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Zach Thomas

9/11 Remembered Interviews Reflection

The 9/11 Remembered Interviews Portfolio Project was a very interesting, unique, and

fun group assignment to complete. It allowed for communication with other people that I

previously never spoke to, and I always enjoy meeting and getting to know new people.

Additionally, this project gave me the opportunity to learn new information about 9/11, and hear

it told from perspectives of individuals that were actually living when it occurred, which strikes

me as vary interesting and exciting. When it comes to the actual work aspect of this assignment,

my group worked very well together. Only a few days after the project was introduced in class,

which was more than two weeks before it was actually due, our group began emailing each other

and discussing different aspects of the assignment such as who was to do what or take what role,

various ideas and questions for our interviews, and possible ways in which we could create the

final video. With that being said, our group worked together on many of the tasks, but we did

assign a few separate important tasks to one another: Ari created a guide document for our group

that contained information and shared ideas, did an interview, created three questions for our

interviews, and began work on a Canva slideshow that was used within the final video; I added

to the guide document, did an interview, created three questions, added to and recorded some

similarities and differences on the Canva slideshow; Kylie added to the guide document, created

the last three questions, did an interview, made some final touches to the Canva slideshow, and

produced the final video. Overall, I learned quite a bit from the people I/we interviewed, most of

which revolves around what I didn’t know and was surprised to find out about their individual

experiences. I discovered that 9/11 was on a Tuesday, so many people were doing ordinary
everyday tasks such as working or school. I also discovered that many of the schools sent their

children home that day, and that nearly the entire nation, especially the people we interviewed,

was completely shocked at the event and united immediately to overcome a stage of mourning.

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