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Nama : Hassan akbar pambudi

Nim : 1911010011

human development
changes in clothing styles
different lifestyles
difference in fate
difference in strength
body differences


Addicted —> J

Critical. —> H

Financial —> E

Forbidden —> A.

Illegal —> I

Minor —> B

Premise —> G

Recently —> D

Vast —> F

Worry —> C


Line 1

Name. : Toni

Child’s name : Ben

How life changed : suddenly he and his wife had no money. His wife stop working. They had
less money.
Things to buy : baby clothes, special soap, baby bath, prime, toys.

Advice : save up before have a child

Line 2

Name. : Carol

Child’s name : Elizabeth

How life changed : suddenly they had no time left. Evert minutes of everyday just dissapeared
looking for their child

Things to buy : changing nappies, preparing food, feeding the child, giving the child bath,

Advice : don’t worry so much, just enjoy being parents

Line 3

Name. : Lucy

Child’s name : Terry

How life changed : suddenly they had no space left in the house

Things to buy : nappies, towel, clothes and toys

Advice : sask from other people not toys


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2. F

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6. F

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9. T

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