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published: 10 September 2018

doi: 10.3389/fmed.2018.00252

Polymorphic Light Eruption: What’s

New in Pathogenesis and
Serena Lembo 1* and Annunziata Raimondo 2
Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry, “Scuola Medica Salernitana”, University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy,
Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples, Federico II, Naples, Italy

Polymorphic light eruption is the commonest photosensitive disorder, characterized by

an intermittent eruption of non-scarring erythematous papules, vesicles or plaques that
develop within hours of ultraviolet radiation exposure of patient skin. Together with the
lesions, a terrible itch starts and increases with the spreading of the disease, sometimes
aggravated by a sort of burning sensation. Clinical picture and symptoms can improve
Edited by:
during the rest of the summer with further solar exposures. In the last years many
Frank Ronald De Gruijl, advances have been performed in the knowledge of its pathogenesis and some news
Leiden University Medical Center,
have been proposed as preventive, as well as therapeutic options. All this has been
discussed in the current mini review.
Reviewed by:
Vijaykumar Patra, Keywords: polymorphic light eruption, photosensitive disorders, phototherapy, apoptosis, delayed type
Medizinische Universität Graz, Austria hypersensitivity reaction
Sally Helen Ibbotson,
University of Dundee, United Kingdom

*Correspondence: INTRODUCTION
Serena Lembo During winter, sometimes dermatologists receive asymptomatic patients, with no specific lesions
other than, perhaps, some post-inflammatory discoloration, but with a desperate need for help.
Specialty section: They start to tell the story of a number of papules or vesicles appearing on their skin after the
This article was submitted to first intense sun exposure of the year. Together with the lesions, a terrible itch starts and increases
with the spreading of the disease, following the next sun exposure, sometimes aggravated by a sort
a section of the journal
of burning sensation. Nevertheless, this people are model sun seekers and continue to enjoy the
Frontiers in Medicine
sunshine throughout the summer, waiting for the papules to gradually fade and disappear. The
Received: 29 May 2018 main questions are: how can I prevent this? Why I’m getting this problem since “5” years now, but
Accepted: 22 August 2018
I never had it before?
Published: 10 September 2018
We are most probably dealing with polymorphic light eruption (PLE) and, following the
requests of our patients, medical research has mainly been focused on prevention strategies become
Lembo S and Raimondo A (2018)
Polymorphic Light Eruption: What’s
nowadays quite satisfactory. On the other side, the second and certainly less explored question
New in Pathogenesis and remains unclear, unless multiple pieces have been added to this rather complicate puzzle. Aim of
Management. Front. Med. 5:252. this brief review is to resume the most recent advances in PLE possible mechanisms and the most
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2018.00252 used protocols for prevention or treatment.

Frontiers in Medicine | 1 September 2018 | Volume 5 | Article 252

Lembo and Raimondo Polymorphic Light Eruption: News Overview

PLE is the commonest photosensitive disorder, characterized by
an intermittent eruption of non-scarring pruritic erythematous
papules, vesicles or plaques (Figure 1) that develop within
hours of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure of patient skin.
The disease is dependent on genetic susceptibility, as well
as environmental component, such as type of exposure. PLE
appears to cluster in families: it has been estimated that the
prevalence of PLE was 21 and 18% in monozygotic and dizygotic
twins, respectively (1). Moreover, a positive family history of
PLE in first-degree relatives was present in 12% of affected twin
pairs respect to 4% of unaffected twin pairs (p < 0.0001). The
probandwise concordance in monozygotic was superior than in
dizygotic twin pairs (0.72 vs. 0.30, respectively), demonstrating
a strong genetic effect (1). Many genes of potential interest in
FIGURE 1 | Clinical picture of polymorphic light eruption in a young woman.
the pathogenesis of PLE have been investigated with generally
unrewarding results. Using segregation analysis, it has been
estimated that 72% of the UK population carry a low penetrance
thereafter transformed in auto-reactive T cells (6, 7). This
PLE susceptibility allele (2).
partial failure of the apoptosis contributes, together with the
inadequate immunosuppression after UV exposure, to the
The Failure of Apoptosis: the Possible antigen recognition and presentation, leading to the clinical
Photo-Induced Neo Antigens manifestation typical of PLE patients (8). Indeed, the failure of
In a recent genome-wide expression analysis, only 16 genes normal UVR-induced immunosuppression has been proved as
were differentially expressed between PLE and healthy controls the main immunological abnormality in PLE, explained, initially,
after UV irradiation respect to control (3). Of these genes, 14 by the permanence of Langerhans cells (LCs) in the epidermis.
showed lower expression in PLE patients, whereas two resulted This over-activation of the immune system, which escapes to the
over-expressed. Among the 14 genes with lower expression functional UV-induced tolerance, is probably responsible for the
in PLE are: complement 1s subunit (C1s), scavenger receptor reduced skin cancer prevalence in PLE patients (9). On the other
B1 (SCARB1) fibronectin (FN1), immunoglobulin superfamily hand, the same mechanism is guilty for the failure of allergic
member 3 (IGSF3), caspase-1 (CASP1) and paraoxonase 2 contact dermatitis (ACD) suppression, after UVR exposure (10).
(PON2), all genes associated with apoptotic cell clearance. It
has been supposed that protein modification during apoptotic
Inflammatory Pathway: Delayed-Type
cell clearance could lead to potential auto-antigen formation (4).
Then, the reduced expression in PLE patients of genes connected Hypersensitivity Reaction
to this process might represent a possible auto-antigen source, The immunological mechanisms involved in PLE, with mediators
as well as a crucial phase in the initiation of the autoimmune from the innate and adaptive immune system, are very similar,
process that promotes the disease (3). In accordance to these either from the histological or the biochemical point of view,
findings, Kuhn et al. showed accumulation of apoptotic cells in to the ACD ones. In effect, in the early seventies, Epstein
PLE patients irradiated either with 1.5 Minimal Erythema Dose first indicated PLE as a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction
(MED) of UVB, or 60–100 J/cm2 of UVA1, compared to controls (DTHR) to undefined UVR-induced cutaneous antigen (11).
(5). Recently, to reinforce this concept, some of the inflammatory
mediators involved in ACD have been demonstrated also in
Immunity: Tolerance’s Failure PLE. For example, IL-1 family (12, 13), a growing group of
Auto-antigens deriving from the inefficient clearance of cytokines that play several roles in immune regulation and
apoptotic cells, are probably taken up by dendritic cells inflammation (14), involved also in ACD pathogenesis (12, 15),
(DCs) and presented to naive T-cells (cytotoxic and helper) has been explored also in PLE (16). IL-36α and IL-36γ, the
pro-inflammatory members of IL-1 family were increased in
Abbreviations: IL, Interleukin; PLE, Polymorphic light eruption; ACD, Allergic
PLE respect to controls, as for ACD samples, but IL-36γ was
contact dermatitis; DTHR, Delayed type hypersensitivity reaction; UVR, much enhanced in PLE than in ACD (16). Acting through
Ultraviolet radiation; C1s, Complement 1s subunit; SCARB1, Scavenger receptor the common receptor composed of IL-36R and IL-1R/AcP
B1; FN1, Fibronectin; IGSF3, Immunoglobulin superfamily member 3; CASP1, (IL-1RL2), IL-36α, IL-36β, and IL-36γ activate NF-κB and
Caspase-1; PON2, Paraoxonase 2; MED, Minimal Erythema Dose; DCs, Dendritic MAPKs, promoting inflammatory reactions. The increase of IL-
cells; LCs, Langerhans cells; TLR, Toll like receptor; AMPs, Antimicrobial
peptides; SPF, Sun protection factor; PUVA, Psoralen and UVA therapy; NB-UVB,
36s in skin and peripheral blood of PLE patients indicates the
Narrowband; BB-UVB, Broadband UVB; MPD, Minimum phototoxic dose; Tregs, activation of local and systemic immune response, as found in
Regulatory T cells; PL, Polypodiumleucotomos. multiple inflammatory skin conditions (15, 17, 18). Probably,

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Lembo and Raimondo Polymorphic Light Eruption: News Overview

the link between IL-36s and UVR exposure is represented When administrated at 480 mg/daily before sun exposure it
by the paracrine pro-inflammatory signal of toll like receptor significantly reduced skin reactions and subjective symptoms
(TLR)-3 activation, due to the release of RNA by necrotic (30, 31). Regarding topical corticosteroid, even if no trials have
keratinocytes (19). Indeed, the failure of apoptotic clearance in been made to determine their efficacy in PLE, they are widely
PLE, with abundance of cellular debris, could be responsible for used to reduce itch (26). The second line of treatments for
an amplification of this “alert signal.” PLE includes systemic corticosteroids and photo(chemo)therapy
Moreover, IL-36s could contribute to amplify the innate (26). In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (32)
immune signal and the consequent inflammatory cascade, the authors suggested the use of 25 mg prednisolone daily for
promoting antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) (20). 4–5 days at the onset of the eruption. Although, the potential
long-term side effects of repeated courses of prednisolone
Inflammatory Pathway: AMPs and must be considered, it could be advised for patients who
suffer from occasional attacks of PLE, in the absence of any
Microbiome contraindications. In milder cases of PLE, a self-conditioning
As largely examined in multiple skin inflammatory processes,
programme by graduate exposure to sunlight in springtime may
these mediators, named as defensins (α and β), cathelicidin
be sufficient (33). Whereas, in more severe cases, medically
(LL37), ribonuclease 7 (RNase7) and psoriasin (S100A7), in light
supervised conditioning/desensitization treatment may be more
of the imbalance induced by UVR on keratinocytes and skin
appropriate. A course of psoralen and UVA therapy (PUVA),
microbiome, have also been investigated in PLE (21, 22). Patra
narrowband (NB)-UVB or broadband (BB)-UVB phototherapy,
et al. have found that the expression of psoriasin, RNase7, HBD-2,
usually administered in early spring, can be effective as well
and LL-37 was increased in PLE lesional skin, whereas HBD-3
as prophylactic treatment (26). Treatment protocol generally
was decreased. Considering the skin surface as a “multiethnic
consists of one course of phototherapy/photochemotherapy over
world,” without forgetting the crucial role of keratinocytes,
5–6 weeks. Starting doses depend on minimal erythemal dose
we can’t exclude that AMPs release could be determined by
(MED) or minimum phototoxic dose (MPD), and are frequently
modification in microbiome components after UV interaction
50–70% of these measured thresholds with incremental increases.
(23). Indeed, microbiome could represent the source, direct or
To maintain the benefit acquired with the desensitizing therapy,
indirect, of the yet undetected UVR-induced antigens formed in
a regular sun exposure throughout summer is advised, otherwise
PLE patients, leading to keratinocyte damage. As a consequence,
the hardening could be lost within 4–6 weeks. In the treatment
LL-37, also induced by UVB, IFNγ, TNF-α, IL-6, could represent
of PLE, NB-UVB should be preferred to PUVA (strength of
a potential indirect driver of PLE (23). It can form aggregates
recommendation D; level of evidence 4), because of the lower risk
with self-nucleic acids able to activate pDCs: in psoriasis it has
of photocarcinogenesis, no risk of nausea or other side-effects
been recognized as the main autoantigen (24). Even though in
associated with the ingestion of MOP, and no need to use post-
PLE patients a complete absence of pDCs has been reported
treatment eye protection. However, PUVA should be considered,
(25), an autoimmune milieu exists, and LL-37 could play a
before other systemic treatments, if NB-UVB has failed or has
pivotal role, inducing other inflammatory pathways. In Figure S1
previously triggered the eruption. In effect, as described below,
(Supplementary Material), the concepts expressed above are
the efficacy has been proved for multiple phototherapy regimens
visualized in a cartoon.
(BB-UVB, NB-UVB and PUVA), and side-effects, in term of rash
provocation, erythema and itch were found to be more common
Therapy of Polymorphic Light Eruption: with UVB than with PUVA (34). As summarized, in the literature,
What’s New? the efficacy of PUVA results in a 65–100% photoprotection
The first line of treatment for PLE includes sun avoidance, rate (34). Multiple comparative studies have been performed,
sunscreens and topical corticosteroids (26). For all patients but from the only randomized controlled trial between PUVA
preventive management is fundamental during sunny weather, and NB-UVB plus placebo tablets, three times a week, for 5
by avoidance of intense UVR exposure and use of protective weeks, no significant difference in efficacy emerged, considering
clothing, as well as application of sunscreen, in particular occurrence of PLE or outdoor activity restriction (35). In the
during the first exposure of the year. New generation broad- 10 years retrospective review, reported by Man et al. (36), 170
spectrum sunscreens, with high sun protection factor for patients with moderate-to-severe PLE received PUVA and/or
UVB (SPF), together with longer wavelength UVA protection, UVB phototherapy. In detail, 8 patients received PUVA, 128
have been reported to confer total or partial protection NB-UVB, 5 BB-UVB, and 29 patients, who failed to respond
in up to 90% of PLE patients (27, 28). The use of oral satisfactorily to NB-UVB, were given PUVA the following year.
antioxidants and nicotinamide could represent an additional Self-assessments were made of the severity, and frequency of
valid preventive measure for these patients. The beneficial effects PLE episodes were reported at the follow up visits in autumn
of nicotinamide have been investigated in an uncontrolled or during the following spring. Good or moderate improvement
trial of 42 patients, where 60% of them reported complete was reported in 88% of patients treated with PUVA and in 89%
abolition of symptoms when taking 2–3 g of nicotinamide who received UVB. Of the patients treated with both PUVA
daily, before sun exposure (29). Moreover, an extract of the and NB-UVB, the majority preferred PUVA. In another 14-years
tropical fern Polypodiumleucotomos [PL) has been shown to retrospective study on 79 patients treated with phototherapy (37),
exert both potent antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects. the efficacy, measured during the following summer in term of

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Lembo and Raimondo Polymorphic Light Eruption: News Overview

photoprotection with complete/partial remission, was 65% for successfully treated are reported in literature (43, 44). Moreover,
PUVA, 82% for BB-UVB and 83% for UVA alone. In this case hydroxychloroquine, omega-3 fatty acids, and beta-carotene
the treatment with PUVA was reserved to more severe PLE have been proposed as treatments, but further double-blind,
forms. randomized controlled trials to really assess their clinical efficacy
The mechanisms by which phototherapy induces are required.
photoprotection are not fully understood.
However, in the last years many advances have been CONCLUSIONS
performed. In addition to the well-known effects on
melaninization and epidermal thickening of phototherapy, Since the high prevalence and increasing incidence of PLE,
a wide range of UV induced immunomodulatory and anti- associated to discomfort and life style restrictions, future
inflammatory properties are reported (38). Both UVB and studies are necessary to find novel therapeutic and/or
UVA modulate adhesion molecule expression and induce preventive strategies. The choice of the appropriate PLE
soluble mediators, such as a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, treatment requires a good knowledge of the individual
IL-10 (which suppresses the production of interferon γ) and clinical course of the disease together with the possibility
prostaglandin E2, that explicate anti-inflammatory actions, of performing phototest. Some new aspects in the possible
preventing T cells activation and promoting apoptosis of skin activation and promotion of the inflammatory process have been
infiltrating T cells (34). Moreover, it has been demonstrated highlighted.
that prophylactic UV photohardening in PLE patients restores To the current state of knowledge, despite the identification
the UV-induced LC migration from the epidermis to the of some crucial cellular regulation involved on the restoration
skin-draining lymph nodes: one of the key cellular event in of the immune tolerance, it is difficult to draw definite
UV-immunosuppression (39). The tolerance induced by LC conclusions about the efficacy of various potential treatments
is mediated by the release of immunosuppressive cytokine in PLE, due to lack of adequate studies and the difficulty
such as IL-10, and by the interference with maturation and in assessing outcome measures. The clinical score to assess
induction of regulatory T cells (Tregs) (40). Moreover, recently, PLE severity (PLESI) (45) remains an instrument scarcely
an interesting link has been reported among LC, Tregs and used and mainly restricted to research purposes. The
vitamin D3. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that a short-term deeper study of the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms
1 week topical pre-treatment with the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin of the disorder will permit a more targeted treatment
D analogue, calcipotriol, diminished PLE symptoms after approach.
subsequent experimental photoprovocation (41). In addition, in
a murine study 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D showed comparable AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
immunosuppressive effects as UV (42). Another interesting
crosstalk has been highlighted between LCs and mast cells. SL projected the manuscript, selected the material for the paper,
In addition to their recognized role in atopy, dermal mast wrote the initial draft and corrected the following drafts of the
cells are also responsible for protecting the skin from UVB- manuscript. AR was engaged in the writing of the manuscript,
induced inflammation, promoting UV immunosuppression supporting new ideas of contents and style.
(40). Human studies have demonstrated that after acute and
chronic UVR exposure, dermal mast cells number increases, SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
together with the release of IL-10. Overall these data suggest
a potential role for mast cells in PLE, and in the mechanism The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
of photohardening. In accordance with this, Wolf et al. have online at:
reported, for the first time, that photohardening significantly 2018.00252/full#supplementary-material
increases mast cell density in the papillary dermis of PLE patients Figure S1 | Interplay between innate and adaptive immune system in a context of
(40). Summarizing, photohardening works in PLE by restoring apoptosis failure in the epidermis. (Green symbol) Psoriasin: abundant expression
in spinous and granular layers of PLE skin. (Blue symbol) RNase7: mainly
the normal UV immune suppressive pathway, involving multiple
expressed in keratinocytes of the stratum granulosum and stratum corneum of
cell types. The third line treatment for PLE includes the use PLE lesions. (Yellow symbol) LL-37 was profoundly expressed in and around
of systemic immunosuppressive drugs, such as azathioprine blood vessels and glands in PLE. (Violet cell symbol) Apoptotic keratinocytes with
and cyclosporine. However, only sporadic cases of patients inefficient clearance.

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Frontiers in Medicine | 6 September 2018 | Volume 5 | Article 252

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