through code. In this paper we try to connect
both fire and water system and produce a Extinguish effect. Place the water system above the
fire system. When water particle system is active, we destroy the fire particle system.
The extinguish effect is a bit complicated in real life. The interaction between the flame
and water particle may produce many kinds of visual effects. When the water falls on the
ground, we would want the flames to go out of sight slowly rather than just getting destroyed.
We need to simulate this effect through animation. Using the animation editor, make key
frame animation, adjust its sequence and playback speed until it produces realistic extinguish
Now, we need to play this animation once we destroy our fire particle system and play the
water particle system. This can be controlled by the script given below:
<pre>Public class exhaustive: MonoBehaviour
Public bool isFireSystemActive=True;

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Raza Imam,

Citation: Imam, R., Areeb, Q.M. (2021). Game Effect Based on Particle System in Unity 3D. Academia Letters,
Article 2447.

Fig.4 Water Particle System

Fig.4 Animation Editor

Public bool isWaterSystemActive=False;

Public Animation anim;
Void Start ()
anim=gameobject. GetComponent<Animation> ();

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Raza Imam,

Citation: Imam, R., Areeb, Q.M. (2021). Game Effect Based on Particle System in Unity 3D. Academia Letters,
Article 2447.

Void Update ()
gameobject. GetComponent<Animation> (). Play ();
Now we have a complete effect of fire and water along with animation.

5 Conclusion
This study aims to style and develop two particle system effect using Unity Game Engine
and with the assistance of Scripting and Programming, enable connection between the two
effects. This paper also deals with multiple particle system and their relation. Without com-
puter graphics, game is perhaps a touch boring. Sound effects are relatively easy to feature
and have an enormous impact on the enjoyment factor. Pyrotechnics can add even more ex-
citement and incentive. In 3D games especially, these will usually involve particle systems.
Particle systems are used for creating smoke, fire, dust, and lots of specialty effects requir-
ing an outsized number of comparable objects. Unity3D particle system is extremely perfect
and mature, it’s good stability and excellent interactive interface, provide amazing user ex-
periences for game developers. It can present practical scenes more easily and conveniently.
The functions that Unity3D supports autonomously are very abundant. All game develop-
ments are possible like shader, physics engine, network, terrain manipulation, audio, video,
and animation, and it’s enabled in order that it’s possible to revise, meeting demand of user
consistent with the necessity. A particle system may be a trade-off between realism and com-
putational shortcuts. The more fully the laws of physics are obeyed by a particle system, the
more processing power is required.

Conflict of Interest: NONE

[1] “Enrichment of Human-Computer Interaction in Brain-Computer Interfaces via Virtual
Environments”. November 2017 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2017(5687):1-
12 DOI: 10.1155/2017/6076913

[2] Pa.Megha L.Nachammai ,T.M.Senthil Ganesan, “3D Game Development using Unity
Game Engine”. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9,

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Raza Imam,

Citation: Imam, R., Areeb, Q.M. (2021). Game Effect Based on Particle System in Unity 3D. Academia Letters,
Article 2447.

Issue 3, March-2018. ISSN 2229-5518

[3] Lei Shi, Wenyong Wang, “The status quo and realization of Waterfall simulation based on
particle system”. International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology
(ICCSNT), 2015 4th, pp. 91-93.

[4] Daniel O. Kutz, Richard R. Eckert, “Enhancing the Control and Performance of Particle
Systems through the use of Local Environments”.

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Raza Imam,

Citation: Imam, R., Areeb, Q.M. (2021). Game Effect Based on Particle System in Unity 3D. Academia Letters,
Article 2447.

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