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DUONG HUONG (Chit bien) LUYEN SIEU KY NANG CHUYEN DE VIET LUAN TIENG ANH NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI Luyén siéu ky néing Chuyén dé viék tudn Tiéng Anh PHAN I ___ LY THuYéT CO BAN Bé viet MOT DOAN VAN BANG TIENG ANH Mt doan van (paragraph) 1a mét nhém céc cu van cé lién quan véi nhau 4é phat trién mét ¥ chinh. Ban cin nhé ring, cong vide ctia né Ia gibi thigu doan than bai cia ban, Néi chung, khong cé mt quy dinh r6 rang nao vé a9 dai cia m6t doan van nhung théng thudng mét doan van gbm 5 dén 12 cdu van (khodng 80 dén 150 ti) Day la mot doan van: “Write a paragraph about your close friends. Ofall my friends, Hanh and Mai are my best friends. Weare atthe same class at the primary school and secondary school. We are also neighbors, so we spend most of our time studying and talking together. Hanh is a beautiful girl with black eyes and an oval face. She is an intelligent student who is always at the top of the class. She likes reading and going to the library whenever she has free time. Mal isn’t as beautiful as Hanh, but she has a lovely smile and a good appearance. Mai is very sporty. She spends most of her free time playing sports. Mai is a volleyball star of our school. She is also very sociable and has a good sense of humor: Her jokes always make us laugh. I love both of my friends and I always hope our friendship will last forever. (148 words) = a a a a S 3 5 o = = S Sc 3 S 3 S S 3 a | S Ss a a z Es DD) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi (Trong tat cd nhig ngwdi ban cia tdi thi Hanh va Mai la nhimg ngudi ban tét nhat cila toi. Ching tdi hoc ciing Iép 6 trudng tiéu hoc va cp 2. Ching t6i cing la hang x6m, vi vay ching ti danh phan lén thoi gian hoc va néi chuyén cing nhau. Hanh Ia mét cé gai dep voi cap mat den va khuén mat hinh trai xoan. C6 ay 1a hoc sinh théng minh ma luén & top dau ciia lép. C6 dy thich doc s4ch va di dén thy vién bat ctr khi nao cé dy cé thdi gian ranh. Mai thi khéng dep nh Hanh nhung cé dy co mot ny cudi dé thuong va ngoai hinh dep. Mai rat yéu thich thé thao. C6 ay danh phan én théi gian ranh cia minh choi thé thao. Mai la mét ngéi sao béng chuyén ciia tring. C6 dy cing rat hoa dong va cé khiéu hai huéc. Nhimg cau chuyén vui ciia c6 dy Iuén 1am ching tdi cei. TOi yéu cd hai ngwoi ban cia minh va t6i luén hi vong rang tinh ban ciia chting t0i sé kéo dai mai mai.) cd 1. Topic Sentence PartsofaParagraph 2. Supporting sentences 3. Closing Sentence Mét doan vin théng thudng bao gdm cau chii dé (mé bai), cdc cau gidi thich cho cau chi d& (phiin than bai) va cau két Juan (két bai) Cau chi dé (topic sentence) Théng thudng, mdi doan van déu cé mét ¥ chinh. ¥ chinh nay dugc dién dat trong mét cau van goi la cau chi dé. Cau chi dé phai 1a m6t cdu van hoan chinh, nghia la né phai chita dung mt chi ngér va mét déng tir va dién dat mét y hoan chinh. Cau chi d8 luén cé 2 phn: 1/ Topic (chit 48): théng béo cho ngwai al Luyén siéu ky néing Chuyén dé viét tun Tiéng Anh doc biét tac gia viét vé ai hay cai yehinh) Vidu: Topic sentence: Swimming is the best way to relax and relieve your stress. Cau cha dé trén gdm 2 phan: a. Topic: Swimming ); 2/ Controlling idea (¥ twéng chi dao/ b. Controlling idea: the best way to relax and relieve your stress. Topic sentence: My grandmother has always been a major influence in my life. Cau cha d@ trén gdm 2 phan: a, Topic: My grandmother b. Controlling idea: a major influence in my life Topic sentence; Students should attend online learning courses because of several reasons. Cau chi a trén gdm 2 phan: a. Topic: student's online learning courses b. Controlling idea: several reasons Mét sé cum tir diing dé dién dat controlling idea: + two main types (2 loai chinh) + three groups (3 nhém) + the following... (nhw sau) + several problems (mét vai van dé) + several ways (mét sé cach) + several reasons (mét vai ly do) + three steps (3 buéc) + these disadvantages (nhimg bat loi nay) + three main causes (3 nguyén nhan chinh) WW) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi + three kinds (3 loai) + numerous reasons (nhiéu lf do) Vi tri ciia cau chu dé trong mot doan van Cau chit a8 cé thé dig du, gitra hoc cudi doan vin. Tham chi mot s6 doan van cé thé khéng cé cdu chit d&, Tuy nhién, néu khéng phai la ngudi viét chuyén nghiép (nhw nha vin, nha bao) thi ban nén mé dau doan van cla minh bang cau chit d8. Dac biét, trong cdc ky thi quan trong ban cang nén sép xép cu chi d@ & vj tri dau tién trong doan van dé bao dam khong bilacd’, Gy Cac cau gidi thich cho cau chil dé (supporting sentences ) Dua ra cacy chinh dé gidi thich, ching minh cho cau chi d@. Nhiing cau nay sé gidi thich cau chi d8 cia ban bang sw kién, chi tiét, hodc vi du. Cach sap xép supporting sentences trong mét doan van: Tuy theo dé bai, ngwoi viét cé thé sp xép supporing sentences theo 1 trong cac trat ty duréi day: 1/ Tir cdc chi tiét quan trong nhat dén it quan trong nhat. 2/ Tir cdc chi tiét it quan trong nhat dén chi tiét quan trong nhat (ngugc véi cach 1), 3/ Theo trt ty thoi gian (cdi gi xdy ra truéc ké tru6c, céi gi xdy ra sau ké sau). 4/ Theo trinh ty cita céng viée phai lam. 5/ Theo trinh ty kh6ng gian, Thudng trat ty nay chi dugc ap dung trong m6t doan van ta quang canh/noi chén, z = | B Sj gi oS = 2 3 = = B 5S = = o = a 5 a = Ej & 5 e sg i Vi dy nhw d bai yéu clu ching ta ta géc hoc tap cia minh. Trudng hop nay chiing ta ¢6 thé bat dau tir bat ké vi tri nao: ty ngoai vao trong, tir trong ra ngoai, ti trdi sang phai, tir phai sang trdi, tir dw6i lén trén, tir trén xuéng durdi... tly theo géc dé ma chting ta quan sat dé mé ta. Luyén siéu kf nding Chuyén dé viét tun Tiéng Anh GY cu két luan (Concluding sentence) - La cau cudi doan van; cau két khéng nhat thiét luén phai cé trong doan van, nghia 1 néu ban ty tin minh viét tot thi két bai véi cau két, con khéng thi khong sir dung cau nay. - Nhdclai¥ chinh da néu & cau chit dé bang 1 cach viét khdc, dua ra két luandyatrén caclap lun da dwara tru6c 46. Dé vistlaiy cita cau chit d’ theo métcdch khacthichting ta ding kf nang PARAPHRASE. PARAPHRASE nghia 1a ching ta din dat cling 1 ¥ theo nhitng cAch khdc nhau dé khdng Lip lai tir vung ho’ cfu tric ngét phdp. - Cac lién tly ding dé két thiic 1 doan van: In conclusion; In short; In summary; ... Vi du vé mét doan van viét bing tiéng Anh: Your school organizes a competition for students to write about The world in which I would like to live in the year 2020. Below is an essay by one of the students: My ideal world would be a peaceful one. There are no wars or conflicts between nations. People won't have to live under the threat of terrorism but all live together in harmony. Everyone has a job to do, and there is a good healthy standard of living for all. 1 would also wish to live in a clean healthy environment with less noise and less pollution. There are more and larger parks where children can play and wildlife can be protected. But my main desire is to see people less materialistic, less selfish, less violent and more loving than they are now. (Trang 89 - 90 SGK Tiéng Anh 12) (Ban dich tiéhg Viét: Thé gidily tuéng cia t6i la mot thé gidi hda binh. (Thé a6) Khéng cé chién tranh hoc mau thuan gitta céc quéc gia. Ngudi dan sé khéng phai sng du6i néi sq khiing bd ma tat cd moi nguéi cing chung s6ng héa thuan. Ai cing cé cong 4n viéc am va moi ngwoi déu cé mite sng tét dep. Téi cling muén séng trong mét méi trudng trong sach, lanh manh cé it tiéng 6n va ft bj 6 nhiém. Nhung khat vong ciia t6i 1a W) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sich Luyén Thi dug nhin thay moi ngwdi bét ton sing vat chat, bét fch ky, bot bao luc va thwong yéu nhau nhiéu hon.) Trong doan van trén, cau dau tién (My ideal world would be a peaceful one.) 14 cau chu d&, trong dé topic la My ideal world va controlling idea la a peaceful one (hiéu IA a peaceful world) Cac cau vin cOn lai la supporting sentences. Tac gia sip x€p supporting sentences theo trat ty tir chi tiét ft quan trong nhat dén quan trong nhat (cach 2 theo trat tu da trinh bay trén). ‘Tac gid khéng ding cau két trong doan van cia minh, - Cac chit dé c6 thé ké én trong ky thi nhu: Con ngudi: sé thich ca ban than, ngudi yéu thong nhat trong gia dinh, nguéi ban ma ban yéu quy nbat, thn twong...; Gidéo duc: mén hoc yéu thich, ngudi gido vién ma ban ngwéng m6, thuan loi va bat loi cia viéc di du hoc...; Thé thao: mén thé thao yéu thich...; Du lich: dia diém du lich ma ban yéu thich...; Cong viéc: wéc mo cita ban, ngudi ban muén tré thanh trong twong lai... Sire kh loi ich ciia viée tap thé duc, ...; Méi trudng: nhiing van dé méi truéng, hién tung néng lén toan cau, (22 mot sé tirhiu ich cho vide viét 1 doan van: A. Duara vidu: - For example... (thong ding du cau) - For instance ,... (thuong ding du cau) ~ =. Such as... “nhw...” (khéng dig du cau). VD: I like playing sports such as football, volleyball. 2. Néulény kién cita minh: - In my opinion, ... “Theo quan diém cia ti” - Personally, ... - From my point of view, ... - From my perspective, ... - It seems to me that + a clause = 3. Duaray kién déi lap: - However, ... =Nevertheless= Nonetheless...” Tuy nhién...” - Although/ Even though ..,, .... ~ In spite of/ Despite .. nhung... - In/ By contrast: Trai lai 4, Thém vaoy kién: - Moreover,...... ~ Furthermore... - In addition/ Additionally... - What's more,.. - Similarly, .. => “Hon nia, Thém vao 46, Ngoai ra,..” 5. Duta ra hau qua, két qua: - Asa result, . - Therefore, ... - Thus, ... - so (ditng gitra cau) - Consequently, . - As a consequence, ... => “Vi vay, Do d6, Két qua 1a, Hau qua la.” 6. Thee: - First/ Firstly, .” Dau tién” - Second/ Secondly, .. “Thi 2... -Third/ Thirdly, ... “Thi 3...” - Finally/ Lastly, Last but not least, ... “Cudi clin W) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi 7. Kétluan: - In conclusion, ... - In summary, ... - To conclude, ... - To summarize, ... -Inshort, ... => Két luan lai, tom lai...” 8. Cac tit dang dé dién dat méc y khdc hoc néu chi tiée mor ¥ trong phan than bai: In other words: N6i cach khac Specifically: Néi mét cach cu thé, - 2 = S a 4 S 2 a 2 a a eay = = = S a S a S = Luyén siéu ky nding Chuyén dé PHAN Il CAc CHU DE THUONG GAP “Please, stop.hurting me.” (| “In about140 words, write a paragraph about the measures of protecting endangered animals. Measures: - learn about endangered species to know about the wonderful wildlife - open/ build many national parks and wild-life preserves > have a habitat to survive - impose serious punishment to prevent people from poaching rare animals ) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi - buy and recycle sustainable products instead of purchasing products made from endangered species Sample writing (4) There are a number of measures that should be taken to protect endangered animals. (2) Firstly, we should learn about endangered species in our world to know how interesting and important they are. (3)Teaching our friends and family to know about the wonderful wildlife plays an important part in protecting animals that are in danger. (4) Secondly, the governments all over the world should open as many national parks and wild-life preserves as possible. (5) Therefore, animals will have a suitable habitat to survive and good condition to grow when they can be kept ina natural and safe environment. (6) Moreover, each nation should impose more serious punishment to prevent people from poaching rare and valuable animals. (7) Besides, we should make our environment friendly by recycling and buying sustainable products instead of purchasing products made from endangered species. (8) In conclusion, if we take actions to protect endangered animals, our lives will become better. (150 words) Vocabulary - measure /'‘megor/ (n) ~ method: a way of achieving something, or a method for dealing with a situation: bién phap E.g: What measures can we take to avoid terrorism? (Ching ta c6 thé thuc hién nhéng bién php gi dé trénh duoc khiing b6?) - take measures/ adopt measures/ implement measures: thyc hién/ tién hanh bién phap - endangered /mn'demdgad/ (adj): cé nguy co tuyét ching (déng thyre vat) . + endangered birds/plants/species: animals or plants that may soon not exist because there are very few now alive: nhimg loai cé nguy Luyén siéu ki niing Chuyén dé viek tun Théng Anh co tuyét ching - wildlife /‘waildlaif/ (n); animals, birds, insects, etc. that are wild and live in a natural environment: chim thi hoang da, giéi hiru sinh, dng vat hoang da E.g: a wildlife habitat: méi trudng séng hoang da A wildlife sanctuary: khu bao ton d6ng vat hoang da + wildlife conservation: sy bao tén nhitng loai tha, chim rimg, sy bao ton déng vat hoang da - wildlife preserve ~ wildlife reserve ~a wildlife sanctuary: an area of land kept in its natural state, especially for wild animals to live in and be protected: khu bao ton dOng vat hoang da - play an important part/ role in: d6ng vai trd quan trong... - to be in danger: dang gap nguy hiém, c6 nguy co tuyét ching ~ on the brink of extinction + animals in danger of extinction (nhig d6ng vat sSp/cé nguy co tuyét ching) - national park: vudn quéc gia - sustainable /sa'stemabl (adj): bén vimg E.g: sustainable economic growth (su phat trién kinh té bén ving) - habitat /"haebitet/ (n): the place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found: méi trong séng E.g: the destruction of wildlife habitat (su pha huy méi trwdng séng cia dong vt hoang da) - survive /so'vatv/ (v): song sot, tn tai Eg: These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions. (Nhting loai thuc vat nay khong thé ton tai trong diéu kién thoi tiét lanh.) - condition /ken'difn/ (n): diéu kién, tinh trang E.g: to be in bad/good/excellent condition (trong tinh trang thi t6/ tot/ xuat sic) - environment /m'vairenment/ (n): méi trong E.g: a pleasant working environment (méi triréng lam viéc thoai mai) - the environment (singular): the natural world in which people, animals and plants live E.g: pollution of the environment (6 nhiém mdi truéng) - impose /im'pavz/ (v): 4p dung + impose sth on/upon sth/ sb: 4p dung/ ap dit cdi gi vao c4i gi/ ai dé E.g: A new tax was imposed on fuel. (Thué méi duoc 4p dung vao nhién liéu.) - punishment /‘panifmeant/ (n): hinh phat + punishment for sth: hinh phat cho cai gi E.g: What is the punishment for murder? (Hinh phat cho toi giét nguoi la gi?) + capital punishment ~ death penalty: 4n tt hinh - poach /paut{/ (v) to catch and kill animals without permission on someone else's land: sin trom, cdu trém - rare animals (n): d6ng vat quy hiém = Ménh d@ quan hé - Cau bi dong - how + adj +S +be -as many + N sé nhiéu + as possible - prevent sb from doing sth: ngain cén ai lam gi &6 - instead of thay v1 - Rat gon ménh d@ quan hé: + We should make our environment friendly by recycling and buying sustainable products instead of purchasing products made from endangered species, > We should make our environment friendly by recycling and buying sustainable products instead of purchasing products which are made from endangered species. - Cau diéu kién loai 1 kj néing Chuyén dé viét tun Tiéng Anh Introduction: Cau sé 1 Body: Tir cau s6 2 dén cau s67 Conclusion: Cau sé 8 Linking words: Firstly; Secondly; Therefore; Moreover; Besides; In conclusion “Oy Pana) Viét mét doan van vé cdc bién phap dé bao vé déng vat cé nguy co'tuyét ching. Bai mau C6 nhiéu bién phap nén duoc thuc hién dé bao vé dong vat cé nguy co tuyét chung, Truc tién, ching ta nén hoc vé nhifng loai cé nguy co tuyét chting trén thé gidi cita ching dé biét dugc chang thi quan trong va tuyét voi nhw thé nao. Day cho nhimng ngw0i ban va gia dinh cla ching ta biét vé thé gioi dong vat hoang da, déng vai trd quan trong trong viée bao vé déng vat dang gp nguy hiém. Thi hai, chinh pha khdp thé giéi nén mé nhiéu khu vuén quéc gia va khu bao tn déng vat hoang da. Vi vay, déng vat sé cé méi trudng séng bén virng dé tn tai va diéu kién tét dé phat trién khi ching dwoc & mOt méi trwong an toan va ty nhién. Hon nita, méi quéc gia nén 4p dung nhi&u hinh phat nghiém khac hon dé ngan chan viéc con ngw6i sin trém déng vat quy hiém. Ngoai ra, ching ta nén lam cho méi trudng ctia chting ta tr nén than thién bang viéc tai ché va mua nhing san pham bén ving thay vi mua nhing san phdm dug lam tir dong vat c6 nguy co tuyét ching. Tém lai, néu ching ta hanh dong dé bao vé dng vat cé nguy co’ tuyét ching thi cudéc séng ciia ching ta sé tro nén t6t hon. < fe eS = = 3 S W) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi GOB ‘* Write a paragraph about the following topic: There are many people wearing skins of dead animals. Why do people like it? Reasons: - wearing skins of dead animals makes us feel comfortable (soft, beautiful) - need to wear warm clothes in cold weather to survive - copy celebrities’ clothes and fashions to resemble their idols BEE Sample writing (1) People these days tend to wear many things such as clothes, handbags and hats which are made from dead animals for a variety of reasons. (2) First, it is understandable that wearing these things can make us feel comfortable because they are soft and look visually beautiful. (3) For example, when wearing fur coats or leather purse, girls not only become attractive and graceful in front of public, but also look very fashionable. (4) Secondly, people need to own warm clothes in cold weather. (5) Without them, they could hardly survive in winter. (6) Finally, an increasing number of teenagers seem to imitate their favorite celebrities’ fashions and habits. (7) This means that they are willing to pay a huge amount of money to purchase luxurious clothes made from dead animals because of the fact that they want to make themselves resemble their idols. (8) In summary, people of all ages use dead animals to meet their own needs. (152 words) Luyén siéu ky niing Chuyén dé viét tudn Tiéhg Anh Vocabulary - understandable /,anda'steendabl/ (adj): dé hiéu, c6 thé hiéu duge E.g: Their attitude is perfectly understandable. (Thdi d6 cua ho thi hoan toan cé thé hiéu dugc.) - attractive /a'trektwv/ (adj): quyén ra, hap din E.g: an attractive girl (mét cé gai quyén rit) ~ graceful /‘gretsful/ (adj): duyén dang E.g: The dancers were all tall and graceful. (Tat c4 cdc va cng thi cao va duyén dang.) - fashionable /‘feefnabl/ (adj): hop thdi trang, ding mét Eg: fashionable clothes (quan 4o hop thdi trang) - celebrity /sa'lebrati/ (n): ngudi ndi tiéng E.g: TV celebrities (ngwéi ndi tiéng trén truyén hinh) - imitate /‘mmrtert/ (v): bat chuéc E.g: Teachers provide a model for children to imitate. (Giéo vién cung cdp mét kiéu mau dé bon tré bat chuéc theo.) - purchase /‘ps:tfes/ ~ buy (v): mua - luxurious /lag'zuarias/ (adj): xa hoa, xa xi, sang trong E.g: a luxurious hotel (mét khach san sang trong) - resemble /rr'zembl/ (v): giéng E.g: She closely resembles her sister. (C6 4y gan ging chi gai.) - meet own needs: dap tmg cac nhu cau riéng - people of all ages: moi ngwdi & tt cd moi dd tudl - Ménh d@ quan hé - Rat gon ménh 8 quan hé: This means that they are willing to pay a huge amount of money to purchase luxurious clothes made from dead animals ... ia FE ey S = Fee sy a = 2 Ss S W) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi - itis understandable that ... - C4u tric: not only ... but also: khéng nhifng ... ma cdn - Cau tric véi because - Ménh 4@ quan hé - Cau bi dong } OY Analysis 7 Introduction: cau s6 1 Body: tix cu sé 2 dén7 Conclusion: cau sé 8 Linking words: First, For example; Secondly; Finally; In summary ““ Phan dich 6 rat nhiéu nguéi mac da ciia déng vat chét. Tal sao con nguéi thich diéu 46? Bai mau Ney nay con ngudi cé xu huéng mac nhiéu thir nhu quan 4o, tii x4ch va mai duge lam tir dng vat chét vi nhiéu ly do. Truéc tién, c6 thé dé hiéu ring mac nhimg thir nay cé thé lam cho chiing ta cdm thay thoai mai boi vi chiing thi nhe va tréng rdt dep. Chang han nhu khi mic 4o choang da léng thit hoc deo vi da thi cdc ¢6 gai khong nhtmg tro nén quyén ri va duyén dang truréc dm dng ma con trong rét hyp thoi trang. Thif hai, con ngwdi cn c6 nhimng b6 quan 4o 4m vao thoi tiét lanh. Khéng cé dé 4o 4m thi ho khé cé thé tin tai vao mia déng, Cuéi cing, nhitu thanh thiéu nién dudng nhw muén bat chuéc thoi trang va théi quen ca nhtmg ngudi néi tiéng ma minh yéu thich. Diu nay cé nghia 1a ho s&n sang tra mét sé long tin lon 4é mua nhirng bé quan 4o xa xi dugc lam tir dong vat chét bai vi ho muén lam cho chinh minh trong gidng v6i thin twgng cia minh. Tém lai, con ngwdi & moi 46 tuéi sir dung d6ng vat chét dé dap tg nhu cau riéng cia minh. Luyén siéu ky ning Chuyén dé viet tudin Tiéng Anh “+ In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of zoos. FEY Outi) - play an important role in wildlife conservation (protect endangered species, such as pandas). - provide job opportunities and income for the local people (employ many people. - be interesting, educational and fun (see animals, touch them and learn about them. && Sample writing (4) It is true that a wide variety of zoos are being built to keep animals, which can have some advantages. (2) To begin with, zoos play an important part in wildlife conservation because they can help to protect endangered species such as pandas from being killed. (3) Secondly, zoological gardens provide employment opportunities for many local people. (4) In fact, there are a large number of people who are employed to feed, take care of and protect animals. (5) Lastly, 200s can help to educate and entertain children. (6) They can have the opportunity to learn about animals not only from books and TV programs but from observing them directly, which can help them broaden their knowledge. (7) Besides, itis interesting when they can see animals, touch them and even feed them. (8) In conclusion, zoos can be important because of their considerable benefits. (138 words) - conservation /,konso'verfn/ (n): sy bao tn E.g: to be interested in wildlife conservation (quan tam dén sy bdo tin d6ng vat hoang da) MW) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Tht - wildlife /‘waildlaif/ (n): animals, birds, insects, etc. that are wild and live in a natural environment: chim thit hoang da, gidi hiru sinh, déng vat hoang da. ~ endangered species (n): loai cé nguy co tuyét ching E.g: The sea turtle is an endangered species. (Rua bién 14 loai cé nguy co tuyét ching) - a conservation area for endangered species. (Ikhu vic bao tin loai co nguy co'tuyét ching) - panda /"peenda/ (n): gau tric - zoological /,zu:a'lodgtkl/ garden ~ zoo (n): vudn bach tha - employment opportunities ~ job opportunities (n): co hoi ngh® nghiép, co héi viée lam - employ /tm'ploi/ (v); thué (ai) lam gi E.g: How many people does the company employ? (Céng ty thué bao nhiéu nguoi?) + take care of ~ look after: cham séc - educate /‘edgukeit/ (v): gido duc > education (n): sw gido duc E.g: The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment. - entertain /,ente'tem/ (v): giai tri, tiéu khién Most children’s television programmes aim to educate and entertain at the same time. (Ba phn c4c chuong trinh ti vi cho tré nhé nham muc dich vira gido duc va gidi tri dong thoi.) - observe /ab'z3:v/ (v): quan sat E.g: / want you to observe all the details. (Téi muén ban quan sat tat cd cdc chi tiét.) - broaden knowledge: mé réng kién thirc E.g: I want to study in a prestigious university to broaden my knowledge. Luyén siéu ky nding Chuyén dé viél tudn Tiéng Anh - Ménh dé quan he - Ménh d® trang ngit v6i because, when - protect sb/ sth from sth/ doing sth: bao vé ai/ ci gi tr edi gi - provide sth for sb ~ provide sb with sth: cung cp cai gi cho ai - not only ...but also: khong nhiing con Im Analysis - Introduction: Cau sé 1 - Body: Cau sé 2 dén cau s6 7 - Conclusion: Cau sé 8 - Linking words: To begin with; Secondly; in fact, Lastly; Besides; In conclusion “> Bé bai: Viét mét doan van vé lof ich cita vudn bach thé Bai mau Ro rang rang nhiéu khu vudn bach thi dang dugc xay dung dé gitr dong vat, digu ma cé mét sé thuan Ioi. Truéc tién, sé tha 1a phn quan trong trong viéc bao ton dng vat hoang da béi vi ching cé thé gitip bao vé cdc loai cé nguy co tuyét ching nhur gu triic khdi bi giét chét. Thi hai, vuron bach thi cung cap co’ hdi viéc lam cho nhigu ngudi dan dia phuong. Thuc té, cé nhiGu nguoi dugc thué dé cho dong vat &n, chim séc va bao vé ching, Cudi cling, virbn bach thi cé thé gitip gido duc va giai tri bon tra. Ching cé co hdi hoc vé dong vat khéng nhimg tir séch va céc chong trinh tivima cdn tir viéc quan sat ching tryc tiép, di8u ma cé thé gitip ching mé rong kién thire, Ngoai ra, that la tht vj khi chting cé thé nhin thay déng vat, s¥ vao ching va cho chting an. Tom lai, von bach thi quan trong vi nhiing Ioi ich dang ké cia ching. W) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi es, Practice | cm * Inabout 140 words, write a paragraph about the disadvantages of zoos. Disadvantages: - Zoos are artificial environments (animals are kept in cages > rely on humans > lose their instinct and freedom to hunt for food): Vuon bach thi la méi trudng nhan tao (dong vat bi nhét trong chudng > 1é thudc vao con ngwdi > mat di ban nang va ty do dé san tim thttc an) - Zoos is unethical (have no right to use animals for entertainment and profit): Von bach thi thi khéng hop dao dttc (khong c6 quyén dé ding 46ng vat cho muc dich gidi tri va loi nhuan) Luyén siéu kj nding Chuyén dé viét tun Tieng Anh DD) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi GB + Inabout 140words, write a paragraph about the advantages of animals testing/ experiments on animals. Advantages: - test the effect of new drugs > find the most effective treatment for incurable illnesses such as AIDS and cancer > make a contribution to the medical development (kiém tra duge higu qua cia thuéc m6i > tim ra cdch chia tri higu qua nhat cho nhitng cain bénh khong thé cru chiva duoc nhuw AIDS va ung thu -> gop phan vao su phat trién y hoc) - Experiments on animals help teachers and students expand their biological knowledge (cdc thi nghiém trén déng vat giip giéo vién va hoc sinh c6 thé mé rng kién thifc y hoc cita minh) - Some animals provide humans with essential organs for transplantation (M@t sé dong vat cung cp cho con ngudi nhémg co quan cn thiét cho viée cdy ghép) You writing Luyén siéu ky néing Chuyén dé viék tudn Tiéng Anh W) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi Cities cB * Inabout 140 words, writea paragraph about the following topic: “Do you like living in the city or in the country? Why?” { =f Outline My view: I like living in the country. Reasons: - Living here is more peaceful and comfortable: good for health (avoid noise, pollution and traffic jam) - People are friendly and hospitable. (know each other) - The cost of living is low. (property prices; food price) - Living here is not as stressful as living in cities. Luyén siéu ky néing Chuyén dé viét tudn Tiéng Anh Eas Sample writing (1) Personally, { prefer life in the country to that in the city because of several reasons. (2) Firstly, rural areas bring me the peace and comfort, which is beneficial to my health. (3) Living here helps me avoid noise and pollution coming from vehicles such as motorbikes or cars and traffic congestion at the rush hour, which can make me feel uncomfortable. (4) Secondly, people in the countryside are very friendly and hospitable. (5) If you live in urban areas, you cannot even know your neighbors. (6)This makes you bored and lonely. (7) Thirdly, the cost of living in the cityis higher than that in the country. (8) We can find it difficult to live here permanently because property prices are much higher than ever before, and even the prices of goods have increased dramatically. (9) Finally, life in cities can be extremely stressful for us. (10) Today, there are a lot of problems such as unemployment, crime and poverty that we have to face. (11) Because of the disadvantages of living in the city, | want to live and work in the country. (176 words) Vocabulary - peace /pi:s/ (n): sy thanh binh , su yén binh > peaceful (adj): hoa binh, thanh binh E.g: war and peace (chién tranh va héa binh) The two communities live together in peace. (Hai cong ding sOng hoa binh véi nhau.) - comfort /*kamfot/ (n): sw thoai mai E.g: They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age. (Ho c6 di tién dé séng thodi mdi lic gia.) - avoid /a'void/ (v): tranh E.g: The accident could have been avoided. (Tai nan c6 thé dug trénh.) - pollution /pe'lu:fn/ (n): sw 6 nhiém Eg: air pollution (6 nhiém khong khi) WW Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi to reduce levels of environmental pollution. (giam mirc d6 6 nhiém mdi trwdng.) - vehicle /‘vizokl/ (n): xe c6, phurong tién di lai E.g: Are you the driver of this vehicle? - hospitable /ho'sprtabl/ (adj): hiéu khach, mén khach + hospitable to/towards sb: hiéu khach véi ai E.g: The local people are very hospitable to strangers. (Nguoi dan dja phuong rat hiéu khdch v6i ngudi la.) - urban area (n) ~ city: ving dé thi, thanh thi - permanently /‘ps:manantli/ (adv): mai mai, vinh vién # temporarily (adv): tam thoi E.g: She had decided to settle permanently in France. (C6 ay da quyét dinh dinh cu mai mai 6 Phap.) - the cost of living: the amount of money that people need to pay for food, clothing and somewhere to live: chi phi sinh hoat Eg: The cost of living here is very high. (Chi phtsinh hoat 6 day thi ratcao.) + property price (n): gid nha dat, bat déng san + stressful /‘stresful/ (adj): causing a lot of anxiety and worry: cang thang Eg: a stressful job (mét cong viéc cng thang) + unemployment /ntm'ploimont/ (n): nan thét nghiép, sy that nghiép E.g: unemployment benefit (tro c4p that nghiép) the level/rate of unemployment (ty Ié that nghiép) The government should take measures to help reduce/tackle unemployment. (Chinh phi nén thuc hién nhiéu bién phap dé gidm/ giai quyét that nghiép.) - crime /kraim/ (n): t64, t6i 4c E.g: The crime rate is rising. (TY Ié toi pham dang tang.) = S 2 = A in Ss & iS > commit a crime: pham t6i Luyén siéu ky nding Chuyén dé viét luan Tiéng Ant + poverty /‘povati/ (n): sw nghdo déi Eg: to alleviate/relieve poverty (gidm nghéo nan) Many elderly people live in poverty. (Nhiéu ngudi gia sdng trong tinh trang nghéo nan.) + traffic jam ~ traffic congestion: ach tac giao théng - prefer sth to sth: thich ci gi hon cai gi - Cu diéu kién loai 1: Ifyou live in urban areas, you cannot even know your neighbors. - So sénh hon: “the cost of living in the city is higher than in the country” “property prices are much higher than ever before”- - find it adj to do sth: cam thay nhu thé nao khi lam gi -make sb do sth/ make sb adj: lam cho/khién ai lam gi/ nhu thé nao - Ménh a@ quan hé voi “that”: Every day, there are a lot of problems such as traffic jam, crime, poverty that we have to face. - Introduction/ Topic sentence: (1) Personally, | prefer life in the country to that in the city because of several reasons. - Body: + Supporting sentences: 2, 4, 7, 9 18 nhiing cu gidi thich cho cau cha dé + Supporting details: 3, 5,6,8 -Conclusion/ Concluding sentence: (10) Because ofthedisadvantages of living in the city, | want to live and work in the country. Linking words: Firstly; Secondly; Thirdly, Finally WM Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi it mt doan van vé chal dé sau:“Ban thich séng é'thanh pho hay néng thén? Tai sao?” Bai mau C4 nhan téi thich cudc séng & ndng thon hon 6 thanh phé béi vi mot s6 ly do. Dau tién, nhimg ving néng thén mang dén cho tdi sy thanh binh va su thoai mdi ma cé Igi cho sttc khée ca ti. Séng 6 day gitip t6i tranh duoc tiéng dn va su 6 nhiém tir xe c6 nhw xe may hay 6 t6 va Ach tac giao théng vao gid cao diém, di8u ma lam téi cdm thay khéng thoai mai. Thir hai, con ngwai & mién qué thi rat than thién va mén khach. Néu ban séng & ‘ving dé thi thi ban tham chi khéng thé biét duoc hang x6m cia minh. Digu nay lam ban thay buén chén va cé don. Thit ba, chi phi sinh hoat 6 thanh phé thi cao hon & néng thon. Ching ta cé thé cam thay khé khan 46 s6ng & day lau dai béi vi gia nha dat cao hon nhigu so véi truéc day, va tham chi gid ciia c4c mat hang héa cing da ting manh. Cudi cing, cudc séng & nhitng thanh phé thi cc ky cng thang déi vi ching ta, Ngay nay cé nhiéu van a8 nhu that nghiép, ti pham va sy nghéo nan ma chiing ta phai déi mat. Bdi vi nhimg bit Igi cita viéc s6ng 6 thanh phé nén ti mudn séng va Jam viéc 6 néng thén. Luyén siéu ky ning Chuyén aé viet tudn Tigng Anh @B “In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the following topic: In many countries, young people leave rural areas for studying and working in cities. What are the causes of this trend? Reasons why young people move to big cities to study and work: - better educational opportunities + study in prestigious/ high standard universities or colleges > acquire higher qualifications > beneficial to their later career - more job/ employment opportunities + itis easier for low-skilled workers to find a suitable job + highly- skilled workers can have more chances to build a successful career in big cities Sample writing (1) Nowadays, many people tend to move from the country to cities because of several reasons. (2) The primary cause of this phenomenon is better educational opportunities. (3) It is said that young people migrating to the urban areas have more chances to get access to good universities or colleges which offer better facilities for studying, (4) As a result, after graduating from prestigious schools, they can broaden their knowledge and gain higher qualifications which play an essential role in finding a lucrative job in the future. (5) Moreover, there will be more employment opportunities for young people. (6) Indeed, graduates can easily finda suitable job in cities if they are low- skilled and inexperienced WN Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi workers. (7) Highly- skilled workers can have more chances to build a successful career in big cities. (8) In conclusion, cities can provide young generation with more educational opportunities and career prospects, so they are willing to migrate from rural areas to cities in search of a better life. (157 words) Vocabulary -move /mu:v/ (v): di chuyén, chuyén + move (from ...) (to..): di chuyén tt ..dén - the country ~ agricultural areas ~ rural areas: ving néng thon - cities ~ urban areas: thanh phé, thanh thi - better educational opportunities: co héi gido duc t6t hon - migrate/mar‘grert/ (v): di cw o oe S 2 S cy = a SS = Sy g ) E.g: Thousands were forced to migrate from rural to urban areas in search of work. ~ have/get access to sth: tiép c4n/ truy cap vao cai gi E.g: You need a password to get access to the computer system. (Ban can mat khau dé truy cp vao hé théng may tinh.) - prestigious /pre'stidgas/ (adj): danh ting, uy tin E.g: a prestigious reward - gain higher qualifications: c6 dugc bang cp cao hon - lucrative /‘hu:krativ/ (adj); cé loi nhuan, kiém duoc nhiéu tign > a lucrative job~ a well-paid job: mdt cng viée kiém dugc nhiéu tin - employment opportunities: co héi viéc lam - graduate /‘greedzuet/ (n): ngudi tét nghiép dai hoc - low-skilled (adj): not having or needing a high level of skill or education: c6 kj nang / trinh d6 thap kém # highly skilled

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