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In busy lives nowadays , it can be hard to find time to volunteer .

However , the
benefits of volunteering are infinitely many to our community . First of all ,
volunteering has strong impact on the community . Unpaid volunteers are the
glue that holds a community together . Volunteering allows you to connect to
your community and make it better . Decating your time as a volunteer also
helps you make new friends , expand your network , and boost your social skills
. Secondly , volunteering is the best way to make friends and improve your
relationships and do a shared activity together . Volunteering is a great way to
meet news people , espeacially if you are new to an area. It also strengthens
your ties to the community and expands your support network . Finally , it helps
enhance your social and relationship skills . While some people are often shy
and have a hard time to meet new people , volunteers are naturally outgoing .
Volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice and develope your social
skills . You can introduce to people with common interests , neighbourhood
resources and fun and interesting activities . Once you get motivated , it’s easier
to brach out and make more friends and contacts . To sum up ,volunteering
brings about many huge benefits . It helps you to explore yourself and be
helpful to the society and improve your social skills so it is encouraged that
people should spend some free time to take part in this meaningful activity.

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