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To: Regional Director

From: Head, interviewing team

Subject: Appointment of Sales and Marketing Director ( Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)
Dear Claudia

We recently interviewed three candidates for this position.

We have decided to appoint Juana Romos.
I will briefly describe the candidate’s strengths and explain the reasons for our decision.
Firstly, she has experience in market research for one year, then in sales so she can carry
this aspect of our company to expand market share in this segment.
Secondly, she is very competitive and not afraid to speak her mind. It is so inspiring for
the work of the sales teams. It also encourages staffs to give their best ideas
Finally, she has a very high result in intelligence test (IQ) in association with her
experience and personality, she has great potential in leading the sales teams to increase
sales and develop marketing strategies.
We hope to listen to your idea about this candidate.

Yours sincerely,
Brigitte Sea

Ms Brigitte Sea
Regional Director

To: tony.randall@pricerise.aus
From: alison.mcde
Subject: Invitation to this year’s conference of Global Food and Drink Corporation

Dear Tony,
I am writing to invite you to attend this year’s conference. It will start at 8 p.m on
Thursday, July 20-24 July at Hotel Steffenberg in Sweden..
This hotel is a modernised castle, 200 kilometres from Stockholm Airport but they will
provide regular hotel bus service from the airport to the castle.
There is a conference room ( with 150 capacity) , five meeting rooms which is large and
bright enough for us. It will bring a great experience with comfortable rooms with
antiques furniture, Swedish and many kinds of other entertainment. Beautiful views of
castle grounds, friendly and helpful owners is what previous guests reviewed about thí
We hope this invitation is of interest to you and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely
Brigitte Sea
Ms Brigitte Sea
Chief Executive of GFDC

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