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Teenagers are mostly related with energy, however, nowadays it is more common to find them
starting a sedentary life in front of a computer. That’s why competitive sports are being leaving
aside from the to do list of young people, besides that they have a highly value on their lives,
for the next reasons.

On one hand, competitive sports gives you the opportunity of having a more healthy lifestyle,
this is not only focus on the physical part, also mental health is included, because being in a
competitive environment makes them conscious and responsible about their decisions. This
ripeness acquired have a direct influence on their lifes, enhancing their planification of their
time, because a competitive athlete has to be capable of carry on a double life.

On the other hand, some people affirm that this kind of activity could be a huge load owing on
the fact that they have academic tasks, so practicing a sport adding that it is in a competition
level could be prejudicial. Nevertheless, in my opinion teenagers have enough time for
extracurricular activities, the key is on searching a balance with organization.

In conclusion we have to promote this kind of physical activity because of two main reasons: it
is a way of health care and also improves your capability of organize you time.

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