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How to use history in a sentence

 If so, it’s because Facebook identified you as someone who has the potential to lead the group,
as you don’t have a history of violations.

Facebook tries to clean up Groups with new policies|Sarah Perez|September 17, 2020|

 “Encores” is a weekly online series highlighting past performances from the historic Folger stage,
recalling the rich history of public programming at the Folger.

D.C. theater scene adapts with films, concerts, and more|Patrick Folliard|September 17,
2020|Washington Blade

 Five of California’s 10 largest fires in modern history are all burning at once.

Suppressing fires has failed. Here’s what California needs to do instead.|James Temple|
September 17, 2020|MIT Technology Review

 So Brazil has an unfortunate history of sensitive data finding its way onto the internet.

Podcast: COVID-19 is helping turn Brazil into a surveillance state|Anthony Green|

September 16, 2020|MIT Technology Review

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