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Repo te Bltipines Congress of the Philippines: Bite Bails Sever Cougs Wied Rogue resin Begun and Ne in Mav Ha, on Monday, the twenty hed ‘dy hay, two ound een [Rerusuic ActNo. 11293) ANACT ADOPTING INNOVATION AS VITAL COMPONENT: ‘OF THE COUNTRYS DEVELOPMENT POLIOTES TO. DRIVE INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT, PROMOTE THE GROWTH AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTER RISKS, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR, ASD FOR OnwER PURPOSES: Beit enacted bythe Senate and Howse of Repreveniatuesof the Phitioninerin Congres oss ble SSuCTION 1, Short Mie — This Act shall be known 9 the “Philippine Tanovetion At Sie, 2 Delortion of Policy. — This hereby declared he ploy of he Ste to eter inom aba al xtponent fof masons development snl sustainable economie growth, Pursuant to Section 10, Arde XIV ofthe Cansutten tat Teeogntees sconce an chology te “eeental for national {Tevelpment and eogress" and ise prov to each and development, invention, invasion and cei wilzation’ the State herby adopts the flowing polis (a) ‘The State abl place innoeation at the conte af ie velopment plies, gubled by e clear and longterm st of tone thot wl ae ta consideration the hoy advantages of {he country and the eppercaniies in the reponal and ial conor arena. At auch chal harnes nnovaten efforts {orbelp the poor and the margsalled and to enable mcr, ‘Soal and mein eotespraes (SOIR) to be a pnt of the ‘domeato nd glabal supply chain (b) The State shell promote a culture of strategie pana a novation and suze Chat wl in rested. Eoquted: disseminated, and. sed. more effectively by Indviduais eatery, ongenzations end communities Yo promute sulainableechonae sid soaal development (Ge) nvesmente in edeation, sstnoe, technology and inooaton shall bs guided y 9 rratepe divction owas itrengthening the eountsys Knowledgebased ceonomic ‘development that benefit sil Innovation start with a robust prot of abled, ealoted ad creative people. Educational stations, pve ngentations, goverment agence ard Tcl government unis (LGUs) ase key drivere of programs that timate onovationIeracy and sil development fer the Plipine orklarce andeepeeacurs, iocuding women find the youth (@ The State engines the importance ofan effective snd ein incrton compte that address tnd delivers ‘tin in vaio play ares, ching MSNOE development. Cliveetion, trade, investment, finance, ané agriculture ateinable energy, climate change. aniong others, This {ejues the varoae deparcments and agence of gverament qo lmplement whe of goverameat™ approach that wll Cnware psi cron, skgrment of prints, and effective toedinstion in program delivery, This ecouvstem should fectae and support innoation eft 6) The State recognizes the indispensable role of ssoxernance in enabling sn masimisang the bepois fom the County's inaorston poiey Aa such, it shall put ficient {notttions in place, withthe nesesery autho to remove Telator, anrmal, and other obetckee tthe innovative Tnlerlon! The business cece, seademe, centile community and fescarch inattutons playa eracal Tole in ariving conomse growth though novation Aa euch, the eovenment tril work and enpeate with tase cctore and encase the novative efor of business, MSMIES, academe, and the ‘Gente community. Public sector innovton plage a Key ‘Soomse uk wher am ffcint pb ec ex ie ore private sector growth, To this end, th State shall promote, noerate sf stengthenpabiace that engags with innovative ‘user ond saeprneare om aaorstion fre prove Product, gunk governance and efont delivery of public Series and @ The Stote recognizes the value of cources of Ingato thot aru uigue to the couse, ach a tational Knowledge, traditional cultural exprevsions, and genetic eooucee, ai shall sve to promote their potential for Innovation while protecting them fom misapprepsation eo, 9, Definitin of Terma, ~ As sod in tie Ae (0) Blue cconamy rfers tothe sustainable vee of ocean resources for sana poet, tanovedlvelonts and obs Ile poetersing the osean cosy: 10). Busines incubators refer vo fie where startups are bovied sd business development services are provides (© Chater pices ror t pis which am to support coeraphicconsentatione of intereonncced firms and rated Store, such ov epecliod service providers, eondemie or Clucstiona auutone, MSMEs, buslnoees, among others (a Gente resouree refer to gonetic materi, which are any tateta! of plagt ania, microbial or oer origin Seng nau obi of alr pei (©) Inclusive innacation refers to the cretion of new ideas that results tm the developaient of sew. product, proceser and servis, that help innprove the welfare of Fomerincaie and marginaied eoups (@ Tunovoton refers to the eration of now Seas that results in the development of nem oF improved police, Products procesee, oF sersicee which ave then spre ot Franfarednerose the market: {e) Ieaoction alince seer t 8 contion of rocarch and developmentised technology companies, academic ce Mhucatonal inattions, andor ecarch intitions, MEME fond ar rslevant organizations, chat have come together 10 port innova efforte and enterprises (8) Inno centers a center of competes ad inpovatoa sctrites either howet in eademe.eluetions tr nusacdemie faa that eupportsellaorative research evelopment and extension (RDEE) initiatives and Inpovatn-eated activin between and among academic ce ‘ducational inaitatons, RDA centers, and busines Innovation governance refers to the instittiont setup of the varus tletents ofthe national Innovation ‘onyotom, iosluding the inetiutional etctures and the pmanaee governing yokeymaking and implementation, such a= Program delivery and montring. ax well ao tho process of ordination sod cllaboration eras public institations and ‘rth selevant wakholders 6) Innovation networks refer tothe inteeonnested tem of sompanies and organizations in the knowledge ‘Bivetracture thet i tainly Toeued on innovation (8) Iunovotive goods and services vefer to new oF igptcntly improved pofurta series, prostate echial peifeatone or component, methods ane tol that enhance ‘he govevament’s ity to deliver services )Morlting innovation rls 1 significant changes in product design or poking, placement, promotion oF Ping (0) Mudiistage proves refers 1 the various stages of prodget or aston development, fom fexeibity studs. Tesigning, prottyping. testing, and commerealization of products or beret (> Orgniztonal innovation refers othe development snd ineofucion few er significantly amproved methods ‘business practices, workplace organization or external rlatone 10) Palicy imnosatin refers to tho introduction of new or sgnitcantly diferent solution to palicy problems: (0) Pre-commerciat procurement refers to. the pocutement af ROLE services for nerve, eolutions, or ‘ofc at do pt yet exit wich may involve contrecting {by developmest pase from tbe conduct of feat study (taigning potoeyping. testing, ant commeriszation of produc or eer @ oes innovation refers to the development andor intealuccion of nee on sigaicantly improved profusion or ‘elvery metho ©) Product innovation fers t the intoduction of 3 uo or sevice that now oF sigeaicnlytmproved with ‘fepest sear, spplieation, characterise or intended (6) Pojet-bast competion vrs to a process where contators bd ior entra fr apeie project with the froponcrt being given the ster to eubmat particulars vending the niu scope and features of ite propsal The « cowtracting agency shal ward the contrast wo the prponent Acomed to have submited the best innovation elton of product (Social innovation seers tothe process of iteniing and delivering new services that smprove tho quality of ile finda and sommmantac, ining trough enpkasen Sneumpsin andor participation (a) Technology difusion procurement refers to pubic procurement thot se undertaken os behalf of endusers with fhe tow fo womlerting the difasn of innovative elutione br technologis that fer the greats advantage 0 were: (0) Tecnlagy plafrme veer to sefongnid programe cor aregzmente that alow a ide range of stakeholers to Sistorate in identiving common needs and to assemble & fet of funding sourced fm goverement or instil Thurs ot 9 mix thereof to address thoee needs te) Technolgy programs refer to programs tht ink industrial, scademit or edueatonal RDA. efforts towards ‘ulding tial capaci ia developing iste pant tec (9) ‘Traditonat eur expressions refer to forms in which traditional ealture ia expreesed and paseed from {encration to generation. which then become part of the ‘Gentiy and eage ea tenitonal o iligenoes oman sol (9), aona knowl rfers to a bay of keer Innovation seins ad racic f indigenous peores std {tual communities developed, sustained end possed from feneration to generation within m community. and often Frag pave of the comment eltral heritage or eit Hensty 60. 4, Objctve, ~ The cbjetive of this Act is to senerate and ataleup action in all levels and ress of education, training, research and development towards promoting innovation sad internationaliztion activites of SMe driver of sustainable nnd saluive growth “The spectc objective of thi Ast are as fllons: Promote culture of strategic planning and inoorntion to encourage creative thinking end knowledge ‘eat ond disemingtion towards expanding and maintaining ‘nomic copetitivene=e 1) Improve innovation governance ithe coutey and sompel te notion oft nga vn and forse protien fer Innes: (@) Bneure effective coordination and eliminate Aragmentaton of ono pls aed programs at ll evel: (a) Strength the portion of MSN in the innovation lo) Remove obstacles ta innovation by euppressing Ipreaueatie ures a laping the repatory framework {oNruppur the creation of and diffusion of ew Knowlede, prodets, ad proces { Racourage entreprenenrin|atitude in order to simulate growth smolts in busineeee, epecaly among, MSM (@) Explore, promote and protect the potentials for ingovation of tational knowledge, traditional esleural ‘upresine a practic resources: Ba 1h) Strengthen oni despen intrnesons and prinrshie among ferent actors tom the public and private seco SEndeme MSN seecteh and developmootinttuons and Communities towards promoting snelusive growth ad mpeving the quality ef hfe though innovation, ‘te, 6, Innovation Seope, = The government call adopt a broader we in developing ie inoeabon gal wd sates oerng all poten types and sates of novation, naan Droduct innovation: proeese smaovation: orgonizational Trmevation eecal novo inatketngsnssvatin: academic ‘Sredueational novation’ or poieyuanovaton. While the Santry novation goa ell be diet ot developing new Tt call Bkewie sek to horns glib know fin technology that wil ad'm developing new procoree oF cree fr incoteing product and for promoting overall, able welfare SEC. 6 The Nationa Innovation Cone ~The National Innovation Cone. hereinafter rlereed 10 «2 the NIC, is hereby etablshed to develop Ch country’ innovation goals Prontion, and lng tom natal strategy. The NIC call be fomposed af the Blowing (a) President ofthe Phiipince ~ Chalperson 0) Director Genera of the National Bconomie and Development Authority (NEDA) ~ Vis Chairperson (e)_ Secretary of Scions and Technology ~ Member (@) Secretary of Trade and Industry ~ Member (o Swertary of Agrultre ~ Member; )_Swertary of Environment and Netra Resoures ~ Menbee (Secretary of Health ~ Member (h) Seeretary of Transportation ~ Member @ Ssertary of Boergy ~ Member 4) Secrtary of Notional Defense ~ Member 1k) Sccrataxy of Information and Communications ‘eshnalagy = Member: Chairperson of the Comission on Higher Eduction = Member (oo) Secretary of Budget and Monagensent ~ Member (a) Secretary of Education ~ Member: (@) Seavtary of the Interior and Leon! Government — Member fe) Seentary of orelgn Affairs ~ Member (@) Seertary of Labor and Hmployment ~ Member: (0) Dicer General of Ube Inelletun Property Ooe cf the Philippines ~ Member: and (@)_ Seven (7) Executive Members tobe appa by the Prien. ‘The Bxccutive Members shall be appointed from the ake of basins, entrepreneurs, academe, and Ube sentic Commi. st east one (0) of whom shall be women, ‘hene shall te a lest ane (2) representative from the [MSM seston, and st loet one (2) fo the business eto. ‘The representatives of business and the MSME. shall be roomed hy a legally establebed and reputable eines rani Tw tobe appointed fom the academe ad he ‘etic community shall hve at last coven (7) years of ‘perience inthe fil of sence and tacholegy, research and evelopment, oF innovation, ‘The President may designate tho Bracutive Secreta to tendon hie behalf peed over the mestngs of the NIC ‘The Department Secretaries and ather members may not fesiannsslteraste representatives ther thn ther rapt tnderasrstarits to the mectinge of the NI wo Majvty of the members shall canetitute& quorum, Sto, 7, Runtins of the National Innovation Council ‘The NIC thal have the flowing Tonctions: (a) Develop the country’s static vison for innovation long-term novation gals and peorites (0) Develop the zy’ innonation steno o ensure coherent strateple dieetion and programs by government (e)_ Serve as a soo of stratepcstligenes fr nation reecarh nf innovation palicrmaling (@ Rogage technological expertise in etratepic and ‘nnoestion paling (6) Coordinate with various sectors and agencies to promote plier and progetm ssorens; () Monitor and aasess the counteys strategie and @ Regularly view and update the coante’ trate snd smnovatin plies: (0) Gide Wy the legal mandstos of the agencies and Ube easerned Ment and tak government agencies and Uae that wil be tasked to implement epeife strates toe the Natal Lamson Ages and Stetegy Decent (SIASD), tbr devsloped under Section 9 of thi Act Communisate the countess ianovation patie. prieitig, and agenda to local and international publi: ) Retablish and administer the Innovation Fond cetabished in Seton 21 of Ha At: fdenfy and approve progeams that may guy fr funding Grom the Tanoraton Fund Hn Develop nti and moniter the progres of statee innovation programs snludig pbbel-nded RDBE projects (1) Implement am acti sgenta for th development of the counisy's capacity for and scour sn, anevation a= Ineasuced by the Global IanorstionTadex and eter indices ini meorares that may deem sppeopite in issuing te frowth and develepsent of innovation in the COW, of Scung countiee (@) Submit annual reports to the Congress of the hippies othe progres of plementation ofthis Act; and (0. Perfor oer function a+ maybe meetery for the implementation of thie Act. S60, 8. Secretariat to the NIC. = A Secretariat to the ‘SIC thal eatehed within the NEDA, to be headed by fin Excoutive Director IT” Galary Grade 25) who shall be ppamted by the President of the Pippines The Secretariat hal be tinder the control and. supersision of the NEDA Dieter Genera The fscutve Digtot I all have at art Seven (2) years of experienos and pretce In the Holds of Shen ao teshnalogy, research and development, MSM, innovation, fants, oe Bonners memagement to ually for ppettaene. The Hecate Director I shall be noeninated bythe NIC, ‘The initial stating structure and complement of the Seoretariat shall be subuitted by the NEDA ¢o the Deporiment of But and Management (DBM) fr fanding Pending the creation ef the appropriate plana porisns, the [NEDA shall costitue an interim Sevretariat within one (0) ‘notith from the efferity ofthe Ac though the temporary ‘etl of personnel from se membar agence ‘The Secretariat shall have che flowing functions (a) Provide Sestniat eappet to the NIC, edading eo prepnaton of drat strategion, Pris, and ober output te adapted by the NIC; 1) Consult with experts who can efler insights on innovation policymaking end privity eetting (© Coordinate with varios agencies of the government the private ccstor, sede sent commit. and other tector takeboliers towards achiovine policy and progr heron (@) eign and implement an innovative startup levelopmsnt paver sme fo support entities and individ nteepreners developing an innovative product, proses isiese model (©) Gather strategie inaligence and information to support the NIC in its poicyalsng. ae well sin goal and Build strategic intelligence on human capital evelyn (@) Avcoas the effectiveness of exiting ecience and technology, ant inovaton grant prgeam ond echlarshis, ni submit roommendations fo the NIC oa these prow, {Mcording to the NIASD framework in accordance with Stein 9 of Chis Act (1) Draft sot of “wlevance extra” which shall be sed by the NIC to evaluate RDAE proposals for puble Fling throogh the Innovation Pund Develop ond administer moti for monitoring and cvaltin of the eounlys innovation programs Develop recommendations for conelderation by the ‘eto (6 Pevform other Sanctions oe may be diet by the Nie SEC. 9. Natianol Innovation Agenda ond Strategy Docunen. ~The NIC shall develop a National Innovation ‘een and Stratogy Dect, vinafar referred to ao the ‘NESSD, chat shall eatblioh the country's vison and long tem fal fir tnnoration and provide ara mapa the tates ir improving innovation governance through dlear-ewt Altinetion so complementation of innovation fers acroer Agencies) deepening and acceloreting innovation efforts, {ning snl imovtion programe that ae targeting the ree of th pot nd integrating and fostering pubhieprrate Pavtershipe,fcudig thoes with large busingees, SNES, Ceaiome, tnt RDBE snstituons In developing the NIASD, the NIC shall identity steatgiestoetimate regional espace for development that Cin cantaibute to dilerentisted tanoration etatey ro Fevions in the snob term. Such difrentiated stratepio {hall take into consideration te oompetsve advantages tod Saengthe of each provine.reion abi community ‘The NIASD shall also insude the ingovation priority rns, he strategies fo be used to walle thee pits. and {or which resumes and budget wil be provided. Agenda and fstategies shal have a minimum of ten (103608 horizon, jet to the porate review by the NIC, All agencies shall ‘eesty comply with the NIASD snd shal pursue thio a9 2 Callecives national effort. The agencies concerned shall Icorporsie pertinent programe in thelr respective work prowrome and setion plans guided by the NIASD. ‘The NIASD shall Ye developed in consultation with government agencies Regional Deelopnent Cou (RDC EGU and other stishalders, and ell be completed with, 1s 6) onthe fom the fleciits of tie Act. ‘SEC. 10, Considerations in Sting Priority Ares fo JIngoition.~ In hentiving the poe” are fo novation, the MC shal in sonsulation with the meore consmed, Consider the fester nd challenges inthe following areas (0) Fond security and ausclnabe egiulurs 1%) The biue economy: (© Bduction and the ssademe: (a) Heal fo) Secure, clean and reliable eneay ( Chinateehaoge and eonoter resins; (Resour efsence 4) National snd community-based comparative ndvantagys in the contest of global alue eins Comparative strengthe and advantage of sore and commnitw Potentials Kr innovation of testinal knowledge, ‘rodiional cultural expreeeons, and genetic resources (8) Intrastate acd 1D Govornane (os) Development of hamon expt () Digital ecomnany: and (©) Transportation service; among others ‘800,11, Fclusive Innovation. The NIC zhall develop teategies to promote the-ceation of now ideas th il Be developed ato new and quailty producte, prosescs, and Services aiied st improving the welfare of low income marginalized grow, se well as ccate felon opperunitce for thoee sectors ‘The NIC at Tikewie intogente police to promote women's partcpation and aki development i science Technology, engineering, arts and mathematics, including Information snd communications techlogie, Further, the NIC shall develop stiateie for promoting ‘sci! innoaon a goal for delivering new servic tht Wil improve the asl of eof indoiduale and communis, as tell gs enable the partiipabon of communities in meeting Theis needs, Such etratepce shall be incorporated in the NASD: ‘SEC. 12 Mero, Smal! ond Medium Enterprie (MSM) Innovation. ~The NIC shall develop strategies towards promoting MEME inerttonaiasion and partispation in the Iceal si lobal valve chaise A comproheneive support rowrom, fan incrporstion t intertinalieation, chal be Uvetoped ty the NIC and implemented by the agencies fonecred. These programs shall include cosching and Inentoring inthe see of design neal extension rvs andar hisineas pracions in contracting, aceountng ani Dot management! quay cen sedating businuee ‘[irtoce each a commotsakastion and management; patents; simone others ‘Through a startup MEME innovation development program, the governmest chill nobis tz arowe agencies tovwork hand in hand with private organizations to prove ‘cecal ane financial export protams forthe develpment fonining of entrepreneurs ‘The Department of Trade and induetey (DT) shall Lok for high praduetivity innovative businesses to help them ‘letty snd exploit epportanee in overeoae markets ‘The NIC shall sep develop metrics or purposes of asses the progress of work in Chese areas, ‘SEC, 18, Innoation Contos and Business Incubators — ‘the goverument. through the NIC, shall encourage and oppor he establishes of inevation centre and busine Ieubaton partnership withthe peas sett, the academe i pacar snl development sneitutions towards fostring ils and technlogy transfer, cllaboration on ionovaion initinaives between small and big businesses, supple flevelopment, secs to finance, and resting marketing ‘ppertanites. ‘he DTT and the Department of Sener and Teeheaoey (OST) all ilsorate tn sasuringsomplomentatin cf ed ‘sharence in progam that provide inpovaionselatod sreoes to MSMIEs end sanovatare, ‘Those programs thal build inks Between testiney institutions, resarch inabittions, sad ndastey towards ‘ceatig avenues for Bree dfsion and expat bulls. ‘Government Academie Bsnees search collaborations shall te pursued ta foster future ianovatione So. 14 Regional Innoction ned Custer Paley. ~The LIC shail intograte i the NIASD strategie to promote Fegional iauovation that will harness the compeutive Slvantages ao well a5 existing and potential seengthe of fegions nd provinces. Such stags call promote resional velopment rough sound sonce. techno and inoraton Drograms, For thie poss, the RDC shall help coelinate End monitor the implementation of the NIASDs sa thee ‘ropes gine. ‘The NIC shall adopt cluster policies ce stratopioe as secant componente of the oust’ agavation pales is Tn determining the feniiity und effectiveness of later polices Im punt of innovation onl, ether poly steams, Nich as rogionalcoomomie’ development policy, indvstabenterpaae poy. higher eventon plizy, 00 ‘hers ball be eoneidered ‘The caster plies shall be adopted tofu on region Inabe or provinces or sets euch a» MEMES, largo im hina sd starepe, sndemse or educational ineitatone and rosarch centers or combinations of these, For thie purpose the NIC shall ectalish Chuste Development Program Funding fr thi purpose shall bo incorporated in the nm [General Appropriaions dt Custer strategies and programs shall be implemented thoough the agenees concerned rough a wellcordinted fytom fainted Uy the NIC. SHC. 1B. Strotegic Research, Deeopment and Extension (DEE) Programe, ~ The NIC, guided by the county's novation agenda and development geal hal develop ROE. themes Them tate call be adopted inthe RDA programe concerned guns which sl ensure that a higher Ive ‘fies orientation in pubbaly funded wesearch observed, For this pupone, the NIC shall develop a “relevance vier that wil be adoinisterd by She agencies concerned Sh the eeleton of RD&E program or pees for fanding. It ‘hall ikewise peace an inventory of aesdemic or clucaonal fini RDGE inetiitions tether wilh hele resources and fpuctce to undertake thece programe snd procs which wil Dprmvde the strategie intaligenon forthe generation of public ‘ndg nd gras for there purpoce ‘The NIC shall leo tonitor the implementation of those projecte and ensure that they comply with the eritenia nablched fr the pupoce and mest the objectives which they were funded A spstem for "peer Yeview" may be eublshed fr tis purpose. As past of th aati to adress the muliimensinal ature of enrtain seecarahrequrementa the NIC shall: (4) Establish centers of rotearch exellono, to bring together: multiecctariatakeholder teams to. address traltedissplinayy research aged; (0) Establish centers of cllaorativeseseerch activity tween dendemie a! businss and 8 (©) Mandate pertinent agenies to work with sondemie. or educational and reecaeh Institubions Yo provide research {nfractroture to support key research ares, ‘The NIC stall ommend to Cong of the Philp ‘he stnial proposed level of Gross Expenditure on Retearc land Development (GERD) based om the NIASD. This ‘commendation shall be submitted at th bepining of each sonal budget eee ‘S50, 16, Innovation Instruments. ~ The government il employ rang of inarament to asheve the ejecives Gt thie Act) Those iatruments shall include: (@) Technolgy programs 1%) Innovation centers (6) Tanovation networks (d) Technolgy platforms (6) Clueorpoicies: and Human capacity building programe For thie yumpoes the NIC shall develop steatosioe by which government agencies concered may harness these Instriments to more elaently dalivr programs and prmete fester claboration aniong stakeholders Thece egences, ‘Enumerated in Section Vref thin Act. shall submit their eepeciveaetien plane, gubdd by the eratepes that wil be ‘posed by the NIC ‘The eetablishiment of innovation centere shall be undertaken in coonination with the priate aeca, academic Greducatonal inetiutons, a eer sertors to masinze ‘portunities for cllabertion sn ont sniavee » ‘SH. 17. Whole of Government Approach. In axder to cectively deve innovation crocs all areas of government polisy = spanning eduction, traiaing, health, energy Sintuniestion,indasty, ecient and tochnologs” defene, ‘among others ~ a "whole of goverment approach’ shall be ‘Mlopted. This approach shall fcltte engagement with Dustnese, the RDSE eector, MSMES. and the broader community towards ensuring the full and effective imlomentation of the county's innovation sgenda All government agencies concerned, including the ‘ulloving.sball te responsible for implementing the country's Sinorstion statesies nd. as euch, sballobcrve the "whale if government approach provided beeen: () National Beonomie and Development Authority om ) Department of Science and Technolgy (DOST (6) Department of Trade and Indust DTH; (4) Department of Agicltare (DA) ©) Department of Environment snd Natural Resources ENT, (© Department of Health ‘DOH G@ Department of Boerey (DO (by Department of Transportation (DOTY Department of National Defense (DND: Department of Information and Communiatins ‘Took (DICT do Depsrtiont of Badgot and Management (DBM): ) Department of the Interior and Local Government one, 20 (0) Departont of Posi Aine DFA: (0) Department of Banton (Dep (© Commission on Higher Education (CHED) |) Department af Labor and Employment (DOLE) and (Gq) Intellectual Property Oifie of the Philippines apority (Government agencze chal make available for public sooes int we poral, et wil bea efation pertinent (inten peasen etaepke paograne foliar eco fants and Ginaneal asistanee for rented tstange The Sovties shall Ukewise ensure that beoticarce are gud on {tvcs that are available The web portal aball slo snl fr datebo of ell engeing and completed ianovaion prot ‘plemented under the NIASD. 1 call have interactive features that wil allow the public to cts servis ole applicatina for scholar br other sereoes and programe online. Inquisios eal be ‘reed win cree () day fom vet thereel Pesosng tt spoleatons for scholarships aod other serscee shall be trv in ace with the guidelines tobe eetached by the NIC. Reforms to thie effect sball be reporied to the [NIC within six (@) months fom the eft uf thie Ace. ‘The online faclty call provide an acknowledgement ecsipt and foferonce number for each tranoaction Tor ‘moniterng parposes Government sgsacise concerned ahallcubmit periodic progress reports the NIC on the statue of ionovation FHeaegie and projects Reportoial requements prescribed tinder this Ast thal tke ito omaderaoon report requived Under oller lawe lated to janoestion, with the sem to Trntoaizing and achieving rfienees inthe peeparaion of {hae ports: Reporting uidelins shall be prepared by the IC for this pope ‘The enumeration of agonics provided herein i without pejudie to other agencies that the NIC may mandate 820. 18, Disepora for Innovtion and Beslopment. A Diaspora fr Innovation and Development Progra i ere ‘xtblabed to enable the country to mtn aod tap the high level expeeisn of the Pilipino diners in purclt ef innovation it development eo. ‘The NIC, n coordination with the DOLE, the Buea of Immigration, the Bursa of Costoms, the DPA. among athe ‘gence abil entalch the necosny mcchanlene to faite the putiipation of qualied mors of the Pipi daz te ehe counteys innovation dave, ‘The NIC sll develop en inventory of sills and alent requirements, andthe intitione a programe seeding them fs sie for inviting Fipino in the diaeper to participate {i the progam, The NIC sal deveep the gudelins for Chie Purpose, n ordination with the DOST and other agencies {hit hnve ensting, programs and fending for purponee of ‘abiinggeesone Fipino talent or invaton nd eens St technology lar 8. 19, Antlecnal Property Sytem and Monageent ~ tepbleAst No 08, therein tow a he “allot Property Cole of the Pippen mere ad rated ave fon inlet proper such ae the “Phiippine Plant Variety Pritcion Act "eCommers Act and “Technology Tranter [Act ahull be enfnced Yo protect and seouee the esssie ‘ithe of scientists, iventore and innovators to their {tellecual property and cretons. The pernent agence of {he government sball promote the ailusion of knowlego and Inforacion fr the promotion of nationel development ‘The [POPHL shall promote the regetration of patent trademarks, copyright, Industeal designs und geographical Indisstione smong scientine, inventors and innovators to ‘tare protection sf ination sgsinat misappopeiason le sll streamline ond rationalise administrative and registration procedues ard uadertske poops t east [MSME> in the rogstation of pons, waderparks, copyrights Industrial designs and segrapialindtione Reform this fle abal be reported tothe NIC within ix) monthe fiom the effsctvity of his At, and every soar theres ‘S06, 20, Advocacy and Community Edwcation. ~ The [NIG in ingeratian withthe various agente concord, all woertake a infbematon sod common edueabon peer to rally overyone around the cunt’ innovation agen ae proriice and to generate puble suport for thee states Sich program shall aim to inform she public on tvadable Programe, sis grant end Fsnncall saetance fr Plated frsiings among cere, to widen the bse of partition the conduct of the enunty/sinaaeation agenda ‘The government shall undertake its advocacy and ooumunity education progtam. in partnership with the Ihusee scar and busines aeeations, MSM. inubation enters ond networks. Neqoaye Centers, and academic ‘Sexo intone, LGUs ave alo esthy stndated to cresbe innovation programe through collaboration with o¢her goverment Sd private companies. LGUo may provide incentives forthe Implementation of various innovation instruments, neoing the provi of Section 10 of thin Ace ‘The NIC soll develop communication plan for ehie SEC. 2, Ienoetion Pand. — An lanoestion Bund to seengthen entrepreneurehip an enterprises engaged in Alevelopinginnavtive clone benefiting the poorer ofthe oor ete established. This Fund, fm hich grants wl I mae nhl be adaunstred by the NIC whi shall een and approve qualied propos Subjace to avaabity of funds, «seven fund in the Initial amount of One billion poco (P1000 00,000.60), ie Inte allcated forthe ini ears implementation ofthis Act and auch funds econ frie continuoue and eflectve Stalementation tall therestr be insuded Jn the sonal (Genetal Appropriations Act. arther, the NIC, in coodination with the concern shall explore the pasa of sxeaing 2 rng anor oftlatorsl and milters fade Sn oder toe she toast in the funding of EDEE and oer invasion ert Poblicprvate partorshipe hall aso be encouraged in the frvelopment and implementation of samovation iniitives te the ephere of RDU, education, produ development and Yeeting among others Ste, 22 Innovation Development Credit and Fnancing ‘Aw innovation development credit and financing programs hall be developed lo generate and cele up innovation in “ccondance with she NIASD, Innovation development ere, fed herein, shall consist of loane and other Raancing ‘cities fir purpoes of including the development of nw ‘rganiatonal innovative, ad marketing innovation, ‘The NIC, in cninston with the Bangla Senta ng Pipines (BSP) and ater relevant agente ell involve the rivet sector in dvclping seh credit end financing program. SC. 28. Credit Quota. ~ All banking inctitutions whether government or privat, shall st aide atleast ft percent (1%) of their total loanable funds far ianovation Akevebpinont cit: Prosided tower That tho oanable fade Se wt in thi sation shal rel to fandegereated fom the Adve of effectivity ofthis Act: Provided, farther, That Innovation development loons henefiting agviulural sector ‘worker and businessoe shall be einsidered = part of the Compliance with the eee quits requirement of Repu Act ‘No 1000, oestwiee known ar “The Agra Refora Cet ‘et of 000" Provided, furderors, That the fur percent (4) crit quote soul toa unt reiewe by the NIC and ‘the BSP afer thee (3) years of implementation to determine ‘whether the lam bas ben effective in sessing its ale ‘The findings shall be tabmitied to the Congress of the Phitippies. ‘The NIC shall conduct an annual astearment on the complies of these Banking institutions with applicable regulations on cet quotas fr ianorationdevelrpment thd {ibm ts recommendations to the BSP. "The BSP shall pose alminetesive sanctions and oder penaltie onthe lending institutions for naneempiance With the preceding paragraphe. Penaltier on noncsspliancel lundereomplianse shall be computed at onal fone erent (025% ofthe amount of noneompiance/undersomphinos end fall be directed towards ianavition development: Ninety percent (90%) of the penalties collected hall go to the Ingovation Fund and he toting ton peest (10%) hall te given to the BSP to cover adiniteatie expense, ‘The BSP and the NIG; in cnsutatin with the eanaemed fgencioe and sectors, shall promulgate such rulee and fesulations ns soy be essary implement Sections 22 and 28 of chs Aes within ninety (30) days alter the efleciviy of this Act Such rolee and regulations shall, anton thors, provide fr mode of altemative compliance to te eet ca Slocation and take into account the varying scale and taatrity of operation ofthe banks in the cute. Ste eee Sd regulations thal take effet en (05) daye afer se Dublicabon ine nowspaper of general civeulaton in the Phipps SEC. 24. Removing Boniers to Innovation. - The NIC its member goverment apes shall eliminate repustry Tees to innovation an cut red tape to bust innovation ‘fits, Towande this end, the NIC aball fate snltions ‘vith sakes to ey an ose the remo of riers Macslerating npovaion efforts such as procurement ret sd equations and alga offrs and entanoe elaboration, Gorornment agence and all LGU call hereby improve licences in addrening puletranettions that impact on Innovation, inluding reduing tho numberof days and costs of suring or expaniing » business Government agence and LGUs thal undertake reforms in tha yetome and processes © ensure that sppitions for Starting a business and renewal of business hoon ae proceed within thre (3) working daye fom the ime the {pplication is yoaived. The prosasing of other government [ermite and dearances. aswell as applzaton for patents sll ‘kewize be eteamlined towards ensuring Diese ensomment thot fees ication For thie purpose. the NIC shall develop and presrbe guideline towards meamlining and improving the sant = Derfonmane i he indica tut wll fate and promote ‘ewatan The NIC shall dnt thee ndetonsfrppe of tesuing the guidelines and monitoring ite strict Implementation, SC, 2, Fnngation Alice. "The NIC sll este the necessary contin: and fmework thet wll promote the ‘stabishment of nneraion Altona, Sock femenoek shoud ‘encourage companies to ngage ip collaborative recarch ‘iveatenal inatttins. This amewerk sbal alo focitate regional networking and ellianove to prometo knowledge and Aechnalgy shariag as well as eallaborton a iaaoeation ‘SEC. 26 Gasermment Prcurmen. = Public procurement hall be cansted in acondance with Repub Act Nov 91S, taherwise kaon ne the “Government Procurement Ran Ac finds implementing sales and regulations UR) "To help stimulate innovation sn the counts, the NIC ‘hal condinate with the Covernnent Procurenent Polly Board (GPPB) and ite technical support fie for the Areelpnent and Sasanee of pe pioemenentevidlines, 92 26 suthaisd under Ropu At No, 918 and te IRR, enetng he flowin (a) lnvtive Goods and Servos ~ Requiretents for ‘goats gue and sine chal be ented. tgstber with the clear sutpvt specications, ax ell ex functional or Performance criteria. The guidelines shall alzo allow Decne competition t9 ensnaage parcpants ta deseep Ennoetive eons, 18). Pr Commersinl Procurement ~ Goverment apes fae mandated to determine ther log-erm nveds towards ooteaging the developer of inorative solo nares {or which ssltions are so cveently eval, Procreaent ‘Strace of thi nate wil inven mlitage ps and (©) Teehology Dison Procurement ~ The government seey sawrerste Seo wal psn bcicelny roca process to promote technology Wlfusion and market Ieaneormation. “The guidelines obo esed by the NIC, in ooeinaton with the GPP for this purpose, shall ensure ficiency transparency, timeliness and relevance in the procurement Su. 27. Decoration of National Innovation Dey. — To pte pubic swarenser st national suppor fo nnoestion id highlight malestanes of government and pevate sect fetiavee, Apr 21 of every Your is hoveby delaras @ tecial working public bald thoughout the county 2 be own a the "National Insovatin Day ‘The NIG in close condination with the DOST, D1 DepEd. CHED. und the Technical Education and Skille Development Authority (TESDA), shall plan. design, and Implement programe and tivities in celebration of the National Innovation Day tot will aveve the partipstien of other national goverment agencies, LGUs, the private ‘Reta, nd seal ” ‘Ste. 28. Implementing Rules ond Regultion, ~ The NEDA, in coedination with the DOST and the DTT, shall, frmlate and pomlgte the TAR sn be onusove de may ‘we netsary to ensue the efi implementation of chi Act ‘thin sity (60 day fom the elect theroet. The IRR jtewe pursue tothe cn bal take eft tity (0 days fr ite pullicatin in any newspaper of general seuation SEC. 29. Penalty Provision, — Pole t carey out any ofthe provisions of thie Ave willbe ground fr the Bling of ‘cominal or administrative cass, a2 may be warranted, under {he Administrative Code of 187; Republic Act No. 0720 The Ombudanan Act of 1089; Republic Act No. 6713 (Cale of Conduct and Ethial Standards for Public Ofcnls and Employees) Republic Act No. 3019 (AntsGraft and Corrs ‘Practices Act) Republic Ac No, 710 (Lacal Goverament Cole of 1991) and Sot No, 3815, ae amended Mevied Penal Code), Sand all ther applicable general and special Is SC. 90, Separability Clouse, ~ Should any provision ‘erin be subueguent deived iil oF unconsitcana, tho ns hall ot fect th vito the legality of the ace provisions nt 10 decaed St6, 41, Repooting Clawee. ~ All laws, presidential Accrees execative orders, ruler and egulations, or part there which are inoneitent with the provisions of hit Ae fre bere repealed and modied axonal SEC 92, Betty, — This Act shal aks effect Seen (05) days after its pubiaton in the Ofiiol Gate ot in evopaper of general creation Approve 6 GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROVO VICENIF C. SOTTO II Shooter of he Howse Prosi ofthe Senate oF Repesenates ‘his Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 1805 and House Bill No. 8718 wae passod by the | Senate af the Philos nd tie House of Represetatives Artin Dante MAL MYR ManteB,ViLLanion “dif Seer General Serta of tie Ste ea of Reprcrncaives proved: ‘APR 1 7 2019 | Piotr. President of the Phtipines — Ofc fe Prenat Acad RECORDS OFFICE ERTIFIED COPY

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