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Play sports. Spending time in sports is always a good idea.

Free time can be a time to do it more often or to learn a
new sport.

Organize outings. Weekends are the perfect time for

excursions, outings to the countryside or bicycle rides in
which the family takes the opportunity to get out of the
places that are usually frequented and discover new
Make cultural visits. Visit museums or exhibitions where
children and parents learn new things. It is important that
they are attractive to all and not "shoehorn culture."

Help at home. Lending a hand at home should be a day-to-

day habit, but when we have more time we can focus on
things that require more time such as repairs or cleaning.
Watch movies or series. Watching movies or series with
the family is the perfect excuse to share a moment
between parents and children. In addition, sharing this
moment will allow the family to discuss with the children
aspects of the movies or series, this will in turn serve to
teach the children something new to learn something from
the parents. It is important to be aware that children do
not abuse television. Too much television prevents
conversation, encourages passivity, prevents development

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