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Elaisa Mae V.





1. How important the transformational process of an output?

2.How is that Services is more crucial in rating the quality rather than the
Physical product?


1. It's significant because Any activity or combination of operations that takes one or more
inputs, changes and adds value to them, and offers outputs for consumers or clients is
referred to as a transformation process. It is generally easy to recognize the transformation
involved when the inputs are raw materials, such as when milk is turned into cheese and
butter. The nature of the change may be less evident when the inputs are information or
people. A hospital, for example, converts unwell people (the input) into healthy patients (the
output) (the output)

2. The services are even better because you can go to him or take a close look at the things you
buy if you need them, and you can save money compared to physical products that come
from online where you still have to spend money just to send your product. The beauty of
the services is that you don't have to spend a lot of money just to get what you bought.

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