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Oxford Exam Trainer B1

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№ Дата Тема Активності ЛО Дз
1 Діагностичне Тест ЗНО 2021 Oxford Exam
тестування Trainer B1 pp.6-7
Only child; daughter-in-law; great grandmother; cousins; niece; stepmother; son; aunt;
Graduate from university, pass your driving test; get married; get a job; leave home;
retire from work; fall in love; start a family; be born; buy a house
Dress up; witch; ask for; roast turkey; receive
Fall out with; get together with; get on with; make up; argument; get into; take after;
loop up to; admire
Date; jealous; break up; go out with; relationship; friendship;
Send text messages; visit each other at home; hang out; go out at the shopping centre;
chat online through Skype; play on the games console; go out of town; rent a DVD
2 Discussion p.7 Learn new words
Reading Social Writing p.13
networks Present tenses
Listening p.10 and pp.6-10
p.12 Family and social
life pp.72-75
3 Listening pp.76-77 Reading pp.78-80
Reading pp.78-80 Writing pp.84-85
Wordlist pp.86-87
4 Grammar p.11 Vocabulary pp.16-
Multiple-choice 17
p.12 Grammar
Review p.15

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