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The hen of golden eggs

Some time ago a couple of farmers were worked like all days, but, suddenly.

“Look at here ", said the women.

"Are you OK? ", asked the man.

The women said, "That these are eggs of gold." They had discovered that the farm where they
raised hens had one special hen, because, this hen put golden eggs.

The man said, " That's incredible".

The farmers saw every day that the hen put golden eggs each day. They had been thinking about
the hen, they didn't know how happened all this and blinded by ambition, they took a bad

The next morning, they had the finally decision, they thought in killed the hen to know how
happened all this and get all the golden of the hen, but it didn't happen how they thought,
because the hen didn't have nothing inside, it was a common hen for inside.

"This is incredible, I don't know how we had can do this ," said the man.

We were blinded for the ambitions, "said the women".

Finally, they farmers told the history to friends and they said, that was terrible, we should not be
guided by the ambition.


Yovana Bustamante Vázquez.

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