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DeKalb County School District ference* November 30, 2021 2:00 pm local time on nesday, December 1, 2021: jjschofield@dekalbcountyga.

(DCSD) is seeking bids from @10:00 am Thursday, December 16, 2021 1. Individual Name and Title v.
qualified vendors to provide Final Questions Due Decem- for ++ITB No. 22-752-014, for 2. Company Name Questions: Questions must be
general contractor services at ber 6, 2021 not later than 2:00 GC Services for ADA Accessib- 3. Telephone Number submitted to the Department of
Freedom Middle School. The pm ility Upgrades & Plumbing Fix- 4. Email Address Purchasing & Contracting via
awarded vendor will be re- Final Addendum Issued (if ne- ture Replacements, for Cedar This information must be sent email to jjschofield@dekalb-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 15
sponsible for providing all labor,
materials, and incidentals ne-
cessary) December 13, 2021
not later than 2:00 pm
Grove Middle School, Chapel
Hill Middle School, Oakcliff
to dcsd-op-solicitation@dekalb- A meeting link, no later than
close of business on Monday,
cessary to furnish and install a Bids Due December 16, 2021 Theme Elementary School, and will be sent to all those provid- December 13, 2021. Ques-
security vestibule in accord- not later than 2:00 pm Rainbow Elementary School, ing the above information no 040-452084 11/25,12/2 tions and requests for interpret-


ance with the scope of work in- Virtual Public Bid Opened* Project No. 341-423++. The later than 9:30 AM, EST on Request for Proposals ation received by the Depart-
cluded in this ITB. December 16, 2021 @ 2:30 pm Owner shall not consider late Thursday, December 2, 2021. DeKalb County Government ment of Purchasing and Con-
The ITB document will be avail- Anticipated Board Review and bids. There will be mandatory site (the County) requests qualified tracting after this date will not
able Thursday, November 11, Approval February 2022 Scope of Services visits beginning at 9:00 AM, individuals and firms (hereafter, receive a response or be the
2021, and may be obtained *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- DeKalb County School District EST on Friday, December 3, "proposer''), with knowledge of subject of addenda.
from the DeKalb County School ANCE* (DCSD) is seeking bids from 2021. Attendance is mandat- and experience in providing Addenda: Request for Propos-

The official legal organ of DeKalb County, GA

District website at:
https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- Plans and Specifica-
Meeting will be held via ZOOM.
Please refer “Virtual Mandatory
Pre-Bid Conference” for instruc-
qualified vendors to provide
general contractor services at
Cedar Grove Middle School,
Virtual Mandatory Pre-Bid Con-
Golf Course Management and
Operation to submit proposals
for this ++RFP No. 21-500589,
als and all addenda issued for
this project may be found on
DeKalb County’s website,
tions are available electronic- tions to receive meeting link. Chapel Hill Middle School, Oak- ference* December 2, 2021 Manage and Operate Mystery
For a complete index of legal notices by page number,
ally in PDF format and can be Except as expressly provided cliff Theme Elementary School, @10:00 am Valley Golf Course++, /purchasing/pc_formal_solicita-
emailed to prospective bidders in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc- and Rainbow Elementary Final Questions Due Decem- For a copy of the Request for tion_current_bids.html
upcoming deadlines as well as terms and conditions of legal
free of charge by submitting a uments, from the date of issu- School. The awarded vendor ber 8, 2021 not later than 2:00 Proposal, please contact: LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS
request to weyman_f_chris- ance of the ITB until final Own- will be responsible for provid- pm DeKalb County Department of ENTERPRISE ORDINANCE
advertising notices, please see the last page of the legal er action of approval of con- ing all labor, materials, and in- MAIL Final Addendum Issued FAX (if ne- HAND 2nd All Responders
Purchasing & Contracting, EMAIL to this Request
VIRTUAL MANDATORY PRE- tract award, the Contractor sub- cidentals necessary to furnish P.O. Box cessary)
1347December 13, 2021 Floor, The
114 Maloof
NewCenter, 1300 E for Proposals
St. Suite legalads@ are hereby ad-
section. BID CONFERENCE mitting a Bid shall not initiate and install ADA accessibilityDecatur, not laterGAthan 2:00 pm
Commerce Decatur,Drive, Decatur,
GA vised that the DEKALB FIRST
A virtual mandatory Pre-Bid any communication or discus- upgrades and replacement30031-1347 Bids Due December 16, 2021 Georgia 30030, telephone
Conference will be held via sion concerning the Project, the plumbing fixtures in accord- not later than 2:00 pm number (404) 371-7051, or vis- ENTERPRISE (LSBE) require-
ZOOM at 10:00 a.m. local time ITB or the Contractor’s Bid or ance with the scope of work in- Virtual Public Bid Opened* it our website at ments apply to this project. Po-
on Tuesday, November 30, any part thereof with any em- cluded in this ITB. December 16, 2021 @ 3:30 pm tential proposers must attend
Ad For Bid 2021. Prospective bidders must
provide the following informa-
ployee, agent, or representat-
ive of the Owner. Any violation
The ITB document will be avail-
able Thursday, November 11,
Anticipated Board Review and
Approval February 2022
tion_current_bids.html. Propos-
one of the Mandatory DeKalb
First LSBE Meetings at 10:00
040-451842 11/11,11/25,12/2, tion by 5:00 PM, EST on of this restriction may result in 2021, and may be obtained *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- als will be received at the a.m. or 2:00 p.m. on Wednes-
12/9 Monday, November 29, 2021: the rejection of the Contractor’s from the DeKalb County School ANCE* above address until 3:00 p.m. day, November 24, 2021 or
ADVERTISEMENT FOR 1. Individual Name and Title Bid. District website at: Meeting will be held via ZOOM. on Thursday, December 23, December 1, 2021.
INVITATION TO BID 2. Company Name The Owner reserves the right to https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- Please refer “Virtual Mandatory 2021. The County reserves the right
General Contractor Services 3. Telephone Number reject any or all bids, and to Plans and Specifica- Pre-Bid Conference” for instruc- Pre-Proposal Meeting: A Man- to reject any and all proposals,
Sealed Bids will be received by 4. Email Address waive technicalities and inform- tions are available electronic- tions to receive meeting link. datory pre-proposal confer- to waive informalities, and to
the DeKalb County Board of This information must be sent alities. ally in PDF format and can be Except as expressly provided ence will be held starting at 300 re-advertise.
Education (the “Owner”) elec- to dcsd-op-solicitation@dekalb- Publish Dates: 11/11, 11/25, emailed to prospective bidders in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc- p.m. on Thursday, December 9, 040-452085 11/25,12/2
tronically at https://dekalb- A meeting link 12/2, 12/9 free of charge by submitting a uments, from the date of issu- 2021 at Mystery Valley Golf DEKALB COUNTY SCHOOL, until will be sent to all those provid- request to weyman_f_chris- ance of the ITB until final Own- Course, 6094 Shadow Rock DISTRICT
2:00 pm local time on ing the above information no 040-451843 11/11,11/25,12/2 er action of approval of con- Drive, Lithonia, GA 30058. In- ADVERTISEMENT FOR
Thursday, December 16, 2021 later than 9:30 AM, EST on 12/9 VIRTUAL MANDATORY PRE- tract award, the Contractor sub- terested proposers are re- SOLICITATIONS
for ++ITB No. 22-752-008, for Tuesday, November 30, 2021. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID CONFERENCE mitting a Bid shall not initiate quired to attend and participate Sealed responses will be re-
GC Services for Freedom There will be a mandatory site INVITATION TO BID A virtual mandatory Pre-Bid any communication or discus- in the pre-proposal conference. ceived by the DeKalb County
Middle School Security Vesti- visit beginning at 9:00 AM, EST General Contractor Services Conference will be held via sion concerning the Project, the For information regarding the School District in the Purchas-
bule, Project No. 202-423++. on Wednesday, December 1, Sealed Bids will be received by ZOOM at 10:00 a.m. local time ITB or the Contractor’s Bid or p re-p ro po sa l c on fe re nc e , ing Department, 1701 Moun-
The Owner shall not consider 2021. Attendance is mandat- the DeKalb County Board of on Thursday, December 2, any part thereof with any em- please contact Jennifer tain Industrial Boulevard, Stone
late bids. ory. Education (the “Owner”) elec- 2021. Prospective bidders must ployee, agent, or representat- Schofield at 404-687-4042 or Mountain, Georgia 30083, be-
Scope of Services SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION tronically at https://dekalb- provide the following informa- ive of the Owner. Any violation jjschofield@dekalbcountyga.go fore 2:00 P.M. EST, January
DeKalb County School District Virtual Mandatory Pre-Bid Con-, until tion by 5:00 PM, EST on Wed- of this restriction may result in v. 11, 2022 for ++RFP 22-451 E-
(DCSD) is seeking bids from ference* November 30, 2021 2:00 pm local time on nesday, December 1, 2021: the rejection of the Contractor’s Questions: Questions must be SPLOST Performance Audit
qualified vendors to provide @10:00 am Thursday, December 16, 2021 1. Individual Name and Title Bid. submitted to the Department of and RFP 22-491 District Gradu-
general contractor services at Final Questions Due Decem- for ++ITB No. 22-752-014, for 2. Company Name The Owner reserves the right to Purchasing & Contracting via ation Audio Visual Services++.
Freedom Middle School. The ber 6, 2021 not later than 2:00 GC Services for ADA Accessib- 3. Telephone Number reject any or all bids, and to email to jjschofield@dekalb- Responses must be received
awarded vendor will be re- pm ility Upgrades & Plumbing Fix- 4. Email Address waive technicalities and inform-, no later than before 2:00 P.M. EST, Tues-
sponsible for providing all labor, Final Addendum Issued (if ne- ture Replacements, for Cedar This information must be sent alities. close of business on Monday, day, January 11, 2022. Re-
materials, and incidentals ne- cessary) December 13, 2021 Grove Middle School, Chapel to dcsd-op-solicitation@dekalb- Publish Dates: 11/11, 11/25, December 13, 2021. Ques- sponses received after the
cessary to furnish and install a not later than 2:00 pm Hill Middle School, Oakcliff A meeting link 12/2, 12/9 tions and requests for interpret- stated deadline will not be ac-
security vestibule in accord- Bids Due December 16, 2021 Theme Elementary School, and will be sent to all those provid- ation received by the Depart- cepted. Responses will be ac-
ance with the scope of work in- not later than 2:00 pm Rainbow Elementary School, ing the above information no 040-452084 11/25,12/2 ment of Purchasing and Con- knowledged on Tuesday, Janu-
cluded in this ITB. Virtual Public Bid Opened* Project No. 341-423++. The later than 9:30 AM, EST on Request for Proposals tracting after this date will not ary 11, 2022 beginning at 3:00
The ITB document will be avail- December 16, 2021 @ 2:30 pm Owner shall not consider late Thursday, December 2, 2021. DeKalb County Government receive a response or be the P.M. EST.
able Thursday, November 11, Anticipated Board Review and bids. There will be mandatory site (the County) requests qualified subject of addenda. Solicitations may be down-
2021, and may be obtained Approval February 2022 Scope of Services visits beginning at 9:00 AM, individuals and firms (hereafter, Addenda: Request for Propos- loaded from:
from the DeKalb County School *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- DeKalb County School District EST on Friday, December 3, "proposer''), with knowledge of als and all addenda issued for https://dekalbschoolsga.ion-
District website at: ANCE* (DCSD) is seeking bids from 2021. Attendance is mandat- and experience in providing this project may be found on
https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- Meeting will be held via ZOOM. qualified vendors to provide ory. Golf Course Management and DeKalb County’s website, The DeKalb County Board of Plans and Specifica- Please refer “Virtual Mandatory general contractor services at SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION Operation to submit proposals Education reserves the right to
tions are available electronic- Pre-Bid Conference” for instruc- Cedar Grove Middle School, Virtual Mandatory Pre-Bid Con- for this ++RFP No. 21-500589, /purchasing/pc_formal_solicita- reject any or all solicitations
ally in PDF format and can be tions to receive meeting link. Chapel Hill Middle School, Oak- ference* December 2, 2021 Manage and Operate Mystery tion_current_bids.html and to waive informalities or
emailed to prospective bidders Except as expressly provided cliff Theme Elementary School, @10:00 am Valley Golf Course++, LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS technicalities in any solicitation
free of charge by submitting a in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc- and Rainbow Elementary Final Questions Due Decem- For a copy of the Request for ENTERPRISE ORDINANCE received.
request to weyman_f_chris- uments, from the date of issu- School. The awarded vendor ber 8, 2021 not later than 2:00 Proposal, please contact: All Responders to this Request DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF ance of the ITB until final Own- will be responsible for provid- pm DeKalb County Department of for Proposals are hereby ad- EDUCATION
VIRTUAL MANDATORY PRE- er action of approval of con- ing all labor, materials, and in- Final Addendum Issued (if ne- Purchasing & Contracting, 2nd vised that the DEKALB FIRST Ms. Carla L. Smith,
BID CONFERENCE tract award, the Contractor sub- cidentals necessary to furnish cessary) December 13, 2021 Floor, The Maloof Center, 1300 LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS Purchasing Manager
A virtual mandatory Pre-Bid mitting a Bid shall not initiate and install ADA accessibility not later than 2:00 pm Commerce Drive, Decatur, ENTERPRISE (LSBE) require- Mrs. Cheryl Watson-Harris,
Conference will be held via any communication or discus- upgrades and replacement Bids Due December 16, 2021 Georgia 30030, telephone ments apply to this project. Po- Superintendent
ZOOM at 10:00 a.m. local time sion concerning the Project, the plumbing fixtures in accord- not later than 2:00 pm number (404) 371-7051, or vis- tential proposers must attend November 16, 2021
on Tuesday, November 30, ITB or the Contractor’s Bid or ance with the scope of work in- Virtual Public Bid Opened* it our website at one of the Mandatory DeKalb Ad Control #1185
2021. Prospective bidders must any part thereof with any em- cluded in this ITB. December 16, 2021 @ 3:30 pm First LSBE Meetings at 10:00
provide the following informa- Contact Us
ployee, agent, or representat- The ITB document will be avail- Terms & Conditions
Anticipated Board Review and /purchasing/pc_formal_solicita- Index
a.m. or 2:00 p.m. on Wednes-
tion by 5:00 PM, EST on ive of the Owner. Any violation able Thursday, November 11, Approval February 2022 tion_current_bids.html. Propos- day, November 24, 2021 or
Monday, November 29, 2021: of this restriction may result in 2021, and may be obtained *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- als towill
readbethereceived at the December 1, 2021.
Mailing address: the rejectionThe of Champion
the Contractor’s Newspaper,
from the DeKalb County School
Clients placing legal advertising agree
of any data submitted in any form toabove
first publication
address until
The Champion 3:00 p.m.
to verify TheAttorney/Court
County reserves the Notices
right N/A
1. Individual Name and Title Court

2. Company Name
Bid. Legal Advertising
D istrict website at: Meeting
its will be
accuracy andheld vianotify
shall ZOOM. on Thursday,
the newspaper December 23,
of any corrections to reject anyCalendars
and all proposals, N/A
The Owner reserves Box the 1347
right to https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- required
Please refer by 3“Virtual
p.m. onMandatory
the Friday following the first publication.
2021. Adoption
to waive Notices
informalities, and to N/A
3. Telephone Number Advertisements for Bids 15,61

4. Email Address reject any or all bids, Ga.,
Decatur, and to30031-1347 Plans and Specifica- Pre-Bid
Fax andConference” for instruc-
e-mail acceptance of legal Pre-Proposal
advertising is Meeting:
contingent A upon
Man- re-advertise.
waive technicalities and inform- tions are available electronic- tions to receive
acceptance meeting
by any clientlink. datoryconditions
of the following pre-proposal and theirconfer-
use Condemnations 16
This information must be sent PH: 404-373-7768
to dcsd-op-solicitation@dekalb- alities. ally in PDF format and can be of fax and e-mail shall
Except as expressly provided signify acceptance of the conditions:
ence will be held starting at 300 Notices of Incorporation 16
Publish Dates:FAX 11/11,404-371-1359
11/25, emailed to prospective bidders in, The
or permitted by,will
Bidbe Doc- p.m. on Notices to Debtors & Creditors 17 A meeting link E-mail: 1. Champion responsible forThursday,
any errorsDecember
that occur9,

will be sent to all those provid- 12/2, 12/9 free of charge by submitting a uments, from the date of issu-
in transmission, including identification 2021 andatnotification
Mystery Valley that anGolf Divorces 20
ing the above information no request to weyman_f_chris- ance has
error of the ITB untilPublication
occurred. final Own- of any transmission
Course, as received
6094 Shadow Rock Foreclosures 42
fulfills the obligation of our publication to the sending client.
than 9:30 AM, address:
EST on 114 New Street, Suite E er action of approval of con- Drive, Lithonia, GA 30058. In- Insurance Statements N/A
Tuesday, November 30, 2021. Ga. 30030 VIRTUAL MANDATORY PRE- tract
2. Theaward, the Contractor
Champion shall notsub- terested proposers
be held responsible for any transmis-are re- Juvenile Court 20
sion a Bid toshall
directed not initiate but not
the publication received
quired to attendby it.andThe decision
participate Legislation N/A
There Office
will be ahours:
mandatory9 site
a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
A virtual mandatory Pre-Bid
any the publication shall
communication or be final on determining receipt of any
discus- in the pre-proposal conference.
visit beginning at 9:00 AM, EST message. Name Changes 22
on Wednesday, Decemberdeadline
1, Conference will be held via sion concerning the Project, the For information regarding the Probate Court 24
Legal advertising is 12 noon Thursday forZOOM subsequent
at 10:00 a.m. local time ITBThe
3. or Champion
the Contractor’s
has noBid or
reasonable way to confirm conferenc
pre-proposal authenticity e,
2021. Attendance is mandat- of Public Hearings 31
Thursday publication. Legal ad requests must specify date(s) the
on Thursday, ad is 2,
December anya transmission
part thereof with received
any em- or whether it was transmitted by an au-
p l e anot
s e bec oheld
n t a responsible
ct Jennifer
to be published. Holidays may alter advertising deadlines. Please check
thorized agent of a legal client and shall
ployee, agent, or representat-
Public Notices 32
SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION 2021. Prospective bidders must for determining this. Schofield at 404-687-4042 or Public Sales 32
Virtual Pre-Bid Con- calendar at
Legal Advertising provide the following informa- ive of the Owner. Any violation
Service by Publication 38
deadlines/ prior
ference* November 30, 2021 to major holidays for early deadlinetion notices.
by 5:00 PM, EST on Wed- of All
thisclients usingmay
restriction fax or e-mail
result in for transmission
v. for consequences of legal data
nesday, December 1, 2021:
agree to hold this publication harmless
the rejection of the Contractor’s
of any Sheriff Sales 40
@10:00 am breach of confidentiality which mightQuestions:
occur. Questions must be
1. Individual
Sales Name and Title Bid. submitted to the Department of Tax Sales N/A
FinalForeclosures, Sheriff’s Sales, Marshal Sales and Tax
Questions Due Decem- are held on 5. Facsimile and e-mail cannot replace the submission of ac- Trade Name Registrations 40
2. Company Name The Owner reserves the right to Purchasing & Contracting
ber 6,the courthouse
2021 not later thansteps
2:00 on the first Tuesday of each month. Foreclosure curate source documents, but can provide a quicker, easier wayvia Zoning Notices N/A
pm notices and Tax Sales notices publish four consecutive 3. Telephone
weeks Number
prior to reject
to any such
transmit or alldata
those to who email
wish totouse jjschofield@dekalb-
it. We are glad to
4. Email Address waive technicalities
cooperate and inform-
by implementing fax and,
e-mail availability noafter
later than
clarify- Marshal Sales N/A
Finalthe first Tuesday
Addendum Issued (if of
ne-each month.
cessary) December 13, 2021 This information must be sent alities.
ing user risks as identified currently. close of business on Monday, *N/A = Not Applicable
not later than 2:00 pm to dcsd-op-solicitation@dekalb- Publish Dates: 11/11, 11/25, December 13, 2021. Ques-
Bids Due December 16, 2021 A meeting link 12/2, 12/9 tions and requests for interpret-
not later than 2:00 pm will be sent to all those provid- ation received by the Depart-
Virtual Public Bid Opened* ing the above information no ment of Purchasing and Con-
Solicitations may be down- That, in accordance with provi- 28+18.05 on the construction
loaded from: sions of the aforesaid Official centerline of SR 42 / Moreland
https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- Code, a Declaration of Taking, Avenue on Georgia Highway duly authorized and properly Project No. PI 0012827; run-
The DeKalb County Board of executed as provided by the ning thence N 89°39'02.6" W a
Education reserves the right to Official Code, has been made distance of 7.27 feet to a point
Page 16
reject any or all solicitations
and to waive informalities or
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
and filed in said case, declar-
ing the necessity for and exer-
29.23 feet right of and opposite
station 28+18.06 on said con-
technicalities in any solicitation 040-452202 12/2,12/9 cising the power of taking the struction centerline laid out for 080-450759 12/2,12/9 100-450695 11/25,12/2 100-450700 11/25,12/2
received. DEKALB COUNTY SCHOOL said described lands for State- Moreland Centerline; thence N NOTICE OF INTENT NOTICE OF NOTICE OF
EDUCATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR thereby vesting the title to 20.94 feet to a point 29.37 feet A CORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given that Articles of
Ms. Carla L. Smith, SOLICITATIONS same in the Department of right of and opposite station Notice is given that a Notice of Incorporation that will incorpor- Incorporation which incorpor-
Purchasing Manager Sealed responses will be re- Transportation; and, in pursu- 28+39.00 on said construction Intent to Dissolve ++CRAW- ate ++Erin Communication ate ++Millstone Parc
Mrs. Cheryl Watson-Harris, ceived by the DeKalb County ance of such authority, the De- centerline laid out for Moreland FORD MEDIA SERVICES, Inc.++ have been delivered to Homeowners Association,
Superintendent School District in the Purchas- partment of Transportation has Centerline; thence S INC++, a Georgia corporation the Secretary of State for filing Inc.++ have been delivered to
November 16, 2021 ing Department, 1701 Moun- deposited with the Clerk of the 89°14'54.9" E a distance of the Secretary of State for filing
with its registered office at 6 in accordance with the Georgia
Ad Control #1185 tain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Superior Court of said County 4.63 feet to a point 34.00 feet in accordance with the Georgia
West Druid Hills Drive, NE, At- Business Corporation Code
040-452109 11/25,12/2 Mountain, Georgia 30083, be- $14,700.00 as the just com- right of and opposite station Nonprofit Corporation Code.
fore 2:00 P.M. EST, January 4, pensation for the said lands de- 28+38.96 on said construction lanta, GA 30329 will be de- (O.C.G.A. Section §14-2- The initial registered office of
CITY OF DECATUR livered to the Secretary of State 201.0). The initial registered of-
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 2022 for ++22-80 District Wide scribed; and all persons claim- centerline laid out for Moreland the corporation is located at
Furniture, Fixture & Equip- ing such fund or any interest Centerline; thence S 0°15'44.2" for filing in accordance with the fice of the corporation is loc- 160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite
The City of Decatur, Georgia
ment++. Responses must be therein, are hereby required to W a distance of 11.60 feet to a Georgia Business Corporation ated at 2375 Wesley Chapel 650, Decatur, DeKalb County,
will receive sealed proposals
from qualified firms for ++mas- received before 2:00 P.M. EST, make known their claims to the point 34.00 feet right of and op- Code. Rd. STE 15, Decatur, GA Georgia 30030 and its initial re-
ter planning services++ in the Tuesday, January 4, 2022. Re- Court;   posite station 28+27.35 on said 30035 and its initial registered gistered agent at such address
080-452088 11/25,12/2
City Manager's Office, 509 sponses received after the In accordance with the provi- construction centerline laid out agent at such address is Ji Eun is Rachel E. Conrad.
Request for Claims
North McDonough Street, Dec- stated deadline will not be ac- sions of the Official Code of for Moreland Centerline; thence Effective November 11, Kang. 100-450701 11/25,12/2
atur, Georgia 30030 until 3 p.m. cepted. Responses will be ac- Georgia Annotated, the S 88°43'56.6" E a distance of 2021,++ Barrel Aged Proper- NOTICE OF
prevailing time on January 14, knowledged on Tuesday, Janu- Plaintiff-Condemnor has prayed 2.50 feet to a point 36.50 feet ties, LLC++, Control Number INTENT TO INCORPORATE
2022. The City is seeking the ary 4, 2022 beginning at 3:00 the Court for Immediate pos- right of and opposite station 17098286, has dissolved and Notice is given that Articles of
services of a firm, partnership, P.M. EST. session of said property, and all 28+27.31 on said construction commenced its winding up 100-450696 11/25,12/2 Incorporation which incorpor-
joint venture or team to provide Solicitations may be down- persons having any interest in centerline laid out for Moreland activities. NOTICE OF INTENT ate ++Sawgrass Homeowners
master planning services for loaded from: https://dekalb- or claim against such property, Centerline; thence S 0°15'31.5" All claimants with claims TO INCORPORATE Association, Inc.++ have been
the preparation of a Parks and as above set forth, are re- W a distance of 9.26 feet back against Barrel Aged Properties, Notice is given that Articles of delivered to the Secretary of
Recreation Master Plan. Ser- spx quired by the Order of the to the point of beginning. Con- LLC may be sent to: Williams State for filing in accordance
Incorporation which will incor-
vices shall include a detailed The DeKalb County Board of Judge of said Court to sur- taining 0.003 acres more or Teusink, LLC ATTN: Joseph with the Georgia Nonprofit Cor-
Education reserves the right to render possession of the prop- less. Said described land be- porate ++Deshong Estates
assessment of the City’s cur- Brickman, Esq. The High Community Incorporated++ poration Code. The initial re-
rent parks and facilities; recre- reject any or all solicitations erty to the Department of ing the required right of way House 309 Sycamore Street, gistered office of the corpora-
and to waive informalities or Transportation no later than 30 and is shown described within have been delivered to the
ation programs assessment; Decatur, Georgia 30030. tion is located at 160 Claire-
technicalities in any solicitation days from filing of the Declara- on the attached plats marked Secretary of State for filing in
compliance with CAPRA stand- All claims must include a de- mont Avenue, Suite 650, Dec-
ards; recommendations for received. tion of Taking. Annex 1-A. accordance with the Georgia atur, DeKalb County, Georgia
scription of the nature of the Non-Profit Corporation Code.
capital development and long- DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF That in accordance with the Of- The title, estate or interest in claim, and total damages 30030 and its initial registered
term capital improvement which EDUCATION ficial Code of Georgia Annot- the above described land, re- The initial registered office of agent at such address is Kath-
sought. Except for claims that
are consistent with the City’s Ms. Carla L. Smith, ated Section 32-3-13 through quired by condemnor and now are contingent at the time of the the corporation will be located arine A. Dyott.
2020 Strategic Plan; mainten- Purchasing Manager 32-3-19, if the owner, or any of taken by condemnor for public filing of the statement of com- at 6500 Edenfield Drive,
100-450702 11/25,12/2
ance schedule; recommenda- Mrs. Cheryl Watson-Harris, the owners, or any person hav- use is as follows: Fee simple mencement of winding up or Lithonia, GA and the initial re- NOTICE OF
tions for staffing and opera- Superintendent ing a claim against or interest in title to the above described that arise after the filing of the gistered agent at such address INTENT TO INCORPORATE
tions, revenue generation and November 18, 2021 said property, shall be dissatis- land as shown described with- statement of commencement of is 6500 Edenfield Drive, Notice is given that Articles of
funding; meetings with stake- Ad Control #1183 fied with the compensation, as in on the attached plats dated winding up, a claim against Lithonia, GA 30058. Incorporation which incorpor-
holders; innovative public en- estimated in the Declaration of May 15, 2020; Last Revised: Barrel Aged Properties, LLC ate ++Echo Glen at Eagle's
gagement; plan development, Taking and deposited in Court, Sheets Nos. 2 and 8 on Febru-
and preparation of deliverables. Condemnation such person or persons, or any ary 9, 2021 and attached
not otherwise barred will be
barred unless a proceeding to
Landing Townhome Associ-
ation, Inc.++ have been de-
The full Request for Proposals of them, shall have the right, at hereto as Annex 1-A. enforce the claim is com- 100-450697 11/25,12/2 livered to the Secretary of State
is available online at 050-452087 11/25,12/2 any time subsequent to the fil- menced within two years after NOTICE OF for filing in accordance with the CITATION ing of the Declaration and the the publication of the request. INTENT TO INCORPORATE Georgia Nonprofit Corporation
or it may be obtained with a
written request to the City of
deposit of the fund into Court
but not later than 30 days fol-
Amendment 080-452089 11/25,12/2
Notice is given that Articles of Code. The initial registered of-
Incorporation which incorpor- fice of the corporation is loc-
Decatur Active Living Depart- STATE OF GEORGIA lowing the date of service as NOTICE OF INTENT TO
070-450719 11/25,12/2 ate ++Trinity Park Homeown- ated at 160 Clairemont Avenue,
ment, 509 North McDonough DEPARTMENT OF provided for in the Official Code VOLlJNTARIL Y DISSOLVE A
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ers Association, Inc.++ have Suite 650, Decatur, DeKalb
Street, PO Box 220, Decatur, TRANSPORTATION of Georgia Annotated Sections CORPORATION
CORPORATE NAME been delivered to the Secret- County, Georgia 30030 and its
GA 30031, Attn: Sara Homes VS. 32-3-8 through 32-3-10 to file Notice is given that a notice of
Notice is given that Articles of ary of State for filing in accord- initial registered agent at such
or by email to 0.003 acres of land; and with the Court a notice of ap- intent to dissolve ++Bean Soft-
Amendment which will change ance with the Georgia Non- address is Rachel E. Conrad. 30 Moreland Investment, LLC, peal, the same to be in writing ware Development, Inc.++, a
and made a part of the record the name of ++DEKALB COL- profit Corporation Code. The 100-450703 11/25,12/2
Written requests shall be on a Georgia limited liability com- Georgia corporation, with its re-
in the proceedings. LISION CENTER, INC to MEW initial registered office of the NOTICE OF
company letterhead and in- pany; Ameris Bank, successor gistered office at Two Ravinia
The said property, as thus af- 1, INC++ have been delivered corporation is located at 160 INTENT TO INCORPORATE
clude firm name, principal by merger to Fidelity Bank; DB Drive, Suite 1250, Atlanta,
fected, is described as follows: to the Secretary of State for fil- Clairemont Avenue, Suite 650, Notice is given that Articles of
(owner), phone number, mail- Real Estate Assets I LLC, a Georgia, 30346, has been de-
SEE, PAGE 20-A FOR DE- Decatur, DeKalb County, Geor- Incorporation which incorpor-
ing address, and email ad- Delaware limited liability com- ing in accordance with the livered to the Secretary of State
SCRIPTION gia 30030 and its initial re- ate ++Bridgewood Coves Com-
dress with project name, dated pany; Platinum Donuts, LLC, a Georgia Business Corporation for filing in accordance with the
This 16th day of November gistered agent at such address munity Association, Inc.++
and signed. Within three (3) Georgia limited liability com- Code. The registered office of Georgia Business Corporation
2021. is Rachel E. Conrad. have been delivered to the
days of receipt of request, a pany; Golden Donuts, LLC, a the corporation is located at Code.
Georgia limited liability com- /s/ Debra DeBerry Secretary of State for filing in
copy will be forwarded via Suite 250, 150 East Ponce de
pany; and, Tax Commissioner Clerk Superior Court accordance with the Georgia
email. The City of Decatur re- Leon Avenue, Decatur, DeKalb
DEKALB COUNTY Nonprofit Corporation Code.
serves the right to reject any or
all proposals and to waive tech-
of DeKalb County
++DOCKET NO. 21CV9611++
County, Georgia 30030. Charter 100-450698 11/25,12/2 The initial registered office of
IN REM Project P.I.: 0012827, DEKALB NOTICE OF the corporation is located at
nicalities and informalities. Pro-
COUNTY 070-452203 12/2,12/9 100-450693 11/25,12/2 INTENT TO INCORPORATE 160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite
posal submittals via oral, fax, or
The said named persons and Parcel Number: 4 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NOTICE OF Notice is given that Articles of 650, Decatur, DeKalb County,
email will not be accepted.
any and all other persons Required R/W: 0.003 acres of CORPORATE NAME INCORPORATION Incorporation which incorpor- Georgia 30030 and its initial re-
known and unknown claiming land; Notice is given that articles of Notice is given that Articles of ate ++Northfield at the Polo gistered agent at such address
040-452201 12/2 is Rachel E. Conrad.
any right, title, power, interest, Owners or persons with an in- amendment which will change Incorporation that will incorpor- Fields Homeowners Associ-
ownership, equity, claim or de- terest in said tract of land: 30 the name of ++Frazier, Solo- ate ++Atlanta 1996 Games ation, Inc.++ have been de- 100-450704 11/25,12/2
DeKalb County, Georgia livered to the Secretary of State
mand in and to the lands here- Moreland Investment, LLC, a way & Poorak, P.C. to Black Organizers, Inc++ have NOTICE OF
Week of DECEMBER 2, for filing in accordance with the
inafter described, and all occu- Georgia limited liability com- Kennedy, Nalepa & Soloway, been delivered to the Secret- INTENT TO INCORPORATE
2021 Request for Solicitation Georgia Nonprofit Corporation
pants, tenants, lessees, li- pany; Ameris Bank, successor P.C.++ have been delivered to ary of State for filing in accord- Notice is given that Articles of
No. 21-101459 Refer to the In- Code. The initial registered of-
censees and all holders, own- by merger to Fidelity Bank; DB the Secretary of State for filing ance with the Georgia Busi- Incorporation which incorpor-
dex for the page number in fice of the corporation is loc-
ers and users of ways and Real Estate Assets I LLC, a in accordance with the Georgia ness Nonprofit Corporation ate ++Dog Trot Farms
which the Display ad is located ated at 160 Clairemont Avenue,
easements in, across, over and Delaware limited liability com- Business Corporation Code. Code. The initial registered of- Homeowners Association,
++21-101459 Herbicide & Suite 650, Decatur, DeKalb
under said land are hereby no- pany; Platinum Donuts, LLC, a The registered office of the cor- Inc.++ have been delivered to
Growth Regulator Services fice of the corporation is loc- County, Georgia 30030 and its
tified, under the provisions of Georgia limited liability com- poration is located at 1800 the Secretary of State for filing
21-500589 Manage and Oper- ated at 3666 Cherry Ridge initial registered agent at such
the Official Code of Georgia pany; Golden Donuts, LLC, a Century Place, Suite 100, At- in accordance with the Georgia
ate Mystery Valley Golf Blvd, Decatur, GA 30034 and address is Rachel E. Conrad.
Annotated Sections 32-3-4 Georgia limited liability com- lanta, Ga. 30345. Nonprofit Corporation Code.
Course++ its initial registered agent at
through 32-3-19, providing for pany; and, Tax Commissioner The initial registered office of
the exercise of the power of of DeKalb County such address is Gerald the corporation is located at
eminent domain by the State of Tax Parcel ID # 15-208-04-116 Vaughan. 160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite
Georgia, or any of its subdivi-
sions, or by any county of such
All that tract or parcel of land ly-
ing and being in Land Lot 208
Dissolution 100-450694 11/25,12/2 100-450699 11/25,12/2 650, Decatur, DeKalb County,
Georgia 30030 and its initial re-
State, as follows: of the 15th Land District in INTENT TO INCORPORATE gistered agent at such address
080-450666 11/25,12/2 INCORPORATION
That the above stated case, be- DeKalb County, Georgia, be- Notice is given that Articles of is Katharine A. Dyott.
ing more particularly described NOTICE OF INTENT Notice is given that Articles of
ing a condemnation in rem TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE Incorporation that will incorpor- Incorporation which incorpor-
against the property herein- as follows: ate ++Park Vue Townhome As-
Right of Way A CORPORATION ate ++Punishers Georgia 1st
after described, was filed in sociation, Inc.++ have been de-
said Court on the 5th day of Beginning at a point 36.50 feet Notice is given that a Notice of Incorporated++ have been de-
livered to the Secretary of State
November 2021; right of and opposite Station Intent to Dissolve ++Quadtech livered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the
That, in accordance with provi- 28+18.05 on the construction Associates, Inc.++, a Georgia for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation
sions of the aforesaid Official centerline of SR 42 / Moreland corporation with its registered Georgia Business Nonprofit Code. The initial registered of-
Code, a Declaration of Taking, Avenue on Georgia Highway office at 2454 Empire Forest Corporation Code. The initial fice of the corporation is loc-
duly authorized and properly Project No. PI 0012827; run- Drive, Tucker, Georgia 30084 registered office of the corpora- ated at 160 Clairemont Avenue,
executed as provided by the ning thence N 89°39'02.6" W a will be delivered to the Secret- tion is located at 3666 Cherry Suite 650, Decatur, DeKalb
Official Code, has been made distance of 7.27 feet to a point ary of State for filing in accord- Ridge Blvd, Decatur, GA 30034 County, Georgia 30030 and its
and filed in said case, declar- 29.23 feet right of and opposite ance with the Georgia Busi- and its initial registered agent initial registered agent at such
ing the necessity for and exer- station 28+18.06 on said con- ness Corporation Code. at such address is Dan Daly. address is Lisa A. Crawford.
cising the power of taking the struction centerline laid out for
said described lands for State- Moreland Centerline; thence N
aid public road purposes, 0°38'36.3" E a distance of
thereby vesting the title to 20.94 feet to a point 29.37 feet
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 17
100-450705 11/25,12/2 100-452064 11/25,12/2 100-452070 11/25,12/2 100-452205 12/2,12/9 110-450707 11/25,12/2,12/9 110-450711 11/25,12/2,12/9 110-450715 11/25,12/2,12/9
NOTICE OF INTENT NOTICE OF Notice of Intent to Incorporate NOTICE OF INTENT 12/16 12/16 12/16
Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given that articles of Incorporation, which will incor- Notice is given that Articles of AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS
Incorporation which will incor- incorporation that will incorpor- porate ++MCCLURE INDUS- Incorporation which will incor- All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of STATE OF GEORGIA
porate ++CAAG Seller Corp.,++ ate ++TRON ATLANTA Inc.++ TRIAL PARK OWNERS ASSO- porate ++BrookSouth Home ++Sara Rae Osborn++, de- ++Edward Lebron Scheivel- COUNTY OF DEKALB
will be delivered to the Secret- have been delivered to the CIATION, INC.++, have been Services++ have been de- ceased, are hereby notified to hud++, late of DeKalb County, All creditors of the Estate of
ary of State for filing in accord- Secretary of State for filing in delivered to the Secretary of livered to the Secretary of State render in their demands to the deceased, are hereby notified ++SIEGFRIED KLOCKE++, de-
accordance with the Georgia State for filing in accordance for filing in accordance with the ceased, late of DeKalb County,
ance with the Georgia Busi- undersigned according to law, to render in their demands to
Business Corporation Code. with the Georgia Non-Profit Georgia Business Corporation Georgia, are hereby notified to
ness Corporation Code. The and all persons indebted to the undersigned according to
The initial registered office of Corporation Code. The initial Code render in their demands to the
initial registered office of the the corporation is located at registered office of the corpora- The initial registered office of said Estate are required to law, and all persons indebted to undersigned according to law
corporation is located at 935 1178 Old Coach Road, Stone tion will be located at 5170 the corporation will be located make immediate payment. said Estate are required to and all persons indebted to
Springdale road, NE, Atlanta, Mountain, GA 30083 and its ini- Peachtree Road Building 100, at 1050 Stray Hinge Trail, This 12thh day of November, make immediate payment. said Estate are required to
GA 30306, and its initial re- tial registered agent at such ad- Suite 400, Atlanta, GA, 30341, Stone Mountain, Georgia 2021. This 2nd day of November, make immediate payment.
gistered agent at such address dress is Miguel Muirhead. and its initial registered agent 30083 and the initial registered KEITH EUGENE OSBORN 2021. This 16th day of November,
is Eugene Hurwitz, M.D. at such address is Michael Ker- agent at such address is Paul 3290 Trotters Walk Circle Sharon Rule Scheivehud 2021.
man. T. Campbell Snellville, GA 30078 Administrator of the Estate of Mark A.C. Robinson
100-452065 11/25,12/2 Edward Lebron Scheivelhud as Administrator
NOTICE OF INTENT TO IN- 110-450708 11/25,12/2,12/9
100-450755 12/2,12/9 100-452071 11/25,12/2 12/16 Deceased of the Estate of
NOTICE OF Notice is given that Articles of
Debtor & Creditor NOTICE TO DEBTORS
2079 Shady Lane
Tucker, GA 30084
INCORPORATION Incorporation which will incor- One Decatur TownCenter,
Notice is given that articles of All creditors of the Estate of
Notice is given that Articles of porate ++Fit4Freedom LLC++ 110-450399 10/21,10/28,11/4 Suite 475
incorporation that will incorpor- ++Michael Joseph Brooks++,
Incorporation which incorpor- have been delivered to the 11/11,11/18,11/25,12/2,12/912/ 150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue
ate ++Artimatic Technologies, deceased, late of DeKalb
ate ++PETER UBA FOUNDA- Secretary of State for filing in 16,12/23,12/30 1/6 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Inc.++ have been delivered to 110-450712 11/25,12/2,12/9
TION INC++ have been de- accordance with the Georgia NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND County, Georgia, are hereby
the Secretary of State for filing 12/16 (404) 377-6464
livered to the Secretary of State Business CREDITORS notified to render in their de-
in accordance with the Georgia NOTICE TO DEBTORS
for filing in accordance with the The initial registered office of All creditors of the Estate of mands to the undersigned ac-
Business Corporation Code.
Georgia Nonprofit Corporation the corporation will be located ++Michael Douglas Cooper++ cording to law, and all persons AND CREDITORS
The initial registered office of
Code. The initial registered of- at 533 Mountain Park Trl, late of DeKalb County, de- indebted to said Estate are re- All creditors of the Estate of
the corporation is located at 110-450716 12/2,12/9,12/16
Stone Mtn, GA 30087 and the ceased, are hereby notified to quired to make immediate pay- ++Mary Caswell Umstead++,
fice of the corporation is loc- 4190 Tuckersham Lane, Tuck- 12/23
initial registered agent at such render in their demands to the ments. late of DeKalb County, Geor-
ated at 3731 Northcrest Road, er, DeKalb County, Georgia NOTICE TO DEBTORS
address is Yolanda Shabazz undersigned according to law, This 9th day of November, gia, deceased, are hereby noti-
Suite 10, Atlanta, DeKalb 30084 and its initial registered
and all persons indebted to 2021. fied to render in their demands AND CREDITORS
County, Georgia 30340. The agent at such address is Ben-
jamin Flanders. said Estate are required to Stephen J. Kemp to the undersigned according to All creditors of the Estate of
initial registered agent of the 100-452066 11/25,12/2 make immediate payment.
Administrator of the Estate of law, and all persons indebted to ++Jacqueline Pentecost
corporation at such address is NOTICE OF INTENT TO IN- This 06 day of October 2021
CORPORATE 100-452072 11/25,12/2 Michael Joseph Brooks said Estate are required to Bigler,++ late of DeKalb
BEN UBA. Zoe Martez Cooper Adminis- County, deceased, are hereby
Lisa M. Gable Notice is given that Articles of NOTICE OF John Walter Drake make immediate payment.
INCORPORATION trator of the Estate of Michael notified to render in their de-
Robertson & Gable, LLC Incorporation which will incor- McCurdy & Candler, L.L.C. This 8th day of November,
Notice is given that articles of Douglas Cooper, Deceased mands to the undersigned ac-
5875 Peachtree Industrial porate ++Cancer Survivor Re- 521 N Myers St. 160 Clairemont Avenue 2021.
sources, Inc.++ have been de- incorporation that will incorpor- Suite 550 Whayne Clement Umstead, cording to law, and all persons
Blvd., Suite 170 ate ++Marion & Young Hold- Burbank, CA 91506 indebted to said Estate are re-
livered to the Secretary of State Decatur, Georgia 30030 Executor of the Estate of
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 for filing in accordance with the ings, Ltd++ have been de- quired to make immediate pay-
110-450410 12/2,12/9,12/16 110-450709 11/25,12/2,12/9 Mary Caswell Umstead
Georgia Nonprofit Corporation livered to the Secretary of State Deceased ment.
for filing in accordance with the 12/23 12/16
Code James D Bryce, This 26th day of October, 2021.
100-450756 12/2,12/9 The initial registered office of Attorney at Law Hillary B. Cranford
Code. The initial registered of- Dekalb COUNTY AND CREDITORS
NOTICE OF the corporation will be located 315 West Ponce de Leon Ave Administrator for
fice of the corporation is loc- STATE OF GEORGIA GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
INTENT TO INCORPORATE at 3583 Cherry Ridge Blvd Dec- The Estate of
ated at 1446 Sugarmill Oaks IN RE: ESTATE OF All creditors of the Estate of Suite 602
Notice is given that Articles of atur, GA 30034 and the initial Jacqueline Pentecost Bigler
Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30316 and Willie Dean Bagwell ++ELLEN GREENWOOD RAY- Decatur, GA 30030
Incorporation which incorpor- registered agent at such ad- Post Office Box 1246
its initial registered agent at DECEASED MER++, late of DeKalb County,
ate ++Arbor North HOA, Inc.++ dress is Linda Sue Whitlow Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046
such address is Rashida Doyle. ESTATE NO. 2021-1061
have been delivered to the Georgia, are hereby notified to
Secretary of State for filing in render their demands to the un-
100-452067 11/25,12/2 100-452073 11/25,12/2 CREDITORS 110-450713 11/25,12/2,12/9
accordance with the Georgia NOTICE OF All Creditors of the Estate of dersigned according to law,
Nonprofit Corporation Code. NOTICE OF and all persons indebted to 12/16
INCORPORATION ++Willie Dean Bagwell++, late NOTICE TO DEBTORS 110-450717 12/2,12/9,12/16
The initial registered office of INCORPORATION said Estate are required to
Notice is given that articles of of Dekalb County, deceased, AND CREDITORS 12/23
the corporation is located at Notice is given that articles of make immediate payments.
incorporation that will incorpor- incorporation that will incorpor- are hereby notified to render in STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE TO DEBTORS
160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite ate ++I could eat their demands to the under- Dated: November 2, 2021
ate ++Today's Vibes, Incorpor- COUNTY OF DEKALB AND CREDITORS
650, Decatur, DeKalb County, incorporated++ have been de- signed according to law, and all John H. Raymer and
ated++ have been delivered to All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of
Georgia 30030 and its initial re- livered to the Secretary of State persons indebted to said Es- Kenneth L. Raymer
gistered agent at such address the Secretary of State for filing ++JAMES ROBERT ++Herbert Carl Jacob++, late of
for filing in accordance with the in accordance with the Georgia tate are required to make im- Co-Executors of the Estate of WEAVER++, deceased, late of DeKalb County, deceased, are
is Lisa A. Crawford. Georgia Business Corporation mediate payment. Ellen Greenwood Raymer
Nonprofit Corporation Code. DeKalb County, Georgia, are hereby notified to render in
Code. The initial registered of- The initial registered office of This 5th day of October, 2021. c/o Law Office of hereby notified to render in their demands to the under-
fice of the corporation is loc- the corporation is located at Todd A. Larsen, Esq. Peatsa C. Wallace LLC their demands to the under- signed according to law, and all
100-450757 12/2,12/9 ated at 3417 Hollow Tree Dr, 5816 Wellborn Creek Drive, Attorney for Administrator P.O. Box 2555 signed according to law and all persons indebted to said Es-
NOTICE OF Decatur, GA, 30034 and its ini- Lithonia, Georgia 30058 and its 914 Church Street Tucker GA 30085-2055 persons indebted to said Es-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 tate are required to make im-
INCORPORATION tial registered agent at such ad- initial registered agent at such 110-450710 11/25,12/2,12/9 tate are required to make im-
dress is Ezekiel Holmes. mediate payment.
Notice is given that Articles of address is Brittany Hodge. 12/16 mediate payment. October 26, 2021
Incorporation that will incorpor- 100-452204 12/2,12/9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS This 8th day of November, Thomas K. Jacob, Executor
100-452068 11/25,12/2 110-450656 11/11,11/18,11/25
ate ++The Louise Marie Found- NOTICE OF INTENT AND CREDITORS 2021.
NOTICE OF 12/2 Nadler Biernath LLC
ation, Inc.++ have been de- TO INCORPORATE GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Janice Weaver Catlin
livered to the Secretary of State Notice is given that Articles of as Executrix of the Estate of
Notice is given that articles of AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of Suite 140
for filing in accordance with the Incorporation which will incor- JAMES ROBERT WEAVER
incorporation that will incorpor- All creditors of the Estate of ++ANN COHRAN LONG++, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071
Georgia Business Nonprofit porate ++Bountiful Beauty ROBINSON & BLAZER, LLP
ate ++Mentally Coldtwisted late of DeKalb County, Geor-
Co++ have been delivered to ++JESSE JOHN WEBB++, late One Decatur TownCenter,
Corporation Code. The initial LIMITED++ have been de- gia, are hereby notified to
the Secretary of State for filing of DeKalb County, deceased, Suite 475
registered office of the corpora- livered to the Secretary of State render their demands to the un-
in accordance with the Non- are hereby notified to render in 150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue
tion is located at 5318 Brook- for filing in accordance with the dersigned according to law, 110-450718 12/2,12/9,12/16
profit Corporation Code. their demands to the under- Decatur, Georgia 30030
lands Drive, Lithonia, GA Georgia Nonprofit Corporation and all persons indebted to
The initial registered office of signed according to law, and all (404) 377-6464 12/23
30058 and its initial registered Code. The initial registered of- said Estate are required to
fice of the corporation is loc- the corporation will be located persons indebted to said Es- NOTICE TO DEBTORS
agent at such address is Can- make immediate payments. AND CREDITORS
ated at 2308 Westchester Ln at 446 Carter Ave ,SE Atlanta tate are required to make im-
dice Benbow. Dated: November 2, 2021 All creditors of the Estate of
NE, Atlanta, GA, 30345 and its Ga 30317 and the initial re- mediate payment.
gistered agent at such address This 2nd day of November, Cindy Long Knight 110-450714 11/25,12/2,12/9 ++Sarah L. Martin a/k/a Sarah
initial registered agent at such
address is Monica Nowells. is Yetunde Jude 2021. and Barry Wayne Long 12/16 Ann Leathers Martin++, late of
100-450758 12/2,12/9 John Mark Webb and Co-Executors of the Estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS DeKalb County, deceased, are
NOTICE OF 100-452069 11/25,12/2 Ellen Diane Webb Ann Cohran Long AND CREDITORS hereby notified to render in
INCORPORATION NOTICE OF Executors c/o Law Office of All creditors of the Estate of their demands to the under-
Notice is given that Articles of INCORPORATION Peatsa C. Wallace LLC ++Harriet Kathleen Lamb,++ signed according to law, and all
Jesse John Webb
Incorporation that will incorpor- Notice is given that articles of P.O. Box 2555 late of DeKalb County, Geor- persons indebted to said Es-
ate ++Takes A Village Atlanta incorporation that will incorpor- Tucker GA 30085-2055 gia, deceased, are hereby noti- tate are required to make im-
ate ++Lithonia High School R. Ann Grier fied to render in their demands
Corporation++ have been de- 303 Peachtree Street N.E. mediate payment.
Basketball Team Booster Club to the undersigned according to
livered to the Secretary of State Suite 2850 This 2nd day of November,
Inc.++ have been delivered to law, and all persons indebted to
for filing in accordance with the the Secretary of State for filing Atlanta, GA 30308 said Estate are required to 2021
Georgia Business Nonprofit in accordance with the Georgia make immediate payment. Sylvia Ann Martin-Estes
Corporation Code. The initial Nonprofit Corporation Code. This 20th day of October 2021 as Executor
registered office of the corpora- The initial registered office of Susan Marie Krush of the Estate of
tion is located at 5476 Swan- the corporation is located at Executor of the Estate of Sarah L. Martin a/k/a
son Rd, Ellenwood, GA 30294 457 Ovara Ct., Stone Mountain, Harriet Kathleen Lamb Sarah Ann Leathers Martin
and its initial registered agent GA, 30088 and its initial re- Melissa P. Walker, Esq c/o Melissa S. Hills, Esq.
at such address is Celissa Fon- gistered agent at such address 1418 Dresden Drive Suite 240 881 Piedmont Avenue
seca. is Dennis Morgan. Atlanta, Georgia 30319 Atlanta, GA 30309
Page 18 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
110-450719 12/2,12/9,12/16 110-450762 12/2,12/9,12/16 110-450766 12/2,12/9,12/16 110-450770 12/2,12/9,12/16 110-451850 11/11,11/18,11/25 110-451854 11/11,11/18,11/25 110-451858 11/11,11/18,11/25
12/23 12/23 12/23 12/23 12/2 12/2 12/2
All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of ++Liza Madhukar Shah++ late
++Ross Joseph Schiavo++, ++Luree Hammond Washing- ++ANDRE DWAYNE ++Louis Charles Oswald++, ++Regina S. Johnston++ late of ++ARTHUR CLIFFORD SHEP- of Dekalb County, deceased,
late of DeKalb County, de- ton++, late of DeKalb County, MOORER, JR.++, deceased, late of DeKalb County, de- DeKalb County, deceased, are PARD++, late of DeKalb are hereby notified to render in
ceased, are hereby notified to deceased, are hereby notified late of DeKalb County, Geor- ceased, are hereby notified to hereby notified to render in County, deceased, are hereby their demands to the under-
their demands to the under- notified to render in their de- signed according to law, and all
render in their demands to the to render in their demands to gia are hereby notified to render in their demands to the
signed according to law, and all mands to the undersigned ac- persons indebted to said es-
undersigned according to law, the undersigned according to render in their names to the un- undersigned according to law,
persons indebted to said Es- cording to law, and all persons tate are required to make im-
and all persons indebted to law, and all persons indebted to dersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to tate are required to make im- indebted to said estate are re- mediate payment.
said Estate are required to said Estate are required to and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to mediate payment. quired to make immediate pay- This 25th day of October, 2021
make immediate payment. make immediate payment. said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 3 day of November 2021 ment. Name: Karuna Shah
This 2nd day of November, This 23rd day of November, make immediate payment. This 17th day of November, Cicely Glover, Executor, Ad- This 1st day of November, Title: Administrator
2021 2021. This 22nd day of November, 2021. ministrator, Attorney of the Es- 2021. Steven R. Ashby Address: 320 East Clayton
Ross William Schiavo and Janice Smith 2021. Louis Nicholas Oswald tate of Regina S. Johnston ,De- Attorney for Deborah Carol Street, Suite 418, Athens, GA
Kristin Schiavo Executor of the Estate of Andre Dwayne Moorer, Sr. Executor of the Estate of ceased Warbington Sheppard, Execut- 30601
as Co-Executors Luree Hammond Washington Administrator of the Estate of Louis Charles Oswald, 3236 Mercer University Drive or of the Estate of ARTHUR
of the Estate of Deceased Andre Dwayne Moorer, Jr. Deceased Apt 120 CLIFFORD SHEPPARD 110-451859 11/11,11/18,11/25
Ross Joseph Schiavo 805 Arborhill Dr 2439 Harmony Ridge Court 2550 Morgan Road Atlanta, GA 30341 Georgia Will and Probate Law- 12/2
c/o Melissa S. Hills, Esq. Stone Mountain, GA 30088 Lithonia, GA 30058 Buford, GA 30519 yers, LLC 4500 Hugh Howell Notice to Debtors and Creditors
881 Piedmont Avenue 110-450763 12/2,12/9,12/16 110-450767 12/2,12/9,12/16 110-451847 11/11,11/18,11/25 Road All creditors of the estate of
Atlanta, GA 30309 12/23 12/23 12/2 600 Heritage Place ++Lauren Kate Harrington++
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 110-451851 11/11,11/18,11/25 Tucker GA 30084 late of Dekalb County, de-
110-450720 12/2,12/9,12/16 CREDITORS 12/2 (770) 493-4924 ceased, are hereby notified to
12/23 All creditors of the estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND render in their demands to the
All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of undersigned according to law,
++BETTY ANN POSEY++, late ++MARTHA JEAN CAMP- and all persons indebted to
AND CREDITORS deceased, a resident of DeKalb All creditors of the Estate of 12/2
of DeKalb County, deceased, BELL++, deceased, late of ++Louise E. Witt Hampton++ said estate are required to
All creditors of the Estate of are hereby notified to render in DeKalb County, Georgia are County, Georgia, are hereby NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
notified to render in their de- late of DeKalb County, de- CREDITORS make immediate payment.
++KATHRYN ANN GINDEN++, their demands to the under- hereby notified to render in
mands to the undersigned ac- ceased, are hereby notified to All creditors of the Estate of This 28th day of October, 2021
deceased, late of DeKalb signed according to law, and all their names to the undersigned Name: William D. Carter, Jr.
cording to law, and all persons render in their demands to the ++JILL EAMES HANSON++,
County, Georgia, are hereby persons indebted to said Es- according to law, and all per- undersigned according to law, Title: Executor
notified to render in their de- indebted to said estate are re- late of DeKalb County, de-
tate are required to make im- sons indebted to said Estate quired to make immediate pay- and all persons indebted to ceased, are hereby notified to Address: 45 Technology Pkwy.
mands to the undersigned ac- mediate payment. are required to make immedi- said Estate are required to S, Suite 240, Peachtree
ment. render in their demands to the
cording to law, and all persons This 23rd day of November, ate payment. make immediate payment. Corners, GA 30092
This 29th day of October, 2021. undersigned according to law,
indebted to said Estate are re- 2021. This 19th day of November, Andre Demetrius Grimes Ad- This 1 November 2021 and all persons indebted to
quired to make immediate pay- Latawasha Little-Hill, Esq. 2021. ministrator of the Kelly Hampton Nadeau, Ex- said estate are required to 110-451860 11/11,11/18,11/25
ment. Attorney for Shayla Nicole Lockhart Estate of Antoinette Grimes ecutor of the Estate of Louise make immediate payment. 12/2
This 25th day of October, 2021 Versaille Anthony Harper Administrator of the Estate of c/o Michelle Chaudhuri, Esq. E. Witt Hampton This 1st day of October, 2021. Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Charles B. Ginden Executor of the Estate of Martha Jean Campbell Talley & Associates, P.C. Attn: Randy M. Wells, Steven R. Ashby All creditors of the estate of
Executor U/W BETTY ANN POSEY 2423 Steinbeck Lane 1892 Ga. Hwy 138, SE Attorney at Law Attorney for Jennifer Lynn ++Gudrun Skavanger Roe-
Kathryn Ann Ginden Georgia Will and Powder Springs, HA 30127 Conyers, GA 30013 P.O. Box 53373 Eames Kinsler, Executor of the land++ late of Dekalb County,
The Bowden Law Firm, LLC (770) 483-1431 Atlanta, GA 30355 Estate of JILL EAMES HAN- deceased, are hereby notified
Probate Lawyers, LLC 110-450768 12/2,12/9,12/16
Henry L. Bowden, Jr. Esq. SON to render in their demands to
4500 Hugh Howell Howell Road 12/23 the undersigned according to
191 Peachtree Street N.E. 110-451848 11/11,11/18,11/25 Georgia Will and Probate Law-
Suite 2525 600 Heritage Place NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND law, and all persons indebted to
Tucker, GA 30084 CREDITORS 12/2 yers, LLC 4500 Hugh Howell
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1740 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 110-451852 11/11,11/18,11/25 Road said estate are required to
110-450764 12/2,12/9,12/16 All creditors of the estate of make immediate payment.
++Dylan Bradford Brown++, CREDITORS 12/2 600 Heritage Place
110-450721 12/2,12/9,12/16 12/23 All creditors of the estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Tucker GA 30084 This 1st day of November,
NOTICE TO DEBTORS late of Dekalb County, Georgia, 2021
12/23 ++Marc Alan Kranz++, late of CREDITORS (770) 493-4924
AND CREDITORS deceased, are hereby notified Name: John Roeland
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND DeKalb County, deceased, are All creditors of the Estate of
to render in their demands to Title: Executor
CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of hereby notified to render in ++Emily Parsons Vosyka++
the undersigned according to 110-451856 11/11,11/18,11/25 Address: 1751 E. 300th St.,
All creditors of the Estate of ++CONSTANTINE NICHOLAS their demands to the under- late of DeKalb County, de-
law; and all persons indebted to 12/2 Wickliffe, Ohio 44092
++ECKHART HANS WERNER BABALIAROS++, deceased, of signed according to law, and all ceased, are hereby notified to
said estate are required to NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
RICHTER++, deceased, late of DeKalb County, are hereby no- persons indebted to said es- render in their demands to the
make immediate payment to CREDITORS 110-451862 11/11,11/18,11/25
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, tified to render in their de- tate are required to make im- undersigned according to law,
the address printed below. All creditors of the Estate of 12/2
are hereby notified to render in mands to the undersigned ac- mediate payment. and all persons indebted to
The 21st day of November, + + P A U L O T T O NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
their demands to the under- cording to law, and all persons Dated this 1st day of Novem- said Estate are required to
2021. BRUNDAGE++, Deceased, CREDITORS
signed according to law, and all indebted to said Estate are re- ber 2021. make immediate payment.
Mason Conrad Brown, Late of DeKalb County, are State of Georgia
persons indebted to said Es- quired to make immediate pay- Barbara B. Kranz Executor This 1st day of November,
Administrator hereby notified to render in County of DeKalb
tate are required to make im- Stacy W. Hanley, Esq. 2021
ment to Fontini B. Babaliaros: Joy T. Melton their demands to the under- In the Probate Court of DeKalb
mediate payment. Lefkoff, Duncan, Grimes, Faith Christeen Vosyka Teems,
Fotini B. Babaliaros Hindson & Melton LLC signed according to law, and all County
This 11th day of November, Mcswain, Hass & Hanley, P.C. Executor, of the Estate of Emily
Executor U/W of Suite 500 persons indebted to said Es- State of Georgia
2021. 3520 Piedmont Road, N.E. Parsons Vosyka, Deceased
CONSTANTINE NICHOLAS 1050 Crown Pointe Pkwy. tate are required to make im- RE: Estate of Esteban Hernan-
JOHN CHARLES RICHTER Suite 200 Lawrence B. Domenico, Esq
BABALIAROS Atlanta, GA 30338 mediate payment. dez, deceased.
Executor of the Estate of Atlanta, Georgia 30305 Mozley, Finlayson & Loggins
ECKHART HANS WERNER deceased 110-450769 12/2,12/9,12/16 This 2nd day of November, Estate No.: 2021-1695
(404)262-2000 LLP,
RICHTER 1286 Bernadette Lane, NE 12/23 2021. All creditors of the estate of
1050 Crown Pointe Pkwy,
Djuric Spratt P.A. Atlanta, GA 30329 NOTICE TO DEBTORS Shannon M. Pawley, Esq. ++Esteban Hernandez++, de-
110-451849 11/11,11/18,11/25 Suite 1500
Phoebe M. Edge, Esq 110-450765 12/2,12/9,12/16 AND CREDITORS Atlanta, Georgia 30338 Attorney for Madelynn S. ceased, late of DeKalb County,
191 Peachtree Street, N.E., 12/23 All creditors of the Estate of Brundage, Executor The Es- are hereby notified to render
Suite 4400 NOTICE TO DEBTORS ++Thelma Beatrice Oswald++, tate and Asset Protection Law their demands to the under-
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1741 AND CREDITORS late of DeKalb County, de- Firm 315 W. Ponce De Leon signed according to law, and all
All creditors of the Estate of
(404) 523-8337 All creditors of the Estate of ceased, are hereby notified to 110-451853 11/11,11/18,11/25 Avenue, #600 Decatur, GA persons indebted to said es-
++Paul George Varelas++, de- 12/2 30030 tate are required to make im-
render in their demands to the 2021-1812) late of DeKalb
110-450761 12/2,12/9,12/16 ceased, of DeKalb County, are NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 404/370-0696 mediate payment to me, Fran-
undersigned according to law, County, deceased, are hereby
12/23 hereby notified to render in and all persons indebted to notified to render in their de- CREDITORS cisco Hernandez, Administrat-
NOTICE TO DEBTORS their demands to the under- mands to the undersigned ac- IN RE: ESTATE OF DINA EL- 110-451857 11/11,11/18,11/25 or, 6901 NW 15th Street, Plant-
said Estate are required to
AND CREDITORS signed according to law, and all cording to law, and all persons MAN 12/2 ation, Florida, 33313, of the es-
make immediate payment. tate of Esteban Hernandez, de-
All creditors of the Estate of persons indebted to said Es- indebted to said Estate are re- All creditors of the estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
++JULIA E. GOULD A/K/A JU- This 17th day of November, ceased of 1896 E Roxboro
tate are required to make im- 2021. quired to make immediate pay- + +Dina Elman++, late of CREDITORS
LIA ELIZABETH GOULD,++, ment. DeKalb County, deceased, are All creditors of the Estate of Road NE, Atlanta, Georgia
mediate payment to Joanne D. Louis Nicholas Oswald 30324.
deceased, late of DEKALB This 3rd day of NOVEMBER hereby notified to render in + + J O H N J A M E S
COUNTY, GEORGIA, are Mertzanis: Executor of the Estate of
2021 their demands to the under- BUTSCHER++, Deceased,
hereby notified to render in Joanne D. Mertzanis Thelma Beatrice Oswald,
ALEXANDER C BECKING, EX- signed according to law and all Late of DeKalb County, are
their demands to the under- Executor U/W of Deceased persons indebted to said es-
Paul George Varelas ECUTOR, of the Estate of hereby notified to render in
signed according to law, and all 2550 Morgan Road JOYCE M BECKING, De- tate (Estate No. 2021-1664) are their demands to the under-
persons indebted to said Es- deceased Buford, GA 30519 required to make immediate
1451 Juneau Court ceased signed according to law, and all
tate are required to make im- W SUZANNE R THIGPEN payment. persons indebted to said Es-
mediate payment. Tucker, GA 30084-8208 This 4th day of November,
359 ADAMS STREET tate are required to make im-
This 19th day of November, DECATUR, GEORGIA 30030 2021. mediate payment.
2021. Personal Representative: This 3rd day of November
NANCY K. RIGBY Irina Elman 2021.
Executor of the Estate of P.O. Box 10, Murray Hill Station Shannon M. Pawley, Esq.
JULIA E. GOULD A/K/A New York, New York 10156 Attorney for Alicia K. Butscher
JULIA ELIZABETH GOULD Attorney: and Donna L. Price, Executors
Djuric Spratt P.A. David P. Hovorka The Estate and Asset Protec-
Phoebe M. Edge, Esq Robinson & Blazer, LLP tion Law Firm
191 Peachtree Street, N.E., 150 East Ponce de Leon Ave. 315 W. Ponce De Leon Aven-
Suite 4400 Ste. 475 ue, #600 Decatur, GA 30030
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1741 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404/370-0696
(404) 523-8337
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 19
110-451951 11/11,11/18,11/25 110-451969 11/18,11/25,12/2 110-452011 11/18,11/25,12/2 110-452075 11/25,12/2,12/9 110-452080 11/25,12/2,12/9 110-452208 12/2,12/9,12/16 110-452212 12/2,12/9,12/16,
12/2 12/9 12/9 12/16 12/16 12/23 12/23
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Notice to Debtors and Creditors NOTICE TO DEBTORS Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice to Debtors and Creditors NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the estate of CREDITORS CREDITORS
All creditors of the Estate of ++Elizabeth Brewster All creditors of the Estate of ++Barbara Pennington ++WILLIAM LANGSTON a/k/a All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of
++Kenryck Oswald Lashley++ Weaver++ late of Dekalb + + G E R A L D I N E Bailey++ late of Dekalb County, BILL LANGSTON++ late of ++GILLIAN WILSON++, de- ++BETTY L. SISSON++, De-
late of DeKalb County, de- County, deceased, are hereby THOMPSON++, late of DeKalb deceased, are hereby notified Dekalb County, deceased, are ceased, late of DEKALB ceased, Late of DeKalb
ceased, are hereby notified to notified to render in their de- County, deceased, are hereby to render in their demands to hereby notified to render in COUNTY, GEORGIA, are County, are hereby notified to
render in their demands to the mands to the undersigned ac- the undersigned according to their demands to the under- hereby notified to render in render in their demands to the
notified to render in their de-
undersigned according to law, cording to law, and all persons law, and all persons indebted to signed according to law, and all their demands to the under- undersigned according to law,
mands to the undersigned ac-
and all persons indebted to indebted to said estate are re- said estate are required to persons indebted to said es- signed according to law, and all and all persons indebted to
said Estate are required to quired to make immediate pay- cording to law, and all persons make immediate payment. tate are required to make im- persons indebted to said Es- said Estate are required to
make immediate payment. ment. indebted to said Estate are re- This 25th day of November, mediate payment. tate are required to make im- make immediate payment.
This 11 day of NOVEMBER, This 18th day of November, quired to make immediate pay- 2021 This 16th day of November, mediate payment. This 22nd day of November
2021 2021 ment. Name: Louisa Bailey 2021 This 19th day of November, 2021.
Tracy Lashley White, Executor Name: Brooks Mackintosh This 11th day of NOVEMBER, Title: Executor of the Estate of Name: G. Cleveland Payne, III, 2021. Shannon M. Pawley, Esq.
of the Estate of Kenryck Os- Title: Attorney 2021. Barbara Pennington Bailey, the P.C. ROSS WILSON, Administrator Attorney for Samuel Glover Sis-
wald Lashley, Deceased Address: Mackintosh Law, LLC, ROGENIA GRIFFIN Adminis- deceased Title: Attorney at Law of the son, II, Executor The Estate
4906 Abbott Drive 246 Sycamore Street, Ste 150, trator of the Estate of Address: c/o Mark deAndrade 2 Address: 248 Roswell Street, Estate of GILLIAN WILSON and Asset Protection Law Firm
Temple Hills, MD 20748 Decatur, GA 30030 GERALDINE THOMPSON, De- Ravinia Drive, Suite 1530, At- SE, Marietta, Georgia 30060 Djuric Spratt P.A. 315 W. Ponce De Leon Aven-
110-451952 11/11,11/18,11/25 ceased lanta, GA 30346 James D. Spratt, Jr., Esq. ue, #600 Decatur, GA 30030
12/2 110-451970 11/18,11/25,12/2 2085 TUDOR CASTLE DR 191 Peachtree Street, N.E., 404/370-0696
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 12/9 DECATUR, GA 30035 110-452081 11/25,12/2,12/9 Suite 4400
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 110-452076 11/25,12/2,12/9 12/16 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 110-452213 12/2,12/9,12/16
All creditors of the Estate of CREDITORS Notice to Debtors and Creditors (404) 523-8337 12/23
110-452016 11/18,11/25,12/2 Notice to Debtors and Creditors All creditors of the estate of
+ + T E R R Y A L A N All creditors of the Estate of 12/9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
++Rose Helen Nathan++, late All creditors of the estate of ++Jefferson Paul Gray++ late CREDITORS
DILMORE++late of DeKalb NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND ++Emmett E. Rucker, Sr.++
County, deceased, are hereby of DeKalb County, Georgia, de- of Dekalb County, deceased, All creditors of the Estate of
CREDITORS late of Dekalb County, de- are hereby notified to render in
notified to render in their de- ceased, are hereby notified to 110-452209 12/2,12/9,12/16 ++Allan August Kirwan++ late
All creditors of the Estate of ceased, are hereby notified to their demands to the under-
mands to the undersigned ac- render in their demands to the 12/23 of DeKalb County, deceased,
++Deneen Richardson++ late render in their demands to the signed according to law, and all
cording to law, and all persons undersigned according to law, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND are hereby notified to render in
of DeKalb County, deceased, undersigned according to law, persons indebted to said es-
indebted to said Estate are re- and all persons indebted to CREDITORS their demands to the under-
are hereby notified to render in and all persons indebted to tate are required to make im-
quired to make immediate pay- said Estate are required to IN RE: ESTATE OF MAR- signed according to law, and all
their demands to the under- said estate are required to mediate payment.
ment. make immediate payment. GARET BURKE WHITE persons indebted to said Es-
signed according to law, and all make immediate payment. This 16th day of November,
This 11 day of NOVEMBER, Beth L. Nathan, Executor of the ALL CREDITORS of the Estate tate are required to make im-
persons indebted to said Es- This 15th day of November, 2021
2021 Estate of Rose Helen Nathan of ++Margaret Burke White++, mediate payment.
tate are required to make im- 2021 Name: Rhonda Sharp
Robert E. Turner Attorney of Haley A. Schwartz, Esq. deceased, late of DeKalb This 2 day of DECEMBER,
mediate payment. Name: Sandra Elaine Rucker Title: Executor
the Estate of Fox Rothschild LLP County, Georgia are hereby no- 2021
This 11 day of November 2021 Title: Administrator of Estate Address: c/o Law Office of Paul
TERRY ALAN DILMORE, De- 999 Peachtree Street NE, Suite tified to render in their de- Kevin Kirwan Executor of the
Deanna Robinson, Administrat- Address: 1109 Chatmoss Dr., Black, 1 W Crt Sqr, Ste 750,
ceased 1500 mands to the undersigned ac- Estate of Allan August Kirwan
or of the Estate of Virginia Beach, GA 23464 Decatur, GA 30030
496 Medlock Road Atlanta, GA 30309 cording to law, and all persons ,Deceased
Deneen Richardson ,Deceased
Decatur, GA 30030 indebted to said estate are re- 2676 Winding Lane
110-451971 11/18,11/25,12/2 2413 Black Forest Dr.
110-452077 11/25,12/2,12/9 quired to make immediate pay- Brookhaven, GA 30319
12/9 Conyers, Georgia 30012 110-452082 11/25,12/2,12/9
110-451967 11/18,11/25,12/2 12/16 ment to the undersigned. This
12/9 Notice to Debtors and Creditors notice is given this 24th day of 110-452214 12/2,12/9,12/16
CREDITORS Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Notice to Debtors and Creditors All creditors of the estate of November 2021 in accordance 12/23
All creditors of the Estate of 110-452035 11/18,11/25,12/2 All creditors of the estate of
All creditors of the estate of ++Anne Rubin++ late of Dekalb with the provisions of O.C.G.A. NOTICE TO DEBTORS
+ +Jimmy Reed++ late of 12/9 ++Thomas Montgomery Walk-
++Donald John Thompson, II County, deceased, are hereby § 53-7-41. AND CREDITORS
DeKalb County, deceased, are NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND er++ late of Dekalb County, de-
++ late of Dekalb County, de- notified to render in their de- Bruce H. Gaynes, Attorney
hereby notified to render in DEBTORS ceased, are hereby notified to All creditors of the Estate of
ceased, are hereby notified to mands to the undersigned ac- Kitchens Kelley Gaynes, P.C.
their demands to the under- All creditors of the estate of render in their demands to the ++MARION WILES TROTTI++,
render in their demands to the cording to law, and all persons 5555 Glenridge Connector,
signed according to law, and all ++Shirley June Coop undersigned according to law, late of DeKalb County, de-
undersigned according to law, indebted to said estate are re- Suite 800
persons indebted to said Es- Lawless++, deceased, late of and all persons indebted to ceased, are hereby notified to
and all persons indebted to quired to make immediate pay- Atlanta, Georgia 30342
tate are required to make im- Dekalb County, Georgia, are said estate are required to render in their demands to the
said estate are required to ment. 404-237-4100
mediate payment. hereby notified to render their make immediate payment. undersigned according to law,
make immediate payment. This 10th day of November 10, demands to the undersigned This 25th day of November, This 16th day of November, and all persons indebted to
This 4th day of November, 2021 according to law, and all per- 2021 2021 said Estate are required to
2021 Yvonne Carr Executor, Admin- sons indebted to said estate Philip Rubin, Executor Name: James Alan Hayes 110-452210 12/2,12/9,12/16
c/o Starr Story, Esq. make immediate payment.
Name: David Price Thompson istrator, Attorney of the Estate are required to make immedi- Title: Executor 12/23
Title: Executor 1117 Perimeter Center West, This 23 day of NOVEMBER,
of Jimmy Reed, Deceased ate payment to the under- Address: 4506 Simsbury Road, Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Address: c/o Roslyn Falk, 3350 Sharline S. Green, P.C. Suite W501, Atlanta, GA 30338 2021.
signed Executors of the estate Apt. E Charlotte, North Caro- All creditors of the estate of
Riverwood Parkway, Suite 1775 Parker Road SE, Ste. of Shirley June Coop Lawless. JAMES FRANKLIN TROTTI
lina 2822 ++JAMAL OHENE TOLER++ EXECUTOR of the Estate of
1600, Atlanta, GA 30339. C-210 This 11day of November, 2021. late of Dekalb County, de-
110-452078 11/25,12/2,12/9 MARION WILES TROTTI, De-
Conyers, Georgia 30094 Leonard Walter Lawless, Ex- ceased, are hereby notified to
12/16 ceased
110-451968 11/18,11/25,12/2 ecutor of the Estate of Shirley Notice to Debtors and Creditors 110-452206 12/2,12/9,12/16 render in their demands to the
12/9 110-451972 11/18,11/25,12/2 June Coop Lawless 12/23 undersigned according to law, 2426 PANGBORN CIR
All creditors of the estate of
Notice to Debtors and Creditors 12/9 7039 Dove Pont Lane DeKalb Notice to Debtors and Creditors and all persons indebted to DECATUR, GA 30033
++Tracy Laverne Conner++
All creditors of the estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND County, Georgia 30548 late of Dekalb County, de- All creditors of the estate of said estate are required to 110-452258 12/2,12/9,12/16,
++Waymon Pryor, Jr.++ late of CREDITORS or ceased, are hereby notified to ++Matthew Marion Zack, Jr.++ make immediate payment. 12/23
Dekalb County, deceased, are All creditors of the Estate of MOORE, CLARKE, DuVALL & render in their demands to the late of Dekalb County, de- This 24th day of November, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
hereby notified to render in ++PRESTON SCOTT RODGERS, P.C. undersigned according to law, ceased, are hereby notified to 2021 CREDITORS
their demands to the under- MILLER++ late of DeKalb 2829 Old Dawson Road Post and all persons indebted to render in their demands to the Name: Whitney Toler All creditors of the Estate of
signed according to law, and all County, deceased, are hereby Office Drawer 71727 said estate are required to undersigned according to law, Title: Administrator ++CHARLIE MAE DAVIS++
persons indebted to said es- notified to render in their de- Albany, Georgia 31708-1727 make immediate payment. and all persons indebted to Address: c/o Burney Law, LLC, late of DeKalb County, de-
tate are required to make im- mands to the undersigned ac- This 15th day of November, said estate are required to 3330 Cumberland Blvd, Ste ceased, are hereby notified to
mediate payment. cording to law, and all persons 2021 make immediate payment. 500, Atlanta, GA 30339 render in their demands to the
This 9th day of November, indebted to said Estate are re- 110-452074 11/25,12/2,12/9 Name: PATRICIA ARM- This 19th day of November, undersigned according to law,
2021 quired to make immediate pay- 12/16 STRONG 2021 and all persons indebted to
Name: Jessie Ashley by McMi- ment. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Title: EXECUTOR Name: Chris Brannon said Estate are required to
chael & Gray, PC, This 5th day of November 2021 CREDITORS Address: c/o GRAHAM ES- Title: Executor 110-452211 12/2,12/9,12/16 make immediate payment.
Title: Attorneys for Executor CLAYTON SKINNER, Attorney STATE OF GEORGIA TATE PLANNING, 6595 Address: 2900 Chamblee Tuck- 12/23 This 23rd day of November
Address: 3550 George Busbee for the Estate of PRESTON COUNTY OF HABERSHAM Roswell Road, Ste G-790, At- er Rd., Bldg. 14, Suite 100, At- NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND 2021
Pkwy., Ravine 3, Ste. 140, SCOTT MILLER , Deceased IN RE: ESTATE OF BARBARA lanta, GA 30328 lanta, GA 30341 DEBTORS David C Cole, Esq. Attorney of
Kennesaw, GA 30144 (Estate No: 2021-1584) D. HODGKINS GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY the Estate of Charlie Mae Dav-
P.O. BOX 77005 All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the Estate of is ,Deceased
ATLANTA, GA 30357 + + B A R B A R A D . 110-452079 11/25,12/2,12/9 110-452207 12/2,12/9,12/16 ++Carrie Bell Albert++, de- David C Cole, Esq.
HODGKINS++, deceased of 12/16 12/23 ceased, late of DeKalb County, 2200 Century Parkway, NE,
Dekalb County, Georgia are Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice to Debtors and Creditors Georgia, are hereby notified to Suite 800
hereby notified to render their All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the estate of render their demands to the un- Atlanta, GA 30345-3118
demands to the undersigned ++Irma Rogers Ragland++ late ++Karen Frances Gray++ late dersigned according to law;
according to law, and all per- of Dekalb County, deceased, of Dekalb County, deceased, and all persons indebted to
sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to render in are hereby notified to render in said estate are required to
are required to make immedi- their demands to the under- their demands to the under- make immediate payment to
ate payment to the under- signed according to law, and all signed according to law, and all the undersigned.
signed. persons indebted to said es- persons indebted to said es- This 2 day of DECEMBER,
THIS 17th day of November, tate are required to make im- tate are required to make im- 2021.
2021. mediate payment. mediate payment. Brenda Vinson
s/ALTA M. MOSELEY, This 16th day of November, This 16th day of November, Administrator of the Estate of
Executrix 2021 2021 Carrie Bell Albert , the de-
c/o Cindy Franklin Freeman, Name: ROBIN IRENE Name: Rhonda Kay Sharp ceased
Attorney at Law, P.C. WALTON Title: Executor c/o Sparks Law, LLC
P.O. Box 2526 Title: Executor Address: c/o Law Office of Paul 11539 Park Woods Circle
Clarkesville, GA 30523 Address: 325 Stanton Lane, Black, 1 W Crt Sqr, Ste 750, Unit 304
706-839-1655 Napanoch, NY 12458 Decatur, GA 30030 Alpharetta, GA 30005
whose name and address is:
To: Prather Peeples ROBYN WALKER 67
Ellaville,GA GA 30157 Answer in writing
By Order of the Court, for ser- within sixty (60) days of the
vice by publication dated the date of the Order of Publica-
Page 20 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
7th day of October, 2021 You
are hereby notified that on the
Witness the Honorable Shon-
120-450670 11/25,12/2,12/9 120-450673 11/25,12/2,12/9 30th day of July, 2021 The deana C Morris, Judge of the 120-451974 11/18,11/25,12/2 120-452173 11/25,12/2,12/9
Divorce 12/16
above-named Plaintiff filed suit
against you for: Divorce.
DeKalb Superior Court. 12/9
This the 1st day of November,
120-450668 11/25,12/2,12/9 In the Superior Court In the Superior Court You are required to file with 2021. In the Superior Court OF DEKALB COUNTY
of DeKalb County of DeKalb County the Clerk of Superior Court, and Debra DeBerry of DeKalb County STATE OF GEORGIA
State of Georgia State of Georgia to serve upon the plaintiff or Clerk of Superior Court State of Georgia ISIDRO JIMENEZ,
In the Superior Court Civil Action# ++21FM8801-9++ Civil Action# ++21FM3742-8++ plaintiff's attorney whose name 556 N. McDonough Street Civil Action# ++21FM2351++
Opeyemi Deborah Gbeminiyi Jozlyn Williams and address is: Sheree DOREEN HARVEY v.
of DeKalb County G-130 Annex GLORIA JOHANA MEDINA-
State of Georgia Plaintiff Plaintiff Peeples, 4199 Autumn Woods Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 Plaintiff
Civil Action# ++21FM8386- vs. vs. Ct., Stone Mountain, GA 30083 120-451953 11/11,11/18,11/25 vs.
10++ Olusegun Samuel Ademoyero Sidney Williams, III Answer in writing within sixty 12/2 OMARO MCLEAN
KERENE KEMOCKIE RIVERA Defendant Defendant (60) days of the date of the Or- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Defendant CIVIL ACTION
Plaintiff To: Olusegun Samuel Ade- To: Sidney Williams, III der of Publication. In the Superior Court To: OMARO MCLEAN FILE NO.: ++21FM7411++
vs. moyero 4670 Newcastle Cir Witness the Honorable Mark of DeKalb County By Order of the Court service NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
JASON C RIVERA ADDRESS UKNOWN Lithonia, GA 30038 Anthony Scott, Judge of the State of Georgia for service by publication dated TO: GLORIA JOHANA MED-
Defendant By Order of the Court, for ser- By Order of the Court service DeKalb Superior Court. Civil Action# ++21FM5776++ 11/8/2021 You are hereby noti- INA-FUNEZ, Defendant Named
To: JASON C RIVERA vice by publication dated the for service by publication dated This the 22nd day of Novem- Yevheniy Petrus fied that on 2/18/2021 The Above.
ADDRESS UKNOWN 8th day of November, 2021 11/12/2021 You are hereby no- ber, 2021. Plaintiff above-named Plaintiff filed suit You are hereby notified that the
By Order of the Court, for ser- You are hereby notified that on tified that on April 26, 2021 The Debra DeBerry vs. against you for: Divorce. above-styled action seeking a
vice by publication dated the the 7th day of October, 2021 above-named Plaintiff filed suit Clerk of Superior Court Anna Kolezneva You are required to file with Complaint for Divorce and Oth-
29th day of OCTOBER, 2021 The above-named Plaintiff filed against you for: Divorce. 556 N. McDonough Street Defendant the Clerk of Superior Court, and er Relief was filed against you
suit against you for: Divorce. You are required to file with G-130 Annex to serve upon the plaintiff's at- in said Court on August 23,
You are hereby notified that on To: Anna Kolezneva
You are required to file with the Clerk of Superior Court, and Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 torney whose name and ad- 2021, and that by reason of an
the 29th day of SEPTEMBER, By Order of the Court service Order for Service of Summons
2021 The above-named the Clerk of Superior Court, and to serve upon the plaintiff's at- for service by publication dated dress is: DOREEN HARVEY
to serve upon the plaintiff or torney whose name and ad- 9301 WESLEY PROVIDENCE by Publication entered by the
Plaintiff filed suit against you 11/2/2021 You are hereby noti- Court on November 19, 2021,
for: Divorce. plaintiff's attorney whose name dress is: Jozlyn C. Williams, fied that on 7/6/2021 The PKWAY LITHONIA, GA 30038?
120-451942 11/11,11/18,11/25 you are hereby commanded
You are required to file with and address is: Opeyemi De- 4670 Newcastle Cir, Lithonia, above-named Plaintiff filed suit Answer in writing within sixty
12/2 and required to file with the
the Clerk of Superior Court, and borah Gbeminiyi, 4459 Horse- GA 30038 Answer in writing IN THE SUPERIOR COURT against you for: Divorce. (60) days of the date of the Or- Clerk of said Court and serve
to serve upon the plaintiff or shoe Court, Decatur, GA 30034 within sixty (60) days of OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE You are required to file with der of Publication. u p o n I S I D R O J I M E N E Z,
plaintiff's attorney whose name Answer in writing within sixty 11/12/2021. OF GEORGIA the Clerk of Superior Court, and Witness the Honorable Mark Plaintiff, whose attorney’s
and address is: ADEBIMPE JA- (60) days of the date of the Or- Witness the Honorable Linda FAMILY DIVISION to serve upon the plaintiff Anthony Scott, Judge of the name and address is Dale M.
FOJO, 635 Beaver Ruin Road, der of Publication. W. Hunter, Judge of the TENICE MINOR, whose name and address is: DeKalb Superior Court. Cecka, Esq. and Aaron
Suite B, Lilburn, GA 30047 An- Witness the Honorable Mark DeKalb Superior Court. Petitioner, Yevheniy Petrus 4540 South This the 10th day of November, Thomas Law, LLC, 1100
swer in writing within sixty (60) Anthony Scott, Judge of the This the 12th day of November, v. River Bend Ellenwood, GA 2021. Peachtree St, NE, Suite 200,
days of the date of the Order of DeKalb Superior Court. 2021. JEREMY MINOR, 30294 Answer in writing within Debra DeBerry Atlanta, Georgia 30309, an an-
Publication. This the 9th day of November, Debra DeBerry Respondent. sixty (60) days of 11/2/2021. Clerk of Superior Court swer to the Complaint within
Witness the Honorable Tan- 2021. Clerk of Superior Court Witness the Honorable Court- 556 N. McDonough Street sixty (60) days of the date of
gela M. Barrie, Judge of the Debra DeBerry 556 N. McDonough Street Civil Action File No. ney L Johnson, Judge of the G-130 Annex the Order for service by public-
Clerk of Superior Court G-130 Annex ++21FM8367++ Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 ation. If you fail to do so, judg-
DeKalb Superior Court. DeKalb Superior Court.
556 N. McDonough Street Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION 120-451975 11/18,11/25,12/2 ment by default will be taken
This the 1st day of November, This the 3rd day of Nov, 2021. against you for the relief de-
G-130 Annex To: Jeremy Minor, 12/9
2021. 120-450706 11/25,12/2,12/9 By Order for Service by Public- Debra DeBerry manded in the complaint.
Debra DeBerry Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 12/16 Clerk of Superior Court IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
ation dated 4th day of Novem- OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE Witness the Honorable Mark
Clerk of Superior Court 120-450672 11/25,12/2,12/9 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION ber 2021. 556 N. McDonough Street Anthony Scott, Judge of said
556 N. McDonough Street 12/16 In the Superior Court G-130 Annex OF GEORGIA
You are hereby notified that on ORESTES PLACERES Court.
G-130 Annex NOTICE OF PUBLICATION of DeKalb County the 22nd day of September, Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 This 22 day of November,
In the Superior Court State of Georgia PLAINTIFF
Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 2021, the Petitioner filed suit 120-451954 11/11,11/18,11/25, 2021.
of DeKalb County vs
120-450669 11/25,12/2,12/9 Civil Action# ++21FM9486-7++ against you for Divorce. 12/2 Debra DeBerry
12/16 State of Georgia Mrs. Sonya M Jackson You are required to file with the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT CLERK OF SUPERIOR
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Civil Action# ++21FM5238- Plaintiff Clerk of the Superior Court of OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE COURT
In the Superior Court 10++ vs. Dekalb County, and to serve OF GEORGIA TO:DANA MARIE HAZIM PLA- DEKALB COUNTY
of DeKalb County Vansail McDonald Boakye Mr. Quentin K Jackson upon the Petitioner's Attorney Jacob King CERES
State of Georgia Plaintiff Defendant at this address: Erin E. King, PLAINTIFF CIVIL ACTION NO .
vs. To: Mr. Quentin K Jackson Esq., 2786 North Decatur vs
Family Division
Civil Action File No. Opanyin K Boakye ADDRESS UNKNOWN Road, Suite 245, Decatur, Roszell King
Defendant By Order of the Court service Georgia 30033, an answer to DEFENDANT By ORDER of the Court, for
To: Opanyin Boakye for service by publication dated the complaint within sixty (60) service by publication dated the 160-451948 11/11,11/18,11/25
TENICE MINOR days of the date of the first pub- CIVIL ACTION NO.
ADDRESS UNKNOWN 11/3/2021 You are hereby noti- 10/13/2021 You are hereby no- 12/2
Petitioner lication of notice. ++21FM3986++
By Order of the Court service fied that on 11/2/2021 The tified that on the8/17/2021 the IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF
v. Witness the Honorable Shon- TO: Roszell King
for service by publication dated above-named Plaintiff filed suit above-named Plaintiff filed suit DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF
Respondent 10/27/2021 You are hereby no- against you for: Divorce. against you for : Petition for Di-
Court. By ORDER of the Court, for vorce IN THE INTEREST OF ++FILE
To: Jeremy Minor tified that on 06/17/2021 The You are required to file with This 4th day of November, service by publication dated the You are required to file with the #20J0194++
ADDRESS UKNOWN above-named Plaintiff filed suit the Clerk of Superior Court, and 2021. 4th day of July, 2021 Clerk of Superior Court, and to LENDON E. WILBURN, a
By Order for service by public- against you for: Divorce. to serve upon the plaintiff's at- Debra Deberry You are hereby notified that on minor child
You are required to file with serve upon the plaintiff or
ation dated the 4th day of torney whose name and ad- Clerk, Superior Court of Dekalb the 5/5/2021 the above-named SEX: M, AGE 14,
the Clerk of Superior Court, and plaintiff's attorney, whose name
November, 2021 You are dress is: Mrs. Sonya M Jack- County Plaintiff filed suit against you for an d a d dres s i s Caro li ne DOB:04/28/06
hereby notified that on the 22nd to serve upon the plaintiff's at- son, 3422 Lark Lane, Decatur, : Divorce NOTICE
Pineres, Law Office of Caroline
day of September, 2021 The torney whose name and ad- GA 30032 Answer in writing You are required to file with the Pineres, 8100-A Roswell Rd. TO: Felisha Jonell Booker
Petitioner filed suit against you dress is: Vansail McDonald within sixty (60) days of Clerk of Superior Court, and to Suite 200. Atlanta, Georgia 110 Knight Way
for: Divorce. Boakye, 3017 Chaffey Cir, Dec- 11/3/2021. serve upon the plaintiff or 30350. 770-956-9961. Car- Fayetteville, GA 30214
120-451943 11/11,11/18,11/25 plaintiffs attorney, whose name
You are required to file with atur, GA 30034 Answer in writ- Witness the Honorable Lat- By Order of the Court for ser-
12/2 and address is, 3157 Kings
the Clerk of Superior Court of ing within sixty (60) days of isha Dear Jackson, Judge of an Answer in writing within sixty vice by publication, dated
Dekalb County, and to serve 10/27/2021. the DeKalb Superior Court. (60) days of the date of the Or- 8/17/21, you are hereby noti-
In the Superior Court Decatur, GA 30034 fied that on the 1ST day of
upon the Petitioner's Attorney Witness the Honorable Tan- This the 3rd day of November, der of Publication.
of DeKalb County an Answer in writing within sixty SEPTEMBER 2020, JULIETTE
at this address: Erin E. King, gela M. Barrie, Judge of the 2021. WITNESS, the Honorable,
State of Georgia (60) days of the date of the Or- H. WILBURN, caused a De-
Esq., 2786 North Decatur DeKalb Superior Court. Debra DeBerry STACEY K HYDRICK, Judge of
Civil Action# ++21FM5756++ der of Publication pendency Petition to be filed in
Road, Suite 245, Decatur, This the 16th day of November, Clerk of Superior Court the DeKalb Superior Court.
ROBYN WALKER WITNESS, the Honorable, This, the 14th day of OCTO- the Dekalb County Juvenile
Georgia 30033 an Answer in 2021. 556 N. McDonough Street Shondeana C. Morris , Judge
Plaintiff BER, 2021 Court, concerning the above-
writing within sixty (60) days of Debra DeBerry G-130 Annex of the DeKalb Superior Court.
vs. DEBRA DEBERRY, CLERK OF mentioned minor child,
the date of the first publication Clerk of Superior Court Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 This, the 5th November, 2021
of notice. 556 N. McDonough Street 120-450760 12/2,12/9,12/16 DEBRA DEBERRY, leging that the above-named
Defendant COUNTY, GA
Witness the Honorable Shon- G-130 Annex 12/23 CLERK OF SUPERIOR party is unknown. The above-
To:SHAKIM WALKER DeKalb County Courthouse
deana C Morris, Judge of this Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION COURT, DEKALB COUNTY, named child is in the care and
By Order of the Court service 556 NORTH McDONOUGH
Court. In the Superior Court for service by publication dated GA STREET, GROUND FLOOR custody of Petitioner. The Peti-
This 4th day of November, of DeKalb County 10/19/2021 You are hereby no- DeKalb County Courthouse DECATUR, GA 30030 tion asks the Court to declare
2021. State of Georgia 556 NORTH McDONOUGH the child a dependent, and re-
tified that on 7/6/2021 The
Debra DeBerry Civil Action# ++21FM6624-9++ STREET, GROUND FLOOR quests that Petitioner be
above-named Plaintiff filed suit DECATUR, GA 30030
Clerk of Superior Court Sheree Peeples against you for: Divorce. named his Temporary Guardi-
556 N. McDonough Street Plaintiff an and/or Custodian. A copy of
You are required to file with
G-130 Annex vs. the Petition may be obtained
the Clerk of Superior Court, and from the Clerk of the Juvenile
Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 Prather Peeples to serve upon the plaintiff Court of Dekalb County, 4309
Defendant whose name and address is: Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor-
To: Prather Peeples ROBYN WALKER 67 gia 30030, on any day, Monday
Oglethorpe St. TUSCANY TRACE DALLAS, through Friday, between the
Ellaville,GA GA 30157 Answer in writing hours or 8:30 a.m. until 5:00
By Order of the Court, for ser- within sixty (60) days of the p.m.
vice by publication dated the date of the Order of Publica- You are hereby commanded to
7th day of October, 2021 You tion. be and appear at the Dekalb
are hereby notified that on the Witness the Honorable Shon- County Juvenile Court, 4309
30th day of July, 2021 The deana C Morris, Judge of the Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor-
above-named Plaintiff filed suit DeKalb Superior Court. gia 30030 on January 5, 2022 a
against you for: Divorce. This the 1st day of November, 9:00, to show cause why the
You are required to file with request of Peitioner should not
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- The Hearing is scheduled to be ally via Zoom. Computer ac- ship to employ counsel. Notice ship to employ counsel. Notice DeKalb County Juvenile Court
gia 30030, on any day, Monday held virtually. You may access cess will be available at the is hereby given that prior to a fi- is hereby given that prior to a fi- if needed.
through Friday, between the the DeKalb County Juvenile DeKalb County Juvenile Court nal hearing, a provisional hear- nal hearing, a provisional hear- You may file in the office of the
hours or 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 Court website to obtain the if needed. The Zoom ID # for ing may be conducted by ing may be conducted by Clerk of this Court and serve
p.m. Zoom hearing ID. The website this hearing is 9970-509-5447. the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. upon Petitioner’s attorney,
You are hereby commanded to address is www.dekalbjuvenile- You may file in the office of the 15-11-29. Findings of Fact and 15-11-29. Findings of Fact and Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306;

be and appear at the Dekalb The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 21 You may also contact Clerk of this Court and serve orders of disposition made at orders of disposition made at Decatur, Georgia 30031, your
County Juvenile Court, 4309 the Clerk’s office at 678-409- upon Petitioner’s attorney, the provisional hearing may be- the provisional hearing may be- answer to the Division’s re-
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- 4252 for further information and Jerry W. Thacker, PO. Box 160-452136 11/25,12/2,12/9 come final at a final hearing un- come final at a final hearing un- quest.
gia 30030 on January 5, 2022 a assistance accessing the virtu- 83480 Conyers, Georgia 12/16 less parties served by publica- less parties served by publica- A party is entitled to counsel in
9:00, to show cause why the al hearing. 30013. A party is entitled to NOTICE TO APPEAR tion appear at the final hearing. tion appear at the final hearing. these proceedings and the
request of Peitioner should not The putative father(s) shall lose counsel in these proceedings STATE OF GEORGIA WITNESS, the Honorable WITNESS, the Honorable Court will appoint an attorney
be granted. You may file in the all rights to object to the ap- and the Court will appoint an COUNTY OF DEKALB Fatima El-Amin, Judge Fatima El-Amin, Judge for you if you are unable,
office of the Clerk of this Court pointment of a permanent attorney for you if you are un- IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF This the 18th day of November, This the 18th day of November, without undue financial hard-
and serve upon the Petitioner’s guardian for the minor unless able, without undue financial DEKALB COUNTY. In the in- 2021. 2021. ship to employ counsel. Notice
attorney, MARCUS K. OLIVER, he files an objection with the hardship, to employ counsel. terest of Antoninette Johnson-Brantley, Antoninette Johnson-Brantley, is hereby given that a provi-
Sampson Oliver & Associates, court within 14 days of this no- WITNESS, the Honorable De- ++I.J., Sex: F, DOB: 09-27- CLERK OF COURT CLERK OF COURT sional hearing may be conduc-
1826 Glenhill Place, Decatur, tice and files a petition to legit- siree Sutton Peagler 2011, Case Number 21J01641; ted on the date listed above by
GA 30032, within (30) days of imate the minor within 30 days This 11th day of November A.J., Sex: M, DOB: 03-28-2014, 160-452137 11/25,12/2,12/9 160-452142 11/25,12/2 the court pursuant to O.C.G.A.
the first publication, your An- of the hearing on the objection. 2021. Case Number 21J01638; A.J., 12/16 NOTICE TO APPEAR § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact
swer to the Petition. A party is entitled to counsel in /S/ Manda Butler Sex: M, DOB: 10-20-2015, NOTICE TO APPEAR STATE OF GEORGIA and orders of disposition made
WITNESS THE HONORABLE these proceedings and the Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb Case Number 21J01637++ STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF DEKALB at the provisional hearing may
DESIREE SUTTON PEAGLER, Court will appoint an attorney County Georgia TO: OLIVIA JOHNSON, Mother COUNTY OF DEKALB IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF become final at a final hearing
JUDGE. for you if you are unable, 160-452091 11/25,12/2,12/9, GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY. unless parties served by public-
THIS THE DAY OF NOVEM- without undue financial hard- 12/16 der of this Court, you are DEKALB COUNTY. In the in- In the interest of: ation appear at the final hear-
BER, 2021. ship to employ counsel. Notice IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF hereby notified that on or about terest of ++J.D., Sex: F, DOB: 3/28/21, ing.
ANTONINETTE L. BRADLEY is hereby given that prior to a fi- DEKALB COUNTY November 10, 2021, a Petition ++N.B., Sex: F, DOB: 02-13- Age: 6 MOS., Case Number: WITNESS, the Honorable Linda
CLERK, JUVENILE COURT nal hearing, a provisional hear- STATE OF GEORGIA For Permanent Guardianship 2006, Case Number 21J01380; 21J00963++, Bratton Haynes, Judge
OF DEKALB COUNTY ing may be conducted by IN THE INTEREST OF ++FILE was filed in this Court by the T.M., Sex: F, DOB: 09-14-2009, NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY This the 18th day of November
the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. NO. 990377034 R. J. SEX: M Georgia Department of Human Case Number 21J01382++ PROCEEDINGS 2021.
160-451976 11/18,11/25,12/2 15-11-29. Findings of Fact and AGE: 15 DOB: 3-16-04 CASE # Services, through its agent, TO: SHAVONNE BEASLEY, TO: YESSNIA DUTTON, Antoninette L. Brantley,
12/9 orders of disposition made at 21J01231++ DeKalb County Division of Mother MOTHER and ALL KNOWN, Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb
NOTICE TO APPEAR the provisional hearing may be- Child/Children Under the Age of Family and Children Services GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- UNKNOWN, AND UNNAMED County
STATE OF GEORGIA come final at a final hearing un- 18 (Division), whose address is der of this Court, you are PUTATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLO- 160-452144 11/25,12/2,12/9
COUNTY OF DEKALB less parties served by publica- NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY 2300 Parklake Drive; Atlanta, hereby notified that on or about GICAL FATHERS of the above- 12/16
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF tion appear at the final hearing. PROCEEDINGS Georgia 30345, alleging the October 6, 2021, a Petition For named child, WHOSE WHERE- NOTICE TO APPEAR
DEKALB COUNTY. In the in- WITNESS, the Honorable TO: Alessia Jefferson, the bio- whereabouts of the above- Permanent Guardianship was ABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN. STATE OF GEORGIA
terest of Fatima El-Amin, Judge logical of the above-named named parties are unknown. filed in this Court by the Geor- GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- COUNTY OF DEKALB
++A.R., Sex: M, DOB: 07-28- This the 9th day of November, child, WHOSE WHERE- The above-named children are gia Department of Human Ser- der of this Court, you are IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF
2014, Case Number 21J01465; 2021. ABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN: in the temporary custody of the vices, through its agent, hereby notified that an Initial DEKALB COUNTY
A.I., Sex: M, DOB: 06-04-2015, Antoninette Johnson-Brantley, GREETINGS: Pursuant to an Division pursuant to a prior or- DeKalb County Division of Judicial Review Hearing has In the interest of
Case Number 21J01466; A.A., CLERK OF COURT Order of this Court dated der of the Court finding the chil- Family and Children Services been set in the interest of the ++R.C., Sex: F, DOB:
Sex: F, DOB: 05-19-2019, November 17, 2021 you are dren to be dependent. The Pe- (Division), whose address is above referenced child in ac- 01/06/2005, Case Number
Case Number 21J01467; A.R., 160-452090 11/25,12/2,12/9 hereby notified that a Depend- tition asks the Court to place 2300 Parklake Drive; Atlanta, cordance with O.C.G.A. §15- 19J02564++
Sex: M, DOB: 04-06-2020, 12/16 ency Petition was filed against the children under the perman- Georgia 30345, alleging the 11-216 and by the Juvenile NOTICE OF NON-REUNIFICA-
Case Number 21J01468++ IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF you in this Court by the Geor- ent guardianship of their cur- whereabouts of the above- Court of DeKalb County and by TION CASE PLAN
TO: ALLIYAH RICE, Mother DEKALB COUNTY gia Department of Human Re- rent caregiver. A free copy of named parties are unknown. the Georgia Department of Hu- TO: RITA CATES-TERRELL
and JODECI STRICKALND, STATE OF GEORGIA sources, through its agent, the the Petition may be obtained The above-named children are man Services, through its aka RITA CATES, BIOLOGIC-
Putative Father and CABASSA IN THE INTEREST OF ++FILE DeKalb County Division of from the Clerk of the Juvenile in the temporary custody of the agent, DeKalb County Division AL MOTHER and ALL
ANDREWS, Putative Father NO. 990377175, 990377176 D. Family and Children Services Court of DeKalb County, 4309 Division pursuant to a prior or- of Family and Children Ser- KNOWN/UNKNOWN AND UN-
and MICHAEL IVEY, Father G. SEX: F AGE: 9 DOB: (Department), alleging that the Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- der of the Court finding the chil- vices (hereinafter referred to as NAMED PUTATIVE, LEGAL or
GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- 11/15/11 CASE # 21J01455 S. whereabouts of the biological gia 30030, on any day, Monday dren to be dependent. The Pe- “the Division”), whose address BIOLOGICAL FATHERS,
der of this Court, you are G. SEX: M AGE: 3 DOB: parents of the above-named through Friday, between the tition asks the Court to place is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- WHOSE WHEREABOUTS
hereby notified that on or about 01/01/18 CASE # 21J01457++ child is unknown. The Petition hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. the children under the perman- lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia ARE UNKNOWN.
October 14, 2021, a Petition Child/Children Under the Age of asks the Court to find that the Please contact the Clerk’s of- ent guardianship of their cur- 30345, alleging the where- GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or-
For Permanent Guardianship 18 child is dependent as defined fice at 678-409-4252 for inform- rent caregiver. A free copy of abouts of the above-named der of this Court, you are
was filed in this Court by the NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY by O.C.G.A. sec. 15-11-2 (22) ation regarding electronic filing the Petition may be obtained parties are unknown. The hereby notified that on Novem-
Georgia Department of Human PROCEEDINGS and that it is contrary to child’s and virtual access. from the Clerk of the Juvenile above-named child is in the ber 17, 2021 a Non-Reunifica-
Services, through its agent, TO: Carman Giron, the biolo- best interest to provide reason- You are hereby commanded to Court of DeKalb County, 4309 temporary custody of the Divi- tion Case plan was filed in this
DeKalb County Division of gical mother and any unknown, able efforts to reunify the fam- be and appear at the DeKalb Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- sion pursuant to a prior order of Court by the Georgia Depart-
Family and Children Services putative, legal, biological or un- ily. A free copy of the petition County Juvenile Court, 4309 gia 30030, on any day, Monday the Court finding the child to be ment of Human Services,
(Division), whose address is named father of the above- may be obtained from the Clerk Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- through Friday, between the dependent. At said hearing, the though its agent, DeKalb
2300 Parklake Drive; Atlanta, named child, WHOSE WHERE- of the Juvenile Court of DeKalb gia 30030 on January 28, 2022 hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Court will review and consider County Division of Family and
Georgia 30345, alleging the ABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN: County, 4309 Memorial Dr., at 9:00 o’clock a.m. to show Please contact the Clerk’s of- the health and safety of the Children Services, (hereinafter
whereabouts of the above- GREETINGS: Pursuant to an Decatur, Georgia 30032, on cause why the request of the fice at 678-409-4252 for inform- child pursuant to O.C.G.A. § referred to as “the Division”),
named parties are unknown. Order of this Court dated any day, Monday through Fri- Division to grant the guardian- ation regarding electronic filing 15-11-216. The current per- whose address is 2300 Park-
The above-named children are November 11, 2021 you are day, between the hours of 8:30 ship should not be granted. and virtual access. manent plan for the child is lake Drive NE, Atlanta, DeKalb
in the temporary custody of the hereby notified that a Depend- a.m. and 5:00 p.m. You may file in the office of the You are hereby commanded to concurrent reunification and ad- County, Georgia 30345, al-
Division pursuant to a prior or- ency Petition was filed against You are commanded to be and Clerk of this Court and serve be and appear at the DeKalb option. In addition, the Court leging the whereabouts of the
der of the Court finding the chil- you in this Court by the Geor- appear at the DeKalb County upon Plaintiff’s attorney , County Juvenile Court, 4309 will consider your compliance above-named parties are un-
dren to be dependent. The Pe- gia Department of Human Re- Juvenile Court 4309 Memorial Eleasah Waller, ESQ. PO Box Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- with Division services in the known. The above-named child
tition asks the Court to place sources, through its agent, the Dr., Decatur, Georgia 30032, 360275; Decatur, Georgia gia 30030 on January 31, 2022 completion of case plan goals. is in the temporary custody of
the children under the perman- DeKalb County Division of on the 5th of January 2022 at 30036, within (30) days of the at 10:00 o’clock a.m. to show A free copy of previous orders, the Division pursuant to a prior
ent guardianship of their cur- Family and Children Services 9:00 o’clock a.m. to show date of the first publication, cause why the request of the and the Social Services Case order of the Court finding the
rent caregiver. A free copy of (Department), alleging that the cause why the request of the your answer to the Division’s Division to grant the guardian- Plan may be obtained from the child to be dependent. The
the Petition may be obtained whereabouts of the biological Department regarding legal Petition. ship should not be granted. Clerk of the Juvenile Court of Non-Reunification Case Plan
from the Clerk of the Juvenile parents of the above-named custody of the above-named The Hearing is scheduled to be You may file in the office of the DeKalb County, 4309 Memori- asks the Court to issue an or-
Court of DeKalb County, 4309 child is unknown. The Petition child should not be granted. held virtually. You may access Clerk of this Court and serve al Drive, Decatur, Georgia der authorizing the Department
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- asks the Court to find that the Due to the COVID-19 pandem- the DeKalb County Juvenile upon Plaintiff’s attorney, 30030, on any day, Monday to cease providing reunification
gia 30030, on any day, Monday child is dependent as defined ic this matter may be held virtu- Court website to obtain the Eleasah Waller, ESQ. PO Box through Friday, between the services pursuant to O.C.G.A.
through Friday, between the by O.C.G.A. sec. 15-11-2 (22) ally via Zoom. Computer ac- Zoom hearing ID. The website 360275; Decatur, Georgia hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. §15-11-41(i). A free copy of the
hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and that it is contrary to child’s cess will be available at the address is www.dekalbjuvenile- 30036, within (30) days of the Please contact the Clerk’s of- Case Plan may be obtained
Please contact the Clerk’s of- best interest to provide reason- DeKalb County Juvenile Court You may also contact date of the first publication, fice at 678-409-4252 or email from the Clerk of the Juvenile
fice at 678-409-4252 for inform- able efforts to reunify the fam- if needed. The Zoom ID # for the Clerk’s office at 678-409- your answer to the Division’s piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g Court of Dekalb County, 4309
ation regarding electronic filing ily. A free copy of the petition this hearing is 9970-509-5447. 4252 for further information and Petition. ov for information regarding Memorial Dr., Decatur, Geor-
and virtual access. may be obtained from the Clerk You may file in the office of the assistance accessing the virtu- The putative father(s) shall lose electronic filing and virtual ac- gia 30032, on any day, Monday
You are hereby commanded to of the Juvenile Court of DeKalb Clerk of this Court and serve al hearing. all rights to object to the ap- cess. through Friday, between the
be and appear at the DeKalb County, 4309 Memorial Dr., upon Petitioner’s attorney, The putative father(s) shall lose pointment of a permanent You are hereby commanded to hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
County Juvenile Court, 4309 Decatur, Georgia 30032, on Jerry W. Thacker, PO. Box all rights to object to the ap- guardian for the minor unless be and appear at the DeKalb Please contact the Clerk’s of-
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- any day, Monday through Fri- 83480 Conyers, Georgia pointment of a permanent he files an objection with the County Juvenile Court, 4309 fice at 678-409-4252 or email
gia 30030 on December 6, day, between the hours of 8:30 30013. A party is entitled to guardian for the minor unless court within 14 days of this no- Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g
2021 at 9:00 o’clock a.m. to a.m. and 5:00 p.m. counsel in these proceedings he files an objection with the tice and files a petition to legit- gia 30030 by person or via ov for information regarding
show cause why the request of You are commanded to be and and the Court will appoint an court within 14 days of this no- imate the minor within 30 days Zoom (Zoom ID 963 656 electronic filing and virtual ac-
the Division to grant the guardi- appear at the DeKalb County attorney for you if you are un- tice and files a petition to legit- of the hearing on the objection. 85416) on December 10, 2021 cess.
anship should not be granted. Juvenile Court 4309 Memorial able, without undue financial imate the minor within 30 days A party is entitled to counsel in at 9:00 o’clock a.m., before
You may file in the office of the Dr., Decatur, Georgia 30032, hardship, to employ counsel. of the hearing on the objection. these proceedings and the Judge Linda Bratton Haynes to You are hereby commanded to
Clerk of this Court and serve on the 15th of December 2021 WITNESS, the Honorable De- A party is entitled to counsel in Court will appoint an attorney show cause why the request of be and appear at the DeKalb
upon Plaintiff’s attorney, at 9:00 o’clock a.m. to show siree Sutton Peagler these proceedings and the for you if you are unable, the Division of the above- County Juvenile Court, 4309
Eleasah Waller, ESQ. PO Box cause why the request of the This 17th day of November Court will appoint an attorney without undue financial hard- named child should not be Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor-
360275; Decatur, Georgia Department regarding legal 2021. for you if you are unable, ship to employ counsel. Notice granted. Due to the pandemic gia 30030 by person or via
30036, within (30) days of the custody of the above-named /S/ Manda Butler without undue financial hard- is hereby given that prior to a fi- caused by COVID-19 this mat- Zoom (581-751-2155) on
date of the first publication, child should not be granted. Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb ship to employ counsel. Notice nal hearing, a provisional hear- ter may be held virtually via January 11, 2022, at 1:30
your answer to the Division’s Due to the COVID-19 pandem- County Georgia is hereby given that prior to a fi- ing may be conducted by Zoom. In addition, computer o’clock p.m., before Judge
Petition. ic this matter may be held virtu- nal hearing, a provisional hear- the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. access will be available at the Temika W. Murry to show
The Hearing is scheduled to be ally via Zoom. Computer ac- ing may be conducted by 15-11-29. Findings of Fact and DeKalb County Juvenile Court cause why the request of the
held virtually. You may access cess will be available at the the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. orders of disposition made at if needed. Department to extend a prior
the DeKalb County Juvenile DeKalb County Juvenile Court 15-11-29. Findings of Fact and the provisional hearing may be- You may file in the office of the order of the Court and cease
Court website to obtain the if needed. The Zoom ID # for orders of disposition made at come final at a final hearing un- Clerk of this Court and serve reunification services should
Zoom hearing ID. The website this hearing is 9970-509-5447. the provisional hearing may be- less parties served by publica- upon Petitioner’s attorney, not be granted. Due to the pan-
address is www.dekalbjuvenile- You may file in the office of the come final at a final hearing un- tion appear at the final hearing. Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306; demic caused by COVID-19 You may also contact Clerk of this Court and serve less parties served by publica- WITNESS, the Honorable Decatur, Georgia 30031, your this matter may be held virtu-
the Clerk’s office at 678-409- upon Petitioner’s attorney, tion appear at the final hearing. Fatima El-Amin, Judge answer to the Division’s re- ally via Zoom. In addition, com-
4252 for further information and Jerry W. Thacker, PO. Box WITNESS, the Honorable This the 18th day of November, quest. puter access will be available at
assistance accessing the virtu- 83480 Conyers, Georgia Fatima El-Amin, Judge 2021. A party is entitled to counsel in the DeKalb County Juvenile
al hearing. 30013. A party is entitled to This the 18th day of November, Antoninette Johnson-Brantley, these proceedings and the Court if needed.
The putative father(s) shall lose counsel in these proceedings 2021. CLERK OF COURT Court will appoint an attorney You may file in the office of the
cause why the request of the al Drive, Decatur, Georgia the Court to terminate the par- 30345, alleging the where- upon Petitioner’s attorney,
Department to extend a prior 30030, on any day, Monday ental rights and obligations of abouts of the above-named Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306;
order of the Court and cease through Friday, between the the parents, with respect to the parties are unknown. The Decatur, Georgia 30031, within
reunification services should hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. child, and of the child to them above-named child is in the sixty (60) days of the date of
not be granted. Due to the pan- Please contact the Clerk’s of- arising out of the parental rela- temporary custody of the Divi- the first publication, your an-
demic caused by COVID-19 fice at 678-409-4252 or email tionship, including the right to sion pursuant to a prior order of swer to the Division’s petition.
Page 22
this matter may be held virtu-
ally via Zoom. In addition, com-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g inheritance, and that the child
be committed to the Georgia
the Court finding the child to be
dependent. The Petition asks
The putative father(s) shall lose
all rights to the child and will
ov for information regarding
puter access will be available at electronic filing and virtual ac- Department of Human Ser- the Court to terminate parental 170-452093 11/25,12/2,12/9, not be entitled to object to the 200-450658 11/11,11/18,11/25
the DeKalb County Juvenile cess. vices, with the right to proceed rights and obligations of the 12/16 termination of his rights unless 12/2
Court if needed. You are hereby commanded to for adoption. A free copy of the parents, with respect to the NOTICE TO APPEAR within thirty (30) days from the NOTICE OF PETITION TO
You may file in the office of the be and appear at the DeKalb petition may be obtained from child, arising out of the parent- STATE OF GEORGIA receipt of this Petition, he files CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
Clerk of this Court and serve County Juvenile Court, 4309 the Clerk of the Juvenile Court al relationship, including the COUNTY OF DEKALB a petition to legitimate the child DeKalb County Superior Court
upon Plaintiff’s attorney, Leslie Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- of DeKalb County, 4309 Me- right to inheritance, and that the IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF and files notice of the filing of State of Georgia
Y. Abbott and Associates gia 30030 by person or via morial Dr., Decatur, Georgia child be committed to the Geor- DEKALB COUNTY the petition to legitimate with Civil Action Case Number
L.L.C., P.O. Box 3306; Decatur, Zoom (Zoom ID 963-656- 30032, on any day, Monday gia Department of Human Ser- In the interest of: the DeKalb County Juvenile ++21FM9053++
Georgia 30031, within (60) 85416) on April 29, 2022 at through Friday, between the vices with the right to proceed ++B. R.-F. AKA F. R.-F., Sex: Court. Pursuant to O.C.G.A.
Brittany Renee Rutledge filed
days of the date of the first pub- 9:00 o’clock a.m., before Judge hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 for adoption. F, DOB: 1/14/2019, AGE: 02 D. §15-11-283
a petition in the DeKalb County
lication, your answer to the De- Linda Bratton Haynes to show p.m. A free copy of the Petition may A. R-F., Sex: M, DOB: A party is entitled to counsel in
partment’s Non-Reunification You are commanded to be and be obtained from the Clerk of 1/16/2018, AGE: 03 X. B. R-F., these proceedings and the Superior Court on October 13,
cause why the request of the
Case Plan. Division of the above-named appear at the DeKalb County the Juvenile Court of DeKalb Sex: F, DOB: 5/14/2016, AGE: Court will appoint an attorney 2021, to change the name
A party is entitled to counsel in child should not be granted. Juvenile Justice Center, 4309 County, 4309 Memorial Drive, 05 Case Numbers 21J01564; for you if you are unable, from: Brittany Renee Rutledge
these proceedings and the Due to the pandemic caused by Memorial Dr., Decatur, Geor- Decatur, Georgia 30030, on 21J01563, 21J01562++ without undue financial hard- to Brittany Renee Harvey.
Court will appoint an attorney COVID-19 this matter may be gia 30032 on the 19th day of any day, Monday through Fri- NOTICE OF TERMINATION ship to employ counsel. Notice Any interested party has the
for you if you are unable, held virtually via Zoom. In addi- January 2022 at 9:00 a.m. to day, between the hours 8:30 PROCEEDINGS is hereby given that a provi- right to appear in this case and
without undue financial hard- tion, computer access will be show cause why the request of a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- TO: NORIS KAROLINA RUBI- sional hearing may be conduc- file objections within 30 days
ship to employ counsel. Notice available at the DeKalb County the Division to terminate your tact the Clerk’s office at 678- FLORES, MOTHER, EDWIN ted on the date listed above by after the Petition was filed.
is hereby given that a provi- Juvenile Court if needed. parental rights to the above- 409-4252 or email FERNANDO-SALGADO, PU- the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. Dated: 10/13/2021
sional hearing may be conduc- You may file in the office of the named child should not be piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g TATIVE FATHER, and ALL § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact Brittany Renee Rutledge
ted on the date listed above by Clerk of this Court and serve granted. ov for information regarding KNOWN/UNKNOWN AND UN- and orders of disposition made Petitioner, Pro se
the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. upon Petitioner’s attorney, This hearing will be held virtu- electronic filing and virtual ac- NAMED PUTATIVE, LEGAL or at the provisional hearing may 6256 Phillips Lake Way
§ 15-11-163. Findings of Fact Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306; ally via ZOOM at the same date cess. BIOLOGICAL FATHERS, become final at a final hearing Lithonia, GA 30058
and orders of disposition made Decatur, Georgia 30031, your and time listed above. The You are hereby commanded to WHOSE WHEREABOUTS unless parties served by public- Debra DeBerry
at the provisional hearing may answer to the Division’s re- ZOOM ID number for this hear- be and appear at the DeKalb ARE UNKNOWN. ation appear at the final hearing Clerk of Superior Court
become final at a final hearing quest. ing is 9970-509-5447. Com- County Juvenile Court, 4309 GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- WITNESS, the Honorable Linda
unless parties served by public- puters will be available at the Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- der of this Court, you are Bratton-Haynes, Judge 200-450659 11/11,11/18,11/25
A party is entitled to counsel in
ation appear at the final hear- these proceedings and the DeKalb County Juvenile Court gia 30030 by person or via hereby notified that on or about This the 4th day of November 12/2
ing. Court will appoint an attorney if needed. You may file in the Zoom (Zoom ID 963-656- November 3, 2021, a Petition 2021. NOTICE OF PETITION
WITNESS, the Honorable for you if you are unable, office of the Clerk of this Court 85416) on For Termination of Parental Antoninette L. Brantley, TO CHANGE NAME(S)
Temika W. Murry, Judge without undue financial hard- and serve upon Petitioner’s at- January 31, 2022 at 9:00 Rights was filed in this Court by Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb OF MINOR CHILD(REN)
This the 18th day of November ship to employ counsel. Notice torney, Jerry W. Thacker, PO. o’clock a.m., before Judge the Georgia Department of Hu- County DeKalb County Superior Court
2021. is hereby given that a provi- Box 83480 Conyers, Georgia Linda Bratton-Haynes, to show man Services, through its State of Georgia
Antoninette L. Brantley, sional hearing may be conduc- 30013, within sixty days (60) of cause why the request of the agent, DeKalb County Division Civil Action Case#
Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb ted on the date listed above by January 19, 2022 your answer Division to grant the Termina- of Family and Children Ser- Name Change ++21FM7674++
County the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. to the Divisions’ Petition. tion of Parental Rights should vices (hereinafter referred to as Curtisa Villalobos filed a peti-
160-452215 12/2,12/9,12/16 § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact The biological fathers may lose not be granted. Due to the pan- “the Division”), whose address 200-447898 11/18,11/25,12/2 tion in the DeKalb County Su-
12/23 and orders of disposition made all rights to the child and the demic caused by COVID-19 is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- 12/9 perior Court on August 30,
NOTICE TO APPEAR at the provisional hearing may Court will enter an order termin- this matter may be held virtu- lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia NOTICE OF PETITION TO 2021, to change the name(s) of
STATE OF GEORGIA become final at a final hearing ating all such father’s rights to ally via Zoom. In addition, com- 30345, alleging the where- CHANGE NAME(S) OF MINOR the following minor child(ren)
COUNTY OF DEKALB unless parties served by public- the child and such father may puter access will be available at abouts of the above-named CHILD(REN)
from: Harmony Na'imah Mi'love
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF ation appear at the final hear- not object to the termination of the DeKalb County Juvenile parties are unknown. The DeKalb County Superior Court
Henderson to Harmony
DEKALB COUNTY. ing. his parental rights unless, with- Court if needed. above-named child is in the State of Georgia
Na'imah Mi'love Carroll.
In the interest of: WITNESS, the Honorable Linda in thirty (30) from the receipt of You may file in the office of the temporary custody of the Divi- Civil Action Case Number
this Petition, unless he files a Clerk of this Court and serve sion pursuant to a prior order of Any interested party has the
++L.B. aka L.A., Sex: M, DOB: Bratton Haynes, Judge ++21FM7849-3++
This the 23rd day of November petition to legitimate the child upon Petitioner’s attorney, the Court finding the child to be right to appear in this case and
1/1/17, Age: 4 YRS., Case Genet A. Behanegne filed
2021. and files notice of the filing of Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306; dependent. The Petition asks file objections within the time
Number: 20J00746++ a petition in the DeKalb County
Antoninette L. Brantley, the petition to legitimate with Decatur, Georgia 30031, within the Court to terminate parental Superior Court on August 31st, prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1
PROCEEDINGS Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb the DeKalb County Juvenile sixty (60) days of the date of rights and obligations of the 2021, to change the name(s) of (f)(2) and (3).
TO: TIANNA ORETTA SHEF- County Court. the first publication, your an- parents, with respect to the the following minor child(ren) Dated: 08/30/2021
FEL, MOTHER and LOVELL A party is entitled to counsel in swer to the Division’s petition. child, arising out of the parent- from Tion Ashenafi Seid to Curtisa Villalobos
BARNETT III, and ALL these proceedings and the The putative father(s) shall lose al relationship, including the Tsion Seid Ashenafi Petitioner, Pro se
KNOWN, UNKNOWN, AND Termination Court will appoint an attorney all rights to the child and will right to inheritance, and that the Any interested party has the 4325 Lincolndale Dr
UNNAMED PUTATIVE, LEG- for you if you are unable, not be entitled to object to the child be committed to the Geor- right to appear in this case and Ellenwood, GA 30294
AL or BIOLOGICAL FATHERS 170-451949 11/11,11/18,11/25 without undue financial hard- termination of his rights unless gia Department of Human Ser- file objections within the time Debra DeBerry
of the above-named child, 12/2 ship, to employ counsel. within thirty (30) days from the vices with the right to proceed prescribed in OCGA 19-12-1- Clerk of Superior Court
WHOSE WHEREABOUTS IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF WITNESS, Desire Sutton receipt of this Petition, he files for adoption. (f)(2) and (3). 200-450660 11/11,11/18,11/25
ARE UNKNOWN. DEKALB COUNTY Peagler, Judge a petition to legitimate the child Dated 8/31/2021 12/2
GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- STATE OF GEORGIA This the 26th of August 2021. and files notice of the filing of A free copy of the Petition may Genet A. Behonegne NOTICE OF PETITION TO
der of this Court, you are IN THE INTEREST OF /S/ Mandana Butler the petition to legitimate with be obtained from the Clerk of 544 Hambrick Sq
Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb the DeKalb County Juvenile the Juvenile Court of DeKalb CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
hereby notified that a Perman- ++FILE NO. 990375626 P. G. Stone Mountain, GA 30083
County Court. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. County, 4309 Memorial Drive, DeKalb County Superior Court
ency Hearing has been set in SEX: M AGE: 1 DOB: 12/07/19 Debra DeBerry
§15-11-283 Decatur, Georgia 30030, on State of Georgia
the interest of the above refer- CASE # 21J01101++ Clerk of Superior Court
Child/Children Under the Age of 170-452092 11/25,12/2,12/9 A party is entitled to counsel in any day, Monday through Fri- Civil Action Case Number
enced child by the Juvenile 200-448033 11/11,11/18,11/25
Court of DeKalb County and by 18 12/16 these proceedings and the day, between the hours 8:30 ++21FM9174-8++
Court will appoint an attorney a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- 12/2 VIRGINIA HOWELL PRESS-
man Services, through its PROCEEDINGS STATE OF GEORGIA for you if you are unable, tact the Clerk’s office at 678- LEY filed a petition in the
without undue financial hard- 409-4252 or email TO CHANGE NAME(S) DeKalb County Superior Court
agent, DeKalb County Division TO: Ashley N. Gaines, the bio- COUNTY OF DEKALB
logical mother and any IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF ship to employ counsel. Notice piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g OF MINOR CHILD(REN) on 10/21/2021, to change the
of Family and Children Ser-
vices (hereinafter referred to as known/unknown, named/un- DEKALB COUNTY is hereby given that a provi- ov for information regarding DeKalb County Superior Court name from: VIRGINIA HOW-
“the Division”), whose address named putative, biological In the interest of sional hearing may be conduc- electronic filing and virtual ac- State of Georgia ELL PRESSLEY to GINGER
is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- and/or legal father of the ++S.M.J. AKA S.J., Sex: F, ted on the date listed above by cess. Civil Action Case Number HOWELL PRESSLEY.
lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia above-named children. DOB: 12/01/2020, Case Num- the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. ++21FM8329-7++ Any interested party has the
30345, alleging the where- GREETINGS: Pursuant to an ber 21J01474++; § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact You are hereby commanded to Kidest Degfa filed a petition in right to appear in this case and
abouts of the above-named Order of this Court dated Au- NOTICE OF TERMINATION and orders of disposition made be and appear at the DeKalb the DeKalb County Superior file objections within 30 days
parties are unknown. The gust 26, 2021 you are hereby PROCEEDINGS at the provisional hearing may County Juvenile Court, 4309 Court on September 15, 2021, after the Petition was filed.
above-named child is in the notified that a Petition for Ter- TO: ALL KNOWN/UNKNOWN become final at a final hearing Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- to change the name(s) of the Dated: 10/21/2021
temporary custody of the Divi- mination of Parental Rights has AND UNNAMED PUTATIVE, unless parties served by public- gia 30030 by person or via following minor child(ren) from:
ation appear at the final hear- Zoom (Zoom ID 963-656- VIRGINIA HOWELL PRESS-
sion pursuant to a prior order of been filed against you in this LEGAL or BIOLOGICAL FATH- Arsema Degfa to Evana Degfa. LEY
the Court finding the child to be Court by the Georgia Depart- ERS, WHOSE WHERE- ing. 85416) on Any interested party has the
WITNESS, the Honorable Linda January 10, 2022 at 9:00 Petitioner, Pro se
dependent. At said hearing, the ment of Human Services, ABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN. right to appear in this case and
through its agent, the DeKalb GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- Bratton-Haynes, Judge o’clock a.m., before Judge 2329 DESMOND DRIVE
Court will review and consider file objections within the time
the Division’s recommended County Division of Family and der of this Court, you are This the 13th day of November Linda Bratton-Haynes, to show DECATUR, GA 30033
2021. cause why the request of the prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 Debra DeBerry
permanency plan of adoption Children Services (Division), hereby notified that on or about (f)(2)and(3).
submitted by the Division pur- 2300 Parklake Dr., Atlanta, October 25, 2021, a Petition Antoninette L. Brantley, Division to grant the Termina- Clerk of Superior Court
Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb tion of Parental Rights should September 15, 2021
suant to O.C.G.A. § 15-11-231. Georgia 30345 alleging that the For Termination of Parental
whereabouts the biological Rights was filed in this Court by County not be granted. Due to the pan- Kidest Degfa
In addition, the Court will con-
mother and the identity and the Georgia Department of Hu- demic caused by COVID-19 Petitioner, Pro se
sider evidence submitted pur-
suant to O.C.G.A. § 15-11- whereabouts of the putative man Services, through its this matter may be held virtu- 4352 E Ponce de Leon
111(b)(2). father are unknown. The agent, DeKalb County Division ally via Zoom. In addition, com- Apt D
A free copy of previous orders, above-named child is in the of Family and Children Ser- puter access will be available at Clarkston, GA 30021
and the Social Services Case temporary custody of the Divi- vices (hereinafter referred to as the DeKalb County Juvenile Debra DeBerry
Plan may be obtained from the sion pursuant to a prior order of “the Division”), whose address Court if needed. Clerk of Superior Court
Clerk of the Juvenile Court of the Court finding the child to be is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- You may file in the office of the
DeKalb County, 4309 Memori- dependent. The Petition asks lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of this Court and serve
al Drive, Decatur, Georgia the Court to terminate the par- 30345, alleging the where- upon Petitioner’s attorney,
30030, on any day, Monday ental rights and obligations of abouts of the above-named Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306;
through Friday, between the the parents, with respect to the parties are unknown. The Decatur, Georgia 30031, within
hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. child, and of the child to them above-named child is in the sixty (60) days of the date of
Please contact the Clerk’s of- arising out of the parental rela- temporary custody of the Divi- the first publication, your an-
fice at 678-409-4252 or email tionship, including the right to sion pursuant to a prior order of swer to the Division’s petition.
piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g inheritance, and that the child the Court finding the child to be The putative father(s) shall lose
ov for information regarding be committed to the Georgia dependent. The Petition asks all rights to the child and will
electronic filing and virtual ac- Department of Human Ser- the Court to terminate parental not be entitled to object to the
cess. vices, with the right to proceed rights and obligations of the termination of his rights unless
You are hereby commanded to for adoption. A free copy of the parents, with respect to the within thirty (30) days from the
be and appear at the DeKalb petition may be obtained from child, arising out of the parent- receipt of this Petition, he files
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 23
200-450661 11/11,11/18,11/25 200-450664 11/11,11/18,11/25 200-450675 11/25,12/2,12/9 200-450678 11/25,12/2,12/9 200-450681 11/25,12/2,12/9 200-450684 11/25,12/2,12/9 200-450688 11/25,12/2,12/9
12/2 12/2 12/16 12/16 12/16 12/16 12/16
OF MINOR CHILD(REN) DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County DeKalb County
DeKalb County Superior Court State of Georgia Superior Court State of Georgia State of Georgia Superior Court Superior Court
State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number ++21FM9304-10++ Civil Action Case# ++21FM9425-10++ ++21FM9595-10++ Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number
++21FM9271-10++ Kaitlin Breanna Fowler filed a ++21FM9355-6++ Stefanie Takyesha Johnson Yashar Mamatov filed a peti- ++21FM9690-10++ ++21FM9564-3++
MOHAMMAD ANAMUL petition in the DeKalb County In re the Name Change of: filed a petition in the DeKalb tion in the DeKalb County Su- In re In re
KABIR filed a petition in the Superior Court on October 27, Jennifer Lizbeth Garcia County Superior Court on perior Court on October 28, Brooklyn Sierra Linebaugh Latasha Brown Simms
DeKalb County Superior Court 2021, to change the name Petitioner. 11/1/2021, to change the name 2021, to change the name Petitioner. Petitioner.
on 10/26/2021, to change the from: Kaitlin Breanna Fowler to Jennifer Lizbeth Garcia, filed a from: Stefanie Takyesha John- from: Yashar Mamatov to Erik Brooklyn Linebaugh, filed a Latasha Brown Simms, filed a
name(s) of the following minor Breanna Fowler Smith. Petition in the DeKalb County son to Stefanie Takyesha Elman. Petition in the DeKalb County Petition in the DeKalb County
child(ren) from: ANAYA KABIR Any interested party has the Superior Court on 10/28/2021 Stokes. Any interested party has the Superior Court on November 9, Superior Court on 10/27/2021
to MAHVEEN KABIR. right to appear in this case and to change the name from: Jen- Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and 2021 to change the name from: to change the name from: Lata-
Any interested party has the file objections within 30 days nifer Lizbeth Garcia to Jennifer right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days Brooklyn Sierra Linebaugh to sha Brown Simms to Latasha
right to appear in this case and after the Petition was filed. Lizbeth Luna. file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Carter Vincent. Annette Brown.
file objections within the time Dated: 10/27/2021 Any interested party has the after the Petition was filed. Dated: 10/28/2021 Any interested party has the Any interested party has the
prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 Kaitlin Breanna Fowler right to appear in this case and Dated: 10/29/2021 Yashar Mamatov right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and
(f)(2) and (3). Petitioner, Pro se file objections within 30 days Stefanie Johnson Petitioner, Pro se file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days
Dated: 10/26/2021 1544 Bishop Hollow Run after the Petition was filed. Petitioner, Pro se 3446 Buford Hwy NE after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed.
MOHAMMAD ANAMUL KABIR Dunwoody, GA 30338 Dated:-10/28/2021 3468 Spring Valley Rd Apt J5 Dated: 11/9/2021 Dated: 10/27/2021
Petitioner, Pro se Debra DeBerry Jennifer Lizbeth Garcia Decatur, GA 30032 Atlanta, GA Brooklyn Linebaugh Latasha B Simms
4261 NORTH SHALLOW Clerk of Superior Court Petitioner, Pro se Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se
FORD ROAD 200-450665 11/11,11/18,11/25 2617 Hatfield Circle SE Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court 3490 Pleasant Brook Village Ln 5645 Wellborn Oaks Ct
ATLANTA, GA 30341 12/2 Atlanta, GA 30316 200-450679 11/25,12/2,12/9 200-450682 11/25,12/2,12/9 Apartment 1 Lithonia, GA 30058
Debra DeBerry NOTICE OF PETITION TO Debra DeBerry 12/16 12/16 Doraville, GA 30340 Debra DeBerry
Clerk of Superior Court CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Clerk of Superior Court NOTICE OF PETITION NOTICE OF PETITION TO Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court
200-450662 11/11,11/18,11/25 DeKalb County Superior Court 200-450676 11/25,12/2,12/9 TO CHANGE NAME(S) CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Clerk of Superior Court 200-450689 11/25,12/2,12/9
12/2 State of Georgia 12/16 OF MINOR CHILD(REN) DeKalb County 200-450686 11/25,12/2,12/9 12/16
NOTICE OF PETITION TO Civil Action Case Number NOTICE OF PETITION TO DeKalb County Superior Court Superior Court 12/16 NOTICE OF PETITION TO
DeKalb County Superior Court Malachi Elijah Drummond filed DeKalb County Superior Court Civil Action Case# Civil Action Case Number CHANGE NAME OF ADULT DeKalb County Superior Court
State of Georgia a petition in the DeKalb County State of Georgia ++21FM9570-1++ ++21FM9592-8++ DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number Superior Court on October 26, Civil Action Case Number Chemmy Donker filed a peti- In re the Name Change of: Superior Court Civil Action Case Number
++21FM9296-3++ 2021, to change the name ++21FM8293++ tion in the DeKalb County Su- Rediet Awoke Agonafer State of Georgia ++21FM9801-2++
GIOVANNI MADISON JUN- from: Malachi Elijah Drum- EGHOSA SAMUEL A UWU- perior Court on November 3, Petitioner. Civil Action Case Number Trina Raquel Smith filed a pe-
OR filed a petition in the mond to Malachi Elijah Robin- JAREN filed a petition in the 2021, to change the name(s) of Rediet Awoke Agonafer, filed ++21FM9566-3++ tition in the DeKalb County Su-
DeKalb County Superior Court son. DeKalb County Superior Court the following minor child(ren) a Petition in the DeKalb County In re the Name Change of: perior Court on November 12,
on 10/25/2021 to change the Any interested party has the on SEPTEMBER 20, 2021, to from: Ethan Tenzin-Norbu Superior Court on 11/5/2021 to Kaitlin Simms 2021, to change the name
name from: GIOVANNI MADIS- right to appear in this case and change the name from: Rikha to Tenzin Norbu Rikha. change the name from: Rediet Petitioner. from: Triana Raquel Smith to
ON JUNOR to GIOVANNI file objections within 30 days EGHOSA SAMUEL A UWU- Any interested party has the Awoke Agonaferto Tsehai Haile Kaitlin Simms, filed a Petition Triana Raquel Watson.
MADISON TOOVEY. after the Petition was filed. JAREN to EGHOSA SAMUEL right to appear in this case and Agonafer. in the DeKalb County Superior Any interested party has the
Any interested party has the Dated: 10/26/2021 NELSON UWUJAREN. file objections within the time Any interested party has the Court on 10/27/2021 to change right to appear in this case and
right to appear in this case and Malachi Elijah Drummond Any interested party has the prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 right to appear in this case and the name from: Kaitlin Roxie file objections within 30 days
file objections within 30 days Petitioner, Pro se right to appear in this case and (f)(2) and(3). file objections within 30 days Simms to Kaitlin Roxie Brown- after the Petition was filed.
after the Petition was filed. 1450 Bouldercrest Rd SE file objections within 30 days Dated: November 3, 2021 after the Petition was filed. Floyd. Dated: November 12, 2021
Dated: 10/25/2021 Unit D4 after the Petition was filed. Chemmy Donker Dated: November 5 , 2021. Any interested party has the Triana Raquel Smith
GIOVANNI MADISON JUNOR Atlanta,GA 30316 Dated: SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 Petitioner, Pro se Rediet Awoke Agonafer right to appear in this case and Petitioner, Pro se
Petitioner, Pro se Debra DeBerry EGHOSA SAMUEL A UWU- 2479 Northlake Ct NE Petitioner, Pro se file objections within 30 days 24 Bouldercrest Lane, Apt B
4055 Flintridge Drive, Clerk of Superior Court JAREN Atlanta, GA 30345 4306 North Hill Parkway after the Petition was filed. Atlanta, GA 30316
Stone Mountain, GA 30083 200-450674 11/25,12/2,12/9 Petitioner, Pro se Debra DeBerry Atlanta, GA 30341 Dated: 10/27/2021 Debra DeBerry
Debra DeBerry 12/16 1286 ELLICOT WAY Clerk of Superior Court Kaitlin Simms Clerk of Superior Court
Clerk of Superior Court NOTICE OF PETITION LITHONIA, GA 30058 200-450680 11/25,12/2,12/9 200-450683 11/25,12/2,12/9 Petitioner, Pro se 200-450690 11/25,12/2,12/9
200-450663 11/11,11/18,11/25 TO CHANGE NAME(S) Debra DeBerry 12/16 12/16 5645 Wellborn Oaks Crt 12/16
NOTICE OF PETITION TO DeKalb County Superior Court 200-450677 11/25,12/2,12/9 CHANGE NAME OF ADULT CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Debra DeBerry CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT State of Georgia 12/16 DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Clerk of Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court
DeKalb County Superior Court Civil Action Case# NOTICE OF PETITION TO State of Georgia Superior Court 200-450687 11/25,12/2,12/9 State of Georgia
State of Georgia ++21FM9371++ CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia 12/16 Civil Action Case Number
Civil Action Case Number Lashundra Clark filed a peti- DeKalb County Superior Court ++21FM9583-2++ Civil Action Case# NOTICE OF PETITION TO ++21FM9816-4++
++21FM9294++ tion in the DeKalb County Su- State of Georgia Jonathan Joseph Wasson ++21FM9756++ CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Morgan Olivia Nash filed a pe-
KAREN LLOYDA COX filed a perior Court on October 29, Civil Action Case Number filed a petition in the DeKalb In re DeKalb County Superior Court tition in the DeKalb County Su-
petition in the DeKalb County 2021, to change the name(s) of ++21FM9514-4++ County Superior Court on Arleen Salandy State of Georgia perior Court on November 15,
Superior Court on 10/25/2021, the following minor child(ren) ALRESHAI LEE BLACKMAN Nobember 5th, 2021, to change Petitioner. Civil Action Case Number 2021, to change the name
to change the name from: KAR- from: Paisley Corliss Marie filed a petition in the DeKalb the name from: Jonathan Arleen Salandy Cobb, filed a ++21FM9594-4++ from: Morgan Olivia Nash to
EN LLOYDA COX to KAREN Sample- Jenkins to Paisley Bri- County Superior Court on OC- Jeseph Wasson to Keith Michel Petition in the DeKalb County Allison Elizabeth Wright filed a Morgan Olivia Nash Owen.
LLOYDA TOOVEY. elle Sample- Jenkins. TOBER 6, 2021, to change the Havjok. Superior Court on November petition in the DeKalb County Any interested party has the
Any interested party has the Any interested party has the name from: ALRESHIA LEE Any interested party has the 12, 2021 to change the name Superior Court on 11/5/2021, right to appear in this case and
right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and BLACKMAN to XAVIOR LEE right to appear in this case and from: Arleen Salandy Cobb to 2021, to change the name file objections within 30 days
file objections within 30 days file objections within the time BLACKMON. file objections within 30 days Arleen Salandy. from: Allison Elizabeth Wright after the Petition was filed.
after the Petition was filed. prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 Any interested party has the after the Petition was filed. Any interested party has the to Allison Elizabeth Stone- Dated: November 15, 2021
Dated: 10/25/2021 (f)(2)and(3). right to appear in this case and Dated: 11/05/2021 right to appear in this case and Wright. Morgan Olivia Nash
KAREN LLOYDA COX Dated:-10/27/2021 file objections within 30 days Jonathan Joseph Wasson file objections within 30 days Any interested party has the Petitioner, Pro se
Petitioner, Pro se Lashundra Clark after the Petition was filed. Petitioner, Pro se after the Petition was filed. right to appear in this case and 3045 Anderson Place
4055 Flintridge Dr Petitioner, Pro se Dated: 10/6/2021 122 West Trinity Place, 1601 Dated: 11/12/2021 file objections within 30 days Decatur, GA 30033
Stone Mountain, GA 30083 4522 Snapfinger Wood Dr ALRESHIA LEE BLACKMAN Decatur, GA 30030 Arleen Salandy Cobb after the Petition was filed. Debra DeBerry
Debra DeBerry Apt.-2114 Petitioner, Pro se Debra DeBerry Petitioner, Pro se Dated: 11/5/2021 Clerk of Superior Court
Clerk of Superior Court Decatur, GA 30035 5539 MOUNTAIN SPRINGS Clerk of Superior Court 4756 Feather Creek Ct Allison Wright
Debra DeBerry CIR Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Petitioner, Pro se
Clerk of Superior Court STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30088 Debra DeBerry 1426 Edinburgh Drive
Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court Tucker, GA 30084
Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry
Clerk of Superior Court
Page 24 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
200-450691 11/25,12/2,12/9 200-450793 12/2,12/9,12/16 200-450796 12/2,12/9,12/16 200-451865 11/11,11/18,11/25 200-452143 11/25,12/2,12/9 220-451869 11/11, 11/18, 220-451871 11/11, 11/18,
12/16 12/23 12/23 12/2 12/16 11/25, 12/02 11/25, 12/2 2021
DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court OF GEORGIA TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
State of Georgia State of Georgia State of Georgia State of Georgia In re the Name Change of: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number BRANDON SCOTT VERNER, TANYA DAWN POSS has peti- NICHOLAS EDWARD WELL-
++21FM9894-1++ ++21FM9967++ ++21FM9995++ ++21FM9157++ Petitioner: tioned to be appointed Adminis- MAN has petitioned to be ap-
CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. trator of the estate of SAMUEL pointed Administrator(s) of the
Victoria Layne Whitehead filed SONIYA PARESH SONI filed John Ries Thesing filed a peti- Danielle Lynn Hathaway filed
++21FM9963++: WILLIAM LAW deceased, of estate of MICHAEL EUGENE
a petition in the DeKalb County a petition in the DeKalb County tion in the DeKalb County Su- a petition in the DeKalb County
NOTICE OF PETITION TO said County. The Petitioner has WELLMAN deceased, of said
Superior Court on 11/17/2021, Superior Court on NOVEM- perior Court on November 19, Superior Court on 11/21/2021, CHANGE NAME OF ADULT also applied for waiver of bond County. The Petitioner(s) has
to change the name from: Vic- BER 10, 2021, to change the 2021, to change the name to change the name from: Dani- BRANDON SCOTT VERNER and/or grant of certain powers also applied for waiver of bond
toria Layne Whitehead to name from: SONIYA PARESH from: John Ries Thesing to Am- elle Lynn Hathaway to Dax filed a petition in DeKalb contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- and/or grant of certain powers
Layne Whitehead Morley. SONI to MUMTAZ SALIM ara Nguyen Thesing. Loire Hathaway. County Superior Court on 261. All interested parties are contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
Any interested party has the MORANI. Any interested party has the Any interested party has the November 18, 2021 to change hereby notified to show cause 261. All interested parties are
right to appear in this case and Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and his name from: BRANDON why said Petition should not be hereby notified to show cause
file objections within 30 days right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days SCOTT VERNER to granted. All objections to the why said Petition should not be
after the Petition was filed. file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed. BRANDON SCOTT SYM- Petition must be in writing, set- granted. All objections to the
Dated: 11/17/2021 after the Petition was filed. Dated: November 19, 2021 Dated: 10/20/2021 PHONA VERNER. Any inter- ting forth the grounds of any Petition must be in writing, set-
Victoria Layne Whitehead Dated: NOVEMBER 10, 2021 John Ries Thesing Danielle Lynn Hathaway ested party has the right to ap- such objections, and must be ting forth the grounds of any
Petitioner, Pro se SONIYA PARESH SONI Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se pear in this case and file objec- filed with the Court on or be- such objections, and must be
2178 Lebaron Drive NE Petitioner, Pro se 1081 Briarcliff Rd 1716 Constitution Rd SE tions within 30 days after the fore 12/13/2021. filed with the Court on or be-
Atlanta, Georgia 30345 522 N. Decatur Ln Atlanta, GA 30306 Atlanta, GA 30316 Petition was filed. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 12/13/2021.
Debra DeBerry Decatur, GA 30033 Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry This 18th day of November, objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court 2021. be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must
Clerk of Superior Court /s/ Greg B. Walling, grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the
200-450791 12/2,12/9,12/16 200-451863 11/11,11/18,11/25 Ga. State Bar No. 734940, All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections.
200-451866 11/11,11/18,11/25
12/23 200-450794 12/2,12/9,12/16 12/2 Attorney for Petitioner, to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn
NOTICE OF PETITION TO 12/23 NOTICE OF PETITION TO 8300 Dunwoody Place, fore a probate court clerk and to before a notary public or be-
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Suite 200, filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and
DeKalb County Superior Court CHANGE NAME OF ADULT DeKalb County Superior Court Atlanta, Georgia 30350, with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered
DeKalb County Superior Court
State of Georgia DeKalb County Superior Court State of Georgia tele. 770-349-8215, unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections,
State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number Email indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an
Civil Action Case Number
++21FM10012++ Civil Action Case Number ++21FM9426++ court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate
quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re-
Jane Lynn Fisher filed a peti-
tion in the DeKalb County Su-
Wanda Gail Hayes filed a peti-
Trillium Sara Burchell filed a
petition in the DeKalb County
Cameron Hayworth filed a pe- Administration any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If
tition in the DeKalb County Su- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear-
perior Court on November 22, tion in the DeKalb County Su- Superior Court on 11/1/2021, to
perior Court on7/2/24/2020, to 220-451868 11/11, 11/18, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later
2021, to change the name perior Court on November 23, change the name from: Trillium
change the name from: Camer- 11/25, 12/02/2021 the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed,
from: Jane Lynn Fisher to Jane 2021, to change the name Sara Burchell to Sara Tate
on Joseph Hayworth to Riley NOTICE without a hearing. the petition may be granted
Lynn Griffiths. from: Wanda Gail Hayes to Burchell.
Hazel Harper. ++2021-2243++ Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing.
Any interested party has the Wanda Gail Hawk. Any interested party has the TO: All Interested Parties and
Any interested party has the Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
right to appear in this case and Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and to whom it may concern:
right to appear in this case and Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court
file objections within 30 days right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days DWAYNE LOURICE SMITH, II.
file objections within 30 days bate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
after the Petition was filed. file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. has petitioned to be appointed 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court
after the Petition was filed.
Dated: November 22, 2021 after the Petition was filed. Dated: 11/1/2021 Administrator(s) of the estate of 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Dated: 7/16/2020
Jane L Fisher Dated: November 23, 2021 Trillium Sara Burchell DWAYNE LOURICE SMITH Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100
Cameron Hayworth
Petitioner, Pro se Wanda Gail Hayes Petitioner, Pro se deceased, of said County. The 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Petitioner, Pro se
220 N Arcadia Ave Petitioner, Pro se 915 Glenwood Ave SE 3131 n druid Hills Rd Petitioner(s) has also applied 220-451870 11/11, 11/18, 404-371-2601
Apt 2108 5431 Oquinn Ct #236 Apt 9103 for waiver of bond and/or grant 11/25, 12/2 220-451872 11/11, 11/18,
Decatur, GA 30030 Stone Mountain, GA 30088 Atlanta, GA 30316 Decatur, GA 30033 of certain powers contained in NOTICE 11/25, 12/02
Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ++2021-2230++ NOTICE
Debra DeBerry
Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry ested parties are hereby noti- TO: All Interested Parties and ++2021-2214++
Clerk of Superior Court fied to show cause why said
200-450792 12/2,12/9,12/16 200-450795 12/2,12/9,12/16 Clerk of Superior Court to whom it may concern: TO: Unknown Heirs and to
12/23 12/23 200-451864 11/11,11/18,11/25 200-451867 11/11,11/18,11/25 Petition should not be granted. STEPHANIE LORRAINE whom it may concern:
12/2 All objections to the Petition BROWN has petitioned to be BETTY GARRISON has peti-
NOTICE OF PETITION TO must be in writing, setting forth appointed Administrator(s) of tioned to be appointed Adminis-
OF MINOR CHILD(REN) DeKalb County Superior Court CHANGE NAME OF ADULT CHANGE NAME OF ADULT the estate of ELIZABETH trator of the estate of BETTY
tions, and must be filed with the ADAMS deceased, of said EVELYN BROWN deceased, of
DeKalb County Superior Court State of Georgia DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court
Court on or before 12/13/2021. County. The Petitioner(s) has said County. All interested
State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia State of Georgia BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
Civil Action Case# ++21FM9976-4++ Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number also applied for waiver of bond parties are hereby notified to
objections to the petition must and/or grant of certain powers show cause why said Petition
++21FM9969-7++ Robin Maria Mask Bareford ++21FM9392++ ++21FM9375++ be in writing, setting forth the
Rose Marie Schwartz filed a contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- should not be granted. All ob-
Banika Barnes filed a petition filed a petition in the DeKalb Devon Catherine Kaleita filed grounds of any such objections. 261. All interested parties are
petition in the DeKalb County jections to the Petition must be
in the DeKalb County Superior County Superior Court on a petition in the DeKalb County All objections should be sworn hereby notified to show cause in writing, setting forth the
Court on November 19, 2021, November 18th, 2021, to Superior Court on 10/29/2021, Superior Court on 10/29/2021, to before a notary public or be- why said Petition should not be grounds of any such objections,
to change the name(s) of the change the name from: Robin to change the name from: to change the name from: Rose fore a probate court clerk, and granted. All objections to the and must be filed with the Court
following minor child(ren) from: Maria Mask Bareford to Robin Devon Catherine Kaleita to Marie Schwartz to LiorYah filing fees must be tendered Petition must be in writing, set- on or before 12/13/2021.
Jeremiah Micah Denson to Maria Mask-Bareford. Devon Violet Catherine Roser. Yisra El. with your pleadings/objections, ting forth the grounds of any BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
Jeremiah Meshach Denson. Any interested party has the Any interested party has the Any interested party has the unless you qualify to file as an such objections, and must be objections to the petition must
Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and indigent party. Contact probate filed with the Court on or be- be in writing, setting forth the
right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days court personnel for the re- fore 12/13/2021. grounds of any such objections.
file objections within the time after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed. quired amount of filing fees. If BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All objections should be sworn
Dated: 10/29/2021 any objections are filed, a hear- objections to the petition must to before a notary public or be-
prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 Dated: November 17, 2021 Dated: 9/17/2021
Rose Marie Schwartz ing will be scheduled at a later be in writing, setting forth the fore a probate court clerk and
(f)(2)and(3). Robin Maria Mask Bareford Devon Catherine Kaleita date. If no objections are filed,
Dated: November 19, 2021 Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se grounds of any such objections. filing fees must be tendered
1640 Laurel Creek Cir the petition may be granted All objections should be sworn with your pleadings/objections,
Banika Barnes 1486 Eastland Road 61 Devon Lane without a hearing.
Petitioner, Pro se Atlanta, GA 30316 Avondale Estate, GA 30002 Lithonia, GA 30058 to before a notary public or be- unless you qualify to file as an
Bedelia C Hargrove fore a probate court clerk, and indigent party. Contact probate
3100 Lumby Dr, Apt 803 Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry
Judge of the Probate Court filing fees must be tendered court personnel for the re-
Decatur, GA 30034 Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the with your pleadings/objections, quired amount of filing fees. If
Debra DeBerry Probate Court unless you qualify to file as an
200-451955 11/11,11/18,11/25 any objections are filed, a hear-
Clerk of Superior Court 12/2 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. indigent party. Contact probate ing will be scheduled at a later
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 1100 court personnel for the re- date. If no objections are filed,
OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE Decatur, Georgia 30030 quired amount of filing fees. If the petition may be granted
OF GEORGIA 404-371-2601 any objections are filed, a hear- without a hearing.
INRE: ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove
Name Change of: ZENIA ENIT date. If no objections are filed, Judge of the Probate Court
THOMAS) the petition may be granted Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro-
CASE NO.: ++21FM8956++ without a hearing. bate Court
NOTICE OF PETITION TO Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Judge of the Probate Court 1100
Zenia Enit Thomas filed a peti- Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Decatur, Georgia 30030
tion in the DeKalb County Su- Probate Court 404-371-2601
perior Court on October 12, 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
2021, to change the name 1100
from: Zenia Enit Thomas to Decatur, Georgia 30030
Zenia Enit Torres. Any inter- 404-371-2601
ested party has the right to ap-
pear in this case and file objec-
tions within 30 days after the
Petition was filed
This 10/122021.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 25
220-451873 11/11, 11/18, 220-451875 11/11, 11/18, 220-451877 11/11, 11/18, 220-451879 11/11, 11/18, 220-451881 11/11, 11/18, 220-451883 11/11, 11/18, 220-451885 11/11, 11/18,
11/25, 12/02 11/25, 12/2 11/25, 12/02 11/25, 12/2 2021 11/25, 12/2 2021 11/25, 12/2 11/25, 12/2 2021
++2021-2213++ ++2021-2205++ ++2021-2181++ ++ 2021-2171++ ++2021-2138++ ++2021-2134++ ++2021-2092++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis- titioned to be appointed Admin- tioned to be appointed Adminis- SON has petitioned to be ap- petitioned to be appointed Ad-
trator of the estate of GLORIA trator(s) of the estate of BAR- trator of the estate of TONNY istrator of the estate of CURTIS trator of the estate of SHEREE pointed Administrator of the es- ministrator of the estate of
JEAN PORTER deceased, of BARA THRASHER deceased, VERNARD ENDSLEY de- CARTER deceased, of said BELINDA HICKS deceased, of tate of HELEN JOHNSON de- GARY LEE MCGUNIGALE de-
said County. The Petitioner has of said County. The ceased, of said County. The County. The Petitioner has also said County. The Petitioner has ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The
also applied for waiver of bond Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner has also applied for applied for waiver of bond also applied for waiver of bond Petitioner has also applied for Petitioner has also applied for
and/or grant of certain powers for waiver of bond and/or grant waiver of bond and/or grant of and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers waiver of bond and/or grant of waiver of bond and/or grant of
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- of certain powers contained in certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- certain powers contained in certain powers contained in
261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti-
why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said
granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted.
Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the
fore 12/13/2021. Court on or before 12/13/2021. Court on or before 12/13/2021. fore 12/13/2021. fore 12/13/2021. Court on or before 12/13/2021. Court on or before 12/13/2021.
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of
bate Court Probate Court bate Court the Probate Court the Probate Court the Probate Court the Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
220-451874 11/11, 11/18, 220-451876 11/11, 11/18, 220-451878 11/11, 11/18, 220-451880 11/11, 11/18, 220-451882 11/11, 11/18, 220-451884 11/11, 11/18, 220-451886 11/11, 11/18,
11/25, 12/02 11/25, 12/02/2021 11/25, 12/2 11/25, 12/2 11/25, 12/02 11/25, 12/2 2021 11/25, 12/2, 2021
++2021-2212++ ++2021-2197++ ++2021-2183++ ++2021-2162++ ++2021-2136++ ++2021-2115++ ++2021-2084++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: William Woodard, Danny TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: McClure, Keith Woodard, Calv- to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
has petitioned to be appointed has petitioned to be appointed and to whom it may concern: be appointed Administrator of tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis- petitioned to be appointed Ad-
Administrator of the estate of Administrator(s) of the estate of JASON C MCCLURE has peti- the estate of THOMAS CODY trator of the estate of ELISA- trator of the estate of SARAH ministrator of the estate of RY-
JONATHAN LAWRENCE CHRISTOPER ALLEN MAS- tioned to be appointed Adminis- deceased, of said County. The BET MALDONADO VILLA de- LOUISE HARVEY deceased, of AN KEITH SELF deceased, of
SWANSON deceased, of said SEY deceased, of said County. trator(s) of the estate of ADLAI Petitioner has also applied for ceased, of said County. The said County. The Petitioner has said County. The Petitioner has
County. The Petitioner has also The Petitioner(s) has also ap- STEVENSON MCCLURE de- waiver of bond and/or grant of Petitioner has also applied for also applied for waiver of bond also applied for waiver of bond
applied for waiver of bond plied for waiver of bond and/or ceased, of said County. All in- certain powers contained in waiver of bond and/or grant of and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers
and/or grant of certain powers grant of certain powers con- terested parties are hereby no- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- tained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. tified to show cause why said ested parties are hereby noti- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are
261. All interested parties are All interested parties are Petition should not be granted. fied to show cause why said ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause
hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted. fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be
why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the
granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set-
Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- tions, and must be filed with the the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any
ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any Court on or before 12/13/2021. tions, and must be filed with the the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be such objections, and must be
such objections, and must be such objections, and must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 12/13/2021. tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be-
filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 12/13/2021. fore 12/13/2021. fore 12/13/2021.
fore 12/13/2021. fore 12/13/2021. be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk, and unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later without a hearing. the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
without a hearing. without a hearing. Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Probate Court Kimberly Bolton, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of
Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court the Probate Court the Probate Court
bate Court Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100 1100
1100 1100 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
404-371-2601 404-371-2601
Page 26 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
220-451977 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 220-451980 11/18, 11/25, 220-451982 11/18, 11/25, 220-451984 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 220-452039 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 220-452041 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 220-452043 11/25, 12/02,
12/9 2021 12/02, 12/09 /12/2, 12/9 2021 12/9 2021 12/16 2021 12/16 2021 12/09, 12/16
++2021-2280++ ++2021-2260++ ++2021-2256++ ++2021-2246++ ++2021-2218++ ++2021-2179++ ++2021-2312++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
tioned to be appointed Adminis- and STEVEN DAVID STOVALL has petitioned to be appointed JR. has petitioned to be ap- petitioned to be appointed Ad- tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis-
trator of the estate of JAMES has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of pointed Administrator of the es- ministrator of the estate of PA- trator of the estate of BEN- trator of the estate of JOHN W
MICHAEL WORD deceased, of Co-Administrators of the estate BRANDON RICHARD tate of TRACY YVETTE TRICIA HELEN WATSON de- JAMIN OLEN HARRIS de- STEWART deceased, of said
said County. The Petitioner has of JAMES HUNT STOVALL, SHOCKLEY deceased, of said MIDDLEBROOKS deceased, of ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The County. The Petitioner has also
also applied for waiver of bond JR. deceased, of said County. County. The Petitioner has also said County. The Petitioner has Petitioner has also applied for Petitioner has also applied for applied for waiver of bond
and/or grant of certain powers The Petitioners has also ap- applied for waiver of bond also applied for waiver of bond waiver of bond and/or grant of waiver of bond and/or grant of and/or grant of certain powers
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- plied for waiver of bond and/or and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers certain powers contained in certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
261. All interested parties are grant of certain powers con- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are
hereby notified to show cause tained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause
why said Petition should not be All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be
granted. All objections to the hereby notified to show cause why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the
Petition must be in writing, set- why said Petition should not be granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set-
ting forth the grounds of any granted. All objections to the Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any
such objections, and must be Petition must be in writing, set- ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be
filed with the Court on or be- ting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be-
fore 12/20/2021. such objections, and must be filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 12/27/2021. Court on or before 12/27/2021. fore 12/27/2021.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All filed with the Court on or be- fore 12/20/2021. fore 12/20/2021. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
objections to the petition must fore 12/20/2021. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
be in writing, setting forth the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
grounds of any such objections. objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
All objections should be sworn be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
to before a notary public or be- grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
fore a probate court clerk, and All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk and
filing fees must be tendered to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
with your pleadings/objections, fore a probate court clerk and filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Alisia Rios, Clerk of the Pro- Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro-
Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Michael Hagley, Clerk of the Michael Hagley, Clerk of the the Probate Court bate Court bate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Probate Court Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
220-451979 11/18, 11/25, Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 220-452040 11/25, 12/02, 220-452042 11/25, 12/02, 220-452044 11/25, 12/2, 12/9,
12/02, 12/09 404-371-2601 220-451983 11/18, 11/25, 220-451985 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/09, 12/16/2021 12/09, 12/16/2021 12/16
NOTICE 12/02, 12/09 12/9, 2021 NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE
++2021-2269++ NOTICE NOTICE ++2021-2330++ ++2021-2318++ ++2021-2303++
TO: All Interested Parties and ++2021-2250++ ++2021-2107++ TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: 220-451981 11/18, 11/25, TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
NICHOLAS E WELLMAN has 12/02, 12/09/2021 to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: BRANDI MICHELLE SMITH EMILY D. SMITH has peti- PATRICIA A WOMBLE has pe-
petitioned to be appointed Ad- NOTICE NANDREA MENYON BANKS ELLIOTT JONATHAN O'NEAL has petitioned to be appointed tioned to be appointed Adminis- titioned to be appointed Admin-
ministrator of the estate of MI- ++2021-2259++ has petitioned to be appointed has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of trator(s) of the estate of AL- istrator of the estate of OSCAR
CHAEL EUGENE WELLMAN TO: All Intrested Parties and to Administrator of the estate of Administrator of the estate of CHADWICK DAVID SMITH de- MOND D. SMITH, SR. de- WILLIE WOMBLE, SR. de-
deceased, of said County. The whom it may concern: NANCY LORRAINE PEEPLES ELIZABETH ASBERRY ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The
Petitioner has also applied for YAHFAH BAHT-TZIYON deceased, of said County. The O'NEAL deceased, of said Petitioner has also applied for Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner has also applied for
waiver of bond and/or grant of YISRA'EL has petitioned to be Petitioner has also applied for County. The Petitioner has also waiver of bond and/or grant of for waiver of bond and/or grant waiver of bond and/or grant of
certain powers contained in appointed Administrator(s) of waiver of bond and/or grant of applied for waiver of bond certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in certain powers contained in
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- the estate of DELORES ANN certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
ested parties are hereby noti- BRADFORD deceased, of said O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti-
fied to show cause why said County. The Petitioner(s) has ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said
Petition should not be granted. also applied for waiver of bond fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted.
All objections to the Petition and/or grant of certain powers Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
must be in writing, setting forth contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
the grounds of any such objec- 261. All interested parties are must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
tions, and must be filed with the hereby notified to show cause the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the
Court on or before 12/20/2021. why said Petition should not be tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be Court on or before 12/27/2021. Court on or before 12/27/2021. Court on or before 12/27/2021.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All granted. All objections to the Court on or before 12/20/2021. filed with the Court on or be- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
objections to the petition must Petition must be in writing, set- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 12/20/2021. objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
be in writing, setting forth the ting forth the grounds of any objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
grounds of any such objections. such objections, and must be be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
All objections should be sworn filed with the Court on or be- grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
to before a notary public or be- fore 12/20/2021. All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
fore a probate court clerk and BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
filing fees must be tendered objections to the petition must fore a probate court clerk and to before a notary public or be- filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
with your pleadings/objections, be in writing, setting forth the filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an grounds of any such objections. with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate All objections should be sworn unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- to before a notary public or be- indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If fore a probate court clerk, and court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- filing fees must be tendered quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later with your pleadings/objections, any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, unless you qualify to file as an ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted indigent party. Contact probate date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. court personnel for the re- the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove quired amount of filing fees. If without a hearing. the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Kimberly Bolton, Clerk of the
bate Court date. If no objections are filed, Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. the petition may be granted bate Court Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 without a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. the Probate Court 1100 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Bedelia C Hargrove 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 Judge of the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Probate Court 404-371-2601
556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Decatur, Georgia 30030
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 Page 27
220-452045 11/25, 12/02, 220-452047 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 220-452049 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 220-452051 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 220-452216 12/02, 12/09, 220-452218 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 220-452220 12/2, 12/9, 12/16,
12/09, 12/16/2021 12/16 2021 12/16 2021 12/16 2021 12/16, 12/23/ 2021 12/23 2021 12/23 2021
++2019-1591++ ++2021-2278++ ++2021-2210++ ++2021-2206++ ++2021-2300++ ++2021-2375++ ++2021-2368++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
PUCKO. has petitioned to be tioned to be appointed Adminis- has petitioned to be appointed has petitioned to be appointed petitioned to be appointed Ad- HENDERSON has petitioned to tioned to be appointed Adminis-
appointed Successor Adminis- trator of the estate of AN- Administrator of the estate of Administrator of the estate of ministrator of the estate of be appointed Administrator of trator of the estate of WILLIE
ANNE PUCKO deceased, of of said County. The Petitioner NASH deceased, of said ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The STEPHENS deceased, of said of said County. The Petitioner
said County. The Petitioner(s) has also applied for waiver of County. The Petitioner has also Petitioner has also applied for Petitioner has also applied for County. The Petitioner has also has also applied for waiver of
has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain applied for waiver of bond waiver of bond and/or grant of waiver of bond and/or grant of applied for waiver of bond bond and/or grant of certain
bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § and/or grant of certain powers certain powers contained in certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers powers contained in O.C.G.A. §
powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All interested contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- 53-12-261. All interested
53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are parties are hereby notified to
parties are hereby notified to show cause why said Petition hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause show cause why said Petition
show cause why said Petition should not be granted. All ob- why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be should not be granted. All ob-
should not be granted. All ob- jections to the Petition must be granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the jections to the Petition must be
jections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth the Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- in writing, setting forth the
in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any grounds of any such objections,
grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the Court such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be and must be filed with the Court
and must be filed with the Court on or before 12/27/2021. filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 12/27/2021. Court on or before 01/03/2022 filed with the Court on or be- on or before 01/03/2022.
on or before 12/27/2021. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 12/27/2021. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 01/03/2022. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must
objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the
be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections.
grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn
All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be-
to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and
fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered
filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections,
with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an
unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate
indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re-
court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If
quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear-
any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later
ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed,
date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted
the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing.
without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove
Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court
Judge of the Probate Court Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Judge of the Probate Court Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Michael Hagley, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the the Probate Court Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of the Probate Court Probate Court Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of the Probate Court
Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
404-371-2601 220-452048 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 404-371-2601 220-452052 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 220-452217 12/02, 12/09, 404-371-2601 220-452221 12/2, 12/9, 12/16,
220-452046 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 12/16 2021 220-452050 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 12/16 12/16, 12/23 220-452219 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 12/23
12/16 2021 NOTICE 12/16 2021 NOTICE NOTICE 12/23 2021 NOTICE
NOTICE ++2021-2276++ NOTICE ++ 2021-1684++ ++2021-2386++ NOTICE ++2021-2366++
++2021-2298++ TO: All Interested Parties and ++2021-2279++ TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and ++2021-2371++ TO: All Interested Parties and
TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern:
to whom it may concern: LOUISE A ARMSTRONG has to whom it may concern: KATRINA LYNN CALLAHAN ALEX BROOKE TAYLOR has to whom it may concern: DELIA W MORGAN has peti-
GWENDOLYN GAINES has petitioned to be appointed Ad- ADRIAN LEIGH-ANTONIO has petitioned to be appointed petitioned to be appointed Ad- ERIC BROOKS has petitioned tioned to be appointed Adminis-
petitioned to be appointed Ad- ministrator of the estate of JU- PANTRY has petitioned to be Administrator(s) of the estate of ministrator of the estate of RE- to be appointed Administrator trator of the estate of LAIN JEF-
ministrator of the estate of LIUS E ARMSTRONG, SR. de- appointed Administrator of the ELIZABETH MELINDA HILL GINA LYNN TAYLOR de- of the estate of TAMERA FERY MORGAN deceased, of
JUANITA JOHNSON de- ceased, of said County. The estate of CAROL JOY LEWIN- deceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The RESHELL JOHNSON de- said County. The Petitioner has
ceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for DOSTALY deceased, of said Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner has also applied for ceased, of said County. The also applied for waiver of bond
Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of County. The Petitioner has also for waiver of bond and/or grant waiver of bond and/or grant of Petitioner has also applied for and/or grant of certain powers
waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in applied for waiver of bond of certain powers contained in certain powers contained in waiver of bond and/or grant of contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- and/or grant of certain powers O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- certain powers contained in 261. All interested parties are
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ested parties are hereby noti- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- hereby notified to show cause
ested parties are hereby noti- fied to show cause why said 261. All interested parties are fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said ested parties are hereby noti- why said Petition should not be
fied to show cause why said Petition should not be granted. hereby notified to show cause Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. fied to show cause why said granted. All objections to the
Petition should not be granted. All objections to the Petition why said Petition should not be All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted. Petition must be in writing, set-
All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth granted. All objections to the must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition ting forth the grounds of any
must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec- Petition must be in writing, set- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth such objections, and must be
the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed with the ting forth the grounds of any tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the the grounds of any such objec- filed with the Court on or be-
tions, and must be filed with the Court on or before 12/27/2021. such objections, and must be Court on or before 12/27/2021. Court on or before 01/03/2022. tions, and must be filed with the fore 01/03/2022.
Court on or before 12/27/2021. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All filed with the Court on or be- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 01/03/2022. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must fore 12/27/2021. objections to the petition must objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must
objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the
be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. objections to the petition must grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections.
grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn be in writing, setting forth the All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn
All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- grounds of any such objections. to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be-
to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and All objections should be sworn fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk and to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and
fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered to before a notary public or be- filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered
filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, fore a probate court clerk, and with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections,
with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an filing fees must be tendered unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an
unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate with your pleadings/objections, indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate
indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- unless you qualify to file as an court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re-
court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If indigent party. Contact probate quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If
quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear-
any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later
ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed,
date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted
the petition may be granted without a hearing. date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing.
without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove
Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court
Judge of the Probate Court Michael Hagley, Clerk of the Bedelia C Hargrove Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of
Michael Hagley, Clerk of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court bate Court Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of the Probate Court
Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Michael Hagley, Clerk of the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 Probate Court 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 1100 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
Page 28 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
220-452222 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 220-452224 12/02, 12/09, 220-452226 12/02, 12/09, 220-452228 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 220-452230 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 220-452232 12/02, 12/09, 220-452234 12/2, 12/9, 12/16,
12/23 2021 12/16, 12/23 12/16, 12/23 12/23 2021 12/23 2021 12/16, 12/23 12/23 2021
++2021-2363++ ++2021-2347++ ++2021-2346++ ++2021-2339++ ++2021-2108++ ++2021-2336++ ++2021-2301++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
to be appointed Administrator tioned to be appointed Adminis- petitioned to be appointed Ad- tioned to be appointed Adminis- has petitioned to be appointed tioned to be appointed Adminis- JAMES DARBY has petitioned
of the estate of NATHAN K trator of the estate of ED- ministrator of the estate of trator of the estate of DE- Administrator of the estate of trator of the estate of MARVIN to be appointed Administrator
DOZIER deceased, of said WARD LOCKHART, SR. de- EDYTHE ELIZABETH FAR- BORAH ANNE DUCHON de- EDDIE JEROME O'NEAL de- LEWIS deceased, of said of the estate of FINESSE ANT-
County. The Petitioner has also ceased, of said County. The RAR deceased, of said County. ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The County. The Petitioner has also WAN DARBY deceased, of
applied for waiver of bond Petitioner has also applied for The Petitioner has also applied Petitioner has also applied for Petitioner has also applied for applied for waiver of bond said County. The Petitioner has
and/or grant of certain powers waiver of bond and/or grant of for waiver of bond and/or grant waiver of bond and/or grant of waiver of bond and/or grant of and/or grant of certain powers also applied for waiver of bond
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in certain powers contained in certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- and/or grant of certain powers
261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause 261. All interested parties are
why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be hereby notified to show cause
granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the why said Petition should not be
Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- granted. All objections to the
ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any Petition must be in writing, set-
such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be ting forth the grounds of any
filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- such objections, and must be
fore 01/03/2022. Court on or before 01/03/2022. Court on or before 01/03/2022. Court on or before 01/03/2022. Court on or before 1/3/2022. fore 01/03/2021. filed with the Court on or be-
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections.
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn
fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk and to before a notary public or be-
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections,
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re-
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear-
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed,
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing.
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Michael Hagley, Clerk of the Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court
the Probate Court bate Court bate Court Probate Court the Probate Court bate Court Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. the Probate Court
1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030
220-452223 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 220-452225 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 220-452227 12/02, 12/09, 220-452229 12/02, 12/09, 220-452231 12/02, 12/09, 220-452233 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 404-371-2601
12/23 2021 12/23 2021 12/16, 12/23 12/16, 12/23 12/16, 12/23 12/23 2021 220-452235 12/2, 12/9, 12/16,
++2021-2350++ ++2021-2348++ ++2021-2345++ ++2021-2340++ ++2021-2155++ ++2021-2317++ NOTICE
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: NORMA OFELIA GONZA- TO: All Interested Parties and ++2021-2162++
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: LEZ, All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and
CHARLES FORD has peti- CHARISSE HELMS has peti- ELIZABETH ORR has peti- KEYLON ASHANTI WRIGHT to whom it may concern: ANN MARIE COOPER has pe- to whom it may concern:
tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis- has petitioned to be appointed CESAR ALEJANDRO GONZA- titioned to be appointed Admin- KEITH CODY has petitioned to
trator of the estate of AUTHER- trator of the estate of ANITA trator of the estate of TINA Administrator of the estate of LEZ-FLORES has petitioned istrator of the estate of PERRY be appointed Administrator of
INE THOMPKINS FORD de- TERESA HELMS deceased, of JAKES deceased, of said LONNIE HUGH WRIGHT de- MARK A. C. ROBINSON to be J COOPER deceased, of said the estate of THOMAS CODY
ceased, of said County. The said County. The Petitioner has County. The Petitioner has also ceased, of said County. The appointed County Administrat- County. The Petitioner has also deceased, of said County. The
Petitioner has also applied for also applied for waiver of bond applied for waiver of bond Petitioner has also applied for or of the estate of AGUSTIN applied for waiver of bond Petitioner has also applied for
waiver of bond and/or grant of and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers waiver of bond and/or grant of GONZALEZ deceased, of said and/or grant of certain powers waiver of bond and/or grant of
certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- certain powers contained in County.and all interested contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- certain powers contained in
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- parties are hereby notified to 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- show cause why said Petition hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti-
fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said should not be granted. All ob- why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said
Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. jections to the Petition must be granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted.
All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition in writing, setting forth the Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition
must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth grounds of any such objections, ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth
the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- and must be filed with the Court such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec-
tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the on or before 01/03/2022. filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the
Court on or before 01/03/2022. fore 01/03/2022. fore 01/03/2021. Court on or before 01/03/2022. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 01/03/2022. Court on or before 01/03/2021.
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk and to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk and fore a probate court clerk and filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- bate Court Michael Hagley, Clerk of the Kimberly Bolton, Clerk of the
the Probate Court the Probate Court bate Court bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 Page 29
220-452236 12/02, 12/09, 220-452239 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 220-452338 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 250-452242 12/02/2021 250-452244 12/02/2021 290-452245 12/2 & 12/9
12/16, 12/23
12/23 2021
++2021-2253++ ++2021-2390++ ++2020-0454++ PROBATE COURT OF PROBATE COURT OF 290-451900 11/11, 11/18, STATE OF GEORGIA
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: Unknown Heirs and to DEKALB COUNTY DEKALB COUNTY 11/25, 12/2 2021 IN RE: ESTATE OF
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: whom it may concern: RE: PETITION of DAVE B. RE: PETITION of EDMUND IN RE: Estate of EDWIN Y. SARAH ANTHONY IKAIDDI,
petitioned to be appointed Ad- has petitioned to be appointed has petitioned to be appointed EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE CHARGE as EXECUTOR OF Estate No. ++2018-0299++ ESTATE NO. ++2020-1960++
ministrator of the estate of Administrator of the estate of Administrator(s) of the estate of OF IVY LOUISE STEWART, THE ESTATE OF CHARLES Petition By Personal Repres- NOTICE
of said County. The Petitioner deceased, of said County. All deceased, of said County. All TO: All Interested Parties CEASED Grant of Certain Powers A PETITION FOR LETTERS
has also applied for waiver of interested parties are hereby interested parties are hereby This is to notify you to file ob- TO: All Interested Parties NOTICE OF CONSERVATORSHIP FOR
bond and/or grant of certain notified to show cause why said notified to show cause why said jection, if there is any, to the This is to notify you to file ob- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY DR. ANTHONY IKADDI TO BE
powers contained in O.C.G.A. § Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. above referenced petition, in jection, if there is any, to the PROBATE COURT APPOINTED CONSERVATOR
53-12-261. All interested All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition this Court on or before above referenced petition, in LOUISE EDWINA BEDROSSI- OF SARAH ANTHONY
parties are hereby notified to must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth 12 / 1 3 / 2 0 2 1 . this Court on or before AN has petitioned for waiver of IKAIDDI, A MINOR.
show cause why said Petition the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 12 / 1 3 / 2 0 2 1 . bond and for the grant of cer- DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA-
should not be granted. All ob- tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All tain powers contained in TION: 12/9
jections to the Petition must be Court on or before 01/03/2022. Court on or before 01/03/2022. be in writing, setting forth objections to the petition must O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- TO: UNKNOWN GRANDPAR-
in writing, setting forth the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth ested parties are hereby noti- ENTS OF SARAH ANTHONY
grounds of any such objections, objections to the petition must objections to the petition must All pleadings/objections must grounds of any such objections. fied to show cause why said IKADDI, MINOR
and must be filed with the Court be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be signed before a notary pub- All pleadings/objections must Petition should not be granted. This is to notify you to file your
on or before 1/03/2022. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. lic or before a probate court be signed before a notary pub- All objections to the Petition objection, if there is any, either
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn clerk, and filing fees must be lic or before a probate court must be in writing, setting forth to the establishment of the con-
objections to the petition must to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- tendered with your clerk, and filing fees must be the grounds of any such objec- servatorship or to the selection
be in writing, setting forth the fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and pleadings/objections, unless tendered with your tions, and must be filed with the of the identified individual as
grounds of any such objections. filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered you qualify to file as an indi- pleadings/objections, unless Court on or before 12/13/2021. conservator, or both, in this
All objections should be sworn with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, gent party. Contact probate you qualify to file as an indi- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before the four-
to before a notary public or be- unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an court personnel at the follow- gent party. Contact probate pleadings/objections must be teenth (10th) day after the
fore a probate court clerk and indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate ing address/telephone number court personnel at the follow- signed under oath before a not- second publication of this no-
filing fees must be tendered court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- for the required amount of fil- ing address/telephone number ary public or before a probate tice if you are served by public-
with your pleadings/objections, quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If ing fees. If any objections are for the required amount of fil- court clerk, and filing fees must ation.
unless you qualify to file as an any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- filed, a hearing will be sched- ing fees. If any objections are be tendered with your plead- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
indigent party. Contact probate ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later uled at a later date. If no objec- filed, a hearing will be sched- ings/objections, unless you objections must be in writing
court personnel for the re- date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, tions are filed, the petition may uled at a later date. If no objec- qualify to file as an indigent and should be signed before a
quired amount of filing fees. If the petition may be granted the petition may be granted be granted without a hearing. tions are filed, the petition may party. Contact probate court notary public or Probate Court
any objections are filed, a hear- without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove be granted without a hearing. personnel at the following ad- clerk and filing fees must be
ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove dress/telephone number for the tendered with your objections,
date. If no objections are filed, Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court required amount of filing fees. If unless you qualify to file as an
the petition may be granted Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the any objections are filed, a hear- indigent party. If an objection is
without a hearing. the Probate Court Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court ing will be scheduled at a later filed, a hearing will be sched-
Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. date. If no objections are filed, uled at a later date. If no objec-
Judge of the Probate Court 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 the petition may be granted tion is filed, the Petition may be
Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 without a hearing. granted without a hearing.
bate Court 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 250-452243 12/02/2021 404-371-2601 Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 220-452240 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, NOTICE Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
1100 By:
Decatur, Georgia 30030
12/23 2021
Dismiss Executor ++2021-0252++
PROBATE COURT OF Leave To Sale Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of
the Probate Court Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the
404-371-2601 ++2021-2392++ DEKALB COUNTY 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court
220-452237 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, TO: All Interested Parties and 250-452241 12/02/2021 RE: PETITION of FRANCES 280-451994 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 556 North McDonough Street,
NOTICE 12/9 2021 1100
12/23 2021 to whom it may concern: KATHRYN STARNES for DIS- Decatur, Georgia 30030 Room 1100
NOTICE CHALON DANIEL has peti- ++2020-2064++ CHARGE as EXECUTOR OF NOTICE Decatur Georgia 30030
PROBATE COURT OF ++1989-1244++ 404-371-2601
++2021-2320++ tioned to be appointed Adminis- THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH 404-371-2601
TO: All Interested Parties and trator of the estate of BER- DEKALB COUNTY ANNE SCOTT, DECEASED PROBATE COURT OF
290-452246 12/2 & 12/9
to whom it may concern: NICE DANIEL deceased, of RE: PETITION of ROBERT MI- TO: All Interested Parties DEKALB COUNTY
LINDSAY CLARE KAISER has said County. The Petitioner has CHAEL CHARMOLI for DIS- This is to notify you to file ob- RE: PETITION OF WILLIAM 290-451995 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, DEKALB COUNTY
petitioned to be appointed Ad- also applied for waiver of bond CHARGE as EXECUTOR OF jection, if there is any, to the EDWIN COLLINS FOR LEAVE 12/09/2021 STATE OF GEORGIA
ministrator of the estate of and/or grant of certain powers THE ESTATE OF ROBERT above referenced petition, in TO SELL PROPERTY OF ES- NOTICE IN RE: ESTATE OF
ALAN BETZ KAISER, II. de- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- LOUIS CHARMOLI, DE- this Court on or before TATE OF AUBREY RAYE ++2021-2093++ UMANA ANTHONY IKAIDDI,
ceased, of said County. The 261. All interested parties are CEASED 12 / 1 3 / 2 0 2 1 . SMITH, DECEASED TO: Unknown Heirs and All In- MINOR
Petitioner has also applied for hereby notified to show cause TO: All Interested Parties BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All TO: AUBREY H SMITH, KIM- terested Parties and to whom it ESTATE NO. ++2020-1961++
waiver of bond and/or grant of why said Petition should not be This is to notify you to file ob- objections to the petition must BERLY ANN PERRY, JAMES may concern: NOTICE
certain powers contained in granted. All objections to the jection, if there is any, to the be in writing, setting forth AUBREY SMITH SHEILA DENISE FORD has ANN J. HERRERA HAS FILED
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- Petition must be in writing, set- above referenced petition, in grounds of any such objections. All interested parties and to petitioned MARK A. C. ROBIN- A PETITION FOR LETTERS
ested parties are hereby noti- ting forth the grounds of any this Court on or before All pleadings/objections must whom it may concern: This is to SON to be appointed County OF CONSERVATORSHIP FOR
fied to show cause why said such objections, and must be 12 / 1 3 / 2 0 2 1 . be signed before a notary pub- notify you to file objection, if Administrator for the sole pur- DR. ANTHONY IKADDI TO BE
Petition should not be granted. filed with the Court on or be- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All lic or before a probate court there is any, to the above refer- pose of a lawsuit of the estate APPOINTED CONSERVATOR
All objections to the Petition fore 01/03/2022. objections to the petition must clerk, and filing fees must be enced petition, in this Court on of DANIELLE JEANNETTE OF UMANA ANTHONY
must be in writing, setting forth BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be in writing, setting forth tendered with your or before DECEMBER 20, CRENSHAW deceased, of said IKAIDDI, A MINOR.
the grounds of any such objec- objections to the petition must grounds of any such objections. pleadings/objections, unless 2021. County. All interested parties DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA-
tions, and must be filed with the be in writing, setting forth the All pleadings/objections must you qualify to file as an indi- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All are hereby notified to show TION: 12/9
Court on or before 01/03/2022. grounds of any such objections. be signed before a notary pub- gent party. Contact probate objections to the petition must cause why said Petition should TO: UNKNOWN GRANDPAR-
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All objections should be sworn lic or before a probate court court personnel at the follow- be in writing, setting forth the not be granted. All objections to ENTS OF UMANA ANTHONY
objections to the petition must to before a notary public or be- clerk, and filing fees must be ing address/telephone number grounds of any such objections. the Petition must be in writing, IKADDI, MINOR
be in writing, setting forth the fore a probate court clerk,and tendered with your for the required amount of fil- All objections/objections must setting forth the grounds of any This is to notify you to file your
grounds of any such objections. filing fees must be tendered pleadings/objections, unless ing fees. If any objections are be sworn to before a notary such objections, and must be objection, if there is any, either
All objections should be sworn with your pleadings/objections, you qualify to file as an indi- filed, a hearing will be sched- public or before a probate court filed with the Court on or be- to the establishment of the con-
to before a notary public or be- unless you qualify to file as an gent party. Contact probate uled at a later date. If no objec- clerk, and filing fees must be fore 12/20/2021. servatorship or to the selection
fore a probate court clerk, and indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the follow- tions are filed, the petition may tendered with your BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All of the identified individual as
filing fees must be tendered court personnel for the re- ing address/telephone number be granted without a hearing. pleadings/objections, unless objections to the petition must conservator, or both, in this
with your pleadings/objections, quired amount of filing fees. If for the required amount of fil- Bedelia C Hargrove you qualify to file as an indi- be in writing, setting forth the Court on or before the four-
unless you qualify to file as an any objections are filed, a hear- ing fees. If any objections are Judge of the Probate Court gent party. Contact probate grounds of any such objections. teenth (10th) day after the
indigent party. Contact probate ing will be scheduled at a later filed, a hearing will be sched- Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the court personnel for the re- All objections should be sworn second publication of this no-
court personnel for the re- date. If no objections are filed, uled at a later date. If no objec- Probate Court quired amount of filing fees. If to before a notary public or be- tice if you are served by public-
quired amount of filing fees. If the petition may be granted tions are filed, the petition may 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. any objections are filed, a hear- fore a probate court clerk, and ation.
any objections are filed, a hear- without a hearing. be granted without a hearing. 1100 ing will be scheduled at a later filing fees must be tendered BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Decatur, Georgia 30030 date. If no objections are filed, with your pleadings/objections, objections must be in writing
date. If no objections are filed, Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court 404-371-2601 the petition may be granted unless you qualify to file as an and should be signed before a
the petition may be granted Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the without a hearing. indigent party. Contact probate notary public or Probate Court
without a hearing. the Probate Court Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove court personnel for the re- clerk and filing fees must be
Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Judge of the Probate Court quired amount of filing fees. If tendered with your objections,
Judge of the Probate Court 1100 1100 Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the any objections are filed, a hear- unless you qualify to file as an
Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Probate Court ing will be scheduled at a later indigent party. If an objection is
the Probate Court 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. date. If no objections are filed, filed, a hearing will be sched-
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 the petition may be granted uled at a later date. If no objec-
1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 without a hearing. tion is filed, the Petition may be
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Bedelia C Hargrove granted without a hearing.
404-371-2601 Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court
Probate Court By:
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the
1100 Probate Court
Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 North McDonough Street,
404-371-2601 Room 1100
Decatur Georgia 30030
notary public or Probate Court
clerk and filing fees must be
tendered with your objections,
unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. If an objection is
filed, a hearing will be sched-
Page 30
uled at a later date. If no objec-
tion is filed, the Petition may be
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
granted without a hearing. 300-452058 11/25, 12/02, 300-452247 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 310-451903 11/11, 11/18, 310-451905 11/11, 11/18, 310-451907 11/11, 11/18, 310-452061 11/25, 12/2, 12/9,
Bedelia C Hargrove 12/09, 12/16/2021 12/23 2021 11/25, 12/2 11/25, 12/2 11/25, 12/2/2021 12/16/2021
By: ++2021-2033++ ++2021-1544++ ++2021-2128++ ++2021-2189++ ++2021-2193++ ++2021-2292++
Kimberly Curry, Clerk of the RE: PETITION OF ANGELA RE: PETITION OF BRENDA TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties
Probate Court DENISE KINNEY TO PRO- LANE TO PROBATE IN SOL- The Petition of Karen Elaine The Petition of Andre Jarboe, The Petition of Jill Margulies The Petition of Elise Hokett, for
556 North McDonough Street, BATE IN SOLEMN FORM THE EMN FORM THE WILL OF Ambrose Bingham, for a year’s for a year’s support from the Rosen, for a year’s support a year’s support from the es-
Room 1100 WILL OF ANNE STEPHENS JEROME KENDALL support from the estate of estate of Vickie Dawn Jarboe, from the estate of Jonathan tate of Gregory Pierce, De-
Decatur Georgia 30030 MORGAN, DECEASED, UPON SHOWERS, DECEASED, Leroy Bingham, III., Deceased, Deceased, for Decedent’s Sur- David Rosen, Deceased, for ceased, for Decedent’s Surviv-
404-371-2601 WHICH AN ORDER OR SER- UPON WHICH AN ORDER OR for Decedent’s Surviving viving Spouse and minor child, Decedent’s Surviving Spouse ing Spouse, having been duly
VICE WAS GRANTED BY SERVICE WAS GRANTED BY Spouse, having been duly filed, having been duly filed, all inter- and minor child, having been filed, all interested persons are
THIS COURT. THIS COURT. all interested persons are ested persons are hereby noti- duly filed, all interested per- hereby notified to show cause,
Will TO: Unknown heirs and All In- TO: Deandrea Hasson and hereby notified to show cause, fied to show cause, if any they sons are hereby notified to if any they have, on or before
terested Parties Jeremy Sykes if any they have, on or before have, on or before 12/13/2021, show cause, if any they have, 12/27/2021, why said Petition
300-451901 11/11, 11/18, This is to notify you to file ob- This is to notify you to file ob- 12/13/2021, why said Petition why said Petition should not be on or before 12/13/2021, why should not be granted.
11/25, 12/02 jection, if there is any, to the jection, if there is any, to the should not be granted. granted. said Petition should not be All objections to the Petition
NOTICE Petition to Probate Will in Sol- Petition to Probate Will in Sol- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition granted. must be in writing, setting forth
++2021-1807++ emn Form, in this Court on or emn Form, in this Court on or must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition the grounds of any such objec-
RE: PETITION OF ALFREDO before 12/27/2021. before 01/03/2022. the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth tions, and must be filed on or
LOUIS DOTSON TO PRO- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All tions, and must be filed on or tions, and must be filed on or the grounds of any such objec- before the time stated in the
BATE IN SOLEMN FORM THE objections to the Petition must objections to the Petition must before the time stated in the before the time stated in the tions, and must be filed on or preceding sentence. All plead-
WILL OF BENJAMIN LOUIS be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the preceding sentence. All plead- preceding sentence. All plead- before the time stated in the ings/objections should be
DOTSON, DECEASED, UPON grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. ings/objections should be ings/objections should be preceding sentence. All plead- sworn to before a notary public
WHICH AN ORDER OR SER- All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn sworn to before a notary public sworn to before a notary public ings/objections should be or before a Probate Court
VICE WAS GRANTED BY to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- or before a Probate Court or before a Probate Court sworn to before a notary public Clerk, and filing fees must be
THIS COURT. fore a Probate Court Clerk, and fore a Probate Court Clerk, and Clerk, and filing fees must be Clerk, and filing fees must be or before a Probate Court tendered with your objections,
TO: Pizarro Dotson, II filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered tendered with your objections, tendered with your objections, Clerk, and filing fees must be unless you qualify to file as an
This is to notify you to file ob- with your objections, unless with your objections, unless unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an tendered with your objections, indigent party. Contact Probate
jection, if there is any, to the you qualify to file as an indi- you qualify to file as an indi- indigent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate unless you qualify to file as an Court personnel for the re-
Petition to Probate Will in Sol- gent party. Contact Probate gent party. Contact Probate Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact Probate quired amount of filing fees. If
emn Form, in this Court on or Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If Court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear-
before 12/13/2021. quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed
objections to the Petition must ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed date. If no objections are filed ing will be scheduled at a later the Petition may be granted
be in writing, setting forth the date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed without a hearing.
grounds of any such objections. the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. the Petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove
All objections should be sworn without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court
to before a notary public or be- Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove By:
fore a Probate Court Clerk, and Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court By: By: Judge of the Probate Court Ted Huggins, Clerk of the Pro-
filing fees must be tendered Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of Ted Huggins, Clerk of the Pro- Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the By: bate Court
with your objections, unless Probate Court the Probate Court bate Court Probate Court Ted Huggins, Clerk of the Pro- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
you qualify to file as an indi- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court 1100
gent party. Contact Probate 1100 1100 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030
Court personnel for the re- Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 404-371-2601
quired amount of filing fees. If 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 310-452248 12/2, 12/9, 12/16,
any objections are filed, a hear- 300-452059 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 310-451904 11/11, 11/18, 310-451906 11/11, 11/18, 404-371-2601 12/23 2021
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
12/16 2021
Year’s Support 11/25, 12/2
11/25, 12/02/2021
310-452060 11/25, 12/2, 12/9,
the Petition may be granted ++2021-2247++ ++2021-2129++ ++2021-1938++ NOTICE TO: All Interested Parties
without a hearing. RE: PETITION OF ULYSSES 310-451902 11/11, 11/18, TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties The Petition of Bernice John-
Bedelia C Hargrove DANIEL TO PROBATE IN 11/25, 12/2 The Petition of Leslie Francis, The Petition of Janice Holmes son, for a year’s support from
TO: All Interested Parties
Judge of the Probate Court SOLEMN FORM THE WILL OF NOTICE for a year’s support from the Johnson, for a year’s support the estate of Cantrell Johnson,
The Petition of Lillie Mae
Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- ROBERT LEE DANIEL, DE- ++2021-2127++ estate of Loretta Yvonne Fran- from the estate of John Dave Deceased, for Decedent’s Sur-
Graves, for a year’s support
bate Court CEASED, UPON WHICH AN TO: All Interested Parties cis, Deceased, for Decedent’s Johnson, Sr., Deceased, for viving Spouse and minor child,
from the estate of Ulysses NMN
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. ORDER OR SERVICE WAS The Petition of Sherry Ann Surviving Spouse, having been Decedent’s Surviving Spouse having been duly filed, all inter-
Graves, Deceased, for De-
1100 GRANTED BY THIS COURT. Humphries, for a year’s sup- duly filed, all interested per- and minor child, having been ested persons are hereby noti-
cedent’s Surviving Spouse,
Decatur, Georgia 30030 TO: Javon Camper port from the estate of Ted An- sons are hereby notified to duly filed, all interested per- fied to show cause, if any they
having been duly filed, all inter-
404-371-2601 This is to notify you to file ob- drew Humphries, Deceased, for show cause, if any they have, sons are hereby notified to have, on or before 01/03/2022,
ested persons are hereby noti-
jection, if there is any, to the Decedent’s Surviving Spouse, on or before 12/13/2021, why show cause, if any they have, why said Petition should not be
fied to show cause, if any they
300-451996 11/18, 11/25, Petition to Probate Will in Sol- having been duly filed, all inter- said Petition should not be on or before 12/13/2021, why granted.
have, on or before 12/27/2021,
12/02, 12/09/2021 emn Form, in this Court on or ested persons are hereby noti- granted. said Petition should not be All objections to the Petition
why said Petition should not be
NOTICE before 12/27/2021. fied to show cause, if any they All objections to the Petition granted. must be in writing, setting forth
++2021-2055++ BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All have, on or before 12/13/2021, must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition the grounds of any such objec-
All objections to the Petition
RE: PETITION OF JULIA objections to the Petition must why said Petition should not be the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth tions, and must be filed on or
must be in writing, setting forth
SNOW MORRELL TO PRO- be in writing, setting forth the granted. tions, and must be filed on or the grounds of any such objec- before the time stated in the
the grounds of any such objec-
BATE IN SOLEMN FORM THE grounds of any such objections. All objections to the Petition before the time stated in the tions, and must be filed on or preceding sentence. All plead-
tions, and must be filed on or
WILL OF JOSEPH BLAINE All objections should be sworn must be in writing, setting forth preceding sentence. All plead- before the time stated in the ings/objections should be
before the time stated in the
HOSMER, DECEASED, UPON to before a notary public or be- the grounds of any such objec- ings/objections should be preceding sentence. All plead- sworn to before a notary public
preceding sentence. All plead-
WHICH AN ORDER OR SER- fore a Probate Court Clerk, and tions, and must be filed on or sworn to before a notary public ings/objections should be or before a Probate Court
ings/objections should be
VICE WAS GRANTED BY filing fees must be tendered before the time stated in the or before a Probate Court sworn to before a notary public Clerk, and filing fees must be
sworn to before a notary public
THIS COURT. with your objections, unless preceding sentence. All plead- Clerk, and filing fees must be or before a Probate Court tendered with your objections,
or before a Probate Court
TO: Bobo Swieney and to All you qualify to file as an indi- ings/objections should be tendered with your objections, Clerk, and filing fees must be unless you qualify to file as an
Clerk, and filing fees must be
Interested Parties gent party. Contact Probate sworn to before a notary public unless you qualify to file as an tendered with your objections, indigent party. Contact Probate
tendered with your objections,
This is to notify you to file ob- Court personnel for the re- or before a Probate Court indigent party. Contact Probate unless you qualify to file as an Court personnel for the re-
unless you qualify to file as an
jection, if there is any, to the quired amount of filing fees. If Clerk, and filing fees must be Court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact Probate quired amount of filing fees. If
indigent party. Contact Probate
Petition to Probate Will in Sol- any objections are filed, a hear- tendered with your objections, quired amount of filing fees. If Court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear-
Court personnel for the re-
emn Form, in this Court on or ing will be scheduled at a later unless you qualify to file as an any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later
quired amount of filing fees. If
before 12/20/2021. date. If no objections are filed, indigent party. Contact Probate ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed
any objections are filed, a hear-
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All the Petition may be granted Court personnel for the re- date. If no objections are filed ing will be scheduled at a later the Petition may be granted
ing will be scheduled at a later
objections to the Petition must without a hearing. quired amount of filing fees. If the Petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed without a hearing.
date. If no objections are filed
be in writing, setting forth the Bedelia C Hargrove any objections are filed, a hear- without a hearing. the Petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove
the Petition may be granted
grounds of any such objections. Judge of the Probate Court ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court
without a hearing.
All objections should be sworn Erica Phipps-Ferrera, Clerk of date. If no objections are filed Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove By:
Bedelia C Hargrove
to before a notary public or be- the Probate Court the Petition may be granted By: Judge of the Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
Judge of the Probate Court
fore a Probate Court Clerk, and 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. without a hearing. Ted Huggins, Clerk of the Pro- Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court
filing fees must be tendered 1100 Bedelia C Hargrove bate Court Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Ted Huggins, Clerk of the Pro-
with your objections, unless Decatur, Georgia 30030 Judge of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
bate Court
you qualify to file as an indi- 404-371-2601 By: 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
gent party. Contact Probate Ted Huggins, Clerk of the Pro- Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
Court personnel for the re- bate Court 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030
quired amount of filing fees. If 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
any objections are filed, a hear- 1100
ing will be scheduled at a later Decatur, Georgia 30030
date. If no objections are filed, 404-371-2601
the Petition may be granted
without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Decatur, Georgia 30030
Dated Date (the “Project Loan Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS Bank, in its capacity as initial Plaintiff, oration.
Agreement”), among the Au- or Android: https://dekalb- funding lender (the “Initial v. A title search has revealed that
thority, the Fiscal Agent and the Funding Lender”) and Regions HOUSING AUTHORITY OF you may be an owner(s), per-
Borrower. The Project Loan will 65 Bank, in its capacity as fiscal THE sons in control or possession,
be evidenced by a mortgage Password: 486588 agent (the “Fiscal Agent”), pur- COUNTY OF DEKALB. GEOR- or otherwise hold an interest in
note in the maximum aggreg- suant to which the Authority will GIA, AND the property. As such, you have
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021
Or Telephone:
ate principal amount of receive a loan from the Initial AGAPE FAMILY DEVELOP- Page 31
the right to file an answer to
$28,000,000 (the “Project Dial: Funding Lender, on a draw MENT, LP, this notice in writing and/or to
Note”), to be delivered by the USA 602 333 0032 down basis, in the maximum Defendants. 320-452249 12/2,12/9,12/16 appear in person at the hear-
Public Hearing Borrower to the Authority and
endorsed by the Authority to
USA 8882709936 (US Toll
aggregate principal amount of
$29,000,000 (the “Funding
CASE NO. 21CV9911-10
ing or to send a representative
to give testimony at the hear-
320-451909 11/25,12/2 the Fiscal Agent. The pro- Conference code: 848512 Loan”). The Funding Loan will ING In the Superior Court of DeKalb ing concerning the property.
Notice of Public Hearing ceeds of the Project Loan will be evidenced by the Govern- ZOOM VIDEO-CONFERENCE County, State of Georgia; Char- The rules of evidence prevail-
The City of Avondale Estates’ be used to provide financing to Find local AT&T Numbers: ht- mental Note, to be delivered by HEARING lene Neely Mackie v. A Tract of ing in courts of law or equity
Board of Mayor and Commis- the Borrower in connection with tps:// the Authority to the Initial Fund- Land Located In DeKalb shall not be controlling in the
sioners will conduct a public its acquisition, construction and m/servlet/glbAccess?process=1 ing Lender. The Authority will The above referenced Case is County Georgia and Known as hearing.
hearing on Wednesday, equipping of a multifamily rent- &accessNumber=6023330032 use the proceeds of the Fund- scheduled for a Bond Valida- 1875 Cannon Street Decatur IN CONFORMITY WITH CITY
++December 8, 2021 at 5:30 al housing facility, consisting of &accessCode=848512 ing Loan to make a mortgage tion hearing on December 7, G e o rg i a 3 0 0 3 2 ; Fi l e No . OF ATLANTA ORDINANCE
PM++ to vote on the adoption approximately 192 units and re- loan (the “Project Loan”), in the 2021, at_8:30 A.M. Eastern 2 1 CV1 0 0 1 5 -3 20-O-1455 AND DUE TO PUB-
of the draft of the Avondale Es- lated personal property and maximum aggregate principal Time (US and Canada). The NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: LIC HEALTH CONCERNS
tates Sign Ordinance. equipment, to be located in Or Skype for Business (Lync): amount of $29,000,000, to De- hearing will be held via Zoom On November 19, 2021, Char- AND DIRECTIVES ISSUED
This public hearing will be held DeKalb County, Georgia and fendant Agape Family Develop- videoconference before the lene Neely Mackie filed a Peti- REGARDING REDUCING THE
at the following location: City of known as “Candler Reserve” /skype/86482743865 ment, LP (the “Borrower”), pur- Honorable Tangela M. Barrie, tion for Reformation of Deed, SPREAD OF COVID-19,
Avondale Estates (the “Project”). In said proceed- suant to the terms of a Project Judge, DeKalb County Superi- seeking a judicial decree pursu- MEETINGS OF THE ADMINIS-
City Hall ing the Court will also pass Loan Agreement, to be dated or Court, DeKalb County Court- ant to O.C.G.A. § 23-2-25 to re- TRATIVE IN REM REVIEW
21 North Avondale Plaza upon the validity of said Fund- IMPORTANT NOTICE RE- the Dated Date (the “Project house, Decatur, GA 30030. form a certain quitclaim deed BOARD WILL BE CONDUC-
Avondale Estates, GA 30002 ing Loan Agreement, said GARDING COURT SES- Loan Agreement”), among the To Join Meeting: dated May 4, 1996 and recor- TED REMOTELY. THIS MEET-
All interested parties are in- Project Loan Agreement, said SIONS: Authority, the Fiscal Agent and Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS ded in Deed Book 9005, Page ING WILL HELD AS ADVERT-
vited to attend. Project Note, a Bond Resolu- Even though the court session the Borrower. The Project Loan or Android: https://dekalb- 127 of the Real Estate Re- ISED AND IN ACCORDANCE
Ken Morris tion, a Deed to Secure Debt, is virtual, it is still a court ses- will be evidenced by a mort- cords of DeKalb County, Geor- WITH THE GEORGIA CODE
Planner & Permit Services Co- Assignment, Security Agree- sion and participants should gage note in the maximum ag- 65 gia in order to correct an error SECTION 50-14-1.
ordinator ment and Fixture Filing, an As- dress accordingly and conduct gregate principal amount of Password: 486588 in its legal description. The ef- You are invited to attend a
City of Avondale Estates signment of Deed to Secure themselves as if they were $29,000,000 (the “Project fect of such reformation would hearing before the Administrat-
Debt, Assignment, Security physically present in the Note”), to be delivered by the Or Telephone: be to validate such quitclaim ive In Rem Review Board held
Agreement and Fixture Filing courtroom. Please make every Borrower to the Authority and Dial: deed and its conveyance to remotely via ZOOM Video Con-
320-452138 11/25,12/2 and Related Documents, an effort to log on a few minutes endorsed by the Authority to USA 602 333 0032 Charlene Neely Mackie of full ference on Thursday, Decem-
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Amended and Restated Fund- early and test your microphone the Fiscal Agent. The pro- USA 8882709936 (US Toll title to the property known as ber 16, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. You
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED ing Loan Agreement, an and audio. All participants must ceeds of the Project Loan will Free) 1875 Cannon Street, Decatur, may join the video conference
that on the 7th day of Decem- Amended and Restated Bor- rename themselves with first be used to provide financing to Conference code: 848512 Georgia 30032. Any party op- from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone
ber, 2021, at 8:30 a.m., at the rower Loan Agreement, an and last name in their profile the Borrower in connection with posed to such action is com- or Android device by going to
DeKalb County Courthouse in Amended and Restated Multi- settings or alternatively, during its acquisition, construction and Find local AT&T Numbers: ht- manded to appear and show URL
the City of Decatur, Georgia, family Note, an Amended and the meeting by hovering over equipping of a multifamily rent- tps:// cause as to why the petition Webinar ID: 814 2120 2125.
Judge Tangela M. Barrie of the Restated Multifamily Deed to their name in the participants al housing facility for seniors 55 m/servlet/glbAccess?process=1 should not be granted at a In the event that you do not
Superior Court of DeKalb Secure Debt, Assignment of window and clicking "rename." years old and above, consist- &accessNumber=6023330032 hearing scheduled for Tuesday, have computer access, there is
County will hear the case of the Rents, Security Agreement and All microphones should be on ing of approximately 222 units &accessCode=848512 January 4, 2022 at 8:30 am in an option to join the hearing by
STATE OF GEORGIA, Plaintiff, Fixture Filing (Georgia), an As- mute when admitted to the and related personal property Courtroom 7-A of the DeKalb phone: Dial: US: 877 853 5257
v. ++HOUSING AUTHORITY signment of Deed to Secure meeting and should remain and equipment, to be located in County Courthouse, with such (Toll Free) or 888 475 4499
OF THE COUNTY OF Debt and Loan Documents, muted until it is your turn to DeKalb County, Georgia and Or Skype for Business (Lync): hearing to be held via Zoom (Toll Free) or 833 548 0276
DEKALB, GEORGIA AND and a Land Use Restriction talk. Headsets are recommen- known as “Agape Senior” (the videoconference. Information (Toll Free) or 833 548 0282
CANDLER FAMILY DEVELOP- Agreement in connection there- ded rather than integrated au- “Project”). In said proceeding /skype/86482743865 on such hearing, including ad- (Toll Free) then enter the We-
MENT, LP, Defendants, Civil with. Said Governmental Note dio and microphones on your the Court will also pass upon ditional information on how to binar ID: 814 2120 2125.
Action File No. 21CV9910++, in will mature in the amounts, on computer. Recordings of the the validity of said Funding IMPORTANT NOTICE RE- participate and log in to the TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS
the Superior Court of DeKalb the dates and bear interest at proceedings is strictly prohib- Loan Agreement, said Project GARDING COURT SES- Zoom videoconference, can be THIS ADMISTRATIVE IN REM
County, Courtroom 5C, via the rates set forth in the Fund- ited. Any request to record Loan Agreement, said Project SIONS: obtained by contacting the REVIEW BOARD HEARING,
Zoom video-conference pro- ing Loan Agreement. must be made pursuant to Uni- Note, a Bond Resolution, a Even though the court session DeKalb County Clerk of Court YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO
ceeding (instructions attached THE AUTHORITY HAS form Superior Court Rule 22 in Deed to Secure Debt, Assign- is virtual, it is still a court ses- at 556 North McDonough REGISTER. MEMBERS OF
below) the same being a pro- WAIVED THE PERFORM- advance of the hearing. Violat- ment, Security Agreement and sion and participants should Street, Decatur, GA 30030, THE PUBLIC WILL HAVE 2
ceeding to confirm and valid- ANCE AUDIT AND PERFORM- ors may be subject to removal Fixture Filing, an Assignment of dress accordingly and conduct 404-371-2836; or by contact- MINUTES TO SPEAK TO THE
ate the issuance of the Hous- ANCE REVIEW REQUIRE- or sanctions, including con- Deed to Secure Debt, Assign- themselves as if they were ing counsel for the petitioner: PROPRTY OF CONCERN.
ing Authority of the County of MENTS PROVIDED IN tempt ment, Security Agreement and physically present in the David Metzger at 309 Syca- Deadline to Register is Wed-
DeKalb, Georgia Multifamily O.C.G.A. § 36 82 100 AND Fixture Filing and Related Doc- courtroom. Please make every more Street, Decatur, GA nesday, December 15, 2021 by
Housing Revenue Note (Cand- WILL NOT CONDUCT ANY 320-452139 11/25,12/2 uments, an Amended and Re- effort to log on a few minutes 30030, 404-373-9590, dmet- 5:00 p.m.
ler Reserve Project), Series “PERFORMANCE AUDIT” OR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC stated Funding Loan Agree- early and test your microphone HOW TO REGISTER:
2021 (the “Governmental “PERFORMANCE REVIEW” YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED ment, an Amended and Re- and audio. All participants must ++1875 Cannon Street Dec- To register for the ZOOM Video
Note”), in the aggregate princip- WITH RESPECT TO THE that on the 7th day of Decem- stated Borrower Loan Agree- rename themselves with first atur Georgia 30032; File No. Conference by PC, Mac, iPad,
al amount of not to exceed GOVERNMENTAL NOTE, AS ber, 2021, at 8:30 a.m., at the ment, an Amended and Re- and last name in their profile 21CV10015-3++ iPhone or Android:
$28,000,000. The Government- SUCH TERMS ARE DE- DeKalb County Courthouse in stated Multifamily Note, an settings or alternatively, during 320-452250 12/2,12/9 • Go to URL:
al Note is to be issued by the SCRIBED IN O.C.G.A. § 36 82 the City of Decatur, Georgia, Amended and Restated Multi- the meeting by hovering over ADVERTISEMENT • Click “Join a Meeting”
Housing Authority of the 100.  Judge Tangela M. Barrie of the family Deed to Secure Debt, their name in the participants OF PUBLIC HEARING • Enter Webinar ID: 814 2120
County of DeKalb, Georgia (the This 18th day of November, Superior Court of DeKalb Assignment of Rents, Security window and clicking "rename." TO WHOM IT MAY CON- 2125 & click “Join” at the bot-
“Authority”) pursuant to a Fund- 2021. County will hear the case of the Agreement and Fixture Filing All microphones should be on CERN: tom.
ing Loan Agreement (the CLERK, SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF GEORGIA, Plaintiff, (Georgia), an Assignment of mute when admitted to the UNDER ARTICLE III OF THE • You will be directed to “We-
“Funding Loan Agreement”), to DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA v. ++HOUSING AUTHORITY Deed to Secure Debt and Loan meeting and should remain ATLANTA HOUSING CODE, binar Registration.”
be dated as of the first day of OF THE COUNTY OF Documents, and a Land Use muted until it is your turn to the above listed properties • Complete the registration
the calendar month in which IN THE SUPERIOR COURT DEKALB, GEORGIA AND Restriction Agreement in con- talk. Headsets are recommen- ++2647 Pharr Road NE++ have • After you have successfully
the initial issuance of the Gov- OF DEKALB COUNTY AGAPE FAMILY DEVELOP- nection therewith. Said Govern- ded rather than integrated au- been inspected by the Office of registered, you will receive a
ernmental Note occurs (the STATE OF GEORGIA MENT, LP, Defendants, Civil mental Note will mature in the dio and microphones on your Code Enforcement based upon confirmation email.
“Dated Date”), among the Au- STATE OF GEORGIA, Action File No. 21CV9911++, in amounts, on the dates and computer. Recordings of the allegations that one or more On the scheduled date of the
thority, Regions Bank, in its ca- Plaintiff, the Superior Court of DeKalb bear interest at the rates set proceedings is strictly prohib- structures on the property are hearing, refer to that confirma-
pacity as initial funding lender v. County, Courtroom 5C, via forth in the Funding Loan ited. Any request to record unfit for human habitation or tion email and click the link.
(the “Initial Funding Lender”) HOUSING AUTHORITY OF Zoom video-conference pro- Agreement. must be made pursuant to Uni- otherwise in violation of the At- To register for the by phone au-
and Regions Bank, in its capa- THE ceeding (instructions attached THE AUTHORITY HAS form Superior Court Rule 22 in lanta Housing Code. The Dir- dio (only if you have no com-
city as fiscal agent (the “Fiscal COUNTY OF DEKALB. GEOR- below) the same being a pro- WAIVED THE PERFORM- advance of the hearing. Violat- ector of the Office of Code En- puter or smart device):
Agent”), pursuant to which the GIA, AND ceeding to confirm and valid- ANCE AUDIT AND PERFORM- ors may be subject to removal forcement has found such Phone registrants, please re-
Authority will receive a loan CANDLER FAMILY DEVELOP- ate the issuance of the Hous- ANCE REVIEW REQUIRE- or sanctions, including con- structure(s) to have several gister by calling Caprecid Oliv-
from the Initial Funding Lender, MENT, LP, ing Authority of the County of MENTS PROVIDED IN tempt code violations that cause the er, Administrative Assistant Sr.
on a draw down basis, in the Defendants. DeKalb, Georgia Multifamily O.C.G.A. § 36 82 100 AND structure to be unfit for human at
maximum aggregate principal CASE NO. 21CV9910-10 Housing Revenue Note (Agape WILL NOT CONDUCT ANY habitation, unsafe and detri- 404-670-1457 or by email:
amount of $28,000,000 (the INSTRUCTIONS FOR JOIN- Senior Project), Series 2021 “PERFORMANCE AUDIT” OR mental to health, safety, mor-
“Funding Loan”). The Funding ING (the “Governmental Note”), in “PERFORMANCE REVIEW” 320-452146 11/25,12/2 als and the general welfare of If you have any questions or
Loan will be evidenced by the ZOOM VIDEO-CONFERENCE the aggregate principal amount WITH RESPECT TO THE Notice of Public Hearing the inhabitants of the City of At- would like to discuss the mat-
Governmental Note, to be de- HEARING of not to exceed $29,000,000. GOVERNMENTAL NOTE, AS The City of Avondale Estates’ lanta. ter, please contact Jocelyn
livered by the Authority to the The above referenced Case is The Governmental Note is to SUCH TERMS ARE DE- Board of Mayor and Commis- The Director of the Office of Lyles, Code Enforcement Man-
Initial Funding Lender. The Au- scheduled for a Bond Valida- be issued by the Housing Au- SCRIBED IN O.C.G.A. § 36 82 sioners will conduct a public Code Enforcement has re- ager at 404-623-4614 or email:
thority will use the proceeds of tion hearing on December 7, thority of the County of DeKalb, 100.  hearing on ++Wednesday, ferred this matter to the In-Rem
the Funding Loan to make a 2021, at 8:30 A.M. Eastern Georgia (the “Authority”) pursu- This 18th day of November, December 8, 2021 at 5:30 Review Board, an independent Commander Brian J. Schiff-
mortgage loan (the “Project Time (US and Canada). The ant to a Funding Loan Agree- 2021. PM++ to vote on the adoption body authorized to hear the bauer
Loan”), in the maximum ag- hearing will be held via Zoom ment (the “Funding Loan CLERK, SUPERIOR COURT, of the draft of the Avondale Es- matter. The Board has the au- Director/Commander – APD -
gregate principal amount of videoconference before the Agreement”), to be dated as of DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA tates 2021 Comprehensive thority, after public hearing and Code Enforcement Section
$28,000,000, to Defendant Honorable Tangela M. Barrie, the first day of the calendar Plan. specific findings of fact, to or-
Candler Family Development, Judge, DeKalb County Superi- month in which the initial issu- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT This public hearing will be held der the structure(s) on the prop-
LP (the “Borrower”), pursuant to or Court, DeKalb County Court- ance of the Governmental Note OF DEKALB COUNTY at the following location: erty either demolished or
the terms of a Project Loan house, Decatur, GA 30030. occurs (the “Dated Date”), STATE OF GEORGIA City of Avondale EstatesCity cleaned and closed, depend-
Agreement, to be dated the To Join Meeting: among the Authority, Regions STATE OF GEORGIA, Hall ing on the percentage of deteri-
Dated Date (the “Project Loan Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS Bank, in its capacity as initial Plaintiff, 21 North Avondale Plaza oration.
Agreement”), among the Au- or Android: https://dekalb- funding lender (the “Initial v. Avondale Estates, GA 30002 A title search has revealed that
thority, the Fiscal Agent and the Funding Lender”) and Regions HOUSING AUTHORITY OF All interested parties are in- you may be an owner(s), per-
Borrower. The Project Loan will 65 Bank, in its capacity as fiscal THE vited to attend. sons in control or possession,
be evidenced by a mortgage Password: 486588 agent (the “Fiscal Agent”), pur- COUNTY OF DEKALB. GEOR- Ken Morris or otherwise hold an interest in
note in the maximum aggreg- suant to which the Authority will GIA, AND Planner & Permit Services Co- the property. As such, you have
ate principal amount of Or Telephone: receive a loan from the Initial AGAPE FAMILY DEVELOP- ordinator the right to file an answer to
$28,000,000 (the “Project Dial: Funding Lender, on a draw MENT, LP, City of Avondale Estates this notice in writing and/or to
Note”), to be delivered by the USA 602 333 0032 down basis, in the maximum Defendants. appear in person at the hear-
Borrower to the Authority and USA 8882709936 (US Toll aggregate principal amount of CASE NO. 21CV9911-10 ing or to send a representative
endorsed by the Authority to Free) $29,000,000 (the “Funding INSTRUCTIONS FOR JOIN- to give testimony at the hear-
the Fiscal Agent. The pro- Conference code: 848512 Loan”). The Funding Loan will ING ing concerning the property.
vehicle to satisfy the debt. US Toll Free: 888 270 9936 V e h i c l e I D # : 19-1044
The vehicles are currently loc- Conference code: 171493 2T1CG22P3XC224913 Vehicle
ated at 344 Kathleen Dr. SE, License: NONE State: 1978 MERCURY G.MARQUIS
Marietta, GA.30067 Public comments of two 1MEBP95F3EZ685585
The vehicles subject to liens as minutes or less may be made Vehicle make: KIA Year: 2017 19-1109 DER
stated above are identified as: live via the teleconference. For Model: SPORT
Page 32 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
Vehicle make: HYUNDAI Year:
those joining the meeting by
telephone, please be aware
V e h i c l e
2013 Model: SONATA HYBRID 330-452252 12/2,12/9 that your phone number may Vehicle License: RWX1045 19-1436
Public Notice V e h i c l e
be displayed to the public view-
ing or participating in the on-
State: GA
Anyone with an ownership in-
Public Sale 2014 NISSAN ALTIMA
330-451999 11/18,11/25,12/2 Vehicle License: NA State: ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE line meeting. Citizens who at- terest in any of these vehicles 340-452114 11/25,12/2 1N4AL3AP3EC295468
12/9 SOUTH DEKALB TOWING tend the meeting via the Zoom should contact the following PUBLIC NOTICE 19-1438
NOTICE OF LAND SWAP OF Vehicle make: HYUNDAI Year: You are hereby notified, in ac- link above may join the public business immediately: K.O. STATEWIDE WRECKER
0.563 ACRES AT 1358 2010 Model: ACCENT cordance with OCGA 40-11- comment queue by raising their Towing, 344 Kathleen Dr. Se, SERVICE 2000 V.W. PASSAT
DRESDEN DRIVE, V e h i c l e I D # : 19.1, that petitions were filed in hand in the Zoom application, Marietta, Ga 30067. 770-650- SOUTH, INC. WVWMD23B0YE243157
BROOKHAVEN, GA FOR 1.14 KMHCM3ACXAU185708 the Magistrate Court of Dekalb while citizens who attend the 1413 NOVEMBER 27, 2021 19-1439
ACRES AT 3653 CLAIRMONT Vehicle License: NA State: County to foreclose liens meeting via telephone may join ++BMW 2007 X5 Vehicle ID#: YEAR, MAKE, MODEL,
ROAD, GA against the vehicles listed for the comment queue by press- 5UXFE83597LZ39656++ VIN, 2000 TOYOTA COROLLA
The public is hereby notified Vehicle make: HYUNDAI Year: all the amounts owed. If a lien ing # followed by 2. There will TICKET 1NXBR12E6YZ316919
that pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36- 2018 Model: ELANTRA SE is foreclosed, the court shall or- be no comment cards, so when 19-1765
9-3(a)(3)(D), on March 10, V e h i c l e I D # : der the sale of the vehicle to you are called upon, please 2009 HONDA ACCORD
2020, the DeKalb County Gov- 5NPD74LF7JH287619 Vehicle satisfy the debt. The present state your name and address 330-452255 12/2,12/9 1HGCP26359A196841 2004 FORD EXPLORER
erning Authority approved its License: CIJ7722 State: GA location of the vehicle is: for the record. Also, please be ABANDONED MOTOR 19-0026 1FMZU67K24UB27316
willingness to enter into a real conscious of speaking time so VEHICLE PETITION 19-1843
estate exchange of approxim- Vehicle make: HYUNDAI Year: SOUTH DEKALB TOWING that everyone has an opportun- ADVERTISEMENT 2002 CADILLAC ESCALADE
ately 0.563 acres of land cur- 2012 Model: SONATA GLS 7043 ROGERS LAKE RD ity to provide input in the allot- You are hereby notified, in ac- 1GYEC63T72R287402 2006 FORD TAURUS
rently owned by DeKalb County V e h i c l e I D # : LITHONIA GA 30058 ted time. Abusive, profane, or cordance with O.C.G.A. Sec- 19-0053 1FAFP53U96A240349
located at 1358 Dresden Drive, 5NPEB4AC2CH443113 Vehicle (404)508-0246 derogatory language will not be tion 40-11-19.1, that petitions 19-1875
Brookhaven, Atlanta, GA for License: 245UHC State: WI permitted. were filed in the Magistrate 1997 CHEVROLET 2500
approximately 1.14 acres of Anyone with an ownership in- Court of Cobb County to fore- 1GCGC29R5VE222482 2000 FORD EXPLORER
property located at 3653 Clair- Vehicle make: FORD Year: terest in vehicle listed herein close liens against the vehicles 19-0054 1FMZU65E1YZA40299
mont Road, Chamblee, GA, 2003 Model: ESCAPE may file an answer to the peti- 330-452254 12/2,12/9 listed below for all amounts 19-2092
currently owned by SSP TP V e h i c l e I D # : tion on or before 10 DAYS OF ABANDONED MOTOR owed. If a lien is foreclosed, the 2005 FORD 500
Tag, LLC. The public is hereby 1FMCU93173KD47310 Vehicle THIS NOTICE. VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT Court shall order the sale of the 1FAFP23165G130567 2013 FORD FOCUS
notified that the County intends License: NA State: Answer forms may be found in NOTICE vehicle to satisfy the debt. The 19-0180 1FADP3F20DL230557
to close this real estate land the Magistrate Court Clerk’s Of- (TOWING OR STORAGE present location of the vehicle 19-2107
swap transaction. This publica- Vehicle make: FORD Year: fice located at: COMPANY) is: 344 Kathleen Dr. Se, Mari- 2001 CHEVROLET TAHOE
tion shall be published once a 2003 Model: F150 SUPER- 556 North McDonough Street You are hereby notified, in ac- etta GA 30067. 1GNEC13T91J230289 1998 TOYOTA COROLLA
week for four weeks in the six CREW Decatur, GA 30030 cordance with OCGA 40-11- Anyone with an ownership in- 19-0186 1NXBR18E5WZ053665
weeks prior to closing, which is V e h i c l e I D # : Forms may also be obtained 19{a)(2), that each of the be- terest in a vehicle listed herein 19-2117
estimated to occur on or be- 1FTRW08L83KB49625 Vehicle online at www.georgiamagis- low--referenced vehicles are may file an answer to the peti- 2004 ACURA TL
fore December 17, 2021. License: NA State: GA subject to a lien and a petition tion on or before: 12/27/2021. 19UUA66214A050045 2002 PONTIAC SUNFIRE
Please contact Zachary L. Willi- You are hereby notified , in ac- may be filed in court to fore- Answer forms may be found in 19-0244 1G2JB124927109429
ams, Executive Assistant and Vehicle make: ACURA Year: cordance with OCGA 40-11- close a lien for all amounts the Magistrate Court Clerk's of- 19-2398
Chief Operating Officer for 2000 Model: 3.2 TL 9(a)(2), that each of the follow- owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a fice located at: 32 Waddell St 1001 NISSAN ALTIMA
DeKalb County, 1300 Com- V e h i c l e I D # : ing below-referenced vehicles court shall order the sale of the SE, Marietta, GA 30090. 1N4AL11D12C717503 2007 NISSAN ALTIMA
merce Drive, Decatur, GA 19UUA5666YA033051 Vehicle are subject to a lien and a peti- vehicle to satisfy the debt. Forms may also be obtained 19-0251 1N4AL21E97N409974
30030. License: 3AP2265 State: AL tion may be filed in court to The vehicles are currently loc- online at www.georgiamagis- 19-2399
++1358 Dresden Drive, foreclose a lien for all amounts ated at 344 Kathleen Dr. SE, 2012 CHRYSLER 200
Brookhaven, Atlanta, GA/3653 Vehicle make: HONDA Year: owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a Marietta, GA.30067 1C3CCBBB8CN299991 2009 HYUNDAI SONATA
Clairmont Road, Chamblee, 2002 Model: CIVIC court shall order the sale of the The vehicles subject to liens as Vehicle make: HONDA Year: 19-0260A 5NPET46C69H555590
GA++ V e h i c l e I D # : vehicle to satisfy the debt. stated above are identified as: 1999 Model: CIVIC 19-3025
1HGES16542L040545 Vehicle The vehicles are currently loc- V e h i c l e I . D # 1995 FORD TAURUS
330-452113 11/25,12/2,12/9 License: RFN4669 State: GA ated at South Dekalb Towing, Vehicle make: BMW Year: 2012 CHEVROLET CRUZE
2HGEJ6617XH557520 Vehicle 1FALP52U8SA221466
ABANDONED MOTOR 7043 Rogers Lake Rd, Lithonia, 2007 Model: X5 1G1PH5SC9C7256041
License #: NONE State: 19-0356A
VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT Vehicle make: TOYOTA Year: GA 30058 V e h i c l e I D # : 19-3031
Magistrate Court Case No.: 21-
NOTICE 1998 Model: CAMRY XLE The vehicles subject to liens as 5UXFE83597LZ39656 Vehicle L-03008 2007 SATURN AURA
(TOWING OR STORAGE V e h i c l e I D # : stated above are identified as: License: NONE State: 2009 FORD ESCAPE
COMPANY) 1G8ZS57NX7F135472
4T1BG22K9WU188593 Vehicle Vehicle make: HYUNDAI Year: 19-0384 1FMCU93729KA81398
You are hereby notified, in ac- License: RZK9991 State: GA ++2018 NISSAN VERSA Vehicle make: VOLKSWAGEN 19-3059
2003 Model: SANTA FE
cordance with OCGA 40-11-19 3N1CN7AP7JL802555++ Year: 2014 Model: JETTA SE V e h i c l e 2006 KAWASAKI 1000
(a) (2), that each of the below- Vehicle make: DODGE Year: 83652 V e h i c l e I D # : 2012 CHEVROLET SIL-
I.D#KM8SC13E33U550332 JKAEXEA1X6A011235
referenced vehicles are sub- 2008 Model: CHARGER 3VWB17AJ8EM405515 Vehicle VERADO
Vehicle License #: RYT3036 19-0440
ject to a lien and a petition may V e h i c l e I D # : 2001 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA License: CLP3004 State: GA 1GCNCPEX0CZ213428
State: GA
be filed in court to foreclose a 2B3KA43G48H333199 Vehicle 3VWSS29M01M044645 19-3088
Magistrate Court Case No.: 21- 2006 CHRYSLER 300
lien for all amounts owed. If the License: REH0365 State: GA 83722 Vehicle make: NISSAN Year: L-03032 2C3KA53G36H143352
lien is foreclosed, a court shall 2017 Model: VERSA 1997 HONDA ACCORD
order the sale of the vehicle to 19-0453
Vehicle make: CHRYSLER Anyone with an ownership in- V e h i c l e I D # : Vehicle make: CADILLAC Year: 1HGCD5569VA046733
satisfy the debt. Year: 1999 Model: TOWN & terest in any of these vehicles 3N1CN7AP4HK458859 Vehicle 19-3134
2006 Model: CTS 2016 HYUNDAI ELANTRA
The vehicles are currently loc- COUNTRY LIMITED should contact the following License: CKQ7071 State: GA V e h i c l e I . D # 5NPDH4AE7GH782290
ated at Statewide Wrecker Ser- V e h i c l e I D # : business immediately. 2008 BUICK LACROSSE
1G6DM57T060161348 Vehicle 19-0457
vice Inc., 2775 Simpson Circle, 1C4GP64L6XB806277 Vehicle Vehicle make: TOYOTA Year: 2G4WD582481259927
License #: NONE State:
Norcross, GA 30071 License: AAY7674 State: GA Business name: SOUTH 2006 Model: PRIUS 19-3265
Magistrate Court Case No.: 21- 2000 GMC SIERRA
The vehicles subject to liens as DEKALB TOWING V e h i c l e I D # : L-03044 2GTEK19TXY1235542
stated above are identified as: Vehicle make: BMW Year: Address: 7043 ROGERS LAKE JTDKB20U567071941 Vehicle 1999 JEEP CHEROKEE
++Homemade Trailer; NO VIN; 19-0472
2004 Model: 330CI RD LITHONIA GA 30058 License: NONE State: Vehicle make: LEXUS Year: 1J4GW58S1XC561763
NO TAG (Tow #21005343)++ V e h i c l e I D # : Telephone: (404)508-0246 19-3443
1990 Model: LS400 2015 HYUNDAI SONATA
Anyone with an ownership in- WBABW53474PL40873 FAX: 770-482-3041 Vehicle make: HONDA Year: V e h i c l e I . D # 5NPE24AA8FH097037
terest in any of these vehicles Vehicle License: NA State: 2001 Model: CIVIC 2006 INFINITI G35
JT8UF11E4L0001994 Vehicle 19-0633
should contact the following 330-452253 12/2 V e h i c l e I D # : JNKCV51E56M520345
License #: NONE State:
business immediately: Vehicle make: HYUNDAI Year: MEETING 1HGEM22581L033358 Vehicle 19-3855
Magistrate Court Case No.: 21- 2009 ACURA TL
Business Name: Statewide 2013 Model: ELANTRA GLS LI DEKALB BOARD OF License: RNF8045 State: GA L-03045 19UUA86219A003200
Wrecker Service, Inc. V e h i c l e I D # : REGISTRATION AND 2000 FORD EXPLORER
Address: PO Box 1778, 19-0711
5NPDH4AE8DH367989 ELECTIONS Vehicle make: TOYOTA Year: Vehicle make: MERCEDES- 1FMZU73E8YZB09045
Flowery Branch, GA 30542- Vehicle License: RXI3808 The DeKalb Board of Registra- 1998 Model: 4 RUNNER 19-4088A
BENZ Year: 2009 Model: C300 2018 NISSAN ALTIMA
0030 State: GA tion and Elections meeting for V e h i c l e I D # : V e h i c l e 1N4AL3AP5JC209801
Telephone #: 770-381-1140 the purpose of conducting its JT3GN86R1W0066249 Vehicle 2007 INFINITI FX35
I.D#WDDGF54X39F206673 19-0831
Vehicle make: HYUNDAI Year: normal monthly business will License: RUG3681 State: GA Vehicle License #: 2037BB3 JNRAS08W67X202821
330-452135 11/25,12/2 2013 Model: SONATA be held on ++Monday, Decem- State: AL 2009 FORD FOCUS 19-4126
ABANDONED MOTOR V e h i c l e I D # : ber 6, 2021 at 12:00 PM++. Vehicle make: BMW Year: Magistrate Court Case No.: 21- 1FAHP35N89W265821
VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT 5NPEC4AC0DH731517 This meeting will be conducted 2008 Model: 528I L-03014 19-0917 2000 MERCURY SABLE
NOTICE Vehicle License: P2632129 via teleconference (Zoom). V e h i c l e I D # : 1MEFM55S7YG630296
(TOWING OR STORAGE State: GA Simultaneous public access to WBANU535X8CT10906 Vehicle make: FORD Year: 2000 TOYOTA CAMRY 19-4271
COMPANY) ++HYUNDAI Year: 2013 Model: the meeting will be available via Vehicle License: NONE State: 2010 Model: FUSION 4T1BG22K3YU972058
You are hereby notified, in ac- SONATA HYBRID Vehicle ID#: livestream on V e h i c l e I . D # 19-0990 2002 INFINITI
cordance with OCGA 40-11- KMHEC4A40DA084516++ DCTV’s UStream channel ht- Vehicle make: RAM Year: 2014 3FAHP0HG9AR286308 Vehicle JNKDA31AX2T030016
19{a)(2), that each of the be- tps:// Model:TRUCK 1500SLT License #: TAE2885 State: GA 2008 DODGE AVENGER 19-4273
low--referenced vehicles are 330-452251 12/2 v-channel-23 V e h i c l e I D # : Magistrate Court Case No.: 21- 1B3LC56R28N278597
subject to a lien and a petition PUBLIC NOTICE To make a comment, join via 1C6RR6LT2ES271876 Vehicle L-03013 19-1024 DER 2010 DODGE CALIBER
may be filed in court to fore- A change of licensee applica- Zoom: License: TAN0616 State: GA 1B3CB4HA5AD535865
close a lien for all amounts tion has been filed for liquor, Vehicle make: HONDA Year: 2013 CHEVROLET MALIBU 19-4274
owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a beer, and wine retail dealer li- /j/97184078303 Vehicle make: TOYOTA Year: 2003 Model: ACCORD LX 1G11C5SA2DF221349
court shall order the sale of the cense for ++Labham, LLC d/b/a Or telephone: 1999 Model: CAMRY SOLARA V e h i c l e I . D # 19-1044 2004 FORD EXPEDITION
vehicle to satisfy the debt. The Winery 2++, located at US Toll Free: 888 270 9936 V e h i c l e I D # : 3HGCM56383G708403 Vehicle 1FMFU18L8LA05949
The vehicles are currently loc- 2101 Savoy Drive, Chamblee, Conference code: 171493 2T1CG22P3XC224913 Vehicle License #: RGN9157 State: GA 1978 MERCURY G.MARQUIS 19-4278
ated at 344 Kathleen Dr. SE, GA 30341. The owner remains License: NONE State: Magistrate Court Case No.: 21- 1MEBP95F3EZ685585
Marietta, GA.30067 Labham, LLC, 2101 Savoy Public comments of two L-03018 19-1109 DER 2009 HYUNDAI
The vehicles subject to liens as Drive, Chamblee, GA 30341. minutes or less may be made Vehicle make: KIA Year: 2017 ++HONDA 1999 CIVIC Vehicle KMHDC86E29U046067
stated above are identified as: Shakuntala Patel will be the li- live via the teleconference. For Model: SPORT I.D# 2HGEJ6617XH557520/ 2004 DODGE PICKUP 19-4279
censee. Shakuntala Patel is the those joining the meeting by V e h i c l e I D # : 21-L-03008++ 1D7HA18N54J218706
Vehicle make: HYUNDAI Year: sole member of Labham, LLC telephone, please be aware KNDPM3ACXH7240513 19-1436 2009 HYUNDAI ELANTRA
2013 Model: SONATA HYBRID that your phone number may Vehicle License: RWX1045 KMHDC86E29U046067
V e h i c l e I D # : be displayed to the public view- State: GA 2014 NISSAN ALTIMA 19-4336
KMHEC4A40DA084516 ing or participating in the on- Anyone with an ownership in- 1N4AL3AP3EC295468
Vehicle License: NA State: line meeting. Citizens who at- terest in any of these vehicles 19-1438 2007 VOLVO S60
1FMFU18L8LA05949 20-1106 DER 20-2180 1HGEM22503L006707 2005 TOYOTA COROLLA 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA
19-4278 20-2685 1NXBR32E85Z425552 2G1WC581269432611 2016 V.W. PASSAT
2005 NISSAN ALTIMA 2008 CHEVROLET COBALT 20-3390 DER 21-0006 DER 1VWBS7A36GC021770
2009 HYUNDAI 1N4AL11DX5C359578 1G1AK58F187299899 2004 MERCURY SABLE 21-2546 DER
KMHDC86E29U046067 20-1157 20-2197 1MEFM50U04A602183 2004 TOYOTA 4RUNNER 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA
19-4279 20-2690 JTEZU14R548021830 1NXBU40EX9Z004364 2006 BMW 750
The Champion
2017 BMW Legal
2004 CADILLAC DEVILLE 530I Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 20-3411 21-0016 DER Page 33
2009 HYUNDAI ELANTRA 1G6KD54Y14U189592 WBAJA7C3XHWA70176 2002 JAGUAR STYPE 21-2599 DER
KMHDC86E29U046067 20-1191 20-2208 SAJDA03P32GM31211 2002 FORD F250 2016 NISSAN VERSA
19-4336 20-2698 1FTNW20L22EA58580 3N1CN7AP2GL848674
2007 VOLVO S60 1B3EL46T55N603933 WBAFB33561LH16785 2007 VOLVO S40 SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION
YV1RS592472618868 20-1208 20-2247 YV1MS382572284981 2015 V.W. JETTA 2006 NISSAN TITAN ON OR ABOUT ++NOVEM-
19-4354 20-2703 3VWD17AJXFM263369 1N6BA07A76N546761 BER 27, 2021 AT 10:00 A.M.++
2005 HONDA CIVIC 1993 TOYOTA CAMRY 20-3463 21-0783 DER LOCATION WILL BE 6995
1G8ZK5276XZ312221 20-1216 20-2251 YV1RS61T542397061 2014 DODGE DART 2013 TOYOTA CAMRY GA 30058(770)322-9688. ALL
19-4410 20-2731 1C3CDFBB2ED862093 4T1BD1FK3DU095773 WILL BE
1995 TOYOTA CAMRY 1997 FORTD F150 20-3467 21-0787 DER SOLD AS IS WITH NO WAR-
1G4HR54K91U252093 20-1243 20-2303 KNDUP132556689537 2007 FORD F150 2000 TOYOTA CAMRY OR IMPLIED, CONTENTS IN-
19-4443 20-2734 1FTRF12277KA95763 2T1CG22PXYC343978 CLUDED.
2006 INFINITI FX35 2002 CHEVROLET BLAZER 20-3478 DER 21-0959 DER PREVIEW 9:00 TO 10:00 A.M.
1D4HD38N04F235559 20-1730 20-2327 KNDUP132556689537 2015 FORD MUSTANG 2002 JEEP GRAND CHERO- CASH ONLY WILL BE ACCEP-
19-4453 20-2757 1FATP8UH4F5393011 KEE TED AT TIME OF BID!!!!
1B3ES26C63D207097 20-1773 20-2357 3N1BC13E57L390476 2003 KIA SPECTRA OUR WEBSITE AT
2006 HYUNDAI SONATA 1G1ZB5ST1KF176361 1G1JA5SH7D4252790 2009 HYUNDAI SONATA 21-1132 DER
5NPEU46F06H107266 20-1905 20-2368 5NPET46C09H492101 1999 JEEP CHEROKEE 340-452115 11/25,12/2
20-0457 DER 20-2814 1J4GW68S9XC554534 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE
2010 DODGE CHARGER 2016 KIA OPTIMA 20-3499 To satisfy the owner's storage
2005 NISSAN SENTRA 2B3CA3CV4AH107568 KNAGT4L37G5083956 2003 MERCEDES E320 21-1150 DER lien, PS Orange Co. Inc. will
3N1CB51D15L509968 20-1911 20-2440 WDBUF65J43A322481 2013 CHEVROLET CRUZE sell at public lien sale on
20-2815 1G1PA5SH6D7266706 2005 CHEVROLET MALIBU ++December 14, 2021++, the
2005 NISSAN SENTRA 2004 TOYOTA COROLLA 1998 TOYOTA AVALON 20-3503 1G1ZU64875F329712 personal property in the below-
3N1CB51D15L509968 1NXBR32E44Z327746 4T1BF18B7WU226200 2015 CHRYSLER 200 21-1152 DER listed units, which may include
20-0524 20-1916 20-2446 1C3CCCBBXFN745133 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING but are not limited to: house-
20-2861 1C3EL55R54N103364 2000 YAMAHA M/C hold and personal items, office
2013 DODGE AVENGER 1990 TOYOTA CELICA 2010 KIA FORTE 20-3507 JYARN05E2YA002671 and other equipment. The pub-
1C3CDZAB8DN540540 JT2AT86F9L0011713 KNAFW6A35A5175995 1995 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 21-1256 DER lic sale of these items will be-
20-0525 20-1937 20-2451 1LNLM82W2SY645122 2001 FORD TAURUS gin at 09:30 AM and continue
20-2877 1FAHP55U81A206451 2006 INFINITI M35 until all units are sold. Lien sale
2013 DODGE AVENGER 2011 V.W. JETTA 1998 TOYOTA COROLLA 20-3516 JNKAY01E66M103849 to be held at the online auction
1C3CDZAB8DN540540 3VW2K7AJ3BM371752 1NXBR12E0WZ079289 2005 LEXUS ES300 21-1282 DER website, www.storagetreas-
20-0525 20-1973 20-2455 JTHBA30G055073883 2007 MERCEDES E350, where indicated. For
20-2897 WDBUF87X57X220106 2002 HYUNDAI SONATA online lien sales, bids will be
2008 PONTIAC GRAND AM 2013 V.W. PASSAT 208 BMW X3 20-3575 KMHWF25S82A523256 accepted until 2 hours after the
2G2WP552481115458 1VWBP7A36DC100935 WBXPC93498WJ02885 2015 CHEVROLET IMPALA 21-1487 DER time of the sale specified.
20-0577 20-1981 20-2539 2G1125S32F9243075 1997 MERCURY G.MARQUIS
20-2899 2MELM75W5VX641675 2002 MITSUBISHI GALANT PUBLIC STORAGE # 20601,
1995 GMC SIERRA 2013 NISSAN SENTRA 2000 CHEVROLET TAHOE 20-3609 4A3AA46G52E002150 3687 Flat Shoals Road, Dec-
1GTGC34K6SE516002 3N1AB7AP4DL667796 1GNEC13R3YR141835 2013 NISSAN ALTIMA 21-1731 DER atur, GA 30034, (404) 573-
20-0898 20-1987 20-2573 1N4AL3AP8DC191332 1999 DODGE RAM 4859
20-2905 1B7KC23Z9XJ558066 2006 NISSAN SENTRA Time: 09:30 AM
2011 CHEVROLET CAMARO 2006 DODGE STRATUS 2002 TOYOTA CAMRY 20-3627 DER 3N1CB51D66L561890 Sale to be held at www.stor-
2G1FK1EJ8B9100215 1B3EL46X16N244715 4T1BE32K12U559896 2013 NISSAN ALTIMA 21-1742 DER
20-0931 20-1988 20-2595 1N4AL3APXDC219809 2008 MERCEDES C300 A005 - Brewer, Derrick; B017 -
20-2911 WDDGF54X78R022379 2001 CHEVROLET TAHOE Collins Jr, David; B018 -
2015 NISSAN ALTIMA 2017 DODGE CHALLENGER 2011 CHEVROLET CAMARO 20-3655 1GNEK13T51R135054 Stampley, Herman; C003 -
1N4AL3AP9FN904245 2C3CDZAG5HH598535 2G1FC1ED9B9167123 2007 HONDA CIVIC 21-1784A DER Cole, Mark; C008 - Carter,
20-0940 20-2002 20-2604 JHMFA36237S014330 2013 CHEVROLET MALIBU Charmagne; C017 - Moore,
20-2933 1G11D5RR2DF121681 2000 FORD EXPLORER Lee'bria; C020 - Campbell,
2005 SUZUKI M/C 2007 SATURN ION 2013 CHEVROLET IMPALA 20-3700 1FMZU83P4YUB53452 April; C034 - Ellis, Clarissa;
JS1GN7CA952113965 1G8AJ58F17Z208489 2G1WF5E37D1215726 2015 NISSAN VERSA 21-1790 DER C047 - Price, Leontyne; C052 -
20-0941 20-2045 20-2628 3N1CN7AP7FL953693 2015 CHRYSLER 200 Smith, Kristopher; C069 - Nel-
20-2980 1C3CCCAB7FN750517 2008 HONDA ACCORD son, Danielle; D008 - Woodruff,
2012 HONDA ACCORD 2009 AUDI A3 1999 CHEVROLET SUBURB- 20-3707 1HGCP36858A082869 Terrence; D014 - Coward,
1HGCP3F82CA019477 WAUKF78P49A091425 AN 2008 YAMAHA M/C 21-1889 DER Joseph; D036 - Haynes, Eboni;
20-0984 20-2054 3GNEC16R8XG242461 JYARJ06E78A037247 2019 CHEVROLET CAMARO D054 - Wyatt, xavier; D062 -
20-2650 20-3021 1G1FD1RS8K0134842 2004 ACURA TL Jones, Gregory; E015 -
2007 SUZUKI RENO 2007 PONTIC G.PRIX 20-3709 19UUA66284A022310 Cooper, Jimmie; F011 - Ford
KL5JD66Z57K614161 2G2WP552371186777 2015 CHEVROLET CRUZE 2015 NISSAN SENTRA 21-1944 DER Jr, Anthony; G016 - Blue, Alex;
20-0985 20-2056 1G1PC5SB0F7269478 3N1AB7AP4FY235201 2007 V.W. JETTA H019 - Sow, Alhassane; J020 -
20-2660 20-3031 3VWEF71K87M117990 2009 FORD CROWN VIC amey, Marquise; L012 - Berry,
2007 CADILLAC STS 2006 CHRYSLER 300 20-3717 2FAHP71V69X118866 Nina; L015 - Brown, Tyrannus;
1G6DW677370193571 2C3KA53G46H350347 2005 MITSUBISHI ENDEAVOR 1983 CHEVROLET EL CAM- 21-1986 DER L054 - Johnson, Christopher;
20-0987 20-2061 4A4MM21S75E013431 INO 2000 NISSAN MAXIMA L055 - Baldwin, Calandra; L113
20-2662 1GCCW80H2DR245948 JN1CA31D7YT543341 2008 NISSAN ALTIMA - Jenkins, Tuerreva; L119 -
2010 DODGE RAM 2005 FORD FOCUS 20-3041 20-3730 1N4AL21E88C169782 Clark, Samuel; L149 - Mc-
1D7RB1GP4AS184767 3FAHP31N25R121698 205 NISSAN MAXIMA 21-2052 DER Queen, William; L174 - mcken-
20-1014 20-2089 1N4BA41E65C860858 2013 KIA SPORTAGE 2017 TOYOTA CAMRY zie, Samantha; L191 - Drayton,
20-2664 KNDPB3A23D7513749 4T1BF1FK5HU681360 2001 MERCEEDS S430 Alesha; L229 - Jenkins Jr,
1995 MERCURY G MARQUIS 2004 INFINITI G35 20-3068 20-3757 WDBNG70J41A194318 Larry; L250 - Rodriguez, Lori;
2MELM75W3SX635627 JNKCV54E14M824264 2007 TOYOTA CAMRY 21-2184 DER M003 - Bailey, Latosha; M020 -
20-1039 20-2091 4T1BK46K17U028469 2009 HONDA CIVIC 2004 ACURA TL Smith, Valeria; M027 - Chap-
20-2666 2HGFA16559H543239 19UUA66244A042358 2007 KAWASAKI M/C pel, Teresa; M035 - Daniel,
1997 HONDA CIVIC 2006 CADILLAC CTS 20-3073 20-3768 JKAZXCD147A022721 Stephen
1HGEJ7128VL018605 1G6DM57T260167944 2001 BUICK PARK AVE 21-2262 DER PUBLIC STORAGE # 25592,
20-1040 21-2093 1G4CW54K714160564 1999 DODGE DAKOTA 2015 DODGE DART 5260 Minola Drive, Lithonia,
20-2670 1B7GL22X3XS154602 1C3CDFAA7FD225100 2004 CADILLAC STS GA 30038, (404) 445-7828
2004 TOYOTA COROLLA 2014 DODGE CHARGER 20-3089 20-3773 1G6DM577940112780 Time: 09:45 AM
1NXBR32E54Z287905 2C3CDXBG0EH245182 2006 JEEP CHEROKEE 21-2301 DER Sale to be held at www.stor-
20-1084 20-2111 1J8HS58N86C148729 2005 LEXUS ES300 2004 VOLVO C70
20-2674 JTHBA30G055073883 YV1NC63D24J063299 2004 MERCEDES ML350 A0012 - clark, Timothy; A0605 -
1996 SUZUKI 2007 TOYOTA SEQUOIA 20-3184 20-3896 4JGAB57E14A506235 young, brandon; A0612 -
JS1GN72AXT2101726 5TDZT38A47S293129 2004 SATURN ION 21-2398 DER Squire, Thelma; A0915 - Isaac,
20-1098 21-2119 1G8AZ52F14Z212488 1993 JEEP CHEROKEE 2006 LEXUS ES350 Candace; A1012 - Jones, Cyn-
20-2675 1J4FT68S8PL600228 JTHBA30G965144922 2003 NISSAN ALTIMA thia; A2033 - Gordon, Sheryl;
2005 NISAN ALTIMA 2003 CADILLAC CLK320 20-3188 21-0002 DER 1N4AL11D93C158929 B0005 - Riggin, Michael; B0021
1N4AL11E65N453440 WDBTJ65J03F032008 2003 HONDA CIVIC 21-2401 DER - hardin, michelle; B0309 -
20-1106 DER 20-2180 1HGEM22503L006707 2005 TOYOTA COROLLA 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA Eades, Chanel; B0415 - Lang,
20-2685 1NXBR32E85Z425552 2G1WC581269432611 2016 V.W. PASSAT Leonardo; B0703 - Clark, Lind-
2005 NISSAN ALTIMA 2008 CHEVROLET COBALT 20-3390 DER 21-0006 DER 1VWBS7A36GC021770 say; B0706 - CURRY, STACY;
1N4AL11DX5C359578 1G1AK58F187299899 2004 MERCURY SABLE 21-2546 DER B0709 - Swinger, Alexandria;
20-1157 20-2197 1MEFM50U04A602183 2004 TOYOTA 4RUNNER 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA B1011 - Gousse, Gerard; C01 -
20-2690 JTEZU14R548021830 1NXBU40EX9Z004364 2006 BMW 750 David, Karen; C11 - washing-
2004 CADILLAC DEVILLE 2017 BMW 530I 20-3411 21-0016 DER WBAHN835X6DT39342 ton, Justin
1G6KD54Y14U189592 WBAJA7C3XHWA70176 2002 JAGUAR STYPE 21-2599 DER PUBLIC STORAGE # 21712,
20-1191 20-2208 SAJDA03P32GM31211 2002 FORD F250 2016 NISSAN VERSA 4200 Snapfinger Woods Drive,
20-2698 1FTNW20L22EA58580 3N1CN7AP2GL848674 Decatur, GA 30035, (404) 573-
2005 DODGE STRATUS 2001 BMW X5 20-3414 DER 21-0198 DER SAID VEHICLES WILL BE 4891
1B3EL46T55N603933 WBAFB33561LH16785 2007 VOLVO S40 SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION Time: 10:00 AM
Eades, Chanel; B0415 - Lang, Taryn; 723 - Howard, Sheriah; FURNITURE, BOXES, BAGS, Thrash, Cory; 1385A - foster, Butler, Isaiah; E124 - Moore,
Leonardo; B0703 - Clark, Lind- 916 - Atwater, Kim CHAIRS, BEDDING, Kamara; 1399B - Frost, Ronel; Charles; F024 - Saylor, Aaron;
say; B0706 - CURRY, STACY; PUBLIC STORAGE # 23207, CHESTER DRAWER, DRESS- 1400A - Hope, Porcha; 1428A - F026 - igneri, timothy; G097 -
B0709 - Swinger, Alexandria; 4343 Covington Hwy, Decatur, ER, MIRROR, DOLLEY, AP- Dowling, Tavis; 1430 - Le- Malloy, Jan; H020 - Williams,
B1011 - Gousse, Gerard; C01 - GA 30035, (404) 596-5473 PLIANCES, & LAMP onard, Nathan; 1431A - Smith, Tequila
David, Karen; C11 - washing- Time: 11:15 AM Alexia; 1440 - Haile, Veronica; PUBLIC STORAGE # 20491,
Page 34
ton, Justin
The Champion Legal Section,
Sale to be held at www.stor- Thursday,
C010 Michael Stowers
MAT- DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021  1444 - Johnson, Chayne; 2012
- Roy, Carol; 2154 - Cole,
3400 Lawrenceville Hwy, Tuck-
er, GA 30084, (678) 801-6672
4200 Snapfinger Woods Drive, A026 - Alexander, Malik; A037 - 340-452116 11/25,12/2 CHAIRS, TOOLS, 2 TV’s, RID- 340-452172 11/25,12/2 Niamnai; 2194 - baccich, Time: 11:30 AM
Decatur, GA 30035, (404) 573- Scott, Lauren; A096 - crosby, NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ING LAWN MOWER, TABLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Charles; 2234 - Solomon, Ran- Sale to be held at www.stor-
4891 sara; A111 - Dukes, Duval; The following self-storage Cube SAW, REFRIGERATOR, AD- The following self-storage Cube dolph; 2254 - Carroll, Andre;
Time: 10:00 AM A114 - Martinez, Jahida; A132 - contents containing household JUSTABLE BEDFRAME, 4- contents containing household 2257 - Bratcher, Denzale; 2280 A050 - Camayo, Juan; A095 -
Sale to be held at www.stor- Pettis, Alexus; A160 - Cade, Ti- and other goods will be sold for WHEELER, & POWER TOOLS and other goods will be sold for - lodge, Ryan; 2326 - Andrews, Nicole; A099 - mone; B237 - Searcy, Nevar- cash by 3549 Church St cash by 2936 Memorial Dr Se Greensawyer, Shakyra; 2474 - Cortez, Maria Doris; B018 - Ab-
B021 - Craig, Robin; C001 - rah; B291 - Sheffield, LaKesha; Clarkston, GA 30021 to satisfy C103 Tiffany Glover BICYCLE, Atlanta, GA 30317 to satisfy a Wells, Corey; 3011 - Persaud, dullah, Hamidah; C047 - Davis,
Walker, Le'essie; C049 - Rene, B311 - Marsh, Augustus; B340 a lien on ++12/09/2021 at ap- SOFA, MATTRESS, BOXES & lien on ++12/15/2021 at ap- Aliceia; 3044 - Tarrant, Merri; Jordan; C075 - Collins, Mitchell;
Carline; C061 - Davis, Garren; - Lewis, Sharieka; B341 - prox. 2:00 PM++ at www.stor- BAGS, CLOTHES, SKATES, prox. 2:00 PM++ at 3050 - Meister, aldreijana; 3112 C093 - Oden, Adonus; C130 -
C066 - Mcghee, Jessica; C090 Brown , Tara; B343 - shaw, CHALKBOARD - Ming, Algernon; 3131 - Mor- Jabbar, Yasin
- Richardson, Maranda; D018 - Veronica; C434 - Griffin, An- lagogiftsllc Brown, Success; PUBLIC STORAGE # 08051,
Hunte, Donte; D042 - Cannon, tron; C448 - Allen, Ortavia; Cube #118 Lajuana Crowley C172 Delonte Waller ATHLET- 3228 - Sims, Kahla; 3257 - 2660 Mountain Industrial Blvd,
Jerry; D064 - Davis, Adondre; C456 - Marshall, Ira; D506 - Cube #157 Henry Stephens IC SHOES & CLOTHES Cube #1036 Jason Rutherford Sims, Reaud; 3426 - SAUN- Tucker, GA 30084, (678) 567-
E039 - Wright, Keyon; E046 - Wallace, Corey; D512 - Hill, Cube #170 Arie Jones Cube #2014 Jalin White DERS-ADIVEZ, JODECI; 3476 6787
Williams, Karrien M; E062 - LaPorchea; E638 - Everson, Cube #177 Sharell Canty D3EL Walter Hardy BOXES, Cube #2031 Nyree Mcallister - Anaemereibe, Chinweike; Time: 11:45 AM
Mcday, Sharon; E072 - EAS- Brenda; F704 - Bernabela, Al- Cube #188 Henry Stephens CLOTHES, & BEDDING Cube #2155 Nyree Mcallister 3495 - Cook, Connor; 3505 - Sale to be held at www.stor-
LEY, ALEXIS; E148 - Williams, Nisa Cube #253 Kadeisha C Sims Cube #2162 Brooke Burden Davis, Dominique; A002 - ivory,
Lakia; E150 - Slater Jr, Denzil PUBLIC STORAGE # 20490, Cube #1016 Olivia Scott 340-452141 11/25,12/2 Cube #2211 Chantera Jenkins Moneisha; A024 - Ellison, 0108 - Whitehead, Tony; 0317 -
PUBLIC STORAGE # 25981, 5038 Covington Hwy, Decatur, Cube #1051 Carlos Adams PUBLIC SALE Deadrea; B010 - Lee, Ortiz, Angel; 0481 - Carney,
1504 Austin Dr, Decatur, GA GA 30035, (404) 348-4205 Cube #1070 Vladimir Shausov Pursuant to OCGA Section 40- 340-452174 12/2,12/9 Raychelle; C001F - White, Makela; 1103 - pride, shanti-
30032, (404) 602-0050 Time: 11:30 AM Cube #1137 Karen Finney 11-6, notice is hereby given PUBLIC SALE Aaron; C033H - Sood, Shikhar; qua roberts; 1253 - Chestnuts,
Time: 10:15 AM Sale to be held at www.stor- Cube #1140 Kerrye Murray t h a t t h e f o l l o wi n g m o t o r Stone Mountain Storage loc- E015 - Harris, Jay; F010 - Andul
Sale to be held at www.stor- Cube #1197 Khiyel Bowden vehicle(s) will be sold to the ated at 1440 N. Hairston Road, Rutherford, April; F024 - Atkins, PUBLIC STORAGE # 00516, A005 - Reynolds, Deborah; Cube #2029 Christen Bonner highest and best bidder on Stone Mountain, GA 30083 will John; F029 - Persaud, Aliceia; 1844 Mtn Industrial Blvd, Tuck-
A225 - Osborne, Kewaun; A039 - Joseph, Jennifer; A078 - Cube #2047 Keith Roseberry ++DEC 06, 2021 AT 1PM++ at hold F051 - Persaud, Aliceia; G034 - er, GA 30084, (678) 466-6104
A245 - Houlston, Tierra; B048 - Dix, Abrina; A108 - Matthews, Cube #2120 Martell Person the following locations an online public sale to enforce Johnson, Chartone; G048 - Jr, Time: 12:00 PM
Gunter, Salena; B070 - Lewis, Roderick; A110 - MARQUEZ, Cube #2148 Cabrina R Jeffers 1.) 976 DAVIS ST CONYERS a lien imposed on said prop- John Rowe; H036 - New, Molly Sale to be held at www.stor-
Dominique; C023 - Edwards, CARLOS; A133 - Appleton, Cube #2174 Cassius S Jones GA DESCRIPTION OF erty, as described below, pur-
Charmaine; C043 - McDaniel, Amari; B008 - Bradley, Sean; Cube #2212 Cameron Fer- VEHICLE 2007 AUDI A3 VIN suant Public sale terms, rules, and A079 - Belle, Tonica; A080 -
David; C052 - Smith, B032 - Riley, Lancelot; B045 - guson WAUHF78P37A061842, 2006 to the Georgia Self Storage Fa- regulations will be made avail- Slater, Tjuana; A174 - DAVIS,
Tennyson; D029 - Williams, Howard, Erica; C013 - Corbin, Cube #3031 Sharonda Rogers TOYOTA CAMRY VIN cility Act, Georgia Code 10-4- able prior to the sale. All sales ROBYN; A224 - Howard, Ri-
Chalandra; E023 - Devoe, Felicia; D018 - Francis, David; Cube #3051 Mechelle Annett 4T1BE32K56U155862 210 to 10-4-215. The auction are subject to cancellation. We cardo; B014 - Keys, Jasmine;
Bruce; E078 - young, Monesha G020 - Gutierrez, Emily; H058 - Cube #3056 Douglas Duren 2.) 1564 FARMERS RD CON- will be reserve the right to refuse any B053 - Watson, Jamescia;
PUBLIC STORAGE # 08050, Conde, Eartha; H069 - John- Cube #3110 Cania Hernandez YERS GA DESCRIPTION OF held on website www.stor- bid. Payment must be in cash C048 - Brown, Dyja; D015 -
840 Hambrick Road, Stone son, Yashica; I002 - Matthews, Cube #3193 Brian Parks VEHICLE 2018 DODGE CHAL- or credit card-no checks. Buy- CLEMTECH PEST CONTROL
Mountain, GA 30083, (404) Roderick; I005 - Scrutchings, L E N G E R V I N ( ers must secure the units with CLEMONS, DONALD; D016 -
445-0091 Joy; J005 - Myers, Horace 340-452117 11/25,12/2 2C3CDZC97JH110643, 2014 m) and will end their own personal locks. To Canion, David; D028 - Jewel,
Time: 10:30 AM PUBLIC STORAGE # 28136, Public Auction CHEVROLET IMPALA VIN at ++3:00 PM on Wednesday, claim tax-exempt status, origin- Deshone
Sale to be held at www.stor- 2940 North Decatur Road, Dec- Pursuant to the Georgia Self- 1G1115SL4EU133200 December 22, 2021++ . al RESALE certificates for each atur, GA 30033, (404) 618- service Storage Facility Act, no- 3.) 5020 OLD COVINGTON space purchased is required. Public sale terms, rules, and
0211 - Powell, Cherika; 0228 - 0009 tice is hereby given that SS HWY CONYERS GA DE- By PS Orangeco, Inc., 701 regulations will be made avail-
FELICITE, Nicole; 0230 - Wise, Time: 11:45 AM Shepherd Drive Decatur, LLC SCRIPTION OF VEHICLE Management reserves the right Western Avenue, Glendale, CA able prior to the sale. All sales
Doris; 0245 - Carmolingo, John; Sale to be held at www.stor- d/b/a Simply Self Storage at 2004 TOYOTA COROLLA VIN to withdraw any unit from sale. 91201. (818) 244-8080. are subject to cancellation. We
0251 - Benton, Daud; 0301 - 2804 H.F. Shepherd Drive Dec- 1NXBR32EX4Z283090 Registered or motor vehicles reserve the right to refuse any
Mack, Jade; 0341 - Baker, 0404 - Watts, Thessalonia; atur, GA 30034 will sell at pub- 4.) 1806 ROGERS LAKE RD are sold "As Is / Parts Only," no bid. Payment must be in cash
Johnathan; 0343 - Austin, 0467 - Moehrke, Leslie; 0468 - lic auction the personal prop- LITHONIA GA DESCRIPTION titles or registration. 340-452176 12/2,12/9 or credit card-no checks. Buy-
Shaulla; 0449 - Aycock, Inf- Mcsorley, Doreen; 0474 - erty in the below-listed occu- OF VEHICLE 2011 HONDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ers must secure the units with
enitti; 0453 - Wright, Craig; Smith, Sarah; 1232 - Smith, pants' leased unit(s) to satisfy A C C O R D V I N Tenant Name Unit # Stored To satisfy the owner's storage their own personal locks. To
0517 - Mcqullar, Angelica; 0536 David; 1242 - Winn, Lizbeth; the owner's lien. The personal 1HGCP2F8XBA031420, 1999 Items lien, PS Orange Co. Inc. will claim tax-exempt status, origin-
- Jordon, Shana; 0547 - Chap- 1279 - Wells, Darrin; 1280 - property stored therein by the DODGE RAM VIN sell at public lien sale on al RESALE certificates for each
man, Detra; 0815 - Munoz, Reavis, Mitzie; 1300E - Moore, following occupants may in- 1B7HC13Y8XJ574304, 2005 Charles Collins 142 hhgs ++December 17, 2021++, the space purchased is required.
Tralisa; 0823 - Olsen, Sandra; LeQuita; 1300L - Moss, Mi- clude but is not limited to gen- NISSAN MAXIMA VIN personal property in the below- By PS Orangeco, Inc., 701
0902 - amare, mulata; 0946 - chael eral household, office and per- 1N4BA41E35C869792 Myraio Mitchell jr 529 House listed units, which may include Western Avenue, Glendale, CA
hill, VICTORIA l; 1036 - PUBLIC STORAGE # 08393, sonal items, furniture, boxes, 5.) 5727 COVINGTON HWY hold items tools and boxes but are not limited to: house- 91201. (818) 244-8080.
FLOWERS, VERONICA; 1052 - 1210 Clairmont Rd, Decatur, clothes, and appliances. The DECATUR GA DESCRIPTION hold and personal items, office
Black, Sheleah; 415J - Ross, GA 30030, (404) 445-7924 unit(s) will be sold at public OF VEHICLE 2008 GMC ACA- Cheryl Johnson 541 hhgs and other equipment. The pub-
Bettie; 415L - Allred, Jada; Time: 12:00 PM auction through online auction DIA VIN 1GKEV13778J173773 lic sale of these items will be-
514N - hardy, Aunesia; 529A - Sale to be held at www.stor- services of www.StorageTreas- Leinholder reserves the right to gin at 09:30 AM and continue
Wells, Gerrell; 529H - Petit, with bids opening at refuse the final bid. This item 340-452175 12/2,12/9 until all units are sold. Lien sale 340-452177 12/2,12/9
Marcketta 1205 - Moody, Christine; 2206 - ++12pm. on December 9, 2021 will be sold to the Highest Bid- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE to be held at the online auction NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF
PUBLIC STORAGE # 28152, Hicks, Alexandra k; 2242 - and closing at 12pm. on der. To satisfy the owner's storage website, www.storagetreas- PERSONAL PROPERTY
3748 Covington Hwy, Decatur, Wright, Marvin; 2255 - Ander- December 16, 2021++. lien, PS Orange Co. Inc. will, where indicated. For In accordance with the GA Self
GA 30032, (404) 736-6783 son, Justin 340-452171 11/25,12/2 sell at public lien sale on online lien sales, bids will be Service Storage Facilities Act
Time: 11:00 AM PUBLIC STORAGE # 26667, UNIT# NAME CONTENTS PUBLIC SALE ++December 17, 2021++, the accepted until 2 hours after the notice is hereby given that the
Sale to be held at www.stor- 3375 N Druid Hills Road, Dec- A032 Robert E Clayton II ARM- Extra Space Storage will hold a personal property in the below- time of the sale specified. undersigned will be sold at pub- atur, GA 30033, (404) 666- OIRE, LADDER, ART, HEAT- public auction to sell personal listed units, which may include lic sale to the highest bidder in
1015 - Mullins, Corderius; 1143 4363 ER, LUGGAGE DECORA- property described below be- but are not limited to: house- PUBLIC STORAGE # 25987, order to satisfy lien of the own-
- Jones, Angelica; 1204 - Time: 12:15 PM TIONS, BOXES, BAGS, & longing to those individuals lis- hold and personal items, office 1750 Montreal Cir, Tucker, GA er. Bidding to take place on
Benton, Jamal; 1230 - Ponder, Sale to be held at www.stor- TOTES ted below at the location indic- and other equipment. The pub- 30084, (678) 256-3954 ++ending Tues-
Rochelle; 1233 - Morgan, ated: 3076 Memorial Dr Se At- lic sale of these items will be- Time: 11:00 AM day the 21st day of December,
Curtis; 1242 - Givens, Jamario; B007 - henderson, matthew; A044 Sade Woodson DRESS- lanta, GA 30317 On gin at 09:30 AM and continue Sale to be held at www.stor- 2021 at 11:00 AM++. Said
125 - Simmons, Sheila; 129 - C012 - Coleman, Kaylan; D016 ER, MICROWAVE, LUGGAGE, ++12/10/21 at 12:00pm++ until all units are sold. Lien sale property is Space Shop Self
Burnett, Wanda; 1329 - GRIER, - Johnson, Paul; J043 - Beam, SOFA, MATTRESS, CHESTER to be held at the online auction A116 - McCort, Matthew; A133 Storage, 3696 Clairmont Rd,
HYACINTHE; 1413 - Tyler, Lorraine; J133 - Johnson, Rich- D R A W E R , T R A Y T A B L E, Emily Gutierrez 1500 Chair, website, www.storagetreas- - Escobar, Jennifer; A142 - Chamblee, GA, 30341 Chris
John; 1423 - Perry, Breana; ie; J168 - moore, Allen; J190 - BOXES & TOTES Couch, Table, Television,, where indicated. For Pepp, Desalynn; A193 - John- Bugg 2007 Containers, Music
1431 - Edwards, Annette; 1524 Smith, Cryshenda Boxes, Bike, End Tables online lien sales, bids will be son, Frances; D040 - Jones, Box, Dis track Boxes, and Stor-
- pearson, Tamia; 1542 - Arm- A045 Kris Morris SOFA & Ebone Burris 3036 Chair, Ta- accepted until 2 hours after the Jabari; D100 - igneri, timothy; age Chef .Juana Mclaurn 3130
strong, Aleisha; 1617 - Public sale terms, rules, and LOVE SEAT, TWIN BEDS, ble, Boxes, Totes, Suitcase, time of the sale specified. D121 - PROST, KEITH; D144 - Containers, Chair Bags of
Dumpson, Kelly; 1641 - Dipi- regulations will be made avail- MATTRESSES, TV, HEAD- Weights Reese, Dominic; D155 - Colin, Clothes, Teddy Bear Boxes.
etro, Richard; 1707 - Peavy, able prior to the sale. All sales BOARD, IRONING BOARD, Freddie; E006 - Farrell, Geof- Table set, Containers boxes
Nicholas; 1722 - Miles, Chyna; are subject to cancellation. We LEATHER BENCH, LEATHER The auction will be listed and PUBLIC STORAGE # 28135, frey; E138 - Richardson, board camera lighting. 4068
1728 - Clark, Eric; 1813 - Rush, reserve the right to refuse any STOOLS, DECORATIONS, advertised on www.stor- 2080 Briarcliff Road NE, At- Tandrea; E183 - Plunkett, Table Set, Containers Boxes
Clinton; 1819 - Truitt, Tameka; bid. Payment must be in cash PLASTIC BINS, & BOXES Purchases lanta, GA 30329, (404) 793- Latoya; E196 - Wilson, Obosh- Board Camera Lighting. Dam-
1851 - Dowell, Ebony; 1926 - or credit card-no checks. Buy- must be made with cash only 0836 ie; F005 - Shakur, Randi; F031 ario Major 2057 Mini-fridge of-
Fleary, Andrea; 1936 - Cald- ers must secure the units with B100 Rodney Foster VACUUM, and paid at the above refer- Time: 11:30 AM - Franks, Romisha; F055 - fice chairs fan coffee machine
well, Ngina; 1937 - Williams, their own personal locks. To LAMP, MISC. BOXES, BAGS, enced facility in order to com- Sale to be held at www.stor- Ford, Sheena; F104 - Farrell, two couches. The auction will
Chantella; 1942 - clark, jas- claim tax-exempt status, origin- & TOTES, 2 SOFAS, 2 plete the transaction. Extra Geoffrey; G017 - boatner, be listed and advertised on
mine; 2019 - dobbs, rodrick; al RESALE certificates for each TABLES, BICYCLE, GRILL, Space Storage may refuse any 1025 - colbert, Jarvis; 1037 - Alonzo; G020 - Holmes, Alanna Space Shop
2025 - Jones, Tybri; 2046 - space purchased is required. END TABLES, LOVE SEAT, bid and may rescind any pur- Fuller, Brandon; 1140 - Harris PUBLIC STORAGE # 00509, Self Storage may refuse any
Gholston, Ericka T; 222 - By PS Orangeco, Inc., 701 TACKLE BOX, MISC. HOUSE- chase up until the winning bid- Evans, Pamela; 1209 - Futch, 1438 Montreal Road, Tucker, bid and may rescind any pur-
George, Jmarkus; 3009 - Dav- Western Avenue, Glendale, CA HO LD GOODS (MOTOR- der takes possession of the Alina; 1272 - Mahon, Audley; GA 30084, (678) 304-6454 chase up until the winning bid-
is, Torance; 301 - Verdeja, So- 91201. (818) 244-8080. CYCLE DOES NOT SALE personal property. 1284 - monelly, Wender; Time: 11:15 AM der takes possession of the
lomon; 331 - Thompson , WITH THE UNIT) 1301C - Louisius, Lindsey; Sale to be held at www.stor- personal property.
Sheaquana; 332 - Orr, Tria; 1313A - Allen, Anthony; 1356A
507 - Piggott, John; 607 - B112 Margaret Brooks LAD- - James, Shantia; 1375A - Mck- A003 - BROWN JR, MARK;
Brown, Christy; 638 - Sutton, DER, FAN, DECORATIVE eithen mckeithen, Erin; 1381B - D032 - Caldwell, Alfred; E015 -
Taryn; 723 - Howard, Sheriah; FURNITURE, BOXES, BAGS, Thrash, Cory; 1385A - foster, Butler, Isaiah; E124 - Moore,
916 - Atwater, Kim CHAIRS, BEDDING, Kamara; 1399B - Frost, Ronel; Charles; F024 - Saylor, Aaron;
PUBLIC STORAGE # 23207, CHESTER DRAWER, DRESS- 1400A - Hope, Porcha; 1428A - F026 - igneri, timothy; G097 -
4343 Covington Hwy, Decatur, ER, MIRROR, DOLLEY, AP- Dowling, Tavis; 1430 - Le- Malloy, Jan; H020 - Williams,
GA 30035, (404) 596-5473 PLIANCES, & LAMP onard, Nathan; 1431A - Smith, Tequila
Time: 11:15 AM Alexia; 1440 - Haile, Veronica; PUBLIC STORAGE # 20491,
Sale to be held at www.stor- C010 Michael Stowers MAT- 1444 - Johnson, Chayne; 2012 3400 Lawrenceville Hwy, Tuck- TRESS & BOX SPRING, - Roy, Carol; 2154 - Cole, er, GA 30084, (678) 801-6672
A026 - Alexander, Malik; A037 - CHAIRS, TOOLS, 2 TV’s, RID- Niamnai; 2194 - baccich, Time: 11:30 AM
Scott, Lauren; A096 - crosby, ING LAWN MOWER, TABLE Charles; 2234 - Solomon, Ran- Sale to be held at www.stor-
sara; A111 - Dukes, Duval; SAW, REFRIGERATOR, AD- dolph; 2254 - Carroll, Andre;
A114 - Martinez, Jahida; A132 - JUSTABLE BEDFRAME, 4- 2257 - Bratcher, Denzale; 2280 A050 - Camayo, Juan; A095 -
furniture/machines/equipment Furn/Machines/Equip., Acct. And, due notice having been Furn/Mach/Equip, 1778 Hsld Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo
1221- Marcus Ezell photo Records/Sales Samples given, to the owner of said Gregory Heard Hsld Gds/Furn, 3157- Straight Forward Results Equip
equipment property and all parties known 1792 Terrondus Chaney Hsld LLC- Business supplies A2048 JaKatie Moment Hsld
2114- Cynthia Burnette house- 2146 Andrea Perry Household to claim an interest therein, and Gds/Furn, 1926 Bryan Allen 2122 Sonneithia Lovejoy - Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip;
hold goods/ furniture Goods/Furniture, Tools Appli- the time specified in such no- Hsld Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Totes Tools/Applnces; Off
ances tice for payment of such hav- Equip; Tools/Applnces, 2106 3280 Kenneth Jackson - sofa, Furn/Mach/Equip; Acctng
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021
And, due notice having been ing expired, the goods will be Samantha Jnbaptiste Hsld ottoman, equipment rcrds/Sales Page 35
given, to the owner of said 2187 Edward Suidan House- sold to the highest bidder or Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; 2219 Kenisha Roseburgh - A2054 Skylar Shelton Hsld
340-452178 12/2,12/9 property and all parties known hold Goods/Furniture otherwise disposed of at a pub- Tools/Applnces, Household Goods/ Furniture Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE to claim an interest therein, and lic Auction to be held online at And, due notice having been 3215 Reginald WIlliams - tv A2076 Allisha Walker Hsld
The following self-storage Cube the time specified in such no- 2222 Wendell Cox Household, given, to the owner of said and personal items Gds/Furn
contents containing household tice for payment of such hav- Goods/Furniture, TV/Stereo which will ++end on Tuesday property and all parties known 3282 Katina Criapps - House- A2085 Kimberly Joseph Hsld
and other goods will be sold for ing expired, the goods will be Equipment December 28, 2021 at 10: 00 to claim an interest therein, and hold Goods/ Furniture Gds/Furn
cash by CubeSmart 3831 Red- sold to the highest bidder or AM++ the time specified in such no- 2156 Raelle Snell - Household A2174 Daryl Pickett Hsld
wing Circle Decatur, GA 30032 otherwise disposed of at a pub- 3006 Scott Goldstein House- tice for payment of such hav- Goods/ Furniture Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip;
satisfy a lien on ++12/16/2021 lic auction to be held online at hold Goods/Furniture Space No. Customer's Name ing expired, the goods will be 2251 Ryan Lasker -TV's Bed Tools/Applnces
at approx. 02:00 P.M.++ at, Inventory sold at public auction at the be- King size TV stand dresser and A2270 Taurean Reid Hsld which will ++end on Tuesday, 3100 Bradwell Parchment 130 Danielle Owens Hsld. low stated location(s) to the boxes Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip;
December 28, 2021 at 10:00 Household Goods/Furniture Gds./Furn. highest bidder or otherwise dis- 3228 Keith Todd - Desk and Tools/Applnces; Off
AM++ 253 Korey Brown Hsld. posed of at public auction to be boxes Furn/Mach/Equip
1008 Patricia Cothran 3116 Yasmin Sims Household Gds./Furn.; TV/Stereo held online at www.Stor- 2005 Chad Oliver - Bedroom A2275 Tiffany Baker Hsld
1061 Tracy Tuner 340-452180 12/2,12/9 Goods/Furniture equip;Tools/Applces 419 Faith which will until new apartment opens up Gds/Furn; Clothes, Shoes, Etc
1094 Demarco Wages PUBLIC SALE Ferguson Hsld. Gds./Furn. ++end on Tuesday December 1190 Antoinette Banks - A2277 Emanuel Terrell Hsld
1116 Walter Philpot Jr In accordance with the provi- 4065 Sakia Johnson House- 707 Jennifer Copeland Hsld. 28th, 2021 at 10AM++. Household Goods/ Furniture Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip; Off
1117 Kevin Shivers sions of State law, there being hold Goods/Furniture, Other: Gds./Furn. 1097 Ariel Lee - Apartment Furn/Mach/Equip
1132 Kenneth B Booker due and unpaid charges for Boxes 710 Jennifer Copeland Hsld. 340-452185 12/2,12/9 item clothes furniture toys 4 A2300 Barbara Motte Hsld
1150 Alexis Huggins which the undersigned is en- Gds./Furn PUBLIC SALE wheeler etc Gds/Furn; Off Furn/Mach/Equip
1158 Terrence D Bernard titled to satisfy an owner and/or 4175 Eduardo Garcia House- 833 Dwayne Anderson Hsld. In accordance with the provi- A2303 Desiree Walton Hsld
117 Ishmeal K Muhammad manager's lien of the goods hold Goods/Furniture, Gds./Furn.; Tools/Applces sions of State law, there being And, due notice having been Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip;
1175 Jervison Johnson hereinafter described and Tools/Appliances 919 Daron Todd Hsld. due and unpaid charges for given, to the owner of said Tools/Applnces; Lndscpng/Cn-
1247 Corey Sanford stored at the Life Storage loca- Gds./Furn. which the undersigned is en- property and all parties known strctn Equip
1276 Marjorie Hall tion(s) listed below. 340-452182 12/2,12/9 944 Tammy Williams Hsld. titled to satisfy an owner and/or to claim an interest therein, and A2307 Nikki Jackson Hsld
1310 Jacqueline Rawls LS 378 2910 North Decatur PUBLIC SALE Gds./Furn. manager's lien of the goods the time specified in such no- Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip;
1380 William Mitchell Rd., Decatur, GA 30030. 404- In accordance with the provi- 967 John Clarke Hsld. hereinafter described and tice for payment of such hav- Tools/Applnces; Off
1390 Brenda Jordan 292-0666 sions of State law, there being Gds./Furn. stored at the Life Storage loca- ing expired, the goods will be Furn/Mach/Equip
1402 Emmet M Putnam due and unpaid charges for B234 Quixote Willi ams Hsld. tion(s) listed below. sold to the highest bidder or A2310 Natasha Perry Hsld
151 Anthony B Gaston 3C11 Kim Brittin Household which the undersigned is en- Gds./Furn. otherwise disposed of at a pub- Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip;
167 Lane Hammond Goods/Furniture titled to satisfy an owner and/or C122 Daijo Delbe Hsld. 1274 Crown Pointe Parkway, lic auction to be held online at Tools/Applnces
168 Eric Thomas 4A13 Ona Fountaine-Trollinger manager's lien of the goods Gds./Furn.; TV/Stereo Dunwoody GA 30338 770-399- http://www.StorageTreasures.c A2320 Orlando Leon Stanley
228 Antoious Bragg Household Goods/Furniture hereinafter described and equip;Tools/Applces 5877 om/ which will ++end on Tues- Hsld Gds/Furn
242-243 Sharane Billings 4E03 Dominique Johnson stored at the Life Storage loca- F214 Krystal Johnson Hsld. day December 28th 2021 @ A2323 Shaquontio Jones Hsld
253 Rollo Gregory Household Goods/Furniture; tion(s) listed below. Gds./Furn.; TV/Stereo And, due notice having been 10:00am++ Gds/Furn
273 Sharese Mcgee Office Furn/Machines/Equip.; equip;Tools/Applces given, to the owner of said B106 Brenisha Grimes Hsld
281 Nadia D Todd TV/Stereo Equipment Life Storage 633 F223 Rashad Campbell Hsld. property and all parties known Gds/Furn; Tools/Applnces; Off
340-452187 12/2,12/9
288 Jacquelyn Little 5208 Peachtree Blvd Gds./Furn.; TV/Stereo equip to claim an interest therein, and Furn/Mach/Equip
330 Jacqueline Mayes And, due notice having been Chamblee, GA 30341. F230 Javonte Pressley Hsld. the time specified in such no- B136 Deborah Loftly Hsld
In accordance with the provi-
38 Orlando Benau given, to the owner of said 470-282-6818. Gds./Furn. tice for payment of such hav- Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip
sions of State law, there being
388 Atampokah El property and all parties known I107 Bianca Street Hsld. ing expired, the goods will be D117 Shanteior Lewis Hsld
due and unpaid charges for
414 Winifred R Stallings to claim an interest therein, and And, due notice having been Gds./Furn.; TV/Stereo sold at public auction at the be- Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip;
which the undersigned is en-
421 Edward Fulton Jr the time specified in such no- given, to the owner of said equip;Tools/Applces low stated location(s) to the Washer & Dryer
titled to satisfy an owner and/or
424 Precious M Bogard tice for payment of such hav- property and all parties known H134 Morgan Wright Hsld. highest bidder or otherwise dis- E113 Tsushima Marshall Hsld
manager's lien of the goods
436-437 Brianna Brown ing expired, the goods will be to claim an interest therein, and Gds./Furn.; posed of at public auction to be Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip;
hereinafter described and
454 Shantay R Patman sold to the highest bidder or the time specified in such no- J121 Willie Lee Binns Hsld. held online at www.Stor- Tools/Applnces; Acctng
stored at the Life Storage loca-
45-46 Christopher Forrester otherwise disposed of at a pub- tice for payment of such hav- Gds./Furn.;Tools/Applces which will rcrds/Sales; 4 Bedroom house
tion(s) listed below.
52 Jermarco S Abdullah lic auction to be held online at ing expired, the goods will be T 2 D a w n H a m m el l H s l d . ++ends on Tuesday, Decem-
Address: 6434 Covington High-
557 Henry G jones sold to the highest bidder or Gds./Furn.; TV/Stereo ber 28th , 2021 at 10:00AM++. And, due notice having been
way, Lithonia, GA 30058.
616 Demiere Brimmer which will ++end on Tuesday otherwise disposed of at public equip;Tools/Applces Phone: 770-462-8261 given, to the owner of said
636 Jeffery Mackey December 28th, 2021 at auction to be held online at Space No. Customer Name In- property and all parties known
Space No. Customer Name In-
666 Quinten T Harris 10:00AM++. ventory to claim an interest therein, and
340-452184 12/2,12/9 ventory
667 Leon White which will ++end on Tuesday, 2036 Randee Venable House- the time specified in such no-
NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION A1011 Victoria Williams Hsld
68 Debroah&John Grant December 28th, 2021 at hold Goods/Furniture tice for payment of such hav-
340-452181 12/2,12/9 In accordance with the provi- Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip
638 L.C Dempsey 10:00AM++. 4020 Doug Weinstein Other: ing expired, the goods will be
Notice of Public Sale sions of State law, there being A1019 Victoria Williams
687 Cyntia Chew Board Games & Books sold to the highest bidder or
In accordance with the provi- due and unpaid charges for Clothes; Shoes
69 Reginald Parks 3185 Nicolette Robinson otherwise disposed of at a pub-
sions of State law, there being which the undersigned is en- A1090 James Archie Hsld
691 Aaqila Richardson Space No. Customer Name In- Household Goods/Furniture , lic auction to be held online at
due and unpaid charges for titled to satisfy an owner and/or Gds/Furn
715 Falisha M Delaney ventory TV/Stereo Equip.,
which the undersigned is en- manager's lien of the goods A1118 Sabrina Favor Hsld
742 Antoinette Evans 2113 Nicholas Hoover Hsld 4031 Miguel Jiminez House- which will ++end on Tuesday,
titled to satisfy an owner and/or hereinafter described and Gds/Furn
804 Keith E Jackson gds/Furn hold Goods/Furniture , TV/Ste- December 28, 2021 at
manager’s lien of the goods stored at the Life Storage loca- A1136 Pauline Williams Hsld
821 Katrina Otto 3017 Tracvonia Lee Hsld reo Equip. 10:00AM++.
hereinafter described and tion(s) listed below. Gds/Furn
842 Joselyn M Price gds/Furn 3058 Jacinda Jackson House-
stored at the Life Storage loca- A1139 Antonio Cunningham
855 John Ruhl 3025 Amirah Coleman Hsld hold Goods/Furniture , Other: 340-452188 12/2,12/9
tion(s) listed below. 4561 Covington Highway, Dec- Hsld Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo
883 Tramayne Lemons gds/Furn Girl stuff STORAGE TREASURES
1890 Briarwood RD, Atlanta GA atur, GA 30035. Phone: 678- Equip; Tools/Applnces; Off
945 Tavares Dennis 3072 Burnett Group Bins 3137 Bret Cooper Household AUCTION
30329. (404)-425-5010. 705-1700 Furn/Mach/Equip
954 Dottie Wright 4008 Quincy Johnson Hsld Goods/Furniture Extra Space Storage will hold a
And, due notice having been A1144 Riddick Seymore Hsld
967 Raquel Munnerlyn gds/Furn 4079 Troy Colin Wile House- public auction to sell personal
given, to the owner of said Space No. Customer Name In- Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip; Off
968 Diamond Duncan 4070 Stacey Slay Hsld hold Goods/Furniture property described below be-
property and all parties known ventory Furn/Mach/Equip
gds/Furn, Off Furn/Mach/Equip, 3047 Andrea Days Household longing to those individuals lis-
to claim an interest therein, and 1115 Kathy Butler Hsld A1149 Nicholas Oliver Hsld
TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- Goods/Furniture , Other: ted below at the location indic-
340-452179 12/2,12/9 the time specified in such no- Gds/Furn, 1172 Amber Cook Gds/Furn
plnces Clothes & toys ated:
PUBLIC SALE tice for payment of such hav- Hsld Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo A1177 Kane Russell Hsld
4142 Darby Brooke Hsld 3091 Residence Inn Dun- 735 Hambrick Rd Stone Moun-
In accordance with the provi- ing expired, the goods will be Equip; Tools/Applnces, Off Gds/Furn
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip w o o d y O f f i c e tain, Ga 30083 + 404-276-
sions of State law, there being sold to the highest bidder or Furn/Mach/Equip, A1189 Toby Merritt Hsld
5028 Myron Sellers Acctng Furn/Machines/Equip. 4304, ++December 17, 2021 @
due and unpaid charges for otherwise disposed of at a pub- Lndscpng/Cnstrctn equip 1191 Gds/Furn
rcrds/Sales Sampls 4045 Memee White Household 10am++
which the undersigned is en- lic auction to be held online at Amber Cook Hsld Gds/Furn, A1194 Cheyenne Jones Hsld
5129 Kimberly Simmons Hsld Goods/Furniture , TV/Stereo
titled to satisfy an owner and/or, TV/Stereo Equip; Tools/Ap- Gds/Furn
gds/Furn Equip. , Office Tyrone Wright
manager’s lien of the goods which will ++end on Tuesday plnces, Off Furn/Mach/Equip, A1268 Renaldo Cook Hsld
5151 Tre Paige Hsld gds/Furn, Furn/Machines/Equip. , B49
hereinafter described and December 28th 2021 at 10:00 1201 Jessica Cook Hsld Gds/Furn
TV/Stereo Equip Tools/Appliances Furniture
stored at the Life Storage loca- AM++ Gds/Furn, 1205 Rhonda Hall A1276 Demetrya Wells Hsld
tion(s) listed below. 5164 Ronisha Strickland Hsld Hsld Gds/Furn, boxes, tools Gds/Furn
Life Storage #151 4427 Tilly Please see attached for list of gds/Furn 1240 Lee Corbett Hsld A1291 Natasha Perry Hsld Javier Corbett de Altiano
Mill Road Doraville, GA 30360 names, space numbers and in- Gds/Furn, 1257 Elle Green Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip D17
770-455-3104 ventory. Hsld Gds/Furn, 1260 Robert 340-452186 12/2,12/9 A1294 Stephanie McDonald washer, dryer, boxes and per-
340-452183 12/2,12/9 Fain Hsld Gds/Furn, 1264 Lee PUBLIC SALE Hsld Gds/Furn sonal items
4031- Marina Arriaga-Guzman Space No. Customer Name In- PUBLIC SALE Corbett Hsld Gds/Furn, 1352 In accordance with the provi- A1308 Maritza Adams Hsld
tools/appliances, landscaping/ ventory In accordance with the provi- Kevin Bender Boxes and tots of sions of State law, there being Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip Daron Gaither
construction equipment sions of State law, there being clothes 1419 Gayla Farmer due and unpaid charges for A1309 Nikki Jackson Hsld E19
2126- Rene Garcia-Gonzalez 7 Terance Harmon Other: Pil- due and unpaid charges for Hsld Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo which the undersigned is en- Gds/Furn Clothes and house hold items
household goods/furniture lows which the undersigned is en- Equip; Tools/Applnces 1615 titled to satisfy an owner and/or A1332 Kim Reese Kids clothes, and a car motor.
7016- Rocio Gonzales house- titled to satisfy an owner and/or Charles Franklin Hsld manager's lien of the goods toys, kitchen appliances
hold goods/furniture tools/appli- 12 Terance Harmon Office manager's lien of the goods Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; hereinafter described and A1335 Stephanie McDonald Christina Johnson
ances, landscaping/ construc- Furn/Machines/Equip., Acct. hereinafter described and Tools/Applnces, Rims 1622 stored at the Life Storage loca- Hsld Gds/Furn H19
tion equipment Records/Sales Samples stored at the Life Storage loca- Jonathan Canada Hsld tion(s) listed below. A1530 Christian Jones Hsld full mattress set, queen set,
1205- Jonaie Russell house- tions(s) listed below. Gds/Furn, 1682 Anique Houpe LS 7212 650 Dekalb Industrial Gds/Furn boxes, totes, glass table top
hold goods/furniture 13 Terance Harmon House- 2595 Candler Rd. Decatur, Ga. Hsld Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Way,Decatur, GA 30033. 404- A2030 Brenda Bryan Clothes and personal items
4044- Yolonda Houston office hold Goods/Furniture, Office 30032 404-212-1125 Equip; Tools/Applnces, Off 666-4577 A2036 Stephanie McDonald
furniture/machines/equipment Furn/Machines/Equip., Acct. And, due notice having been Furn/Mach/Equip, 1778 Hsld Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Tenneal Bryant
1221- Marcus Ezell photo Records/Sales Samples given, to the owner of said Gregory Heard Hsld Gds/Furn, 3157- Straight Forward Results Equip H67
equipment property and all parties known 1792 Terrondus Chaney Hsld LLC- Business supplies A2048 JaKatie Moment Hsld House hold items
2114- Cynthia Burnette house- 2146 Andrea Perry Household to claim an interest therein, and Gds/Furn, 1926 Bryan Allen 2122 Sonneithia Lovejoy - Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip;
hold goods/ furniture Goods/Furniture, Tools Appli- the time specified in such no- Hsld Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Totes Tools/Applnces; Off Shakira Thornton
ances tice for payment of such hav- Equip; Tools/Applnces, 2106 3280 Kenneth Jackson - sofa, Furn/Mach/Equip; Acctng H99
And, due notice having been ing expired, the goods will be Samantha Jnbaptiste Hsld ottoman, equipment rcrds/Sales boxes and personal items
given, to the owner of said 2187 Edward Suidan House- sold to the highest bidder or Gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; 2219 Kenisha Roseburgh - A2054 Skylar Shelton Hsld
property and all parties known hold Goods/Furniture otherwise disposed of at a pub- Tools/Applnces, Household Goods/ Furniture Gds/Furn; TV/Stereo Equip
to claim an interest therein, and lic Auction to be held online at And, due notice having been 3215 Reginald WIlliams - tv A2076 Allisha Walker Hsld The auction will be listed and
the time specified in such no- 2222 Wendell Cox Household, given, to the owner of said and personal items Gds/Furn advertised on www.stor-
tice for payment of such hav- Goods/Furniture, TV/Stereo which will ++end on Tuesday property and all parties known 3282 Katina Criapps - House- A2085 Kimberly Joseph Hsld Purchases
Tenneal Bryant King sized bed Desiree Bailey 624 Twin Bed, Rebekah ; 3110 - Custer, Lisa; 2002 CADILLAC ESCALADE 2006 FORD TAURUS
H67 Boxes, Totes 4092 - YLHARRISREALTY LLC 1GYEC63T72R287402 1FAFP53U96A240349
House hold items Cindy Underwood Tiffany Stewart 818 Boxes, Harris, Yolanda; 4114 - Han- 19-0053 19-1875
4063 Totes, Sofa, Chair, Table, nah, Booker; 4134 - Parker, Mi-
Shakira Thornton Misc. items Boxes, Clothes, Shoes chael; 4141 - Jideonwo, 1997 CHEVROLET 2500 2000 FORD EXPLORER
H99 Christopher Fortune 833 Sofas, Charles; 4196 - Michael, 1GCGC29R5VE222482 1FMZU65E1YZA40299
Page 36
Chandra Walston The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
boxes and personal items
5 Bedroom sets ,Washer dryer,
tables and chairs and Boxes
Vedamanickam; 4202 - Booker,
Hannah; 5007 - Holbrook,
19-0054 19-2092

Hair dryer, lamps, computer, Shantine Shopshire 934 Totes, 340-452194 12/2,12/9 Melissa; 5087 - Brinson, Nick; 2005 FORD 500 2013 FORD FOCUS
The auction will be listed and TV, telescope, books, boxes, Boxes, Kitchen Wares NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE 5105 - Newton, Monica; 5127 - 1FAFP23165G130567 1FADP3F20DL230557
advertised on www.stor- bags ARIANE BROWN 1121 Bed To satisfy the owner's storage Caudill, Leslie; 5142 - Ellis, 19-0180 19-2107 Purchases Frame,Boxes, Totes, TV's lien, PS Orange Co. Inc. will Jeremy ; 5185 - Tuten, Amber
must be made with cash only Keyonia Donaldson Yalonda Washington 1206 Bed, sell at public lien sale on PUBLIC STORAGE # 08392, 2001 CHEVROLET TAHOE 1998 TOYOTA COROLLA
and paid at the above refer- 3020 Dresser, Sofa, Loveseat, ++December 17, 2021++, the 4300 Peachtree Road NE, At- 1GNEC13T91J230289 1NXBR18E5WZ053665
enced facility in order to com- King size bed, 2 full size beds, Tables, Chairs, TV's personal property in the below- lanta, GA 30319, (404) 480- 19-0186 19-2117
plete the transaction. Extra 2 dressers, boxes Randy Johnson 1209 2 Sofas, listed units, which may include 3893
Space Storage may refuse any 2 Bed Sets, Dressers, Table 4 but are not limited to: house- Time: 10:00 AM 2004 ACURA TL 2002 PONTIAC SUNFIRE
bid and may rescind any pur- The auction will be listed and Chairs hold and personal items, office Sale to be held at www.stor- 19UUA66214A050045 1G2JB124927109429
chase up until the winning bid- advertised on www.stor- Tyese King 1223 Microwave, and other equipment. The pub- 19-0244 19-2398
der takes possession of the Purchases Toys, Beds, Boxes, Totes, Kit- lic sale of these items will be- 1008 - Gadson, Calvin; 1026 -
personal property. must be made with cash only chen Small Appliances, Table, gin at 09:00 AM and continue Spence, Naheim; 1039 - Spil- 1001 NISSAN ALTIMA 2007 NISSAN ALTIMA
and paid at the above refer- Shelf until all units are sold. Lien sale man, Robert; 1335 - Muzanga, 1N4AL11D12C717503 1N4AL21E97N409974
340-452189 12/2,12/9 enced facility in order to com- Daryl Galloway 1224 Totes, to be held at the online auction Musasa; 1374 - Pierce, Elnora; 19-0251 19-2399
STORAGE TREASURES plete the transaction. Extra Boxes, Tools website, www.storagetreas- 1390 - Clay, Harold; 2021 -
AUCTION Space Storage may refuse any Aklilu Tesfamicael 1512 Living, where indicated. For Campbell, Norris; 2022 - 2012 CHRYSLER 200 2009 HYUNDAI SONATA
ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE bid and may rescind any pur- Room Set, Bedroom Set, online lien sales, bids will be MOYE, DENNIS; 2220 - Fair- 1C3CCBBB8CN299991 5NPET46C69H555590
UNITS chase up until the winning bid- Boxes, Clothes accepted until 2 hours after the man, Kesha; 2224 - Ogboi, 19-0260A 19-3025
Extra Space Storage will hold a der takes possession of the Arnold Pierce 1808 Bedroom time of the sale specified. Godwin; 2515 - BOUYA, Rita;
public auction to sell personal personal property. Furniture, Office Furniture 3312 - Benson, Bukola; 3400 - 1995 FORD TAURUS 2012 CHEVROLET CRUZE
property described below be- Sikander Fulton 1821 3 Mat- PUBLIC STORAGE # 28138, Fitzpatrick, Asisyaf; 3448 - 1FALP52U8SA221466 1G1PH5SC9C7256041
longing to those individuals lis- 340-452191 12/2,12/9 tresses, Dresser, Toys, Clothes 3679 McElroy Road, Doraville, Scott, Constance 19-0356A 19-3031
ted below at the location indic- LIVE AUCTION and Boxes GA 30340, (678) 541-8635
ated: ONE FACILTY- MULTIPLE Rahmon Swain 1931 Clothes, Time: 09:00 AM Public sale terms, rules, and 2007 SATURN AURA 2009 FORD ESCAPE
1257 S Hairston Rd, Stone UNITS Lamps, Printer, Furniture, Sale to be held at www.stor- regulations will be made avail- 1G8ZS57NX7F135472 1FMCU93729KA81398
Mountain, GA 30088, Extra Space Storage will hold a Laptop Computer able prior to the sale. All sales 19-0384 19-3059
++December 17, 2021, at public auction to sell personal A010 - Alfred, London; A028 - are subject to cancellation. We
11:00 AM++ property described below be- The auction will be listed and Kemp, April; B021 - McKee, reserve the right to refuse any 2006 KAWASAKI 1000 2012 CHEVROLET SIL-
longing to those individuals lis- advertised on www.stor- David; F610 - landmark movers bid. Payment must be in cash JKAEXEA1X6A011235 VERADO
F622 Dekwan Clark clothes, ted below at the location indic- Purchases igneri, timthoy; F813 - Scruggs, or credit card-no checks. Buy- 19-0440 1GCNCPEX0CZ213428
shoes, and a few books ated: must be made with cash only Sereniti ers must secure the units with 19-3088
H823A PENDA SOW FUR- 1248 Zonolite Rd NE Atlanta, and paid at the above refer- PUBLIC STORAGE # 25983, their own personal locks. To 2006 CHRYSLER 300
NITURE GA, 30306, ++December 30, enced facility in order to com- 4340 Dunwoody Park, Dun- claim tax-exempt status, origin- 2C3KA53G36H143352 1997 HONDA ACCORD
G710 Penny Pace household 2021, 2:00PM++ plete the transaction. Extra woody, GA 30338, (678) 436- al RESALE certificates for each 19-0453 1HGCD5569VA046733
C311 Chandrea Trotter 2 Space Storage may refuse any 3733 space purchased is required. 19-3134
queen beds, bunk bed, washer, Morgan Gano bid and may rescind any pur- Time: 09:00 AM By PS Orangeco, Inc., 701 2016 HYUNDAI ELANTRA
drier, couch, boxes 3D01 chase up until the winning bid- Sale to be held at www.stor- Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 5NPDH4AE7GH782290 2008 BUICK LACROSSE
J1062 Tiffany Burch clothes Bed frame, lamp, area dividers, der takes possession of the 91201. (818) 244-8080. 19-0457 2G4WD582481259927
J907 Mary Sanders bed, dress- luggage, pictures, etc. personal property. B057 - Burns, Gregory; B248 - 19-3265
er, household items 340-452193 12/2,12/9 Landmark movers Igndri, 340-452195 12/2,12/9 2000 GMC SIERRA
K2059 Shayla Puryear bed- Leslie Jackson STORAGE TREASURES Timothy; B257 - jia, xuan; B266 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE 2GTEK19TXY1235542 1999 JEEP CHEROKEE
room set 6E12 AUCTION - Magata, Savanan; B466 - The following self-storage Cube 19-0472 1J4GW58S1XC561763
B227 Nikita Coleman home, Bags, Clothes, Chair, Couch, Extra Space Storage will hold a Destin, Krystyna; B506 - Bran- contents containing household 19-3443
beds, dresser, washer dryer and etc. public auction to sell personal non, Kyonna; B507 - Ajabor, and other goods will be sold for 2015 HYUNDAI SONATA
F659 Javier Pace Queen, property described below be- Alex cash by 2232 Mountain Indus- 5NPE24AA8FH097037 2006 INFINITI G35
boxes, stool Purchases must be made with longing to those individuals lis- PUBLIC STORAGE # 08055, trial Blvd 19-0633 JNKCV51E56M520345
K2014 Diamond Brock 2 bed- cash only and paid at the ted below at the location indic- 1865 Savoy Drive, Chamblee, Tucker, GA 30084 to satisfy a 19-3855
rooms dining room set and sofa above referenced facility in or- ated: GA 30341, (678) 809-5444 lien on ++12/16/2021 at ap- 2009 ACURA TL
der to complete the transaction. 5502 Memorial Drive, Stone Time: 09:00 AM prox. 2:00 PM++ at www.stor- 19UUA86219A003200 2000 FORD EXPLORER
Extra Space Storage may re- Mountain, GA 30083 at ++2:00 Sale to be held at www.stor- 19-0711 1FMZU73E8YZB09045
The auction will be listed and fuse any bid and may rescind PM on December 17, 2021++ 19-4088A
advertised on www.stor- and purchase up until the win- 1083 - Landmark movers Iren- 2018 NISSAN ALTIMA Purchases ning bidder takes possession of F36 Richard Fox Sun Room gri, Timothy; 1116 - Abrahim, Cube #1052 Abbey Ladevaia 1N4AL3AP5JC209801 2007 INFINITI FX35
must be made with cash only the personal property. Furniture, Shelve Bahar; 1218 - Cook, Essence; Cube #1067 Quoshaunda Pitts 19-0831 JNRAS08W67X202821
and paid at the above refer- 1280 - thompson, dyvar; 1290 - Cube #1115 Corey Robinson 19-4126
enced facility in order to com- 340-452192 12/2,12/9 I22 Victoria Hollis Mattresses, tobler, stephan; 1352 - WILLI- Cube #1126 Michael Blackmon 2009 FORD FOCUS
plete the transaction. Extra STORAGE TREASURES Couches, Boxes, Living Room AMS, HAROLD; 2073 - Head, Cube #1161 Starlet T Irby 1FAHP35N89W265821 2000 MERCURY SABLE
Space Storage may refuse any AUCTION Set Keisha; 2100 - sarratt, Jalen; Cube #1215 Azjah Y Wilkerson 19-0917 1MEFM55S7YG630296
bid and may rescind any pur- Extra Space Storage will hold a 2254 - Lynn, Leslie; 2291 - Hut- Cube #1249 Stacey Simms 19-4271
chase up until the winning bid- public auction to sell personal I98 Desire Clarke Clothes, son, John Cube #1276 Eric McVay 2000 TOYOTA CAMRY
der takes possession of the property described below be- Bags PUBLIC STORAGE # 08053, Cube #1314 Lauren M Knight 4T1BG22K3YU972058 2002 INFINITI
personal property. longing to those individuals lis- 3692 Clairmont Road, Atlanta, Cube #1352 Alan Davis 19-0990 JNKDA31AX2T030016
ted below at the location indic- K221 Calah Brown Furniture, GA 30341, (678) 293-8537 Cube #1551 Echo J Virgil 19-4273
340-452190 12/2,12/9 ated: Appliances, Clothes, Shoes, Time: 09:30 AM Cube #1566 Odile S ligonde 2008 DODGE AVENGER
STORAGE TREASURES 2329 Panola RD. Lithonia, GA Degree, Diploma, Dishes Sale to be held at www.stor- Cube #1623 Sonja Jackson 1B3LC56R28N278597 2010 DODGE CALIBER
AUCTION 30058 ++12/17/2021 at 1:00 19-1024 DER 1B3CB4HA5AD535865
Extra Space Storage will hold a PM++ L196 Sandra Parks Boxes, 0216 - Blair, Jeff; 0312 - Lhoro, 340-452196 12/2,12/9 19-4274
public auction to sell personal Fridge Olivia; 0414 - Barcenas, Mari- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE 2013 CHEVROLET MALIBU
property described below be- Vernest Emeal Tott 90 Clothes, bel; 0420 - Weaver, Cupid; Transport Funding, LLC, Over- 1G11C5SA2DF221349 2004 FORD EXPEDITION
longing to those individuals lis- Shoes, Totes, Boxes M3 Jacolby Alexander Speak- 0502 - Goodson, Breshavia; land Park, Kansas will offer the 19-1044 1FMFU18L8LA05949
ted below at the location indic- Patricia Malone 111 Furniture, ers, Clothes 0503 - Carter, Summer; 0510 - following property at public sale 19-4278
ated: Fabric, Boxes, Totes, Clothes McCollum, Greg; 0607 - Jones, at Arrow Truck Sales, Inc. 2931 1978 MERCURY G.MARQUIS
Saneca Mack 120 Reclining X35 Karendal Rodgers Sofa, Kourtney; 0722 - Conquest, S. Rt. 73, Maple Shade, NJ 1MEBP95F3EZ685585 2009 HYUNDAI
1989 Montreal Rd Tucker, GA Sofa, Vanity, Hutch, End Table, Table, Chairs, Totes Darrrell; 0802 - Workman, 08052 on 12/15/21 commen- 19-1109 DER KMHDC86E29U046067
30084 on ++December 17, Coffee Table, Clothes, Boxes, Robert; 0901 - Ivey, Montrez; cing at 10:00 am 19-4279
2021 at 1:00PM++ Bags The auction will be listed and 0931 - Bloomfield, Beran; 1003 ++2016 Volvo VNL780 2004 DODGE PICKUP
Tracey Thomas 226 Sofa, advertised on www.stor- - poindexter, Corron; 1004 - 4V4NC9EH9GN955395++ 1D7HA18N54J218706 2009 HYUNDAI ELANTRA
Varney Freeman Chair, Table, Boxes, Totes, Purchases COWART-ASHFORD DUN- The property may be inspected 19-1436 KMHDC86E29U046067
4003 Clothes, Shoes must be made with cash only WOODY YMCA ASHFORD by appointment prior to the 19-4336
Boxes, misc. items Jahkiah Hicks 247 Totes, and paid at the above refer- DUNWOODY COWART-A, sale. Inquiries: 856-414-0100 2014 NISSAN ALTIMA
Boxes, Clothes, Shoes enced facility in order to com- COWART; 1103 - Johnson, En- Cash sales only. 1N4AL3AP3EC295468 2007 VOLVO S60
Weave Products, LLC Gary Matthews 250-B Shoes plete the transaction. Extra dia; 1716 - Viverito, Marissa; 340-452197 12/2,12/9 19-1438 YV1RS592472618868
3043 and clothes, Electronics Space Storage may refuse any 1808 - Kea, James Cameron; PUBLIC NOTICE 19-4354
Bed, boxes, pictures, lamps Laura Merritt 265 Clothes, bid and may rescind any pur- 1830 - Harris, Xiomara; 1835 - STATEWIDE 2000 V.W. PASSAT
Shoes, Boxes, Totes, Belts, chase up until the winning bid- Bryan, Scott; 2102 - Bibbero, WRECKER SERVICE WVWMD23B0YE243157 1999 SATURN SSERIES
Legacy Management Agency Clothing Accessories, Purses der takes possession of the Bruce; 2104A - Meltzer, Sari; SOUTH, INC. 19-1439 1G8ZK5276XZ312221
2063 Andre Harris 362 Clothes, personal property. 2126 - Shukoor, Ahmad DECEMBER 11, 2021 19-4410
Beds, boxes of clothes Shoes, Totes, Boxes PUBLIC STORAGE # 27210, YEAR, MAKE, MODEL, 2000 TOYOTA COROLLA
Shan Colbert 434 Bed, Dress- 1801 Savoy Dr, Chamblee, GA VIN, 1NXBR12E6YZ316919 2001 BUICK LESABRE
Manasse Yansunu er, Mattress, Washer Dryer, Ap- 30341, (470) 575-0587 TICKET 19-1765 1G4HR54K91U252093
B122 pliances, Lamps, Boxes, Totes, Time: 09:30 AM 19-4443
Bed, furniture 5 TV's Sale to be held at www.stor- 2009 HONDA ACCORD 2004 FORD EXPLORER
Danielle Middlebrooks 554 Bed 1HGCP26359A196841 1FMZU67K24UB27316 2004 DODGE DURANGO
Manasse Yansunu Frame, Mattresses and 6 2133 - White, krystle; 2176 - 19-0026 19-1843 1D4HD38N04F235559
4154 Boxes Jones, Ashley; 3079 - Berry, 19-4453
King sized bed Desiree Bailey 624 Twin Bed, Rebekah ; 3110 - Custer, Lisa; 2002 CADILLAC ESCALADE 2006 FORD TAURUS
Boxes, Totes 4092 - YLHARRISREALTY LLC 1GYEC63T72R287402 1FAFP53U96A240349 2003 DODGE NEON
Cindy Underwood Tiffany Stewart 818 Boxes, Harris, Yolanda; 4114 - Han- 19-0053 19-1875 1B3ES26C63D207097
4063 Totes, Sofa, Chair, Table, nah, Booker; 4134 - Parker, Mi- 19-4510
Misc. items Boxes, Clothes, Shoes c h a e l ; 4 1 4 1 - J i d e o n w o, 1997 CHEVROLET 2500 2000 FORD EXPLORER
Christopher Fortune 833 Sofas, Charles; 4196 - Michael, 1GCGC29R5VE222482 1FMZU65E1YZA40299 2006 HYUNDAI SONATA
Chandra Walston 5 Bedroom sets ,Washer dryer, Vedamanickam; 4202 - Booker, 19-0054 19-2092 5NPEU46F06H107266
4198 tables and chairs and Boxes Hannah; 5007 - Holbrook, 20-0457 DER
Hair dryer, lamps, computer, Shantine Shopshire 934 Totes, Melissa; 5087 - Brinson, Nick; 2005 FORD 500 2013 FORD FOCUS
TV, telescope, books, boxes, Boxes, Kitchen Wares 5105 - Newton, Monica; 5127 - 1FAFP23165G130567 1FADP3F20DL230557 2005 NISSAN SENTRA
bags ARIANE BROWN 1121 Bed Caudill, Leslie; 5142 - Ellis, 19-0180 19-2107 3N1CB51D15L509968
Frame,Boxes, Totes, TV's Jeremy ; 5185 - Tuten, Amber
2003 MAZDA MPV 2005 NISSAN FRONTIER 20-3483 1J4GX48S72C122261
2003 DODGE NEON JM3LW28J030336506 1N6AD07UX5C408297 2007 NISSAN VERSA 21-1042 DER
1B3ES26C63D207097 20-1773 20-2357 3N1BC13E57L390476 2003 KIA SPECTRA
19-4510 20-2803 KNAFB121935269604 2006 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX
2019 CHEVROLET MALIBU 2013 CHEVROLET SONIC 20-3497 DER 2G2WC58C361175566
2006 HYUNDAI SONATA 1G1ZB5ST1KF176361 1G1JA5SH7D4252790 2009 HYUNDAI SONATA 21-1132 DER

5NPEU46F06H107266 20-1905 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday,
20-2368 1999 DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 37
20-0457 DER 20-2814 1J4GW68S9XC554534
2010 DODGE CHARGER 2016 KIA OPTIMA 20-3499 340-452200 12/2,12/9
3N1CB51D15L509968 20-1911 20-2440 WDBUF65J43A322481 2013 CHEVROLET CRUZE MOTOR VEHICLES
3N1CB51D15L509968 1NXBR32E44Z327746 4T1BF18B7WU226200 2015 CHRYSLER 200 21-1152 DER ALL OF THE VEHICLES LIS-
20-0524 20-1916 20-2446 1C3CCCBBXFN745133 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING TED BELOW WERE RE-
20-2861 1C3EL55R54N103364 2000 YAMAHA M/C MOVED FROM VARIOUS
1C3CDZAB8DN540540 JT2AT86F9L0011713 KNAFW6A35A5175995 1995 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 21-1256 DER COUNTY. THEY ARE
20-0525 20-1937 20-2451 1LNLM82W2SY645122 2001 FORD TAURUS PRESENTLY LOCATED AT
20-2877 1FAHP55U81A206451 2006 INFINITI M35 154 OLIVE STREET,
1C3CDZAB8DN540540 3VW2K7AJ3BM371752 1NXBR12E0WZ079289 2005 LEXUS ES300 21-1282 DER 30002, AND ARE IN POSSES-
20-0525 20-1973 20-2455 JTHBA30G055073883 2007 MERCEDES E350 SION OF HUNT’S WRECKER
20-2897 WDBUF87X57X220106 2002 HYUNDAI SONATA SERVICE, 404-292-6697. ALL
2G2WP552481115458 1VWBP7A36DC100935 WBXPC93498WJ02885 2015 CHEVROLET IMPALA 21-1487 DER OWNERS HAVE BEEN UN-
20-0577 20-1981 20-2539 2G1125S32F9243075 1997 MERCURY G.MARQUIS SUCCESSFUL. THE
1GTGC34K6SE516002 3N1AB7AP4DL667796 1GNEC13R3YR141835 2013 NISSAN ALTIMA 21-1731 DER 40-11-2 AND WILL BE AUC-
20-0898 20-1987 20-2573 1N4AL3AP8DC191332 1999 DODGE RAM TIONED ON DECEMBER
20-2905 1B7KC23Z9XJ558066 2006 NISSAN SENTRA 12TH, 2021
2011 CHEVROLET CAMARO 2006 DODGE STRATUS 2002 TOYOTA CAMRY 20-3627 DER 3N1CB51D66L561890 ++2003 LEXUS ES 300
2G1FK1EJ8B9100215 1B3EL46X16N244715 4T1BE32K12U559896 2013 NISSAN ALTIMA 21-1742 DER JTHBF30G030090906++
20-0931 20-1988 20-2595 1N4AL3APXDC219809 2008 MERCEDES C300
20-2911 WDDGF54X78R022379 2001 CHEVROLET TAHOE 340-452256 12/2,12/9
1N4AL3AP9FN904245 2C3CDZAG5HH598535 2G1FC1ED9B9167123 2007 HONDA CIVIC 21-1784A DER Extra Space Storage will hold a
20-0940 20-2002 20-2604 JHMFA36237S014330 2013 CHEVROLET MALIBU public auction to sell personal
20-2933 1G11D5RR2DF121681 2000 FORD EXPLORER property described below be-
2005 SUZUKI M/C 2007 SATURN ION 2013 CHEVROLET IMPALA 20-3700 1FMZU83P4YUB53452 longing to those individuals lis-
JS1GN7CA952113965 1G8AJ58F17Z208489 2G1WF5E37D1215726 2015 NISSAN VERSA 21-1790 DER ted below at the location indic-
20-0941 20-2045 20-2628 3N1CN7AP7FL953693 2015 CHRYSLER 200 ated: 3076 Memorial Dr Se At-
20-2980 1C3CCCAB7FN750517 2008 HONDA ACCORD lanta, GA 30317 On
2012 HONDA ACCORD 2009 AUDI A3 1999 CHEVROLET SUBURB- 20-3707 1HGCP36858A082869 + +12/17/21 at 12:00pm++
1HGCP3F82CA019477 WAUKF78P49A091425 AN 2008 YAMAHA M/C 21-1889 DER
20-0984 20-2054 3GNEC16R8XG242461 JYARJ06E78A037247 2019 CHEVROLET CAMARO Janna Bates 2501 Couch,
20-2650 20-3021 1G1FD1RS8K0134842 2004 ACURA TL Dresser, Mattress, TV, Boxes,
2007 SUZUKI RENO 2007 PONTIC G.PRIX 20-3709 19UUA66284A022310 Lamps, Table, Cooler, Mini
KL5JD66Z57K614161 2G2WP552371186777 2015 CHEVROLET CRUZE 2015 NISSAN SENTRA 21-1944 DER Fridge, Suitcases, Baskets
20-0985 20-2056 1G1PC5SB0F7269478 3N1AB7AP4FY235201 2007 V.W. JETTA Felecia Hollingsworth 1053
20-2660 20-3031 3VWEF71K87M117990 2009 FORD CROWN VIC Dryer, Microwave, TV, Washer,
2007 CADILLAC STS 2006 CHRYSLER 300 20-3717 2FAHP71V69X118866 Bags, Boxes, Totes, Lamp,
1G6DW677370193571 2C3KA53G46H350347 2005 MITSUBISHI ENDEAVOR 1983 CHEVROLET EL CAM- 21-1986 DER Dolly, Shoes, Books
20-0987 20-2061 4A4MM21S75E013431 INO 2000 NISSAN MAXIMA Jaquella Robinson 1211
20-2662 1GCCW80H2DR245948 JN1CA31D7YT543341 2008 NISSAN ALTIMA Couch, Boxes, Totes, Hangers,
2010 DODGE RAM 2005 FORD FOCUS 20-3041 20-3730 1N4AL21E88C169782 Folding Chairs
1D7RB1GP4AS184767 3FAHP31N25R121698 205 NISSAN MAXIMA 21-2052 DER Mimi Wyley 2023 Clothes,
20-1014 20-2089 1N4BA41E65C860858 2013 KIA SPORTAGE 2017 TOYOTA CAMRY Shoes, Suitcases
20-2664 KNDPB3A23D7513749 4T1BF1FK5HU681360 2001 MERCEEDS S430 Lena Clark 2318 Dresser, Ta-
1995 MERCURY G MARQUIS 2004 INFINITI G35 20-3068 20-3757 WDBNG70J41A194318 ble, Shoes
2MELM75W3SX635627 JNKCV54E14M824264 2007 TOYOTA CAMRY 21-2184 DER
20-1039 20-2091 4T1BK46K17U028469 2009 HONDA CIVIC 2004 ACURA TL The auction will be listed and
20-2666 2HGFA16559H543239 19UUA66244A042358 2007 KAWASAKI M/C advertised on www.stor-
1997 HONDA CIVIC 2006 CADILLAC CTS 20-3073 20-3768 JKAZXCD147A022721 Purchases
1HGEJ7128VL018605 1G6DM57T260167944 2001 BUICK PARK AVE 21-2262 DER must be made with cash only
20-1040 21-2093 1G4CW54K714160564 1999 DODGE DAKOTA 2015 DODGE DART and paid at the above refer-
20-2670 1B7GL22X3XS154602 1C3CDFAA7FD225100 2004 CADILLAC STS enced facility in order to com-
2004 TOYOTA COROLLA 2014 DODGE CHARGER 20-3089 20-3773 1G6DM577940112780 plete the transaction. Extra
1NXBR32E54Z287905 2C3CDXBG0EH245182 2006 JEEP CHEROKEE 21-2301 DER Space Storage may refuse any
20-1084 20-2111 1J8HS58N86C148729 2005 LEXUS ES300 2004 VOLVO C70 bid and may rescind any pur-
20-2674 JTHBA30G055073883 YV1NC63D24J063299 2004 MERCEDES ML350 chase up until the winning bid-
1996 SUZUKI 2007 TOYOTA SEQUOIA 20-3184 20-3896 4JGAB57E14A506235 der takes possession of the
JS1GN72AXT2101726 5TDZT38A47S293129 2004 SATURN ION 21-2398 DER personal property.
20-1098 21-2119 1G8AZ52F14Z212488 1993 JEEP CHEROKEE 2006 LEXUS ES350
20-2675 1J4FT68S8PL600228 JTHBA30G965144922 2003 NISSAN ALTIMA 340-452257 12/2,12/9
2005 NISAN ALTIMA 2003 CADILLAC CLK320 20-3188 21-0002 DER 1N4AL11D93C158929 STORAGE TREASURES
1N4AL11E65N453440 WDBTJ65J03F032008 2003 HONDA CIVIC 21-2401 DER AUCTION
20-1106 DER 20-2180 1HGEM22503L006707 2005 TOYOTA COROLLA 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA Extra Space Storage will hold a
20-2685 1NXBR32E85Z425552 2G1WC581269432611 2016 V.W. PASSAT public auction to sell personal
2005 NISSAN ALTIMA 2008 CHEVROLET COBALT 20-3390 DER 21-0006 DER 1VWBS7A36GC021770 property described below be-
1N4AL11DX5C359578 1G1AK58F187299899 2004 MERCURY SABLE 21-2546 DER longing to those individuals lis-
20-1157 20-2197 1MEFM50U04A602183 2004 TOYOTA 4RUNNER 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA ted below at the location indic-
20-2690 JTEZU14R548021830 1NXBU40EX9Z004364 2006 BMW 750 ated:
2004 CADILLAC DEVILLE 2017 BMW 530I 20-3411 21-0016 DER WBAHN835X6DT39342 673 Decatur Village Way, Dec-
1G6KD54Y14U189592 WBAJA7C3XHWA70176 2002 JAGUAR STYPE 21-2599 DER atur, Ga, 30033, ++December
20-1191 20-2208 SAJDA03P32GM31211 2002 FORD F250 2016 NISSAN VERSA 23, 2021 @ 2:30 PM++
20-2698 1FTNW20L22EA58580 3N1CN7AP2GL848674
2005 DODGE STRATUS 2001 BMW X5 20-3414 DER 21-0198 DER SAID VEHICLES WILL BE Georgia Brooks
1B3EL46T55N603933 WBAFB33561LH16785 2007 VOLVO S40 SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION 1029
20-1208 20-2247 YV1MS382572284981 2015 V.W. JETTA 2006 NISSAN TITAN ON OR ABOUT ++DECEM- House Hold Items
20-2703 3VWD17AJXFM263369 1N6BA07A76N546761 BER 11, 2021 AT 10:00 A.M.++
2005 HONDA CIVIC 1993 TOYOTA CAMRY 20-3463 21-0783 DER LOCATION WILL BE 6995 Rayna Middlebrooks
1HGEM22955L059974 JT2SK12E7P0124111 2004 VOLVO S60 COVINGTON HWY, 1108
20-1216 20-2251 YV1RS61T542397061 2014 DODGE DART 2013 TOYOTA CAMRY LITHONIA GA 30058(770)322- household items boxes, dryer
20-2731 1C3CDFBB2ED862093 4T1BD1FK3DU095773 9688. ALL WILL BE SOLD AS or washer
4T1SK12E0SU623238 1FTDX1725VKC63767 2005 KIA SEDONA EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, Mariah Hoke
20-1243 20-2303 KNDUP132556689537 2007 FORD F150 2000 TOYOTA CAMRY CONTENTS INCLUDED. 3001
20-2734 1FTRF12277KA95763 2T1CG22PXYC343978 PREVIEW 9:00 TO 10:00 A.M. Household Items
20-1730 20-2327 KNDUP132556689537 2015 FORD MUSTANG 2002 JEEP GRAND CHERO- TED AT TIME OF BID!!!! Stanley Holt
20-2757 1FATP8UH4F5393011 KEE FOR A PREVIEW AND AUC- 4111
2003 MAZDA MPV 2005 NISSAN FRONTIER 20-3483 1J4GX48S72C122261 TION GUIDELINES GO TO Household items
JM3LW28J030336506 1N6AD07UX5C408297 2007 NISSAN VERSA 21-1042 DER OUR
20-1773 20-2357 3N1BC13E57L390476 2003 KIA SPECTRA W E B S I T E A T
20-2803 KNAFB121935269604 2006 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX WWW.STATWIDEWRECK- Tierra Williams
2019 CHEVROLET MALIBU 2013 CHEVROLET SONIC 20-3497 DER 2G2WC58C361175566 ERGA.COM 4124
1G1ZB5ST1KF176361 1G1JA5SH7D4252790 2009 HYUNDAI SONATA 21-1132 DER Clothes, beds, bike
20-1905 20-2368 5NPET46C09H492101 1999 JEEP CHEROKEE
20-2814 1J4GW68S9XC554534
2010 DODGE CHARGER 2016 KIA OPTIMA 20-3499 Tamica Simpson
2B3CA3CV4AH107568 KNAGT4L37G5083956 2003 MERCEDES E320 21-1150 DER 5010
20-1911 20-2440 WDBUF65J43A322481 2013 CHEVROLET CRUZE 2 queen size bed, dress,
20-2815 1G1PA5SH6D7266706 2005 CHEVROLET MALIBU boxes, clothes, living room fur-
Household items Demetra R. Green Clerk of the Superior Court and HOYT CRANE JR.; MERELE Heirs at Law; JOEL MATH-
2386 Springrun Way terest, and $TBD attorney's to serve upon Plaintiffs attor- MCARTHUR; EWS; OCCUPANT OF 2026
Decatur, GA 30032 fees. ney, John D. Andrle, Cobb, UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW REBECCA LANE, DEKALB
Tierra Williams YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED You are required to file with Olson & Andrle, LLC, 500 Sug- OF BETTY COUNTY TAX PARCEL ID 15
4124 that the above-styled action the Clerk of the State Court, ar Mill Road, Suite 160-B, At- GAILEY; UNKNOWN HEIRS 150 07 002;
Clothes, beds, bike seeking Complaint for Judicial and to serve upon plaintiff's at- lanta, GA 30350, an Answer in AT LAW OF Respondents.
Page 38 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
Foreclosure of Lien and Dam-
ages for non-payment of as-
torney, Alex Mitchell an An-
swer in writing within sixty (60)
writing within sixty (60) days of
September 28, 2021 the date of
Tamica Simpson sessments was filed against days of the date of the order for the order granting service by WILLIAM JOSEPH CRANE; 350-451935 11/11,11/18,11/25 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF
5010 you in said Court on June 16, publication. publication. CLARA ANN SMITH; UN- 12/2 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION
2 queen size bed, dress, 2021 and that by reason of an Witness the Honorable Kim- WITNESS, the Shondeana C KNOWN HEIRS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT TO:
boxes, clothes, living room fur- order for service of summons berly A Alexander, Judge of Morris , Judge of this Court. AT LAW OF JAMES POWELL OF DEKALB COUNTY OCCUPANT OF 2026 RE-
niture, washer, dryer, and kit- by publication signed by the this State Court. This the 28th day of October , JR.; GARY STATE OF GEORGIA BECCA LANE, DEKALB
chen items Court on November 3, 2021 This the 24th day of November, 2021. DENNIS POWELL; UN- WEALTHMORE COUNTY TAX PARCEL ID 15
you are hereby commanded 2021. Debra DeBerry KNOWN HEIRS AT PROPERTIES, LLC, 150 07 002 (2026 Rebecca Ln,
The auction will be listed and and required to file with the R. Javoyne Hicks, Clerk CLERK, SUPERIOR COURT LAW OF HOWARD RAY POW- Petitioner Decatur GA 30032);
advertised on www.stor- Clerk of said Court and serve OF DEKALB COUNTY ELL; LEIGH v. GARRETT T. TODD individu-
State Court of DeKalb County Purchases upon the firm of PANKEY & ANN BARRETT; HOLLY A TRACT OF LAND, BEING ally and as Administrator of the
By: M. Cheek
must be made with cash only HORLOCK, LLC, 1441 DUN- ROSS; JONATHAN KNOWN AS Estate of Susie Dorothy Todd
Deputy Clerk 350-451933 11/11,11/18,11/25
and paid at the above refer- WOODY VILLAGE PARKWAY, POWELL; MARY KATHERINE 2048 FLOWERWOOD TRAIL, (2026 Rebecca Ln, Decatur,
For: State Court 12/2
enced facility in order to com- SUITE 200, ATLANTA, GA POWELL as a DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA GA 30032 - P.O. Box 540477,
plete the transaction. Extra 30338, an Answer to the Com- POTENTIAL HEIR AT LAW; BEING TAX PARCEL NUM- Orlando, FL 32854);
DeKalb County Courthouse OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE
Space Storage may refuse any plaint within sixty (60) days of TERRI D. MOORE; BER JENIDA CARR TRAYLOR or
556 N. McDonough Street OF GEORGIA
bid and may rescind any pur- the date of the Order by Public- TINA PARKER A/K/K KAT- 15 044 09 018 Any Unknown Estate Repres-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 GLENSHIRE CONDOMINIUM
chase up until the winning bid- ation. RINA PARKER; AND As The Respective In- entative or Unknown Heirs At
der takes possession of the WITNESS the Honorable Dear JACKIE DEAN CAGLE; PHIL- terests Law (3683 Chimney Ridge CT
personal property Jackson, 350-451861 11/11,11/18,11/25 LIP RAY CRANE, May Be Or Appear: TENANT, C, Ellenwood, GA 30294);
This 3rd day of November, 12/2 Respondents. OWNER OR LINDA MARIE CARR a/k/a
Debra DeBerry TO: Any and all unknown per- CIVIL ACTION: LARRY ALLEN; Any Unknown Estate Repres-
Clerk of Court FILE No. 21CV6287 REAL TIME RESOLUTIONS, entative or Unknown Heirs At
Service By Pub Superior Court of DeKalb
sons claiming any interest in
the real property known as
++FILE NO. 21CV4556++
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION INC.; Law (2310 Donneybrook Dr,
County 2387 Cove Road, Lithonia, TO: UNKNOWN PARTIES WITH Champaign, IL 61821);
350-450692 11/25,12/2,12/9 TO: Joseph Redding
State of Georgia Dekalb County, Georgia. 1. Unknown Heirs at Law of ANY MYRTLE LOUISE CARR a/k/a
12/16 164 GLEN ACRES CT
5, 2021, Michael Oden, filed a 2. Unknown Heirs at Law of PROPERTY; Box 1252, Glenmora, LA 71433
350-450753 12/2,12/9,12/16 By order of the Court granting
In the Superior Court Petition To Quiet Title in con- George Crane Jr.; Respondents - PO Box 86, Glenmora, LA
12/23 service by publication dated
of DeKalb County junction with the above refer- 3. Unknown Heirs at Law of CIVIL ACTION: 71433);
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION October 7, 2021, you are
State of Georgia enced parcel of land, pursuant Alvin Crane; FILE No. 21CV7383 GEORGE CARR, JR (PO Box
In the State Court hereby notified that on May 25
Civil Action# ++21FM8856-2++ to the provisions of O.C.G.A. 4. Unknown Heirs at Law of NOTICE OF PUBLICATION 451, Glenmora, LA 71433 - PO
of DeKalb County 2021, Glenshire Condominium
LaToya Longette Lucien §§ 23-3-60, et seq. Said action Jack Crane; TO: Box 86, Glenmora, LA 71433);
State of Georgia Association, Inc. filed suit
Plaintiff is currently pending in the Su- 5. Unknown Heirs at Law of a. Unknown parties with any in- GARY CARR or any Unknown
Civil Action Number against you to collect unpaid
vs. perior Court of Dekalb County, Hoyt Crane; terest in the Subject Property; Estate Representative or Un-
++21A03650-2++ homeowners’ association as-
Terrence Joseph Craig Sr Georgia, as ++Civil Action File 6. Unknown Heirs at Law of b. Larry Allen; known Heirs at Law (5172 Me-
sessments at subject property.
Ashenafi Yerko, No. 21CV2423++. For the spe- Margie Kendall; You are hereby notified that the ridian Lake Dr, Monroe, GA
Defendant The style of the case is Glen-
vs. cifics of such pleas for relief 7. Unknown Heirs at Law of A. above-styled petition to quiet 30655 - 2213 Ridgedale Rd
To: Terrence Joseph Craig Sr shire Condominium Associ-
Fard Mahdi you must refer to the original L. Crane; title to property located at 2048 NE, Atlanta, GA 30317);
ADDRESS UKNOWN ation, Inc. v. Joseph Redding,
To: Fard Mahdi petition and all other pleadings 8. Unknown Heirs at Law of Flowerwood Trail, DeKalb JOEL MATHEWS (5831 Bay-
In re the Name Change of Chil- Civil Action No. 21CV4556, Su-
48 Hambrick Rd Unit 10 filed with the court. Hoyt Crane Jr.; County, Georgia, was filed side Ct C, Buford GA 30518);
dren perior Court of Dekalb County,
Stone Mountain, GA 30083 Pursuant to the Order for Ser- 9. Unknown Heirs at Law of against you in the Superior GREGORY L. TODD (3707
Toiya Elsie Craig State of Georgia.
By Order for service by public- vice by Publication entered by Betty Gailey; Court of DeKalb County on Au- Sandy Shoals Ln, Decatur, GA
Trace Ezekiel Craig You are required to file with the
ation dated November 15 2021, Judge Linda W. Hunter, Superi- 10. Unknown Heirs at Law of gust 22, 2021 and that by reas- 30034 - 1031 Ashby Ter NW,
Tyaris Isaiah Craig Clerk of the Superior Court and
you are hereby notified that on or Court of Dekalb County on Herbert M. Crane; on of an order for service of Atlanta, GA 30314);
Terrence Joseph Craig Jr to serve upon Plaintiff’s attor-
September 16, 2021 and 11. Unknown Heirs at Law of summons by publication You are hereby notified that the
August 05, 2021, Ashenafi ney, John D. Andrle, Cobb,
By Order of the Court, for ser- O.C.G.A. § 23-3-65, you are James Powell Jr.; entered by the Court on Octo- above styled action, seeking to
Yerko filed suit against you for Olson & Andrle, LLC, 500 Sug-
vice by publication dated the hereby notified that you are re- 12. Unknown Heirs at Law of ber 28, 2021 , you are hereby remove clouds on the Petition-
$TBD principal, $TBD interest, ar Mill Road, Suite 160-B, At-
4th day of November, 2021 quired to file any response or Howard Ray Powell; commanded and required to file er’s title to certain real property
and $TBD attorney's fees. lanta, GA 30350, an Answer in
You are hereby notified that on answer with the Clerk of the 13. Merele McArthur; with the Clerk of said Court and caused by the equities of re-
You are required to file with writing within sixty (60) days of
the 8th day of October, 2021 above referenced Court, within 14. Bobby Ray Crane and any serve upon Carolina Dallal Bry- demption following a tax sale,
the Clerk of the State Court, October 7, 2021 the date of the
The above-named Plaintiff filed 60 days of the date of such or- Unknown Heirs at Law of ant, Attorney at Law, whose ad- as specifically provided by
and to serve upon plaintiff's at- order granting service by pub-
suit against you for: Petition to der, with a copy of such re- Bobby Ray Crane; dress is 675 Seminole Ave., O.C.G.A § 23-3-44, related to
torney, an Answer in writing lication.
change names of minor chil- sponse or answer to be sent to 15. Clara Ann Smith; Suite 301, Atlanta, GA 30307 property located at 2026 RE-
within sixty (60) days of the WITNESS, the Yolanda C.
dren. the Attorney for the Petitioner: 16. Jackie Dean Cagle; an Answer to the Complaint BECCA LANE, DEKALB
Parker, Judge of this Court.
date of the order for publica- Burke B. Johnson, Lueder, Lar- You are hereby notified that the within thirty (30) days of the COUNTY TAX PARCEL ID 15
You are required to file with This the 4th day of November,
tion. kin & Hunter, LLC, 320 East above-styled petition to quiet fourth and final publication of 150 07 002 was filed against
the Clerk of Superior Court, and 2021.
Witness the Honorable Kim- Clayton Street, Suite 418, title to property located at 292 this notice. you in the Superior Court of
to serve upon the plaintiff or Debra DeBerry
berly Anderson, Judge of this Athens, GA 30601. Patterson Avenue, DeKalb WITNESS, the Honorable LaT- Fulton County on the 17th day
plaintiff's attorney whose name DEPUTY CLERK, SUPERIOR
State Court. /s/ Debra DeBerry Clerk, Su- County, Georgia, was filed isha Dear Jackson, Judge of of September, 2020, and that
and address is: LaToya Lon- COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY
This the 16th day of November, perior Court of Dekalb County against you in the Superior DeKalb County Superior Court. by reason of an Order for Ser-
gette Lucien 2591 Whites Mill 350-451934 11/11,11/18,11/25 Court of DeKalb County on Ju- This the 2nd day of November, vice of Summons by Publica-
Rd #512, Decatur, GA 30034 12/2 ly 22, 2021 and that by reason 2021. tion entered by the Court on the
R. Javoyne Hicks, Clerk
Answer in writing within sixty 350-451932 11/11,11/18,11/25 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT of an order for service of sum- Debra DeBerry 2nd day of November, 2021,
State Court of DeKalb County
(60) days of the date of the Or- 12/2 OF DEKALB COUNTY mons by publication entered by Clerk of Superior Court you are hereby commanded
By: Kelly Johnson
der of Publication. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF GEORGIA the Court on November 2, ++21CV7383/ 2048 FLOWER- and required to file with the
Deputy Clerk 2021, you are hereby com- WOOD TRAIL, Clerk of said Court and serve
For: State Court manded and required to file /15 044 09 018++ upon John Coleman, Attorney
Jackson, Judge of the DeKalb OF GEORGIA Petitioner
of DeKalb County with the Clerk of said Court and at Law, whose address is 675
Superior Court. ROCKBRIDGE PARK v.
DeKalb County Courthouse CONDOMINIUM, A TRACT OF LAND, BEING serve upon Carolina Dallal Bry- 350-451936 11/11,11/18,11/25 Seminole Ave. NE, Suite 302,
This the 5th day of November,
556 N. McDonough Street Plaintiff, KNOWN AS ant, Attorney at Law, whose ad- 12/2 Atlanta, GA 30307 an Answer
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Vs. 292 PATTERSON AVENUE, dress is 675 Seminole Ave., IN THE SUPERIOR COURT to the Complaint within sixty
Debra DeBerry
Clerk of Superior Court 350-450754 12/2,12/9,12/16 BENJAMIN SMITH, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Suite 301, Atlanta, GA 30307 OF DEKALB COUNTY (60) days of the Order for Pub-
Defendant. BEING TAX PARCEL NUM- an Answer to the Complaint STATE OF GEORGIA lication.
556 N. McDonough Street 12/23
CIVIL ACTION BER within thirty (30) days of the EMOSTAH, LLC; WITNESS, the Honorable
G-130 Annex NOTICE OF PUBLICATION fourth and final publication of Shondeana C. Morris, Judge of
Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 In the State Court ++ FILE NO. 21CV3994++ 18 009 09 003; Petitioner,
of DeKalb County WITNESS, the Honorable This the 2nd day of November,
350-450693 12/2,12/9,12/16 TO: Benjamin Smith OF JESSIE M. GARRETT T. TODD; ANN
12/23 State of Georgia 211 Cobblestone Trail CRANE; UNKNOWN HEIRS Yolanda C. Parker - Smith, CARR-LIGHT; TOMMY LAMAR 2021.
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Civil Action Number Avondale Estate, GA 30002 AT LAW OF Judge of DeKalb County Su- CARR; JENIDA CARR
OF DEKALB COUNTY ++21A02241-7++ By order of the Court granting GEORGE CRANE JR.; UN- perior Court. TRAYLOR or any unknown es- 350-451937 11/11,11/18,11/25
STATE OF GEORGIA Monique Laguerre, service by publication dated KNOWN HEIRS This the 2nd day of November, tate representative or unknown 12/2
THE ORCHARD LANE Plaintiff September 28, 2021, you are AT LAW OF ALVIN CRANE; 2021. heirs at law; QUEEN WON- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
ATION, INC., Christen Jakulski, et al 2021, Rockbridge Park Con- HEIRS AT LAW OF JACK Clerk of Superior Court TSHITAMBWE; THOMASENE OF GEORGIA
Plaintiff, Defendant dominium filed suit against you CRANE; ++21CV6287/292 PATTER- JONES; LINDA MARIE CARR Kendra Grace-Love
v. To: Christen Jakulski to collect unpaid homeowners' UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW SON AVENUE/ 18 009 09 a/k/a LINDA MARIE SUM- PLAINTIFF
DEMETRA R. GREEN, 6919 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd association assessments at OF HOYT 003++ BLER; MYRTLE LOUISE vs
Defendant. 524 subject property. The style of CRANE; UNKNOWN HEIRS CARR a/k/a MERTLE CARR Albert Peebles
Civil Action File No. Atlanta, GA 30328 the case is Rockbridge Park AT LAW OF GATES; GEORGE CARR, JR.; DEFENDANT
++21CV5187-7++ By Order for service by public- Condominium v. Benjamin MARGIE KENDALL; BOBBY GARY CARR or any Unknown TO: Albert Peebles
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION ation dated November 18 2021, Smith, Civil Action No. RAY CRANE; Estate Representative or Un- CIVIL ACTION NO.
To: Demetra R. Green you are hereby notified that on 21CV3994 Superior Court of UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW known Heirs at Law; COLETTE ++21FM6931-2++
3238 Strawberry Lane May 6, 2021, Monique Dekalb County, State of Geor- OF A. L. SNOWDEN; SUSIE DOROTHY NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
Decatur, GA 30032 gia. CRANE; UNKNOWN HEIRS TODD or any Unknown Estate By ORDER of the Court, for
Laguerre,filed suit against you
You are required to file with the AT LAW OF Representative or Unknown service by publication dated the
for $TBD principal, $TBD in- Clerk of the Superior Court and
Demetra R. Green HOYT CRANE JR.; MERELE Heirs at Law; JOEL MATH- 28th day of October, 2021
2386 Springrun Way terest, and $TBD attorney's to serve upon Plaintiffs attor- MCARTHUR; EWS; OCCUPANT OF 2026 You are hereby notified that on
Decatur, GA 30032 fees. ney, John D. Andrle, Cobb, UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW REBECCA LANE, DEKALB the 10th day of August, 2021
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED You are required to file with Olson & Andrle, LLC, 500 Sug- OF BETTY COUNTY TAX PARCEL ID 15 the above-named Plaintiff filed
that the above-styled action the Clerk of the State Court, ar Mill Road, Suite 160-B, At- GAILEY; UNKNOWN HEIRS 150 07 002; suit against you for: Name
seeking Complaint for Judicial and to serve upon plaintiff's at- lanta, GA 30350, an Answer in AT LAW OF Respondents. change of a minor
Foreclosure of Lien and Dam- torney, Alex Mitchell an An- writing within sixty (60) days of HERBERT M. CRANE; KATHY CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. You are required to file with the
ages for non-payment of as- swer in writing within sixty (60) September 28, 2021 the date of SIGMON; ++20CV6573++ Clerk of Superior Court, and to
sessments was filed against days of the date of the order for the order granting service by WILLIAM JOSEPH CRANE; NOTICE OF SERVICE OF serve upon the plaintiff or
you in said Court on June 16, publication. publication. CLARA ANN SMITH; UN- SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION plaintiffs attorney, whose name
2021 and that by reason of an Witness the Honorable Kim- WITNESS, the Shondeana C KNOWN HEIRS TO: and address is Kendra Grace-
order for service of summons berly A Alexander, Judge of Morris , Judge of this Court. AT LAW OF JAMES POWELL OCCUPANT OF 2026 RE- Love 1408 Rock Springs Circle
28th day of October, 2021 Decatur, GA 30030 Moody & Circelli, P.C., ary 8, 2021, and that by reas- Superior Court of Dekalb
You are hereby notified that on with a copy of such response or plaintiff's attorneys, whose ad- on of an Order for Service of County, Georgia. This notice
the 10th day of August, 2021 answer to be sent to the Attor- dress is 15W030 North Front- Summons by Publication also constitutes a demand for
the above-named Plaintiff filed ney for the Petitioner, whose age Road, Suite 200, Burr entered by the Court on the 4th possession of the property de-
suit against you for: Name name and address is: Douglas Ridge, IL 60527. You may have day of November, 2021, you scribed herein on and after the
change of a minor McKillip, 22 N Main St, Build- an attorney help or represent are hereby commanded and re- foreclosure date and time set

You are required to file with the The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 39
ing B, Watkinsville, GA 30677. you. quired to file with the Clerk of out above in the event the
Clerk of Superior Court, and to Concurrently with the publica- If you do not provide a proper said Court and serve upon property is not timely re-
serve upon the plaintiff or tion of this notice, and pursu- 350-451957 11/11,11/18,11/25 answer within 40 days, the John Coleman, Attorney at 350-452118 11/25,12/2,12/9 deemed.
plaintiffs attorney, whose name ant to the requirements of 12/2 court may grant judgment Law, whose address is 675 12/16 The property may be re-
and address is Kendra Grace- OCGA § 9-11-4 (f)(1)(C), the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT against you for the award of Seminole Ave. NE, Suite 302, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE deemed on or before the time
Love 1408 Rock Springs Circle undersigned Clerk of the Su- OF DEKALB COUNTY money or other legal action re- Atlanta, GA 30307 an Answer OF RIGHT TO REDEEM and date stated above by pay-
NE Apt 4-1004, Atlanta, GA perior Court, DeKalb County, STATE OF GEORGIA quested in the complaint, and to the Complaint within sixty [REF. O.C.G.A., Section 48-4-5 ment of the redemption price as
30306 Georgia hereby certifies that, Sergut G Mengesha you may lose your right to ob- (60) days of the Order for Pub- et seq.; 48-4-45 & 48-4-46] fixed and provided by law to the
an Answer in writing within sixty within 15 days of the date of PLAINTIFF ject to anything that is or may lication. TO: CELIA STRICKLAND or undersigned at the following
(60) days of the date of the Or- the filing of the Order for Ser- VS be incorrect in the complaint. A WITNESS, the Honorable Tan- any Unknown Estate Repres- address:
der of Publication. vice by Publication as herein- Signe A Deressa judgment may be enforced as gela Barrie, Judge of said entative or Unknown Heirs at ITP PROPERTIES, INC.
WITNESS, the Honorable, above stated, the undersigned DEFENDANT provided by law. A judgment Court. Law; c/o John Coleman, Esq.
Asha F. Jackson, Judge of the Clerk will send a copy of this TO: Signe A Deressa awarding money may become This the 4th day of November, VIRGINIA STRICKLAND or any Coleman Law, LLC
DeKalb Superior Court. Notice, together with a copy of CIVIL ACTION NO. a lien against any real estate 2021. Unknown Estate Representat- 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite
This, the 1st day of November, the Order for Service by Public- ++21FM8983++ you own now or in the future, Clerk of Superior Court, Dekalb ive or Unknown Heirs at Law; 302
2021 ation and Complaint or Petition, NOTICE OF PUBLICATION and may also be enforced by County GLENN STRICKLAND or any Atlanta, Georgia 30307
DEBRA DEBERRY, CLERK if any, to the following Re- By ORDER of the Court, for garnishment or seizure of prop- 350-452009 11/18,11/25,12/2 Unknown Estate Representat- 404.974.4537
, DEKALB COUNTY, GA spondents at their respective service by publication dated the erty. 12/9 ive or Unknown Heirs at Law; Please be governed accord-
DeKalb County Courthouse last known addresses below: 5th day of November 2021 Dated: November 4, 2021 SERVICE BY PUBLICATION CHERYL MITCHELL individu- ingly.
556 NORTH McDONOUGH Occupant/Resident You are hereby notified that Codilis, Moody & Circelli, P.C. To: ally and as Executor of the
STREET, GROUND FLOOR 3840 Conley Downs Ln on10/14/2021, Attorneys for Plaintiff Electron- Douglas Lyons, his Estate Ad- Lawrence Rawlins Estate; 350-452199 12/2,12/9,12/16
DECATUR, GA 30030 Decatur, GA 30034 the above-named Plaintiff filed ically signed by ministrator and heirs, Commer- VERNON RAWLINS or any Un- 12/23
suit against you for DECLARA- Shawn R. Hillmann cial Credit Plan, Inc., DeKalb known Estate Representative NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE
350-451947 11/11,11/18,11/25 Marquaiz Bey TION OF CUSTODY WI State Bar No. 1037005 County Tax Commissioner, and or Unknown Heirs at Law; OF RIGHT TO REDEEM
12/2 3825 Hempstead Way You are required to file with the Emily Thoms All persons known or unknown LUCY CAMPBELL or any Un- PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. §48-
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF Atlanta, GA 30331 Clerk of Superior Court, and to WI State Bar No. 1075844 who may claim an interest in known Estate Representative 4-45 AND O.C.G.A. §48-4-46
SERVICE serve.upon the plaintiff or property known as 2152 Wes- or Unknown Heirs at Law; TO: J.P. COZZENS, WILLIAM
PETITIONER: MABRY REAL Mortgage Electronic Registra- plaintiff's attorney, whose n e 350-452008 11/18,11/25,12/2 ley Chapel Rd., Decatur, GA JAMES E. RAWLINS JR; B. CONNOLEY, BRIAN L.
ESTATE PROPERTIES LLC tion Systems, Inc. and address is Sergut G 12/9 30032 JOE RAWLINS; HOWELL, RICHARD P. JOHN-
LEY DOWNS LN, DEKALB 1901 E. Voohrees St., Suite C anAnswer in writing within sixty STATE OF GEORGIA TION CLEO R. HULME or any Un- CIAN L. VESTAL, ROBERT M.
County, GA, Tax Parcel ID: 15- Danville, IL 61843 (60) days of the date of the Or- Gonzalez Business Solutions, Take notice that: Pursuant to known Estate Representative WELSH AND STANLEY A.
040-02-129; And, as the re- der of Publication. LLC, O.C.G.A. 48-4-45 and 48-4-46, or Unknown Heirs at Law; WILLIAMS, OR THEIR RE-
spective interests may be or June Reyes Witness, the Honorable, Park- Petitioner, the right to redeem the follow- ELVIN RAWLINS or any Un- SPECTIVE SUCCESSORS IN
Appear: Tenant/Occupant of 3081 Colonial Way, Apt C er-Smith, Yolanda, Judge of the v. ing described property, to wit: known Estate Representative OFFICE, AS TRUSTEES OF
property; Marquaiz Bey; Mort- Atlanta, GA 30341 DeKalb Superior Court. BERNARD P. O’SULLIVAN or All that parcel of land lying and or Unknown Heirs at Law; CITIZENS GROWTH PROP-
gage Electronic Registration This, the 5th day of November , any Unknown Estate Repres- being in Land Lot 159 of the LAWTON RAWLINS or any Un- ERTIES, TR, AN OHIO BUSI-
Systems Inc. as Nominee for Witness, The Hon. Yolanda C. 2021 entative or Unknown Heirs-at- 15th District of DeKalb County, known Estate Representative NESS TRUST C/O DAVID
Fremont Investment and Loan; Parker-Smith, Judge, Superior DEBRA DEBERRY Law; DEKALB COUNTY, Georgia, according to Plat of or Unknown Heirs at Law; GENGER, ITS REGISTERED
June Reyes; and All the World; Court, DeKalb County DEKALBCOUNTY, GA GEORGIA; the Carl D. Lyons Property, pre- WILLIAM HOWARD STRICK- AGENT; TAX COMMISSION-
All persons having of record in DeKalb County Courthouse FREMONT INVESTMENT & pared by C. E. Kenner, Regis- LAND or any Unknown Estate ER AND EX OFFICIO SHER-
DeKalb County any right, title, Clerk of the Superior Court, 556 NORTH McDONOUGH LOAN or its unknown suc- tration No. 904, dated May 20, Representative or Unknown IFF OF DEKALB COUNTY;
interest in, or lien upon the re- DeKalb County, Georgia STREET, GROUND FLOOR cessors, assigns, or sharehold- 1958, and being more particu- Heirs at Law; AND ALL PERSONS UN-
spondent property; All credit- By: /S/ DECATUR, GA 30030 ers; larly described as follows: Be- DEWARD RAWLINS or any KNOWN HAVING ANY RIGHT,
ors of any of these entities; and Clerk++21CV5216-3/3840 JACOBY JACKSON Individu- ginning at a point on the east- Unknown Estate Representat- TITLE, INTEREST IN, OR LI-
ALL THE WORLD. CONLEY DOWNS LN, 350-452007 11/18,11/25,12/2 ally and as Administrator of the erly side of Wesley Chapel ive or Unknown Heirs at Law; EN UPON THE REAL PROP-
OR COURT, CIVIL ACTION CELID: 15-040-02-129 ++ CIRCUIT COURT JONATHAN JACKSON; FON- from a point where the easterly known Estate Representative CONLEY ROAD, CONLEY,
NO:21CV5216-3 350-451956 11/11,11/18,11/25 MILWAUKEE COUNTY TAINE CONDOMINIUM ASSO- side of Wesley Chapel Road in- or Unknown Heirs at Law; DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
RE: PETITION TO QUIET 12/2 CIATION, INC.; OCCUPANT tersects the north line of Land AAA Homes, Inc. or its un- 30288 (PARCEL ID: 15 013 03
TITLE, 3840 CONLEY DOWNS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT PHH Mortgage Corporation OF 84 PLACE FONTAINE, Lot 159; running thence south- known successors, assigns, or 001).
LN, DEKALB COUNTY, Being OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE Plaintiff, DEKALB COUNTY TAX PAR- erly along the easterly side of shareholders; TAKE NOTICE THAT:
A/K/A T.P.I.D. No. 15-040-02- OF GEORGIA v. CEL ID 16 055 08 060; Wesley Chapel Road, 70 feet ALL PARTIES KNOWN AND The right to redeem the follow-
129 (the “Respondent SRP Sub, LLC, Letrice Barksdale Respondents. to a point; running thence east- UNKNOWN HAVING OF RE- ing described property, to-wit,
Property”). Plaintiff, 4942 Forrest Run CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. erly 250 feet to a point; running CORD IN DEKALB COUNTY will expire and be forever fore-
DATE PETITION FILED: JUNE vs. Lithonia, GA 30038 ++21CV1779++ thence northerly 70 feet to a ANY RIGHT, TITLE, IN- closed and barred as of five
16, 2021 Michael Jenkins, NOTICE OF SERVICE OF point; running thence westerly TEREST IN, OR LIEN UPON o’clock (5:00) p.m. on or after
DATE OF ORDER FOR PUB- Defendant. Markia Evans SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION 250 feet to the easterly side of 725 MURPHEY STREET, IN- December 31, 2021 or 30 days
LICATION: NOVEMBER 1, 4942 Forrest Run TO: Wesley Chapel Road and the CLUDING ANY TENANT / after legal services of the No-
2021. CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. Lithonia, GA 30038 a. OCCUPANT OF 84 PLACE point of beginning, being un- OWNER / OCCUPANT OF tice pursuant to OCGA §48-4-
TO: NAMED RESPONDENTS; ++20CV5229++ FONTAINE, DEKALB COUNTY proved property known as No. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; 45, whichever date is later:
INTERESTED PARTIES, PUBLICATION 2411 Paul Avenue NW 060 (84 Place Fontaine, Stone- cording to the present system EQUITY OF REDEMPTION CEL OF LAND lying and bring
KNOWN OR UNKNOWN [The TO: Michael Jenkins Atlanta, GA 30318 crest GA 30038); of numbering houses in DeKalb FOR TAX SALE DEED in Land Lot 13 of the 15th Dis-
“Respondent(s)” in the Refer- By Order for service by publica- Defendants. b. BERNARD P. O’SULLIVAN County, Georgia. (REF. O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, 46) trict of DeKalb County, Geor-
enced Action - Petition to Quiet tion dated the 4th day of or any Unknown Estate Rep- Property Location: ++2152 Take notice that: gia, and being more particu-
Title]. TAKE NOTICE THAT Pe- November, 2021, you are Summons resentative or Unknown Heirs- Wesley Chapel Rd., Decatur, The right to redeem the follow- larly described as follows:
titioner, has caused to be filed, hereby notified that on the 21st ++Case No. 2021CV005150++ at-Law (3284 Huntwood Dr, GA 30032++ ing described property, to wit BEGINNING at an iron pin on
in the Superior Court of DeKalb day of July, 2020, SRP Sub, Judge Carl Ashley Decatur, GA 30034); Map Reference No./Parcel will expire and be forever fore- the southeasterly right-of-way
County, Georgia, a Petition to LLC filed suit against you for In- Foreclosure of Mortgage: c. FREMONT INVESTMENT & No.:15-159-01-005 closed and barred as of four line of Conley Road (60-foot
Quiet Title, in conjunction with junctive Relief, Temporary Re- 30404 LOAN or its Unknown Suc- will expire and be forever fore- o’clock (4 p.m.) on and after right-of-way) 380 feet south-
the above referenced parcel of straining Order, Quiet Title, and cessors, Assigns, or Sharehold- closed and barred November December 30, 2021, or within westerly, as measured along
land; under the provisions of Recovery of Damages. You are ers (Reg. Agt. A.P. Robertson, 17, 2021 at 5:00p.m.. The tax 30 days after legal service of the southeasterly right-of-way
O.C.G.A., §23360, et seq. Peti- required to file with the DeKalb THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, 65 Washington Street, #219, deed to which this notice the Notice pursuant to OCGA line of Conley Road), from the
tioner is seeking an order to County Clerk of the Superior To each person named above Santa Clara, CA 95050 / 26 relates is dated December 8, 48-4-45 et seq., whichever date intersection formed by the
quiet title to the Respondent Court, and to serve on Joseph as a defendant: Miller Road, Royal Oaks, CA 2011, and is recorded in the of- is later: southerly right-of-way line of
Property. For the specifics of P. Farrell, 2170 Satellite You are hereby notified that the 95076 / 2727 East Imperial fice of the Clerk of the Superior All that tract or parcel of land ly- Cedar Grove Road (60-foot
such pleas for relief the Parties Boulevard, Suite 375, Duluth, Plaintiff named above has filed Hwy, Brea CA 92821) Court of DeKalb County, Geor- ing and being in Land Lots 64 right-of-way) with the south-
Respondent must refer to the Georgia 30097, an Answer in a lawsuit or other legal action d. JACOBY JACKSON Indi- gia, in Deed Book 22840 at and 65 of the 18th District of easterly right-of-way line of
original petition and all other writing within sixty against you. The complaint, vidually and as Administrator of Page 600. Dekalb County, Georgia, and Conley Road; thence running
pleadings filed with the court. (60) days of the date of the or- which is also served upon you, the Tiran Jackson Estate (1885 The property may be re- being all of Lot 56 and a por- south 68 degrees 34 minutes
All Respondent(s) are hereby der for publication. states the nature and basis of Keltner Cir Apt 2, Memphis, TN deemed at any time before the tion of Lot 55 of the Sunnyside east a distance of 100.4 feet to
noticed and commanded to be WITNESS, the Honorable Tan- the legal action. 38114) close of business on the afore- Park Subdivision, according to an iron pin; thence running
and appear at the court in gela Barrie, Judge of this Su- Within 40 days after November mentioned barment date, by revised plat thereof as recor- north 89 degrees 44 minutes
which this action is pending perior Court. This 4th day of 18, 2021 you must respond You are hereby notified that the payment of the redemption ded in Plat Book 14, Page 25, east a distance of 587.4 feet to
within 60 days of the date of Nov. 2021 with a written answer, as that above styled action, seeking to price as fixed and provided by Dekalb County Records, Being an iron pin; thence running
the Order for service by public- Debra DeBerry term is used in chapter 802 of remove clouds on the Petition- law to ALT Enterprises, LLC at that property known as ++725 north 01 degree 10 minutes
ation. All named Respondent(s) Clerk of Court the Wisconsin Statutes, to the er’s title to certain real property the offices of the law firm of Murphey Street++ according to West 100 feet to an iron pin;
are to file any response or an- Superior Court of DeKalb complaint. The court may re- caused by the equities of re- O.M. Smith Law Group, LLC, the present system of number- thence running north 88 de-
swer with the Clerk of the Su- County State of Georgia ject or disregard an answer that demption following a tax sale, 1115 Mt. Zion Rd., Suite 23, ing properties and having tax grees 35 minutes east 550 Feet
perior Court of the above refer- does not follow the require- as specifically provided by Morrow, GA 30260 parcel identification number 18 to an iron pin; thence running
enced Court, at the address ments of the statutes. The an- O.C.G.A § 23-3-44, related to 064 03 017. north 88 degree 55 minutes
show below: swer must be sent or delivered property located at 84 Place The tax deed to which this no- east 100 feet to an iron pin;
Clerk, Superior Court of DeKalb to the court, whose address is Fontaine, Dekalb County Tax tice relates is dated November thence running south 31 de-
County Milwaukee County Courthouse Parcel 16 055 08 060 was filed 1, 1994, and is recorded at gree 23 minutes east 109 feet
556 N McDonough St., Ground 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, against you in the Superior Deed Book 8372, Page 294 in to an iron pin; thence running
Floor WI 53233, and to Codilis, Court of Dekalb County Febru- the Office of the Clerk of the south 03 degrees 08 minutes
Decatur, GA 30030 Moody & Circelli, P.C., ary 8, 2021, and that by reas- Superior Court of Dekalb west 220 feet to an iron pin;
with a copy of such response or plaintiff's attorneys, whose ad- on of an Order for Service of County, Georgia. This notice thence running south 03 de-
answer to be sent to the Attor- dress is 15W030 North Front- Summons by Publication also constitutes a demand for grees 25 minutes West 635.5
ney for the Petitioner, whose age Road, Suite 200, Burr entered by the Court on the 4th possession of the property de- feet to an iron pin; thence run-
name and address is: Douglas Ridge, IL 60527. You may have day of November, 2021, you scribed herein on and after the ning south 57 degrees 03
McKillip, 22 N Main St, Build- an attorney help or represent are hereby commanded and re- foreclosure date and time set minutes east 710 feet to an iron
ing B, Watkinsville, GA 30677. you. quired to file with the Clerk of out above in the event the pin; thence running north 80
Concurrently with the publica- If you do not provide a proper said Court and serve upon property is not timely re- degrees 40 minutes east 173.3
tion of this notice, and pursu- answer within 40 days, the John Coleman, Attorney at deemed. feet to a stone on the easterly
ant to the requirements of court may grant judgment Law, whose address is 675 The property may be re- land lot line of Land Lot 13 of
OCGA § 9-11-4 (f)(1)(C), the against you for the award of Seminole Ave. NE, Suite 302, deemed on or before the time the 15th District of DeKalb
undersigned Clerk of the Su- money or other legal action re- Atlanta, GA 30307 an Answer and date stated above by pay- County, Georgia; thence run-
west 220 feet to an iron pin; Deed Book 27320, Page 351 BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB
thence running south 03 de- (Corrective Tax Deed recorded COUNTY, GEORGIA.
grees 25 minutes West 635.5 at Deed Book 29797, Page The debt secured by the Asso-
feet to an iron pin; thence run- 295). ciation’s lien, which totals
ning south 57 degrees 03 The property may be re- $48,506.23 as of August 24,
minutes east 710 feet to an iron deemed on or before Decem- 2021, has been and is hereby
Page 40
pin; thence running north 80
degrees 40 minutes east 173.3
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
ber 31, 2021 before 5:00 PM by
payment of the redemption
declared due because of fail-
ure to pay the indebtedness as
feet to a stone on the easterly price as fixed and provided by and when due and in the man- 370-450723 11/25,12/2 370-450726 11/25,12/2 370-450729 11/25,12/2 370-450732 11/25,12/2
land lot line of Land Lot 13 of law to the undersigned at the ner provided for in the Declara- AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR
the 15th District of DeKalb following address. Payoff re- tion. The debt remaining in de- REGISTRATION REGISTRATION REGISTRATION REGISTRATION
County, Georgia; thence run- quests should be submitted us- fault, this sale will be made for OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME
ning south 00 degrees 22 ing the following contact inform- the purpose of paying same State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia,
minutes West 1,406.14 feet ation: and all expenses of the sale, as County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb
along the easterly land lot line Mr. Lessiobe Paul Kae provided in the Georgia Con- The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby
of Land Lot 13 of the 15th Dis- c/o Ed Downs & Associates, dominium Act, O.C.G.A. § 44-3- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct-
trict of DeKalb County, Geor- P.C. 70, et seq., and the Declara- ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of
gia, to a rock located on the P.O. Box 2478 tion (notice of attempt to col- DeKalb, at 2050 Mountain In- DeKalb, at 230 E. Ponce de Le- DeKalb, at 112 W. Trinity Place DeKalb, at 2502 Blackmon
southerly land lot line of Land Jonesboro, GA 30237-2478 lect attorney's fees having been dustrial Blvd. Tucker, GA on Ave. Unit 402 Decatur, GA Decatur, GA 30030, in the Drive Suite 830 Decatur, GA
Lot 13 of the 15th District, (770) 997-0334 given). The excess, if any, will 30084, in the State of Georgia, 30030, in the State of Georgia, State of Georgia, under the 30033, in the State of Georgia,
DeKalb County and Clayton (770) 997-8065 Fax be distributed to the person or under the name ++Lade Elec- under the name ++I Cook With name ++PlantHouse++. Said under the name ++Scoville Hot
County; thence running south persons legally entitled thereto. tric Supply++. Said business Fire++. Said business has been business has been registered Chicken++. Said business has
89 degree 37 minutes west To the best knowledge and be- has been registered under U.S. registered under ICWF Market- under Ryan Planthouse Incor- been registered under HOSPIT-
2,681.1 feet along the south- Please be governed accord- lief of the undersigned, the Electrical Services, Inc. ing, Inc. porated. ALITY-VILLE, LLC.
erly land lot line of Land Lot 13 ingly. party(ies) in possession of the This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli-
of the 15th District of DeKalb Subject Property known as ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated,
County, Georgia, and the line ++2942 N. DeKalb Dr, Unit F, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
dividing DeKalb County and Sheriff’s Sale Doraville GA 30340++ is CGP 490. 490. 490. 490.
Clayton County to a point, Management & Assoc. LLC. Bradford, David T Palermo, Raymond Ryan, Bailey Xavier, Jerin
thence running north 00 de- 360-451839 11/11,11/18,11/25 Said property will be sold sub- Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner
grees 04 minutes west 150 feet 12/2 ject to (a) any outstanding ad Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this
to a point; thence running north Notice of Judicial Foreclosure valorem taxes (including taxes 20th day of October, 2021. 21st day of October, 2021. 22nd day of October, 2021. 25th day of October, 2021.
87 degrees 56 minutes east STATE OF GEORGIA which are a lien but not yet due Instrument number Instrument number Instrument number Instrument number
1,116.5 feet to a point; thence DEKALB COUNTY and payable), (b) any matters 2021TN00544 2021TN00547 2021TN00550 2021TN00553
running north 02 degrees 54 Under and by virtue of which might be disclosed by an Filed on October 20, 2021 Filed on October 21, 2021 Filed on October 22, 2021 Filed on October 25, 2021
minutes west 160 feet to a O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the accurate survey and inspection Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry
point; thence running north 32 Amendment to Declarations of of the property, (c) the Declara- Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court
degrees 45 minutes west 238 Record of Dunhill Condomini- tion, as amended, and (d) all In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia
feet to a point; thence running ums,Phase I and Phase II, as matters of record superior to 370-450724 11/25,12/2 370-450727 11/25,12/2 370-450730 11/25,12/2 370-450733 11/25,12/2
north 12. degrees 45 minutes may be amended (the “Declara- the condominium lien first set AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR
west 213 feet to a point; thence tion”), filed of record in the out above, including but not REGISTRATION REGISTRATION REGISTRATION REGISTRATION
running north 29 degrees 10 DeKalb County, Georgia re- limited to any encumbrances, OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME
minutes west 158 feet to a cords, and by virtue of the zoning ordinances, restrictions, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia,
point; thence running north 80 Court Order dated July 16, covenants and matters of re- County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb
degrees 08 minutes west 2015, there will be sold by the cord superior to the condomini- The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby
105.24 feet to a point; thence DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office um lien first set out above. certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct-
running south 81 degrees 25 at public outcry to the highest The sale will be conducted sub- ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of
minutes west 125 feet to a bidder for cash before the ject to (1) confirmation that the DeKalb, at 206 Eastwyck Circle DeKalb, at 4009 Gladesworth DeKalb, at 2064 North Decatur DeKalb, at 3200 Northlake
point; thence running north 56 Courthouse door of DeKalb sale is not prohibited under the Decatur, GA 30032, in the LN Decatur, GA 30035, in the Rd Decatur, GA 30033, in the Parkway NE Atlanta, GA
degrees 55 minutes west 137 County, Georgia within the leg- United States Bankruptcy State of Georgia, under the State of Georgia, under the State of Georgia, under the 30345, in the State of Georgia,
feet to a point; thence running al hours of sale on the first Code, and (2) final confirma- name ++The Meles++. Said name ++Collins Fine Art++. name ++TENYA++. Said busi- under the name ++Defy At-
north 38 degrees 05 minutes Tuesday in December 2021, to tion and audit of the status of business has been registered. Said business has been re- ness has been registered un- lanta++. Said business has
west 372 feet to a point; thence wit, December 7, 2021 the fol- the lien with the holder of the This affidavit is made in compli- gistered. der Savory Korporation, Inc. been registered under Defy
running north 48 degrees 10 lowing described property: Order to foreclose. ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- Tucker, LLC.
minutes west 73 feet to a point; ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Dunhill Condominium Associ- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli-
thence running south 82 de- CEL OF LAND LYING AND ation, Inc. 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated,
grees 22 minutes west 127.9 BEING IN LAND LOT 320 OF c/o Christine L. Khano, Esq. Iyamu, Emetebuho Elizabeth 490. 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
feet to a point on the southeast- THE 18TH DISTRICT OF Lazega & Johanson LLC Applicant / Owner Collins, Michael Wade Wiguna, Thresia 490.
erly right-of-way line of Conley DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, P.O. Box 250800 Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Jesperson, Gordon O.
Road; thence running north 23 AND BEING IN BUILDING NO. Atlanta, GA 30325 20th day of October, 2021. Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner
degrees 06 minutes east along 2942 (BUILDING AREA 1) AND (404) 350-1192 Instrument number 21st day of October, 2021. 24th day of October, 2021. Sworn to and subscribed this
the southeasterly right-of-way BEING DWELLING F, FLOOR Fax: (404) 350-1193 2021TN00545 Instrument number Instrument number 25th day of October, 2021.
line of Conley Road a distance PLAN B OF DUNHILL CON- Filed on October 20, 2021 2021TN00548 2021TN00551 Instrument number
of 78.7 feet to an Iron pin; DOMINIUMS, PHASE II, AS Our File No. 2141C121 Debra DeBerry Filed on October 21, 2021 Filed on October 24, 2021 2021TN00554
thence running north 23 de- SHOWN ON PLAT SURVEY THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Filed on October 25, 2021
grees 06 minutes east along DATED DECEMBER 27, 1972, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry
the southeasterly right-of-way REVISED NOVEMBER 12, TEMPTING TO COLLECT A In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court
line of Conley Road 98.6. feet DEBT. ANY INFORMATION 370-450725 11/25,12/2
1974, MADE BY SAMUEL G. AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-450728 11/25,12/2 370-450731 11/25,12/2 In DeKalb County, Georgia
to a point; thence running north EVANS JR. REGISTERED OBTAINED WILL BE USED
along the southeasterly right-of- PLAT IS RECORDED IN CON- State of Georgia, OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME REGISTRATION
way line of Conley Road 307
feet to a point; thence running
PAGE 75, DEKALB COUNTY Trade Name County of DeKalb State of Georgia,
County of DeKalb
State of Georgia,
County of DeKalb
north 23 degrees 30 minutes The undersigned hereby State of Georgia,
RECORDS, TOGETHER WITH certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb
east along the southeasterly ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND IN- 370-450722 11/25,12/2
AFFIDAVIT FOR ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby
right-of-way line of Conley TEREST CONTAINED IN THE
REGISTRATION DeKalb, at 2459 Gatebury ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct-
Road 676.1 feet to the Iron pin DECLARATION FOR DUN-
OF TRADE NAME Circle Atlanta, GA 30341, in the DeKalb, at 1450 La France DeKalb, at 3602 Midvale Rd ing a business in the County of
at the point of beginning, and HILL CONDOMINIUM, PHASE
State of Georgia, State of Georgia, under the Street NE #329 Atlanta, GA Tucker, GA 30084, in the State DeKalb, at 804 Town Blvd
per plat for "Robert Schau- II, RECORDED IN DEED
County of DeKalb name ++RISE TRAINERS++. 30307, in the State of Georgia, of Georgia, under the name Suite 1045 Brookhaven, GA
mann" by Thomas M. Patton, BOOK 2834, PAGES 391-414,
The undersigned hereby Said business has been re- under the name ++Kazi Boot- ++HIKI! The Experience++. 30319, in the State of Georgia,
Registered Land Surveyor, AFORESAID RECORDS
certifies that they are conduct- gistered under BOND COM- ing++. Said business has been Said business has been re- under the name ++Emerald
dated September 12, 1972, (HEREIN CALLED “DECLARA-
ing a business in the County of MERCIAL LENDING INC. registered under Lula Kazi LLC. gistered under Chefs Lit Ltd Peach Salon++. Said business
containing 115.420 acres. TION") SAID DECLARATION,
DeKalb, at 2375 Wesley This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- Co. has been registered under Em-
Chapel Road #16A Decatur, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- erald Peach LLC.
erty conveyed to Lassiter Prop- AMENDED BY ATTACHMENT
GA 30035, in the State of Geor- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli-
erties, Inc. Profit Sharing Plan RECORDED IN DEED BOOK
gia, under the name ++MAD- 490. 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated,
and Trust #1 and Lassiter Prop- 3299, PAGE 153 AFORESAID
RAG++. Said business has OLUWOLE, ALBERT Pole, Nia Malika 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
erties, Inc. Money Purchase RECORDS, BY THIS REFER-
been registered under MR of Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Thomas, Kiera 490.
Pension Plan and Trust by ENCE BEING INCORPOR-
WCC, LLC. Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Sandow, Ariel
Deed dated 8/1/1989 and re- ATED HEREIN AND MADE A
This affidavit is made in compli- 20th day of October, 2021. 22nd day of October, 2021. Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner
corded in Deed Book 6497, PART HEREOF. THE IN-
ance with GA Code Annotated, Instrument number Instrument number 25th day of October, 2021. Sworn to and subscribed this
Page 376, DeKalb County, TEREST HEREIN CON-
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 2021TN00546 2021TN00549 Instrument number 26th day of October, 2021.
490. Filed on October 20, 2021 Filed on October 22, 2021 2021TN00552 Instrument number
Hoffman, Howard Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Filed on October 25, 2021 2021TN00555
Applicant / Owner Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Filed on October 26, 2021
Sworn to and subscribed this In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry
20th day of October, 2021. In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court
15 013 03 001)++. FACILITIES OF DUNHILL
The tax sale and deed to which Instrument number In DeKalb County, Georgia
this notice relates is dated PROVED PROPERTY KNOWN 2021TN00543
November 6, 2018 (filed AS 2942 N DEKALB 'F’, Filed on October 20, 2021
December 28, 2018) and recor- DORAVILLE, GA. 30340-2241 Debra DeBerry
ded in the Office of the Clerk of ACCORDING TO THE Clerk of Superior Court
DeKalb County, Georgia, in PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- In DeKalb County, Georgia
Deed Book 27320, Page 351 BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB
(Corrective Tax Deed recorded COUNTY, GEORGIA.
at Deed Book 29797, Page The debt secured by the Asso-
295). ciation’s lien, which totals
The property may be re- $48,506.23 as of August 24,
deemed on or before Decem- 2021, has been and is hereby
ber 31, 2021 before 5:00 PM by declared due because of fail-
payment of the redemption ure to pay the indebtedness as
price as fixed and provided by and when due and in the man-
law to the undersigned at the ner provided for in the Declara-
following address. Payoff re- tion. The debt remaining in de-
quests should be submitted us- fault, this sale will be made for
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 41
370-450735 11/25,12/2 370-450738 11/25,12/2 370-450741 11/25,12/2 370-450744 11/25,12/2 370-450747 11/25,12/2 370-450750 11/25,12/2 370-450771 12/2,12/9
State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia,
County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb
The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby
certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct-
ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of
DeKalb, at 3632 SUGAR DeKalb, at 2617 Panola Rd DeKalb, at 5150 Buford Hwy DeKalb, at 6116 Covington DeKalb, at 2458 Jett Ferry DeKalb, at 1989 Shannon DeKalb, at 8109 Mall Parkway
MAPLE ST DECATUR, GA Suite 105 Lithonia, GA 30058, NE D110 Doraville, GA 30340, Hwy Suite G Lithonia, GA Road Suite 230 Dunwoody, GA Ridge Court Decatur, GA "107 AG Gaaston" Stonecrest,
30034, in the State of Georgia, in the State of Georgia, under in the State of Georgia, under 30058, in the State of Georgia, 30338-3060, in the State of 30032, in the State of Georgia, GA 30038, in the State of Geor-
under the name the name ++SPICE HOUSE++. the name ++Roll It Up under the name ++Subway- Georgia, under the name under the name + +Lucha gia, under the name ++All
++pasta4me++. Said business Said business has been re- Doraville++. Said business has 7346++. Said business has ++PHOENIX Physical Ther- Pink++. Said business has About Africa++. Said business
has been registered under gistered under SH HOLDINGS been registered under El Lobo been registered under Rathod apy++. Said business has been been registered. has been registered under
CULINARY CONCEPTS & ENTERPRISES LLC. Enterprises, LLC. Foods LLC. registered under Horizon Phys- This affidavit is made in compli- Benlu International LLC.
CONSULTING LLC. This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- ical Therapy and Rehabilitation, ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli-
This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, Inc. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated,
ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section This affidavit is made in compli- 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. 490. 490. ance with GA Code Annotated, Rodriguez, Karla 490.
490. JOSEPH, LINO Gray, Abraham Rathod, Vaishali Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Applicant / Owner Osei-Kofi, Reginald
SHEPPARD, DAMON Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner 490. Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner
Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Gallo, Robert C. 26th day of October, 2021. Sworn to and subscribed this
Sworn to and subscribed this 28th day of October, 2021. 28th day of October, 2021. 29th day of October, 2021. Applicant / Owner Instrument number 3rd day of November, 2021.
25th day of October, 2021. Instrument number Instrument number Instrument number Sworn to and subscribed this 2021TN00558 Instrument number
Instrument number 2021TN00564 2021TN00567 2021TN00570 1st day of November, 2021. Filed on October 26, 2021 2021TN00579
2021TN00556 Filed on October 28, 2021 Filed on October 28, 2021 Filed on October 29, 2021 Instrument number Debra DeBerry Filed on November 3, 2021
Filed on October 25, 2021 Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry 2021TN00574 Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry
Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Filed on November 1, 2021 In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court
Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia Debra DeBerry 370-450751 11/25,12/2 In DeKalb County, Georgia
In DeKalb County, Georgia 370-450739 11/25,12/2 370-450742 11/25,12/2 370-450745 11/25,12/2 Clerk of Superior Court AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-450772 12/2,12/9
OF TRADE NAME State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, REGISTRATION County of DeKalb State of Georgia,
State of Georgia, County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb OF TRADE NAME The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb
County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby State of Georgia, certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby
The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- County of DeKalb ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct-
certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of The undersigned hereby DeKalb, at 1780 Inas Way ing a business in the County of
ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 2302 Parklake Drive DeKalb, at 2302 Parklake Drive DeKalb, at 2063 Mountain In- certifies that they are conduct- Tucker, GA 30084, in the State DeKalb, at 227 Greenhaven Dr.
DeKalb, at 3357 Arbor Path Dr Suite 142 Atlanta, GA 30345, in Suite 142 Atlanta, GA 30345, in dustrial Blvd. Tucker, GA ing a business in the County of of Georgia, under the name SE Atlanta, GA 30317, in the
Atlanta, GA 30340, in the State the State of Georgia, under the the State of Georgia, under the 30084, in the State of Georgia, DeKalb, at 3061 Northbrook Dr. Said State of Georgia, under the
of Georgia, under the name name ++The Art Bar++. Said name ++ProCare CPR++. Said under the name ++Aryana Im- Atlanta, GA 30341, in the State business has been registered name ++Rosehip & Raspber-
++The Pink And Green++. Said business has been registered business has been registered porters & Wholesalers++. Said of Georgia, under the name under WIMKEP LLC. ries++. Said business has been
business has been registered under The Winnovative Group under The Winnovative Group business has been registered ++WKOW++. Said business This affidavit is made in compli- registered under Spa Doulah-
under Winning With Technolo- LLC. LLC. under Ziya Business Inc. has been registered. ance with GA Code Annotated, Lah LLC.
gies, LLC. This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section This affidavit is made in compli-
This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, 490. ance with GA Code Annotated,
ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490 Keppel, William Garret Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. 490. 490. . Applicant / Owner 490.
490. Winston, Danyele Winston, Danyele Lakhani, Samad Wimberly, Brian S Sworn to and subscribed this Zayas, Safira
House, Theresa Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner 26th day of October, 2021. Applicant / Owner
Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Instrument number Sworn to and subscribed this
Sworn to and subscribed this 28th day of October, 2021. 28th day of October, 2021. 29th day of October, 2021. 1st day of November, 2021. 2021TN00559 3rd day of November, 2021.
27th day of October, 2021. Instrument number Instrument number Instrument number Instrument number Filed on October 26, 2021 Instrument number
Instrument number 2021TN00565 2021TN00568 2021TN00571 2021TN00575 Debra DeBerry 2021TN00580
2021TN00562 Filed on October 28, 2021 Filed on October 28, 2021 Filed on October 29, 2021 Filed on November 1, 2021 Clerk of Superior Court Filed on November 3, 2021
Filed on October 27, 2021 Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry In DeKalb County, Georgia Debra DeBerry
Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court 370-450752 11/25,12/2 Clerk of Superior Court
Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia AFFIDAVIT FOR In DeKalb County, Georgia
In DeKalb County, Georgia 370-450740 11/25,12/2 370-450743 11/25,12/2 370-450746 11/25,12/2 370-450749 11/25,12/2 REGISTRATION 370-450773 12/2,12/9
OF TRADE NAME State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, The undersigned hereby State of Georgia,
State of Georgia, County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb certifies that they are conduct- County of DeKalb
County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby ing a business in the County of The undersigned hereby
The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- DeKalb, at 6905 Chapman certifies that they are conduct-
certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of Road Lithonia, GA 30058, in ing a business in the County of
ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 10307 Stonecrest DeKalb, at 254 Winter Avenue DeKalb, at 2053 Mountain In- DeKalb, at 1958 Bainbridge the State of Georgia, under the DeKalb, at 7173 Covington
DeKalb, at 2150 Peachford Trail Lithonia, GA 30038, in the Decatur, GA 30030, in the dustrial Blvd. Tucker, GA Lane Atlanta, GA 30345, in the name ++Godfather Customs++. Hwy Suite E Stonecrest, GA
Road Suite T Atlanta, GA State of Georgia, under the State of Georgia, under the 30084, in the State of Georgia, State of Georgia, under the Said business has been re- 30016, in the State of Georgia,
30338, in the State of Georgia, name ++HealbyT++. Said busi- name ++Every Voice++ . Said under the name ++Z-Smoke++. name ++Ultimate Tax Pro++. gistered under Godfather Vans, under the name ++Chef Tony's
under the name ++IKAA++. ness has been registered un- business has been registered. Said business has been re- Said business has been re- Inc. Event Center++. Said business
Said business has been re- der CBD T LLC. This affidavit is made in compli- gistered under Ziya Business gistered under L&F Tax Ser- This affidavit is made in compli- has been registered under Chef
gistered under CovidCareGa This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, Inc. vices, LLC. ance with GA Code Annotated, Tony s Jamaican Cuisine and
Inc. ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Catering LLC.
This affidavit is made in compli- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, 490. This affidavit is made in compli-
ance with GA Code Annotated, 490. Parker, Jennifer Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Johnson, Lacey E ance with GA Code Annotated,
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Williams, Tajheeta Applicant / Owner 490. 490. Applicant / Owner Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
490. Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this Lakhani, Samad Florveus, Luceny Sworn to and subscribed this 490.
Khan Iqbal, Sofia Sworn to and subscribed this 29th day of October, 2021. Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner 26th day of October, 2021. LeWars, Mark Anthony
Applicant / Owner 28th day of October, 2021. Instrument number Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Instrument number Applicant / Owner
Sworn to and subscribed this Instrument number 2021TN00569 29th day of October, 2021. 1st day of November, 2021. 2021TN00561 Sworn to and subscribed this
27th day of October, 2021. 2021TN00566 Filed on October 29, 2021 Instrument number Instrument number Filed on October 26, 2021 5th day of November, 2021.
Instrument number Filed on October 28, 2021 Debra DeBerry 2021TN00572 2021TN00576 Debra DeBerry Instrument number
2021TN00563 Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court Filed on October 29, 2021 Filed on November 1, 2021 Clerk of Superior Court 2021TN00582
Filed on October 27, 2021 Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry In DeKalb County, Georgia Filed on November 5, 2021
Debra DeBerry In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry
Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court
In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia
County, Georgia; and
WHEREAS, a default has been
made in the covenants and
conditions of the Mortgage in
that the payment, was not
made and remains wholly un-
Page 42 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021  paid as of the date of this no-
tice, and no payment has been
370-450774 12/2,12/9 370-450777 12/2,12/9 370-450780 12/2,12/9 370-450783 12/2,12/9 370-450786 12/2,12/9 370-450789 12/2,12/9 made sufficient to restore the
State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, 2021 is $159,271.56; and
County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb WHEREAS, by virtue of this de-
The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby fault, the Secretary has de-
certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- clared the entire amount of the
ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of indebtedness secured by the
DeKalb, at 3218 Beech Dr. DeKalb, at 3537 Chamblee DeKalb, at 1188 To Lani Farm DeKalb, at 1155 Zonolite Road DeKalb, at 3315 Peppertree DeKalb, at 4142 E Ponce De Security Deed to by immedi-
Decatur, GA 30032, in the Tucker Road Atlanta, GA Road Stone Mountain, GA Suite A2 Atlanta, GA 30306, in Circle #G Decatur, GA 30034, Leon Avenue Clarkston, GA ately due and payable;
State of Georgia, under the 30341, in the State of Georgia, 30083, in the State of Georgia, the State of Georgia, under the in the State of Georgia, under 30021, in the State of Georgia, NOW THEREFORE, pursuant
name ++Gatherings++. Said under the name ++Three Dol- under the name ++Sanctum + name ++Copper Sky Design + the name ++GW Logistics++. under the name ++Sagarmatha to powers vested in me by the
business has been registered lar Café++. Said business has Seed++. Said business has Remodel++. Said business has Said business has been re- Grocery Store++. Said busi- Single Family Mortgage Fore-
under Kirsten Leigh LLC. been registered under TDC been registered under Graced been registered under Copper gistered. ness has been registered. closure Act of 1994, 12 U.S.C.
This affidavit is made in compli- Embry, LLC. Oak LLC. Sky Renovations, Inc. This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR Part
ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, 27, subpart B, and by the Sec-
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section retary’s designation of me as
490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. 490. Foreclosure Commissioner, re-
Chervenak, Kirsten 490. 490. 490. Windom, Gregory Lamar Gurung, Buddhi M corded on January 8, 2021 in
Applicant / Owner Woo, Joseph Freeman, TuRhonda Walker, Jim Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Book 28969, Page 339, DeKalb
Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this County, Georgia records no-
4th day of November, 2021. Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this 15th day of November, 2021. 9th day of November, 2021. tice is hereby given that on
Instrument number 29th day of October, 2021. 11th day of November, 2021. 14th day of November, 2021. Instrument number Instrument number December 7, 2021 at 10:45AM
2021TN00583 Instrument number Instrument number Instrument number 2021TN00598 2021TN00587 local time, all real and personal
Filed on November 4, 2021 2021TN00577 2021TN00591 2021TN00595 Filed on November 15, 2021 Filed on November 9, 2021 property at or used in connec-
Debra DeBerry Filed on October 29, 2021 Filed on November 11, 2021 Filed on November 14, 2021 Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry tion with the following de-
Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court scribed premises (“Property”)
In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia will be sold at public auction to
370-450775 12/2,12/9 In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia 370-450787 12/2,12/9 370-450790 12/2,12/9 the highest bidder:
AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-450778 12/2,12/9 370-450781 12/2,12/9 370-450784 12/2,12/9 AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
State of Georgia, OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME State of Georgia, State of Georgia, THE 15TH DISTRICT OF
County of DeKalb State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, County of DeKalb County of DeKalb DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby BEING LOT 1, BLOCK D, UNIT
certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- ONE-A, SCOTT RANCH SUB-
ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of DIVISION, AS PER PLAT RE-
DeKalb, at 1252 Mclendon Ave ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 8109 Mall Parkway- DeKalb, at 2503 Ivey Crest CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 25,
NE APT B Atlanta, GA 30307, DeKalb, at 3129 Flower Road DeKalb, at 2265 Tanglewood DeKalb, at 1342 Glenwood Ave 100 AG Gaston Lane Stone- Circle Tucker, GA 30084, in the PAGE 33, DEKALB COUNTY
in the State of Georgia, under South Atlanta, GA 30341, in the Cir NE Atlanta, GA 30345, in SE Ste 11 Atlanta, GA 30316, crest, GA 30058, in the State of State of Georgia, under the RECORDS; BEING IM-
the name ++Lily B. Photo- State of Georgia, under the the State of Georgia, under the in the State of Georgia, under Georgia, under the name ++J's name ++Tropical Smoothie PROVED PROPERTY WITH A
graphy++. Said business has name ++Man In The Box Video name ++Harry Young Interior the name ++Five Star Painting Gift Shoppe++. Said business Café Tucker++. Said business ONE STORY BRICK HOUSE
been registered. Assist++. Said business has Design++. Said business has of Decatur++. Said business has been registered under JMD has been registered under THEREON KNOWN AS NO.
This affidavit is made in compli- been registered. been registered under Harry Y has been registered under O.K. & Williams Enterprises, Inc. NAJSUE Enterprises LLC. 2422 FONTAINE CIRCLE, AC-
ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- Parmenter, LLC. 2 Be Real LLC. This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- CORDING TO THE PRESENT
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, SYSTEM OF NAMING
490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section STREETS AND NUMBERING
Estremo, Brynne 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. 490. HOUSES IN DEKALB
Applicant / Owner Tillman, Dempsey 490. 490. Williams, Jaquatte Shabazz, Suhair COUNTY, GEORGIA.
Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Parmenter, Harry Simmons, OcTavia Danielle Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Commonly known as: 2422
5th day of November, 2021. Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Fontaine Circle, Decatur, GA
Instrument number 2nd day of November, 2021. Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this 15th day of November, 2021. 9th day of November, 2021. 30032
2021TN00584 Instrument number 11th day of November, 2021. 12th day of November, 2021. Instrument number Instrument number The sale will be held at the
Filed on November 5, 2021 2021TN00578 Instrument number Instrument number 2021TN00599 2021TN00590 DeKalb County Courthouse on
Debra DeBerry Filed on November 2, 2021 2021TN00592 2021TN00596 Filed on November 15, 2021 Filed on November 9, 2021 the courthouse steps. The Sec-
Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Filed on November 11, 2021 Filed on November 12, 2021 Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry retary of Housing and Urban
In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Development will bid
In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia $159,532.54.
370-450776 12/2,12/9
In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia There will be no proration of
AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-450779 12/2,12/9 370-450788 12/2,12/9
taxes, rents or other income or
REGISTRATION AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-450782 12/2,12/9 370-450785 12/2,12/9 AFFIDAVIT FOR Foreclosures: Residential liabilities, except that the pur-
chaser will pay, at or before
420-450941 11/18,11/25,12/2 closing, his prorate share of
County of DeKalb State of Georgia, OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME State of Georgia,
STATE OF GEORGIA any real estate taxes that have
The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb State of Georgia, State of Georgia, County of DeKalb
COUNTY OF DEKALB been paid by the Secretary to
certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND the date of the foreclosure sale.
ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct-
FORECLOSURE SALE When making their bids, all bid-
DeKalb, at 2780 Da Vinci Blvd. ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of
WHEREAS, on February 23, ders except the Secretary must
Decatur, GA 30034, in the DeKalb, at 3709 Soap Stone ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 2873 Lone Star Trail
2005, a certain Security Deed submit a deposit totaling (10%)
State of Georgia, under the Walk Lithonia, GA 30038, in the DeKalb, at 3829 Clairmont DeKalb, at 1150 Rankin Street Atlanta, GA 30340, in the State
was executed by Robert Smith, ten percent in the form of a cer-
name ++TAP by TOSH++. Said State of Georgia, under the Road Chamblee, GA 30341, in APT G2 Stone Mountain, GA of Georgia, under the name
Jr. and Amy Smith as grantor in tified check or cashier’s check
business has been registered. name ++DT Millennial Enter- the State of Georgia, under the 30083, in the State of Georgia, ++Maison Atlanta Group++.
favor of Financial Freedom made out to the Secretary of
This affidavit is made in compli- prise++. Said business has name ++Atlanta Biplane++. under the name ++TANYA Said business has been re-
Senior Funding Corporation, a HUD. Each oral bid need not
ance with GA Code Annotated, been registered under DT Mil- Said business has been re- RENEE MCLAUGHLIN, Es- gistered under Maison Atlanta
subsidiary of Indy Mac Bank, be accompanied by a deposit.
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section lennial Enterprise LLC. gistered under Biplane Rides tate++. Said business has been & Co. LLC.
F.S.B. as grantee and was re- If the successful bid is oral, a
490. This affidavit is made in compli- Over Atlanta, LLC. registered. This affidavit is made in compli-
corded on April 4, 2005, in deposit of (10%) ten percent
Jordan, Latosha Nichelle ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated,
Deed Book 17274, Page 521 in must be presented before the
Applicant / Owner Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
the Office of the Clerk of Super- bidding is closed. The deposit
Sworn to and subscribed this 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490.
ior Court, DeKalb County, is nonrefundable. The re-
8th day of November, 2021. Turner, Douglass 490. 490. Brookshire, Laura
Georgia; and mainder of the purchase price
Instrument number Applicant / Owner Rasmussen, Victorino Omar McLaughlin, Tanya Renee Applicant / Owner
WHEREAS, the Security Deed must be delivered within 30
2021TN00585 Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this
was insured by the United days of the sale or at such oth-
Filed on November 8, 2021 10th day of November, 2021. Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this 15th day of November, 2021.
States Secretary of Housing er time as the Secretary may
Debra DeBerry Instrument number 11th day of November, 2021. 12th day of November, 2021. Instrument number
and Urban Development (the determine for good cause
Clerk of Superior Court 2021TN00589 Instrument number Instrument number 2021TN00600
Secretary) pursuant to the Na- shown, time being of the es-
In DeKalb County, Georgia Filed on November 10, 2021 2021TN00594 2021TN00597 Filed on November 15, 2021
tional Housing Act for the pur- sence. This amount, like the bid
Debra DeBerry Filed on November 11, 2021 Filed on November 12, 2021 Debra DeBerry
pose of providing single family deposits, must be delivered in
Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court
housing; and; the form of a certified or cash-
In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia
WHEREAS, the Security Deed ier’s check. If the Secretary is
In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia the high bidder, he need not
is now owned by the Secretary,
pursuant to an assignment re- pay the bid amount in cash.
corded on August 11, 2017 and The successful bidder will pay
recorded in Deed Book 26429, all conveyancing fees, all real
Page 563, in the Office of the estate and other taxes that are
Clerk of Superior Court, DeKalb due on or after the delivery of
County, Georgia; and the remainder of the payment
WHEREAS, a default has been and all other costs associated
made in the covenants and with the transfer of title. At the
conditions of the Mortgage in conclusion of the sale, the de-
that the payment, was not posits of the unsuccessful bid-
made and remains wholly un- ders will be returned to them.
paid as of the date of this no- The Secretary may grant an ex-
tice, and no payment has been tension of time within which to
made sufficient to restore the deliver the remainder of the
loan to currency; and payment. All extensions will be
WHEREAS, the entire amount for 15-day increments for a fee
delinquent as of November 11, of $500.00, paid in advance.
the remainder of the payment ure Commissioner provided be- Wilkinson Dr. Southeast, At- journed if it is established, by public outcry to the highest bid- tion of the property; all zoning 5 5, PAGE 1 37 , DEKAL B
and all other costs associated low. lanta, GA 30317 documented written application der for cash at the DeKalb ordinances; assessments; li- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
with the transfer of title. At the LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a The sale will be held at the of the mortgagor to the Fore- County Courthouse, within the ens; encumbrances; restric- CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN-
conclusion of the sale, the de- Shapiro Pendergast & Hasty DeKalb County Courthouse on closure Commissioner not less legal hours of sale on the first tions; covenants, and any oth- CORPORATED HEREIN BY
posits of the unsuccessful bid- LLP the courthouse steps. The Sec- than 3 days before the date of Tuesday in December, 2021, er matters of record superior to REFERENCE AND MADE A
ders will be returned to them. FORECLOSURE COMMIS- retary of Housing and Urban sale, or otherwise, that the de- all property described in said said Security Deed. PART OF THIS DESCRIP-

The Secretary may grant an ex- SIONER The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 43
Development will bid fault or defaults upon which the Security Deed including but not To the best of the knowledge TION.
tension of time within which to 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, $259,007.46 plus fees & costs foreclosure is based did not ex- limited to the following de- and belief of the undersigned, Said legal description being
deliver the remainder of the N.E. in the amount of $1895.00. ist at the time of service of this scribed property: the owner and party in posses- controlling, however the prop-
payment. All extensions will be Suite 300 There will be no proration of notice of default and foreclos- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- sion of the property is MINOR erty is more commonly known
for 15-day increments for a fee Atlanta, GA 30346 taxes, rents or other income or ure sale, or all amounts due un- CEL OF LAND LYING AND TAYLOR, JR. AKA MINOR as 1131 REDAN WAY, STONE
of $500.00, paid in advance. (770) 220-2535/GR liabilities, except that the pur- der the mortgage agreement BEING IN LAND LOT 55 OF TAYLOR JR, WILLIE MAE MOUNTAIN, GA 30088.
The extension fee shall be in chaser will pay, at or before are tendered to the Foreclos- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB TAYLOR, or tenants(s). The indebtedness secured by
the form of a certified or cash- File no. ++21-078030/ closing, his prorate share of ure Commissioner, in the form COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- The sale will be conducted sub- said Security Deed has been
ier’s check made payable to the SMITH++ any real estate taxes that have of a certified or cashier’s check ING MORE PARTICULARLY ject (1) to confirmation that the and is hereby declared due be-
Secretary of HUD. If the high *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING been paid by the Secretary to payable to the Secretary of DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: sale is not prohibited under the cause of default under the
bidder closes the sale prior AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. the date of the foreclosure sale. HUD, before public auction of BEGINNING AT A POINT ON U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) terms of said Security Deed.
If the high bidder is unable to ANY INFORMATION OB - When making their bids, all bid- the property is completed. THE NORTH SIDE OF RIVER to final confirmation and audit The indebtedness remaining in
close the sale within the re- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR ders except the Secretary must The amount that must be paid if ROAD SAID POINT BEING of the status of the loan with default, this sale will be made
quired period, or within any ex- THAT PURPOSE. submit a deposit totaling (10%) the Mortgage is to be rein- 1118.83 FEET EAST OF THE the holder of the Security Deed. for the purpose of paying the
tensions of time granted by the 420-450942 11/18,11/25,12/2 ten percent in the form of a cer- stated prior to the scheduled CENTERLINE OF BLUE Please note that, pursuant to same, all expenses of the sale,
Secretary, the high bidder may STATE OF GEORGIA tified check or cashier’s check sale is $258,658.09 good CREEK; RUNNING THENCE O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, you including attorneys’ fees (no-
be required to forfeit the cash COUNTY OF DEKALB made out to the Secretary of through November 15, 2021 NORTH 03 DEGREES, 50 are not entitled by law to an tice to collect same having
deposit or, at the election of the NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND HUD. Each oral bid need not plus fees and costs in the MINUTES AND 22 SECONDS amendment or modification of been given) and all other pay-
foreclosure commissioner after FORECLOSURE SALE be accompanied by a deposit. amount of $1895.00 plus all EAST 149.83 FEET TO A the terms of your loan. The en- ments provided for under the
consultation with the HUD Field WHEREAS, on October 8, If the successful bid is oral, a other amounts that would be POINT MARKED BY AN IRON tity having full authority to ne- terms of the Security Deed.
Office representative, will be li- 2003, a certain Security Deed deposit of (10%) ten percent due under the mortgage agree- PIN SET; RUNNING THENCE gotiate, amend or modify all Said property will be sold on an
able to HUD for any costs in- was executed by Lewis C. Britt must be presented before the ment if payments under the NORTH 17 DEGREES 17 terms of the loan (although not “as-is” basis without any rep-
curred as a result of such fail- and Pauline Britt as grantor in bidding is closed. The deposit mortgage had not been accel- MINUTES AND 08 SECONDS required by law to do so) is: resentation, warranty or re-
ure. favor of Financial Freedom is nonrefundable. The re- erated, advertising costs and EAST 163.94 TO AN IRON PIN Statebridge Company, Loss course against the above-
The Commissioner may, at the Senior Funding Corporation as mainder of the purchase price postage expenses incurred in SET; RUNNING THENCE Mitigation Dept., 5680 Green- named or the undersigned. The
direction of the HUD Field Of- grantee and was recorded on must be delivered within 30 giving notice, mileage by the NORTH 88 DEGREES 33 wood Plaza Blvd., Suite 100 S, sale will also be subject to the
fice representative, offer the October 15, 2004, in Deed days of the sale or at such oth- most reasonable road distance MINUTES AND 50 SECONDS Greenwood Village, CO 80111, following items which may af-
Property to the second highest Book 16710, Page 259 in the er time as the Secretary may for posting notices and for the EAST 107.80 FEET TO A Telephone Number: 866-466- fect the title: any outstanding
bidder for an amount equal to Office of the Clerk of Superior determine for good cause Foreclosure Commissioner’s at- POINT MARKED BY AN IRON 3360. ad valorem taxes (including
the highest price offered by that Court, DeKalb County, Georgia; shown, time being of the es- tendance at the sale, reason- PIN SET ON THE WESTERLY WILMINGTON SAVINGS taxes which are a lien, whether
bidder. and sence. This amount, like the bid able and customary costs in- LINE OF PROPERTY NOW FUND SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A or not now due and payable);
There is no right of redemption, WHEREAS, the Security Deed deposits, must be delivered in curred for title and lien record OR FORMERLY OWNED BY C H R I S T I A N A T R U S T AS the right of redemption of any
or right of possession based was insured by the United the form of a certified or cash- searches, the necessary out-of- GEORGIA POWER CO.; TRUSTEE FOR PNPMS taxing authority; matters which
upon a right of redemption, in States Secretary of Housing ier’s check. If the Secretary is pocket costs incurred by the THENCE RUNNING ALONG TRUST II would be disclosed by an ac-
the mortgage or others sub- and Urban Development (the the high bidder, he need not Foreclosure Commissioner for THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY as Attorney in Fact for curate survey or by an inspec-
sequent to a foreclosure com- Secretary) pursuant to the Na- pay the bid amount in cash. recording documents, a com- LINE OF THE PROPERTY MINOR TAYLOR, JR. AKA tion of the property; all zoning
pleted pursuant to the Act. tional Housing Act for the pur- The successful bidder will pay mission for the Foreclosure NOW OR FORMERLY MINOR TAYLOR JR, WILLIE ordinances; assessments; li-
Therefore, the Foreclosure pose of providing single family all conveyancing fees, all real Commissioner, and all other OWNED BY GEORGIA MAE TAYLOR ens; encumbrances; restric-
Commissioner will issue a housing; and; estate and other taxes that are costs incurred in connection POWER CO., SOUTH 00 DE- THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY tions; covenants, and any oth-
Deed to the purchaser (s) upon WHEREAS, the Security Deed due on or after the delivery of with the foreclosure prior to re- GREES, 58 MINUTES AND 48 BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS er matters of record superior to
receipt of the entire purchase is now owned by the Secretary, the remainder of the payment instatement. SECONDS EAST 331.22 FEET A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- said Security Deed.
price in accordance with the pursuant to an assignment re- and all other costs associated Tender of payment by certified TO POINT ON THE NORTH DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, To the best of the knowledge
terms of the sale as provided corded on June 30, 2020 and with the transfer of title. At the or cashier’s check or applica- SIDE OF RIVER ROAD ANY INFORMATION OB - and belief of the undersigned,
herein. HUD does not guaran- recorded in Deed Book 28429, conclusion of the sale, the de- tion for cancellation of the fore- MARKED BY AN IRON PIN TAINED WILL BE USED FOR the owner and party in posses-
tee that the property will be va- Page 601, in the Office of the posits of the unsuccessful bid- closure sale shall be submitted FOUND; RUNNING THENCE THAT PURPOSE. sion of the property is THONG-
cant. Clerk of Superior Court, DeKalb ders will be returned to them. to the address of the Foreclos- ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, MEE SMOOT, or tenants(s).
The scheduled foreclosure sale County, Georgia; and The Secretary may grant an ex- ure Commissioner provided be- RIVER ROAD NORTH 79 DE- LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, The sale will be conducted sub-
shall be cancelled or ad- WHEREAS, a default has been tension of time within which to low. GREES AND 36 MINUTES Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, ject (1) to confirmation that the
journed if it is established, by made in the covenants and deliver the remainder of the LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a WEST 95.14 FEET TO A GA 30071 sale is not prohibited under the
documented written application conditions of the Mortgage in payment. All extensions will be Shapiro Pendergast & Hasty POINT; CONTINUING Telephone Number: (877) 813- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
of the mortgagor to the Fore- that the payment, was not for 15-day increments for a fee LLP THENCE ALONG THE NORTH 0992 Case No. SBC-21-01587- to final confirmation and audit
closure Commissioner not less made and remains wholly un- of $500.00, paid in advance. FORECLOSURE COMMIS- SIDE OF RIVER ROAD 1 of the status of the loan with
than 3 days before the date of paid as of the date of this no- The extension fee shall be in SIONER NORTH 86 DEGREES AND 10 ++ 21-01587-1 Taylor++ the holder of the Security Deed.
sale, or otherwise, that the de- tice, and no payment has been the form of a certified or cash- 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, MINUTES WEST 78.77 FEET 420-451745 11/11 11/18 11/25 Please note that, pursuant to
fault or defaults upon which the made sufficient to restore the ier’s check made payable to the N.E. TO A POINT ON THE NORTH 12/2 jh O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, you
foreclosure is based did not ex- loan to currency; and Secretary of HUD. If the high Suite 300 SIDE OF RIVER ROAD NOTICE OF SALE are not entitled by law to an
ist at the time of service of this WHEREAS, the entire amount bidder closes the sale prior to Atlanta, GA 30346 MARKED BY AN IRON PIN UNDER POWER amendment or modification of
notice of default and foreclos- delinquent as of 11/15/2021 is the expiration of any extension (770) 220-2535/GR SET AND THE POINT OF BE- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY the terms of your loan. The en-
ure sale, or all amounts due un- $258,658.09 plus fees and period, the unused portion of GINNING. BEING 1.08 ACRES By virtue of a Power of Sale tity having full authority to ne-
der the mortgage agreement costs in the amount of the extension fee shall be ap- File no. ++21-077669/ ALL AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF contained in that certain Secur- gotiate, amend or modify all
are tendered to the Foreclos- $1895.00; and plied toward the amount due. BRITT++ SURVEY PREPARED FOR ity Deed from THONGMEE terms of the loan (although not
ure Commissioner, in the form WHEREAS, by virtue of this de- If the high bidder is unable to *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING EMMA TAYLOR BY ROBERT SMOOT to JPMORGAN required by law to do so) is:
of a certified or cashier’s check fault, the Secretary has de- close the sale within the re- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. M. BUTLER, LS DATED JULY CHASE BANK, N.A, dated Community Loan Servicing,
payable to the Secretary of clared the entire amount of the quired period, or within any ex- ANY INFORMATION OB - 24, 1991. March 22, 2013, recorded April LLC fka Bayview Loan Servi-
HUD, before public auction of indebtedness secured by the tensions of time granted by the TAINED WILL BE USED FOR Said legal description being 4, 2013, in Deed Book 23683, cing, LLC, Loss Mitigation
the property is completed. Security Deed to by immedi- Secretary, the high bidder may THAT PURPOSE. controlling, however the prop- Page 64 , DeKalb County, Dept., 4425 Ponce de Leon
The amount that must be paid if ately due and payable; be required to forfeit the cash erty is more commonly known Georgia Records, said Security Blvd., 5th Floor, Coral Gables,
the Mortgage is to be rein- NOW THEREFORE, pursuant deposit or, at the election of the as 2690 RIVER RD, ELLEN- Deed having been given to se- FL 33146, Telephone Number:
stated prior to the scheduled to powers vested in me by the foreclosure commissioner after 420-451742 11/11 11/18 11/25 WOOD, GA 30294. cure a Note of even date in the 800-771-0299.
sale is $159,271.56 as of Single Family Mortgage Fore- consultation with the HUD Field 12/2 jh The indebtedness secured by original principal amount of COMMUNITY LOAN SERVI-
November 11, 2021 plus all closure Act of 1994, 12 U.S.C. Office representative, will be li- NOTICE OF SALE said Security Deed has been Eighty-Two Thousand Six Hun- CING, LLC, A DELAWARE
other amounts that would be 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR Part able to HUD for any costs in- UNDER POWER and is hereby declared due be- dred Nine and 00/100 dollars LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
due under the mortgage agree- 27, subpart B, and by the Sec- curred as a result of such fail- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY cause of default under the ($82,609.00), with interest as Attorney in Fact for
ment if payments under the retary’s designation of me as ure. By virtue of a Power of Sale terms of said Security Deed. thereon as provided for therein, THONGMEE SMOOT
mortgage had not been accel- Foreclosure Commissioner, re- The Commissioner may, at the contained in that certain Secur- The indebtedness remaining in said Security Deed having THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY
erated, advertising costs and corded on January 8, 2021 in direction of the HUD Field Of- ity Deed from MINOR TAYLOR, default, this sale will be made been last sold, assigned and BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS
postage expenses incurred in Book 28969, Page 339 DeKalb fice representative, offer the JR. AKA MINOR TAYLOR JR, for the purpose of paying the transferred to Community Loan A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN-
giving notice, mileage by the County records, notice is Property to the second highest WILLIE MAE TAYLOR to same, all expenses of the sale, Servicing, LLC, a Delaware DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO,
most reasonable road distance hereby given that on Decem- bidder for an amount equal to AMERICAN GENERAL FINAN- including attorneys’ fees (no- Limited Liability Company, ANY INFORMATION OB-
for posting notices and for the ber 7, 2021 at 10:45 AM local the highest price offered by that CIAL SERVICES, INC. (DE), tice to collect same having there will be sold at public out- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR
Foreclosure Commissioner’s at- time, all real and personal prop- bidder. dated October 2, 2006, recor- been given) and all other pay- cry to the highest bidder for THAT PURPOSE.
tendance at the sale, reason- erty at or used in connection There is no right of redemption, ded October 5, 2006, in Deed ments provided for under the cash at the DeKalb County Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin,
able and customary costs in- with the following described or right of possession based Book 19223, Page 755 , terms of the Security Deed. Courthouse, within the legal LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place,
curred for title and lien record premises (“Property”) will be upon a right of redemption, in DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Said property will be sold on an hours of sale on the first Tues- Suite 100, Peachtree Corners,
searches, the necessary out-of- sold at public auction to the the mortgage or others sub- cords, said Security Deed hav- “as-is” basis without any rep- day in December, 2021, all GA 30071
pocket costs incurred by the highest bidder: sequent to a foreclosure com- ing been given to secure a resentation, warranty or re- property described in said Se- Telephone Number: (877) 813-
Foreclosure Commissioner for ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of pleted pursuant to the Act. Note of even date in the origin- course against the above- curity Deed including but not 0992 Case No. BVF-20-00240-
recording documents, a com- land lying and being in Land Therefore, the Foreclosure al principal amount of Twenty- named or the undersigned. The limited to the following de- 4
mission for the Foreclosure Lot 179, 15th District, DeKalb Commissioner will issue a Six Thousand Ninety-One and sale will also be subject to the scribed property: ++BVF-20-00240-4 Smoot++
Commissioner, and all other County, Georgia, being Lot 6, Deed to the purchaser (s) upon 00/100 dollars ($26,091.00), following items which may af- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
costs incurred in connection Block "A", Parkview Subdivi- receipt of the entire purchase with interest thereon as fect the title: any outstanding CEL OF LAND LYING AND
with the foreclosure prior to re- sion, per plat recorded in Plat price in accordance with the provided for therein, said Se- ad valorem taxes (including BEING IN LAND LOT 31, 16TH
instatement. Book 12, Page 29, DeKalb terms of the sale as provided curity Deed having been last taxes which are a lien, whether DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY,
Tender of payment by certified County, Georgia records, said herein. HUD does not guaran- sold, assigned and transferred or not now due and payable); GEORGIA; BEING LOT 4,
or cashier’s check or applica- plat hereby incorporated and tee that the property will be va- to Wilmington Savings Fund the right of redemption of any BLOCK B, PROPERTY OF
tion for cancellation of the fore- referred to for a more complete cant. Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana taxing authority; matters which BRAWOOD HOMES, INC.
closure sale shall be submitted description. The scheduled foreclosure sale Trust as Trustee for PNPMS would be disclosed by an ac- SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT
to the address of the Foreclos- Commonly known as: 316 shall be cancelled or ad- Trust II, there will be sold at curate survey or by an inspec- RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK
ure Commissioner provided be- Wilkinson Dr. Southeast, At- journed if it is established, by public outcry to the highest bid- tion of the property; all zoning 5 5, PAGE 1 37 , DEKALB
low. lanta, GA 30317 documented written application der for cash at the DeKalb ordinances; assessments; li- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a The sale will be held at the of the mortgagor to the Fore- County Courthouse, within the ens; encumbrances; restric- CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN-
Shapiro Pendergast & Hasty DeKalb County Courthouse on closure Commissioner not less legal hours of sale on the first tions; covenants, and any oth- CORPORATED HEREIN BY
LLP the courthouse steps. The Sec- than 3 days before the date of Tuesday in December, 2021, er matters of record superior to REFERENCE AND MADE A
FORECLOSURE COMMIS- retary of Housing and Urban sale, or otherwise, that the de- all property described in said said Security Deed. PART OF THIS DESCRIP-
SIONER Development will bid fault or defaults upon which the Security Deed including but not To the best of the knowledge TION.
211 Perimeter Center Parkway, $259,007.46 plus fees & costs foreclosure is based did not ex- limited to the following de- and belief of the undersigned, Said legal description being
N.E. in the amount of $1895.00. ist at the time of service of this scribed property: the owner and party in posses- controlling, however the prop-
Suite 300 There will be no proration of notice of default and foreclos- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- sion of the property is MINOR erty is more commonly known
Atlanta, GA 30346 taxes, rents or other income or ure sale, or all amounts due un- CEL OF LAND LYING AND TAYLOR, JR. AKA MINOR as 1131 REDAN WAY, STONE
(770) 220-2535/GR liabilities, except that the pur- der the mortgage agreement BEING IN LAND LOT 55 OF TAYLOR JR, WILLIE MAE MOUNTAIN, GA 30088.
said Security Deed. HEREIN AND BY REFER- said Security Deed. PER PLAT RECORDED IN
To the best of the knowledge ENCE MADE A PART HERE- To the best of the knowledge PLAT BOOK 109 PAGES 3-6,
and belief of the undersigned, OF. and belief of the undersigned, DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA
the owner and party in posses- Said legal description being the owner and party in posses- RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS
sion of the property is SUN- controlling, however the prop- sion of the property is EQUITY INCORPORATED HEREIN BY
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
DECATUR, GA 30032.
420-451747 11/11 11/18 11/25 CHAN, or tenant s(s). The indebtedness secured by 420-451750 11/11 11/18 11/25 IRA, SELF DIRECTED , Said legal description being 420-451752 11/11,11/18,11/25
12/2 jh The sale will be conducted sub- said Security Deed has been 12/2 jh ROBERTO ANDERSON, or controlling, however the prop- 12/2
NOTICE OF SALE ject (1) to confirmation that the and is hereby declared due be- NOTICE OF SALE tenants(s). erty is more commonly known NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE
UNDER POWER sale is not prohibited under the cause of default under the UNDER POWER The sale will be conducted sub- as 5349 BEECHWOOD SALE UNDER POWER
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) terms of said Security Deed. GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ject (1) to confirmation that the FOREST DRIVE, LITHONIA, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
By virtue of a Power of Sale to final confirmation and audit The indebtedness remaining in By virtue of a Power of Sale sale is not prohibited under the GA 30038. Under and by virtue of the
contained in that certain Secur- of the status of the loan with default, this sale will be made contained in that certain Secur- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) The indebtedness secured by Power of Sale contained in a
ity Deed from SUNRISE PROP- the holder of the Security Deed. for the purpose of paying the ity Deed from EQUITY TRUST to final confirmation and audit said Security Deed has been Security Deed given by Carlton
ERTY SOLUTIONS, LLC to Please note that, pursuant to same, all expenses of the sale, COMPANY CUSTODIAN FBO of the status of the loan with and is hereby declared due be- D. Brown Jr. to Regions Bank
LIMA ONE CAPITAL, LLC, O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, you including attorneys’ fees (no- ROBERTO ANDERSON IRA, the holder of the Security Deed. cause of default under the d/b/a Regions Mortgage, dated
dated March 20, 2019, recor- are not entitled by law to an tice to collect same having A/AN GEORGIA IRA, SELF Please note that, pursuant to terms of said Security Deed. March 8, 2012, and recorded in
ded April 1, 2019, in Deed amendment or modification of been given) and all other pay- DIRECTED , ROBERTO AN- O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, you The indebtedness remaining in Deed Book 22938, Page 524,
Book 27464, Page 584 , the terms of your loan. The en- ments provided for under the DERSON to CIVIC FINANCIAL are not entitled by law to an default, this sale will be made Dekalb County, Georgia Re-
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- tity having full authority to ne- terms of the Security Deed. SERVICES, LLC, dated amendment or modification of for the purpose of paying the cords, conveying the after-de-
cords, said Security Deed hav- gotiate, amend or modify all Said property will be sold on an September 9, 2020, recorded the terms of your loan. The en- same, all expenses of the sale, scribed property to secure a
ing been given to secure a terms of the loan (although not “as-is” basis without any rep- September 11, 2020, in Deed tity having full authority to ne- including attorneys’ fees (no- Note in the original principal
Note of even date in the origin- required by law to do so) is: resentation, warranty or re- Book 28627, Page 553 , gotiate, amend or modify all tice to collect same having amount of Seventy-Two Thou-
al principal amount of Two Hun- Lima One Capital, LLC, Loss course against the above- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- terms of the loan (although not been given) and all other pay- sand One Hundred Twenty-
dred Seventy-Nine Thousand Mitigation Dept., 201 E McBee named or the undersigned. The cords, said Security Deed hav- required by law to do so) is: Se- ments provided for under the Four and 0/100 dollars
Nine Hundred Eighty-Six and Avenue, Suite 300, Greenville, sale will also be subject to the ing been given to secure a lect Portfolio Servicing, Inc., terms of the Security Deed. ($72,124.00), with interest
77/100 dollars ($279,986.77), SC 29601, Telephone Number: following items which may af- Note of even date in the origin- Loss Mitigation Dept., 3217 S. Said property will be sold on an thereon as set forth therein,
with interest thereon as 800-390-4212. fect the title: any outstanding al principal amount of One Decker Lake Dr., Salt Lake “as-is” basis without any rep- there will be sold at public out-
provided for therein, said Se- LIMA ONE CAPITAL, LLC ad valorem taxes (including Hundred Fifteen Thousand and City, UT 84119, Telephone resentation, warranty or re- cry to the highest bidder for
curity Deed having been last as Attorney in Fact for taxes which are a lien, whether 00/100 dollars ($115,000.00), Number: 888-818-6032. course against the above- cash before the courthouse
sold, assigned and transferred SUNRISE PROPERTY SOLU- or not now due and payable); with interest thereon as WILMINGTON SAVINGS named or the undersigned. The door of Dekalb County, Geor-
to Lima One Capital, LLC, there TIONS, LLC the right of redemption of any provided for therein, said Se- FUND SOCIETY, FSB, NOT IN sale will also be subject to the gia, within the legal hours of
will be sold at public outcry to THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY taxing authority; matters which curity Deed having been last ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY following items which may af- sale on December 7, 2021, the
the highest bidder for cash at BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS would be disclosed by an ac- sold, assigned and transferred BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE fect the title: any outstanding following described property:
the DeKalb County Court- A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- curate survey or by an inspec- to Wilmington Savings Fund OF STARWOOD MORTGAGE ad valorem taxes (including ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
house, within the legal hours of DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, tion of the property; all zoning Society, FSB, not in its individu- RESIDENTIAL TRUST 2021-2 taxes which are a lien, whether CEL OF LAND LYING AND
sale on the first Tuesday in ANY INFORMATION OB - ordinances; assessments; li- al capacity but solely as Trust- as Attorney in Fact for or not now due and payable); BEING IN LAND LOT 57 OF
December, 2021, all property TAINED WILL BE USED FOR ens; encumbrances; restric- ee of Starwood Mortgage Res- EQUITY TRUST COMPANY the right of redemption of any THE 16th DISTRICT, DEKALB
described in said Security Deed THAT PURPOSE. tions; covenants, and any oth- idential Trust 2021-2, there will CUSTODIAN FBO ROBERTO taxing authority; matters which COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
including but not limited to the Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, er matters of record superior to be sold at public outcry to the ANDERSON IRA, A/AN GEOR- would be disclosed by an ac- LOT 42, SHIREWICK SUBDI-
following described property: LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, said Security Deed. highest bidder for cash at the GIA IRA, SELF DIRECTED , curate survey or by an inspec- VISION, AS PER PLAT RE-
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, To the best of the knowledge DeKalb County Courthouse, ROBERTO ANDERSON tion of the property; all zoning CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 103,
CEL OF LAND LYING AND GA 30071 and belief of the undersigned, within the legal hours of sale on THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY ordinances; assessments; li- PAGES 50-52, DEKALB
BEING IN LAND LOT 183 OF Telephone Number: (877) 813- the owner and party in posses- the first Tuesday in December, BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS ens; encumbrances; restric- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB 0992 Case No. LMA-21-02481- sion of the property is JANICE 2021, all property described in A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- tions; covenants, and any oth- CORDS, WHICH RECORDED
COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING 1 M HARRIS, or tenants(s). said Security Deed including DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, er matters of record superior to PLAT IS INCORPORATED
LOT 13, BLOCK B, O.C. BON- ++LMA-21-02481-1 SUNRISE The sale will be conducted sub- but not limited to the following ANY INFORMATION OB- said Security Deed. HEREIN AND MADE A PART
NER AND D. T. BONNER PROPERTY++ ject (1) to confirmation that the described property: TAINED WILL BE USED FOR To the best of the knowledge HEREOF BY REFERENCE.
SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT sale is not prohibited under the ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- THAT PURPOSE. and belief of the undersigned, The debt secured by said Se-
RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 420-451749 11/11 11/18 11/25 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) CEL OF LAND LYING AND Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, the owner and party in posses- curity Deed has been and is
14, PAGE 78, DEKALB 122jh to final confirmation and audit BEING IN LAND LOT 88 OF LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, sion of the property is TANGI Y hereby declared due because
COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- NOTICE OF SALE of the status of the loan with THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, DIXON, or tenants(s). of, among other possible
CORDS, WHICH RECORDED UNDER POWER the holder of the Security Deed. COUNTY, GA 30071 The sale will be conducted sub- events of default, failure to pay
PLAT IS INCORPORATED GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Please note that, pursuant to GEORGIA, BEING LOT 45, Telephone Number: (877) 813- ject (1) to confirmation that the the indebtedness as and when
HEREIN BY THIS REFER- By virtue of a Power of Sale O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, you BLOCK D, OF HILLVALE 0992 Case No. SPS-21-02415- sale is not prohibited under the due and in the manner
ENCE AND MADE A PART OF contained in that certain Secur- are not entitled by law to an COMMONS SUBDIVISION, 1 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) provided in the Note and Se-
THIS DESCRIPTION. SAID ity Deed from JANICE M HAR- amendment or modification of UNIT TWO, PER PLAT BOOK ++SPS-21-02415-1 EQUITY to final confirmation and audit curity Deed. The debt remain-
PROPERTY BEING KNOWN RIS to FINANCIAL FREEDOM the terms of your loan. The en- 118, PAGES 93- TRUST/ ANDERSON++ of the status of the loan with ing in default, this sale will be
AS 1802 ALEXANDER DRIVE SENIOR FUNDING CORPOR- tity having full authority to ne- 95, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- 420-451751 11/11 11/18 11/25 the holder of the Security Deed. made for the purpose of pay-
ACCORDING TO THE ATION, A SUBSIDIARY OF IN- gotiate, amend or modify all GIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT 12/2 jh Please note that, pursuant to ing the same and all expenses
PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- DYMAC BANK, F.S.B., dated terms of the loan (although not IS REFERRED TO AND MADE NOTICE OF SALE O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, you of this sale, as provided in Se-
BERING PROPERTY IN October 3, 2007, recorded Oc- required by law to do so) is: A PART OF THIS DESCRIP- UNDER POWER are not entitled by law to an curity Deed and by law, includ-
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. tober 16, 2007, in Deed Book PHH Mortgage Corporation, TION. GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY amendment or modification of ing attorney’s fees (notice of in-
Said legal description being 20375, Page 133 , DeKalb Loss Mitigation Dept., 14405 Said legal description being By virtue of a Power of Sale the terms of your loan. The en- tent to collect attorney’s fees
controlling, however the prop- County, Georgia Records, said Walters Road, Suite 200, Hous- controlling, however the prop- contained in that certain Secur- tity having full authority to ne- having been given).
erty is more commonly known Security Deed having been giv- ton, TX 77014, Telephone erty is more commonly known ity Deed from TANGI Y DIXON gotiate, amend or modify all The entity having full authority
as 1802 ALEXANDER DRIVE, en to secure a Note of even Number: 866-503-5559. as 6083 HILLVALE CHASE, to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC terms of the loan (although not to negotiate, amend or modify
DECATUR, GA 30032. date in the original principal WILMINGTON SAVINGS LITHONIA, GA 30058. REGISTRATION SYSTEMS required by law to do so) is: all terms of the loan (although
The indebtedness secured by amount of Two Hundred Fifty- FUND SOCIETY, FSB, NOT IN The indebtedness secured by INC., AS NOMINEE FOR WEST COAST REALTY SER- not required by law to do so) is:
said Security Deed has been Six Thousand Five Hundred ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY said Security Deed has been GREENPOINT MORTGAGE VICING, INC., Loss Mitigation Regions Mortgage they can be
and is hereby declared due be- and 00/100 dollars BUT SOLELY AS OWNER and is hereby declared due be- FUNDING, INC., dated June 8, Dept., 7911 Warner Ave., Suite contacted at (800) 748-9498 for
cause of default under the ($256,500.00), with interest TRUSTEE FOR CASCADE cause of default under the 2006, recorded June 28, 2006, 200 , Huntington Beach, CA Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writ-
terms of said Security Deed. thereon as provided for therein, FUNDING MORTGAGE terms of said Security Deed. in Deed Book 18867, Page 664 92647, Telephone Number: ing to 7130 Goodlett Farms
The indebtedness remaining in said Security Deed having TRUST HB1 The indebtedness remaining in , DeKalb County, Georgia Re- 714.596.6333, ext. 11. Parkway, Cordova, Tennessee
default, this sale will be made been last sold, assigned and as Attorney in Fact for default, this sale will be made cords, said Security Deed hav- WEST COAST SERVICING, 38016, to discuss possible al-
for the purpose of paying the transferred to Wilmington Sav- JANICE M HARRIS for the purpose of paying the ing been given to secure a INC. ternatives to avoid foreclosure.
same, all expenses of the sale, ings Fund Society, FSB, not in THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY same, all expenses of the sale, Note of even date in the origin- as Attorney in Fact for Said property will be sold sub-
including attorneys’ fees (no- its individual capacity but solely BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS including attorneys’ fees (no- al principal amount of Twenty- TANGI Y DIXON ject to any outstanding ad
tice to collect same having as Owner Trustee for Cascade A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- tice to collect same having Three Thousand Two Hundred THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY valorem taxes (including taxes
been given) and all other pay- Funding Mortgage Trust HB1, DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, been given) and all other pay- and 00/100 dollars BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS which are a lien, but not yet
ments provided for under the there will be sold at public out- ANY INFORMATION OB - ments provided for under the ($23,200.00), with interest A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- due and payable), any matters
terms of the Security Deed. cry to the highest bidder for TAINED WILL BE USED FOR terms of the Security Deed. thereon as provided for therein, DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, which might be disclosed by an
Said property will be sold on an cash at the DeKalb County THAT PURPOSE. Said property will be sold on an said Security Deed having ANY INFORMATION OB- accurate survey and inspection
“as-is” basis without any rep- Courthouse, within the legal Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, “as-is” basis without any rep- been last sold, assigned and TAINED WILL BE USED FOR of the property, any assess-
resentation, warranty or re- hours of sale on the first Tues- LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, resentation, warranty or re- transferred to West Coast Ser- THAT PURPOSE. ments, liens, encumbrances,
course against the above- day in December, 2021, all Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, course against the above- vicing, Inc., there will be sold at Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, zoning ordinances, restrictions,
named or the undersigned. The property described in said Se- GA 30071 named or the undersigned. The public outcry to the highest bid- LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, covenants, and matters of re-
sale will also be subject to the curity Deed including but not Telephone Number: (877) 813- sale will also be subject to the der for cash at the DeKalb Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, cord superior to the Security
following items which may af- limited to the following de- 0992 Case No. RMU-20-03324- following items which may af- County Courthouse, within the GA 30071 Deed first set out above.
fect the title: any outstanding scribed property: 3 fect the title: any outstanding legal hours of sale on the first Telephone Number: (877) 813- To the best knowledge and be-
ad valorem taxes (including ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ++RMU-20-03324-3 HARRIS++ ad valorem taxes (including Tuesday in December, 2021, 0992 Case No. WCO-21- lief of the undersigned, the
taxes which are a lien, whether CEL OF LAND LYING AND taxes which are a lien, whether all property described in said 02613-1 party in possession of the prop-
or not now due and payable); BEING IN LAND LOT 171 OF or not now due and payable); Security Deed including but not ++WCO-21-02613-1 DIXON++ erty is Carlton D. Brown, Jr. or
the right of redemption of any THE 15TH DISTRICT OF the right of redemption of any limited to the following de- tenant(s); and said property is
taxing authority; matters which DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, taxing authority; matters which scribed property: more commonly known as
would be disclosed by an ac- BEING LOT 13, BLOCK "P-P", would be disclosed by an ac- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 5465 Shirewick Lane, Lithonia,
curate survey or by an inspec- OF EAST LAKE TERRACE, curate survey or by an inspec- CEL OF LAND LYING AND GA 30058.
tion of the property; all zoning NO. 4 ACCORDING TO PLAT tion of the property; all zoning BEING IN LAND LOT 46 OF The sale will be conducted sub-
ordinances; assessments; li- RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, ordinances; assessments; li- THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB ject to (1) confirmation that the
ens; encumbrances; restric- PAGE 74, DEKALB COUNTY, ens; encumbrances; restric- COUNTY GEORGIA BEING sale is not prohibited under the
tions; covenants, and any oth- GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH tions; covenants, and any oth- LOT 2 BLOCK A , SAD- U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final
er matters of record superior to PLAT IS INCORPORATED er matters of record superior to DLERIDGE SUBDIVISION, AS confirmation and audit of the
said Security Deed. HEREIN AND BY REFER- said Security Deed. PER PLAT RECORDED IN status of the loan with the hold-
To the best of the knowledge ENCE MADE A PART HERE- To the best of the knowledge PLAT BOOK 109 PAGES 3-6, er of the security deed and (3)
and belief of the undersigned, OF. and belief of the undersigned, DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA any right of redemption or oth-
the owner and party in posses- Said legal description being the owner and party in posses- RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS er lien not extinguished by fore-
sion of the property is SUN- controlling, however the prop- sion of the property is EQUITY INCORPORATED HEREIN BY closure.
RISE PROPERTY SOLU- erty is more commonly known TRUST COMPANY CUSTODI- REFERENCE AND MADE A Regions Bank as Attorney in
CHAN, or tenants(s). The indebtedness secured by IRA, SELF DIRECTED , Said legal description being 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody
The sale will be conducted sub- said Security Deed has been ROBERTO ANDERSON, or controlling, however the prop- Road
ject (1) to confirmation that the and is hereby declared due be- tenants(s). erty is more commonly known Suite 310
sale is not prohibited under the cause of default under the The sale will be conducted sub- as 5349 BEECHWOOD Atlanta, GA 30341
sale is not prohibited under the having been given). ing improved property. limited to the following de- ments provided for under the amount of TWO HUNDRED CORDS, WHICH RECORDED
U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final The entity having full authority Said property is known as 4112 scribed property: terms of the Security Deed. THREE THOUSAND FOUR PLAT IS INCORPORATED
confirmation and audit of the to negotiate, amend or modify Ballina Drive, Decatur, GA ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Said property will be sold on an HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE HEREIN BY REFERENCE
status of the loan with the hold- all terms of the loan (although 30034, together with all fix- CEL OF LAND LYING AND “as-is” basis without any rep- AND 0/100 DOLLARS FOR A MORE COMPLETE DE-
er of the security deed and (3) not required by law to do so) is: tures and personal property at- BEING IN LAND LOTS 11 AND resentation, warranty or re- ($203,423.00), with interest SCRIPTION OF SAID PROP-
any right of redemption or oth- Truist Bank, successor by mer- tached to and constituting a 22, 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB course against the above- thereon as set forth therein, ERTY.

er lien not extinguished by fore- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 45
ger to SunTrust Bank they can part of said property, if any. COUNTY, AND BEING MORE named or the undersigned. The there will be sold at public out- Being the same property as
closure. be contacted at (800) 443-1032 Said property will be sold sub- PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED sale will also be subject to the cry to the highest bidder for transferred by deed dated
Regions Bank as Attorney in for Loss Mitigation Dept, or by ject to any outstanding ad AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING following items which may af- cash before the courthouse 01/31/2003, recorded
Fact for Carlton D. Brown Jr.. writing to 1001 Semmes Aven- valorem taxes (including taxes AT AN IRON PIN SET ON THE fect the title: any outstanding door of DeKalb County, Geor- 03/04/2003, from Legacy Com-
Brock & Scott, PLLC ue, Richmond, Virginia 23222, which are a lien, whether or not EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY ad valorem taxes (including gia, or at such place as may be munities of South River Bend,
4360 Chamblee Dunwoody to discuss possible alternatives now due and payable), the right LINE OF MILLER ROAD (HAV- taxes which are a lien, whether lawfully designated as an al- LLC, to Barbara Stallworth, re-
Road to avoid foreclosure. of redemption of any taxing au- ING A 70 FOOT RIGHT OF or not now due and payable); ternative, within the legal hours corded in Book 14294, Page
Suite 310 Said property will be sold sub- thority, any matters which might WAY) 715.33 FEET SOUTH- the right of redemption of any of sale on the first Tuesday in 18.
Atlanta, GA 30341 ject to any outstanding ad be disclosed by an accurate WESTERLY FROM THE taxing authority; matters which January, 2022, the following Tax ID: 15 032 06 071
404-789-2661 valorem taxes (including taxes survey and inspection of the POINT FORMED BY THE IN- would be disclosed by an ac- described property: MR/meh 1/4/22
++B&S file no.: 15-00713/ which are a lien, but not yet property, any assessments, li- TERSECTIN OF THE EAST- curate survey or by an inspec- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED ++Our file no. 21-05802GA -
BROWN++ due and payable), any matters ens, encumbrances, zoning or- ERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE tion of the property; all zoning HERETO AND MADE A PART FT5/ STALLWORTH++
420-451753 11/11,11/18,11/25 which might be disclosed by an dinances, restrictions, coven- OF MILLER ROAD AND THE ordinances; assessments; li- HEREOF 420-451762 11/11,11/18,11/25
12/2 accurate survey and inspection ants, and matters of record su- SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY ens; encumbrances; restric- The debt secured by said Se- 12/2
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE of the property, any assess- perior to the Security Deed first LINE OF THOMPSON MILL, tions; covenants, and any oth- curity Deed has been and is NOTICE OF SALE
SALE UNDER POWER ments, liens, encumbrances, set out above. SAID POINT BEING THE er matters of record superior to hereby declared due because UNDER POWER,
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA zoning ordinances, restrictions, The proceeds of said sale will TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; said Security Deed. of, among other possible DEKALB COUNTY
Under and by virtue of the covenants, and matters of re- be applied to the payment of RUNNING THENCE SOUTH To the best of the knowledge events of default, failure to pay Pursuant to the Power of Sale
Power of Sale contained in a cord superior to the Security said indebtedness and all ex- 89 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 49 and belief of the undersigned, the indebtedness as and when contained in a Security Deed
Security Deed given by Deed first set out above. penses of said sale as provided SECONDS EAST A DIS- the owner and party in posses- due and in the manner given by Elizabeth T. Giles to
Deandre Myers to Mortgage To the best knowledge and be- in said Deed, and the balance, TANCE OF 217.43 FEET TO A sion of the property is TYLER provided in the Note and Se- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. dated
Electronic Registration Sys- lief of the undersigned, the if any, will be distributed as 1/2 INCH RE-BAR FOUND; JOSHUA COOPER, PERRY J. curity Deed. The debt remain- 11/18/2005 and recorded in
tems, Inc. as grantee, as nom- party in possession of the prop- provided by law. RUNNING THENCE SOUTH COOPER, ANN MARIE ing in default, this sale will be Deed Book 18178 Page 419
inee for SunTrust Mortgage, erty is DEANDRE MYERS or The sale will be conducted sub- 88 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 30 COOPER, ESTATE AND/OR made for the purpose of pay- DeKalb County, Georgia re-
Inc., dated March 5, 2010, and tenant(s); and said property is ject (1) to confirmation that the SECONDS EAST A DIS- HEIRS-AT-LAW OF PERRY J. ing the same and all expenses cords; as last transferred to or
recorded in Deed Book 21886, more commonly known as sale is not prohibited under the TANCE OF 154.66 FEET TO A COOPER , or tenants(s). of this sale, as provided in the acquired by Nationstar Mort-
Page 561, Dekalb County, 1063 Deshon Trail, Lithonia, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) 1/2 INCH RE-BAR FOUND; The sale will be conducted sub- Security Deed and by law, in- gage LLC d/b/a Champion
Georgia Records, sub- GA 30058. to final confirmation and audit RUNNING THENCE SOUTH ject (1) to confirmation that the cluding attorney's fees (notice Mortgage Company, convey-
sequently modified by a Loan The sale will be conducted sub- of the status of the loan with 01 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 50 sale is not prohibited under the of intent to collect attorney's ing the after-described prop-
Modification Agreement recor- ject to (1) confirmation that the the secured creditor. SECONDS WEST A DIS- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) fees having been given). erty to secure a Note in the ori-
ded September 11, 2019 in sale is not prohibited under the The property is or may be in TANCE OF 243.77 FEET TO A to final confirmation and audit Said property will be sold sub- ginal principal amount of
Book 27785, Page 193 in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final the possession of Benny Lee 1/2 INCH RE-BAR FOUND; of the status of the loan with ject to any outstanding ad $210,000.00, with interest at
a m o u n t o f O n e Hu n d r e d confirmation and audit of the Beasley, Jr., a/k/a Benny L. RUNNING THENCE 87 DE- the holder of the Security Deed. valorem taxes (including taxes the rate specified therein, there
Twenty-Nine Thousand Three status of the loan with the hold- B e a s l e y a n d M i c h e l l e L. GREES 34 MINUTES 24 Please note that, pursuant to which are a lien, but not yet will be sold by the undersigned
Hundred Seventy-Eight and er of the security deed and (3) McNatt, successor in interest or SECONDS WEST A DIS- O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, you due and payable), any matters at public outcry to the highest
61/100 ($129,378.61) Dekalb any right of redemption or oth- tenant(s). TANCE OF 160.87 FEET TO A are not entitled by law to an which might be disclosed by an bidder for cash before the
County, Georgia Records, as er lien not extinguished by fore- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., suc- 1/2 INCH RE-BAR FOUND; amendment or modification of accurate survey and inspection Courthouse door of DeKalb
last transferred to Truist Bank, closure. cessor by merger to Wells RUNNING THENCE NORTH the terms of your loan. The en- of the property, any assess- County, Georgia (or such other
successor by merger to Sun- Truist Bank, successor by mer- Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. 00 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 21 tity having full authority to ne- ments, liens, encumbrances, area as designated by Order of
Trust Bank by assignment re- ger to SunTrust Bank as Attor- formerly known as Norwest SECONDS EAST A DIS- gotiate, amend or modify all zoning ordinances, restrictions, the Superior Court of said
corded on February 15, 2013 in ney in Fact for Deandre Myers. Mortgage, Inc. as Attorney-in- TANCE OF 99.94 FEET TO A terms of the loan (although not covenants, and matters of re- county), within the legal hours
Book 23582 Page 562 in the Brock & Scott, PLLC Fact for Benny Lee Beasley, Jr. 1/2 INCH RE-BAR FOUND; required by law to do so) is: cord superior to the Security of sale on December 7, 2021
Office of the Clerk of Superior 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody aka Benny L. Beasley and RUNNING THENCE SOUTH The Money Source Inc., Loss Deed first set out above. (being the first Tuesday of said
Court of Dekalb County, Geor- Road Michelle L. McNatt 87 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 30 Mitigation Dept., 135 Maxess LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVI- month unless said date falls on
gia Records, conveying the Suite 310 ++File no. 07-0126/ BEASLEY/ SECONDS WEST A DIS- Rd., Melville, NY 11747, Tele- CING LLC is the holder of the a Federal Holiday, in which
after-described property to se- Atlanta, GA 30341 MCNATT++ TANCE OF 199.87 FEET TO A phone Number: 866-867-0330. Security Deed to the property in case being the first Wednes-
cure a Note in the original prin- 404-789-2661 LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* 1 INCH RE-BAR FOUND; THE MONEY SOURCE INC. accordance with OCGA § 44- day of said month), the follow-
cipal amount of One Hundred ++B&S file no.: 18-11986/ MY- Attorneys and RUNNING THENCE SOUTH as Attorney in Fact for 14-162.2. ing described property:
Twenty-Two Thousand Seven ERS++ Counselors at Law 87 DEGREES 52 MINUTES 42 TYLER JOSHUA COOPER, The entity that has full author- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
Hundred Thirty-Five and 0/100 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, SECONDS WEST A DIS- PERRY J. COOPER ity to negotiate, amend, and CEL OF LAND LYING AND
dollars ($122,735.00), with in- 420-451756 11/11,11/18,11/25 N.E., Suite 300 TANCE OF 50.67 FEET TO AN THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY modify all terms of the mort- BEING IN LAND LOT 172 OF
terest thereon as set forth 12/2 Atlanta, GA 30346 IRON PIN SET ON THE EAST- BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS gage with the debtor is: M&T THE 15TH DISTRICT,
therein, there will be sold at STATE OF GEORGIA (770) 220-2535/jw ERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- Bank , One Fountain Plaza, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
public outcry to the highest bid- COUNTY OF DEKALB OF MILLER ROAD; RUNNING DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, Buffalo, NY 14203, 800-724- BEING LOT 24, BLOCK A OF
house door of Dekalb County, UNDER POWER AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. GREES 28 MINUTES 25 TAINED WILL BE USED FOR To the best knowledge and be- SION, ACCORDING
Georgia, within the legal hours Because of a default under the ANY INFORMATION OB - SECONDS EAST A DIS- THAT PURPOSE. lief of the undersigned, the TO PLAT WHICH IS RECOR-
of sale on December 7, 2021, terms of the Security Deed ex- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR TANCE OF 74.42 FEET TO A Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, party in possession of the prop- DED IN PLAT BOOK 16, PAGE
the following described prop- ecuted by Benny Lee Beasley, THAT PURPOSE POINT; RUNNING THENCE LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, erty is Estate Of Barbara Stall- 84, DEKALB COUNTY RE-
erty: Jr. aka Benny L. Beasley and 420-451760 11/11 11/18 11/25 NORTHEASTERLY ALONG Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, worth and Barbara Stallworth or CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN-
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Michelle L. McNatt to Sunbelt 12/2jh THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF GA 30071 a tenant or tenants and said CORPORATED HEREIN BY
CEL OF LAND LYING AND National Mortgage Corporation NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WAY LINE OF MILLER ROAD Telephone Number: (877) 813- property is more commonly REFERENCE AND MADE A
BEING IN LAND LOT 130 OF dated June 23, 1993, and re- POWER AND FOLLOWING THE 0992 Case No. ++TMS-20- known as 4250 Donna Way, PART HEREOF.
THE 16TH DISTRICT OF corded in Deed Book 7731, GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY CURVATURE THEREOF AN 02800-5/ Cooper++ Lithonia, Georgia 30038. The debt secured by said Se-
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, Page 764, as last modified in By virtue of a Power of Sale ARC DISTANCE OF 98.79 Ad Run Dates 11/11/2021, The sale will be conducted sub- curity Deed has been and is
AND BEING LOT 45, BLOCK C Deed Book 25338, Page 778, contained in that certain Secur- FEET (SAID ARC BEING SUB- 11/18/2021, 11/25/2021, ject (1) to confirmation that the hereby declared due because
OF PRINCETON PARK, UNIT DeKalb County Records, said ity Deed from TYLER JOSHUA TENDED BY A CHORD BEAR- 12/02/2021 sale is not prohibited under the of, among other possible
TWO, AS PER PLAT RECOR- Security Deed having been last COOPER, PERRY J. COOPER ING NORTH 13 DEGREES 37 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) events of default, failure to pay
DED IN PLAT BOOK 114, sold, assigned, transferred and to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC MINUTES 53 SECONDS EAST 420-451761 11/11,11/18,11/25 to final confirmation and audit the indebtedness as and when
PAGES 80-82 OF DEKALB conveyed to Norwest Mort- REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, A DISTANCE OF 98.77 FEET 12/2,12/9,12/16,12/23,12/30 of the status of the loan with due and in the manner
COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- gage, Inc. securing a Note in INC. AS NOMINEE FOR R M K AND HAVING A RADIUS OF NOTICE OF SALE the holder of the security deed. provided in the Note and Se-
CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- the original principal amount of FINANCIAL CORP. D/B/A 1218.95 FEET) TO AN IRON UNDER POWER LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVI- curity Deed. The debt remain-
CORPORATED HEREIN BY $86,200.00, the holder thereof MAJESTIC HOME LOAN, A PIN SET AND THE TRUE GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY CING LLC ing in default, this sale will be
THIS REFERENCE AND pursuant to said Deed and CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, POINT OF BEGINNING; THE THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO as Attorney in Fact for made for the purpose of pay-
MADE A PART OF THIS DE- Note thereby secured has de- dated May 16, 2014, recorded PROPERTY IS MORE PAR- COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- Barbara Stallworth ing the same and all expenses
SCRIPTION. PROPERTY IS clared the entire amount of said May 27, 2014, in Deed Book TICULARLY DELINEATED ON FORMATION OBTAINED WILL McCalla Raymer of this sale, as provided in the
ALSO KNOWN AS 1063 DES- indebtedness due and payable 24393, Page 627 , DeKalb THAT PLAT OF SURVEY BY BE USED FOR THAT PUR- Leibert Pierce, LLC Security Deed and by law, in-
HON TRAIL, LITHONIA, and, pursuant to the power of County, Georgia Records, said MARK A. BUCKNER, GEOR- POSE. 1544 Old Alabama Road cluding attorney’s fees (notice
GEORGIA 30058, ACCORD- sale contained in said Deed, Security Deed having been giv- GIA RL.S. #2422, PREPARED Under and by virtue of the Roswell, GA 30076 of intent to collect attorney’s
ING TO THE PRESENT SYS- will on the first Tuesday, en to secure a Note of even FOR DEBRA KAY COOPER, Power of Sale contained in a fees having been given).
TEM OF NUMBERING IN December 7, 2021, during the date in the original principal DATED MARCH 18,1996. Security Deed given by Bar- EXHIBIT “A” Said property is commonly
AFORESAID COUNTY. legal hours of sale, before the a m o u n t o f O n e Hu n d re d Said legal description being bara Stallworth to Mortgage All that certain parcel of land known as 2032 McAfee Road,
The debt secured by said Se- Courthouse door in said Twenty-Nine Thousand Eight controlling, however the prop- Electronic Registration Sys- situate in the City of Lithonia, Decatur, GA 30032 together
curity Deed has been and is County, sell at public outcry to Hundred Seventy-One and erty is more commonly known tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- County of DeKalb and State of with all fixtures and personal
hereby declared due because the highest bidder for cash, the 00/100 dollars ($129,871.00), as 3290 MILLER RD, inee for Peoples Bank, a Kan- Georgia bounded and de- property attached to and consti-
of, among other possible property described in said with interest thereon as LITHONIA, GA 30038. sas Corporation, its suc- scribed as follows: tuting a part of said property, if
events of default, failure to pay Deed, to-wit: provided for therein, said Se- The indebtedness secured by cessors and assigns , dated ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- any. To the best knowledge
the indebtedness as and when All that tract or parcel of land ly- curity Deed having been last said Security Deed has been October 25, 2012, recorded in CEL OF LAND LYING AND and belief of the undersigned,
due and in the manner ing and being in Land Lots 94 sold, assigned and transferred and is hereby declared due be- Deed Book 23364, Page 71, BEING IN LAND LOT 32 OF the party (or parties) in posses-
provided in the Note and Se- and 67 of the 15th District of to The Money Source Inc., cause of default under the DeKalb County, Georgia Re- THE 15TH LAND DISTRICT, sion of the subject property is
curity Deed. The debt remain- DeKalb County, Georgia, be- there will be sold at public out- terms of said Security Deed. cords, as last transferred to DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, (are): Elizabeth T. Giles or ten-
ing in default, this sale will be ing Lot 2, Block C, Wicklow cry to the highest bidder for The indebtedness remaining in Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC AND BEING LOT 126, SOUTH ant or tenants.
made for the purpose of pay- Acres Subdivision, Unit Three, cash at the DeKalb County default, this sale will be made by assignment recorded in RIVER BEND SUBDIVISION, Champion Mortgage LLC is the
ing the same and all expenses as per plat recorded in Plat Courthouse, within the legal for the purpose of paying the Deed Book 29496, Page 731, PHASE II, AS PER PLAT RE- entity or individual designated
of this sale, as provided in Se- Book 36, Page 131, DeKalb hours of sale on the first Tues- same, all expenses of the sale, DeKalb County, Georgia Re- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 125, who shall have full authority to
curity Deed and by law, includ- County Records, which plat is day in December, 2021, all including attorneys’ fees (no- cords, conveying the after-de- PAGE 11-12, DEKALB negotiate, amend and modify
ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- made a part of this description property described in said Se- tice to collect same having scribed property to secure a COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- all terms of the mortgage.
tent to collect attorney’s fees by reference thereto; and be- curity Deed including but not been given) and all other pay- Note in the original principal CORDS, WHICH RECORDED Champion Mortgage LLC
having been given). ing improved property. limited to the following de- ments provided for under the amount of TWO HUNDRED PLAT IS INCORPORATED Loss Mitigation
The entity having full authority Said property is known as 4112 scribed property: terms of the Security Deed. THREE THOUSAND FOUR HEREIN BY REFERENCE PO Box 91322
to negotiate, amend or modify Ballina Drive, Decatur, GA ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Said property will be sold on an HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE FOR A MORE COMPLETE DE- Seattle, WA 98111-9422
all terms of the loan (although 30034, together with all fix- CEL OF LAND LYING AND “as-is” basis without any rep- AND 0/100 DOLLARS SCRIPTION OF SAID PROP- Phone 855-683-3095
not required by law to do so) is: tures and personal property at- BEING IN LAND LOTS 11 AND resentation, warranty or re- ($203,423.00), with interest ERTY. Fax 866-621-1036
Truist Bank, successor by mer- tached to and constituting a 22, 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB course against the above- thereon as set forth therein, Being the same property as Note, however, that such entity
ger to SunTrust Bank they can part of said property, if any. COUNTY, AND BEING MORE named or the undersigned. The there will be sold at public out- transferred by deed dated or individual is not required by
be contacted at (800) 443-1032 Said property will be sold sub- PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED sale will also be subject to the cry to the highest bidder for 01/31/2003, recorded law to negotiate, amend or
for Loss Mitigation Dept, or by ject to any outstanding ad AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING following items which may af- cash before the courthouse 03/04/2003, from Legacy Com- modify the terms of the loan.
writing to 1001 Semmes Aven- valorem taxes (including taxes AT AN IRON PIN SET ON THE fect the title: any outstanding door of DeKalb County, Geor- munities of South River Bend, Said property will be sold sub-
ue, Richmond, Virginia 23222, which are a lien, whether or not EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY ad valorem taxes (including gia, or at such place as may be LLC, to Barbara Stallworth, re- ject to: (a) any outstanding ad
to discuss possible alternatives now due and payable), the right LINE OF MILLER ROAD (HAV- taxes which are a lien, whether lawfully designated as an al- corded in Book 14294, Page valorem taxes (including taxes
Loss Mitigation BEING IN LAND LOT 62 OF loan as provided immediately tuting a part of said property, if acquired by PNC Bank, Nation- The sale will be conducted sub- zoning ordinances, restrictions,
PO Box 91322 THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB above. any. To the best knowledge al Association, conveying the ject to (1) confirmation that the covenants, and matters of re-
Seattle, WA 98111-9422 COUNTY, Reverse Mortgage Funding and belief of the undersigned, after-described property to se- sale is not prohibited under the cord superior to the Security
Phone 855-683-3095 GEORGIA, BEING LOT 8, LLC as agent and Attorney in the party (or parties) in posses- cure a Note in the original prin- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) Deed first set out above.
Fax 866-621-1036 BLOCK C, MEDLOCK Fact for William Reid Shaw sion of the subject property is cipal amount of $104,025.00, final confirmation and audit of Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc.
Note, however, that such entity HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, UNIT Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- (are): Qualitas Properties, LLC with interest at the rate spe- the status of the loan with the is the holder of the Security
Page 46
or individual is not required by
law to negotiate, amend or
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
mont Center, 3575 Piedmont
Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta,
or tenant or tenants.
PHH Mortgage Corporation is
cified therein, there will be sold
by the undersigned at public
holder of the Security Deed.
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
Deed to the property in accord-
ance with OCGA § 44-14-
modify the terms of the loan. DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Georgia 30305, (404) 994- the entity or individual desig- outcry to the highest bidder for 9-13-172.1, which allows for 162.2.
Said property will be sold sub- RECORDS, WHICH RECOR- 7637. nated who shall have full au- cash before the Courthouse certain procedures regarding The entity that has full author-
ject to: (a) any outstanding ad DED PLAT IS INCORPOR- 1823-238A thority to negotiate, amend and door of Dekalb County, Geor- the rescission of judicial and ity to negotiate, amend, and
valorem taxes (including taxes ATED HEREIN BY THIS THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- modify all terms of the mort- gia (or such other area as des- non-judicial sales in the State modify all terms of the mort-
which are a lien, but not yet REFERENCE AND MADE A ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR gage. ignated by Order of the Superi- of Georgia, the Deed Under gage with the debtor is: Select
due and payable), (b) unpaid PART OF THIS DESCRIP- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A PHH Mortgage Corporation or Court of said county), within Power and other foreclosure Portfolio Servicing, Inc., 3217
water or sewage bills that con- TION. SAID PROPERTY BE- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION One Mortgage Way the legal hours of sale on documents may not be S. Decker Lake Dr., Salt Lake
stitute a lien against the prop- ING KNOWN AS 2545 HAR- OBTAINED WILL BE USED Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 December 7, 2021 (being the provided until final confirmation City, UT 84119, 888-818-6032.
erty whether due and payable RINGTON DRIVE FOR THAT PURPOSE. (800) 750-2518 first Tuesday of said month un- and audit of the status of the To the best knowledge and be-
or not yet due and payable and ACCORDING TO THE ++1823-238A/ SHAW++ Note, however, that such entity less said date falls on a Feder- loan as provided immediately lief of the undersigned, the
which may not be of record, (c) PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- or individual is not required by al Holiday, in which case being above. party in possession of the prop-
the right of redemption of any BERING PROPERTY IN 420-451765 11/11,11/18,11/25 law to negotiate, amend or the first Wednesday of said PNC Bank, National Associ- erty is Mary H Glenn or a ten-
taxing authority, (d) any mat- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. 12/2 modify the terms of the loan. month), the following de- ation as agent and Attorney in ant or tenants and said prop-
ters which might be disclosed The debt secured by said Se- NOTICE OF SALE Said property will be sold sub- scribed property: Fact for Teofilo Majano erty is more commonly known
by an accurate survey and in- curity Deed has been and is UNDER POWER, ject to: (a) any outstanding ad ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- as 964 Allgood Road, Stone
spection of the property, and hereby declared due because DEKALB COUNTY valorem taxes (including taxes CEL OF LAND LYING AND mont Center, 3575 Piedmont Mountain, Georgia 30083.
(e) any assessments, liens, en- of, among other possible Pursuant to the Power of Sale which are a lien, but not yet BEING IN LAND LOT 103, Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, The sale will be conducted sub-
cumbrances, zoning ordin- events of default, failure to pay contained in a Security Deed due and payable), (b) unpaid 16TH DISTRICT, BEING LOT Georgia 30305, (404) 994- ject (1) to confirmation that the
ances, restrictions, covenants, the indebtedness as and when given by F. Steven Terry a/k/a water or sewage bills that con- 7, BLOCK G OF STONE- 7637. sale is not prohibited under the
and matters of record superior due and in the manner Fiorello Steven Terry to Mort- stitute a lien against the prop- BRIDGE CREEK ESTATES, 1434-2096A U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
to the Security Deed first set provided in the Note and Se- gage Electronic Registration erty whether due and payable UNIT ONE, AS MORE COM- THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- to final confirmation and audit
out above. curity Deed. The debt remain- Systems, Inc., as grantee, as or not yet due and payable and PLETELY SHOWN ON THAT ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR of the status of the loan with
The sale will be conducted sub- ing in default, this sale will be nominee for Mortgage Lenders which may not be of record, (c) PLAT RECORDED AT PLAT ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A the holder of the security deed.
ject to (1) confirmation that the made for the purpose of pay- Network USA, Inc., its suc- the right of redemption of any BOOK 115, PAGE 18-21, DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc.
sale is not prohibited under the ing the same and all expenses cessors and assigns dated taxing authority, (d) any mat- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA OBTAINED WILL BE USED as Attorney in Fact for
U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) of this sale, as provided in the 7/7/2006 and recorded in Deed ters which might be disclosed RECORDS, WHICH RECOR- FOR THAT PURPOSE. Mary H Glenn
final confirmation and audit of Security Deed and by law, in- Book 19020 Page 677 Dekalb by an accurate survey and in- DED PLAT IS INCORPOR- ++1434-2096A/ MAJANO++ McCalla Raymer
the status of the loan with the cluding attorney’s fees (notice County, Georgia records; as spection of the property, and ATED HEREIN FOR A MORE 420-451767 11/11,11/18,11/25 Leibert Pierce, LLC
holder of the Security Deed. of intent to collect attorney’s last transferred to or acquired (e) any assessments, liens, en- COMPLETE DESCRIPTION 12/2 1544 Old Alabama Road
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section fees having been given). by U.S. Bank National Associ- cumbrances, zoning ordin- OF SAID PROPERTY. NOTICE OF SALE Roswell, GA 30076
9-13-172.1, which allows for Said property is commonly ation, as successor in interest ances, restrictions, covenants, The debt secured by said Se- UNDER POWER
certain procedures regarding known as 2545 Harrington Dr, to Bank of America National and matters of record superior curity Deed has been and is GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY EXHIBIT “A”
the rescission of judicial and Decatur, GA 30033 together Association, successor by mer- to the Security Deed first set hereby declared due because THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO All that tract or parcel of land ly-
non-judicial sales in the State with all fixtures and personal ger to LaSalle Bank National out above. of, among other possible COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- ing and being in Land Lot 227
of Georgia, the Deed Under property attached to and consti- Association, as Trustee for The sale will be conducted sub- events of default, failure to pay FORMATION OBTAINED WILL of the 15th District of DeKalb
Power and other foreclosure tuting a part of said property, if GSAMP Trust 2006-HE5, Mort- ject to (1) confirmation that the the indebtedness as and when BE USED FOR THAT PUR- County, Georgia, Lot 2 and part
documents may not be any. To the best knowledge gage Pass-Through Certific- sale is not prohibited under the due and in the manner POSE. of Lot 3, Plat of Lots 1 through
provided until final confirmation and belief of the undersigned, ates, Series 2006-HE5, convey- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) provided in the Note and Se- Under and by virtue of the 5 of Rowland Hills No. 3, recor-
and audit of the status of the the party (or parties) in posses- ing the after-described prop- final confirmation and audit of curity Deed. The debt remain- Power of Sale contained in a ded In Plat Book 29, Page 113,
loan as provided immediately sion of the subject property is erty to secure a Note in the ori- the status of the loan with the ing in default, this sale will be Security Deed given by Mary H DeKalb County records and be-
above. (are): Mae Deane Shaw or ten- ginal principal amount of holder of the Security Deed. made for the purpose of pay- Glenn to Bank of America, ing more particularly described
Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a ant or tenants. $125,600.00, with interest at Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section ing the same and all expenses N.A., dated February 9, 2007, as follows:
Champion Mortgage Company CeLink is the entity or individu- the rate specified therein, there 9-13-172.1, which allows for of this sale, as provided in the recorded in Deed Book 19682, BEGINNING at an Iron pin on
as agent and Attorney in Fact al designated who shall have will be sold by the undersigned certain procedures regarding Security Deed and by law, in- Page 340, DeKalb County, the northeasterly side of All-
for Elizabeth T. Giles full authority to negotiate, at public outcry to the highest the rescission of judicial and cluding attorney’s fees (notice Georgia Records, as last trans- good Road 125.0 feet south-
Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- amend and modify all terms of bidder for cash before the non-judicial sales in the State of intent to collect attorney’s ferred to Select Portfolio Servi- easterly, as measured along
mont Center, 3575 Piedmont the mortgage. Courthouse door of Dekalb of Georgia, the Deed Under fees having been given). cing, Inc. by assignment recor- the northeasterly side of All-
Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, CeLink County, Georgia (or such other Power and other foreclosure Said property is commonly ded in Deed Book 27939, Page good Road, from the corner
Georgia 30305, (404) 994- Loss Mitigation Department area as designated by Order of documents may not be known as 2234 Rambling Way, 288, DeKalb County, Georgia formed by the intersection of
7637. P.O. Box 40724 the Superior Court of said provided until final confirmation Lithonia, GA 30058 together Records, conveying the after- the northeasterly side of All-
1341-770A Lansing, MI 48901-7924 county), within the legal hours and audit of the status of the with all fixtures and personal described property to secure a good Road with the southeast-
THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- Phone: 866-446-0026 of sale on December 7, 2021 loan as provided immediately property attached to and consti- Note in the original principal erly side of Rowland Road; run-
ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR Note, however, that such entity (being the first Tuesday of said above. tuting a part of said property, if amount of ONE HUNDRED ning thence northeasterly 225.0
ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A or individual is not required by month unless said date falls on U.S. Bank National Associ- any. To the best knowledge SIXTY-TWO THOUSAND AND feet to an iron pin; thence south
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION law to negotiate, amend or a Federal Holiday, in which ation, as successor in interest and belief of the undersigned, 0/100 DOLLARS 31 degrees 21 minutes east
OBTAINED WILL BE USED modify the terms of the loan. case being the first Wednes- to Bank of America National the party (or parties) in posses- ($162,000.00), with interest 135.0 feet to an iron pin; thence
FOR THAT PURPOSE. Said property will be sold sub- day of said month), the follow- Association, successor by mer- sion of the subject property is thereon as set forth therein, southwesterly 226.7 feet to an
++1341-770A/ GILES++ ject to: (a) any outstanding ad ing described property: ger to LaSalle Bank National (are): Estate and/or Heirs of there will be sold at public out- iron pin on the northeasterly
valorem taxes (including taxes ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of Association, as Trustee for Teofilo Majano or tenant or ten- cry to the highest bidder for side of Allgood Road; thence
420-451764 11/11,11/18,11/25 which are a lien, but not yet land lying and being in Land GSAMP Trust 2006-HE5, Mort- ants. cash before the courthouse northwesterly along the north-
12/2 due and payable), (b) unpaid Lot 100 of the 16th District, gage Pass-Through Certific- PNC Bank, N.A. is the entity or door of DeKalb County, Geor- easterly side of Allgood Road
NOTICE OF SALE water or sewage bills that con- DeKalb County, Georgia, be- ates, Series 2006-HE5 as individual designated who shall gia, or at such place as may be 125.0 feet to the Iron pin at the
UNDER POWER, stitute a lien against the prop- ing Lots 20 and 21, Block C of agent and Attorney in Fact for have full authority to negotiate, lawfully designated as an al- point of beginning; being im-
DEKALB COUNTY erty whether due and payable DESHONG ESTATES SUBDI- F. Steven Terry a/k/a Fiorello amend and modify all terms of ternative, within the legal hours proved property having a one
Pursuant to the Power of Sale or not yet due and payable and VISION, Unit 2, as per plat re- Steven Terry the mortgage. of sale on the first Tuesday in story residence located there-
contained in a Security Deed which may not be of record, (c) corded in Plat Book 61, Page Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- PNC Bank, N.A. December, 2021, the following on known as 964 Allgood
given by William Reid Shaw to the right of redemption of any 149, DeKalb County, Georgia mont Center, 3575 Piedmont Loss Mitigation described property: Road, according to the present
Amtrust Mortgage Corporation taxing authority, (d) any mat- records; which plat is hereby Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Mail Locator: B6-YM10-01-1 SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED system of numbering in DeKalb
dated 3/5/2007 and recorded in ters which might be disclosed referred to and made a part of Georgia 30305, (404) 994- 3232 Newmark Drive HERETO AND MADE A PART County, Georgia, and as shown
Deed Book 19765 Page 213 by an accurate survey and in- this description; being im- 7637. Miamisburg, OH 45342 HEREOF on plat of survey prepared by
DeKalb County, Georgia re- spection of the property, and proved property known as 1377 1017-5233A 1-888-224-4702 The debt secured by said Se- Busbee Surveying Co., Inc.,
cords; as last transferred to or (e) any assessments, liens, en- Denfield Court, according to the THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- Note, however, that such entity curity Deed has been and is dated July 26, 1996.
acquired by Reverse Mortgage cumbrances, zoning ordin- present system of numbering in ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR or individual is not required by hereby declared due because MR/meh 12/7/21
Funding LLC, conveying the ances, restrictions, covenants, DeKalb County, Georgia. ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A law to negotiate, amend or of, among other possible ++Our file no. 5437919 - FT1/
after-described property to se- and matters of record superior The debt secured by said Se- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION modify the terms of the loan. events of default, failure to pay GLENN++
cure a Note in the original prin- to the Security Deed first set curity Deed has been and is OBTAINED WILL BE USED Said property will be sold sub- the indebtedness as and when
cipal amount of $352,500.00, out above. hereby declared due because FOR THAT PURPOSE. ject to: (a) any outstanding ad due and in the manner 420-451768 11/11,11/18,11/25
with interest at the rate spe- The sale will be conducted sub- of, among other possible ++1017-5233A/ TERRY++ valorem taxes (including taxes provided in the Note and Se- 12/2
cified therein, there will be sold ject to (1) confirmation that the events of default, failure to pay which are a lien, but not yet curity Deed. The debt remain- NOTICE OF SALE
by the undersigned at public sale is not prohibited under the the indebtedness as and when 420-451766 11/11,11/18,11/25 due and payable), (b) unpaid ing in default, this sale will be UNDER POWER
outcry to the highest bidder for U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) due and in the manner 12/2 water or sewage bills that con- made for the purpose of pay- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
cash before the Courthouse final confirmation and audit of provided in the Note and Se- NOTICE OF SALE stitute a lien against the prop- ing the same and all expenses THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO
door of DeKalb County, Geor- the status of the loan with the curity Deed. The debt remain- UNDER POWER, erty whether due and payable of this sale, as provided in the COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN-
gia (or such other area as des- holder of the Security Deed. ing in default, this sale will be DEKALB COUNTY or not yet due and payable and Security Deed and by law, in- FORMATION OBTAINED WILL
ignated by Order of the Superi- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section made for the purpose of pay- Pursuant to the Power of Sale which may not be of record, (c) cluding attorney's fees (notice BE USED FOR THAT PUR-
or Court of said county), within 9-13-172.1, which allows for ing the same and all expenses contained in a Security Deed the right of redemption of any of intent to collect attorney's POSE.
the legal hours of sale on certain procedures regarding of this sale, as provided in the given by Teofilo Majano to taxing authority, (d) any mat- fees having been given). Under and by virtue of the
December 7, 2021 (being the the rescission of judicial and Security Deed and by law, in- Mortgage Electronic Registra- ters which might be disclosed Said property will be sold sub- Power of Sale contained in a
first Tuesday of said month un- non-judicial sales in the State cluding attorney’s fees (notice tion Systems, Inc., as grantee, by an accurate survey and in- ject to any outstanding ad Security Deed given by Mi-
less said date falls on a Feder- of Georgia, the Deed Under of intent to collect attorney’s as nominee for Fairway Inde- spection of the property, and valorem taxes (including taxes chael T. Gaddy to Mortgage
al Holiday, in which case being Power and other foreclosure fees having been given). pendent Mortgage Corporation, (e) any assessments, liens, en- which are a lien, but not yet Electronic Registration Sys-
the first Wednesday of said documents may not be Said property is commonly its successors and assigns. cumbrances, zoning ordin- due and payable), any matters tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom-
month), the following de- provided until final confirmation known as 1377 Denfield Court, dated 9/30/2016 and recorded ances, restrictions, covenants, which might be disclosed by an inee for American Nationwide
scribed property: and audit of the status of the Lithonia, GA 30058 together in Deed Book 25874 Page 62 and matters of record superior accurate survey and inspection Mortgage Company, Inc., its
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- loan as provided immediately with all fixtures and personal Dekalb County, Georgia re- to the Security Deed first set of the property, any assess- successors and assigns, dated
CEL OF LAND LYING AND above. property attached to and consti- cords; as last transferred to or out above. ments, liens, encumbrances, March 23, 2017, recorded in
BEING IN LAND LOT 62 OF Reverse Mortgage Funding tuting a part of said property, if acquired by PNC Bank, Nation- The sale will be conducted sub- zoning ordinances, restrictions, Deed Book 26285, Page 333,
THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB LLC as agent and Attorney in any. To the best knowledge al Association, conveying the ject to (1) confirmation that the covenants, and matters of re- DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
COUNTY, Fact for William Reid Shaw and belief of the undersigned, after-described property to se- sale is not prohibited under the cord superior to the Security cords, as last transferred to
GEORGIA, BEING LOT 8, Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- the party (or parties) in posses- cure a Note in the original prin- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) Deed first set out above. WILMINGTON SAVINGS
BLOCK C, MEDLOCK mont Center, 3575 Piedmont sion of the subject property is cipal amount of $104,025.00, final confirmation and audit of Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. FUND SOCIETY, FSB, not indi-
HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, UNIT Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, (are): Qualitas Properties, LLC with interest at the rate spe- the status of the loan with the is the holder of the Security vidually but solely as trustee for
1, AS PER PLAT RECORDED Georgia 30305, (404) 994- or tenant or tenants. cified therein, there will be sold holder of the Security Deed. Deed to the property in accord- FINANCE OF AMERICA
IN PLAT BOOK 22, PAGE 130, 7637. PHH Mortgage Corporation is by the undersigned at public Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section ance with OCGA § 44-14- STRUCTURED SECURITIES
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA 1823-238A the entity or individual desig- outcry to the highest bidder for 9-13-172.1, which allows for 162.2. ACQUISITION TRUST 2019-
RECORDS, WHICH RECOR- THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- nated who shall have full au- cash before the Courthouse certain procedures regarding The entity that has full author- HB1 by assignment recorded in
DED PLAT IS INCORPOR- ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR thority to negotiate, amend and door of Dekalb County, Geor- the rescission of judicial and ity to negotiate, amend, and Deed Book 28775, Page 482,
ATED HEREIN BY THIS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A modify all terms of the mort- gia (or such other area as des- non-judicial sales in the State modify all terms of the mort- DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
Deed Book 26285, Page 333, McCalla Raymer which are a lien, but not yet and the point of beginning; be- authority to negotiate, amend month unless said date falls on non-judicial sales in the State
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Leibert Pierce, LLC due and payable), any matters ing improved property known and modify all terms of the a Federal Holiday, in which of Georgia, the Deed Under
cords, as last transferred to 1544 Old Alabama Road which might be disclosed by an as 3919 Bluffton Court, accord- mortgage. case being the first Wednes- Power and other foreclosure
WILMINGTON SAVINGS Roswell, GA 30076 accurate survey and inspection ing to the present system of Carrington Mortgage Services, day of said month), the follow- documents may not be
FUND SOCIETY, FSB, not indi- of the property, any assess- numbering houses in DeKalb LLC ing described property: provided until final confirmation
vidually but solely as trustee for EXHIBIT “A” ments, liens, encumbrances, County, Georgia. 1600 South Douglass Road ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- and audit of the status of the

FINANCE OF AMERICA The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021Page 47
All that tract or parcel of land ly- zoning ordinances, restrictions, The right, if any, of The United Suite 200-A CEL OF LAND LYING AND loan as provided immediately
STRUCTURED SECURITIES ing and being in Land Lot 126 covenants, and matters of re- States of America to redeem Anaheim, CA 92806 BEING IN LAND LOT 28 OF above.
ACQUISITION TRUST 2019- of the 18th District of DeKalb cord superior to the Security said land within 120 days from (800) 561-4567 THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a
HB1 by assignment recorded in County, Georgia, and being Deed first set out above. the date of the foreclosure sale Note, however, that such entity COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Champion Mortgage Company
Deed Book 28775, Page 482, more particular described as The Bank of New York Mellon, held on December 7, 2021, as or individual is not required by LOT 513, BLOCK K, HARBOR as agent and Attorney in Fact
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- follows: f/k/a The Bank of New York, as provided for by the Federal Tax law to negotiate, amend or POINTE AT WATERS EDGE for Leon Vaughn, Sr.
cords, conveying the after-de- BEGINNING at a point on the successor-in-interest to JPMor- Lien Act of 1966 (Public Law modify the terms of the loan. SUBDIVISION, UNIT V, AS Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied-
scribed property to secure a west side of Third Street 251 gan Chase Bank, N.A., as 89-719). Said property will be sold sub- PER PLAT RECORDED IN mont Center, 3575 Piedmont
Note in the original principal feet North of the point where Trustee for Bear Stearns Asset MR/meh 12/7/21 ject to: (a) any outstanding ad PLAT BOOK 100, PAGES 46- Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta,
amount of ONE HUNDRED the west line of Third Street Backed Securities Trust 2005- ++Our file no. 52612903 - FT1/ valorem taxes (including taxes 48, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- Georgia 30305, (404) 994-
TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE (formerly Third Main Street) in- SD2, Asset-Backed Certific- Arlander Lavant, Jr and Darrell which are a lien, but not yet GIA RECORDS, WHICH RE- 7637.
HUNDRED AND 0/100 DOL- tersects the center of the ates, Series 2005-SD2 is the Lavant++ due and payable), (b) unpaid CORDED PLAT IS INCOR- 1341-765A
LARS ($112,500.00), with in- former Stone Mountain Car holder of the Security Deed to 420-451772 11/11,11/18,11/25 water or sewage bills that con- PORATED HEREIN BY THIS THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT-
terest thereon as set forth Line; thence South 89 deg. 33' the property in accordance with 12/2 stitute a lien against the prop- REFERENCE AND MADE A ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR
therein, there will be sold at 00" West 100 feet to a point; OCGA § 44-14-162.2. NOTICE OF SALE erty whether due and payable PART OF THIS DESCRIP- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A
public outcry to the highest bid- thence North 09 deg. 36' 21" The entity that has full author- UNDER POWER, or not yet due and payable and TION. SAID PROPERTY BE- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
der for cash before the court- West 65.08 feet to a point; ity to negotiate, amend, and DEKALB COUNTY which may not be of record, (c) ING KNOWN AS 170 SCENIC OBTAINED WILL BE USED
house door of DeKalb County, thence North 83 deg. 53' 47" modify all terms of the mort- Pursuant to the Power of Sale the right of redemption of any VIEW LANE ACCORDING TO FOR THAT PURPOSE.
Georgia, or at such place as East 98.15 feet to a point on gage with the debtor is: Select contained in a Security Deed taxing authority, (d) any mat- THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF ++1341-765A/ VAUGHN++
may be lawfully designated as the westerly side of Third Portfolio Servicing, Inc., 3217 given by Shonelle A. Map to ters which might be disclosed NUMBERING PROPERTY IN 420-451775 11/11,11/18,11/25
an alternative, within the legal Street; thence along the west- S. Decker Lake Dr., Salt Lake Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. dated by an accurate survey and in- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. 12/2
hours of sale on the first Tues- erly side of Third Street South City, UT 84119, 888-818-6032. 1/22/2013 and recorded in spection of the property, and The debt secured by said Se- NOTICE OF SALE
day in December, 2021, the fol- 10 deg. 11' 02" East 75 feet to To the best knowledge and be- Deed Book 23590 Page 316 (e) any assessments, liens, en- curity Deed has been and is UNDER POWER,
lowing described property: the point of beginning; and be- lief of the undersigned, the DeKalb County, Georgia re- cumbrances, zoning ordin- hereby declared due because DEKALB COUNTY
SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED ing improved property party in possession of the prop- cords; as last transferred to or ances, restrictions, covenants, of, among other possible Pursuant to the Power of Sale
HERETO AND MADE A PART MR/ca 12/7/21 erty is Arlander Lavant, Jr and acquired by WILMINGTON and matters of record superior events of default, failure to pay contained in a Security Deed
HEREOF ++Our file no. 5716119 - FT17/ Darrell Lavant or a tenant or SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, to the Security Deed first set the indebtedness as and when given by Fred Perry to Genera-
The debt secured by said Se- GABBY++ tenants and said property is FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF STAN- out above. due and in the manner tion Mortgage Company dated
curity Deed has been and is 420-451771 11/11,11/18,11/25 more commonly known as WICH MORTGAGE LOAN The sale will be conducted sub- provided in the Note and Se- 12/2/2009 and recorded in
hereby declared due because 12/2 3919 Bluffton Court, Decatur, TRUST I, conveying the after- ject to (1) confirmation that the curity Deed. The debt remain- Deed Book 21781 Page 382
of, among other possible NOTICE OF SALE Georgia 30035. described property to secure a sale is not prohibited under the ing in default, this sale will be Dekalb County, Georgia re-
events of default, failure to pay UNDER POWER The sale will be conducted sub- Note in the original principal U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) made for the purpose of pay- cords; as last transferred to or
the indebtedness as and when GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ject (1) to confirmation that the amount of $118,922.00, with in- final confirmation and audit of ing the same and all expenses acquired by Nationstar Mort-
due and in the manner THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO sale is not prohibited under the terest at the rate specified the status of the loan with the of this sale, as provided in the gage LLC d/b/a Champion
provided in the Note and Se- COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) therein, there will be sold by the holder of the Security Deed. Security Deed and by law, in- Mortgage Company, convey-
curity Deed. The debt remain- FORMATION OBTAINED WILL to final confirmation and audit undersigned at public outcry to Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section cluding attorney’s fees (notice ing the after-described prop-
ing in default, this sale will be BE USED FOR THAT PUR- of the status of the loan with the highest bidder for cash be- 9-13-172.1, which allows for of intent to collect attorney’s erty to secure a Note in the ori-
made for the purpose of pay- POSE. the holder of the security deed. fore the Courthouse door of certain procedures regarding fees having been given). ginal principal amount of
ing the same and all expenses Under and by virtue of the The Bank of New York Mellon, DeKalb County, Georgia (or the rescission of judicial and Said property is commonly $262,500.00, with interest at
of this sale, as provided in the Power of Sale contained in a f/k/a The Bank of New York, as such other area as designated non-judicial sales in the State known as 170 Scenic View the rate specified therein, there
Security Deed and by law, in- Security Deed given by Patri- successor-in-interest to JPMor- by Order of the Superior Court of Georgia, the Deed Under Lane, Stone Mountain, GA will be sold by the undersigned
cluding attorney's fees (notice cia Armstrong to Wells Fargo gan Chase Bank, N.A., as of said county), within the legal Power and other foreclosure 30087 together with all fixtures at public outcry to the highest
of intent to collect attorney's Home Mortgage, Inc., dated Trustee for Bear Stearns Asset hours of sale on December 7, documents may not be and personal property at- bidder for cash before the
fees having been given). June 30, 2003, recorded in Backed Securities Trust 2005- 2021 (being the first Tuesday of provided until final confirmation tached to and constituting a Courthouse door of Dekalb
Said property will be sold sub- Deed Book 14909, Page 148, SD2, Asset-Backed Certific- said month unless said date and audit of the status of the part of said property, if any. To County, Georgia (or such other
ject to any outstanding ad DeKalb County, Georgia Re- ates, Series 2005-SD2 falls on a Federal Holiday, in loan as provided immediately the best knowledge and belief area as designated by Order of
valorem taxes (including taxes cords, as last transferred to as Attorney in Fact for which case being the first Wed- above. of the undersigned, the party the Superior Court of said
which are a lien, but not yet The Bank of New York Mellon, Patricia Armstrong nesday of said month), the fol- W I L M I N G T O N S A V I N GS (or parties) in possession of the county), within the legal hours
due and payable), any matters f/k/a The Bank of New York, as McCalla Raymer lowing described property: FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS subject property is (are): Es- of sale on December 7, 2021
which might be disclosed by an successor-in-interest to JPMor- Leibert Pierce, LLC The following described prop- TRUSTEE OF STANWICH tate/Heirs of Leon Vaughn or (being the first Tuesday of said
accurate survey and inspection gan Chase Bank, N.A., as 1544 Old Alabama Road erty: MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST I tenant or tenants. month unless said date falls on
of the property, any assess- Trustee for Bear Stearns Asset Roswell, GA 30076 All that tract or parcel of land ly- as agent and Attorney in Fact Champion Mortgage LLC is the a Federal Holiday, in which
ments, liens, encumbrances, Backed Securities Trust 2005- ing and being in Land Lot 131 for Shonelle A. Map entity or individual designated case being the first Wednes-
zoning ordinances, restrictions, SD2, Asset-Backed Certific- EXHIBIT “A” of the 16th District, DeKalb Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- who shall have full authority to day of said month), the follow-
covenants, and matters of re- ates, Series 2005-SD2 by as- Land Lot 157 of the 15th Dis- County, Georgia, being Lot 78, mont Center, 3575 Piedmont negotiate, amend and modify ing described property:
cord superior to the Security signment recorded in Deed trict of DeKalb County, Geor- Phase 2, of the Villas at Ro- Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, all terms of the mortgage. ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
Deed first set out above. Book 22507, Page 649, DeKalb gia, being Lot 16, Block C, gers Crossing Subdivision, as Georgia 30305, (404) 994- Champion Mortgage LLC CEL OF LAND LYING AND
WILMINGTON SAVINGS County, Georgia Records, con- Easterwood Subdivision, Unit per plat thereof recorded in Plat 7637. Loss Mitigation BEING IN LAND LOT 146, OF
FUND SOCIETY, FSB, not indi- veying the after-described III, Section I, according to the Bo o k 1 5 8 , Pa g e s 8 8 -9 1, 2191-2293A PO Box 91322 THE 15TH DISTRICT OF
vidually but solely as trustee for property to secure a Note in the plat of record at Plat Book 57, DeKalb County, Georgia Re- THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- Seattle, WA 98111-9422 DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
FINANCE OF AMERICA original principal amount of Page 40, DeKalb County Re- cords, which recorded plat is in- ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR Phone 855-683-3095 BEING LOT 33-A, PLAT OF
STRUCTURED SECURITIES ONE HUNDRED TWELVE cords and being more particu- corporated herein by reference ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A Fax 866-621-1036 PART OF MRS. S. S. PIPER
ACQUISITION TRUST 2019- THOUSAND AND 0/100 DOL- larly described as follows: and made a part of this descrip- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Note, however, that such entity PROPERTY, AS PER PLAT
HB1 is the holder of the Secur- LARS ($112,000.00), with in- Beginning at a point on the tion. OBTAINED WILL BE USED or individual is not required by RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK
ity Deed to the property in ac- terest thereon as set forth southeasterly side of a cul-de- Assessor's Parcel No: 16 131 FOR THAT PURPOSE. law to negotiate, amend or 15, PAGE 18, DEKALB
cordance with OCGA § 44-14- therein, there will be sold at sac that forms the western ter- 06 092 ++2191-2293A/ MAP++ modify the terms of the loan. COUNTY RECORDS, WHICH
162.2. public outcry to the highest bid- minus of Bluffton Court, 103.4 The debt secured by said Se- Said property will be sold sub- PLAT IS HEREBY RE-
The entity that has full author- der for cash before the court- feet westerly and southwest- curity Deed has been and is 420-451774 11/11,11/18,11/25 ject to: (a) any outstanding ad FERRED TO AND MADE A
ity to negotiate, amend, and house door of DeKalb County, erly as measured along the hereby declared due because 12/2 valorem taxes (including taxes PART OF THIS DESCRIP-
modify all terms of the mort- Georgia, or at such place as southerly and southeasterly of, among other possible NOTICE OF SALE which are a lien, but not yet TION, BEING IMPROVED
gage with the debtor is: CeLink, may be lawfully designated as side of the right of way Bluffton events of default, failure to pay UNDER POWER, due and payable), (b) unpaid PROPERTY KNOWN AS 1745
3900 Capital City Blvd, Lans- an alternative, within the legal Court and its said cul-de-sac, the indebtedness as and when DEKALB COUNTY water or sewage bills that con- PIPER CIRCLE, S.E., AC-
ing, MI 48906, 800-761-0073. hours of sale on the first Tues- from its intersection with the due and in the manner Pursuant to the Power of Sale stitute a lien against the prop- CORDING TO THE PRESENT
To the best knowledge and be- day in December, 2021, the fol- northwesterly side of Bluffton provided in the Note and Se- contained in a Security Deed erty whether due and payable SYSTEM OF NUMBERING
lief of the undersigned, the lowing described property: Way, if said street lines were curity Deed. The debt remain- given by Leon Vaughn, Sr. to or not yet due and payable and HOUSES IN THE CITY OF AT-
party in possession of the prop- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED extended to form an angle in- ing in default, this sale will be Generation Mortgage Com- which may not be of record, (c) LANTA, GEORGIA.
erty is Michael T. Gaddy or a HERETO AND MADE A PART stead of a curve; running made for the purpose of pay- pany dated 7/17/2007 and re- the right of redemption of any The debt secured by said Se-
tenant or tenants and said HEREOF thence southwesterly, westerly ing the same and all expenses corded in Deed Book 20157 taxing authority, (d) any mat- curity Deed has been and is
property is more commonly The debt secured by said Se- and northwesterly, as meas- of this sale, as provided in the Page 785 DeKalb County, ters which might be disclosed hereby declared due because
known as 1116 3rd Street, curity Deed has been and is ured along the southeasterly, Security Deed and by law, in- Georgia records; as last trans- by an accurate survey and in- of, among other possible
Stone Mountain, Georgia hereby declared due because southerly and southwesterly cluding attorney’s fees (notice ferred to or acquired by Nation- spection of the property, and events of default, failure to pay
30083. of, among other possible side of said cul-de-sac, and fol- of intent to collect attorney’s star Mortgage LLC d/b/a Cham- (e) any assessments, liens, en- the indebtedness as and when
The sale will be conducted sub- events of default, failure to pay lowing the curvature thereof, fees having been given). pion Mortgage Company, con- cumbrances, zoning ordin- due and in the manner
ject (1) to confirmation that the the indebtedness as and when 62.9 feet to a point; running Said property is commonly veying the after-described ances, restrictions, covenants, provided in the Note and Se-
sale is not prohibited under the due and in the manner thence southwesterly 138.1 known as 1280 Ellicot Way, property to secure a Note in the and matters of record superior curity Deed. The debt remain-
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) provided in the Note and Se- feet to a point; running thence Lithonia, GA 30058 together original principal amount of to the Security Deed first set ing in default, this sale will be
to final confirmation and audit curity Deed. The debt remain- easterly 115 feet to a point; with all fixtures and personal $379,335.00, with interest at out above. made for the purpose of pay-
of the status of the loan with ing in default, this sale will be running thence northerly 124.1 property attached to and consti- the rate specified therein, there The sale will be conducted sub- ing the same and all expenses
the holder of the security deed. made for the purpose of pay- feet to the point on the south- tuting a part of said property, if will be sold by the undersigned ject to (1) confirmation that the of this sale, as provided in the
WILMINGTON SAVINGS ing the same and all expenses easterly side of said cul-de-sac any. To the best knowledge at public outcry to the highest sale is not prohibited under the Security Deed and by law, in-
FUND SOCIETY, FSB, not indi- of this sale, as provided in the and the point of beginning; be- and belief of the undersigned, bidder for cash before the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) cluding attorney’s fees (notice
vidually but solely as trustee for Security Deed and by law, in- ing improved property known the party (or parties) in posses- Courthouse door of DeKalb final confirmation and audit of of intent to collect attorney’s
FINANCE OF AMERICA cluding attorney's fees (notice as 3919 Bluffton Court, accord- sion of the subject property is County, Georgia (or such other the status of the loan with the fees having been given).
STRUCTURED SECURITIES of intent to collect attorney's ing to the present system of (are): Shonelle A. Map or ten- area as designated by Order of holder of the Security Deed. Said property is commonly
ACQUISITION TRUST 2019- fees having been given). numbering houses in DeKalb ant or tenants. the Superior Court of said Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section known as 1745 Piper Circle SE,
HB1 Said property will be sold sub- County, Georgia. Carrington Mortgage Services, county), within the legal hours 9-13-172.1, which allows for Atlanta, GA 30316-2253 to-
as Attorney in Fact for ject to any outstanding ad The right, if any, of The United LLC is the entity or individual of sale on December 7, 2021 certain procedures regarding gether with all fixtures and per-
Michael T. Gaddy valorem taxes (including taxes States of America to redeem designated who shall have full (being the first Tuesday of said the rescission of judicial and sonal property attached to and
McCalla Raymer which are a lien, but not yet said land within 120 days from authority to negotiate, amend month unless said date falls on non-judicial sales in the State constituting a part of said prop-
Leibert Pierce, LLC due and payable), any matters the date of the foreclosure sale and modify all terms of the a Federal Holiday, in which of Georgia, the Deed Under erty, if any. To the best know-
1544 Old Alabama Road which might be disclosed by an held on December 7, 2021, as mortgage. case being the first Wednes- Power and other foreclosure ledge and belief of the under-
Roswell, GA 30076 accurate survey and inspection provided for by the Federal Tax Carrington Mortgage Services, day of said month), the follow- documents may not be signed, the party (or parties) in of the property, any assess- Lien Act of 1966 (Public Law LLC ing described property: provided until final confirmation possession of the subject prop-
EXHIBIT “A” ments, liens, encumbrances, 89-719). 1600 South Douglass Road ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- and audit of the status of the erty is (are): Estate/Heirs of
All that tract or parcel of land ly- zoning ordinances, restrictions, MR/meh 12/7/21 Suite 200-A CEL OF LAND LYING AND loan as provided immediately Fred Perry or tenant or tenants.
ing and being in Land Lot 126 covenants, and matters of re- ++Our file no. 52612903 - FT1/ Anaheim, CA 92806 BEING IN LAND LOT 28 OF above. Champion Mortgage LLC is the
of the 18th District of DeKalb cord superior to the Security Arlander Lavant, Jr and Darrell (800) 561-4567 THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a entity or individual designated
County, Georgia, and being Deed first set out above. Lavant++ Note, however, that such entity COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Champion Mortgage Company who shall have full authority to
more particular described as The Bank of New York Mellon, or individual is not required by LOT 513, BLOCK K, HARBOR as agent and Attorney in Fact negotiate, amend and modify
follows: f/k/a The Bank of New York, as law to negotiate, amend or POINTE AT WATERS EDGE for Leon Vaughn, Sr. all terms of the mortgage.
constituting a part of said prop- Deed Book 28119, Page 309, provements located thereon, ly- the party (or parties) in posses- house door of DeKalb County, Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section OF COLLEEN COURT;
erty, if any. To the best know- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- ing and being in Land Lot 251 sion of the subject property is Georgia (or such other area as 9-13-172.1, which allows for THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY
ledge and belief of the under- cords, conveying the after-de- of the 11th District of DeKalb (are): Estate/Heirs of William designated by Order of the Su- certain procedures regarding ALONG THE SOUTHEAST-
signed, the party (or parties) in scribed property to secure a County, Georgia, being Lot 33 Lester Born or tenant or ten- perior Court of said county), the rescission of judicial and ERLY SIDE OF COLLEEN
possession of the subject prop- Note in the original principal of Gatewood Subdivision, Unit ants. within the legal hours of sale on non-judicial sales in the State COURT ONE HUNDRED
erty is (are): Estate/Heirs of amount of ONE HUNDRED Two as shown on plat of Gate- CeLink is the entity or individu- December 7, 2021 (being the of Georgia, the Deed Under TWENTY-FOUR (124) FEET
Page 48
Fred Perry or tenant or tenants.
Champion Mortgage LLC is the
TWENTY-NINE THOUSANDThe Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
wood Subdivision-Unit Two as
same is recorded in Plat Book
al designated who shall have first Tuesday of said month un-
less said date falls on a Feder-
Power and other foreclosure
documents may not be
TWO HUNDRED NINE AND full authority to negotiate,
entity or individual designated 0/100 DOLLARS 107, Page 90, DeKalb County, amend and modify all terms of al Holiday, in which case being provided until final confirmation PROPERTY AND KNOWN AS
who shall have full authority to ($129,209.00), with interest Georgia Records. The descrip- the mortgage. the first Wednesday of said and audit of the status of the NO. 2264 COLLEEN COURT
negotiate, amend and modify thereon as set forth therein, tion of said property as con- CeLink month), the following de- loan as provided immediately ACCORDING TO THE
all terms of the mortgage. there will be sold at public out- tained on said plat is hereby in- Loss Mitigation Department scribed property: above. PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM-
Champion Mortgage LLC cry to the highest bidder for corporated herein and made an P.O. Box 40724 All that tract or parcel of land ly- JPMorgan Chase Bank, Nation- BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB
Loss Mitigation cash before the courthouse essential part hereof by refer- Lansing, MI 48901-7924 ing and being in Land Lot 72 of al Association as agent and At- COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND DE-
PO Box 91322 door of DeKalb County, Geor- ence. Phone: 866-446-0026 the 18th District of DeKalb torney in Fact for Elizabeth J. SCRIBED IN ACCORDANCE
Seattle, WA 98111-9422 gia, or at such place as may be MR/ca 12/7/21 Note, however, that such entity County, Georgia, being Lot 33, Jordan WITH THAT CERTAIN PLAT
Phone 855-683-3095 lawfully designated as an al- ++Our file no. 21-05737GA - or individual is not required by Block B, Countryside Manor Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- OF SURVEY BY ROY E.
Fax 866-621-1036 ternative, within the legal hours FT5/ MCQUEEN++ law to negotiate, amend or Subdivision, Phase I, accord- mont Center, 3575 Piedmont HOUSWORTH, REGISTERED
Note, however, that such entity of sale on the first Tuesday in 420-451777 11/11,11/18,11/25 modify the terms of the loan. ing to Plat recorded in Plat Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, SURVEYOR, FOR ARTHUR J.
or individual is not required by December, 2021, the following 12/2 Said property will be sold sub- Book 76, Page 49, DeKalb Georgia 30305, (404) 994- DUNN AND ROSA E. DUNN
law to negotiate, amend or described property: NOTICE OF SALE ject to: (a) any outstanding ad County Records, reference to 7637. DATED MAY 25, 1977, AND
modify the terms of the loan. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED UNDER POWER, valorem taxes (including taxes said Plat is hereby made for a 1031-2635A WHICH IS INCORPORATED
Said property will be sold sub- HERETO AND MADE A PART DEKALB COUNTY which are a lien, but not yet complete description of the THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- HEREIN BY REFERENCE
ject to: (a) any outstanding ad HEREOF Pursuant to the Power of Sale due and payable), (b) unpaid property herein described. Said ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND MADE A PART OF THIS
valorem taxes (including taxes The debt secured by said Se- contained in a Security Deed water or sewage bills that con- property is improved property ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DESCRIPTION.
which are a lien, but not yet curity Deed has been and is given by Estate/Heirs of Willi- stitute a lien against the prop- known as 773 Brittany Court, DEBT. ANY INFORMATION PARCEL ID: 15 135 04 011
due and payable), (b) unpaid hereby declared due because am Lester Born to Live Well erty whether due and payable according to the present sys- OBTAINED WILL BE USED Said property being known as:
water or sewage bills that con- of, among other possible Financial, Inc. dated 8/10/2009 or not yet due and payable and tem of numbering property in FOR THAT PURPOSE. 2264 COLLEEN CT, DEC-
stitute a lien against the prop- events of default, failure to pay and recorded in Deed Book which may not be of record, (c) DeKalb County, Georgia. ++1031-2635A/ JORDAN++ ATUR, GA 30032
erty whether due and payable the indebtedness as and when 21598 Page 794 DeKalb the right of redemption of any 420-451782 11/11,11/18,11/25 To the best of the
or not yet due and payable and due and in the manner County, Georgia records; as taxing authority, (d) any mat- The debt secured by said Se- 12/2 undersigned’s knowledge, the
which may not be of record, (c) provided in the Note and Se- last transferred to or acquired ters which might be disclosed curity Deed has been and is STATE OF GEORGIA party or parties in possession
the right of redemption of any curity Deed. The debt remain- by Reverse Mortgage Funding by an accurate survey and in- hereby declared due because COUNTY OF DEKALB of said property is/are ROSA E.
taxing authority, (d) any mat- ing in default, this sale will be LLC, conveying the after-de- spection of the property, and of, among other possible NOTICE OF SALE DUNN or tenant(s).
ters which might be disclosed made for the purpose of pay- scribed property to secure a (e) any assessments, liens, en- events of default, failure to pay UNDER POWER The debt secured by said Se-
by an accurate survey and in- ing the same and all expenses Note in the original principal cumbrances, zoning ordin- the indebtedness as and when Pursuant to the power of sale curity Deed has been and is
spection of the property, and of this sale, as provided in the amount of $225,000.00, with in- ances, restrictions, covenants, due and in the manner contained in the Security Deed hereby declared due and pay-
(e) any assessments, liens, en- Security Deed and by law, in- terest at the rate specified and matters of record superior provided in the Note and Se- executed by ROSA E. DUNN to able because of, among other
cumbrances, zoning ordin- cluding attorney's fees (notice therein, there will be sold by the to the Security Deed first set curity Deed. The debt remain- FINANCIAL FREEDOM SENI- possible events of default, fail-
ances, restrictions, covenants, of intent to collect attorney's undersigned at public outcry to out above. ing in default, this sale will be OR FUNDING CORPORA- ure to pay the indebtedness as
and matters of record superior fees having been given). the highest bidder for cash be- The sale will be conducted sub- made for the purpose of pay- TION, A SUBSIDIARY OF IN- provided for in the Note and
to the Security Deed first set Said property will be sold sub- fore the Courthouse door of ject to (1) confirmation that the ing the same and all expenses DYMAC BANK, F.S.B. in the said Security Deed. The debt
out above. ject to any outstanding ad DeKalb County, Georgia (or sale is not prohibited under the of this sale, as provided in the original principal amount of remaining in default, this sale
The sale will be conducted sub- valorem taxes (including taxes such other area as designated U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) Security Deed and by law, in- $300,000.00 dated August 22, will be made for the purpose of
ject to (1) confirmation that the which are a lien, but not yet by Order of the Superior Court final confirmation and audit of cluding attorney’s fees (notice 2007 and recorded in Deed paying the same and all ex-
sale is not prohibited under the due and payable), any matters of said county), within the legal the status of the loan with the of intent to collect attorney’s Book 20266, Page 455, DeKalb penses of sale, including attor-
U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) which might be disclosed by an hours of sale on December 7, holder of the Security Deed. fees having been given). County records, said Security ney’s fees (notice of intent to
final confirmation and audit of accurate survey and inspection 2021 (being the first Tuesday of Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section Said property is commonly Deed being last transferred to collect attorney’s fees having
the status of the loan with the of the property, any assess- said month unless said date 9-13-172.1, which allows for known as 773 Brittany Court, BANK OF NEW YORK MEL- been given).
holder of the Security Deed. ments, liens, encumbrances, falls on a Federal Holiday, in certain procedures regarding Stone Mountain, GA 30083 to- LON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., Said property will be sold sub-
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section zoning ordinances, restrictions, which case being the first Wed- the rescission of judicial and gether with all fixtures and per- AS TRUSTEE FOR MORT- ject to the following: (1) any
9-13-172.1, which allows for covenants, and matters of re- nesday of said month), the fol- non-judicial sales in the State sonal property attached to and GAGE ASSETS MANAGE- outstanding ad valorem taxes
certain procedures regarding cord superior to the Security lowing described property: of Georgia, the Deed Under constituting a part of said prop- MENT SERIES I TRUST in (including taxes which are a li-
the rescission of judicial and Deed first set out above. ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Power and other foreclosure erty, if any. To the best know- Deed Book 29263, Page 590, en, whether or not yet due and
non-judicial sales in the State Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC CEL OF LAND LYING AND documents may not be ledge and belief of the under- DeKalb County records, the un- payable); (2) the right of re-
of Georgia, the Deed Under is the holder of the Security BEING IN LAND LOT 151 OF provided until final confirmation signed, the party (or parties) in dersigned will sell at public out- demption of any taxing author-
Power and other foreclosure Deed to the property in accord- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB and audit of the status of the possession of the subject prop- cry to the highest bidder for ity; (3) any matters which might
documents may not be ance with OCGA § 44-14- COUNTY, loan as provided immediately erty is (are): Elizabeth Jordan cash, before the Courthouse be disclosed by an accurate
provided until final confirmation 162.2. GEORGIA, BEING LOT 112, above. and Rodney A. Jackson or ten- door in said County, or at such survey and inspection of the
and audit of the status of the The entity that has full author- HABERSHAM HILLS SUBDIVI- Reverse Mortgage Funding ant or tenants. other place as lawfully desig- property; and (4) any assess-
loan as provided immediately ity to negotiate, amend, and SION, UNIT ONE, AS PER LLC as agent and Attorney in JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA is nated, within the legal hours of ments, liens, encumbrances,
above. modify all terms of the mort- PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT Fact for Estate/Heirs of William the entity or individual desig- sale, on December 07, 2021, zoning ordinances, restrictions,
Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a gage with the debtor is: M&T BOOK 21, PAGE 19, DEKALB Lester Born nated who shall have full au- the property in said Security covenants, and matters of re-
Champion Mortgage Company Bank , One Fountain Plaza, COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- thority to negotiate, amend and Deed and described as follows: cord superior to the Security
as agent and Attorney in Fact Buffalo, NY 14203, 800-724- CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- mont Center, 3575 Piedmont modify all terms of the mort- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Deed first set out above.
for Fred Perry 1633. CORPORATED HEREIN BY Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, gage. CEL OF LAND LYING AND Said sale will be conducted
Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- To the best knowledge and be- REFERENCE AND MADE A Georgia 30305, (404) 994- JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA BEING IN LAND LOT 135 OF subject to the following: (1)
mont Center, 3575 Piedmont lief of the undersigned, the PART OF THIS DESCRIP- 7637. Homeowner's Assistance De- THE 15TH DISTRICT OF confirmation that the sale is not
Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, party in possession of the prop- TION. SAID PROPERTY BE- 1823-272A partment DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, prohibited under the U.S. Bank-
Georgia 30305, (404) 994- erty is Estate Of Dorthenia ING KNOWN AS 2127 THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- 3415 Vision Drive AND BEING MORE PARTICU- ruptcy Code; and (2) final con-
7637. Taylor McQueen and Dorthenia WHITES MILL ROAD AC- ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR Columbus, Ohio 43219 LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- firmation and audit of the status
1341-351A McQueen or a tenant or ten- CORDING TO THE PRESENT ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A 1-866-550-5705 LOWS: of the loan with the holder of
THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- ants and said property is more SYSTEM OF NUMBERING DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Note, however, that such entity BEGINNING AT A POINT the Security Deed.
ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR commonly known as 4635 PROPERTY IN DEKALB OBTAINED WILL BE USED or individual is not required by MARKED BY AN IRON PIN ON The name, address, and tele-
ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A Latchwood Drive, Lithonia, COUNTY, GEORGIA. FOR THAT PURPOSE. law to negotiate, amend or THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE phone number of the individual
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Georgia 30038. Parcel ID Number: 15-151-09- ++1823-272A/ B0RN++ modify the terms of the loan. OF COLLEEN COURT ONE or entity who has full authority
OBTAINED WILL BE USED The sale will be conducted sub- 056 Said property will be sold sub- HUNDRED NINETY-TWO AND to negotiate, amend, and modi-
FOR THAT PURPOSE. ject (1) to confirmation that the Subject to any easements or 420-451779 11/11,11/18,11/25 ject to: (a) any outstanding ad SIX TENTHS (192.6) FEET fy all terms of the mortgage is
++1341-351A/ PERRY++ sale is not prohibited under the restrictions of record. 12/2 valorem taxes (including taxes NORTHEASTERLY AS MEAS- as follows:
420-451776 11/11,11/18,11/25 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) The debt secured by said Se- NOTICE OF SALE which are a lien, but not yet URED ALONG THE SOUTH- PHH Mortgage Corporation
12/2 to final confirmation and audit curity Deed has been and is UNDER POWER, due and payable), (b) unpaid EASTERLY SIDE OF 14405 Walters Road, Suite 200
NOTICE OF SALE of the status of the loan with hereby declared due because DEKALB COUNTY water or sewage bills that con- COLLEEN COURT FROM THE Houston, TX 77014 866-503-
UNDER POWER the holder of the security deed. of, among other possible Pursuant to the Power of Sale stitute a lien against the prop- CORNER FORMED BY THE 5559
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Lakeview Loan events of default, failure to pay contained in a Security Deed erty whether due and payable INTERSECTION OF THE Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A.
THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO Servicing, LLC the indebtedness as and when given by Elizabeth J. Jordan to or not yet due and payable and SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF § 44-14-162.2, the above indi-
COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- as Attorney in Fact for due and in the manner Mortgage Electronic Registra- which may not be of record, (c) COLLEEN COURT AND THE vidual or entity is not required
FORMATION OBTAINED WILL Dorthenia McQueen provided in the Note and Se- tion Systems, Inc., as grantee, the right of redemption of any NORTHEASTERLY SIDE OF by law to negotiate, amend, or
BE USED FOR THAT PUR- McCalla Raymer curity Deed. The debt remain- as nominee for Market Street taxing authority, (d) any mat- CASA LINDA DRIVE; IF SAID modify the terms of the mort-
POSE. Leibert Pierce, LLC ing in default, this sale will be Mortgage Corporation, its suc- ters which might be disclosed STREETS WERE EXTENDED gage.
Under and by virtue of the 1544 Old Alabama Road made for the purpose of pay- cessors and assigns dated by an accurate survey and in- TO FORM AN ANGLE IN- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
Power of Sale contained in a Roswell, GA 30076 ing the same and all expenses 2/28/2007 and recorded in spection of the property, and STEAD OF A CURVE; AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
Security Deed given by of this sale, as provided in the Deed Book 19764 Page 623 (e) any assessments, liens, en- THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
Dorthenia McQueen to Mort- EXHIBIT “A” Security Deed and by law, in- DeKalb County, Georgia re- cumbrances, zoning ordin- ONE HUNDRED NINETY-TWO DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
gage Electronic Registration All that tract or parcel of land, cluding attorney’s fees (notice cords; as last transferred to or ances, restrictions, covenants, AND ONE TENTH (192.1) OBTAINED MAY BE USED
Systems, Inc., as grantee, as with house and all other im- of intent to collect attorney’s acquired by JPMorgan Chase and matters of record superior FEET TO AN IRON PIN; FOR THAT PURPOSE.
nominee for Taylor Bean & provements located thereon, ly- fees having been given). Bank, National Association, to the Security Deed first set THENCE NORTHEASTERLY BANK OF NEW YORK MEL-
Whitaker Mortgage Corp., its ing and being in Land Lot 251 Said property is commonly conveying the after-described out above. ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN LON TRUST COMPANY, N.A.
successors and assigns, dated of the 11th District of DeKalb known as 2127 Whites Mill Rd, property to secure a Note in the The sale will be conducted sub- AND FIVE TENTHS (116.5) AS TRUSTEE FOR MORT-
July 16, 2008, recorded in County, Georgia, being Lot 33 Decatur, GA 30032 together original principal amount of ject to (1) confirmation that the FEET TO AN IRON PIN; GAGE ASSETS MANAGE-
Deed Book 20961, Page 419, of Gatewood Subdivision, Unit with all fixtures and personal $82,000.00, with interest at the sale is not prohibited under the THENCE NORTHWESTERLY MENT SERIES I TRUST, as At-
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Two as shown on plat of Gate- property attached to and consti- rate specified therein, there will U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE torney-in-Fact for ROSA E.
cords, as last transferred to wood Subdivision-Unit Two as tuting a part of said property, if be sold by the undersigned at final confirmation and audit of AND FOUR TENTHS (181.4) DUNN
Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC same is recorded in Plat Book any. To the best knowledge public outcry to the highest bid- the status of the loan with the FEET TO AN IRON PIN ON Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid,
by assignment recorded in 107, Page 90, DeKalb County, and belief of the undersigned, der for cash before the Court- holder of the Security Deed. THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE Crane & Partners, PLLC 10700
Deed Book 28119, Page 309, Georgia Records. The descrip- the party (or parties) in posses- house door of DeKalb County, Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section OF COLLEEN COURT; Abbott’s Bridge Road Suite 170
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- tion of said property as con- sion of the subject property is Georgia (or such other area as 9-13-172.1, which allows for THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY Duluth, GA 30097 Phone:
cords, conveying the after-de- tained on said plat is hereby in- (are): Estate/Heirs of William designated by Order of the Su- certain procedures regarding ALONG THE SOUTHEAST- 470.321.7112
scribed property to secure a corporated herein and made an Lester Born or tenant or ten- perior Court of said county), the rescission of judicial and ERLY SIDE OF COLLEEN ++Firm File No. 20-079385/
Note in the original principal essential part hereof by refer- ants. within the legal hours of sale on non-judicial sales in the State COURT ONE HUNDRED DUNN++
amount of ONE HUNDRED ence. CeLink is the entity or individu- December 7, 2021 (being the of Georgia, the Deed Under TWENTY-FOUR (124) FEET
TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND MR/ca 12/7/21 al designated who shall have first Tuesday of said month un- Power and other foreclosure TO POINT OF BEGINNING,
TWO HUNDRED NINE AND ++Our file no. 21-05737GA - full authority to negotiate, less said date falls on a Feder- documents may not be AND BEING IMPROVED
0/100 DOLLARS FT5/ MCQUEEN++ amend and modify all terms of al Holiday, in which case being provided until final confirmation PROPERTY AND KNOWN AS
($129,209.00), with interest the mortgage. the first Wednesday of said and audit of the status of the NO. 2264 COLLEEN COURT
thereon as set forth therein, CeLink month), the following de- loan as provided immediately ACCORDING TO THE
there will be sold at public out- Loss Mitigation Department scribed property: above. PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM-
or individual is not required by THREE, WISHING WELL FRAME HOUSE THEREON A the Security Deed.
law to negotiate, amend or HILLS AS PER PLAT RECOR- BEING MORE PARTICU- The name, address, and tele-
modify the terms of the loan. DED IN PLAT BOOK 49, PAGE LARLY SHOWN ON SURVEY phone number of the individual
Said property will be sold sub- 22, DEKALB COUNTY RE- PREPARED BY A. S. or entity who has full authority
ject to: (a) any outstanding ad CORDS WHICH PLAT IS GIOMETTI & ASSOC., INC., to negotiate, amend, and modi-
valorem taxes (including taxes HEREBY REFERRED TO AND DATED DECEMBER 5, 1972. fy all terms of the mortgage is
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021
which are a lien, but not yet MADE A PART OF THIS DE- FOR INFORMATIONAL PUR- as follows: Page 49
due and payable), (b) unpaid SCRIPTION AND BEING POSES ONLY: THE APN IS Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing
420-451783 11/11,11/18,11/25 water or sewage bills that con- MORE PARTICULARLY 420-451785 11/11,11/18,11/25, SHOWN BY THE COUNTY 420-451786 11/11,11/18,11/25 75 Beattie Place, Suite 300
12/2 stitute a lien against the prop- SHOWN ON SURVEY PRE- 12/2 ASSESSOR AS 0405558; 12/2 Greenville, SC 29601 866-825-
UNDER POWER, or not yet due and payable and GINEERS & SURVEYORS IN- COUNTY OF DEKALB 19688, PAGE 128 (RECOR- COUNTY OF DEKALB Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A.
DEKALB COUNTY which may not be of record, (c) CORPORATED, DATED NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DED 02/21/07). NOTICE OF SALE UNDER § 44-14-162.2, the above indi-
Pursuant to the Power of Sale the right of redemption of any MARCH 20, 1969. POWER PARCEL ID: 15 202 09 020 POWER vidual or entity is not required
contained in a Security Deed taxing authority, (d) any mat- PARCEL ID: 15 022 11 027 Pursuant to the power of sale Said property being known as: Pursuant to the power of sale by law to negotiate, amend, or
given by Nancy M. Brown to ters which might be disclosed Said property being known as: contained in the Security Deed 1481 CATHERINE STREET contained in the Security Deed modify the terms of the mort-
Cendant Mortgage Corporation by an accurate survey and in- 3937 ROCKCREST CT, CON- executed by EVELYN ANN DECATUR, GA 30030 executed by S ERENITY I gage.
dated 8/27/1998 and recorded spection of the property, and LEY, GA 30288 BRIDGES to JAMES B. NUT- To the best of the COLE to MORTGAGE ELEC- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
in Deed Book 10277 Page 572 (e) any assessments, liens, en- To the best of the TER & COMPANY in the origin- undersigned’s knowledge, the TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
and modified at Deed Book cumbrances, zoning ordin- undersigned’s knowledge, the al principal amount of party or parties in possession SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMIN- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
1 9 0 0 1 / 2 4 3 8 P a g e ances, restrictions, covenants, party or parties in possession $271,500.00 dated April 30, of said property is/are EVELYN EE FOR USAA FEDERAL DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
119/771/73Dekalb County, and matters of record superior of said property is/are CARL 2008 and recorded in Deed ANN BRIDGES or tenant(s). SAVINGS BANK, its suc- OBTAINED MAY BE USED
Georgia records; as last trans- to the Security Deed first set RUTHERFORT or tenant(s). Book 20844, Page 401, DeKalb The debt secured by said Se- cessors or assigns, in the ori- FOR THAT PURPOSE.
ferred to or acquired by HSBC out above. The debt secured by said Se- County records, said Security curity Deed has been and is ginal principal amount of NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELL-
Bank USA, National Associ- The sale will be conducted sub- curity Deed has been and is Deed being last transferred to hereby declared due and pay- $153,000.00 dated September POINT MORTGAGE SERVI-
ation as Trustee for GSMPS ject to (1) confirmation that the hereby declared due and pay- REVERSE MORTGAGE able because of, among other 17, 2007 and recorded in Deed CING, as Attorney-in-Fact for
Mortgage Loan Trust 2005- sale is not prohibited under the able because of, among other FUNDING LLC in Deed Book possible events of default, fail- Book 20313, Page 454, DeKalb SERENITY I COLE
RP1, Mortgage Pass-Through U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) possible events of default, fail- 29728, Page 471, DeKalb ure to pay the indebtedness as County records, said Security Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid,
Certificates, Series 2005-RP1, final confirmation and audit of ure to pay the indebtedness as County records, the under- provided for in the Note and Deed being last transferred to Crane & Partners, PLLC 10700
conveying the after-described the status of the loan with the provided for in the Note and signed will sell at public outcry said Security Deed. The debt NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELL- Abbott’s Bridge Road Suite 170
property to secure a Note in the holder of the Security Deed. said Security Deed. The debt to the highest bidder for cash, remaining in default, this sale POINT MORTGAGE SERVI- Duluth, GA 30097 Phone:
original principal amount of Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section remaining in default, this sale before the Courthouse door in will be made for the purpose of CING in Deed Book 28180, 470.321.7112
$71,421.00, with interest at the 9-13-172.1, which allows for will be made for the purpose of said County, or at such other paying the same and all ex- Page 455, DeKalb County re- Firm File No. ++19-402552/
rate specified therein, there will certain procedures regarding paying the same and all ex- place as lawfully designated, penses of sale, including attor- cords, the undersigned will sell SERENITY I COLE++
be sold by the undersigned at the rescission of judicial and penses of sale, including attor- within the legal hours of sale, ney’s fees (notice of intent to at public outcry to the highest
public outcry to the highest bid- non-judicial sales in the State ney’s fees (notice of intent to on December 07, 2021, the collect attorney’s fees having bidder for cash, before the
der for cash before the Court- of Georgia, the Deed Under collect attorney’s fees having property in said Security Deed been given). Courtho use door in said
house door of Dekalb County, Power and other foreclosure been given). and described as follows: Said property will be sold sub- County, or at such other place 420-451787 11/11,11/18,11/25
Georgia (or such other area as documents may not be Said property will be sold sub- THE FOLLOWING DE- ject to the following: (1) any as lawfully designated, within 12/2
designated by Order of the Su- provided until final confirmation ject to the following: (1) any SCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND, outstanding ad valorem taxes the legal hours of sale, on STATE OF GEORGIA
perior Court of said county), and audit of the status of the outstanding ad valorem taxes AND IMPROVEMENTS AND (including taxes which are a li- December 07, 2021, the prop- COUNTY OF DEKALB
within the legal hours of sale on loan as provided immediately (including taxes which are a li- APPURTENANCES THERETO en, whether or not yet due and erty in said Security Deed and NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
December 7, 2021 (being the above. en, whether or not yet due and IN THE COUNTY OF DEKALB payable); (2) the right of re- described as follows: POWER
first Tuesday of said month un- HSBC Bank USA, National As- payable); (2) the right of re- STATE OF GEORGIA TO WIT: demption of any taxing author- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Pursuant to the power of sale
less said date falls on a Feder- sociation as Trustee for GS- demption of any taxing author- LAND LOT 202, 15TH DIS- ity; (3) any matters which might CEL OF LAND LYING AND contained in the Security Deed
al Holiday, in which case being MPS Mortgage Loan Trust ity; (3) any matters which might TRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, be disclosed by an accurate BEING IN LAND LOT 34 OF executed by ALICE BAKER to
the first Wednesday of said 2005-RP1, Mortgage Pass- be disclosed by an accurate GEORGIA, BEING LOT 20, survey and inspection of the THE 15 DISTRICT, OF BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. in
month), the following de- Through Certificates, Series survey and inspection of the BLOCK B, RE-SUBDIVISION property; and (4) any assess- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, the original principal amount of
scribed property: 2005-RP1 as agent and Attor- property; and (4) any assess- OF EVANS PARK, AS PER ments, liens, encumbrances, BEIING LOT 30, CHAPEL HILL $190,500.00 dated December
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ney in Fact for Nancy M. Brown ments, liens, encumbrances, PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT zoning ordinances, restrictions, SUBDIVSION, UNIT XI, 21, 2009 and recorded in Deed
CEL OF LAND LYING AND Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- zoning ordinances, restrictions, BOOK 16, PAGE 85, DEKALB covenants, and matters of re- PHASE 2, AS RECORDED IN Book 21811, Page 15, DeKalb
BEING IN LAND LOT 191 OF mont Center, 3575 Piedmont covenants, and matters of re- COUNTY RECORDS, AND BE- cord superior to the Security PLAT BOOK 95, PAGE 65, County records, said Security
THE 15TH Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, cord superior to the Security ING MORE PARTICULARLY Deed first set out above. DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Deed being last transferred to
DISTRICT OF DEKALB Georgia 30305, (404) 994- Deed first set out above. AS FOLLOWS: Said sale will be conducted RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. in
COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- 7637. Said sale will be conducted BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN subject to the following: (1) INCORPORATED HEREIN Deed Book 27395, Page 789,
ING LOT 9, GLEN VALLEY 1017-5242A subject to the following: (1) ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE confirmation that the sale is not AND MADE A PART HEREOF DeKalb County records, the un-
SUBDIVISION, AS THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- confirmation that the sale is not OF CATHERINE STREET ONE prohibited under the U.S. Bank- BY REFERENCE. dersigned will sell at public out-
PER PLAT RECORDED AT ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR prohibited under the U.S. Bank- HUNDRED THIRTY-ONE (131) ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- Said property being known as: cry to the highest bidder for
PLAT BOOK 70, PAGE 65, ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- FEET EASTERLY FROM THE firmation and audit of the status 4217 BUCKNELL PL, DEC- cash, before the Courthouse
DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS, DEBT. ANY INFORMATION firmation and audit of the status CORNER FORMED BY THE of the loan with the holder of ATUR, GA 30034 door in said County, or at such
WHICH PLAT IS OBTAINED WILL BE USED of the loan with the holder of INTERSECTION OF THE the Security Deed. To the best of the other place as lawfully desig-
INCORPORATED HEREIN BY FOR THAT PURPOSE. the Security Deed. NORTHERLY SIDE OF CATH- The name, address, and tele- undersigned’s knowledge, the nated, within the legal hours of
REFERENCE AND MADE A ++1017-5242A/ BROWN++ The name, address, and tele- ERINE STREET WITH THE phone number of the individual party or parties in possession sale, on December 07, 2021,
PART HEREOF 420-451784 11/11,11/18,11/25 phone number of the individual EASTERLY SIDE OF OLD- or entity who has full authority of said property is/are the property in said Security
The debt secured by said Se- 12/2 or entity who has full authority FIELD ROAD, IF SAID to negotiate, amend, and modi- SERENITY I COLE or Deed and described as follows:
curity Deed has been and is STATE OF GEORGIA to negotiate, amend, and modi- STREET LINES WERE EX- fy all terms of the mortgage is tenant(s). ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
hereby declared due because COUNTY OF DEKALB fy all terms of the mortgage is TENDED TO FORM AN as follows: The debt secured by said Se- CEL OF LAND LYING AND
of, among other possible NOTICE OF SALE as follows: ANGLE INSTEAD OF A Compu-Link Corporation 101 curity Deed has been and is BEING IN LAND LOT 212 OF
events of default, failure to pay UNDER POWER Compu-Link Corporation 101 CURVE, SAID POINT OF BE- W. Louis Henna Blvd., Suite hereby declared due and pay- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
the indebtedness as and when Pursuant to the power of sale W. Louis Henna Blvd., Suite GINNING ALSO BEING AT 450 able because of, among other COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
due and in the manner contained in the Security Deed 450 THE LINE DIVIDING LOTS 20 Austin, TX 78728 1-866-654- possible events of default, fail- LOT 11, D.L. STOKES AND
provided in the Note and Se- executed by CARL RUTHER- Austin, TX 78728 1-866-654- AND 19, SAID BLOCK AND 0020 ure to pay the indebtedness as COMPANY PROPERTY, AS
curity Deed. The debt remain- FORD to MORTGAGE ELEC- 0020 SUBDIVISION; RUNNING Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. provided for in the Note and PER PLAT RECORDED IN
ing in default, this sale will be TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. THENCE EASTERLY ALONG § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- said Security Deed. The debt PLAT BOOK 13, PAGE 82,
made for the purpose of pay- SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS") AS § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF vidual or entity is not required remaining in default, this sale DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
ing the same and all expenses BENEFICIARY AS NOMINEE vidual or entity is not required CATHERINE STREET SIXTY- by law to negotiate, amend, or will be made for the purpose of RECORDS; SAID PLAT IN-
of this sale, as provided in the FOR LIBERTY HOME EQUITY by law to negotiate, amend, or FIVE (65) FEET TO AN IRON modify the terms of the mort- paying the same and all ex- CORPORATED HEREIN AND
Security Deed and by law, in- SOLUTIONS, INC., its suc- modify the terms of the mort- AND LOT 21, SAID BLOCK gage. penses of sale, including attor- REFERRED TO FOR A MORE
cluding attorney’s fees (notice cessors or assigns, in the ori- gage. AND SUBDIVISION RUNNING 21-105681 - SaH ney’s fees (notice of intent to COMPLETE DESCRIPTION
of intent to collect attorney’s ginal principal amount of THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING THENCE NORTHERLY collect attorney’s fees having THEREOF AND BEING MORE
Said property is commonly 2017 and recorded in Deed TEMPTING TO COLLECT A OF SAID LOT 21 ONE HUN- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- Said property will be sold sub- AS FOLLOWS:
known as 1589 Raven Valley Book 26272, Page 617, DeKalb DEBT. ANY INFORMATION DRED FIFTY-ONE (151) FEET TEMPTING TO COLLECT A ject to the following: (1) any BEGINNING AT A POINT LOC-
Road, Decatur, GA 30035 to- County records, said Security OBTAINED MAY BE USED TO AN IRON PIN AND LOT 18, DEBT. ANY INFORMATION outstanding ad valorem taxes ATED ON THE WEST SIDE
gether with all fixtures and per- Deed being last transferred to FOR THAT PURPOSE. SAID BLOCK AND SUBDIVI- OBTAINED MAY BE USED (including taxes which are a li- OF MARTHA AVENUE SEV-
sonal property attached to and PHH MORTGAGE CORPORA- PHH MORTGAGE CORPORA- SION; RUNNING FOR THAT PURPOSE. en, whether or not yet due and ENTY FIVE (75) FEET NORTH
constituting a part of said prop- TION in Deed Book 28864, TION, as Attorney-in-Fact for THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY REVERSE MORTGAGE payable); (2) the right of re- AS MEASURED ALONG THE
erty, if any. To the best know- Page 628, DeKalb County re- CARL RUTHERFORD ALONG THE SOUTHEAST- FUNDING LLC, as Attorney-in- demption of any taxing author- WEST SIDE OF MARTHA AV-
ledge and belief of the under- cords, the undersigned will sell Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, ERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 18 Fact for ity; (3) any matters which might ENUE, FROM A POINT
signed, the party (or parties) in at public outcry to the highest Crane & Partners, PLLC 10700 SEVENTY (70) FEET TO AN EVELYN ANN BRIDGES be disclosed by an accurate FORMED BY THE INTERSEC-
possession of the subject prop- bidder for cash, before the Abbott’s Bridge Road Suite 170 IRON PIN AND SAID LOT 19; Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, survey and inspection of the TION OF THE NORTH SIDE
erty is (are): Nancy M. Brown or Courthouse door in said Duluth, GA 30097 Phone: RUNNING Crane & Partners, PLLC 10700 property; and (4) any assess- OF DELANO AVENUE WITH
tenant or tenants. County, or at such other place 470.321.7112 THENCE SOUTHERLY Abbott’s Bridge Road Suite 170 ments, liens, encumbrances, THE WEST SIDE OF MARTHA
PHH Mortgage Corporation is as lawfully designated, within ++Firm File No. 21-088303/ ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE Duluth, GA 30097 Phone: zoning ordinances, restrictions, AVENUE; EXTENDING
the entity or individual desig- the legal hours of sale, on RUTHERFORD++ OF SAID LOT 19 ONE HUN- 470.321.7112 Firm File No. 21- covenants, and matters of re- THENCE NORTH AS MEAS-
nated who shall have full au- December 07, 2021, the prop- DRED THIRTY-TWO AND 105681 - SaH cord superior to the Security URED ALONG THE WEST
thority to negotiate, amend and erty in said Security Deed and SEVEN TENTHS (132.7) FEET ++21-105681 - SaH/ Deed first set out above. SIDE OF MARTHA AVENUE
modify all terms of the mort- described as follows: TO THE NORTHERLY SIDE BRIDGES++ Said sale will be conducted SIXTY TWO (62) FEET TO A
gage. ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- OF subject to the following: (1) POINT; EXTENDING THENCE
PHH Mortgage Corporation CEL OF LAND LYING AND 21-105681 - SaH confirmation that the sale is not WEST ONE HUNDRED
One Mortgage Way BEING IN LAND LOT 22 OF CATHERINE STREET AND prohibited under the U.S. Bank- TWENTY-FIVE (125) FEET TO
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- A POINT; EXTENDING
(800) 750-2518 COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING BEING IMPROVED PROP- firmation and audit of the status THENCE SOUTH SIXTY TWO
Note, however, that such entity LOT 27, BLOCK D, UNIT ERTY HAVING A ONE-STORY of the loan with the holder of (62) FEET TO A POINT; AND
or individual is not required by THREE, WISHING WELL FRAME HOUSE THEREON A the Security Deed. EXTENDING THENCE EAST
law to negotiate, amend or HILLS AS PER PLAT RECOR- BEING MORE PARTICU- The name, address, and tele- ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-
modify the terms of the loan. DED IN PLAT BOOK 49, PAGE LARLY SHOWN ON SURVEY phone number of the individual FIVE (125) FEET TO A POINT
Said property will be sold sub- 22, DEKALB COUNTY RE- PREPARED BY A. S. or entity who has full authority LOCATED ON THE WEST
ject to: (a) any outstanding ad CORDS WHICH PLAT IS GIOMETTI & ASSOC., INC., to negotiate, amend, and modi- SIDE OF MARTHA AVENUE
valorem taxes (including taxes HEREBY REFERRED TO AND DATED DECEMBER 5, 1972. fy all terms of the mortgage is AND THE POINT OF BEGIN-
which are a lien, but not yet MADE A PART OF THIS DE- FOR INFORMATIONAL PUR- as follows: NING; ACCORDING TO THE
due and payable), (b) unpaid SCRIPTION AND BEING POSES ONLY: THE APN IS Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM-
water or sewage bills that con- MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN BY THE COUNTY 75 Beattie Place, Suite 300 BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB
stitute a lien against the prop- SHOWN ON SURVEY PRE- ASSESSOR AS 0405558; Greenville, SC 29601 866-825- COUNTY, GEORGIA BEING
or not yet due and payable and GINEERS & SURVEYORS IN- 19688, PAGE 128 (RECOR- Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. AN ADDRESS OF:
EXTENDING THENCE EAST prohibited under the U.S. Bank- curity Deed. The debt remain- erty is more commonly known cord superior to the Security
ONE HUNDRED TWENTY- ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- ing in default, this sale will be as 655 Scenic View, Stone Deed first set out above.
FIVE (125) FEET TO A POINT firmation and audit of the status made for the purpose of pay- Mountain, Georgia 30087. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is the
LOCATED ON THE WEST of the loan with the holder of ing the same and all expenses The sale will be conducted sub- holder of the Security Deed to
SIDE OF MARTHA AVENUE the Security Deed. of this sale, as provided in the ject (1) to confirmation that the the property in accordance with
AND THE POINT OF BEGIN- The name, address, and tele- Security Deed and by law, in- sale is not prohibited under the OCGA § 44-14-162.2.
Page 50
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
phone number of the individual
or entity who has full authority
cluding attorney’s fees (notice
of intent to collect attorney’s
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
to final confirmation and audit
The entity that has full author-
ity to negotiate, amend, and
BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB 420-451789 11/11,11/18,11/25 to negotiate, amend, and modi- fees having been given). 420-451792 11/11,11/18,11/25 of the status of the loan with modify all terms of the mort-
COUNTY, GEORGIA BEING 12/2 fy all terms of the mortgage is Said property is commonly 12/2 the holder of the security deed. gage with the debtor is: Wells
IMPROVED PROPERTY WITH STATE OF GEORGIA as follows: known as 4828 Browns Mill NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Fargo Bank, N.A., PO Box
AN ADDRESS OF: COUNTY OF DEKALB Compu-Link Corporation 101 Ferry Rd, Lithonia, GA 30038 POWER Mr. Cooper 10335, Des Moines, IA 50306,
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 122 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER W. Louis Henna Blvd., Suite together with all fixtures and GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY as Attorney in Fact for 1-800-416-1472.
MARTHA AVENUE, NE, AT- POWER 450 personal property attached to THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO Arthur L Murray To the best knowledge and be-
LANTA, GA 30317 Pursuant to the power of sale Austin, TX 78728 1-866-654- and constituting a part of said COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, lief of the undersigned, the
TAX ID: 15 212 03 139 contained in the Security Deed 0020 property, if any. To the best FORMATION OBTAINED WILL LLC party in possession of the prop-
TAX ID: 15 212 03 139 executed by FRANCIS J.P. AL- Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. knowledge and belief of the un- BE USED FOR THAT PUR- 1544 Old Alabama Road erty is Teresa Y Graves or a
Said property being known as: LEGRET AND MAXINE K. AL- § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- dersigned, the party (or parties) POSE. Roswell, GA 30076 tenant or tenants and said
122 MARTHA AVE NE, AT- LEGRET to MORTGAGE vidual or entity is not required in possession of the subject Under and by virtue of the property is more commonly
LANTA, GA 30317 ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- by law to negotiate, amend, or property is (are): Regina Willi- Power of Sale contained in a EXHIBIT “A” known as 2083 Tidwell Trail,
To the best of the TION SYSTEMS, INC. modify the terms of the mort- ams and Melvin Williams or Security Deed given by Arthur L ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Stone Mountain, Georgia
undersigned’s knowledge, the ("MERS") AS BENEFICIARY gage. tenant or tenants. Murray to Mortgage Electronic CEL OF LAND LYING AND 30088.
party or parties in possession AS NOMINEE FOR LIBERTY THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING Carrington Mortgage Services, Registration Systems, Inc., as BEING IN LAND LOT 81 OF The sale will be conducted sub-
of said property is/are ALICE HOME EQUITY SOLUTION, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- LLC is the entity or individual grantee, as nominee for Amer- THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB ject (1) to confirmation that the
BAKER or tenant(s). INC., its successors or assigns, TEMPTING TO COLLECT A designated who shall have full ican Mortgage Exchange, Inc., COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING sale is not prohibited under the
The debt secured by said Se- in the original principal amount DEBT. ANY INFORMATION authority to negotiate, amend its successors and assigns, LOT 405, BLOCK B, DOCK- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
curity Deed has been and is of $324,000.00 dated June 3, OBTAINED MAY BE USED and modify all terms of the dated September 29, 2003, re- SIDE AT WATERS EDGE, to final confirmation and audit
hereby declared due and pay- 2015 and recorded in Deed FOR THAT PURPOSE. mortgage. corded in Deed Book 15386, UNIT IV, AS PER PLAT RE- of the status of the loan with
able because of, among other Book 24983, Page 603, DeKalb PHH MORTGAGE CORPORA- Carrington Mortgage Services, Page 708, DeKalb County, CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 95, the holder of the security deed.
possible events of default, fail- County records, said Security TION, as Attorney-in-Fact for LLC Georgia Records, as last trans- PAGE 63, DEKALB COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
ure to pay the indebtedness as Deed being last transferred to FRANCIS J.P. ALLEGRET 1600 South Douglass Road ferred to Nationstar Mortgage RECORDS, WHICH RECOR- as Attorney in Fact for
provided for in the Note and PHH MORTGAGE CORPORA- AND MAXINE K. ALLEGRET Suite 200-A LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper by as- DED PLAT IS INCORPOR- Teresa Y Graves
said Security Deed. The debt TION, recorded in Deed Book Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Anaheim, CA 92806 signment recorded in Deed ATED HEREIN BY REFER- McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce,
remaining in default, this sale 29827, Page 539, DeKalb Crane & Partners, PLLC 10700 (800) 561-4567 Book 26228, Page 676, DeKalb ENCE AND MADE A PART LLC
will be made for the purpose of County records, the under- Abbott’s Bridge Road Suite 170 Note, however, that such entity County, Georgia Records, con- HEREOF. 1544 Old Alabama Road
paying the same and all ex- signed will sell at public outcry Duluth, GA 30097 Phone: or individual is not required by veying the after-described MR/meh 12/7/21 Roswell, GA 30076
penses of sale, including attor- to the highest bidder for cash, 470.321.7112 law to negotiate, amend or property to secure a Note in the Our file no. ++21-05851GA -
ney’s fees (notice of intent to before the Courthouse door in Firm File No. ++21-091906 /AL- modify the terms of the loan. original principal amount of FT2 /Murray++ EXHIBIT “A”
collect attorney’s fees having said County, or at such other LEGRET++ Said property will be sold sub- ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-ONE 420-451793 11/11,11/18,11/25 ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
been given). place as lawfully designated, ject to: (a) any outstanding ad THOUSAND AND 0/100 DOL- 12/2 CEL OF LAND LYING AND
Said property will be sold sub- within the legal hours of sale, valorem taxes (including taxes LARS ($151,000.00), with in- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER BEING IN LAND LOT 38 OF
ject to the following: (1) any on December 07, 2021, the which are a lien, but not yet terest thereon as set forth POWER THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
outstanding ad valorem taxes property in said Security Deed 420-451790 11/11,11/18,11/25 due and payable), (b) unpaid therein, there will be sold at GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
(including taxes which are a li- and described as follows: 12/5 water or sewage bills that con- public outcry to the highest bid- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO LOT 34 OF SCARBROUGH
en, whether or not yet due and ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER stitute a lien against the prop- der for cash before the court- COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- SQUARE SUBDIVISION, AS
payable); (2) the right of re- CEL OF LAND LYING AND POWER erty whether due and payable house door of DeKalb County, FORMATION OBTAINED WILL PER PLAT THEREOF RECOR-
demption of any taxing author- BEING IN LAND LOT 179 OF DEKALB COUNTY or not yet due and payable and Georgia, or at such place as BE USED FOR THAT PUR- DED IN PLAT BOOK 69, PAGE
ity; (3) any matters which might THE 18TH DISTRICT OF Pursuant to the Power of Sale which may not be of record, (c) may be lawfully designated as POSE. 119, DEKALB COUNTY,
be disclosed by an accurate DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, contained in a Security Deed the right of redemption of any an alternative, within the legal Under and by virtue of the GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH
survey and inspection of the BEING LOT 10, BLOCK "C", given by Regina Williams to taxing authority, (d) any mat- hours of sale on the first Tues- Power of Sale contained in a RECORDED PLAT IS INCOR-
property; and (4) any assess- SMOKE RISE SUBDIVISION Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, ters which might be disclosed day in December, 2021, the fol- Security Deed given by Teresa PORATED HEREIN BY REF-
ments, liens, encumbrances, UNIT XXX III AS PER PLAT OF Inc. dated 7/30/2001 and recor- by an accurate survey and in- lowing described property: Y Graves to Wells Fargo Bank, ERENCE AND MADE A PART
zoning ordinances, restrictions, RECORD BY JARO, INC., RE- ded in Deed Book 12398 Page spection of the property, and SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED N.A., dated August 17, 2017, OF THIS DESCRIPTION.
covenants, and matters of re- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 59, 117 and modified at Deed Book (e) any assessments, liens, en- HERETO AND MADE A PART recorded in Deed Book 26512, Subject Property Address:
cord superior to the Security PAGE 108, DEKALB COUNTY, 28490 Page 595 DeKalb cumbrances, zoning ordin- HEREOF Page 585, DeKalb County, 2083 Tidwell Trail, Stone Moun-
Deed first set out above. GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH County, Georgia records; as ances, restrictions, covenants, The debt secured by said Se- Georgia Records, conveying tain, GA 30088
Said sale will be conducted PLAT IS BY REFERENCE last transferred to or acquired and matters of record superior curity Deed has been and is the after-described property to Parcel ID: 16 038 07 127
subject to the following: (1) MADE PART OF THIS DE- by WILMINGTON SAVINGS to the Security Deed first set hereby declared due because secure a Note in the original MR/meh 12/7/21
confirmation that the sale is not SCRIPTION. FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS out above. of, among other possible principal amount of ONE HUN- Our file no. ++21-05841GA -
prohibited under the U.S. Bank- PARCEL ID: 18 179 01 035 TRUSTEE OF STANWICH The sale will be conducted sub- events of default, failure to pay DRED TEN THOUSAND AND FT5/ GRAVES++
ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- Said property being known as: MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST E, ject to (1) confirmation that the the indebtedness as and when 0/100 DOLLARS
firmation and audit of the status 5818 MUSKET LN, STONE conveying the after-described sale is not prohibited under the due and in the manner ($110,000.00), with interest 420-451794 11/11,11/18,11/25
of the loan with the holder of MOUNTAIN, GA 30087 property to secure a Note in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) provided in the Note and Se- thereon as set forth therein, 12/2
the Security Deed. To the best of the original principal amount of final confirmation and audit of curity Deed. The debt remain- there will be sold at public out- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
The name, address, and tele- undersigned’s knowledge, the $116,078.00, with interest at the status of the loan with the ing in default, this sale will be cry to the highest bidder for POWER
phone number of the individual party or parties in possession the rate specified therein, there holder of the Security Deed. made for the purpose of pay- cash before the courthouse GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
or entity who has full authority of said property is/are FRAN- will be sold by the undersigned Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section ing the same and all expenses door of DeKalb County, Geor- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO
to negotiate, amend, and modi- CIS J.P. ALLEGRET AND at public outcry to the highest 9-13-172.1, which allows for of this sale, as provided in the gia, or at such place as may be COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN-
fy all terms of the mortgage is MAXINE K. ALLEGRET or ten- bidder for cash before the certain procedures regarding Security Deed and by law, in- lawfully designated as an al- FORMATION OBTAINED WILL
as follows: ant(s). Courthouse door of DeKalb the rescission of judicial and cluding attorney's fees (notice ternative, within the legal hours BE USED FOR THAT PUR-
PHH Mortgage Corporation The debt secured by said Se- County, Georgia (or such other non-judicial sales in the State of intent to collect attorney's of sale on the first Tuesday in POSE.
14405 Walters Road, Suite 200 curity Deed has been and is area as designated by Order of of Georgia, the Deed Under fees having been given). December, 2021, the following Under and by virtue of the
Houston, TX 77014 866-503- hereby declared due and pay- the Superior Court of said Power and other foreclosure Said property will be sold sub- described property: Power of Sale contained in a
5559 able because of, among other county), within the legal hours documents may not be ject to any outstanding ad SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED Security Deed given by Bilal
Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. possible events of default, fail- of sale on December 7, 2021 provided until final confirmation valorem taxes (including taxes HERETO AND MADE A PART Rasheed to Mortgage Electron-
§ 44-14-162.2, the above indi- ure to pay the indebtedness as (being the first Tuesday of said and audit of the status of the which are a lien, but not yet HEREOF ic Registration Systems, Inc.,
vidual or entity is not required provided for in the Note and month unless said date falls on loan as provided immediately due and payable), any matters The debt secured by said Se- as grantee, as nominee for
by law to negotiate, amend, or said Security Deed. The debt a Federal Holiday, in which above. which might be disclosed by an curity Deed has been and is Magnolia Bank, Inc., its suc-
modify the terms of the mort- remaining in default, this sale case being the first Wednes- W I L M I N G T O N S A V I N GS accurate survey and inspection hereby declared due because cessors and assigns, dated
gage. will be made for the purpose of day of said month), the follow- FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS of the property, any assess- of, among other possible June 22, 2018, recorded in
THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING paying the same and all ex- ing described property: TRUSTEE OF STANWICH ments, liens, encumbrances, events of default, failure to pay Deed Book 27023, Page 193,
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- penses of sale, including attor- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST E zoning ordinances, restrictions, the indebtedness as and when DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A ney’s fees (notice of intent to CEL OF LAND LYING AND as agent and Attorney in Fact covenants, and matters of re- due and in the manner cords, as last transferred to Na-
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION collect attorney’s fees having BEING IN LAND LOT 233 OF for Regina Williams cord superior to the Security provided in the Note and Se- tionstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a
OBTAINED MAY BE USED been given). THE 11TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- Deed first set out above. curity Deed. The debt remain- Mr. Cooper by assignment re-
FOR THAT PURPOSE. Said property will be sold sub- COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING mont Center, 3575 Piedmont Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a ing in default, this sale will be corded in Deed Book 27722,
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, ject to the following: (1) any LOT 22, BLOCK A, THE Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Mr. Cooper is the holder of the made for the purpose of pay- Page 611, DeKalb County,
Crane & Partners, PLLC 10700 outstanding ad valorem taxes CHESTNUT LAKE PRE- Georgia 30305, (404) 994- Security Deed to the property in ing the same and all expenses Georgia Records, conveying
Abbott’s Bridge Road Suite 170 (including taxes which are a li- SERVE, UNIT I, AS PER PLAT 7637. accordance with OCGA § 44- of this sale, as provided in the the after-described property to
Duluth, GA 30097 Phone: en, whether or not yet due and RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2191-2304A 14-162.2. Security Deed and by law, in- secure a Note in the original
470.321.7112 payable); (2) the right of re- 117, PAGE 4-10, DEKALB THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- The entity that has full author- cluding attorney's fees (notice principal amount of ONE HUN-
Firm File No. ++21-063164/ demption of any taxing author- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ity to negotiate, amend, and of intent to collect attorney's DRED EIGHTY-SIX THOU-
BAKER++ ity; (3) any matters which might CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A modify all terms of the mort- fees having been given). SAND FOUR HUNDRED AND
be disclosed by an accurate CORPORATED HEREIN BY DEBT. ANY INFORMATION gage with the debtor is: Nation- Said property will be sold sub- 0/100 DOLLARS
BANK OF AMERICA, N.A, as survey and inspection of the REFERENCE AND MADE A OBTAINED WILL BE USED star Mortgage, LLC d/b/a Mr. ject to any outstanding ad ($186,400.00), with interest
Attorney-in-Fact for ALICE property; and (4) any assess- PART HEREOF. FOR THAT PURPOSE. Cooper, 8950 Cypress Waters valorem taxes (including taxes thereon as set forth therein,
BAKER ments, liens, encumbrances, The debt secured by said Se- ++2191-2304A /WILLIAMS++ Blvd, Coppell, TX 75019, (888) which are a lien, but not yet there will be sold at public out-
zoning ordinances, restrictions, curity Deed has been and is 480-2432. due and payable), any matters cry to the highest bidder for
covenants, and matters of re- hereby declared due because To the best knowledge and be- which might be disclosed by an cash before the courthouse
cord superior to the Security of, among other possible lief of the undersigned, the accurate survey and inspection door of DeKalb County, Geor-
Deed first set out above. events of default, failure to pay party in possession of the prop- of the property, any assess- gia, or at such place as may be
Said sale will be conducted the indebtedness as and when erty is Arthur L Murray and ments, liens, encumbrances, lawfully designated as an al-
subject to the following: (1) due and in the manner Saundrea Maria Grant or a ten- zoning ordinances, restrictions, ternative, within the legal hours
confirmation that the sale is not provided in the Note and Se- ant or tenants and said prop- covenants, and matters of re- of sale on the first Tuesday in
prohibited under the U.S. Bank- curity Deed. The debt remain- erty is more commonly known cord superior to the Security December, 2021, the following
ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- ing in default, this sale will be as 655 Scenic View, Stone Deed first set out above. described property:
firmation and audit of the status made for the purpose of pay- Mountain, Georgia 30087. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is the SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED
of the loan with the holder of ing the same and all expenses The sale will be conducted sub- holder of the Security Deed to HERETO AND MADE A PART
the Security Deed. of this sale, as provided in the ject (1) to confirmation that the the property in accordance with HEREOF
The name, address, and tele- Security Deed and by law, in- sale is not prohibited under the OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The debt secured by said Se-
phone number of the individual cluding attorney’s fees (notice U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) The entity that has full author- curity Deed has been and is
or entity who has full authority of intent to collect attorney’s to final confirmation and audit ity to negotiate, amend, and hereby declared due because
to negotiate, amend, and modi- fees having been given). of the status of the loan with modify all terms of the mort- of, among other possible
fy all terms of the mortgage is Said property is commonly the holder of the security deed. gage with the debtor is: Wells events of default, failure to pay
as follows: known as 4828 Browns Mill Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Fargo Bank, N.A., PO Box the indebtedness as and when
Compu-Link Corporation 101 Ferry Rd, Lithonia, GA 30038 Mr. Cooper 10335, Des Moines, IA 50306, due and in the manner
December, 2021, the following CESSORS AND ASSIGNS , confirmation that the sale is not debt remains in default, this cessary, in consultation with lated note, the undersigned at-
described property: dated 02/15/2017, and Recor- prohibited under the U.S. Bank- sale will be made for the pur- U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL torney-in-fact for the aforesaid
SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED ded on 02/28/2017 as Book No. ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- pose of paying the same and ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS Grantor (which attorney-in-fact
HERETO AND MADE A PART 26107 and Page No. 750, firmation and audit of the status all expenses of this sale, as INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, BUT is the present holder of said se-
HEREOF DEKALB County, Georgia re- of the loan with the holder of provided in the Deed to Secure SOLELY AS TRUSTEE OF curity deed and note secured
The debt secured by said Se- cords, as last assigned to the security deed. Pursuant to Debt and by law, including at- LSF10 MASTER PARTICIPA- thereby) will sell at the usual

curity Deed has been and is The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021
PENNYMAC LOAN SER- O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, torney’s fees (notice of intent to TION TRUST (the current in- Page 51
place of conducting Sheriff's
hereby declared due because VICES, LLC (the Secured which allows for certain proced- collect attorney’s fees having vestor on the loan), is the en- sales in said county within the
of, among other possible Creditor), by assignment, con- ures regarding the rescission of been given). WILMINGTON 420-451801 11/11,11/18,11/25 tity with the full authority to ne- legal hours of sale, to the
events of default, failure to pay veying the after described prop- judicial and nonjudicial sales in SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, 12/2 gotiate, amend, and modify all highest bidder on the first Tues-
the indebtedness as and when erty to secure a Note of even the State of Georgia, the Deed FSB, AS OWNER TRUSTEE, Notice of Sale Under Power terms of the loan. Pursuant to day in December 2021, all
due and in the manner date in the original principal Under Power and other fore- FOR THE NRPL TRUST 2019 State of Georgia O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, FAY property described in said se-
provided in the Note and Se- amount of $112,917.00, with in- closure documents may not be 3 MORTGAGE BACKED County of DEKALB SERVICING LLC may be con- curity deed including but not
curity Deed. The debt remain- terest at the rate specified provided until final confirmation NOTES, SERIES 2019 3 holds Under and by virtue of the tacted at: FAY SERVICING limited to the following de-
ing in default, this sale will be therein, there will be sold by the and audit of the status of the the duly endorsed Note and is Power of Sale contained in a L LC, 42 5 S. FINANCI AL scribed property:
made for the purpose of pay- undersigned at public outcry to loan as provided in the preced- the current assignee of the Se- Deed to Secure Debt given by PLACE, SUITE 2000, CHICA- All that tract or parcel of land ly-
ing the same and all expenses the highest bidder for cash at ing paragraph. PENNYMAC curity Deed to the property. ROBERT C MARIGNA to GO, IL 60605, 800 495 7166. ing and being in Land Lot 58, of
of this sale, as provided in the the DEKALB County Court- LOAN SERVICES, LLC as At- FAY SERVICING LLC, acting MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC Please note that, pursuant to the 16th District, DeKalb
Security Deed and by law, in- house within the legal hours of torney in Fact for DWAYNE on behalf of and, as necessary, REGISTRATION SYSTEMS O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, the se- County, Georgia, being Lot 89,
cluding attorney's fees (notice sale on the first Tuesday in HUMBERT. THIS LAW FIRM in consultation with WILMING- INC AS NOMINEE FOR cured creditor is not required to Wellborn Creek, Unit 2, as per
of intent to collect attorney's December, 2021, the following IS ACTING AS A DEBT COL- TON SAVINGS FUND SOCI- COUNTRYWIDE HOME amend or modify the terms of plat recorded in Plat Book 106,
fees having been given). described property: ALL THAT LECTOR ATTEMPTING TO ETY, FSB, AS OWNER LOANS, INC., ITS SUC- the loan. To the best know- Pages 57-60, DeKalb County,
Said property will be sold sub- TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- TRUSTEE, FOR THE NRPL CESSORS AND ASSIGNS , ledge and belief of the under- Georgia Records, said plat be-
ject to any outstanding ad LYING AND BEING IN LAND FORMATION OBTAINED WILL TRUST 2019 3 MORTGAGE dated 11/03/2004, and Recor- signed, the party/parties in pos- ing incorporated herein and
valorem taxes (including taxes LOT 36 OF THE 18TH DIS- BE USED FOR THAT PUR- BACKED NOTES, SERIES ded on 11/22/2004 as Book No. session of the subject property made a part hereof.
which are a lien, but not yet TRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, P O S E . 2019 3 (the current investor on 16832 and Page No. 639, known as 3155 ZION STREET, Said legal description being
due and payable), any matters GEORGIA, BEING LOT 49, ++00000009244054/HUM- the loan), is the entity with the DEKALB County, Georgia re- SCOTTSDALE, GEORGIA controlling, however, the Prop-
which might be disclosed by an BLOCK A OF PENNYBROOK BERT++ BARRETT DAFFIN full authority to negotiate, cords, as last assigned to U.S. 30079 is/are: ROBERT C erty is more commonly known
accurate survey and inspection SUBDIVISION, PHASE I, AS FRAPPIER TURNER & EN- amend, and modify all terms of BANK TRUST NATIONAL AS- MARIGNA or tenant/tenants. as: 5414 Wellborn Creek Drive,
of the property, any assess- PER PLAT RECORDED IN GEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line Road, the loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. SOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDI- Said property will be sold sub- Lithonia, GA 30058
ments, liens, encumbrances, PLAT BOOK 79, PAGE 60 Suite 100 Addison, Texas § 44 14 162.2, FAY SERVI- VIDUAL CAPACITY, BUT ject to (a) any outstanding ad Said property will be sold on an
zoning ordinances, restrictions, AND RE RECORDED IN PLAT 75001 Telephone: (972) 341 CING LLC may be contacted SOLELY AS TRUSTEE OF valorem taxes (including taxes “as-is” basis without any rep-
covenants, and matters of re- BOOK 79, PAGE 78, DEKALB 5398. at: FAY SERVICING LLC, 425 LSF10 MASTER PARTICIPA- which are a lien, but not yet resentation, warranty or re-
cord superior to the Security COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- 420-451800 11/11,11/18,11/25 S. FINANCIAL PLACE, SUITE TION TRUST (the Secured due and payable), (b) any mat- course against the above-
Deed first set out above. CORDS, TO WHICH PLAT 12/2 2000, CHICAGO, IL 60605, Creditor), by assignment, con- ters which might be disclosed named or the undersigned. The
Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a REFERENCE IS MADE FOR A Notice of Sale Under Power. 800 495 7166. Please note veying the after described prop- by an accurate survey and in- sale will be subject to the fol-
Mr. Cooper is the holder of the MORE DETAILED DESCRIP- State of Georgia, that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44 erty to secure a Note of even spection of the property, and lowing items which may affect
Security Deed to the property in TION. The debt secured by County of DEKALB. 14 162.2, the secured creditor date in the original principal (c) all matters of record superi- the title: any outstanding ad
accordance with OCGA § 44- said Deed to Secure Debt has Under and by virtue of the is not required to amend or amount of $78,400.00, with in- or to the Deed to Secure Debt valorem taxes (including taxes
14-162.2. been and is hereby declared Power of Sale contained in a modify the terms of the loan. To terest at the rate specified first set out above, including, which are a lien but not yet due
The entity that has full author- due because of, among other Deed to Secure Debt given by the best knowledge and belief therein, there will be sold by the but not limited to, assessments, and payable); any matters
ity to negotiate, amend, and possible events of default, fail- JERRY GUNNER AND of the undersigned, the undersigned at public outcry to liens, encumbrances, zoning which might be disclosed by an
modify all terms of the mort- ure to pay the indebtedness as RENITA GUNNER to MORT- party/parties in possession of the highest bidder for cash at ordinances, easements, restric- accurate survey and inspection
gage with the debtor is: Nation- and when due and in the man- GAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- the subject property known as the DEKALB County Court- tions, covenants, etc. The sale of the property; any assess-
star Mortgage, LLC d/b/a Mr. ner provided in the Note and TRATION SYSTEMS, INC., 4531 RIVERWOOD CIRCLE, house within the legal hours of will be conducted subject to (1) ments, liens, encumbrances,
Cooper, 8950 Cypress Waters Deed to Secure Debt. Because ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE FOR DECATUR, GEORGIA 30035 sale on the first Tuesday in confirmation that the sale is not zoning ordinances, restrictions,
Blvd, Coppell, TX 75019, (888) the debt remains in default, this HOMESOUTH MORTGAGE is/are: JERRY GUNNER AND December, 2021, the following prohibited under the U.S. Bank- and all other matters of record
480-2432. sale will be made for the pur- CORPORATION, ITS SUC- RENITA GUNNER or described property: ALL THAT ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- superior to the said Security
To the best knowledge and be- pose of paying the same and CESSORS AND ASSIGNS , tenant/tenants. Said property TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND firmation and audit of the status Deed. The sale will be conduc-
lief of the undersigned, the all expenses of this sale, as dated 06/18/2007, and Recor- will be sold subject to (a) any LYING AND BEING IN LAND of the loan with the holder of ted subject (1) to confirmation
party in possession of the prop- provided in the Deed to Secure ded on 07/11/2007 as Book No. outstanding ad valorem taxes LOT 46 OF THE 18TH DIS- the security deed. Pursuant to that the sale is not prohibited
erty is Bilal Rasheed or a ten- Debt and by law, including at- 20119 and Page No. 377, (including taxes which are a li- TRICT OF DEKALB COUNTY, O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, under the U.S. Bankruptcy
ant or tenants and said prop- torney’s fees (notice of intent to DEKALB County, Georgia re- en, but not yet due and pay- GEORGIA, BEING KNOWN AS which allows for certain proced- Code and (2) to final confirma-
erty is more commonly known collect attorney’s fees having cords, as last assigned to able), (b) any matters which LOTS 48 AND 49 AS SHOWN ures regarding the rescission of tion and audit of the status of
as 4523 Boxwood Trail, Ellen- been given). PENNYMAC WILMINGTON SAVINGS might be disclosed by an accur- ON PLAT RECORDED IN judicial and nonjudicial sales in the loan with the holder of the
wood, Georgia 30294. LOAN SERVICES, LLC holds FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS ate survey and inspection of PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 68, the State of Georgia, the Deed Security Deed. State Home
The sale will be conducted sub- the duly endorsed Note and is OWNER TRUSTEE, FOR THE the property, and (c) all mat- ALSO KNOWN AS 3155 ZION Under Power and other fore- Mortgage, as loan servicer is
ject (1) to confirmation that the the current assignee of the Se- NRPL TRUST 2019 3 MORT- ters of record superior to the STREET, AND BEING MORE closure documents may not be the entity with full authority to
sale is not prohibited under the curity Deed to the property. GAGE BACKED NOTES, Deed to Secure Debt first set PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED provided until final confirmation negotiate, amend and modify
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) PENNYMAC LOAN SER- SERIES 2019 3 (the Secured out above, including, but not AS FOLLOWS: and audit of the status of the the terms of the Note and Se-
to final confirmation and audit VICES, LLC, acting on behalf Creditor), by assignment, con- limited to, assessments, liens, BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH- loan as provided in the preced- curity Deed. State Home Mort-
of the status of the loan with of and, as necessary, in con- veying the after described prop- encumbrances, zoning ordin- EAST CORNER OF ZION AND ing paragraph. U.S. BANK gage’s address is 60 Executive
the holder of the security deed. sultation with PENNYMAC erty to secure a Note of even ances, easements, restrictions, THIRD STREETS, AND RUN- TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCI- Park South, N. E., Atlanta, GA
Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a LOAN SERVICES, LLC (the date in the original principal covenants, etc. The sale will be NING THENCE EAST ALONG ATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDU- 30329. State Home Mortgage
Mr. Cooper current investor on the loan), is amount of $153,500.00, with in- conducted subject to (1) con- THE SOUTH SIDE OF ZION AL CAPACITY, BUT SOLELY may be contacted by tele-
as Attorney in Fact for the entity with the full authority terest at the rate specified firmation that the sale is not STREET SEVENTY (75) FEET; AS TRUSTEE OF LSF10 MAS- phone at 404-679-0574. To the
Bilal Rasheed to negotiate, amend, and modi- therein, there will be sold by the prohibited under the U.S. Bank- THENCE SOUTH ONE HUN- TER PARTICIPATION TRUST best of the undersigned's know-
McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, fy all terms of the loan. Pursu- undersigned at public outcry to ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- DRED (105) FEET, TO AN AL- as Attorney in Fact for ledge and belief, the party in
LLC ant to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, the highest bidder for cash at firmation and audit of the status LEY; THENCE WEST ALONG ROBERT C MARIGNA. THIS possession of the property is
1544 Old Alabama Road PENNYMAC LOAN SER- the DEKALB County Court- of the loan with the holder of THE NORTH SIDE OF ALLEY LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A believed to be Cynthia D.
Roswell, GA 30076 VICES, LLC may be contacted house within the legal hours of the security deed. Pursuant to SEVENTY FIVE (75) FEET, TO DEBT COLLECTOR AT- Shaw, or tenant(s). at: PENNYMAC LOAN SER- sale on the first Tuesday in O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, THIRD STREET; THENCE TEMPTING TO COLLECT A Georgia Housing and Finance
EXHIBIT “A” VICES, LLC, 3043 TOWNS- December, 2021, the following which allows for certain proced- NORTH ALONG THE EAST DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Authority,
All that tract or parcel of land ly- GATE ROAD, SUITE 200, described property: ALL THAT ures regarding the rescission of SIDE OF THIRD STREET ONE OBTAINED WILL BE USED as Transferee, Assignee, and
ing and being in Land Lot 4 of WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND judicial and nonjudicial sales in HUNDRED (105) FEET TO FOR THAT PURPOSE. Secured Creditor
the 15th District, DeKalb 91361, 866 549 3583. Please LYING AND BEING IN LAND the State of Georgia, the Deed CORNER, AND POINT OF BE- ++00000009039124/ As attorney-in-fact for the afore-
County, Georgia, being Lot 75, note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. LOT 130 OF THE 15TH DIS- Under Power and other fore- GINNING. The debt secured by MARIGNA++ BARRETT said Grantor
Block A, Unit Two, Holly Hill § 44 14 162.2, the secured TRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, closure documents may not be said Deed to Secure Debt has DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER Campbell & Brannon, LLC
Subdivision, as per plat recor- creditor is not required to GEORGIA, BEING LOT 14, provided until final confirmation been and is hereby declared & ENGEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line Attorneys at Law
ded in Plat Book 110, Page 40, amend or modify the terms of BLOCK B, RIVERWOOD SUB- and audit of the status of the due because of, among other Road, Suite 100 Addison, Glenridge Highlands II
in the Office of the Clerk of the the loan. To the best know- DIVISION, UNIT FIVE, AS PER loan as provided in the preced- possible events of default, fail- Texas 75001 Telephone: (972) 5565 Glenridge Connector,
Superior Court of DeKalb ledge and belief of the under- PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT ing paragraph. WILMINGTON ure to pay the indebtedness as 341 5398. Suite 350
County, Georgia, which recor- signed, the party/parties in pos- BOOK 59, PAGE 30, DEKALB SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, and when due and in the man- Atlanta, GA 30342
ded plat is incorporated herein session of the subject property COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- FSB, AS OWNER TRUSTEE, ner provided in the Note and 420-451804 11/11,11/18,11/25 (770) 392-0041
by reference and made a part known as 5615 BOGGS DR, CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- FOR THE NRPL TRUST 2019 Deed to Secure Debt. Because 12/2 ++21-6555/ SHAW++
MR/meh 12/7/21 GIA 30087 is/are: DWAYNE THIS REFERENCE AND NOTES, SERIES 2019 3 as At- sale will be made for the pur- POWER CONTAINED HELD TO BE ACTING
Our file no. ++5571819 - FT2 HUMBERT or tenant/tenants. MADE A PART OF THIS DE- torney in Fact for JERRY GUN- pose of paying the same and IN SECURITY DEED AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN-
/Rasheed++ Said property will be sold sub- SCRIPTION. SAID PROP- NER AND RENITA GUNNER. all expenses of this sale, as STATE OF GEORGIA, DER FEDERAL LAW.
ject to (a) any outstanding ad ERTY BEING KNOWN AS THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING provided in the Deed to Secure COUNTY OF DeKalb IF SO, ANY INFORMATION
420-451799 11/11,11/18,11/25 valorem taxes (including taxes 4531 RIVERWOOD CIRCLE AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- Debt and by law, including at- Pursuant to a power of sale OBTAINED WILL BE USED
12/2 which are a lien, but not yet ACCORDING TO THE TEMPTING TO COLLECT A torney’s fees (notice of intent to contained in a certain security FOR THAT PURPOSE.
Notice of Sale Under Power due and payable), (b) any mat- PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION collect attorney’s fees having deed executed by Cynthia D. 420-451807 11/11,11/18,11/25
State of Georgia, ters which might be disclosed BERING PROPERTY IN OBTAINED WILL BE USED been given). U.S. BANK Shaw, hereinafter referred to as 12/2
County of DEKALB by an accurate survey and in- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. FOR THAT PURPOSE. TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCI- Grantor, to JPMorgan Chase NOTICE OF SALE
Under and by virtue of the spection of the property, and The debt secured by said Deed ++00000009124785/ GUN- ATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDU- Bank, N.A. recorded in Deed UNDER POWER
Power of Sale contained in a (c) all matters of record superi- to Secure Debt has been and is NER++ BARRETT DAFFIN AL CAPACITY, BUT SOLELY Book 17176, beginning at page GEORGIA, Dekalb COUNTY
Deed to Secure Debt given by or to the Deed to Secure Debt hereby declared due because FRAPPIER TURNER & EN- AS TRUSTEE OF LSF10 MAS- 151 and re-recorded at Deed THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
DWAYNE HUMBERT to first set out above, including, of, among other possible GEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line Road, TER PARTICIPATION TRUST Book 17418, Page 21, of the AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC but not limited to, assessments, events of default, failure to pay Suite 100 Addison, Texas holds the duly endorsed Note deed records of the Clerk of the TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, liens, encumbrances, zoning the indebtedness as and when 75001 Telephone: (972) 341 and is the current assignee of Superior Court of the aforesaid DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
INC., ("MERS"), AS NOMINE ordinances, easements, restric- due and in the manner 5398. the Security Deed to the prop- state and county, and by virtue OBTAINED WILL BE USED
FOR PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL tions, covenants, etc. The sale provided in the Note and Deed erty. FAY SERVICING LLC, of a default under the terms of FOR THAT PURPOSE.
MORTGAGE, INC., ITS SUC- will be conducted subject to (1) to Secure Debt. Because the acting on behalf of and, as ne- said security deed, and the re- Under and by virtue of the
CESSORS AND ASSIGNS , confirmation that the sale is not debt remains in default, this cessary, in consultation with lated note, the undersigned at- Power of Sale contained in that
dated 02/15/2017, and Recor- prohibited under the U.S. Bank- sale will be made for the pur- U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL torney-in-fact for the aforesaid certain Security Deed given by
ded on 02/28/2017 as Book No. ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- pose of paying the same and ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS Grantor (which attorney-in-fact Anytime First Call, LLC to Peak
26107 and Page No. 750, firmation and audit of the status all expenses of this sale, as INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, BUT is the present holder of said se- Equity Group, LLC, dated
DEKALB County, Georgia re- of the loan with the holder of provided in the Deed to Secure SOLELY AS TRUSTEE OF curity deed and note secured 08/22/2017 and filed 4/9/2019,
cords, as last assigned to the security deed. Pursuant to Debt and by law, including at- LSF10 MASTER PARTICIPA- thereby) will sell at the usual recorded in Deed Book 27478,
PENNYMAC LOAN SER- O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, torney’s fees (notice of intent to TION TRUST (the current in- place of conducting Sheriff's Page 782, Dekalb County,
VICES, LLC (the Secured which allows for certain proced- collect attorney’s fees having vestor on the loan), is the en- sales in said county within the Georgia Records, (this was ori-
Creditor), by assignment, con- ures regarding the rescission of been given). WILMINGTON tity with the full authority to ne- legal hours of sale, to the ginally incorrectly filed
veying the after described prop- judicial and nonjudicial sales in SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, gotiate, amend, and modify all highest bidder on the first Tues- 10/05/2017, for record in Deed
erty to secure a Note of even the State of Georgia, the Deed FSB, AS OWNER TRUSTEE, terms of the loan. Pursuant to day in December 2021, all Book 58033, Page 260, in the
date in the original principal Under Power and other fore- FOR THE NRPL TRUST 2019 O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, FAY property described in said se- Office of the Clerk of the Super-
Power of Sale contained in that law, please find below the con- MILL MANOR, PHASE ONE, der Power and other foreclos- located on or at the Property or above described property is in
certain Security Deed given by tact information for the entity AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN ure documents may not be used in connection therewith, the possession of the borrower
Anytime First Call, LLC to Peak who has authority to negotiate, PLAT BOOK 99, PAGE 16, provided until final confirmation including machinery and equip- and/or other persons with the
Equity Group, LLC, dated amend, and modify the terms of DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA and audit of the status of the ment, furniture, furnishings and consent and acquiescence of
08/22/2017 and filed 4/9/2019, the loan documents which may RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS loan as provided immediately fixtures, and all inventory, and if the borrower.
recorded in Deed Book 27478, include a note, mortgage, se- HEREBY REFERRED TO AND above and final review by the this instrument is a construc- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-
Page 52
Page 782, Dekalb County,
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
curity deed or deed to secure MADE A PART OF THIS DE-
party conducting this foreclos-
ure sale for compliance with
tion mortgage, all construction
materials and equipment; and
162.2, the name, address and
telephone number of the per-
Georgia Records, (this was ori-
ginally incorrectly filed Peak Equity Group, LLC The debt secured by said Cred- contractual and legal obliga- all right of claim with respect to 420-451810 11/11,11/18,11/25 son or entity who shall have full
10/05/2017, for record in Deed 11289 Strang Line Rd it Line Security Deed has been tions pursuant to the terms of the proceeds of insurance 12/2 authority to negotiate, amend,
Book 58033, Page 260, in the Lenexa, KS 66216 and is hereby declared due be- the loan documents and State which Grantor now or may NOTICE OF SALE or modify all terms of the above
Office of the Clerk of the Super- 913-956-7325 cause of, among other pos- and Federal law, including but hereafter acquire in the Prop- UNDER POWER described mortgage is as fol-
ior Court of Fulton County, The sale will be conducted sub- sible events of default, failure to not limited to any and all rights erty, Improvements, and Per- STATE OF GEORGIA lows:
Georgia) conveying the after- ject (1) to confirmation that the pay the indebtedness as and of rescission. sonal Property, and any and FULTON COUNTY Triad Realty Ventures, LLC and
described property to secure an sale is not prohibited under the when due and in the manner Reliant Loan Servicing , LLC, awards made for the taking by By virtue of a power of sale Aristos Holdings, LLC
Adjustable Rate Note in the ori- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) provided in the Premier Equity as Attorney in Fact for eminent domain, or by pro- contained in a certain modifica- Phone: David Basil at (770)
ginal principal amount of Thirty to final confirmation and audit Line Agreement & Disclosure ++Cynthia P. Campbell and ceeding or purchase in lieu tion agreement of note and 830-8220
Seven Thousand Five Hun- of the status of the loan with Statement and Credit Line Se- Douglas C. Campbell++ thereof, of the whole or any deed to secure debt from WH Address: 4080 McGinnis Ferry
dred Dollars and No Cents the holder of the Security Deed. curity Deed. The debt remain- By: Andrew D. Gleason part of the Property and Im- Ventures, LLC to Triad Realty Rd, Ste 204, Alpharetta, GA
($37,500.00), with interest to any rights of rescission of the ing in default, this sale will be Attorney for provements. Ventures, LLC and Aristos 30005
thereon as set forth therein, party conducting this foreclos- made for the purpose of pay- Reliant Loan Servicing , LLC The debt secured by said Se- Holdings, LLC, dated June 19, The foregoing notwithstanding,
there will be sold at public out- ure sale pursuant to Georgia ing the same and all expenses Lefkoff, Rubin, Gleason, curity Deed has been and is 2017, and recorded in Deed nothing in O.C.G.A. § 44-14-
cry to the highest bidder for law including, but not limited to of this sale, as provided in the Russo & Williams, P.C. hereby declared due because Book 26436, Page 559, 162.2 shall be construed to re-
cash before the courthouse O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, Credit Line Security Deed and 5555 Glenridge Connector of various events of default, in- DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS quire Triad Realty Ventures,
door of Dekalb County, Geor- which allows for certain proced- by law, including attorney’s Suite 900 cluding without limitation the deed records, given to secure a LLC and Aristos Holdings, LLC
gia, within the legal hours of ures regarding the rescission of fees (notice of intent to collect Atlanta, Georgia 30342 failure to make payments when note in the original amount of to negotiate, amend, or modify
sale on Tuesday, December 7, judicial and non- judicial sales attorney’s fees having been (404)869-6900 due. The debt remaining in de- Three Hundred Thirty Four the terms of the Security Deed
2021 the following described in the state of Georgia. given). (404)869-6909 (fax) fault, this sale will be made for Thousand Seven Hundred described herein.
property: Please note that the Deed Un- Said property will be sold sub- 420-451809 11/11,11/18,11/25 the purpose of applying the Ninety Six Dollars Triad Realty Ventures, LLC and
All that tract or parcel of land ly- der Power and other foreclos- ject to any outstanding ad 12/2 proceeds thereof to the pay- ($334,796.00) with interest on Aristos Holdings, LLC as Attor-
ing and being in Land Lot 6 of ure documents may not be valorem taxes (including taxes NOTICE OF SALE ment of the debt secured by the unpaid balance until paid. ney in Fact for
the 15th District, DeKalb provided until final confirmation which are a lien, but not yet UNDER POWER said Security Deed, all accrued The following described prop- ++WH Ventures, LLC++
County, Georgia, being Lot 17, and audit of the status of the due and payable), any unpaid GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY interest and the expenses of erty will be sold at public out- David A. Basil
Block C, Lincolndale Subdivi- loan as provided immediately water or sewage bills that con- By virtue of the power of sale the sale and all other pay- cry to the highest bidder for 301 Bradley Street,
sion, Unit One, as per plat re- above and final review by the stitute a lien against the prop- contained in that certain Deed ments provided for under said cash at the courthouse door of Suite B-7
corded in Plat Book 58, Page party conducting this foreclos- erty whether due and payable to Secure Debt and Security Security Deed, including attor- DEKALB COUNTY, Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia 30117
148, DeKalb County, Georgia ure sale for compliance with or not due and payable and Agreement from MICHAEL neys’ fees (notice of intent to within the legal hours of sale on (770) 830-8220
Records, which plat is incorpor- contractual and legal obliga- which may not be of record, GEORGE, (“Borrower”), to PV collect attorneys’ fees having the first Tuesday in December, THIS COMMUNICATION IS
ated herein by reference and tions pursuant to the terms of any right of redemption of any CAPITAL, LLC, a Georgia lim- been given); and the re- 2021: FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR
made a part of this description. the loan documents and State taxing authority, any matters ited liability company (“Lender”) mainder, if any, shall be ap- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A
Said property being known as and Federal law, including but which might be disclosed by an said Deed to Secure Debt and plied as provided by law. CEL OF LAND, WITH ALL IM- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
4383 Lincolndale Drive accord- not limited to any and all rights accurate survey and inspection Security Agreement of even Lender hereby reserves the PROVEMENTS THEREON, OBTAINED WILL BE USED
ing to the present system of of rescission. of the property, any assess- date with the Note recorded right to sell the Property in one LYING AND BEING IN LAND FOR THAT PURPOSE.
numbering property in DeKalb Peak Equity Group, LLC, ments, liens, encumbrances, March 9, 2021 at Deed Book (1) parcel as an entirety, or in LOT 207, 15TH DISTRICT,
County Georgia. as Attorney in Fact for zoning ordinances, restrictions, 29145, Page 107, DeKalb several parcels, as Lender may DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, 420-451811 11/11,11/18,11/25
Tax id #15 006 08 036 ++Anytime First Call, LLC++ covenants, and matters of re- County, Georgia records (the elect. AND MORE PARTICULARLY 12/2
Subject to any easements or Millicent Henry cord superior to the Credit Line “Security Deed”), to secure a Said property will be sold sub- DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: NOTICE OF SALE
restrictions of record By: Andrew D. Gleason Security Deed first set out Promissory Note in the original ject to any outstanding ad BEGINNING AT A POINT LOC- UNDER POWER
The debt secured by said Se- Attorney for Peak above including but not limited principal amount of valorem taxes (including taxes ATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF STATE OF GEORGIA
curity Deed has been and is Equity Group, LLC to that certain Security Deed $165,000.00 (the “Note”), to- which are a lien, but not yet MONTGOMERY STREET FULTON COUNTY
hereby declared due because Lefkoff, Rubin, Gleason, given by Cynthia P. Campbell gether with interest from the due and payable), any matters (FORMERLY MANLEY By virtue of a power of sale
of, among other possible Russo & Williams, P.C. and Douglas C. Campbell to date thereof at the rate stated which might be disclosed by an STREET), 156 FEET SOUTH contained in a certain modifica-
events of default, failure to pay 5555 Glenridge Connector American Home Mortgage, Inc. in said Note on the unpaid bal- accurate survey and inspection FROM HARDEE STREET; tion agreement of note and
the indebtedness as and when Suite 900 , dated 2-22-1996 and filed 3-5- ance until paid, there will be of the property, any assess- THENCE PROCEED SOUTH deed to secure debt from WH
due and in the manner Atlanta, Georgia 30342 96, recorded in Deed Book sold by the undersigned at pub- ments, lien, encumbrances, ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF Ventures, LLC to Quality In-
provided in the Adjustable Rate (404)869-6900 8896, Page 574, Dekalb lic outcry to the highest bidder zoning ordinances, restrictions, MONTGOMERY STREET, 39 vestments and Holdings LLC
Note and Security Deed. The (404)869-6909 (fax) County, Georgia Records,(later for cash before the court house covenants, and matters of re- FEET TO A POINT; THENCE and Aristos Holdings, LLC,
debt remaining in default, this assigned to The Bank of New door at DeKalb County, Geor- cord superior to the Security EAST, 110 FEET MORE OR dated January 19, 2018, and
sale will be made for the pur- 420-451808 11/11,11/18,11/25 York MellonTrust Company, gia, within the legal hours of Deed first set out above. LESS TO A BRANCH; recorded in Deed Book 26826,
pose of paying the same and 12/2 N.A.) conveying the above-de- sale on Tuesday, December 7, Robert Storm at PV Capital, THENCE NORTH, 39 FEET TO Page 593, DEKALB COUNTY
all expenses of this sale, as NOTICE OF SALE scribed property to secure a 2021, the following described LLC, can be contacted at A POINT; THENCE WEST, 110 RECORDS deed records, giv-
provided in the Security Deed UNDER POWER Note in the original principal property (the “Property”): 770/714-4554 or by writing to FEET TO MONTGOMERY en to secure a note in the ori-
and by law, including attorney’s GEORGIA, Dekalb COUNTY amount of $120,246.00. ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Post Office Box 330538, At- STREET AND THE POINT OF ginal amount of Three Hun-
fees (notice of intent to collect THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING To the best knowledge and be- CEL OF LAND LYING AND lantic Beach, Florida 32233, to BEGINNING. dred Eighty Nine Thousand
attorney’s fees having been AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- lief of the undersigned, the BEING IN LAND LOT 158, OF discuss alternatives to foreclos- AKA 49 MONTGOMERY Five Hundred Dollars
given). TEMPTING TO COLLECT A party in possession of the prop- THE 15TH DISTRICT OF ure. Mr. Storm has full author- STREET, NE IN CITY OF AT- ($389,500.00) with interest on
Said property will be sold sub- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION erty is Cynthia P. Campbell and DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, ity to negotiate, amend, and LANTA; PARCEL ID 15 207 04 the unpaid balance until paid.
ject to any outstanding ad OBTAINED WILL BE USED Douglas C. Campbell or a ten- BEING LOT 15, BLOCK B, modify all terms of the Security 009. The following described prop-
valorem taxes (including taxes FOR THAT PURPOSE. ant or tenants and said prop- CANBY LANE SUBDIVISION, Deed with Borrower on behalf The debt secured by the above erty will be sold at public out-
which are a lien, but not yet Under and by virtue of the erty is more commonly known AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN of Lender. referenced security deed has cry to the highest bidder for
due and payable), any unpaid Power of Sale contained in that as 4129 Flakes Mill Manor PLAT BOOK 27, PAGE 87, PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT been declared due because of cash at the courthouse door of
water or sewage bills that con- certain Credit Line Security Lane, Ellenwood GA 30294. DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA THE SECURED CREDITOR IS the default in the payment of DEKALB COUNTY, Georgia,
stitute a lien against the prop- Deed given by Cynthia P. In compliance with Georgia RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS NOT REQUIRED BY LAW TO said debt per the terms of the within the legal hours of sale on
erty whether due and payable Campbell and Douglas C. law, please find below the con- HEREBY REFERRED NEGOTIATE, AMEND, OR note and other possible de- the first Tuesday in December,
or not due and payable and Campbell to Irwin Union Bank tact information for the entity HERETO AND MADE A PART MODIFY THE TERMS OF THE faults by the borrower or the 2021:
which may not be of record, and Trust Company, dated who has authority to negotiate, OF THIS DESCRIPTION. INSTRUMENTS REFER- successor thereto. The debt re- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
any right of redemption of any 01/31/2000 and filed amend, and modify the terms of TOGETHER with all the im- ENCED HEREIN. maining in default, this sale will CEL OF LAND AT SITUATE.
taxing authority, any matters 02/10/2000, recorded in Deed the loan documents which may provements now or hereafter To the best of the knowledge be made for the purpose of LYING AND BEING IN LAND
which might be disclosed by an Book 11199, Page 377, Dekalb include a note, mortgage, se- erected on the Property, and all and belief of the undersigned, paying the debt and all ex- LOT 207 OF THE I5TH DIS-
accurate survey and inspection County, Georgia Records,(later curity deed or deed to secure easements, rights, appurten- the party in possession of the penses of this sale including at- TRICT OF DEKALB COUNTY,
of the property, any assess- assigned to Reliant Loan Servi- debt. ances and rents, all of which property is the Borrower, or a torney's fees (notice of intent to GEORGIA, AND BEING LOT
ments, liens, encumbrances, cing , LLC) conveying the after- Fay Servicing, LLC shall be deemed to be and re- tenant or tenants. The sale will collect attorney’s fees having 26 OF THE FARLINGER
zoning ordinances, restrictions, described property to secure a 1601 LBJ Freeway main a part of the Property. be conducted subject to (1) to been given). PROPERTY. AND MORE PAR-
covenants, and matters of re- Premier Equity Line Agree- Ste 150 AND TOGETHER WITH all confirmation that the sale is not Said sale will be made subject TICULARLY DESCRIBED AS
cord superior to the Security ment & Disclosure Statement in Farmers Branch TX 75234 rights, easements, appurten- prohibited under the U.S. Bank- to the following items which FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A
Deed first set out above. the original principal amount of 312-610-7096 ances, royalties, mineral rights, ruptcy Code and (2) to final may affect the title to said prop- POINT ON THE WEST SIDE
To the best knowledge and be- Fifty Nine Thousand Four Hun- The sale will be conducted sub- oil and gas rights, crops, tim- confirmation and audit of the erty: All restrictive covenants, OF MAYSON AVENUE. 316.5
lief of the undersigned, the dred Dollars and No Cents ject (1) to confirmation that the ber, all diversion payments or status of the loan with the hold- easements and rights-of-way FEET SOUTH FROM THE
party in possession of the prop- ($59,400.00), with interest sale is not prohibited under the third party payments made to er of the Security Deed. appearing of record, if any; all SOUTHWEST CORNER OF
erty is Anytime First Call, LLC, thereon as set forth therein, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) crop producers, all water and ri- PV CAPITAL, LLC zoning ordinances; matters HARDEE STREET AND MAT-
Millicent Henry (as registered there will be sold at public out- to final confirmation and audit parian rights, wells, ditches, Nathan T. Johns, which would be disclosed by an SON AVENUE; AND RUN-
agent and/or member) cry to the highest bidder for of the status of the loan with reservoirs, and water stock and Esquire Attorney for accurate survey or by an in- NING THENCE WEST 155
Mignon Calhoun Jones, Kather- cash before the courthouse the holder of the Credit Line all existing and future improve- PV Capital, LLC spection of the property; all out- FEET TO THE CENTER OF
lean Calhoun, Dyedieterich Cal- door of Dekalb County, Geor- Security Deed. to any rights of ments, structures, fixtures, and MendenFreiman LLP standing or unpaid bills and as- WHAT WAS FORMERLY A
houn, Linda Ellington and/or gia, within the legal hours of rescission of the party conduct- replacements that may now, or 5565 Glenridge Connector NE, sessments for street improve- BRANCH: THENCE RUNNING
possibly, Tony L. Crosy as sale on Tuesday December 7, ing this foreclosure sale pursu- at any time in the future, be Suite 850 ments, curbing, garbage, water, IN A SOUTHERLY DIREC-
Trustee of 4383 Lincolndale Dr. 2021, the following described ant to Georgia law including, part of the real estate de- Atlanta, Georgia 30342 (770) sewage and public utilities TION ALONG SAID FORMER
Residential Trust and Casual property: but not limited to O.C.G.A. Sec- scribed above. 559-5592 which may be liens upon said BRANCH 38.5 FEET: THENCE
Knight & Assoc., LLC or a ten- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- tion 9-13-172.1, which allows AND TOGETHER WITH all ++Our File No. 3840.170/ property; and any outstanding RUNNING EAST 155 FEET TO
ant or tenants and said prop- CEL OF LAND LYING AND for certain procedures regard- right, title and interest of Grant- GEORGE++ taxes, assessments and other THE WEST SIDE OF MAYSON
erty is more commonly known BEING IN LAND LOT 29 OF ing the rescission of judicial or in and to all tangible person- THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- liens superior to the security AVENUE: THENCE RUNNING
as 4383 Lincolndale Dr, Ellen- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB and non- judicial sales in the al property (the “Personal Prop- ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. deed being foreclosed hereby. NORTH ALONG THE WEST
wood GA 30294. COUNTY, GEORGIA AND BE- state of Georgia. erty”) owned by Grantor and ANY INFORMATION OB - To the best knowledge and be- SIDE OF MAYSON AVENUE.
In compliance with Georgia ING ALL OF LOT 4, FLAKES Please note that the Deed Un- now or at any time hereafter TAINED WILL BE USED FOR lief of the undersigned, the 38.5 FEET TO THE POINT OF
law, please find below the con- MILL MANOR, PHASE ONE, der Power and other foreclos- located on or at the Property or THAT PURPOSE. above described property is in BEGINNING.
tact information for the entity AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN ure documents may not be used in connection therewith, the possession of the borrower BEING IMPROVED PROP-
who has authority to negotiate, PLAT BOOK 99, PAGE 16, provided until final confirmation including machinery and equip- and/or other persons with the ERTY KNOWN AS NO. 36
amend, and modify the terms of DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA and audit of the status of the ment, furniture, furnishings and consent and acquiescence of MAYSON AVENUE. N.E. IN
the loan documents which may RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS loan as provided immediately fixtures, and all inventory, and if the borrower. THE CI TY O F ATL ANTA
include a note, mortgage, se- HEREBY REFERRED TO AND above and final review by the this instrument is a construc- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14- G EO RG I A.
curity deed or deed to secure MADE A PART OF THIS DE- party conducting this foreclos- tion mortgage, all construction 162.2, the name, address and The debt secured by the above
debt. SCRIPTION ure sale for compliance with materials and equipment; and telephone number of the per- referenced security deed has
Peak Equity Group, LLC The debt secured by said Cred- contractual and legal obliga- all right of claim with respect to son or entity who shall have full been declared due because of
11289 Strang Line Rd it Line Security Deed has been tions pursuant to the terms of the proceeds of insurance authority to negotiate, amend, the default in the payment of
Lenexa, KS 66216 and is hereby declared due be- the loan documents and State which Grantor now or may or modify all terms of the above said debt per the terms of the
913-956-7325 cause of, among other pos- and Federal law, including but hereafter acquire in the Prop- described mortgage is as fol- note and other possible de-
BEGINNING. Thousand Six Hundred Dollars 830-8220 ject to (a) any outstanding ad with interest at the rate spe- 14-162.2 shall be construed to constituting a part of said prop-
BEING IMPROVED PROP- ($379,600.00) with interest on Address: 4045 Five Forks valorem taxes (including taxes cified therein, there will be sold require the secured creditor to erty. To the best knowledge
ERTY KNOWN AS NO. 36 the unpaid balance until paid. Trickum Road SW, Ste D17 # which are a lien, but not yet by the undersigned at public negotiate, amend or modify the and belief of the undersigned,
MAYSON AVENUE. N.E. IN The following described prop- 108, Lilburn, GA 30047 due and payable), (b) any mat- outcry to the highest bidder for terms of the Deed to Secure the party (or parties) in posses-
THE CI TY O F ATLA NTA erty will be sold at public out- The foregoing notwithstanding, ters which might be disclosed cash before the Courthouse Debt described herein. sion of the subject property is
G EO RG I A. cry to the highest bidder for nothing in O.C.G.A. § 44-14- by an accurate survey and in- door of DeKalb County, Geor- This sale is conducted on be- (are): Sharma T. Cooper or ten-

The debt secured by the above The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021
cash at the courthouse door of 162.2 shall be construed to re- spection of the property, and gia, within the legal hours of half of the secured creditor un- Page 53
ant or tenants.
referenced security deed has DEKALB COUNTY, Georgia, quire RPL Management LLC (c) all matters of record superi- sale on the first Tuesday in der the power of sale granted in Said property will be sold sub-
been declared due because of within the legal hours of sale on and Rheetuparna Pal Mahajan or to the Deed to Secure Debt December, 2021, to wit: the aforementioned security in- ject to (a) any outstanding ad
the default in the payment of the first Tuesday in December, to negotiate, amend, or modify first set out above, including, December 7, 2021, the follow- strument, specifically being valorem taxes (including taxes
said debt per the terms of the 2021: the terms of the Security Deed but not limited to, assessments, ing described property: Carrington Mortgage Services, which are a lien, but not yet
note and other possible de- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- described herein. liens, encumbrances, zoning All that tract or parcel of land ly- LLC due and payable), (b) any mat-
faults by the borrower or the CEL OF LAND LYING AND RPL Management LLC and ordinances, easements, restric- ing and being in Land Lot 64, as attorney in fact for ters which might be disclosed
successor thereto. The debt re- BEING IN LAND LOT 210 OF Rheetuparna Pal Mahajan as tions, covenants, etc. 15th District, DeKalb County, Laurence Shields and by an accurate survey and in-
maining in default, this sale will THE I5TH DISTRICT OF Attorney in Fact for The sale will be conducted sub- Georgia, being Lot 33, Eagle's Roxanne Shields spection of the property, and
be made for the purpose of DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, ++WH Ventures, LLC++ ject to (1) confirmation that the Ridge Subdivision, Unit III-B, as Maner, Martin & (c) all matters of record superi-
paying the debt and all ex- AND BEING MORE PARTICU- David A. Basil sale is not prohibited under the per plat recorded at Plat Book Brunavs, LLC or to the Deed to Secure Debt
penses of this sale including at- LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- 301 Bradley Street, Suite B-7 U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2) 141, Page 34-35, DeKalb 180 Interstate N Parkway, first set out above, including,
torney's fees (notice of intent to LOWS: Carrollton, Georgia 30117 O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; County, Georgia records, which Suite 200 but not limited to, assessments,
collect attorney’s fees having BEGINNING AT A POINT (770) 830-8220 and (3) final confirmation and plat is incorporated herein by Atlanta, GA 30339 liens, encumbrances, zoning
been given). FORMED BY THE INTERSEC- THIS COMMUNICATION IS audit of the status of the loan this reference and made a part 404.252.6385 ordinances, easements, restric-
Said sale will be made subject TION OF THE SOUTHERLY FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR with the holder of the security hereof. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING tions, covenants, etc.
to the following items which RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A deed. The debt secured by said Deed AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- The sale will be conducted sub-
may affect the title to said prop- FIRST STREET (HAVING A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section to Secure Debt has been and is TEMPTING TO COLLECT A ject to (1) confirmation that the
erty: All restrictive covenants, 30-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY) OBTAINED WILL BE USED 9-13-172.1, which allows for hereby declared due because DEBT. ANY INFORMATION sale is not prohibited under the
easements and rights-of-way WITH THE WESTERLY FOR THAT PURPOSE. certain procedures regarding of, among other possible OBTAINED WILL BE USED U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2)
appearing of record, if any; all RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF 420-451814 11/11,11/18,11/25 the rescission of judicial and events of default, failure to pay FOR THAT PURPOSE. O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1;
zoning ordinances; matters WESLEY AVENUE (HAVING A 12/2 nonjudicial sales in the State of the indebtedness as and when ++MBFC16-255/ SHIELDS++ and (3) final confirmation and
which would be disclosed by an 40-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY) Notice of Sale Georgia, the Deed Under d u e a n d i n t h e ma n n e r 420-451817 11/11,11/18,11/25 audit of the status of the loan
accurate survey or by an in- AND SOUTHERLY ALONG Under Power Power and other foreclosure provided in the Note and Deed 12/2 with the holder of the security
spection of the property; all out- THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF- Georgia, DeKalb County documents may not be to Secure Debt. The debt re- Notice of Sale deed.
standing or unpaid bills and as- WAY LINE OF WESLEY AV- Under and by virtue of the provided until final confirmation maining in default, this sale will Under Power Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
sessments for street improve- ENUE A DISTANCE OF 100.00 Power of Sale contained in a and audit of the status of the be made for the purpose of Georgia, DeKalb County 9-13-172.1, which allows for
ments, curbing, garbage, water, FEET TO A POINT; RUNNING Deed to Secure Debt given by loan as provided in the preced- paying the same and all ex- Under and by virtue of the certain procedures regarding
sewage and public utilities THENCE SOUTH 89 DE- Edgardo Castro, Jr. to Mort- ing paragraph. penses of this sale, as provided Power of Sale contained in a the rescission of judicial and
which may be liens upon said GREES 49 MINUTES WEST A gage Electronic Registration Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section in the Deed to Secure Debt and Deed to Secure Debt given by non-judicial sales in the State
property; and any outstanding DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO Systems, Inc. ("MERS") as 44-14-162.2, the entity that has by law, including attorney’s Sharma T. Cooper to Mortgage of Georgia, the Deed Under
taxes, assessments and other A POINT; RUNNING THENCE nominee for PrimeLending, a full authority to negotiate, fees (notice of intent to collect Electronic Registration Sys- Power and other foreclosure
liens superior to the security NORTH 00 DEGREES 00 PlainsCapital Company, dated amend and modify all terms of attorney’s fees having been tems, Inc. ("MERS") as nomin- documents may not be
deed being foreclosed hereby. MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE May 22, 2018, and recorded in the mortgage with the debtor is: given). ee for Taylor, Bean & Whitaker provided until final confirmation
To the best knowledge and be- OF 100.00 FEET TO A# 4 RE- Deed Book 26975, Page 745, Cenlar FSB Said property is commonly Mortgage Corp, dated October and audit of the status of the
lief of the undersigned, the BAR FOUND ON THE SOUTH- DeKalb County, Georgia re- Attention: Loss Mitigation De- known as 3687 Eagles Beek 30, 2008, and recorded in Deed loan as provided in the preced-
above described property is in ERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE cords, as last transferred to partment Circle, Lithonia, GA 30038, to- Book 21128, Page 255, DeKalb ing paragraph.
the possession of the borrower OF FIRST STREET; RUN- PrimeLending, a PlainsCapital 425 Phillips Boulevard gether with all fixtures and per- County, Georgia records, hav- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
and/or other persons with the NING THENCE NORTH 89 DE- Company by Assignment recor- Ewing, NJ 08618 sonal property attached to and ing been modified in Deed 44-14-162.2, the entity that has
consent and acquiescence of GREES 49 MINUTES EAST ded in Deed Book 27943, Page 1-877-909-6416 constituting a part of said prop- Book 23661, Page 760, afore- full authority to negotiate,
the borrower. ALONG THE SAID SOUTH- 497, Dekalb County, Georgia The foregoing notwithstanding, erty. To the best knowledge said records and as last trans- amend and modify all terms of
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14- ERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE records, conveying the after- nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44- and belief of the undersigned, ferred to Carrington Mortgage the mortgage with the debtor is:
162.2, the name, address and OF FIRST STREET A DIS- described property to secure a 14-162.2 shall be construed to the party (or parties) in posses- Services, LLC by Assignment Carrington Mortgage Services,
telephone number of the per- TANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO Note of even date in the origin- require the secured creditor to sion of the subject property is recorded in Deed Book 24659, LLC
son or entity who shall have full THE POINT OF BEGINNING; al principal amount of negotiate, amend or modify the (are): Laurence Shields and Page 575, DeKalb County, Attention: Loss Mitigation De-
authority to negotiate, amend, AS SHOWN ON SURVEY FOR $139,428.00, with interest at terms of the Deed to Secure Roxanne Shields or tenant or Georgia records, conveying the partment
or modify all terms of the above CHRIS SLADE. the rate specified therein, there Debt described herein. tenants. after-described property to se- 1600 South Douglass Road,
described mortgage is as fol- The debt secured by the above will be sold by the undersigned This sale is conducted on be- Said property will be sold sub- cure a Note of even date in the Suite 200-A
lows: referenced security deed has at public outcry to the highest half of the secured creditor un- ject to (a) any outstanding ad original principal amount of Anaheim, CA 92806
Quality Investments and Hold- been declared due because of bidder for cash before the der the power of sale granted in valorem taxes (including taxes $125,613.00, with interest at 1-800-561-4567
ings LLC and Aristos Holdings, the default in the payment of Courthouse door of DeKalb the aforementioned security in- which are a lien, but not yet the rate specified therein, there The foregoing notwithstanding,
LLC said debt per the terms of the County, Georgia, within the leg- strument, specifically being due and payable), (b) any mat- will be sold by the undersigned nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44-
Phone: David Basil at (770) note and other possible de- al hours of sale on the first PrimeLending, ters which might be disclosed at public outcry to the highest 14-162.2 shall be construed to
830-8220 faults by the borrower or the Tuesday in December, 2021, to a PlainsCapital Company by an accurate survey and in- bidder for cash before the require the secured creditor to
Address: 4360 Kenion Forest successor thereto. The debt re- wit: December 7, 2021, the fol- as attorney in fact for spection of the property, and Courthouse door of DeKalb negotiate, amend or modify the
Dr., Lilburn, GA 30047 maining in default, this sale will lowing described property: Edgardo Castro, Jr. (c) all matters of record superi- County, Georgia, within the leg- terms of the Deed to Secure
The foregoing notwithstanding, be made for the purpose of All that tract or parcel of land ly- Richard B. Maner, P.C. or to the Deed to Secure Debt al hours of sale on the first Debt described herein.
nothing in O.C.G.A. § 44-14- paying the debt and all ex- ing and being in Land Lot 316 180 Interstate N Parkway, first set out above, including, Tuesday in December, 2021, to This sale is conducted on be-
162.2 shall be construed to re- penses of this sale including at- of the 18th District, Dekalb Suite 200 but not limited to, assessments, wit: December 7, 2021, the fol- half of the secured creditor un-
quire Quality Investments and torney's fees (notice of intent to County, Georgia, being Lot 2, Atlanta, GA 30339 liens, encumbrances, zoning lowing described property: der the power of sale granted in
Holdings LLC and Aristos Hold- collect attorney’s fees having Block D, Washington Square, 404.252.6385 ordinances, easements, restric- All that tract or parcel of land ly- the aforementioned security in-
ings, LLC to negotiate, amend, been given). Unit II, Phase I, as per plat re- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING tions, covenants, etc. ing and being in Land Lot 192 strument, specifically being
or modify the terms of the Se- Said sale will be made subject corded in Plat Book 81, Page AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- The sale will be conducted sub- of the 16th District, DeKalb Carrington Mortgage
curity Deed described herein. to the following items which 21, Dekalb County, Georgia re- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A ject to (1) confirmation that the County, Georgia. being Lot 10, Services, LLC
Quality Investments and Hold- may affect the title to said prop- cords, said plat being incorpor- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION sale is not prohibited under the Block D, Forest Cove at as attorney in fact for
ings LLC and Aristos Holdings, erty: All restrictive covenants, ated herein by reference OBTAINED WILL BE USED U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2) Water's Edge, as per plat recor- Sharma T. Cooper
LLC as Attorney in Fact for easements and rights-of-way thereto. FOR THAT PURPOSE. O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; ded in Plat Book 85, Page 81, Maner, Martin &
++WH Ventures, LLC++ appearing of record, if any; all The debt secured by said Deed ++FC21-134/ CASTRO++ and (3) final confirmation and DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Brunavs, LLC
David A. Basil zoning ordinances; matters to Secure Debt has been and is audit of the status of the loan cords, which plat is hereby in- 180 Interstate N Parkway,
301 Bradley Street, which would be disclosed by an hereby declared due because 420-451816 11/11,11/18,11/25 with the holder of the security corporated herein by reference; Suite 200
Suite B-7 accurate survey or by an in- of, among other possible 12/2 deed. and being known as 654 Wat- Atlanta, GA 30339
Carrollton, Georgia 30117 spection of the property; all out- events of default, failure to pay Notice of Sale Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section son Bay, according to the 404.252.6385
(770) 830-8220 standing or unpaid bills and as- the indebtedness as and when Under Power 9-13-172.1, which allows for present system of numbering THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
THIS COMMUNICATION IS sessments for street improve- due and in the manner Georgia, DeKalb County certain procedures regarding property in DeKalb County, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ments, curbing, garbage, water, provided in the Note and Deed Under and by virtue of the the rescission of judicial and Georgia. TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A sewage and public utilities to Secure Debt. The debt re- Power of Sale contained in a non-judicial sales in the State The debt secured by said Deed DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION which may be liens upon said maining in default, this sale will Deed to Secure Debt given by of Georgia, the Deed Under to Secure Debt has been and is OBTAINED WILL BE USED
OBTAINED WILL BE USED property; and any outstanding be made for the purpose of Laurence Shields and Rox- Power and other foreclosure hereby declared due because FOR THAT PURPOSE.
FOR THAT PURPOSE. taxes, assessments and other paying the same and all ex- anne Shields to Mortgage Elec- documents may not be of, among other possible ++MBFC18-176/ COOPER++
420-451812 11/11,11/18,11/25 liens superior to the security penses of this sale, as provided tronic Registration Systems, provided until final confirmation events of default, failure to pay
12/2 deed being foreclosed hereby. in the Deed to Secure Debt and Inc. (MERS) as nominee for and audit of the status of the the indebtedness as and when 420-451818 11/11,11/18,11/25
NOTICE OF SALE To the best knowledge and be- by law, including attorney’s Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mort- loan as provided in the preced- due and in the manner 12/2
UNDER POWER lief of the undersigned, the fees (notice of intent to collect gage Corp., dated February 20, ing paragraph. provided in the Note and Deed NOTICE OF SALE
STATE OF GEORGIA above described property is in attorney’s fees having been 2009, and recorded in Deed Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section to Secure Debt. The debt re- UNDER POWER
FULTON COUNTY the possession of the borrower given). Book 21296, Page 156, DeKalb 44-14-162.2, the entity that has maining in default, this sale will STATE OF GEORGIA,
By virtue of a power of sale and/or other persons with the Said property is commonly County, Georgia records, hav- full authority to negotiate, be made for the purpose of COUNTY OF DEKALB
contained in a certain modifica- consent and acquiescence of known as 3936 Hancock Circle, ing been modified at Deed amend and modify all terms of paying the same and all ex- By virtue of a Power of Sale
tion agreement of note and the borrower. Atlanta, GA 30340, together Book 28031, Page 554, DeKalb the mortgage with the debtor is: penses of this sale, as provided contained in that certain Secur-
deed to secure debt from WH Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14- with all fixtures and personal County, GA records and as last Carrington Mortgage Services, in the Deed to Secure Debt and ity Deed from Terry A Mark to
Ventures, LLC to RPL Manage- 162.2, the name, address and property attached to and consti- transferred to Carrington Mort- LLC by law, including attorney’s Citifinancial Services, Inc.,
ment, LLC and Rheetuparna telephone number of the per- tuting a part of said property. gage Services, LLC by Assign- Attention: Loss Mitigation De- fees (notice of intent to collect dated January 14, 2005 and re-
Pal Mahajan, dated March 17, son or entity who shall have full To the best knowledge and be- ment recorded in Deed Book partment attorney’s fees having been corded on January 18, 2005 in
2018, and recorded in Deed authority to negotiate, amend, lief of the undersigned, the 24977, Page 191, DeKalb 1600 South Douglass Road, given). Deed Book 17020, Page 89, in
Book 26834, Page 251, or modify all terms of the above party (or parties) in possession County, Georgia Records, con- Suite 200-A Said property is commonly the Office of the Clerk of Super-
DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS described mortgage is as fol- of the subject property is (are): veying the after-described Anaheim, CA 92806 known as 654 Watson Bay, ior Court of Dekalb County,
deed records, given to secure a lows: Edgardo Castro, Jr. or tenant or property to secure a Note of 1-800-561-4567 Stone Mountain, GA 30087, to- Georgia, said Security Deed
note in the original amount of RPL Management LLC tenants. even date in the original prin- The foregoing notwithstanding, gether with all fixtures and per- having been given to secure a
Three Hundred Seventy Nine Phone: David Basil at (770) Said property will be sold sub- cipal amount of $356,714.00, nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44- sonal property attached to and Note of even date, in the origin-
Thousand Six Hundred Dollars 830-8220 ject to (a) any outstanding ad with interest at the rate spe- 14-162.2 shall be construed to constituting a part of said prop- al principal amount of Seven-
($379,600.00) with interest on Address: 4045 Five Forks valorem taxes (including taxes cified therein, there will be sold require the secured creditor to erty. To the best knowledge teen Thousand Eight Hundred
the unpaid balance until paid. Trickum Road SW, Ste D17 # which are a lien, but not yet by the undersigned at public negotiate, amend or modify the and belief of the undersigned, Sixty and 74/100 dollars
The following described prop- 108, Lilburn, GA 30047 due and payable), (b) any mat- outcry to the highest bidder for terms of the Deed to Secure the party (or parties) in posses- ($17,860.74) with interest
erty will be sold at public out- The foregoing notwithstanding, ters which might be disclosed cash before the Courthouse Debt described herein. sion of the subject property is thereon as provided therein, as
cry to the highest bidder for nothing in O.C.G.A. § 44-14- by an accurate survey and in- door of DeKalb County, Geor- This sale is conducted on be- (are): Sharma T. Cooper or ten- last transferred to Wilmington
cash at the courthouse door of 162.2 shall be construed to re- spection of the property, and gia, within the legal hours of half of the secured creditor un- ant or tenants. Savings Fund Society, FSB,
DEKALB COUNTY, Georgia, quire RPL Management LLC (c) all matters of record superi- sale on the first Tuesday in der the power of sale granted in Said property will be sold sub- D/B/A Christiana Trust as
within the legal hours of sale on and Rheetuparna Pal Mahajan or to the Deed to Secure Debt December, 2021, to wit: the aforementioned security in- ject to (a) any outstanding ad Trustee for PNPMS Trust III, re-
the first Tuesday in December, to negotiate, amend, or modify first set out above, including, December 7, 2021, the follow- strument, specifically being valorem taxes (including taxes corded in Deed Book 29711,
2021: the terms of the Security Deed but not limited to, assessments, ing described property: Carrington Mortgage Services, which are a lien, but not yet Page 559, aforesaid records,
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- described herein. liens, encumbrances, zoning All that tract or parcel of land ly- LLC due and payable), (b) any mat- will be sold at public outcry to
al principal amount of Seven- owners and party in posses- Said property will be sold on an CORDS. four thousand two hundred and sale is not prohibited under the SOUTH 87 DEGREES 26
teen Thousand Eight Hundred sion of the property are Terry A “as-is” basis without any rep- Said property may more com- 00/100 ($134,200.00), with in- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) MINUTES 08 SECONDS EAST
Sixty and 74/100 dollars Mark and or tenant(s). The sale resentation, warranty or re- monly be known as 1931 Man- terest thereon as set forth to final confirmation and audit A DISTANCE OF 443.91 FEET
($17,860.74) with interest will be conducted subject to 1) course against the above- hattan Parkway, Decatur, GA therein, there will be sold at of the status of the loan with TO A POINT ON THE NORTH-
thereon as provided therein, as confirmation that the sale is not named or the undersigned. The 30035. public outcry to the highest bid- the holder of the security deed. WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY
last transferred to Wilmington prohibited under the U.S. Bank- sale will also be subject to the The debt secured by said Se- der for cash before the court- U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- OF FLAKES MILL ROAD
Page 54
Savings Fund Society, FSB,
D/B/A Christiana Trust as
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
ruptcy code and 2) final con-
firmation and audit of the status
following items which may af-
fect the title: a) zoning ordin-
curity Deed has been and is house door of Dekalb County,
Georgia, within the legal hours
ciation, as Trustee of the Dwell-
ing Series IV Trust as Attorney
hereby declared due because
Trustee for PNPMS Trust III, re- of the loan with the holder of ances; b) matters which would of, among other possible of sale on Tuesday, December in Fact for ++Victor Colson and NORTH RIGHT OF WAY OF
corded in Deed Book 29711, the Security Deed. be disclosed by an accurate events of default, non-payment 7, 2021, the following de- Dorothy Colson.++ MARION ROAD; RUNNING
Page 559, aforesaid records, Wilmington Savings Fund Soci- survey or by an inspection of of the monthly installments on scribed property: Quinn Legal, P.A. THENCE NORTHEASTERLY
will be sold at public outcry to ety, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust the property; c) any outstand- said loan. The debt remaining ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 19321 US Hwy 19 N, Suite 512 ALONG A CURVE TO THE
the highest bidder for cash be- as Trustee For PNPMS Trust III ing ad valorem taxes, including in default, this sale will be CEL OF LAND LYING AND Clearwater, FL 33764 RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF
fore the courthouse door of as Attorney-in-Fact for ++Terry taxes, which constitute liens made for the purpose of pay- BEING IN LAND LOT 212 OF Phone: (727) 474-9603 1,062.61 FEET. A CHORD
Dekalb County, Georgia, or at A Mark++ upon said property whether or ing the same and all expenses THE 15TH DISTRICT OF BEARING OF NORTH 26 DE-
such place as has or may be Contact: Padgett Law Group: not now due and payable; d) of this sale, including attorney’s DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, By Erin M. Rose Quinn GREES 15 MINUTES 45
lawfully designated as an al- 6267 Old Water Oak Road, special assessments; e) the fees (notice of intent to collect BEING IN THE CITY OF AT- Erin M. Rose Quinn, Esq. SECONDS EAST AND A
ternative location, within the Suite 203, Tallahassee, FL right of redemption of any tax- attorney’s fees having been LANTA AND BEING MORE Georgia Bar Number 547833 CHORD DISTANCE OF 296.98
legal hours of sale on the first 32312; (850) 422-2520 ing authority; f) all outstanding given). PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED: 420-451822 11/11,11/18,11/25 FEET AND AN ARC DIS-
Tuesday in December, 2021, bills for public utilities which The individual or entity that has BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN 12/2 TANCE OF 297.92 TO A
all property described in said 420-451819 11/11,11/18,11/25 constitute liens upon said prop- full authority to negotiate, ON THE EASTERN SIDE OF NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POINT; RUNNING THENCE
Security Deed including but not 12/2 erty; g) all restrictive covenants, amend and modify all terms of ROCKYFORD ROAD 400 POWER NORTH 34 DEGREES 17
limited to the following de- NOTICE OF SALE easements, rights-of-way and the loan is NewRez LLC d/b/a FEET NORTHERLY FROM COUNTY OF DEKALB MINUTES AND 45 SECONDS
scribed property: UNDER POWER any other matters of record su- Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing, THE NORTHEAST CORNER STATE OF GEORGIA EAST A DISTANCE OF 101.44
All that tract or parcel of land ly- STATE OF GEORGIA, perior to said Security Deed. To 55 Beattie Place, Suite 100 MS OF ROCKYFORD ROAD AND Under and by virtue of the FEET TO THE POINT OF BE-
ing and being in Land Lot 126 COUNTY OF DEKALB the best of the knowledge and 561, Greenville, SC 29601, 1- LANE'S LANE, AND RUN- power of sale contained in that GINNING SAID TRACT CON-
of the 16th District of DeKalb By virtue of a Power of Sale belief of the undersigned, the 800-365-7107. NING THENCE NORTHERLY certain Deed to Secure Debt TAINING 14.787 ACRES AS
County, Georgia, being known contained in that certain Secur- owners and party in posses- Said property will be sold on an ALONG THE EASTERN SIDE and Security Agreement; As- PER PLAT OF PROPERTY BY
and designated as Lot 12, ity Deed from Carol Joanne sion of the property are Carol “as-is” basis without any rep- OF ROCKYFORD ROAD 50 signment of Leases and Rents BINGHAM ASSOCIATES,
Block B Regal Heights, Phase I Dolfin to The Brand Banking Joanne Dolfin and or tenant(s). resentation, warranty or re- FEET TO AN IRON PIN; RUN- (the “Security Deed”) dated INC., DATED DECEMBER 19,
as per plat recorded in Plat Company, dated December 18, The sale will be conducted sub- course against the above- NING THENCE EASTERLY April 15, 2021 from Rakestraw 1998;
Book 90, Page 143, DeKalb 2014 and recorded on January ject to 1) confirmation that the named or the undersigned. The 200 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; Properties LLC (“Debtor” or LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOL-
County Georgia records which 8, 2015 in Deed Book 24737, sale is not prohibited under the sale will also be subject to the THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY “Grantor”) granting Richard E. LOWING DESCRIBED TRACT
plat is incorporated herein and Page 73, in the Office of the U.S. Bankruptcy code and 2) fi- following items which may af- 50 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; Grodsky, Inc. (“Lender”) a se- OR PARCEL OF LAND:
made a part hereof by refer- Clerk of Superior Court of nal confirmation and audit of fect the title: a) zoning ordin- THENCE WESTERLY 200 curity interest in that certain ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
ence. Dekalb County, Georgia, said the status of the loan with the ances; b) matters which would FEET TO THE EAST SIDE OF real properties known as the CEL OF LAND LYING AND
This conveyance is subject to Security Deed having been giv- holder of the Security Deed. be disclosed by an accurate ROCKYFORD ROAD AND following: 5197 Flakes Mill BEING IN LAND LOT 229 OF
all restrictions and easements en to secure a Note of even Apex Bank as Attorney-in-Fact survey or by an inspection of THE POINT OF BEGINNING, Road, Ellenwood, GA 30294, THE 12TH DISTRICT OF
of record. date, in the original principal for ++Carol Joanne Dolfin++ the property; c) any outstand- BEING IMPROVED PROP- 5215 Flakes Mill Road, Ellen- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
Subject to that certain Security amount of Two Hundred Five Contact: Padgett Law Group: ing ad valorem taxes, including ERTY KNOWN AS 245 ROCK- wood, GA 30294 and 5229 AND BEING MORE PARTICU-
Deed from Terry A. Mark to In- Thousand and 00/100 dollars 6267 Old Water Oak Road, taxes, which constitute liens YFORD ROAD, NE, ACCORD- Flakes Mill Road, Ellenwood, LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL-
finity Mortgage Corporation ($205,000.00) with interest Suite 203, Tallahassee, FL upon said property whether or ING TO THE PRESENT SYS- GA 30294, as more particularly LOWS:
d/b/a Res-Com Financial recor- thereon as provided therein, as 32312; (850) 422-2520 not now due and payable; d) TEM OF NUMBERING described therein (the “Proper- TO FIND THE TRUE POINT
ded on 3/13/03 at Deed Book last transferred to Apex Bank, 420-451820 11/11,11/18,11/25 special assessments; e) the HOUSES IN THE CITY OF AT- ties”) recorded on May 3, 2021, OF BEGINNING, COMMENCE
14324, Page 105, DeKalb recorded in Deed Book 27091, 12/2 right of redemption of any tax- LANTA, GEORGIA. in Deed Book 29328, Page 451 AT A POINT FOUND ON THE
County real property records. Page 312, aforesaid records, NOTICE OF SALE ing authority; f) all outstanding The debt secured by said Se- in the Dekalb County, Georgia NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-
This sale is being conducted will be sold at public outcry to UNDER POWER bills for public utilities which curity Deed has been and is Records (the “Security Deed”) OF-WAY LINE OF FLAKES
subject to the Security Deed re- the highest bidder for cash be- STATE OF GEORGIA, constitute liens upon said prop- hereby declared due because which secures that certain MILL ROAD 365.68 FEET
corded as Book 14324, Page fore the courthouse door of COUNTY OF DEKALB erty; g) all restrictive covenants, of, among other possible promissory note dated April 15, SOUTHWESTERLY FROM
105 in the Office of the Clerk of Dekalb County, Georgia, or at By virtue of a Power of Sale easements, rights-of-way and events of default, failure to pay 2021 from Grantor to Lender in THE INTERSECTION OF SAID
Superior Court of Dekalb such place as has or may be contained in that certain Secur- any other matters of record su- the indebtedness as and when the original principal amount of RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH HE
County on March 13, 2003. lawfully designated as an al- ity Deed from Jackie L. Scott to perior to said Security Deed. To due and in the manner $415,000.00, with interest from EAST LINE OF LAND LOT 229
Said property may more com- ternative location, within the Bank of America, N.A., dated the best of the knowledge and provided in the Note and Se- the date thereof at the rate spe- AS MEASURED ALONG THE
monly be known as 1255 Regal legal hours of sale on the first May 26, 2006 and recorded on belief of the undersigned, the curity Deed. The debt remain- cified therein, as previously or NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF
Height Drive, Lithonia, GA Tuesday in December, 2021, June 16, 2006 in Deed Book owners and party in posses- ing in default, this sale will be subsequently amended, modi- WAY LINE OF FLAKES MILL
30058. all property described in said 18827, Page 497, in the Office sion of the property are Jackie made for the purpose of pay- fied or replaced (“Note”), there ROAD; RUNNING THENCE
The debt secured by said Se- Security Deed including but not of the Clerk of Superior Court of L. Scott and or tenant(s). The ing the same and all expenses will be sold at public outcry by NORTH 72 DEGREES 36
curity Deed has been and is limited to the following de- Dekalb County, Georgia, said sale will be conducted subject of this sale, as provided in Se- Lender as attorney-in-fact of MINUTES 35 SECONDS
hereby declared due because scribed property: Security Deed having been giv- to 1) confirmation that the sale curity Deed and by law, includ- Grantor to the highest bidder WEST A DISTANCE OF
of, among other possible ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- en to secure a Note of even is not prohibited under the U.S. ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- for cash between the legal 365.60 FEET TO A POINT;
events of default, non-payment CEL OF LAND LYING AND date, in the original principal Bankruptcy code and 2) final tent to collect attorney’s fees hours for sale before the Court- THENCE RUNNING NORTH
of the monthly installments on BEING IN LAND LOT NO. 262, a m o u n t o f O n e Hu n d r e d confirmation and audit of the having been given). house door in DeKalb County, 50 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 35
said loan. The debt remaining OF THE 18TH DISTRICT, OF Twenty-Five Thousand and status of the loan with the hold- Your mortgage servicer can be Georgia, on December 7, 2021 SECONDS WEST A DIS-
in default, this sale will be DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, 00/100 dollars ($125,000.00) er of the Security Deed. contacted at 800-603-0836 - the following described land, TANCE OF 111.53 FEET TO A
made for the purpose of pay- BEING LOT NO. 4, BLOCK K, with interest thereon as NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Loss Mitigation Dept., or by improvements and appurten- POINT AND BEING THE TRUE
ing the same and all expenses UNIT V, SECTION I, BRIAR- provided therein, as last trans- Mortgage Servicing as Attor- writing to SN Servicing Corpor- ances (hereinafter collectively POINT OF BEGINNING;
of this sale, including attorney’s IDGE SUBDIVISION, AS PER ferred to NewRez LLC d/b/a ney-in-Fact for ++Jackie L. ation (Servicer), 323 Fifth referred to as the “Premises”) THENCE RUNNING SOUTH-
fees (notice of intent to collect PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing, Scott++ Street, Eureka, CA 95501, to to wit: WESTERLY IN A CURVE
attorney’s fees having been BOOK 59, PAGE 24, DEKALB recorded in Deed Book 28185, Contact: Padgett Law Group: discuss possible alternatives to ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- HAVI NG A CHO RD DIS -
given). COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- Page 370, aforesaid records, 6267 Old Water Oak Road, avoid foreclosure. CEL OF LAND LYING AND TANCE OF 174.76 FEET AND
The individual or entity that has CORDS, AS REVISED AT will be sold at public outcry to Suite 203, Tallahassee, FL Said property will be sold sub- BEING IN LAND LOT 229 OF AN ARC DISTANCE OF 196.83
full authority to negotiate, PLAT BOOK 64, PAGE 115, the highest bidder for cash be- 32312; (850) 422-2520 ject to any outstanding ad THE 12TH DISTRICT OF FEET ON A BEARING OF
amend and modify all terms of DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA fore the courthouse door of valorem taxes (including taxes DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, SOUTH 30 DEGREES 42
the loan is Statebridge Com- RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS Dekalb County, Georgia, or at 420-451821 11/11,11/18,11/25 which are a lien, but not yet AND BEING MORE PARTICU- MINUTES 28 SECONDS EAST
pany, LLC 5680 Greenwood HEREBY ADOPTED AND such place as has or may be 12/2 due and payable), any matters LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- AND A RADIUS OF 132.50
Plaza Blvd. Suite 100S Green- MADE A PART HEREOF BY lawfully designated as an al- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE which might be disclosed by an LOWS: FEET TO A POINT; THENCE
wood Village, CO 80111. REFERENCE THERETO FOR ternative location, within the SALE UNDER POWER accurate survey and inspection BEGINNING AT A POINT LOC- SOUTH 20 DEGREES 32
Said property will be sold on an A MORE COMPLETE DE- legal hours of sale on the first DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA of the property, any assess- ATED ON THE NORTHWEST- MINUTES 33 SECONDS
“as-is” basis without any rep- SCRIPTION OF SAID PROP- Tuesday in December, 2021, THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO ments, liens, encumbrances, ERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF WEST A DISTANCE OF
resentation, warranty or re- ERTY. all property described in said COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- zoning ordinances, restrictions, FLAKES MILL ROAD (60’ 119.89 FEET TO A POINT;
course against the above- Said property may more com- Security Deed including but not FORMATION OBTAINED WILL covenants, and matters of re- RIGHT-OF-WAY) 710.08 FEET THENCE RUNNING NORTH
named or the undersigned. The monly be known as 2827 Liv- limited to the following de- BE USED FOR THAT PUR- cord superior to the Security SOUTHWESTERLY AS MEAS- 75 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 08
sale will also be subject to the sey Court, Tucker, GA 30084. scribed property: POSE. Deed first set out above. URED ALONG SAID RIGHT- SECONDS WEST A DIS-
following items which may af- The debt secured by said Se- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Under and by virtue of the To the best knowledge and be- OF-WAY FROM THE CORNER TANCE OF 284.83 FEET TO A
fect the title: a) zoning ordin- curity Deed has been and is CEL OF LAND LYING AND Power of Sale contained in a lief of the undersigned, the FORMED BY THE INTERSEC- POINT; THENCE RUNNING
ances; b) matters which would hereby declared due because BEING IN LAND LOT 161 OF Security Deed given by Victor party in possession of the prop- TION OF THE NORTHWEST- NORTH 28 DEGREES 01
be disclosed by an accurate of, among other possible THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Colson and Dorothy Colson to erty is Victor Colson; Dorothy ERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF MINUTES 58 SECONDS EAST
survey or by an inspection of events of default, non-payment COUNTY, BEING BUILDING The CIT Group/Consumer Fin- Colson; Cedric Colson or ten- FLAKES MILL ROAD AND A DISTANCE OF 300.00 FEET
the property; c) any outstand- of the monthly installments on NO. 33, UNIT 180, PARK ance, Inc., dated August 1, ant(s); and said property is THE EAST LINE OF LAND TO A POINT; THENCE RUN-
ing ad valorem taxes, including said loan. The debt remaining PLACE, S.F.A., UNIT II, AS 2002, and recorded in Deed more commonly known as 245 LOT 229; RUNNING THENCE NING SOUTH 61 DEGREES
taxes, which constitute liens in default, this sale will be PER PLAT RECORDED TN Book 13512, Page 611, Dekalb Rockyford Road, Atlanta, GA NORTH 60 DEGREES 47 58 MINUTES 02 SECONDS
upon said property whether or made for the purpose of pay- PLAT BOOK 134, PAGES 75- County, Georgia Records, as 30317 a/k/a 245 Rockyford MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 138.06
not now due and payable; d) ing the same and all expenses 76, AND LAST REVISED IN last transferred to U.S. Bank Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30317. WEST A DISTANCE OF FEET TO A POINT AND THE
special assessments; e) the of this sale, including attorney’s PLAT BOOK 158, PAGES 72- Trust National Association, as The sale will be conducted sub- 1,386.20 FEET TO A POINT; TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
right of redemption of any tax- fees (notice of intent to collect 74, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- Trustee of the Dwelling Series ject (1) to confirmation that the RUNNING THENCE SOUTH SAID TRACT CONTAINS
ing authority; f) all outstanding attorney’s fees having been GIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IV Trust by assignment as re- sale is not prohibited under the 18 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 53 1,552 ACRES OF IMPROVED
bills for public utilities which given). IN INCORPORATED HEREIN corded in Deed Book 29232, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) SECONDS EAST A DIS- PROPERTY KNOWN AS 5215
constitute liens upon said prop- The individual or entity that has AND MADE HEREOF BY REF- Page 772 of the Office of the to final confirmation and audit TANCE OF 1,095.18 FEET TO FLAKES MILL ROAD, AC-
erty; g) all restrictive covenants, full authority to negotiate, ERENCE. BEING KNOWN AS Clerk of Superior Court of of the status of the loan with POINT; RUNNING THENCE CORDING TO THE PRESENT
easements, rights-of-way and amend and modify all terms of THE SAME PROPERTY CON- Dekalb County, Georgia Re- the holder of the security deed. NORTH 80 DEGREES 25 SYSTEM OF NUMBERING
any other matters of record su- the loan is Apex Bank, Apex VEYED IN WARRANTY DEED cords, conveying the after-de- U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- MINUTES 43 SECONDS 43 HOUSES IN DEKALB
perior to said Security Deed. To Bank, 430 Montbrook Lane, RECORDED IN DEED BOOK scribed property to secure a ciation, as Trustee of the Dwell- SECONDS EAST A DIS- COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE-
the best of the knowledge and Suite 207-208 Knoxville, TN 15497, PAGE 760, DEKALB Note in the original principal ing Series IV Trust as Attorney TANCE OF 285.19 FEET TO A ING MORE PARTICULARLY
belief of the undersigned, the 37919, Ph. (865) 248-6679. COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- amount of one hundred thirty- in Fact for ++Victor Colson and POINT; RUNNING THENCE SHOWN ON SURVEY PRE-
owners and party in posses- Said property will be sold on an CORDS. four thousand two hundred and Dorothy Colson.++ SOUTH 87 DEGREES 26 PARED BY W.P. BINGHAM,
sion of the property are Terry A “as-is” basis without any rep- Said property may more com- 00/100 ($134,200.00), with in- Quinn Legal, P.A. MINUTES 08 SECONDS EAST GRLS #1151, DATED DECEM-
Mark and or tenant(s). The sale resentation, warranty or re- monly be known as 1931 Man- terest thereon as set forth 19321 US Hwy 19 N, Suite 512 A DISTANCE OF 443.91 FEET BER 19, 1995.
will be conducted subject to 1) course against the above- hattan Parkway, Decatur, GA therein, there will be sold at Clearwater, FL 33764 TO A POINT ON THE NORTH- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5197
confirmation that the sale is not named or the undersigned. The 30035. public outcry to the highest bid- Phone: (727) 474-9603 WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY FLAKES MILL ROAD
prohibited under the U.S. Bank- sale will also be subject to the The debt secured by said Se- der for cash before the court- OF FLAKES MILL ROAD ELLENWOOD, GA 30294
ruptcy code and 2) final con- following items which may af- curity Deed has been and is house door of Dekalb County, By Erin M. Rose Quinn WHICH POINT IS 670 FEET PARCEL ID: 12-229-03-026
firmation and audit of the status fect the title: a) zoning ordin- hereby declared due because Georgia, within the legal hours Erin M. Rose Quinn, Esq. NORTHWEST FROM THE AND
of the loan with the holder of ances; b) matters which would of, among other possible of sale on Tuesday, December Georgia Bar Number 547833 NORTH RIGHT OF WAY OF ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
the Security Deed. be disclosed by an accurate events of default, non-payment 7, 2021, the following de- MARION ROAD; RUNNING CEL OF LAND LYING AND
Wilmington Savings Fund Soci- survey or by an inspection of of the monthly installments on scribed property: THENCE NORTHEASTERLY BEING IN LAND LOT 229 OF
ety, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust the property; c) any outstand- said loan. The debt remaining ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ALONG A CURVE TO THE THE 12TH DISTRICT (RE-
PARED BY W.P. BINGHAM, ATED AT THE INTERSEC- discretion, to reject any and all zoning ordinances, restrictions, of record to the Security Deed. required by the terms of the
GRLS #1151, DATED DECEM- TION OF THE NORTHERLY bids that do not meet its minim- easements, covenants, and Pursuant to O.C.G.A.Section Note. The debt remaining is in
BER 19, 1995. RIGHT-OF-WAY OF MAS- um reserve price. matters of record superior to 44-14-162.2, the name, ad- default and this sale will be
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5197 TERS ROAD (40’ PUBLIC The proceeds of the sale are to the Security Deed first set out dress and telephone number of made for the purposes of pay-
FLAKES MILL ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY) WITH THE be applied first to the ex- above, including, but not ne- the individual or entity who ing the Security Deed, accrued
ELLENWOOD, GA 30294 WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY penses of the sale and all pro- cessarily limited to, senior en- shall have the full authority to interest, and all expenses of

PARCEL ID: 12-229-03-026 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021
OF FLAKES MILL ROAD (60’ ceedings in connection there- cumbrances that will not be ex- negotiate, amend or modify all Page 55
the sale, including attorneys'
AND PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY); with, including attorneys’ fees tinguished by the foreclosure terms of the above described fees. Notice of intention to col-
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- THENCE LEAVI NG SAID (notice of intention to collect at- sale contemplated by this No- 420-451825 11/11,11/18,11/25 mortgage is as follows: Loan- lect attorneys' fees has been
CEL OF LAND LYING AND FLAKES MILL ROAD RIGHT- torneys’ fees having been giv- tice. 12/2 Care LLC, 3637 Sentara Way, given as provided by law. To
BEING IN LAND LOT 229 OF OF-WAY AND CONTINUING en), then to the payment of all Please note that Bay Mountain NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Virginia Beach, VA 23452, 800- the best of the undersigned's
THE 12TH DISTRICT (RE- ALONG SAID NORTHERN sums secured by the Security Fund I, LLC is the entity that POWER 274-6600. The foregoing not- knowledge, the person(s) in
FERRED TO INCORRECTLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF MAS- Deed, and the remainder, if has full authority to negotiate, STATE OF GEORGIA withstanding, nothing in possession of the property is
AS THE 18TH DISTRICT IN TERS ROAD NORTH 87 DE- any, will be paid to the person amend, and modify all terms of COUNTY OF ROCKDALE O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 Slovakia Mike. The property,
SOME PRIOR DOCUMENTS) GREES 54 MINUTES 18 or persons legally entitled the mortgage, and that Bay Under and by virtue of the shall require the secured credit- being commonly known as
OF DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- SECONDS WEST 123.6 7 thereto, all as provided in the Mountain Fund I, LLC can be power of sale contained with or to negotiate, amend or modi- 4519 Mossey Drive, Lithonia,
GIA, AND BEING MORE PAR- FEET TO A SET 5/8” IRON PIN Note and Security Deed. contacted through the follow- that certain Security Deed fy the terms of the mortgage in- GA, 30038 in Dekalb County,
TICULARLY DESCRIBED AS WITH CAP STAMPS The Premises shall be sold as ing representative: dated August 8, 2016, from strument. The sale will be con- will be sold as the property of
FOLLOWS: “RLS 2301”; THENCE LEAV- the property of Grantor, sub- Brendan H. Parnell, Esq. Kerol K. Meade to MORT- ducted subject (1) to confirma- Slovakia Mike, subject to any
TO FIND THE TRUE POINT ING SAID MASTERS ROAD ject to all restrictions, ease- 6000 Lake Forrest Drive, NW GAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- tion that the sale is not prohib- outstanding ad valorem taxes
OF BEGINNING, COMMENCE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND RUN- ments and other matters of re- Suite 300 TRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS ited under U.S. Bankruptcy (including taxes which are a li-
AT A POINT FOUND ON THE NING THE FOLLOWING TWO cord that are prior to the Secur- Atlanta, Georgia 30328 NOMINEE FOR NATIONS code and (2) to final confirma- en and not yet due and pay-
NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF (2) COURSES: 1) NORTH 62 ity Deed and to which the Se- 404-252-1425 LENDING CORPORATION, re- tion and audit of the status of able), any matters affecting title
WAY LINE OF FLAKES MILL DEGREES 15 MINUTES 55 curity Deed is subject and to To the best knowledge and be- corded on August 19, 2016 in the loan with the holder of the to the property which would be
ROAD 865.08 FEET SOUTH- SECONDS EAST 39.01 FEET any unpaid city, county and lief of the undersigned, the Deed Book 5919 at Page 307 Security Deed. Albertelli Law disclosed by accurate survey
WESTERLY FROM THE IN- TO A SET 5/8” IRON PIN WITH state ad valorem taxes or as- Party in possession of the prop- Rockdale County, Georgia re- Attorney for Nations Lending and inspection thereof, and all
TERSECTION OF SAID RIGHT CAP STAMPED “RLS 2301”. 2) sessments relating to the erty is Project 1847 Meadow Ln cords, having been last sold, Corporation, An Ohio Corpora- assessments, liens, encum-
OF WAY WITH THE EAST NORTH 92 DEGREES 12 Premises. LLC and said property is more assigned, transferred and con- tion as Attorney in Fact for Ker- brances, restrictions, coven-
LINE OF LAND LOT 229, AS MINUTES 35 SECONDS The name, address and tele- commonly known as 1847 veyed to Nations Lending Cor- ol K. Meade 100 Galleria Park- ants, and matters of record to
MEASURED ALONG THE WEST 363.34 FEET TO A SET phone number of the individual MEADOW LANE, DECATUR, poration, An Ohio Corporation way, Suite 960 Atlanta, GA the Security Deed. Pursuant to
NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF 5/8” IRON PIN WITH CAMP or entity who has full authority GEORGIA 30032. However, by Assignment and said Secur- 30339 Phone: (770) 373-4242 O.C.G.A.Section 44-14-162.2,
WAY LINE OF FLAKES MILL STAMPED “RLS 2301”; to negotiate, amend and modi- please rely only on the legal ity Deed having been given to By: Cory P. Sims For the Firm the name, address and tele-
ROAD; RUNNING THENCE THENCE RUN NORTH 87 DE- fy all terms of the mortgage description contained in this no- secure a note dated August 8, THIS FIRM IS ACTING AS A phone number of the individual
NORTH 72 DEGREES 36 GREES 58 MINUTES 37 with the debtors is: tice for the location of the prop- 2016, in the amount of DEBT COLLECTOR AT- or entity who shall have the full
MINUTES 35 SECONDS SECONDS EAST 239.81 FEET Richard E. Grodsky, Inc. erty. The undersigned re- $296,016.00, and said Note be- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A authority to negotiate, amend
WEST A DISTANCE OF TO A FOUND 5/8” IRON PIN c/o Richard Grodsky serves the right to sell the prop- ing in default, the undersigned DEBT. ANY INFORMATION or modify all terms of the above
365.60 FEET TO A POINT; OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT- PO Box 4208 erty, or any part thereof, togeth- will sell at public outcry during OBTAINED WILL BE USED described mortgage is as fol-
THENCE RUNNING NORTH OF-WAY OF FLAKES MILL Gaithersburg, MD 20885 er in its entirety or in one or the legal hours of sale before FOR THAT PURPOSE. - 18- lows: Nationstar Mortgage LLC
50 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 35 ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID 301-921-4101 more parcels as determined by the door of the courthouse of 030482 ++A-4735903 /Meade d/b/a Mr. Cooper, 350 High-
SECONDS WEST A DIS- WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF Nothing herein, however, shall the undersigned in its sole dis- Rockdale County, Georgia, on ++ 11/11/2021, 11/18/2021, land Dr, Lewisville, TX 75067,
TANCE OF 111.53 FEET TO A FLAKES MILL ROAD THE obligate Lender to negotiate, cretion. December 7, 2021 the follow- 11/25/2021, 12/02/2021 (877) 450-8638. The foregoing
POINT; FOLLOWING THREE (3) amend or modify the terms of Bay Mountain Fund I, LLC ing described real property notwithstanding, nothing in
AND BEING THE TRUE POINT COURSES: 1) SOUTH 12 DE- the mortgage or loan. Attorney in Fact for Project (hereinafter referred to as the 420-451826 11/11,11/18,11/25 O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2
OF BEGINNING; THENCE GREES 05 MINUTES 39 To the best of the 1847 Meadow Ln LLC "Property"): ALL THAT TRACT 12/2 shall require the secured credit-
RUNNING SOUTHWEST- SECONDS WEST 255.9 4 undersigned’s knowledge and Brendan H. Parnell, Esq. OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING STATE OF GEORGIA or to negotiate, amend or modi-
ERLY IN A CURVE HAVING A FEET TO A SET 5/8” IRON PIN belief, the owner of the Quirk & Quirk, LLC AND BEING IN LAND LOTS COUNTY OF DEKALB fy the terms of the mortgage in-
CHORD DISTANCE OF 174.75 WITH CAP STAMPED “RLS Premises is the Grantor and 300 Century Springs West 215 AND 216 OF THE 11TH NOTICE OF SALE UNDER strument. The sale will be con-
FEET AND AN ARC DIS- 2301”, 2) WITH A CURVE TO the party or parties in posses- 6000 Lake Forrest Drive, NW DISTRICT OF ROCKDALE POWER ducted subject (1) to confirma-
TANCE OF 190.83 FEET ON A THE RIGHT HAVING AN ARC sion of the Premises are the Atlanta, Georgia 30328 AND DEKALB COUNTY, Under and by virtue of the tion that the sale is not prohib-
BEARING OF SOUTH 20 DE- LENGTH OF 129.60 FEET, A Grantor or tenants of the Grant- (404) 252-1425 GEORGIA, BEING LOT 8 OF power of sale contained with ited under U.S. Bankruptcy
GREES 42 MINUTES 28 RADIUS OF 971.82 FEET, A or. KILMER FOREST SUBDIVI- that certain Security Deed code and (2) to final confirma-
SECONDS EAST AND A RA- CHORD LENGTH OF 129.51 Richard E. Grodsky, Inc. SION, AS PER PLAT RECOR- dated August 26, 2005, from tion and audit of the status of
DIUS OF 132.50 FEET TO A FEET AND BEARING OF As Attorney-in-Fact for DED IN PLAT BOOK U, PAGE Slovakia Mike to Mortgage the loan with the holder of the
POINT; THENCE SOUTH 20 SOUTH 15 DEGREES 54 ++Rakestraw Properties LLC++ 31, ROCKDALE COUNTY, Electronic Registration Sys- Security Deed. Albertelli Law
DEGREES 32 MINUTES 23 MINUTES 19 SECONDS Beth E. Rogers, Esq. EXHIBIT “A” GEORGIA RECORDS; AS RE- tems, Inc., solely as nominee Attorney for THE BANK OF
TANCE OF 119.59 FEET TO A PIN WITH CAP STAMPED 9040 Roswell Rd., Ste. 205 PAGE 141, ROCKDALE Inc., recorded on September 1, THE BANK OF NEW YORK as
POINT; THENCE RUNNING “RLS 2301”, 3) SOUTH 19 DE- Atlanta, GA 30350 ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- 2005 in Deed Book 17842 at successor in interest to JP Mor-
NORTH 75 DEGREES 24 GREES 43 MINUTES 09 (770) 685-6320 phone CEL OF LAND LYING AND CORDS AND RECORDED IN Page 758 Dekalb County, gan Chase Bank, N.A. as Trust-
MINUTES 05 SECONDS SECONDS WEST 42.92 FEET (678) 990-9959 fax BEING IN LAND LOT 168 OF PLAT BOOK 84, PAGE 124, Georgia records, having been ee for Bear Stearns ALT-A
WEST A DISTANCE OF TO A SET 5.8” IRON PIN WITH 420-451823 11/11,11/18,11/25 THE 15TH DISTRICT OF DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA last sold, assigned, transferred Trust, Mortgage Pass-Through
284.83 FEET TO A POINT; CAP STAMPED “RLS 2301” AT 12/2 DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, RECORDS, WHICH PLATS and conveyed to The Bank Of Certificates Series 2005-9 as
TANCE OF 300.00 FEET TO A THE SAID NORTHERN POWER DED IN PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE APN: 11-216-01-002 (DEKALB Chase Bank, N.A. as Trustee Phone: (770) 373-4242 By:
POINT; THENCE RUNNING RIGHT-OF-WAY OF MAS- By virtue of the power of sale 4, DEKALB COUNTY RE- COUNTY) APN: 0130010040 for Bear Stearns ALT-A Trust, Cory P. Sims For the Firm THIS
MINUTES 02 SECONDS EAST OF BEGINNING CONTAINED ity Deed from ++Project 1847 PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED debt secured by the Security tificates Series 2005-9by As- COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING
A DISTANCE OF 130.06 FEET 75,760 SQUARE FEET, 1.739 Meadow Ln LLC++ to Bay AS FOLLOWS: Deed and evidenced by the signment and said Security TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY
TO A POINT AND THE TRUE ACRES, MORE OR LESS Mountain Fund I, LLC, recor- BEGINNING AT A POINT ON Note and has been, and is Deed having been given to se- INFORMATION OBTAINED
POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID TAX ID: 12-229-03-093 ded at Deed Book 27891, Page THE WEST SIDE OF MEAD- hereby, declared due and pay- cure a note dated August 26, WILL BE USED FOR THAT
TRACT CONTAINS 1.552 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5229 686, DeKalb County, Georgia OW LANE 282 FEET SOUTH able because of, among other 2005, in the amount of PURPOSE . - 20-003498 ++A-
ACRES OF IMPROVED FLAKES MILL ROAD Records (hereinafter referred to OF THE INTERSECTION OF possible events of default, fail- $430,400.00, and said Note be- 4736718/ Slovakia Mike ++
PROPERTY KNOWN AS 5215 The indebtedness evidenced as “Security Deed”), there will THE WEST SIDE OF MEAD- ure to make the payments as ing in default, the undersigned 11/11/2021, 11/18/2021,
FLAKES MILL ROAD AC- by the Note is due and payable be sold by the undersigned at OW LANE AND THE SOUTH required by the terms of the will sell at public outcry during 11/25/2021, 12/02/2021
CORDING TO THE PRESENT and remains unpaid. The Se- public outcry to the highest bid- SIDE OF GLENWOOD AVEN- Note. The debt remaining is in the legal hours of sale before 420-451827 11/11,11/18,11/25
SYSTEM OF NUMBERING curity Deed therefore has be- der for cash before the Court- UE, RUNNING THENCE default and this sale will be the door of the courthouse of 12/2
HOUSES IN DEKALB come and is now foreclosable house at DeKalb County, Geor- SOUTH ALONG THE WEST made for the purposes of pay- Dekalb County, Georgia, on STATE OF GEORGIA
COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- according to its terms. Accord- gia, within the legal hours of SIDE OF MEADOW LANE 65 ing the Security Deed, accrued December 7, 2021 the follow- COUNTY OF DEKALB
ING MORE PARTICULARLY ingly, the Premises will be sold sale on Tuesday, December 7, FEET TO A POINT, RUNNING interest, and all expenses of ing described real property NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
SHOWN ON A SURVEY PRE- at public outcry pursuant to the 2021, the property described THENCE WEST 170 FEET TO the sale, including attorneys' (hereinafter referred to as the POWER
PARED BY W.P. BINGHAM, terms of the power of sale on Exhibit “A” attached hereto A POINT, THENCE NORTH 65 fees. Notice of intention to col- "Property"): ALL THAT TRACT Under and by virtue of the
GRLS #1151, DATED DECEM- provided in the Security Deed. and incorporated herein by ref- FEET TO A POINT, AND lect attorneys' fees has been OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING power of sale contained with
BER 19, 1995. The Debtor has been notified of erence. The debts secured by THENCE 170 FEET EAST TO given as provided by law. To AND BEING IN LAND LOT 31 that certain Security Deed
the same, pursuant to O.C.G.A. said Security Deed have been THE WEST SIDE OF MEAD- the best of the undersigned's OF THE 15TH DISTRICT OF dated November 22, 2016,
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5215 § 44-14-162.2. and are hereby declared due OW LANE AND THE POINT knowledge, the person(s) in DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, from Charles Robinson a/k/a
FLAKES MILL ROAD The Premises will be sold on and payable because of, OF BEGINNING, BEING IM- possession of the property is BEING LOT 4, BLOCK A OF Charlie Robinson, deceased to
ELLENWOOD, GA 30294 an “as is, where is” basis among other possible events of PROVED PROPERTY KNOW Kerol K. Meade. The property, DOGWOOD COVE SUBDIVI- Mortgage Electronic Registra-
without recourse against default, failure to make pay- AS 1847 MEADOW LANE, being commonly known as SION ACCORDING TO PLAT tion Systems, Inc., as nominee
PARCEL ID: 12-229-03-018 Lender or its auctioneer or oth- ments. The debts remaining in DECATUR, DEKALB COUNTY, 2660 Westwood Dr Sw , Con- RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK for Franklin First Financial, Ltd,
er agents and without repres- default, this sale will be made GEORGIA 30032. yers, GA, 30094 in Rockdale 147, PAGES 3 AND 4, recorded on December 1, 2016
AND entation or warranty of any kind for the purpose of paying the Parcel ID: 15 168 01 031 County, will be sold as the DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA in Deed Book 25941 at Page
or nature whatsoever by same and all expenses of this property of Kerol K. Meade, RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS 711 Dekalb County, Georgia
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Lender or its auctioneer or oth- sale, including attorneys’ fees. subject to any outstanding ad INCORPORATED HEREIN records, having been last sold,
CEL OF LAND LYING AND er agents with respect thereto. Said property will be sold sub- valorem taxes (including taxes AND MADE A PART HEREOF assigned, transferred and con-
BEING IN LAND LOT 229 OF All persons attending the sale ject to any outstanding ad which are a lien and not yet BY REFERENCE THERETO. veyed to Finance of America
THE 12TH DISTRICT, DEKALB will be given an opportunity to valorem taxes (including taxes due and payable), any matters The debt secured by the Secur- Reverse LLC by Assignment
COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- bid on a competitive basis. which are a lien, but not yet affecting title to the property ity Deed and evidenced by the and said Security Deed having
ING MORE PARTICULARLY Lender may offer the Property due and payable), any matters which would be disclosed by Note and has been, and is been given to secure a note
DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: for sale, may adjourn and with- which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection hereby, declared due and pay- dated November 22, 2016, in
BEGINNING AT A SET 5/8TH draw the sale and recom- accurate survey and inspection thereof, and all assessments, li- able because of, among other the amount of $366,000.00,
IRON PIN WITH CAP mence the sale in its discretion. of the property, any assess- ens, encumbrances, restric- possible events of default, fail- and said Note being in default,
STAMPED “RLS 2301” LOC- Lender reserves the right, in its ments, liens, encumbrances, tions, covenants, and matters ure to make the payments as the undersigned will sell at pub-
ATED AT THE INTERSEC- discretion, to reject any and all zoning ordinances, restrictions, of record to the Security Deed. required by the terms of the lic outcry during the legal hours
TION OF THE NORTHERLY bids that do not meet its minim- easements, covenants, and Pursuant to O.C.G.A.Section Note. The debt remaining is in of sale before the door of the
RIGHT-OF-WAY OF MAS- um reserve price. matters of record superior to 44-14-162.2, the name, ad- default and this sale will be courthouse of Dekalb County,
TERS ROAD (40’ PUBLIC The proceeds of the sale are to the Security Deed first set out dress and telephone number of made for the purposes of pay- Georgia, on December 07,
RIGHT-OF-WAY) WITH THE be applied first to the ex- above, including, but not ne- the individual or entity who ing the Security Deed, accrued 2021 the following described
WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY penses of the sale and all pro- cessarily limited to, senior en- shall have the full authority to interest, and all expenses of real property (hereinafter re-
OF FLAKES MILL ROAD (60’ ceedings in connection there- cumbrances that will not be ex- negotiate, amend or modify all the sale, including attorneys' ferred to as the "Property"):
PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY); with, including attorneys’ fees tinguished by the foreclosure terms of the above described fees. Notice of intention to col- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
THENCE LEAVING SAID (notice of intention to collect at- sale contemplated by this No- mortgage is as follows: Loan- lect attorneys' fees has been CEL OF LAND LYING AND
FLAKES MILL ROAD RIGHT- torneys’ fees having been giv- tice. Care LLC, 3637 Sentara Way, given as provided by law. To BEING IN LAND LOT 179 OF
OF-WAY AND CONTINUING en), then to the payment of all Please note that Bay Mountain Virginia Beach, VA 23452, 800- the best of the undersigned's THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
ALONG SAID NORTHERN sums secured by the Security Fund I, LLC is the entity that 274-6600. The foregoing not- knowledge, the person(s) in COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
lic outcry during the legal hours mortgage is as follows: Special- AND AM ENDMENTS EX- and conveyed to Finance of of the status of the loan with
of sale before the door of the ized Loan Servicing, LLC, 8742 ECUTED THERETO, ARE America Reverse LLC by As- the holder of the security deed.
courthouse of Dekalb County, Lucent Blvd Suite 300, High- HEREBY INCORPORATED signment and said Security Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
Georgia, on December 07, lands Ranch, CO 80129, 720- HEREIN BY REFERENCE Deed having been given to se- 9-13-172.1, which allows for
2021 the following described 241-7251. The foregoing not- AND MADE A PART OF THE cure a note dated December certain procedures regarding
real property (hereinafter re- withstanding, nothing in DESCRIPTION OF THE 31, 2013, in the amount of the rescission of judicial and
Page 56
ferred to as the "Property"): The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2
shall require the secured credit-
PROPERTY DESCRIBED $142,500.00, and said Note be- non-judicial sales in the State
of Georgia, the Deed Under
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- HEREBY. The debt secured by ing in default, the undersigned
CEL OF LAND LYING AND 420-451828 11/11,11/18,11/25 or to negotiate, amend or modi- the Security Deed and evid- will sell at public outcry during 420-451831 11/11,11/18,11/25 Power and other foreclosure
BEING IN LAND LOT 179 OF 12/2 fy the terms of the mortgage in- enced by the Note and has the legal hours of sale before 12/2 documents may not be
THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB STATE OF GEORGIA strument. The sale will be con- been, and is hereby, declared the door of the courthouse of NOTICE OF SALE UNDER provided until final confirmation
COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING COUNTY OF DEKALB ducted subject (1) to confirma- due and payable because of, Dekalb County, Georgia, on POWER and audit of the status of the
LOT 6, BLOCK D, PARKVIEW NOTICE OF SALE UNDER tion that the sale is not prohib- among other possible events of December 7, 2021 the follow- Under and by virtue of the loan as provided immediately
SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT POWER ited under U.S. Bankruptcy default, failure to make the pay- ing described real property Power of Sale contained in a above.
RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Under and by virtue of the code and (2) to final confirma- ments as required by the terms (hereinafter referred to as the Security Deed from Agape Ac- The entity that has full author-
12, PAGE 29, DEKALB power of sale contained with tion and audit of the status of of the Note. The debt remain- "Property"): ALL THAT TRACT quisitions 2.0 LLLP to Sher- ity to negotiate, amend, and
COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- that certain Security Deed the loan with the holder of the ing is in default and this sale OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING man Bridge Alt Fund, LP, dated modify all terms of the mort-
CORDS, WHICH RECORDED dated November 21, 2006, Security Deed. Albertelli Law will be made for the purposes AND BEING IN LAND LOT 256 July 15, 2019, and recorded on gage with the debtor is: Chon-
PLAT IS INCORPORATED from Henry Higgins to Mort- Attorney for The Bank of New of paying the Security Deed, OF THE 15TH DISTRICT OF July 19, 2019, in Book 27677, drite REO (7), Inc., C/O SHER-
HEREIN BY THIS REFER- gage Electronic Registration York Mellon FKA The Bank of accrued interest, and all ex- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, Page 78, of the DeKalb County, MAN BRIDGE ALT FUND, LP
ENCE AND MADE A PART OF Systems, Inc., as nominee for New York, as Trustee for the penses of the sale, including at- BEING LOT 2 BLOCK B OF Georgia Records; as last as- 4600 Fuller Drive, Suite 200,
THIS DESCRIPTION. SAID Foundation Financial Group, certificate holders of the torneys' fees. Notice of inten- ELAM FOREST SUBDIVISION, signed to Chondrite REO (7), Irving, TX 75038, 1-866-912-
PROPERTY BEING KNOWN recorded on December 20, CWABS, Inc., Asset- Backed tion to collect attorneys' fees AS PER PLAT THEREOF RE- Inc. (Secured Creditor); con- 0622. Please understand that
AS 387 S. HOWARD STREET, 2006 in Deed Book 19492 at Certificates, Series 2007-1 as has been given as provided by CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 60, veying the after-described the secured creditor is not re-
SE ACCORDING TO THE Page 493 Dekalb County, Attorney in Fact for Henry Hig- law. To the best of the under- PAGE 58, DEKALB COUNTY, property to secure a Note in the quired to negotiate, amend, or
PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- Georgia records, having been gins 100 Galleria Parkway, signed's knowledge, the per- GEORGIA, RECORDS, original principal amount of modify the terms of the mort-
BERING PROPERTY IN last sold, assigned, transferred Suite 960 Atlanta, GA 30339 son(s) in possession of the WHICH PLAT IS INCORPOR- $255,000.00 with interest there- gage instrument.
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. and conveyed to The Bank of Phone: (770) 373-4242 By: property is Phillip Alan Bashaw. ATED HEREIN AND MADE A on as set forth therein, there To the best of the
The debt secured by the Secur- New York Mellon FKA The Cory P. Sims For the Firm THIS The property, being commonly PART HEREOF BY REFER- will be sold at public outcry to undersigned's knowledge and
ity Deed and evidenced by the Bank of New York, as Trustee FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT known as 564 Goldsboro Rd ENCE FOR A MORE DE- the highest bidder for cash be- belief, said property is also
Note and has been, and is for the certificate holders of the COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING Ne B , Atlanta, GA, 30307 in TAILED DESCRIPTION. The fore the courthouse door of known as 2453 McAfee Road,
hereby, declared due and pay- CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Dekalb County, will be sold as debt secured by the Security DeKalb County, Georgia, with- Decatur, GA 30032, and the
able because of, among other Certificates, Series 2007-1by INFORMATION OBTAINED the property of Phillip Alan Deed and evidenced by the in the legal hours of sale on the party in possession of the prop-
possible events of default, fail- Assignment and said Security WILL BE USED FOR THAT Bashaw, subject to any out- Note and has been, and is first TUESDAY in December, erty is/are Agape Acquisitions
ure to make the payments as Deed having been given to se- PURPOSE. - 21-005794 ++A- standing ad valorem taxes (in- hereby, declared due and pay- 2021, the following described 2.0 LLLP or a tenant or tenants
required by the terms of the cure a note dated November 4736341 /Higgins++ cluding taxes which are a lien able because of, among other property: of said property.
Note. The debt remaining is in 21, 2006, in the amount of 11/11/2021, 11/18/2021, and not yet due and payable), possible events of default, fail- All that tract or parcel of land ly- Chondrite REO (7), Inc.
default and this sale will be $502,400.00, and said Note be- 11/25/2021, 12/02/2021 any matters affecting title to the ure to make the payments as ing and being in Land Lot No. As Attorney-in-Fact for
made for the purposes of pay- ing in default, the undersigned 420-451829 11/11,11/18,11/25 property which would be dis- required by the terms of the 151, of the 15th District, of ++Agape Acquisitions 2.0
ing the Security Deed, accrued will sell at public outcry during 12/2 closed by accurate survey and Note. The debt remaining is in DeKalb County, Georgia, said LLLP++
interest, and all expenses of the legal hours of sale before STATE OF GEORGIA inspection thereof, and all as- default and this sale will be property being improved prop- SOLOMON | BAGGETT, LLC
the sale, including attorneys' the door of the courthouse of COUNTY OF DEKALB sessments, liens, encum- made for the purposes of pay- erty now or formerly known as 3763 Rogers Bridge Road
fees. Notice of intention to col- Dekalb County, Georgia, on NOTICE OF SALE UNDER brances, restrictions, coven- ing the Security Deed, accrued 2453 McAfee Road, according Duluth, GA 30097
lect attorneys' fees has been December 7, 2021 the follow- POWER ants, and matters of record to interest, and all expenses of to the present system of num- (678) 243-2512
given as provided by law. To ing described real property Under and by virtue of the the Security Deed. Pursuant to the sale, including attorneys' bering in DeKalb County, Geor- THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS
the best of the undersigned's (hereinafter referred to as the power of sale contained with O.C.G.A.Section 44-14-162.2, fees. Notice of intention to col- gia, and being more particu- A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
knowledge, the person(s) in "Property"): ALL THAT TRACT that certain Security Deed the name, address and tele- lect attorneys' fees has been larly described a follows: Begin- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
possession of the property is OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING dated March 25, 2016, from phone number of the individual given as provided by law. To ning at a point on the south DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
Charles Robinson a/k/a Charlie AND BEING IN LAND LOT 31 Phillip Alan Bashaw to Mort- or entity who shall have the full the best of the undersigned's side of McAfee Road, a dis- OBTAINED WILL BE USED
Robinson, deceased. The prop- OF THE 15TH DISTRICT, gage Electronic Registration authority to negotiate, amend knowledge, the person(s) in tance of 1,261.6 feet west of FOR THAT PURPOSE.
erty, being commonly known as DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Systems, Inc., as nominee for or modify all terms of the above possession of the property is the southwest corner of McAfee Publish: 11/11/21, 11/18/21,
387 S Howard Street Se, At- BEING LOT 9, BLOCK C OF Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group described mortgage is as fol- Brenda Mclean. The property, Road and Windy Hill Road 11/25/21, 12/2/21
lanta, GA, 30317 in Dekalb DOGWOOD COVE, ACCORD- LLC, recorded on March 29, lows: LoanCare LLC, 3637 being commonly known as (formerly Tilson Road); running
County, will be sold as the ING TO PLAT RECORDED IN 2016 in Deed Book 25468 at Sentara Way, Virginia Beach, 4724 Elam Forest Drive, Stone thence west, along the south 420-451832 11/11,11/18,11/25
property of Charles Robinson PLAT BOOK 147, PAGES 3-4, Page 411 Dekalb County, VA 23452, 800-274-6600. The Mountain, GA, 30083 in Dekalb side of McAfee Road, a dis- 12/2
a/k/a Charlie Robinson, de- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Georgia records, having been foregoing notwithstanding, County, will be sold as the tance of 100.3 feet to a point; NOTICE OF SALE
ceased, subject to any out- RECORDS WHICH PLAT IS last sold, assigned, transferred nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 44- property of Brenda Mclean, running thence south a dis- STATE OF GEORGIA
standing ad valorem taxes (in- INCORPORATED HEREIN and conveyed to Atlantic Bay 14-162.2 shall require the se- subject to any outstanding ad tance of 917.4 feet to a point; DEKALB COUNTY
cluding taxes which are a lien FOR A MORE ACCURATE Mortgage Group, LLC by As- cured creditor to negotiate, valorem taxes (including taxes running thence northeasterly a By virtue of a Power of Sale
and not yet due and payable), AND COMPLETE DESCRIP- signment and said Security amend or modify the terms of which are a lien and not yet distance of 110.7 feet to a contained in the Security Deed
any matters affecting title to the TION. The debt secured by the Deed having been given to se- the mortgage instrument. The due and payable), any matters point; running thence north from CIC Holdings Group Inc.
property which would be dis- Security Deed and evidenced cure a note dated March 25, sale will be conducted subject affecting title to the property 900.5 feet to the south side of to RLO Holding, LLC dated
closed by accurate survey and by the Note and has been, and 2016, in the amount of (1) to confirmation that the sale which would be disclosed by McAfee Road and the point of September 5, 2018, recorded
inspection thereof, and all as- is hereby, declared due and $133,860.00, and said Note be- is not prohibited under U.S. accurate survey and inspection beginning. September 18, 2018 in Deed
sessments, liens, encum- payable because of, among ing in default, the undersigned Bankruptcy code and (2) to fi- thereof, and all assessments, li- The indebtedness secured by Book 27149, Page 3, DeKalb
brances, restrictions, coven- other possible events of de- will sell at public outcry during nal confirmation and audit of ens, encumbrances, restric- said Security Deed has been County, Georgia records; giv-
ants, and matters of record to fault, failure to make the pay- the legal hours of sale before the status of the loan with the tions, covenants, and matters and is hereby declared due and en to secure the guaranty of a
the Security Deed. Pursuant to ments as required by the terms the door of the courthouse of holder of the Security Deed. Al- of record to the Security Deed. payable because of, among Note from CIC Holdings Group
O.C.G.A.Section 44-14-162.2, of the Note. The debt remain- Dekalb County, Georgia, on bertelli Law Attorney for At- Pursuant to O.C.G.A.Section other possible events of de- Inc., Carmen Colquitt and Mryle
the name, address and tele- ing is in default and this sale December 7, 2021 the follow- lantic Bay Mortgage Group,LLC 44-14-162.2, the name, ad- fault, non-payment of the Sims to RLO Holding, LLC,
phone number of the individual will be made for the purposes ing described real property as Attorney in Fact for Phillip dress and telephone number of monthly installments as re- dated September 5, 2018 in the
or entity who shall have the full of paying the Security Deed, (hereinafter referred to as the AlanBashaw 100 Galleria Park- the individual or entity who quired by said Note and Secur- original principal amount of
authority to negotiate, amend accrued interest, and all ex- "Property"): ALL THAT TRACT way, Suite 960 Atlanta, GA shall have the full authority to ity Deed. The debt remaining in One Hundred Twenty Thou-
or modify all terms of the above penses of the sale, including at- OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING 30339 Phone: (770) 373-4242 negotiate, amend or modify all default, this sale will be made sand and No/100
described mortgage is as fol- torneys' fees. Notice of inten- AND BEING IN LAND LOT 240 By: Cory P. Sims For the Firm terms of the above described for the purpose of paying the ($120,000.00) Dollars with in-
lows: Compu-Link Corporation, tion to collect attorneys' fees 0F THE 15TH DISTRICT OF THIS FIRM IS ACTING AS A mortgage is as follows: Compu- same and all expenses of this terest as provided therein on
d/b/a Celink, 2900 Esperanza has been given as provided by DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, DEBT COLLECTOR AT- Link Corporation, d/b/a Celink, sale, as provided in the Secur- the unpaid balance until paid;
Crossing, Austin, TX 78758, law. To the best of the under- BEING MORE PARTICU- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A 2900 Esperanza Crossing, Aus- ity Deed and by law, including there will be sold at public out-
512-691-1699. The foregoing signed's knowledge, the per- LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION tin, TX 78758, 512-691-1699. attorney's fees (notice of intent cry to the highest and the best
notwithstanding, nothing in son(s) in possession of the LOWS: THAT CERTAIN CON- OBTAINED WILL BE USED The foregoing notwithstanding, to collect attorney’s fees hav- bidder for cash before the
O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 property is Henry Higgins. The DOMINIUM UNIT NUMBER FOR THAT PURPOSE. - 19- nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 44- ing been given) and all other Courthouse door of DeKalb
shall require the secured credit- property, being commonly 564-B, AND RIGHTS APPUR- 003250 ++BASHAW/ A- 14-162.2 shall require the se- payments provided for under County, Georgia, within the leg-
or to negotiate, amend or modi- known as 4520 Mossey Dr, TANT THERETO AS DE- 4735836++ 11/11/2021, cured creditor to negotiate, the terms of the Security Deed al hours of sale on the first
fy the terms of the mortgage in- Lithonia, GA, 30038 in Dekalb SCRIBED IN THAT CERTAIN 11/18/2021, 11/25/2021, amend or modify the terms of and Note. Tuesday in December, 2021,
strument. The sale will be con- County, will be sold as the DECLARATION OF CON- 12/02/2021 the mortgage instrument. The Said property will be sold sub- the following described prop-
ducted subject (1) to confirma- property of Henry Higgins, sub- DOMINIUM FOR CANDLER 420-451830 11/11,11/18,11/25 sale will be conducted subject ject to any outstanding ad erty:
tion that the sale is not prohib- ject to any outstanding ad PARKSIDE CONDOMINIUM, A 12/2 (1) to confirmation that the sale valorem taxes (including taxes ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT
ited under U.S. Bankruptcy valorem taxes (including taxes CONDOMINIUM, RECORDED STATE OF GEORGIA is not prohibited under U.S. which are a lien, but not yet OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING
code and (2) to final confirma- which are a lien and not yet IN DEED BOOK 11973, PAGE COUNTY OF DEKALB Bankruptcy code and (2) to fi- due and payable), any matters AND BEING IN LAND LOT 163
tion and audit of the status of due and payable), any matters 4, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER nal confirmation and audit of which might be disclosed by an OF THE 15TH DISTRICT OF
the loan with the holder of the affecting title to the property GIA RECORDS, AND AS DE- POWER the status of the loan with the accurate survey and inspection DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
Security Deed. Albertelli Law which would be disclosed by PICTED BY THAT CERTAIN Under and by virtue of the holder of the Security Deed. Al- of the property, any assess- BEING MORE PARTICU-
Attorney for Finance of Amer- accurate survey and inspection PLAT RECORDED IN CON- power of sale contained with bertelli Law Attorney for Fin- ments or easements, liens, LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL-
ica Reverse LLC as Attorney in thereof, and all assessments, li- DOMINIUM PLAT BOOK 119, that certain Security Deed ance of America Reverse LLC zoning ordinances, restrictions, LOWS:
Fact for Charles Robinson a/k/a ens, encumbrances, restric- PAGE 53, AFORESAID RE- dated December 31, 2013, as Attorney in F act for Brenda covenants, and any security BEGINNING AT A 1/2 INCH
Charlie Robinson, deceased tions, covenants, and matters CORDS, AND IN ACCORD- from Brenda Mclean to Mort- Mclean 100 Galleria Parkway, deeds, mortgages or deeds of REBAR SET ON THE EAST-
100 Galleria Parkway, Suite of record to the Security Deed. ANCE WITH FLOOR PLANS gage Electronic Registration Suite 960 Atlanta, GA 30339 trust or any matters of record ERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE
960 Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: Pursuant to O.C.G.A.Section FOUND IN CONDOMINIUM Systems, Inc., as nominee for Phone: (770) 373-4242 By: superior to the Security Deed OF SELWYN DRIVE (A 6O-
(770) 373-4242 By: Cory P. 44-14-162.2, the name, ad- PLAT BOOK 119, PAGES 54- Proficio Mortgage Ventures, Cory P. Sims For the Firm THIS first set out above. FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY) 150.0
Sims For the Firm THIS FIRM dress and telephone number of 60, AFORESAID RECORDS, LLC, recorded on January 10, FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT The sale will be conducted sub- FEET SOUTHERLY AS MEAS-
IS ACTING AS A DEBT COL- the individual or entity who AS PROVIDED BY SAID DE- 2014 in Deed Book 24211 at COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING ject (1) to confirmation that the URED ALONG THE EAST-
LECTOR ATTEMPTING TO shall have the full authority to CLARATION, WHICH DE- Page 793 Dekalb County, TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY sale is not prohibited under the ERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF
COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- negotiate, amend or modify all CLARATION, PLAT, PLAN Georgia records, having been INFORMATION OBTAINED U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) SELWYN DRIVE FROM ITS
FORMATION OBTAINED WILL terms of the above described AND ALLIED INSTRUMENTS last sold, assigned, transferred WILL BE USED FOR THAT to final confirmation and audit INTERSECTION WITH THE
BE USED FOR THAT PUR- mortgage is as follows: Special- AND AMENDMENTS EX- and conveyed to Finance of PURPOSE. - 21-006093 ++A- of the status of the loan with SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY
POSE. - 21-005289 ++A- ized Loan Servicing, LLC, 8742 ECUTED THERETO, ARE America Reverse LLC by As- 4735780 / Mclean++ the holder of the security deed. LINE OF GLENWOOD ROAD
4736441 /Robinson++ Lucent Blvd Suite 300, High- HEREBY INCORPORATED signment and said Security 11/11/2021, 11/18/2021, Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section (IF SAID STREET LINES
/1 1/ 11 / 2 0 21, 11/ 1 8/ 2 02 1 , lands Ranch, CO 80129, 720- HEREIN BY REFERENCE Deed having been given to se- 11/25/2021, 12/02/2021 9-13-172.1, which allows for WERE EXTENDED TO FORM
1 1/ 2 5 /2 0 2 1, 12/ 0 2/2 0 2 1 241-7251. The foregoing not- AND MADE A PART OF THE cure a note dated December certain procedures regarding AN ANGLE INSTEAD OF A
withstanding, nothing in DESCRIPTION OF THE 31, 2013, in the amount of the rescission of judicial and CURVE), SAID POINT OF BE-
O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 PROPERTY DESCRIBED $142,500.00, and said Note be- non-judicial sales in the State GINNING ALSO BEING LOC-
shall require the secured credit- HEREBY. The debt secured by ing in default, the undersigned of Georgia, the Deed Under ATED AT THE SOUTHWEST
or to negotiate, amend or modi- the Security Deed and evid- will sell at public outcry during Power and other foreclosure CORNER OF LOT 7 OF THE
fy the terms of the mortgage in- enced by the Note and has the legal hours of sale before documents may not be SECTION AND SUBDIVISION
strument. The sale will be con- been, and is hereby, declared the door of the courthouse of provided until final confirmation HEREINAFTER REFERRED
ducted subject (1) to confirma- due and payable because of, Dekalb County, Georgia, on and audit of the status of the TO; RUNNING THENCE
SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY HUNDRED (400) FEET TO 590, of the deed records of the cial sales in the State of Geor- terms of said Security Deed Secretary) pursuant to the Na-
LINE OF GLENWOOD ROAD THE SOUTH SIDE OF RAIN- Clerk of the Superior Court of gia, the Deed Under Power and and Note, including but not lim- tional Housing Act for the pur-
(IF SAID STREET LINES BOW DRIVE AT THE POINT the aforesaid state and county, other foreclosure documents ited to the nonpayment of the pose of providing single family
WERE EXTENDED TO FORM OF BEGINNING; BEING IM- and by virtue of a default under may not be provided until final indebtedness as and when housing; and;
AN ANGLE INSTEAD OF A PROVED PROPERTY. the terms of said security deed, confirmation and audit of the due. The indebtedness remain- WHEREAS, the Security Deed
CURVE), SAID POINT OF BE- Less and Except: and the related note, the under- status of the loan as provided ing in default, this sale will be is now owned by the Secretary,

GINNING ALSO BEING LOC- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- signed attorney-in-fact for the immediately above. made for the purpose of pay- Page 57
pursuant to an assignment re-
ATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CEL OF LAND LYING AND aforesaid Grantor (which attor- Notice has been given of this ing the same, all expenses of corded on May 25, 2016 and
CORNER OF LOT 7 OF THE BEING IN LAND LOT 126 OF ney-in-fact is the present hold- 420-451840 11/11,11/18,11/25 foreclosure and of the intention the sale, including attorney's recorded in Deed Book 25573,
SECTION AND SUBDIVISION THE 15TH DISTRICT, BLOCK er of said security deed and 12/2 to collect attorneys’ fees in ac- fees and all other payments Page 659, in the Office of the
HEREINAFTER REFERRED 12, PARCEL NUMBER 8, OF note secured thereby) will sell NOTICE OF SALE cordance with the terms of the provided for under the terms of Clerk of Superior Court, DeKalb
TO; RUNNING THENCE DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, at the usual place of conduct- UNDER POWER note at least 30 days prior to the Security Deed and Note. County, Georgia; and
ALONG THE EASTERLY AND BEING MORE PARTICU- ing Sheriff's sales in said Under and by virtue of the the scheduled sale by writing, Said property will be sold sub- WHEREAS, a default has been
RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SEL- LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- county within the legal hours of power of sale in that certain sent certified return receipt mail ject to the following items which made in the covenants and
WYN DRIVE SOUTH 01 DE- LOWS: sale, to the highest bidder on Deed to Secure Debt from Say and regular mail to the debtor. may affect the title to said prop- conditions of the Mortgage in
GREE 15 MINUTES 45 BEGINNING AT A POINT the first Tuesday in December So Private Homecare Services Said property is being sold as erty: all zoning ordinances; that the payment, was not
SECONDS EAST 75.00 FEET 30.01 FEET RIGHT OF AND 2021, all property described in a/k/a So Say Private Home- the property of Say So Private matters which would be dis- made and remains wholly un-
TO A 1/2 INCH REBAR SET OPPOSITE STATION said security deed including but care Services, LLC to RLO Homecare Services LLC a/k/a closed by an accurate survey paid as of the date of this no-
AT THE NORTHWEST 21+66.89 ON THE CON- not limited to the following de- Holdings II LLC, a Georgia lim- So Say Private Homecare Ser- or by an inspection of the prop- tice, and no payment has been
CORNER OF LOT 31 OF SAID STRUCTION BASE LINE OF scribed property: ited liability company, found at vices LLC, and the proceeds of erty; any outstanding taxes, in- made sufficient to restore the
SECTION AND SUBDIVISION; RAINBOW DRIVE AS SHOWN All that tract or parcel of land ly- DeKalb County Deed Book the sale will be applied to the cluding but not limited to ad loan to currency; and
RUNNING THENCE ALONG ON THOSE PLANS AND THAT ing and being in Land Lot 33 of 27068 Page 670, and dated Ju- payment of said indebtedness, valorem taxes, which consti- WHEREAS, the entire amount
THE LINE DIVIDING LOTS 31 DRAWING ENTITLED "INTER- the 15th District, DeKalb ly 31, 2018 in the principal the expense of said sale, as tute liens upon said property; delinquent as of 1/10/2021 is
AND 32 OF SAID SECTION SECTION IMPROVEMENTS County, Georgia and being Lot amount of $208,880.31, with provided in said deed, and the special assessments; all out- $133,053.78 plus fees and
AND SUBDIVISION NORTH 89 AT RAINBOW DRIVE AND 32, Block C, Cumberland late payment interest at the rate undersigned will execute a standing bills for public utilities costs in the amount of
DEGREES 34 MINUTES 02 KELLEY CHAPEL ROAD ON Green Subdivision, Unit Four, specified therein, as modified, deed to the purchaser as which constitute liens upon said $1895.00; and
SECONDS EAST 149.16 FEET FILE IN THE OFFICE OF PUB- as per plat recorded at Plat and because of the default in provided in the aforementioned property; all restrictive coven- WHEREAS, by virtue of this de-
T O A 1 / 2 IN C H R E B A R LIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Book 58, Page 9, DeKalb the payment of indebtedness Deed to Secure Debt, RLO ants, easements, rights-of-way fault, the Secretary has de-
FOUND AT THE SOUTHW- OF TRANSPORTATION DIVI- County, Georgia records; said secured by said Deed to Se- Holdings II LLC, a Georgia lim- and any other matters of re- clared the entire amount of the
EST CORNER OF LOT 11 OF SION, DEKALB COUNTY, plat being incorporated herein cure Debt, RLO Holdings II ited liability company attorney cord superior to said Security indebtedness secured by the
SAID SECTION AND SUBDIVI- GEORGIA; THENCE SOUTH and made a part hereof by ref- LLC, a Georgia limited liability in fact for ++Say So Private Deed. Security Deed to by immedi-
SION; RUNNING THENCE 66 DEGREES 01 MINUTE 08 erence. company having declared the Homecare Services LLC a/k/a WINDSOR CAPITAL, LLC, ately due and payable;
ALONG THE LINE DIVIDING SECONDS EAST A DIS - Property is more commonly entire amount of said indebted- So Say Private Homecare Ser- BRIAN SHEPHERD, PRESID- NOW THEREFORE, pursuant
SAID LOTS 11 AND 32 TANCE OF 120.04 FEET; known as 4731 Green Way, ness due and payable pursu- vices, LLC++ by virtue of that ENT, -2661 East Somerset Dr to powers vested in me by the
NORTH 01 DEGREE 00 THENCE NORTH 88 DE- Lithonia, Georgia. ant to the power of sale con- Deed to Secure Debt found at Salt Lake City, UT 84121, as Single Family Mortgage Fore-
MINUTES 00 SECONDS GREES 36 MINUTES 22 Said legal description being tained in said Deed to Secure DeKalb County Deed Book the secured creditor is the en- closure Act of 1994, 12 U.S.C.
WEST 75.00 FEET TO A 1/2 SECONDS WEST A DIS- controlling, however, the Prop- Debt, will on the first Tuesday 27068, Page 670. tity that has full authority to ne- 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR Part
INCH REBAR SET AT THE TANCE OF 120.12 FEET; erty is more commonly known of December, 2021, during the THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING gotiate, amend, and modify all 27, subpart B, and by the Sec-
SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THENCE NORTH 03 DE- as: 4731 Green Way, Lithonia, legal hours of sale, at the court- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND terms of the mortgage with the retary’s designation of me as
LOT 8 OF SAID SECTION GREES 30 MINUTES 13 GA 30038 house door of DeKalb County, IS ATTEMPTING TO COL- debtor. Foreclosure Commissioner, re-
AND SUBDIVISION; RUN- SECONDS EAST A DIS- Said property will be sold on an Georgia, sell at public outcry to LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORM- Please understand that the se- corded on January 8, 2021 in
NING THENCE ALONG THE TANCE OF 5.50 FEET TO THE “as-is” basis without any rep- the highest bidder for cash the ATION OBTAINED WILL BE cured creditor is not required by Book 28969, Page 339, DeKalb
LINE DIVIDING SAID LOTS 7 POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID resentation, warranty or re- following property described in USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. law to negotiate, amend or County, Georgia records, no-
AND 8 FROM SAID LOT 32 TRACT CONTAINING course against the above- the said deed to wit: For information concerning this modify the terms of the mort- tice is hereby given that on
SOUTH 89 DEGREES 33 329.5216 SQUARE FEET, BE- named or the undersigned. The All that tract or parcel of land ly- sale contact: gage instrument. Notice has December 7, 2021 at 10:30 AM
MINUTES 56 SECONDS ING 0.0076 OF AN ACRE, sale will be subject to the fol- ing and being in Land Lot 248 John Coleman, Esq. been given of intention to col- local time, all real and personal
WEST 149.50 FEET TO THE MORE OR LESS. lowing items which may affect of the 11th District, DeKalb Coleman Law, LLC lect attorneys fees in accord- property at or used in connec-
POINT OF BEGINNING; BE- Tax ID: 15-126-12-006 the title: any outstanding ad County, Georgia, being Lot 74, 675 Seminole Avenue, ance with the terms of the note tion with the following de-
ING LOT 32, SECTION TWO, The debt secured by said Se- valorem taxes (including taxes Phase One, Browns Mill Es- Suite 302 secured by said Deed. scribed premises (“Property”)
BURGESS HILLS, AS PER curity Deed has been and is which are a lien but not yet due tates, as per plat recorded in Atlanta, Georgia 30307 To the best knowledge and be- will be sold at public auction to
PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT hereby declared due because and payable); any matters Plat Book 159, Pages 120-122, Telephone: 404.974.4537 lief of the undersigned, the the highest bidder:
BOOK 21, PAGE 119, DEKALB of, among other possible which might be disclosed by an DeKalb County Records, said Facsimile: 404.592.6191 party in possession of the prop- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- events of default, non-payment accurate survey and inspection plat being incorporated herein erty is ROTHSCHILD CAPIT- CEL OF LAND LYING AND
CORDS AND BEING IM- of the monthly installments on of the property; any assess- by referenced thereto; being 420-451950 11/11,11/18,11/25 AL, LLC or a tenant or tenants, BEING IN LAND LOT 116 OF
PROVED PROPERTY. THE said loan. The debt remaining ments, liens, encumbrances, that property known as 4711 12/2 and said property is more com- THE 15TH DISTRICT OF
ABOVE DESCRIBED PROP- in default, this sale will be zoning ordinances, restrictions, Browns Mill Ln, Lithonia, GA NOTICE OF SALE monly known as: DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
ERTY IS MORE PARTICU- made for the purpose of pay- and all other matters of record 30038 according to the present UNDER POWER 3690 DEER SPRINGS PKWY, BEING LOT 42, BLOCK I, UNIT
LARLY SHOWN AND DELIN- ing the same and all expenses superior to the said Security system of numbering homes in GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ELLENWOOD, GA 30294 4, BOULDERCREST ACRES
EATED ON SURVEY BY THE of this sale, including attorney's Deed. The sale will be conduc- DeKalb County, Georgia and By virtue of a Power of Sale The sale will be conducted sub- SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT
CARTER GROUP, INC., fees. ted subject (1) to confirmation having tax parcel identification contained in that certain Secur- ject (1) to confirmation that the RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK
BEARING THE SEAL OF The property will be sold sub- that the sale is not prohibited number 11 248 02 120. ity Deed from ROTHSCHILD sale is not prohibited under the 2 5, PAGE 1 42 , DEKALB
JAMES H. CARTER, GEOR- ject to any outstanding ad under the U.S. Bankruptcy Sam Stinnett, as manager of CAPITAL, LLC, to WINDSOR U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) COUNTY RECORDS AND BE-
GIA REGISTERED LAND valorem taxes, any assess- Code and (2) to final confirma- RLO Holdings II LLC, a Geor- CAPITAL, LLC, dated JUNE to final confirmation and audit ING MORE PARTICULARLY
SURVEYOR NUMBER 1999, ments, and any liens superior tion and audit of the status of gia limited liability company, is 15, 2021, recorded in Deed of the status of the loan with DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:
DATED SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 to the Security Deed and the loan with the holder of the the individual who has full au- Book 29505, Page 620, said the holder of the Security Deed. BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN
WHICH SURVEY IS INCOR- Agreement first set out above. Security Deed. MidFirst Bank, thority to negotiate, amend and Security Deed having been giv- WINDSOR CAPITAL, LLC ON THE NORTHWESTERLY
PORATED HEREIN BY THIS RLO Holdings, LLC is the en- through its division Midland modify all terms of the Deed to en to secure a Note of even as Attorney in Fact for SIDE OF FLINTWOOD DRIVE
REFERENCE. tity with the full authority to ne- Mortgage is the entity with au- Secure Debt, who can be date in the original principal ROTHSCHILD CAPITAL, LLC (FORMERLY GRESHAM
Tax ID#: 15-163-06-005 gotiate, amend and modify all thority to negotiate, amend and reached at (404) 974-4537 or amount of TWO HUNDRED Contact: DRIVE) 285 FEET SOUTH-
AND terms of the Note and the Se- modify the terms of the Note by writing to 3522 Ashford Dun- THOUSAND and 00/100 DOL- Perrie & Associates, LLC WESTERLY, AS MEASURED
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- curity Deed. RLO Holdings, and Security Deed. MidFirst woody Rd NE #505, Atlanta GA LARS (U.S. $200,000.00) with 100 Galleria Pkwy., N.W. ALONG THE NORTHWEST-
CEL OF LAND LYING AND LLC’s address is 3522 Ashford Bank, through its division Mid- 30319. interest thereon as provided for Suite 1170 ERLY SIDE OF FLINTWOOD
BEING IN LAND LOT 126 OF Dunwoody Road NE, #505, At- land Mortgage’s address is 999 The property is being sold sub- therein, there will be sold at Atlanta, GA 30339 DRIVE FROM THE CORNER
THE 15TH DISTRICT OF lanta, Georgia 30319 and may N.W. Grand Blvd., Oklahoma ject to: (a) any outstanding ad public outcry to the highest bid- (770)579-2700 FORMED BY THE INTERSEC-
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, be reached at 404.229.8004. City, OK 73118. MidFirst Bank, valorem taxes (including taxes der for cash before the court- ++File No.: 2021-056/ ROTH- TION OF THE NORTHWEST-
AND BEING MORE PARTICU- To the best knowledge and be- through its division Midland which are a lien, but not yet house door of Dekalb County, SCHILD CAPITAL, LLC++ ERLY SIDE OF FLINTWOOD
LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- lief of the undersigned, ++CIC Mortgage may be contacted by due and payable); (b) unpaid Georgia, within the legal hours THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- DRIVE AND THE WESTERLY
LOWS: Holdings Group Inc.++, is in telephone at 1-800-552-3000. water or sewage bills that con- of sale on the first Tuesday in ING TO COLLECT A DEBT OR SIDE OF BOULDER ROAD;
BEGINNING AT A POINT ON possession of said property. To the best of the stitute a lien against the prop- DECEMBER the following de- TO ENFORCE THE TERMS RUNNING THENCE SOUTH-
THE SOUTH SIDE OF RAIN- RLO Holding, LLC undersigned's knowledge and erty whether due and payable scribed property: AND CONDITIONS OF THE WESTERLY ALONG THE
BOW DRIVE, FOUR HUN- as Attorney in Fact for belief, the party in possession or not yet due and payable and ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- SECURITY DEED. ANY IN- NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF
DRED THIRTY TWO AND CIC Holdings Group Inc. of the property is believed to be which may not be of record; (c) CEL OF LAND LYING AND FORMATION OBTAINED WILL FLINTWOOD DRIVE 75 FEET
FIFTY HUNDREDTHS (432.5) Fred B. Wachter Henry L. Butler aka Henry Lee the right of redemption of any BEING IN LAND LOT 54 OF BE USED FOR THAT PUR- TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE
FEET EAST FROM THE THE WACHTER LAW FIRM Butler, or tenant(s). taxing authority; (d) any mat- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB POSE. NORTHERLY 151.8 FEET TO
SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 106 Hammond Drive NE MidFirst Bank, ters which might be disclosed COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING 420-452034 11/18,11/25,12/2 A N I R O N P I N ; T H E N CE
RAINBOW DRIVE AND KELLY Atlanta, Georgia 30328 as Transferee, Assignee, and by an accurate survey and in- LOT 67, DEER SPRINGS SUB- STATE OF GEORGIA NORTHEASTERLY 75 FEET
CHAPEL ROAD; RUNNING 770.973.1100 Secured Creditor spection of the property, and DIVISION, AS PER PLAT RE- COUNTY OF DEKALB TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE
THENCE EAST ALONG THE 420-451836 11/11,11/18,11/25 As attorney-in-fact for the afore- any assessments, liens, en- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 132, NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND SOUTHERLY 146.1 FEET TO
DRIVE, ONE HUNDRED NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Campbell & Brannon, LLC ances, restrictions, covenants, COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- WHEREAS, on October 8, OF FLINTWOOD DRIVE AND
TWENTY (120) FEET TO A POWER CONTAINED Attorneys at Law and matters of record superior CORDS, WHICH RECORDED 2003, a certain Security Deed THE IRON PIN AT THE POINT
POINT; RUNNING THENCE IN SECURITY DEED Glenridge Highlands II to the Deed to Secure Debt first PLAT IS INCORPORATED was executed by Marion L. OF BEGINNING; BEING IM-
SOUTH 00 DEGREES 30 STATE OF GEORGIA, 5565 Glenridge Connector, set out above. HEREIN BY THIS REFER- Bland as grantor in favor of PROVED PROPERTY KNOWN
MINUTES 10 SECONDS COUNTY OF DeKalb Suite 350 The sale is being conducted ENCE AND MADE A PART OF Safeway Mortgage, Inc. as AS 1589 FLINTWOOD DRIVE,
WEST FOUR HUNDRED (400) Pursuant to a power of sale Atlanta, GA 30342 subject to (1) confirmation that THIS DESCRIPTION. SAID grantee and was recorded on ACCORDING TO THE
FEET TO A POINT RUNNING contained in a certain security (770) 392-0041 the sale is not prohibited under PROPERTY BEING KNOWN October 17, 2003, in Deed PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM-
THENCE NORTH 89 DE- deed executed by Henry L. But- ++16-4043F6/ BUTLER++ the U.S. Banruptcy Code and AS 3690 DEER SPRINGS Book 15478, Page 667 in the BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB
GREES 18 MINUTES 00 ler, hereinafter referred to as THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE (2) final confirmation and audit PKWY, ELLENWOOD, GEOR- Office of the Clerk of Superior COUNTY, GEORGIA
SECONDS WEST, ONE HUN- Grantor, to All Source Mort- HELD TO BE ACTING of the loan with the holder of GIA. Court, DeKalb County, Georgia; Commonly known as: 1589
DRED TWENTY (120) FEET, gage recorded in Deed Book AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- the Deed to Secure Debt. Pur- PARCEL ID # 15 054 01 194 and Flintwood Drive Southeast, At-
TO A POINT; RUNNING 19413, beginning at page 739, DER FEDERAL LAW. suant to O.C.G.A. § 9-13- The indebtedness secured by WHEREAS, the Security Deed lanta, GA 30316
THENCE NORTH 00 DE- and modified at Deed Book IF SO, ANY INFORMATION 172.1, which allows for certain said Security Deed has been was insured by the United The sale will be held at the
GREES 30 MINUTES 10 21552, page 511, and modified OBTAINED WILL BE USED procedures regarding the res- and is hereby declared due be- States Secretary of Housing DeKalb County Courthouse on
SECONDS WEST, FOUR at Deed Book 21880, page FOR THAT PURPOSE. cission of judicial and non-judi- cause of default under the and Urban Development (the the courthouse steps. The Sec-
HUNDRED (400) FEET TO 590, of the deed records of the cial sales in the State of Geor- terms of said Security Deed Secretary) pursuant to the Na- retary of Housing and Urban
THE SOUTH SIDE OF RAIN- Clerk of the Superior Court of gia, the Deed Under Power and and Note, including but not lim- tional Housing Act for the pur- Development will bid
BOW DRIVE AT THE POINT the aforesaid state and county, other foreclosure documents ited to the nonpayment of the pose of providing single family $133,241.22 plus fees & costs
OF BEGINNING; BEING IM- and by virtue of a default under may not be provided until final indebtedness as and when housing; and; in the amount of $1895.00.
PROVED PROPERTY. the terms of said security deed, confirmation and audit of the due. The indebtedness remain- WHEREAS, the Security Deed There will be no proration of
Less and Except: and the related note, the under- status of the loan as provided ing in default, this sale will be is now owned by the Secretary, taxes, rents or other income or
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- signed attorney-in-fact for the immediately above. made for the purpose of pay- pursuant to an assignment re- liabilities, except that the pur-
CEL OF LAND LYING AND aforesaid Grantor (which attor- Notice has been given of this ing the same, all expenses of corded on May 25, 2016 and chaser will pay, at or before
BEING IN LAND LOT 126 OF ney-in-fact is the present hold- foreclosure and of the intention the sale, including attorney's recorded in Deed Book 25573, closing, his prorate share of
THE 15TH DISTRICT, BLOCK er of said security deed and to collect attorneys’ fees in ac- fees and all other payments Page 659, in the Office of the any real estate taxes that have
12, PARCEL NUMBER 8, OF note secured thereby) will sell cordance with the terms of the provided for under the terms of Clerk of Superior Court, DeKalb been paid by the Secretary to
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, at the usual place of conduct- note at least 30 days prior to the Security Deed and Note. County, Georgia; and the date of the foreclosure sale.
retary of Housing and Urban sale, or otherwise, that the de- highest bidder for cash before attorneys’ fees and other pay- from the date thereof at the rate minutes 12 seconds West, a Feet To A PK Nail Found;
Development will bid fault or defaults upon which the the courthouse door of ments provided for under the specified therein (together with distance of 75.63 feet to a 1” THENCE NORTH 53 degrees
$133,241.22 plus fees & costs foreclosure is based did not ex- DEKALB COUNTY, Georgia, terms of the Deed to Secure any and all renewals, replace- crimp top pipe found; 38 minutes 15 seconds EAST a
in the amount of $1895.00. ist at the time of service of this within the legal hours for sale Debt and Note. ments, modifications, and ex- THENCE North 87 degrees 50 distance Of 186.12 Feet to A
There will be no proration of notice of default and foreclos- on the first Tuesday in Decem- Said property will be sold sub- tensions thereof, hereafter col- minutes 07 seconds West, a PK Nail Found on the south-
taxes, rents or other income or ure sale, or all amounts due un- ber, 2021, all property de- ject to the following items which lectively referred to as the distance of 74.29 feet to a ½” western right-of-way line of
Page 58
liabilities, except that the pur-
chaser will pay, at or before
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
der the mortgage agreement
are tendered to the Foreclos-
scribed in said Deed to Secure
Debt, including, but not limited
may affect the title to said prop-
erty: all zoning ordinances;
“Note”); the undersigned will
sell at public outcry to the
rebar found;
THENCE North 85 degrees 41
Columbia Drive;
THENCE along said right-of-
closing, his prorate share of ure Commissioner, in the form to, declarant's rights, if any, matters which would be dis- highest bidder for cash before minutes 15 seconds West, a way Line of Columbia Drive the
any real estate taxes that have of a certified or cashier’s check and, without limitation, the fol- closed by an accurate survey the door of the County Court- distance of 73.50 feet to 3/8” following courses and dis-
been paid by the Secretary to payable to the Secretary of lowing described property (or or by inspection of the property; house in Dekalb County, Geor- rebar found; tances: SOUTH 42 degrees 08
the date of the foreclosure sale. HUD, before public auction of so much as has not, as of said any outstanding taxes, includ- gia, on the first Tuesday in THENCE North 0 degrees 49 minutes 36 seconds EAST a
When making their bids, all bid- the property is completed. first Tuesday, by duly executed ing, but not limited to, ad valor- December, 2021 (December 7 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of 104.28 Feet to a
ders except the Secretary must The amount that must be paid if and recorded instrument, previ- em taxes, which constitute li- 2021), between the legal hours distance of 520.37 feet to a 3/8” point;
submit a deposit totaling (10%) the Mortgage is to be rein- ously been released from the li- ens upon said property; spe- of sale, all or parts of the prop- rebar found on the southeast- THENCE With A Curve Turn-
ten percent in the form of a cer- stated prior to the scheduled en of the Deed to Secure cial assessments; and all out- erty located at 3441, 3479, ern right-of-way line of Memori- ing To The With An Arc Length
tified check or cashier’s check sale is $133,053.78 plus fees Debt): standing bills for public utilities 3507, 3519, 3549, and 3533 al Drive; of 444.83 feet with a Radius of
made out to the Secretary of and costs as of November 10, ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- which constitute liens upon said Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- THENCE along said right-of- 2025.46 With A Chord Bearing
HUD. Each oral bid need not 2021, of $1,845.00 plus all oth- CEL OF LAND LYING AND property. To the best of the gia 30032 and more particu- way line of Memorial Drive the of SOUTH 32 degrees 10
be accompanied by a deposit. er amounts that would be due BEING IN LAND LOT 349, knowledge and belief of the un- larly described as follows (the following courses and dis- minutes 24 seconds EAST with
If the successful bid is oral, a under the mortgage agreement 18TH DISTRICT OF DEKALB dersigned, the party in posses- “Land”): tances: North 52 degrees 03 a Chord Length of 443.94 feet
deposit of (10%) ten percent if payments under the mort- COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- sion of the property is VI Group ALL that tract or parcel of land minutes 49 seconds East, a to an Iron Pin Set;
must be presented before the gage had not been accelerated, ING MORE PARTICULARLY Investment, LLC or tenant(s). lying and being in Land Lots distance of 384.58 feet to a THENCE leaving the south-
bidding is closed. The deposit advertising costs and postage DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS The sale will be conducted sub- 200 and 201 of the 15th Dis- point; western right-of-way line of
is nonrefundable. The re- expenses incurred in giving no- COMMENCING AT A POINT ject (1) to confirmation that the trict of DeKalb County, Geor- THENCE North 52 degrees 03 Columbia Drive and
mainder of the purchase price tice, mileage by the most reas- AT THE INTERSECTION OF sale is not prohibited under the gia, and being more particu- minutes 49 seconds East, a RUNNING THENCE SOUTH
must be delivered within 30 onable road distance for post- THE NORTHERN RIGHT-OF- United States Bankruptcy larly described as follows: distance of 217.20 feet to a 3/8” 62 degrees 29 minutes 20
days of the sale or at such oth- ing notices and for the Fore- WAY OF PERIMETER CEN- Code; (2) to final confirmation TO FIND THE TRUE POINT rebar found; seconds WEST a distance of
er time as the Secretary may closure Commissioner’s attend- TER WEST (VARIABLE and audit of the status of the OF BEGINNING of the tract of THENCE North 52 degrees 02 171.72 Feet to an iron pin set;
determine for good cause ance at the sale, reasonable RIGHT-OF-WAY) AND THE loan with the holder of the land herein described, com- minutes 58 seconds East, a THENCE SOUTH 69 degrees
shown, time being of the es- and customary costs incurred WESTERN RIGHT-OF-WAY Deed to Secure Debt; and (3) mence at the intersection of a distance of 90.64 feet to a 23 minutes 28 seconds WEST
sence. This amount, like the bid for title and lien record OF PERIMETER CENTER subject to the provisions of line parallel with and south- point; a distance of 109.38 Feet to a
deposits, must be delivered in searches, the necessary out-of- PLACE, THENCE ALONG O.C.G.A. § 9-13-172.1 which westerly 50.00 feet from the THENCE North 52 degrees 02 Punch Mark Found;
the form of a certified or cash- pocket costs incurred by the SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY OF permits rescission of judicial centerline of Columbia Drive minutes 58 seconds East, a THENCE SOUTH 54 degrees
ier’s check. If the Secretary is Foreclosure Commissioner for PERIMETER CENTER WEST and non-judicial sales in the (right-of-way width varies) and distance of 288.03 feet to a ½” 35 minutes 51 seconds WEST
the high bidder, he need not recording documents, a com- IN A NORTHWESTERLY DIR- State of Georgia in limited cir- a line parallel with an south- rebar found; a distance of 86.31 Feet to a
pay the bid amount in cash. mission for the Foreclosure ECTION 1,121.37 FEET TO A cumstances; and (4) Judge easterly 58.00 feet from the THENCE North 52 degrees 02 PK Nail Found;
The successful bidder will pay Commissioner, and all other POINT, SAID POINT BEING Sage Sigler’s October 22, 2021 centerline of Memorial Drive minutes 58 seconds East, a THENCE SOUTH 54 degrees
all conveyancing fees, all real costs incurred in connection THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- “Order Granting Motion to Dis- (a/k/a State Route 154) (100’ distance of 375.00 feet to an 36 minutes 36 seconds WEST
estate and other taxes that are with the foreclosure prior to re- NING, THENCE CONTINUING miss” [Doc. No. 117], wherein right-of-way); iron pin set; a distance of 1194.39 Feet to
due on or after the delivery of instatement. ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY Judge Sigler dismissed Borrow- THENCE along said line paral- THENCE South 45 degrees 48 an Iron Pin Set;
the remainder of the payment Tender of payment by certified ALONG A CURVE TO THE er’s former Chapter 11 Bank- lel with and southeasterly 58.00 minutes 36 seconds East, a THENCE NORTH 87 degrees
and all other costs associated or cashier’s check or applica- RIGHT, AN ARC LENGTH OF ruptcy Proceeding entitled In feet from the centerline of Me- distance of 8.08 feet to the 42 minutes 29 seconds WEST
with the transfer of title. At the tion for cancellation of the fore- 188.10 FEET, SAID CURVE re: Vi Group Investments, LLC, morial Drive, southwesterly a TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. a distance of 37.51 Feet to a
conclusion of the sale, the de- closure sale shall be submitted HAVING A RADIUS OF 799.10 United States Bankruptcy Court distance of 171.99 feet to a LESS AND EXCEPT All that point on wall;
posits of the unsuccessful bid- to the address of the Foreclos- FEET WITH A CHORD DIS- for the Northern District of point, said point being the portion of the foregoing de- THENCE NORTH 87 degrees
ders will be returned to them. ure Commissioner provided be- TANCE OF 187.66 FEET, AT Georgia, Case No. 21-51722- TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; scribed property taken in con- 47 minutes 40 seconds WEST
The Secretary may grant an ex- low. NORTH 48 DEGREES 19 SMS. FROM THE TRUE POINT OF demnation pursuant to DeKalb a distance of 74.84 Feet to a
tension of time within which to LOGS Legal Group LLP/ F/K/A MINUTES 21 SECONDS TO UC HM ARK NATI O NAL BEGINNING thus established; County in Civil Action File No. 5/8” Rebar Found;
deliver the remainder of the Shapiro Pendergast & Hasty WEST, TO A 1/2" REBAR BANK AS ATTORNEY-IN- THENCE leaving said parallel 08CV1529-3. THENCE NORTH 87 degrees
payment. All extensions will be LLP FOUND, THENCE LEAVING FACT FOR VI GROUP IN- line and running South 45 de- TOGETHER with all rights, be- 49 minutes 09 seconds WEST
for 15-day increments for a fee FORECLOSURE COMMIS- SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY NORTH VESTMENT, LLC grees 48 minutes 36 seconds nefits and interests under that a distance of 74.89 Feet to a
of $500.00, paid in advance. SIONER 07 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 42 Brian Hansen, Esq. East a distance of 185.98 feet certain: 1/2” Rebar Found;
The extension fee shall be in 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, SECONDS EAST, A DIS- Adams and Reese LLP to a PK nail set on the south- a. Terms and Conditions set THENCE NORTH 88 degrees
the form of a certified or cash- N.E. TANCE OF 134.78 FEET TO A 3424 Peachtree Road, NE western right-of-way line of forth in the Agreement recor- 23 minutes 10 seconds WEST
ier’s check made payable to the Suite 300 POINT, THENCE SOUTH 86 Suite 1600 Columbia Drive; ded Book 1824 at Page 21. a distance of 75.60 Feet to a 1”
Secretary of HUD. If the high Atlanta, GA 30346 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 22 Atlanta, Georgia 30326 THENCE along said right-of- b. Terms and conditions as Crimp Top Found;
bidder closes the sale prior to (770) 220-2535/GR SECONDS EAST, A DIS- (470) 427-3700 way Line of Columbia Drive the contained in an Affidavit set THENCE NORTH 86 degrees
the expiration of any extension TANCE OF 126.36 FEET TO A ++ VI Group Investment, following courses and dis- forth in Book 6639 at Page 774 16 minutes 21 seconds WEST
period, the unused portion of File no. ++21-077924/ POINT, THENCE SOUTH 03 LLC++ tances: South 43 degrees 42 as amended by Release of Ac- a distance of 74.31 Feet to a
the extension fee shall be ap- BLAND++ DEGREES 09 MINUTES 38 minutes 17 seconds East, a cess Rights as set forth in Book 1/2” Rebar Found;
plied toward the amount due. *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING SECONDS WEST, A DIS- 430-451797 11/11,11/18,11/25 distance of 104.28 feet to a 18816 at Page 129. THENCE NORTH 84 degrees
If the high bidder is unable to AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. TANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO A 12/2 point; c. Declaration of Restrictive 07 minutes 10 seconds WEST
close the sale within the re- ANY INFORMATION OB - POINT, THENCE SOUTH 86 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THENCE southeasterly along Covenants as set forth in Book a distance of 73.49 Feet to a
quired period, or within any ex- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR DEGREES 50 MINUTES 22 POWER the arc of a curve to the right 7556 at Page 773 and was re¬ 3/8” Rebar Found;
tensions of time granted by the THAT PURPOSE. SECONDS EAST, A DIS- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY: having a radius of 2,025.46 feet recorded in Book 7576 at Page THENCE NORTH 02 degrees
Secretary, the high bidder may TANCE OF 77.05 FEET TO A By virtue of a power of sale in and an arc distance of 444.83 436. 23 minutes 46 seconds EAST a
be required to forfeit the cash POINT, THENCE SOUTH 14 that certain Deed to Secure feet, being subtended by a d. Declaration of Easements distance of 515.38 Feet to an
deposit or, at the election of the Foreclosures: Commercial DEGREES 26 MINUTES 30 Debt and Security Agreement chord line having a bearing of and Covenants for Belvedere Iron Pin Set on the southeast-
foreclosure commissioner after SECONDS EAST, A DIS- from ++ARIEL BELVEDERE South 33 degrees 44 minutes Shopping Center as set forth in ern right-of-way line of Memori-
consultation with the HUD Field 430-451796 11/11,11/18,11/25 TANCE OF 121.43 FEET, OWNER HOLDINGS LLC++, a 24 seconds East, and a length Book 8208 at Page 3, as al Drive;
Office representative, will be li- 12/2 THENCE SOUTH 27 DE- Delaware limited liability com- of 443.94 feet to a PK nail set; amended by Book 8294 at THENCE along said right-of-
able to HUD for any costs in- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER GREES 02 MINUTES 57 pany (“Grantor” or “Borrower”), THENCE leaving the south- Page 273. way line of Memorial Drive the
curred as a result of such fail- POWER SECONDS WEST, A DIS- to CANTOR COMMERCIAL western right-of-way line of e. Easement and Water Qual- following courses and dis-
ure. GEORGIA DEKALB COUNTY TANCE OF 124.61 FEET TO A REAL ESTATE LENDING, L.P., Columbia Drive and running ity Agreement as set forth in tances:
The Commissioner may, at the By virtue of a Power of Sale POINT, THENCE ALONG A a Delaware limited liability com- South 60 degrees 55 minutes Book 2250 at Page 5. NORTH 53 degrees 58 minutes
direction of the HUD Field Of- contained in that certain Deed CURVE TO THE RIGHT, AN pany (“Original Lender”), dated 15 seconds West, a distance of WHICH PREMISES ARE ALSO 12 seconds EAST a distance of
fice representative, offer the to Secure Debt and Security ARC LENGTH OF 55.53 FEET, as of November 21, 2012 and 171.72 feet to a 3/8” rebar BEING DESCRIBED AS: 132.24 Feet to a R/W Monu-
Property to the second highest Agreement from VI Group In- SAID CURVE HAVING A RA- recorded December 17, 2012 in found; TO FIND THE TRUE POINT ment Found;
bidder for an amount equal to vestment, LLC to Touchmark DIUS OF 381.59 FEET WITH A Deed Book 23455, Page 562, THENCE South 67 degrees 46 OF BEGINNING of the tract of SOUTH 56 degrees 14 minutes
the highest price offered by that National Bank, dated Decem- CHORD DISTANCE OF 55.48 Dekalb County, Georgia re- minutes 43 seconds West, a land herein described, com- 56 seconds EAST a distance of
bidder. ber 28, 2018, filed and recor- FEET, AT SOUTH 75 DE- cords (the “Security Deed”), as distance of 109.41 feet to a mence at the intersection of a 15.59 Feet to a R/W Monu-
There is no right of redemption, ded January 11, 2019, in Deed GREES 45 MINUTES 41 assigned by Original Lender to point; line parallel with and south- ment Found;
or right of possession based Book 27341, Page 640, in the SECONDS WEST TO A POINT WELLS FARGO BANK, NA- THENCE South 53 degrees 02 westerly 50.00 feet from the NORTH 51 degrees 11 minutes
upon a right of redemption, in Office of the Clerk of Superior LOCATED ON THE NORTH- TIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS minutes 49 seconds West a centerline of Columbia Drive 42 seconds EAST a distance of
the mortgage or others sub- Court, DeKalb County, Georgia, ERN RIGHT-OF-WAY OF TRUSTEE FOR THE RE- distance of 86.26 feet to a right-of-way width varies) and a 136.69 Feet to a R/W Monu-
sequent to a foreclosure com- as amended, modified, or re- PERIMETER CENTER WEST, GISTERED HOLDERS OF point; line parallel with an southeast- ment Found;
pleted pursuant to the Act. vised from time to time (the SAID POINT BEING THE COMM 2012-CCRE5 COM- THENCE South 53 degrees 02 erly 58.00 feet from the center- NORTH 50 degrees 04 minutes
Therefore, the Foreclosure “Deed to Secure Debt”), said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING MERCIAL MORTGAGE PASS- minutes 49 seconds West, a line of Memorial Drive (a/k I a 36 seconds WEST a distance
Commissioner will issue a Deed to Secure Debt having SAID TRACT OF LAND CON- THROUGH CERTIFICATES distance of 1,194.39 feet to a State Route 154) (100’ right-of- of 11.83 Feet to a R/W Monu-
Deed to the purchaser (s) upon been given to secure that cer- TAINS 1.090 ACRES. (“Holder”) by that certain As- point; way); ment Found;
receipt of the entire purchase tain U.S. Small Business Ad- The indebtedness secured by signment of Deed to Secure THENCE North 89 degrees 16 THENCE along said line paral- NORTH 54 degrees 32 minutes
price in accordance with the ministration Note from VI Group said Deed to Secure Debt has Debt and Security Agreement, minutes 04 seconds West, a lel with and southeasterly 58.00 44 seconds EAST a distance of
terms of the sale as provided Investment, LLC and payable been and is hereby declared dated February 27, 2013 and distance of 37.51 feet to a 1/2 feet from the centerline of Me- 117.29 Feet to a point;
herein. HUD does not guaran- to the order of Touchmark Na- due because of default under recorded August 16, 2013 in rebar found; morial Drive, southwesterly a NORTH 53 degrees 38 minutes
tee that the property will be va- tional Bank in the original prin- the terms of said Deed to Se- Deed Book 23966, Page 640, THENCE North 89 degrees 21 distance of 171.99 feet to a 06 seconds EAST a distance of
cant. cipal amount of FOUR MIL- cure Debt and Note, including, aforesaid records; the Security minutes 57 seco nds West, a point, said point being the 307.84 Feet to a point;
The scheduled foreclosure sale LION EIGHT HUNDRED SEV- but not limited to, the nonpay- Deed having been given to se- distance of 74.83 feet to a 5/8” TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; NORTH 53 degrees 05 minutes
shall be cancelled or ad- ENTY THOUSAND TWO HUN- ment of the indebtedness as cure the debt evidenced by, rebar found; FROM THE TRUE POINT OF 16 seconds EAST a distance of
journed if it is established, by DRED AND NO/100THS DOL- and when due. The indebted- among other things, that cer- THENCE North 89 degrees 22 BEGINNING thus established; 158.97 Feet to a R/W Monu-
documented written application LARS ($4,870,200.00) (the ness remaining in default, this tain Promissory Note dated minutes 59 seconds West, a THENCE leaving said parallel ment Found;
of the mortgagor to the Fore- “Note”), with interest thereon as sale will be made for the pur- November 21, 2012, in the ori- distance of 74.90 feet to a ½” line and running SOUTH 44 de- SOUTH 34 degrees 31 minutes
closure Commissioner not less provided for therein, there will pose of paying the same, all ginal principal amount of rebar found; grees 12 minutes 13 seconds 00 seconds EAST a distance of
than 3 days before the date of be sold at public outcry to the expenses of the sale, including $18,500,000.00, with interest THENCE North 89 degrees 57 EAST a distance Of 191.81 3.65 Feet to a R/W Monument
sale, or otherwise, that the de- highest bidder for cash before attorneys’ fees and other pay- from the date thereof at the rate minutes 12 seconds West, a Feet To A PK Nail Found; Found;
fault or defaults upon which the the courthouse door of ments provided for under the specified therein (together with distance of 75.63 feet to a 1” THENCE NORTH 53 degrees NORTH 52 degrees 58 minutes
foreclosure is based did not ex- DEKALB COUNTY, Georgia, terms of the Deed to Secure any and all renewals, replace- crimp top pipe found; 38 minutes 15 seconds EAST a 29 seconds EAST a distance of
ist at the time of service of this within the legal hours for sale Debt and Note. ments, modifications, and ex- THENCE North 87 degrees 50 distance Of 186.12 Feet to A 478.17 Feet to a R/W Monu-
notice of default and foreclos- on the first Tuesday in Decem- Said property will be sold sub- tensions thereof, hereafter col- minutes 07 seconds West, a PK Nail Found on the south- ment Found;
ure sale, or all amounts due un- ber, 2021, all property de- ject to the following items which lectively referred to as the distance of 74.29 feet to a ½” western right-of-way line of THENCE NORTH 68 degrees
der the mortgage agreement scribed in said Deed to Secure may affect the title to said prop- “Note”); the undersigned will rebar found; Columbia Drive; 57 minutes 07 seconds EAST a
are tendered to the Foreclos- Debt, including, but not limited erty: all zoning ordinances; sell at public outcry to the THENCE North 85 degrees 41 THENCE along said right-of- distance of 27.26 Feet to an
ure Commissioner, in the form to, declarant's rights, if any, matters which would be dis- highest bidder for cash before minutes 15 seconds West, a way Line of Columbia Drive the Iron Pin Set to the TRUE
of a certified or cashier’s check and, without limitation, the fol- closed by an accurate survey the door of the County Court- distance of 73.50 feet to 3/8” following courses and dis- POINT OF BEGINNING.
payable to the Secretary of lowing described property (or or by inspection of the property; house in Dekalb County, Geor- rebar found; tances: SOUTH 42 degrees 08 And in conjunction with the sale
HUD, before public auction of so much as has not, as of said any outstanding taxes, includ- gia, on the first Tuesday in THENCE North 0 degrees 49 minutes 36 seconds EAST a of the above-described Land,
Found; except to the extent that Bor- (whether written or oral) pursu- ance proceeds and awards, in- conducted subject to (i) con- Records, as bargained, sold, Lease and the Building Lease
NORTH 52 degrees 58 minutes rower shall have any right or in- ant to which any person is to cash or liquidation claims; (l) firmation that it is not prohib- given, granted, conveyed, as the same may be amended,
29 seconds EAST a distance of terest therein; (e) All Equip- granted a possessory interest The right, in the name and on ited by the United States Bank- transferred, set over and as- restated, replaced, supplemen-
478.17 Feet to a R/W Monu- ment owned by Borrower which in, or right to use or occupy all behalf of Borrower, to appear in ruptcy Code, and (ii) the provi- signed by MERS to Holder pur- ted or otherwise modified from
ment Found; is so related to the Land and or any portion of the Land and and defend any action or pro- sions of O.C.G.A. § 9-13-172.1 suant to that certain Assign- time to time shall individually
THENCE NORTH 68 degrees Improvements forming part of the Improvements, and every ceeding brought with respect to that permit the rescission of ju- ment of Deed to Secure Debt and collectively, as the context

57 minutes 07 seconds EAST a The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021
the “Property” (as hereinafter modification, amendment or the Property and to commence dicial and non-judicial foreclos- and Security Agreement, and Page 59
may require, referred to herein
distance of 27.26 Feet to an defined) that it is deemed fix- other agreement relating to any action or proceeding to ure sales in Georgia in certain UCC Financing Statement, ef- as the “Ground Lease”), and
Iron Pin Set to the TRUE tures or real property under the such leases, subleases, sub- protect the interest of Holder in circumstances. The under- fective as of June 1, 2015, filed the leasehold estate created
POINT OF BEGINNING. law of the particular state in subleases, or other agree- the Property; (m) All agree- signed will execute a deed to and recorded March 23, 2017 thereby in the real property de-
And in conjunction with the sale which the Equipment is located, ments entered into in connec- ments, contracts, certificates, the purchaser as provided in in Deed Book 26151, begin- scribed as follows (the “Land”):
of the above-described Land, including, without limitation, all tion with such leases, sub- instruments, franchises, per- the Security Deed. ning at Page 429 and re-filed ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
as provided under the laws of building or construction materi- leases, subsubleases, or other mits, licenses, plans, specifica- The indebtedness secured by and re-recorded April 5, 2017 in CEL OF LAND lying and being
the State of Georgia, including als intended for construction, agreements and every guaran- tions and other documents and the Security Deed has been Deed Book 26176, beginning at in Land Lots 151 and 170 of the
Georgia Code sections 11-9- reconstruction, alteration or re- tee of the performance and ob- all rights therein and thereto, and is hereby declared due and Page 241 in the DeKalb County 16th Land District, DeKalb
604 and 11-9-610, the under- pair of or installation on the servance of the covenants, respecting or pertaining to the payable because of, among Records, and as amended pur- County, Georgia, containing
signed will sell at public outcry Property, construction equip- conditions and agreements to use, occupation, construction, other possible events of de- suant to that certain Second 1,257,610 square feet (28.871
to the highest bidder for cash ment, appliances, machinery, be performed and observed by management or operation of fault, the failure to repay the Amendment to Deed to Secure acres), more or less, and being
before the door of the County plant equipment, fittings, appar- the other party thereto (collect- the Land and any part thereof Note at maturity. The debt re- Debt and Security Agreement, more particularly described as
Courthouse in Dekalb County, atuses, fixtures and other items ively, the “Leases”), whether and any Improvements or any maining in default, this sale will dated as of August 8, 2017, by follows:
Georgia, on the first Tuesday in attached to, installed in or used before or after the filing by or business or activity conducted be made for the purpose of and between Borrower and TO FIND THE TRUE POINT
December, 2021 (December 7, in connection with (temporarily against Borrower of any peti- on the Land and any part there- paying the debt, including ac- Holder, filed and recorded Au- OF BEGINNING, commence at
2021), between the legal hours or permanently) any of the Im- tion for relief under 11 U.S.C. of and all right, title and in- crued interest, expenses of the gust 17, 2017 in Deed Book an iron pin at the intersection of
of sale, all or parts of the fol- provements or the Land, includ- §101 et seq., as the same may terest of Borrower therein and sale, and attorney's fees, no- 26438, beginning at Page 693 the northeasterly right of way
lowing property (all of which, to- ing, but not limited to, engines, be amended from time to time thereunder, including, without tice of intention to collect attor- in the DeKalb County Records line of Mall Parkway (100-foot
gether with the Land, is here- devices for the operation of (the "Bankruptcy Code") and all limitation, the right, upon the ney's fees having been given in (said Security Deed, as so as- right of way) and the southeast-
after referred to as the “Prop- pumps, pipes, plumbing, clean- right, title and interest of Bor- happening of any default under accordance with applicable law, signed and amended, being erly terminus of the right of way
erty”): (a) All additional lands, ing, call and sprinkler systems, rower, its successors and as- the Security Deed, to receive as well as all other sums hereinafter called the “Security of Stonecrest Trace; run thence
estates and development rights fire extinguishing apparatuses signs therein and thereunder, and collect sums payable to provided for under the Note Instrument”); and along said easterly right of way
acquired by Borrower for use in and equipment, heating, ventil- including, without limitation, Borrower under the Security and the Security Deed. The re- WHEREAS, under and pursu- line of Stonecrest Trace the fol-
connection with the Land and ating, plumbing, laundry, incin- cash or securities deposited Deed; (n) All trade names, maining proceeds, if any, shall ant to the Security Instrument, lowing courses and distances:
the development of the Land erating, electrical, air condition- thereunder to secure the per- trademarks, servicemarks, lo- be applied as provided by law. Borrower did thereby irrevoc- North 37 degrees 21 minutes
and all additional lands and es- ing and air cooling equipment formance by the lessees of gos, copyrights, goodwill, The name, address, and tele- ably grant, bargain, sell, 54 seconds West a distance of
tates therein which may have and systems, gas and electric their obligations thereunder and books and records and all oth- phone number of the individual pledge, assign, warrant, trans- 32.62 feet to a point; North 50
been, by supplemental deed to machinery, appurtenances and all rents, rent equivalents, er general intangibles relating or entity with full authority to fer, convey and grant a secur- degrees 44 minutes 17
secure debt or otherwise, be equipment, pollution control moneys payable as damages to or used in connection with negotiate, amend, and modify ity interest to Holder (as suc- seconds West, 149.76 feet to a
expressly made subject to the equipment, security systems, or in lieu of rent or rent equival- the operation of the Land; (o) the terms of the Note and the cessor and assign of Original point; along a curve to the right
lien of the Security Deed; (b) disposals, dishwashers, refri- ents, additional rents, reven- All reserves, escrows and de- Security Deed are as follows: Lender), and its successors an arc distance of 62.81 feet
The buildings, structures, fix- gerators and ranges, recre- ues, issues and profits (includ- posit accounts maintained by Midland Loan Services, as Ser- and assigns the following prop- (said arc being subtended by a
tures, additions, enlargements, ational equipment and facilities ing all oil and gas or other min- Borrower with respect to the vicer for Holder, 10851 Mastin, erty, rights, interests and es- chord bearing North 05 de-
extensions, modifications, re- of all kinds, and water, gas, eral royalties and bonuses), in- Property, including, without lim- Suite 300, Overland Park, Kan- tates then owned, or thereafter grees 45 minutes 18 seconds
pairs, replacements and im- electrical, storm and sanitary come, fees, receivables, de- itation, all accounts estab- sas 66210 (Attn: David Gra- acquired by Borrower (collect- West a chord distance of 56.55
provements erected or located sewer facilities, utility lines and posits (including, without limita- lished or maintained pursuant ham, Vice President; (412) 807- ively, the “Property”): feet and having a radius of
on the Land (collectively, the equipment (whether owned in- tion, security, utility and other to that certain Loan Agreement, 3122). However, such individu- (a) Ground Lease. That certain 40.00 feet) to a point; North 39
“Improvements”); (c) All ease- dividually or jointly with others, deposits) accounts and re- the Clearing Account Agree- al or entity is not required by (a)(i) ground lease dated as of degrees 13 minutes 41
ments, rights -of -way or use, and, if owned jointly, to the ex- ceipts from the Land and the ment or the Deposit Account law to negotiate, amend, or January 1, 2001, by and seconds East, 648.29 feet to a
rights, strips and gores of land, tent of Borrower's interest Improvements whether paid or Agreement, executed in con- modify the terms of the Note or between the Development Au- point; along a curve to the right
streets, ways, alleys, passages, therein) and all other utilities accruing before or after the fil- nection with the Loan; together the Security Deed. thority of DeKalb County, Geor- an arc distance of 92.51 feet
sewer rights, water, water whether or not situated in ease- ing by or against Borrower of with all deposits or wire trans- By: Wells Fargo Bank, National gia (together with any future (said arc being subtended by a
courses, water rights and ments, all water tanks, water any petition for relief under the fers made to such accounts Association, as Trustee for the owner(s) of the lessor’s in- chord bearing North 45 de-
powers, air rights and develop- supply, water power sites, fuel Bankruptcy Code (collectively, and all cash, checks, drafts, Registered Holders of Comm terest in the Ground Lease, grees 36 minutes 03 seconds
ment rights, permits, licenses, stations, fuel tanks, fuel supply, the “Rents”) and all proceeds certificates, securities, invest- 2012-CCRE5 Commercial “Fee Owner”), as lessor, and East a chord distance of 92.32
rights of way and all estates, and all other structures, togeth- from the sale or other disposi- ment property, financial assets, Mortgage Pass-Through Certi- Stonecrest Mall, LLC, prede- feet and having a radius of
rights, titles, interests, priv- er with all accessions, appur- tion of the Leases and the right instruments and other property ficates, holder of the Note, cessor-in-interest to Borrower, 415.87 feet) to a point; along a
ileges, liberties, servitudes, tenances, additions, replace- to receive and apply the Rents held therein from time to time holder of the Security Deed, as lessee (“Tenant”), (ii) that curve to the right an arc dis-
tenements, hereditaments and ments, betterments and substi- to the payment of the Indebted- and all proceeds, products, dis- and attorney-in-fact for Grantor: certain Memorandum of Lease tance of 94.30 feet (said arc
appurtenances of any nature tutions for any of the foregoing ness (as hereinafter defined) tributions or dividends or sub- c/o Kevin A. Stine (GA Bar No. dated February 26, 2001 and being subtended by a chord
whatsoever, in any way belong- and the proceeds thereof (col- and the performance of other stitutions thereon and thereof; 682588), Baker, Donelson, recorded on February 27, 2001 bearing South 83 degrees 22
ing, relating or pertaining to the lectively, the “Fixtures”). Not- obligations; (h) All awards or and (p) Any and all other rights Bearman, Caldwell & Berkow- in Deed Book 11897, Page 148 minutes 24 seconds East a
Land and the Improvements withstanding the foregoing, payments, including interest of Borrower in and to the items itz, P.C., Suite 1600, Monarch in the DeKalb County Records, chord distance of 85.04 feet
and the reversions and remain- "Fixtures" shall not include any thereon, which may heretofore set forth in subsections (a) Plaza, 3414 Peachtree Road, (iii) that certain Assignment of and having a radius of 60.50
ders, and all land lying in the property which tenants are en- or have been made with re- through (o) above and without N.E., Atlanta, GA 30326; Ground Lease dated Septem- feet) to a point; North 55 de-
bed of any street, road or aven- titled to remove pursuant to spect to all or any portion of the limiting any of the other provi-; ber 5, 2003 from Tenant to Bor- grees 54 minutes 57 seconds
ue, opened or proposed, in leases, except to the extent Property, whether from the ex- sions of the Security Deed, to (404) 577-6000. rower and recorded on Septem- East, 17.46 feet to THE TRUE
front of or adjoining the Land, that Borrower shall have any ercise of the right of eminent the extent permitted by applic- 430-451813 11/11,11/18,11/25 ber 8, 2003 in Deed Book POINT OF BEGINNING; FROM
to the center line thereof and all right or interest therein; (f) All domain (including, but not lim- able law, any portion of the 12/2 14975, Page 380 in the DeKalb THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIN-
the estates, rights, titles, in- furniture, furnishings, objects of ited to, any transfer made in Land which is or may be sub- STATE OF GEORGIA County Records and refiled for N I NG A S T H US E S T A B-
terests, dower and rights of art, machinery, goods, tools, lieu of or in anticipation of the ject to the provisions of the Uni- COUNTY OF DEKALB record September 9, 2003 in LISHED, run thence along a
dower, curtesy and rights of supplies, appliances, general exercise of such right), or for a form Commercial Code which NOTICE OF SALE Deed Book 14981, Page 116 in curve to the right an arc dis-
curtesy, property, possession, intangibles, contract rights, ac- change of grade, or for any oth- are applicable to secured trans- UNDER POWER the DeKalb County Records, tance of 95.36 feet (said arc
claim and demand whatsoever, counts, accounts receivable, er injury to or decrease in the actions. WHEREAS, Stonecrest Mall and (iv) that certain Lessor Es- being subtended by a chord
both at law and in equity, of franchises, licenses, certific- value of the Property including, THIS SALE OF THE PROP- SPE, LLC, a Delaware limited toppel Certificate (“Estoppel bearing North 30 degrees 40
Borrower of, in and to the Land ates and permits, and all other without limitation, any award or ERTY WILL BE MADE liability company (“Borrower”), Agreement”) dated June 18, minutes 09 seconds West a
and the Improvements and personal property of any kind or awards, or settlements or pay- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, executed and delivered to Mort- 2015 made by Fee Owner and chord distance of 95.31 feet
every part and parcel thereof, character whatsoever as ments, hereafter made result- EITHER EXPRESS OR IM- gage Electronic Registration others for the benefit of Origin- and having a radius of 800.00
with the appurtenances thereto; defined in and subject to the ing from (i) condemnation pro- PLIED, AS TO TITLE, CONDI- Systems, Inc., a Delaware al Lender ((a)(i)-(a)(iv) collect- feet) to a point; run thence
(d) All "equipment," as such provisions of the Uniform Com- ceedings or the taking of all or TION, MERCHANTABILITY, stock corporation (“MERS”), as ively referred to herein as the along a curve to the right an arc
term is defined in Article 9 of mercial Code, whether tangible any portion of the Improve- OR FITNESS FOR ANY USE nominee for Bank of America, “Land Lease”) and (b)(i) Lease distance of 20.01 feet (said arc
the Uniform Commercial Code or intangible, other than Fix- ments, the Equipment, the Fix- OR PURPOSE WHATSO- N.A., a national banking associ- Agreement dated as of Janu- being subtended by a chord
(as hereinafter defined), owned tures, owned by Borrower, to- tures, the Leases or the Per- EVER. ation (“Original Lender”), that ary 1, 2001, by and between bearing North 64 degrees 33
by Borrower, which is used at gether with all accessories, re- sonal Property, or any part The Property will be sold as the certain Deed to Secure Debt Fee Owner and Tenant, (ii) that minutes 46 seconds East a
or in connection with the Im- placements and substitutions thereof, under the power of em- property of Grantor. To the un- and Security Agreement (the certain Memorandum of Lease chord distance of 20.01 feet
provements or the Land or is thereto or therefor and the pro- inent domain; or (ii) the altera- dersigned’s best knowledge “Security Deed”), made as of dated February 26, 2001 and and having a radius of 458.37
located thereon or therein (in- ceeds thereof (collectively, the tion of grade or the location or and information, Grantor is the October 1, 2004, filed and re- recorded on February 27, 2001 feet) to a point; run thence
cluding, but not limited to, all “Personal Property”), and the the discontinuance of any party in possession of the Prop- corded October 4, 2004 in in Deed Book 11897, Page 601 along a curve to the right an arc
machinery, equipment, heating, right, title and interest of Bor- street adjoining the Property or erty. Deed Book 16659, beginning at in the DeKalb County Records, distance of 200.51 feet (said
ventilation or air conditioning rower in and to any of the Per- any portion thereof; (i) All insur- The sale of the Property will be Page 37, with the Clerk of Su- (iii) that certain Assignment of arc being subtended by a chord
equipment, garbage equip- sonal Property which may be ance proceeds in respect of the “as is” and “where is,” subject perior Court of DeKalb County, Lease dated September 5, bearing North 19 degrees 56
ment and apparatus, incinerat- subject to any security in- Property under any policies to: all zoning ordinances; mat- Georgia (the “DeKalb County 2003 from Tenant to Borrower minutes 11 seconds West a
ors, boilers, furnaces, motors, terests, as defined in the Uni- covering the Property, includ- ters that would be disclosed by Records”), as amended pursu- and recorded on September 8, chord distance of 199.96 feet
furnishings, and electronic data form Commercial Code, as ad- ing, without limitation, the right an accurate survey or an in- ant to that certain First Amend- 2003 in Deed Book 14975, and having a radius of 780.00
processing and other office opted and enacted by the state to receive and apply the pro- spection of the Land; any out- ment to Deed to Secure Debt Page 518 in the DeKalb County feet) to a point; run thence
equipment owned by Borrower or states where any of the ceeds of any policies, judg- standing taxes and govern- and Security Agreement, dated Records and refiled for record North 69 degrees 22 minutes
and any and all additions, sub- Property is located (as ments, or settlements made in mental assessments, including as of June 18, 2015, between September 9, 2003 in Deed 30 seconds East a distance of
stitutions and replacements of amended from time to time, the lieu thereof, in connection with unpaid real and personal prop- Borrower and Wells Fargo Book 14981, Page 129 in the 550.91 feet to a point; run
any of the foregoing), together "Uniform Commercial Code"), a casualty to the Property; (j) erty ad valorem taxes; all out- Bank, N.A., as trustee for the DeKalb County Records, and thence South 69 degrees 22
with all attachments, compon- superior in lien to the lien of this All refunds, rebates or credits in standing bills for public utilities registered holders of Banc of (iv) that certain Lessor Estop- minutes 30 seconds East a dis-
ents, parts, equipment and ac- Security Deed and all pro- connection with any reduction that constitute liens upon the America Commercial Mortgage pel Certificate (Lease Agree- tance of 164.62 feet to a point;
cessories installed thereon or ceeds and products of the in taxes or other charges Property; all restrictive coven- Inc. Commercial Mortgage ment) dated June 18, 2015 run thence North 20 degrees
affixed thereto (collectively, the above; (g) All leases (including, charged against the Property; ants, easements, rights-of-way, Pass-Through Certificates, made by Fee Owner and oth- 37 minutes 30 seconds East a
“Equipment”). Notwithstanding without limitation, ground (k) All proceeds of the conver- assessments of record, and Series 2005-1 (“Holder”), filed ers for the benefit of Original distance of 37.58 feet to a
the foregoing, Equipment shall leases, subleases or subsub- sion, voluntary or involuntary, matters of record superior to and recorded June 24, 2015 in Lender ((b)(i)-(b)(iv) collect- point; run thence South 69 de-
not include any property be- leases), lettings, licenses, con- of any of the foregoing includ- the Security Deed. Deed Book 25011, beginning at ively referred to herein as the grees 22 minutes 30 seconds
longing to tenants under leases cessions or other agreements ing, without limitation, insur- The sale of this Property will be Page 728 in the DeKalb County “Building Lease”; the Land East a distance of 105.50 feet
except to the extent that Bor- (whether written or oral) pursu- ance proceeds and awards, in- conducted subject to (i) con- Records, as bargained, sold, Lease and the Building Lease to a point; run thence North 20
rower shall have any right or in- ant to which any person is to cash or liquidation claims; (l) firmation that it is not prohib- given, granted, conveyed, as the same may be amended, degrees 37 minutes 30
terest therein; (e) All Equip- granted a possessory interest The right, in the name and on ited by the United States Bank- transferred, set over and as- restated, replaced, supplemen- seconds East a distance of
ment owned by Borrower which in, or right to use or occupy all behalf of Borrower, to appear in ruptcy Code, and (ii) the provi- signed by MERS to Holder pur- ted or otherwise modified from 282.33 feet to a point; run
is so related to the Land and or any portion of the Land and and defend any action or pro- sions of O.C.G.A. § 9-13-172.1 suant to that certain Assign- time to time shall individually thence North 69 degrees 22
Improvements forming part of the Improvements, and every ceeding brought with respect to that permit the rescission of ju- ment of Deed to Secure Debt and collectively, as the context minutes 30 seconds West a
the “Property” (as hereinafter modification, amendment or the Property and to commence dicial and non-judicial foreclos- and Security Agreement, and may require, referred to herein distance of 48.34 feet to a
defined) that it is deemed fix- other agreement relating to any action or proceeding to ure sales in Georgia in certain UCC Financing Statement, ef- as the “Ground Lease”), and point; run thence North 31 de-
tures or real property under the such leases, subleases, sub- protect the interest of Holder in circumstances. The under- fective as of June 1, 2015, filed the leasehold estate created grees 06 minutes 08 seconds
law of the particular state in subleases, or other agree- the Property; (m) All agree- signed will execute a deed to and recorded March 23, 2017 thereby in the real property de- West a distance of 344.07 feet
which the Equipment is located, ments entered into in connec- ments, contracts, certificates, the purchaser as provided in in Deed Book 26151, begin- scribed as follows (the “Land”): to a point; run thence South 60
including, without limitation, all tion with such leases, sub- instruments, franchises, per- the Security Deed. ning at Page 429 and re-filed ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- degrees 00 minutes 00
to a point; run thence North 20 thence South 75 degrees 00 621.53 feet to a point; run benefiting the subject property Borrower as tenant under the ances thereto; sources arising from or attribut-
degrees 37 minutes 30 minutes 00 seconds East a dis- thence along a curve to the the easements created in that Ground Lease, including, but (e) Fixtures and Personal Prop- able to the Property, including,
seconds East a distance of tance of 34.50 feet to a point; right an arc distance of 51.46 certain Declaration of Ease- not limited to, the right, if any, erty. All machinery, equipment, all receivables, customer oblig-
282.33 feet to a point; run run thence South 15 degrees feet (said arc being subtended ments, Covenants, Conditions to renew or extend the Ground fixtures (including, but not lim- ations, installment payment ob-
thence North 69 degrees 22 00 minutes 00 seconds West a by a chord bearing North 35 & Restrictions by Development Lease for a succeeding term or ited to, all heating, air condi- ligations and other obligations
minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 68.00 feet to a degrees 55 minutes 37 Authority of DeKalb County, terms or the right to purchase tioning, plumbing, lighting, com- then existing or thereafter
Page 60
distance of 48.34 feet to a
point; run thence North 31 de-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
point; run thence South 75 de-
grees 00 minutes 00 seconds
seconds West a chord dis-
tance of 51.45 feet and having
Georgia, a public body corpor-
ate and politic, DeKalb Center
fee title to the Land, and also
including all the right, title,
munications and elevator fix-
tures), furniture, software used
arising or created out of the
sale, lease, sublease, license,
grees 06 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 200.59 feet a radius of 800.00 feet) to THE Associates, a Georgia limited claim or demand whatsoever of in or to operate any of the fore- concession or other grant of the
West a distance of 344.07 feet to a point; run thence South 15 TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; partnership, and CFN (I-20), Borrower either in law or in going and other property of right of the use and occupancy
to a point; run thence South 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 as shown on that certain plat of Inc., a Delaware corporation, equity, in possession or expect- every kind and nature whatso- of property or rendering of ser-
degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of survey entitled “ALTA/ACSM dated February 26, 2001, filed ancy, of, in and to Original ever owned by Borrower, or in vices by Borrower or its agents
seconds West a distance of 53.32 feet to a point; run Land Title Survey for Forest for record February 27, 2001 at Lender’s right, as tenant under which Borrower then had or and proceeds, if any, from busi-
89.91 feet to a point; run thence South 75 degrees 00 City Enterprises, Bank of Amer- 12:00 p.m., recorded in Deed the Ground Lease, to elect un- shall thereafter have an in- ness interruption or other loss
thence North 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a dis- ica, N.A., Chicago Title Insur- Book 11897, Page 70, afore- der Section 365(h)(l) of the terest, then or thereafter loc- of income insurance whether
minutes 00 seconds West a tance of 52.61 feet to a point; ance Company”, prepared by said Records; as affected by Bankruptcy Code, Title 11 ated upon the Land and the Im- paid or accruing before or after
distance of 310.81 feet to a run thence South 35 degrees Development Consultants Assignment of Declarant’s U.S.C.A. - 101 et seq. (as the provements, or appurtenant the filing by or against Borrow-
point; run thence along a curve 37 minutes 30 seconds East a Group, bearing the seal and Rights and Powers under De- same may be amended from thereto, and usable in connec- er of any petition for relief un-
to the right an arc distance of distance of 501.01 feet to a certification of Donald G. Hol- claration of Easements, Coven- time to time, the “Bankruptcy tion with the present or future der any Creditors Rights Laws
213.73 feet (said arc being sub- point; run thence South 52 de- land, Georgia Registered Land ants, Conditions & Restrictions Code”) to terminate or treat the operation and occupancy of the (collectively, the “Rents”) and
tended by a chord bearing grees 08 minutes 05 seconds Surveyor No. 2637, dated Au- by and between DeKalb Cen- Ground Lease as terminated or Land and the Improvements all proceeds from the sale or
North 69 degrees 28 minutes East a distance of 73.05 feet to gust 13, 2003, last revised ter Associates, a Georgia lim- to consent to the transfer of the and all building equipment, ma- other disposition of the Leases
24 seconds East a chord dis- a point; run thence along a September 20, 2004, Job No. ited partnership, and Stone- Fee Owner’s interest in the terials and supplies of any and the right to receive and ap-
tance of 212.90 feet and hav- curve to the right an arc dis- 89011; crest Mall, LLC, a Georgia lim- Land and the Improvements nature whatsoever owned by ply the Rents to the payment of
ing a radius of 700.00 feet) to a tance of 232.83 feet (said arc TOGETHER WITH and benefit- ited liability company, dated (as hereinafter defined) free Borrower, or in which Borrower the Debt (as defined in the
point; run thence South 30 de- being subtended by a chord ing the subject property the February 26, 2001, filed for re- and clear of the Ground Lease then had or thereafter shall Loan Agreement);
grees 00 minutes 00 seconds bearing South 47 degrees 45 easement created by that cer- cord February 27, 2001 at under Section 363 of the Bank- have an interest, then or there- (g) Insurance Proceeds. All In-
East a distance of 572.77 feet minutes 54 seconds West a tain Declaration of Surface and 12:00 p.m., recorded in Deed ruptcy Code in the event (i) of after located upon the Land surance Proceeds (as defined
to a point; run thence South 60 chord distance of 232.30 feet Storm Water Drainage Ease- Book 11898, Page 29, afore- the bankruptcy, reorganization and the Improvements, or ap- in the Loan Agreement) in re-
degrees 00 minutes 00 and having a radius of 1000.00 ments by DeKalb Center Asso- said Records; as further af- or insolvency of the Fee Own- purtenant thereto, or usable in spect of the Property under any
seconds West a distance of feet) to a point; run thence ciates, a Georgia limited part- fected by Supplemental Declar- er, and (ii) (A) the rejection of connection with the present or Policies (as defined in the Loan
60.00 feet to a point; run North 35 degrees 37 minutes nership, dated May 13, 1986, ation of Covenants, Conditions the Ground Lease by such Fee future operation and occu- Agreement) covering the Prop-
thence South 30 degrees 00 30 seconds West a distance of filed for record May 14, 1986 at and Restrictions by CFN (I-20), Owner, as debtor in posses- pancy of the Land and the Im- erty, including, without limita-
minutes 00 seconds East a dis- 658.52 feet to a point; run 9:33 a.m., recorded in Deed Inc., a Delaware corporation, sion, or by a trustee for such provements (collectively, the tion, the right to receive and ap-
tance of 63.00 feet to a point; thence North 09 degrees 22 Book 5470, Page 390, Re- dated February 26, 2001, filed Fee Owner, pursuant to Sec- “Personal Property”), and the ply the proceeds of any insur-
run thence South 75 degrees minutes 30 seconds East a dis- cords of DeKalb County, Geor- for record March 1, 2001 at tion 365 of the Bankruptcy right, title and interest of Bor- ance, judgments, or settle-
00 minutes 00 seconds East a tance of 24.29 feet to a point; gia; as amended by that cer- 12:03 p.m., recorded in Deed Code or (B) any attempt by rower in and to any of the Per- ments made in lieu thereof, for
distance of 80.40 feet to a run thence North 80 degrees tain First Amendment to Declar- Book 11899, Page 311, afore- such Fee Owner, as debtor in sonal Property which may be damage to the Property;
point; run thence South 15 de- 37 minutes 30 seconds West a ation of Surface and Storm Wa- said Records; as further af- possession, or by a trustee for subject to any security in- (h) Condemnation Awards. All
grees 00 minutes 00 seconds distance of 387.53 feet to a ter Drainage Easement by and fected by Supplement to De- such Fee Owner, to sell or terests, as defined in the Uni- Awards (as defined in the Loan
West a distance of 55.28 feet to point; run thence South 69 de- between DeKalb Center Asso- claration of Easements, Coven- transfer such Fee Owner’s in- form Commercial Code, as ad- Agreement), including interest
a point; run thence South 69 grees 22 minutes 30 seconds ciates, a Georgia limited part- ants, Conditions and Restric- terest in the Land and the Im- opted and enacted by the state thereon, which may theretofore
degrees 22 minutes 30 West a distance of 47.25 feet to nership and JDN Associates, tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC, provements under Section 363 or states where any of the and thereafter be made with re-
seconds East a distance of a point; run thence South 20 Ltd, Turner Hill Road, a Geor- a Georgia limited liability com- of the Bankruptcy Code; Property is located (the “Uni- spect to the Property by reas-
21.82 feet to a point; run degrees 37 minutes 30 gia limited partnership, dated pany, and Stonecrest Land In- (b) Additional Land. All addi- form Commercial Code”), and on of Condemnation (as
thence South 15 degrees 00 seconds East a distance of May 2, 1986, filed for record vestment, LLC, a Georgia lim- tional lands, estates and devel- all proceeds and products of defined in the Loan
minutes 00 seconds West a 35.00 feet to a point; run June 4, 1986 at 8:57 a.m., re- ited liability company, dated opment rights thereafter ac- the above; Agreement), whether from the
distance of 53.33 feet to a thence South 69 degrees 22 corded in Deed Book 5486, October 4, 2001, filed for re- quired by Borrower for use in (f) Leases and Rents. All exercise of the right of eminent
point; run thence South 74 de- minutes 30 seconds West a Page 511, aforesaid Records; cord December 20, 2001 at connection with the Land and leases, (including the Ground domain (including, but not lim-
grees 59 minutes 59 seconds distance of 326.68 feet to a as further amended by that cer- 11:33 a.m., recorded in Deed the development of the Land Lease) subleases, subsub- ited to, any transfer made in
East a distance of 273.86 feet point; run thence South 20 de- tain Second Amendment to De- Book 12759, Page 483, afore- and all additional lands and es- leases, lettings, licenses, con- lieu of or in anticipation of the
to a point; run thence North 15 grees 37 minutes 30 seconds claration of Surface and Storm said Records; as further af- tates therein which may, from cessions or other agreements exercise of the right), or for a
degrees 00 minutes 00 East a distance of 30.00 feet to Water Drainage Easements by fected by Supplement to De- time to time, by supplemental (whether written or oral) pursu- change of grade, or for any oth-
seconds East a distance of a point; run thence North 69 and between DeKalb Center claration of Easements, Coven- deed to secure debt or other- ant to which any Person (as er injury to or decrease in the
60.00 feet to a point; run degrees 22 minutes 30 Associates, a Georgia limited ants, Conditions and Restric- wise be expressly made sub- defined in the Loan Agreement) value of the Property;
thence South 74 degrees 59 seconds East a distance of partnership and Atlanta East tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC, ject to the lien of security title is granted a possessory in- (i) Tax Certiorari. All refunds,
minutes 59 seconds East a dis- 9.00 feet to a point; run thence Mall Limited Partnership, a a Georgia limited liability com- granted pursuant to the Secur- terest in, or right to use or oc- rebates or credits in connec-
tance of 28.75 feet to a point; South 20 degrees 37 minutes Georgia limited partnership pany, and Stafford Stonecrest, ity Instrument; cupy all or any portion of, the tion with reduction in real es-
run thence North 37 degrees 30 seconds East a distance of dated February 28, 1989, filed LLC, a Georgia limited liability (c) Improvements. The build- Land and the Improvements, tate taxes and assessments
30 minutes 00 seconds East a 30.00 feet to a point; run for record May 2, 1989 at 10:12 company, dated October 11, ings, structures, fixtures, pads, and every modification, amend- charged against the Property
distance of 35.36 feet to a thence South 69 degrees 22 a.m., recorded in Deed Book 2001, filed for record March 18, additions, enlargements, exten- ment or other agreement relat- as a result of tax certiorari or
point; run thence South 52 de- minutes 30 seconds West, 6421, Page 271, aforesaid Re- 2002 at 12:10 p.m., recorded in sions, modifications, repairs, re- ing to such leases, subleases, any applications or proceed-
grees 30 minutes 00 seconds 210.24 feet to a point; run cords; as further amended by Deed Book 13040, Page 347, placements and improvements subsubleases, or other agree- ings for reduction;
East a distance of 102.78 feet thence South 37 degrees 46 that certain Third Amendment aforesaid Records; as affected then or thereafter erected or ments entered into in connec- (i) Rights. The right, in the
to a point; run thence South 60 minutes 11 seconds East, to Declaration of Surface and by that certain Supplement to located on the Land (collect- tion with such leases, sub- name and on behalf of Borrow-
degrees 00 minutes 00 69.06 feet to a point; run Storm Water Drainage Ease- Declaration of Easements, Cov- ively, the “Improvements”); leases, subsubleases, or other er, to appear in and defend any
seconds West a distance of thence along a curve to the left ments by and between DeKalb enants, Conditions and Restric- (d) Easements. All easements, agreements and every guaran- action or proceeding brought
122.22 feet to a point; run an arc distance of 514.99 feet Center Associates, a Georgia tions from Stonecrest Mall, rights-of-way or use, rights, tee of the performance and ob- with respect to the Property
thence South 30 degrees 00 (said arc being subtended by a limited partnership, Lewis G. LLC, a Georgia limited liability strips and gores of land, servance of the covenants, and to commence any action or
minutes 00 seconds East a dis- chord bearing South 48 de- Abbott, Betty L. Abbott, Pat Ab- company, to Stonecrest Land streets, ways, alleys, passages, conditions and agreements to proceeding to protect the in-
tance of 256.00 feet to a point; grees 07 minutes 36 seconds bott, as Executrix of the Estate Investment, LLC, a Georgia sewer rights, water, water be performed and observed by terest of Lender in the Property;
run thence North 60 degrees East a chord distance of 512.19 of Robert G. Abbott, and limited liability company, dated courses, water rights and the other party thereto, thereto- (k) Agreements. All rights, title
00 minutes 00 seconds East a feet and having a radius of Joseph Abbott as Executor of November 4, 2002, filed for re- powers, air rights and develop- fore or thereafter entered into, and interest of Borrower in, to
distance of 12.02 feet to a 1424.50 feet) to a point; run Joseph Ernest Abbott, dated cord November 8, 2002 at ment rights, and all estates, whether before or after the fil- and under all agreements, con-
point; run thence South 30 de- thence along a curve to the left November 13, 1989, filed for 10:22 a.m., recorded in Deed rights, titles, interests, priv- ing by or against Borrower of tracts, certificates, instruments,
grees 00 minutes 00 seconds an arc distance of 281.65 feet record June 31, 1990 at 8:30 Book 13810, Page 675, afore- ileges, liberties, servitudes, any petition for relief under any franchises, permits, licenses,
East a distance of 12.75 feet to (said arc being subtended by a a.m., recorded in Deed Book said Records; as further af- tenements, hereditaments and Creditors Rights Laws (collect- plans, specifications and other
a point; run thence North 60 chord bearing South 70 de- 6629, Page 189, aforesaid Re- fected by Supplement to De- appurtenances of any nature ively, the “Leases”) and all documents, then or thereafter
degrees 00 minutes 00 grees 43 minutes 14 seconds cords; claration of Easements, Coven- whatsoever, in any way then or right, title and interest of Bor- entered into, and all rights
seconds East a distance of East a chord distance of 279.49 ALSO TOGETHER WITH and ants, Conditions and Restric- thereafter belonging, relating or rower, its successors and as- therein and thereto, respecting
111.77 feet to a point; run feet and having a radius of benefiting the subject property tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC, pertaining to the Land and/or signs therein and thereunder, or pertaining to the use, occu-
thence South 30 degrees 00 656.50 feet) to a point; run the easements created in that a Georgia limited liability com- the Improvements, including, including, without limitation, pation, construction, manage-
minutes 00 seconds East a dis- thence South 06 degrees 59 certain Construction, Opera- pany, and Stonecrest Land In- but not limited to, those arising cash or securities deposited ment or operation of the Land
tance of 93.30 feet to a point; minutes 21 seconds West a tion and Reciprocal Easement vestment, LLC, a Georgia lim- under and by the virtue of the thereunder to secure the per- and any part thereof and any
run thence South 07 degrees distance of 25.50 feet to a Agreement by and between ited liability company, dated as Ground Lease, and the Im- formance by the lessees of Improvements or any business
55 minutes 20 seconds West a point; run thence along a curve Stonecrest Mall, LLC, a Geor- of June 11, 2003, filed for re- provements and the reversions their obligations thereunder and or activity conducted on the
distance of 83.82 feet to a to the right an arc distance of gia limited liability company, cord June 20, 2003 at 2:24 and remainders, and all land ly- all rents, additional rents, rent Land and any part thereof, in-
point; run thence South 07 de- 290.25 feet (said arc being sub- Development Authority of p.m., recorded in Deed Book ing in the bed of any street, equivalents, moneys payable cluding, without limitation, the
grees 30 minutes 00 seconds tended by a chord bearing DeKalb County, a public body 14654, Page 742, aforesaid road or avenue, opened or pro- as damages or in lieu of rent or right, upon the happening of
East a distance of 42.48 feet to North 70 degrees 49 minutes corporate and politic of the Records, as further affected by posed, in front of or adjoining rent equivalents, royalties (in- any default thereunder, to re-
a point; run thence North 75 08 seconds West a chord dis- State of Georgia, Dillards, Inc., Supplemental Declaration of the Land, to the center line cluding, without limitation, all oil ceive and collect any sums
degrees 00 minutes 00 tance of 288.06 feet and hav- a Delaware corporation, Sears, Covenants, Conditions and Re- thereof and all the estates, and gas or other mineral royal- payable to Borrower thereun-
seconds West a distance of ing a radius of 682.00 feet) to a Roebuck and Co., a New York strictions by CFN (I-20), Inc., rights, titles, interests, rights of ties and bonuses), income, re- der;
156.02 feet to a point; run point; run thence along a curve corporation, J.C. Penney Com- Delaware corporation, dated as dower, rights of curtesy, prop- ceivables, receipts, revenues, (l) Intangibles. All rights, title
thence South 15 degrees 00 to the right an arc distance of pany Inc., a Delaware corpora- of July 14, 2004, filed for re- erty, possession, claim and de- deposits (including, without lim- and interest of Borrower in and
minutes 00 seconds West a 526.53 feet (said arc being sub- tion, Parisian, Inc., an Alabama cord July 16, 2004 at 11:55 mand whatsoever, both at law itation, security, utility and oth- to all tradenames, trademarks,
distance of 68.00 feet to a tended by a chord bearing corporation and Rich’s Depart- a.m., recorded in Deed Book and in equity, of Borrower of, in er deposits), accounts, cash, is- servicemarks, logos, copy-
point; run thence North 75 de- North 48 degrees 10 minutes ment Stores, Inc., an Ohio cor- 16379, Page 414, aforesaid and to the Land and the Im- sues, profits, charges for ser- rights, goodwill, books and re-
grees 00 minutes 00 seconds 20 seconds West a chord dis- poration, dated February 26, Records; provements and/or the Im- vices rendered, and other con- cords and all other general in-
West a distance of 34.50 feet to tance of 523.64 feet and hav- 2001, filed for record February INCLUDING all assignments, provements, including, but not sideration of whatever form or tangibles relating to or used in
a point; run thence South 15 ing a radius of 1450.00 feet) to 27, 2001 at 12:00 p.m., recor- modifications, extensions and limited to, those arising under nature received by or paid to or connection with the operation
degrees 00 minutes 00 a point; run thence North 37 ded in Deed Book 11897, Page renewals of the Ground Lease and by the virtue of the Ground for the account of or benefit of of the Property;
seconds West a distance of degrees 46 minutes 11 186, aforesaid Records; and all credits, deposits, op- Lease, and every part and par- Borrower or its agents or em- (m) Accounts. All reserves, es-
60.00 feet to a point; run seconds West a distance of ALSO TOGETHER WITH and tions, privileges and rights of cel thereof, with the appurten- ployees from any and all crows and deposit accounts
thence South 75 degrees 00 621.53 feet to a point; run benefiting the subject property Borrower as tenant under the ances thereto; sources arising from or attribut- maintained by Borrower with re-
minutes 00 seconds East a dis- thence along a curve to the the easements created in that Ground Lease, including, but (e) Fixtures and Personal Prop- able to the Property, including, spect to the Property, including,
tance of 34.50 feet to a point; right an arc distance of 51.46 certain Declaration of Ease- not limited to, the right, if any, erty. All machinery, equipment, all receivables, customer oblig- without limitation, the Reserve
run thence South 15 degrees feet (said arc being subtended ments, Covenants, Conditions to renew or extend the Ground fixtures (including, but not lim- ations, installment payment ob- Accounts, the Lockbox Ac-
00 minutes 00 seconds West a by a chord bearing North 35 & Restrictions by Development Lease for a succeeding term or ited to, all heating, air condi- ligations and other obligations count, the Cash Management
distance of 68.00 feet to a degrees 55 minutes 37 Authority of DeKalb County, terms or the right to purchase tioning, plumbing, lighting, com- then existing or thereafter Account (each as defined in the
point; run thence South 75 de- seconds West a chord dis- Georgia, a public body corpor- fee title to the Land, and also munications and elevator fix- arising or created out of the Loan Agreement) and all ac-
grees 00 minutes 00 seconds tance of 51.45 feet and having ate and politic, DeKalb Center including all the right, title, tures), furniture, software used sale, lease, sublease, license, counts established pursuant to
East a distance of 200.59 feet a radius of 800.00 feet) to THE Associates, a Georgia limited claim or demand whatsoever of in or to operate any of the fore- concession or other grant of the Article 10 of the Loan Agree-
to a point; run thence South 15 TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; partnership, and CFN (I-20), Borrower either in law or in going and other property of right of the use and occupancy ment together with all deposits
degrees 00 minutes 00 as shown on that certain plat of Inc., a Delaware corporation, equity, in possession or expect- every kind and nature whatso- of property or rendering of ser- or wire transfers made to the
seconds West a distance of survey entitled “ALTA/ACSM dated February 26, 2001, filed ancy, of, in and to Original ever owned by Borrower, or in vices by Borrower or its agents Lockbox Account and all cash,
maintained by Borrower with re- Instrument and according to the recorded in Deed Book 6629, westerly portion of the Property; Page 347, DeKalb County Re- said O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2.
spect to the Property, including, terms of the Security Instru- Page 189, DeKalb County Re- (d) 8-foot by 7-foot box culvert cords; as affected by that cer- The undersigned may sell the
without limitation, the Reserve ment and the laws in such cords; crossing westerly portion of the tain Supplement to Declaration Property (less and except the
Accounts, the Lockbox Ac- cases made and provided, 8. Perpetual drainage ease- Property; of Easements, Covenants, Funds) or any part of the Prop-
count, the Cash Management Holder will expose the Property ment as contained in that cer- (e) Drainage facilities with catch Conditions and Restrictions erty (less and except the
Account (each as defined in the (less and except the Funds) for tain Right of Way Deed and basins, junction boxes and from Stonecrest Mall, LLC to Funds) in such manner and or-

Loan Agreement) and all ac- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021
sale, at public sale to the Easement Agreement by and grate inlets throughout the Stonecrest Land Investment, der as Holder may elect and Page 61
counts established pursuant to highest bidder, for cash on that between DeKalb Center Asso- Property; LLC, dated November 4, 2002, may sell that portion of the
Article 10 of the Loan Agree- certain first Tuesday in Decem- ciates whose sole general part- (f) Water valves throughout the filed for record November 8, Property (less and except the
ment together with all deposits ber, 2021, being December 7, ner is CFI-20E Associates hav- Property; 2002, recorded in Deed Book Funds), which, under the laws
or wire transfers made to the 2021, during the legal hours for ing as a general partner Ca- (g) Electric membership corpor- 13810, Page 675, DeKalb of the State of Georgia, consti-
Lockbox Account and all cash, sale, before the courthouse dillac Fairview Shopping Cen- ation manhole in southeasterly County Records; as further af- tutes an estate or interest in
checks, drafts, certificates, se- door in DeKalb County, Geor- ter Properties (Georgia) Inc., portion of the Property; fected by Supplement to De- real estate separately from that
curities, investment property, gia. The Property (less and ex- JDN Associates, Ltd., Turner (h) Power manholes in west- claration of Easements, Coven- portion of the Property (less
financial assets, instruments cept the Funds) will be sold Hill Road whose sole general erly portion of the Property; ants, Conditions and Restric- and except the Funds), which,
and other property held therein subject to the following: partner is JDN Equities, Inc., (i) Fire hydrants throughout the tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC under the laws of the State of
from time to time and all pro- 1. All outstanding taxes and as- and DeKalb County, a political Property; and and Stonecrest Land Invest- Georgia, constitutes personalty
ceeds, products, distributions sessments, and any additional subdivision, dated November (j) Ring Road (a private road) ment, LLC, dated as of June and not an interest in the real
or dividends or substitutions taxes which result from a reas- 30, 1988, filed for record lies across portions of the Prop- 11, 2003, filed for record June estate, in which case separate
thereon and thereof; sessment of the Property; December 5, 1988, recorded in erty; 20, 2003, recorded in Deed bids will be taken therefor, or
(n) Conversion. All proceeds of 2. Rights and obligations of ten- Deed Book 6304, Page 65, 15. Construction, Operation Book 14654, Page 742, DeKalb collectively in a single sale or
the conversion, voluntary or in- ants in possession under unre- DeKalb County Records (af- and Reciprocal Easement County Records; as further af- lot, in which case a single bid
voluntary, of any of the forego- corded leases, if any, as ten- fects only appurtenant rights Agreement by and between fected by Supplemental Declar- will be taken therefor. Notice of
ing items set forth in subsec- ants only, with no option to pur- under the REA); Stonecrest Mall, LLC, Develop- ation of Covenants, Conditions the undersigned’s intent shall
tions (a) through (m) including, chase or right of first refusal; 9. Limitation of access rights to ment Authority of DeKalb and Restrictions by CFN (I-20), be given by announcement
without limitation, Insurance 3. Slope and Drainage rights as I-20 as contained in that cer- County, a public body corpor- Inc., dated as of July 14, 2004, made at the commencement of
Proceeds and Awards, into contained in that certain Right tain Department of Transporta- ate and politic of the State of filed for record July 16, 2004, the public sale.
cash or liquidation claims; and of Way Deed from E.V. Reagin tion Right of Way Deed from Georgia, Dillards, Inc., Sears, recorded in Deed Book 16379, The recitals set forth herein-
(o) Other Rights. Any and all to the State Highway Board of DeKalb Center Associates by Roebuck and Co., J.C. Penney Page 414, DeKalb County Re- above are hereby incorporated
other rights of Borrower in and Georgia, dated May 1, 1930, CFI-20E Associates with its Company Inc., Parisian, Inc., cords; in and made a part of this No-
to the items set forth in subsec- filed for record May 29, 1930, general partner being Cadillac and Rich’s Department Stores, 18. Unrecorded Stonecrest Mall tice of Sale Under Power.
tions (a) through (n) above. recorded in Deed Book 329, Fairview Shopping Center Inc., with consent by the and Supplemental Agreement by WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.,
WHEREAS, the Security Instru- Page 430, DeKalb County Re- Properties (Georgia), Inc. to SunTrust Bank, as Bond trust- and among Stonecrest Mall, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE RE-
ment secures, in part, that cer- cords (affects only appurtenant Department of Transportation, ee, dated February 26, 2001, LLC and Dillard’s, Inc., dated GISTERED HOLDERS OF
tain loan (the “Loan”) to Bor- rights under the Reciprocal dated November 23, 1988, filed filed for record February 27, as of February 26, 2001; BANC OF AMERICA COM-
rower made by Original Lender, Easement Agreement listed in for record December 19, 1988, 2001, recorded in Deed Book 19. Unrecorded Separate MERCIAL MORTGAGE INC.
as evidenced by that certain Item 15 below (“the REA”)); recorded in Deed Book 6318, 11897, Page 186, DeKalb Agreement by and between COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE
Promissory Note (as the same 4. Slope and Drainage rights as Page 49, DeKalb County Re- County Records; as amended Stonecrest Mall, LLC and PASS-THROUGH CERTIFIC-
may have been amended, contained in that certain Ease- cord (affects only appurtenant by that certain First Amend- Sears, Roebuck and Co. dated ATES, SERIES 2005-1, as
modified or restated, the ment from Mrs. B.F. George to rights under the REA); ment to Construction, Opera- as of February 26, 2001; agent and attorney-in-fact for
“Note”), dated as of October 1, State Highway Board of Geor- 10. DeKalb County Water Main tion and Reciprocal Easement 20. Unrecorded Separate STONECREST MALL SPE,
2004 in the original principal gia, dated February 19, 1931, Easement from DeKalb Center Agreement, filed for record Au- Agreement by and between LLC, a Delaware limited liabil-
amount of $108,500,000.00, filed for record July 8, 1931, re- Associates to DeKalb County, gust 3, 2007 in Deed Book Stonecrest Mall, LLC and ity company
executed by Borrower and pay- corded in Deed Book 353, Georgia, dated March 13, 20185, Page 668 and refiled for Parisian, Inc., dated as of Feb- By: Greystone Servicing Com-
able to the order of Original Page 186, DeKalb County Re- 1989, filed for record March 24, record October 23, 2007 in ruary 26, 2001; pany LLC, a Delaware limited li-
Lender, as such Note was en- cords (affects only appurtenant 1989, recorded in Deed Book Deed Book 20391, Page 690, 21. Unrecorded Separate ability company, in its capacity
dorsed and assigned to Holder; rights under the REA); 6392, Page 5, DeKalb County DeKalb County Records; Agreement by and between as special servicer pursuant to
and 5. Right of Way Easement from Records (affects only appurten- 16. Sewer Easement from Stonecrest Mall, LLC and J. C. that certain Pooling and Servi-
WHEREAS, Defaults and A.J. Almand, Estate to Snap- ant rights under the REA); DeKalb Center Associates and Penney Company, Inc., dated cing Agreement dated April 1,
Events of Default (each as ping Shoal Electric Member- 11. Easement Relocation CFN (I-20) Inc. to DeKalb as of February 26, 2001; 2005
defined in the Loan Agreement) ship Corporation dated Novem- Agreement by and between County, Georgia dated Novem- 22. Unrecorded Separate By: its attorney-at-law:
have occurred and are continu- ber 4, 1938, filed for record American Telephone and Tele- ber 22, 2000, filed for record Agreement between Stone- S. Bob Stupar, Esq.
ing under the Note, the Loan June 20, 1940, recorded in graph Company acting by and December 11, 2000, recorded crest Mall, LLC and Rich’s De- Kilpatrick Townsend
Agreement, the Security Instru- Deed Book 518, Page 252, through its agent AT&T Com- in Deed Book 11745, Page partment Stores, Inc., dated as & Stockton LLP
ment and the other Loan Docu- DeKalb County Records; munications, Inc. and DeKalb 728, DeKalb County Records; of February 26, 2001; 1100 Peachtree Street,
ments (as defined in the Loan 6. Right of Way Easement from Center Associates, dated July 17. Declaration of Easements, 23. All valid zoning ordinances; Suite 2800
Agreement), specifically includ- Thos. W. Stewart to Snapping 5, 1989, filed for record August Covenants, Conditions & Re- and Atlanta, Georgia 30309-4530
ing, without limitation, the fail- Shoals Electric Membership 4, 1989, recorded in Deed strictions by Development Au- 24. All other, if any, easements, 404-815-6500
ure of Borrower to pay to the Corporation dated June 14, Book 6492, Page 597, DeKalb thority of DeKalb County, Geor- limitations, reservations, coven- ++Stonecrest Mall SPE,
Holder the payments due un- 1938, filed for record June 27, County Records (affects only gia, a public body corporate ants, restrictions, deeds to se- LLC,++
der the Note when due and ow- 1940, recorded in Deed Book appurtenant rights under the and politic, DeKalb Center As- cure debt, liens and other en-
ing; and 518, Page 282, DeKalb County REA); sociates, and CFN (I-20), Inc., cumbrances and matters of
WHEREAS, by reason of such Records; 12. DeKalb County Sewer dated February 26, 2001, filed public records to which the Se-
defaults and Events of De- 7. Declaration of Surface and Easement from DeKalb Center for record February 27, 2001, curity Instrument is junior and
faults, the Debt is and remains Storm Water Drainage Ease- Associates to CFN (I-20), Inc. recorded in Deed Book 11897, subordinate in terms of priority
delinquent, due and payable in ments by DeKalb Center Asso- to DeKalb County, Georgia Page 70, DeKalb County Re- under the laws of the State of
its entirety and the Security In- ciates, dated May 13, 1986, dated June 10, 1992, filed for cords; as affected by Assign- Georgia.
strument has become, is, and filed for record May 14, 1986, record July 2, 1992, recorded in ment of Declarant’s Rights and The Debt remaining in default
is hereby subject to foreclos- recorded in Deed Book 5470, Deed Book 7319, Page 518, Powers under Declaration of and the aforesaid Defaults and
ure as provided by law, the Page 390, DeKalb County Re- DeKalb County Records (af- Easements, Covenants, Condi- Events of Default continuing,
Note, the Loan Agreement, and cords; as amended by that cer- fects only appurtenant rights tions & Restrictions by and the sale of the Property (less
the Security Instrument; and tain First Amendment to Declar- under the REA); between DeKalb Center Asso- and except the Funds) under
WHEREAS, prior to the con- ation of Surface and Storm Wa- 13. Easement from DeKalb ciates and Stonecrest Mall, and pursuant to the power of
summation of the exercise of ter Drainage Easement by and Center Associates to Bell South LLC, dated February 26, 2001, sale contained in the Security
the power of sale contained in between DeKalb Center Asso- Telecommunications, Inc., filed for record February 27, Instrument will be made for the
the Security Instrument and the ciates and JDN Associates, dated May 11, 1993, filed for 2001, recorded in Deed Book purpose of applying the pro-
consummation of the foreclos- Ltd, Turner Hill Road dated record May 25, 1993, recorded 11898, Page 29, DeKalb ceeds thereof, as provided for
ure sale of the Property, any May 2, 1986, filed for record in Deed Book 7685, Page 573, County Records; as further af- in the Security Instrument and
and all funds, cash, letters of June 4, 1986, recorded in Deed DeKalb County Records (af- fected by Supplemental Declar- pursuant to applicable law.
credit and other sums, if any, Book 5486, Page 511, DeKalb fects only appurtenant rights ation of Covenants, Conditions The Property (less and except
held by Holder for or on behalf County Records; as further under the REA); and Restrictions by CFN (I-20), the Funds) will be sold on an
of Borrower, in the Reserve Ac- amended by that certain 14. Those matters as dis- Inc., dated February 26, 2001, “as is, where is” basis without
counts, or any other escrow, re- Second Amendment to Declar- closed by that certain survey filed for record March 1, 2001, recourse against Holder and
serve or accounts established ation of Surface and Storm Wa- entitled “ALTA/ACSM Land recorded in Deed Book 11899, without representation or war-
under the Note, the Loan ter Drainage Easements by and Title Survey for Forest City En- Page 311, DeKalb County Re- ranty of any kind or nature
Agreement, the Security Instru- between DeKalb Center Asso- terprises, Bank of America, cords; as further affected by whatsoever with respect
ment and/or any other Loan ciates and Atlanta East Mall N.A., Chicago Title Insurance Supplement to Declaration of thereto, with no assurance af-
Document, for payment of Limited Partnership dated Feb- Company”, prepared by Devel- Easements, Covenants, Condi- forded as to the exact acreage
taxes, assessments and other ruary 28, 1989, filed for record opment Consultants Group, tions and Restrictions by of the Land.
similar charges levied against May 2, 1989, recorded in Deed bearing the seal and certifica- Stonecrest Mall, LLC and To the best of Holder’s know-
the Property, insurance, capital Book 6421, Page 271, DeKalb tion of Donald G. Holland, Stonecrest Land Investment, ledge and belief, the Property
improvements, replacements, County Records; as further Georgia Registered Land Sur- LLC, dated October 4, 2001, (less and except the Funds) is
tenant improvements, leasing amended by that certain Third veyor No. 2637, dated August filed for record December 20, presently owned by Borrower,
commissions or otherwise (col- Amendment to Declaration of 13, 2003, last revised Septem- 2001, recorded in Deed Book subject to the aforesaid in-
lectively, the “Funds”) have Surface and Storm Water ber 20, 2004, Job No. 89011, 12759, Page 483, DeKalb terests of Holder and the mat-
been or shall be applied by Drainage Easements by and as follows: County Records; as further af- ters set forth herein, and Bor-
Holder toward payment of the between DeKalb Center Asso- (a) Box culvert crossing south- fected by Supplement to De- rower is the party in posses-
Debt, to the extent provided in ciates, Lewis G. Abbott, Betty westerly portion of the Property; claration of Easements, Coven- sion of the Property (less and
the Note, the Loan Agreement, L. Abbott, Pat Abbott, as Exec- (b) Storm drain easement ants, Conditions and Restric- except the Funds), subject to
the Security Instrument and the utrix of the Estate of Robert G. crossing southwesterly portion tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC the aforesaid interests.
other Loan Documents. Abbott, and Joseph Abbott as of the Property; and Stafford Stonecrest, LLC, The notice to Borrower, pursu-
NOW, THEREFORE, under Executor of Joseph Ernest Ab- (c) 20-foot sanitary sewer ease- dated October 11, 2001, filed ant to O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2,
and pursuant to the power of bott, dated November 13, 1989, ments with sanitary sewer lines for record March 18, 2002, re- has been provided by Holder to
sale contained in the Security filed for record June 31, 1990, and manholes crossing south- corded in Deed Book 13040, Borrower in accordance with
Instrument and according to the recorded in Deed Book 6629, westerly portion of the Property; Page 347, DeKalb County Re- said O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2.
terms of the Security Instru- Page 189, DeKalb County Re- (d) 8-foot by 7-foot box culvert cords; as affected by that cer- The undersigned may sell the
ment and the laws in such cords; crossing westerly portion of the tain Supplement to Declaration Property (less and except the
cases made and provided, 8. Perpetual drainage ease- Property; of Easements, Covenants, Funds) or any part of the Prop-
Holder will expose the Property ment as contained in that cer- (e) Drainage facilities with catch Conditions and Restrictions erty (less and except the
(less and except the Funds) for tain Right of Way Deed and basins, junction boxes and from Stonecrest Mall, LLC to Funds) in such manner and or-
sale, at public sale to the Easement Agreement by and grate inlets throughout the Stonecrest Land Investment, der as Holder may elect and
highest bidder, for cash on that between DeKalb Center Asso- Property; LLC, dated November 4, 2002, may sell that portion of the
certain first Tuesday in Decem- ciates whose sole general part- (f) Water valves throughout the filed for record November 8, Property (less and except the
ber, 2021, being December 7, ner is CFI-20E Associates hav- Property; 2002, recorded in Deed Book Funds), which, under the laws
2021, during the legal hours for ing as a general partner Ca- (g) Electric membership corpor- 13810, Page 675, DeKalb of the State of Georgia, consti-
sale, before the courthouse dillac Fairview Shopping Cen- ation manhole in southeasterly County Records; as further af- tutes an estate or interest in
Page 62 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 
040-452201 12/2
Advertisement for Thursday, December 2, 2021
Sealed bids will be received in the Department of Purchasing and Contracting, The Maloof Center, 1300 Commerce Drive,
2nd Floor, Decatur, Georgia 30030, for the following until 3:00 P.M. on date(s) designated below:



21-101459 Herbicide & Growth Regulator Services December 21, 2021

21-500589 Manage and Operate Mystery Valley Golf Course December 23, 2021

Specifications and other details will be available in the Purchasing and Contracting Department, The Maloof Center, 2nd
Floor, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. For additional information, please view the DeKalb County
Website at:
DeKalb County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof, to waive any technicalities, and to re-

By: Cathryn G. Horner, Chief Procurement Officer

DeKalb County, Purchasing and Contracting Department
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 Page 63
Page 64 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, DECEMBER 2 - 8, 2021 


H U N G E R . W H A T D O T H E Y L O O K L I K E ? D O

Y O U I M A G I N E A C E R T A I N A G E, E T H N I C I T Y

O R P A R T O F T H E C O U N T R Y ? T R U T H I S,

H U N G E R C A N B E H A R D T O R E C O G N I Z E.

B E C A U S E T H E 1 I N 8 A M E R I C A N S F A C I N G


M E. I W A S C R E A T E D B Y A R T I F I C I A L


4 0 M I L L I O N P E O P L E S T R U G G L I N G

W I T H H U N G E R I N T H I S C O U N T R Y. A


H U N G E R I N A D I F F E R E N T L I G H T. I A M

W H A T H U N G E R L O O K S L I K E I N A M E R I C A.

L E A R N M O R E A T I A M H U N G E R I N A M E R I C A . O R G
Based on USDA food security data released in 2018

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