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The Last Lesson Extract Baseo MutmipLe CHoIce QUESTIONS ead the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow, selecting the option from the given ones. ‘ 4, Istarted for school very late that morning and was in great dread ofa scolding, ‘especially because M. Hamel had said that he would question us on participles, and! did not know the first word about them. For a moment | thought of running ‘away and spending the day out of doors. It was so warm, so bright! The birds were chirping at the edge of the woods; and in the open field back of the sawmill the Prussian soldiers were drilling, It was all much more tempting than the rule for participles, but | had the strength to resist, and hurried off to school. (pg 2) a) Why was Franz in great dread of scolding? {i) He had got late. {i) He hadn’t prepared his lesson on ‘participles’. {ili) He always dreaded going to school. (iv) He had other plans to settle in life. Why did Franz think of running away? {i) He always dreaded school. ‘{ii) He was terribly afraid of M. Hamel’s asking about ‘participles’. _ (ili) He wanted to enjoy the scenes of nature. (iv) none of the above does Franz’s description of nature reveal of him? (i) Franz is a great lover of nature. (ii) Franz likes being in nature. The entire scene of nature is more captivating. i) all of the above did Franz decide to go to school despite temptations? (i) He was a disciplined student. {ii) He had the curiosity to know more about everything. | a | English XII 2. When | passed the town hall there was a crowd in front of the bulletin-boarg For the last two years all our bad news had come from there — the lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer — and | thought to myself, without stopping, “What can be the matter now?” (pg 2) (a) The bulletin-board is central to the people to Alsace because (i) it displays the village news. it records all the important events of the surroundings. (iii) all go to and read it. (iv) none of the above (b) Do you think does Franz read the bulletin board from time to time? (i) no (ii) yes (iii) not sure (iv) occassionally (c) What amazes Franz when he passes the town hall? {i) a big crowd before the bulletin-board {ii) beautiful scene of nature {iii) armymen parading {iv) none of the above (d) Name some of the bad news around the place. (i) the lost battles (ii) orders of the commanding officer (iii) () and (ii) (iv) none of the above 3. _ | jumped over the bench and sat down at my desk. Not till then, when I had got a little over my fright, did | see that our teacher had on his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt, and the little black silk cap, all embroidered, that he never wore except on inspection and prize days. Besides, the whole school seemed so strange and solemn. But the thing that surprised me most was to see, on the back benches that were always empty, the village people sitting quietly like ourselves; old Hauser, with his three cornered hat, the former mayor, the former postmaster, and several others besides. (pgs 3-4) (a) What had frightened Franz the most? (i) his dread of going to school (ii) his fear of M. Hamel (iii) his not getting to know the participles {iv) none of the above (b) What did the teacher's dress indicate? (i) a signal of bad times (li) a signal of celebrations (ill) things were not normal (iv) (ii) and (iil) tho Last Losson ( ic) What amazed Franz the most? {i) school’s strangeness and solemnity (ii) villagers sitting together {ili) villagers’ presence in the classroom (all of the above (a) The villagers of Alsace were invited to the classroom {i) to receive the instructions of the authorities. {ii) to inform them of Germans. (iii) to reinforce the knowledge and importance of patriotism. {iv) none of the above 4. _Mylast French lesson! Why, | hardly knew how to write! | should never learn any more! | must stop there, then! Oh, how sorry | was for not learning my lessons, for seeking birds’ eggs, or going sliding on the Saar! My books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago, so heavy to carry, my grammar, and my history of the saints, were old friends now that | couldn’t give up. And M. Hamel, too; the jdea that he was going away, that | should never see him again, made me forget all about his ruler and how cranky he was, (pg 4) (a) What two qualities of M. Hamel do you find in what he says? {i) a good teacher with a golden heart (ii) balanced and capable of regretting simple-hearted but cruel (iv) (i) and (ii) (b) Why does Franz say that his books were old friends? {i) because he won’t read them (ii) because his books are like a friend who is being forgotten {iii) because he will be missing them {iv) all of the above {c) What made Franz forget about M. Hamel's ruler and his cranky behaviour? (i) He won’t meet M. Hamel anymore. (ii) M. Hamel had delivered his last lesson. Franz would be busy with his farm. {iv) none of the above (d) Would Franz be able to learn anymore? {i)no (ii) not sure (ili) yes (iv) none of the above 5. Poor man! It was in honour of this last lesson that he had put on his fine Sunday clothes, and now | understood why the old men of the village were sitting there in the back of the room. It was because they were sorry, too, that they had not ‘gone to school more. It was their way of thanking our master for his forty years e Ehgish Xt of faithful service and of showing their respec no more. (pgs 4-5) (NCERT Question Bony (a) Why does the narrator refer to M. Hamel as ‘Poor manl’? i (i) He empathises with M. Hamel as he had to leave the village. (ii) He believes that M. Hamels ‘fine Sunday clothes’ clearly reflected thay he was not rich, (ili) He feels sorry for M. Hi (iv) He thinks that M. Hamel’s patriotism and poverty. ‘ (b) Which of the following idioms might describe the villagers’ act of attending the last lesson most accurately? {i) ‘Too good to miss’ {ii) ‘Too little, too late’ (ili) ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’ 5 {iv) ‘Too cool for school’ {c) Choose the option that might raise a ques service’. {i) When Fran: without him. (ii) Franz mentioned how cranky M. Hamel was and his on the table’. (iii) M. Hamel often sent students to water his flowers, when he wanted to go fishing. (iv) M. Hamel permitted villagers to put their children ‘to w at the mills’ for some extra money. (d) Choose the option that most appropriately fills in the blan! description of the given extract. The villagers and their children sat in class, forging with their old master 2 a togetherness. In that moment, the class room stood 2 ~ it was France itself, and the last French lesson a desperate hope to 3. to the remnants of what they had known and taken ‘0 granted. Their own 4. t for the country that was the) Cin Jamel as it was his last French lesson. sense of duty resulted jp, hi Is stion about M. Hamels ‘faith, 2 came late, M. Hamel told him that he was about to begin class igreat ruler rapping and gave a holiday jork on a farm o; ks, for the following {i) 1. graceful; 2. still; 3, hang on; 4. country (ii) 1. bygone; 2. up; 3. keep on; 4, education (ii) 1. beautiful; 2.mesmerised; 3. carry on; 4. unity (iv) 1. forgotten; 2. transformed; 3. hold on; 4. identity Tho Last Leonean o most tit was the Hamel went On to talk of the French language, say Neal that we Must 6. \ jutiful language in the world — the clearest, the most logic’ rd it among US and never forget it, because when a people are ee as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key tot we ms en he opened a Sa book and read us our lesson. | was amaz well | understood it, All he said seemed so easy, $0 easy! " (pgs 5-6) (NCERT Question “i which of the following can be attributed to M. Hamels declaration abou French language? (i) subject expertise rie eee ete o eee on (iv) patriotic magnification (p) Read the quotes given below. Choose the option that might best describe M, Hamel’s viewpoint. (a) [ 4. Those who know nothing] | 2. Language is the road map his of foreign languages know culture, It tells you where its peop! nothing of their own, come from and where they ze -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe going. — Rita Mae Scow fa, A poor man is like a for- 4. The greatest propaganda in the | eigner in his own country. world is our mother tongue, that | i | All Ibn Abi Talib| is what we learn as children, and h |__| which we tearn unconsciously. That bs shapes our perceptions for life. | Marshal McLuhan (i) Option 1. (ii) Option 2. (iii) Option 3. (iv) Option 4. (c) ‘Iwas amazed to see how well | understood it’ Select the option that DOES NOT explain why Franz found the grammar lesson ‘easy’. (i) Franz was paying careful attention in class this time. (ii) M. Hamel was being extremely patient and calm in his teaching. i) Franz was inspired and had found a new meaning and purpose to learning. (iv) Franz had realised that French was the clearest and most logical language. (d) Franz was able to understand the grammar lesson easily because he was (i) receptive. (ii) appreciative. (ili) introspective. (iv) competitive. La | English xi) Ba. Stanb-aLone MuttipLe CHOICE QUESTIONS Sed on your un sisi derstanding of the current chapter, answer the following ~ ‘Franz saw a hu, f the bulletin b Mest stop! H ge crowd assembled in front of the ard, but 4. Om, ee OW Would you evaluate his reaction? dig a Fanz was too little to care about the news of lost battles. ) Nobody in Frana’s family was in the army, soit did not matter. ie Bad news had become very normal, so he went about his task, ) "twas too crowded for Franz to find out what news WS UP on the boa ir 2. ‘There w: as usual ise when school began, but j auite! ly great bustle and noise w! pees, ot Which of the following describes Franz’ emotions most accurately? (a) shock and awe (b) disappointment and anxiety (c) confusion and distress (d) curiosity and uncertainty 3. ‘Inever saw him look so tall Which of the following best captures M, 4, the last day of school? 4 (a) cranky, miserable, dedicated, resigned (b) patient, dignified, emotional, courageous (c) calm, Nostalgic, disappointed, patriotic (4) proud, reproachful, persistent, heroic 4. Look at the table below. Column A provides instances from the story “The Lay Lesson’. Column B provides titles of some famous English language poems, Choos, the option that correctly match items of Column A with Column B. J Column A Column B 1. M.Hamel distributed newcopies| A. ‘Remorse is memory awake’ that looked like little French (Emily Dickinson) flags, and ended the class with an emphatic ‘Viva La France!’ 2. Hauser sat at the end of the B. ‘A House called Tomorrow’ class, thumbing his primer, (Alberto Rios) desperately trying to learn with the children, even as he cried. 3. M. Hamel shared how Alsace | C. ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’ ohn always put off learning, and how Donne) its people always thought they had plenty of time. The Last Lesson oO D. ‘DoNot Gogentle into That Good Night’ (Dylan Thomas) clock struck twelve. And then the Angelus. Simultaneously, Prussian trumpets sounded under the school windows. oe -B;3.-C54.-D. (b) 1.-B, 2.-C5 3.- 4.05 2.- Ds 3.- A; 4.8. (d) 1.-D.;2.-A5 3.-B. 4 she Last Lesson’ is set in the days of the $M granco-Prussian War (1870-1871). (0) Franco-Prussian War (1871-1872). (0) Franco-Prussian War (1873-1874). (@) Franco-Prussian War (1875-1876). ‘i 5, How did M. Hamel give the shocking news to the students and the villagers an » vith what effect? a) M. Hamel spoke in a gentle and grave tone and the news: shocked and stunned the village elders. (b) M. Hamel spoke in a grave tone but the village elders were ecstatic to receive the news. ()M. Hamel conveyed the news happily and the villagers too received the news happily. (4) M. Hamel spoke in a gentle and grave tone but the news made no difference to the villagers. 7. ‘The Last Lesson’ is about (a) values of culture, traditions and patriotism. (b) the start of teaching German. (c) M. Hamel’s last day at school. (d) Franz’s test on participles. 8, What is focused on in ‘The Last Lesson’? (a) importance of own language, culture and nationalism (b) pride in French culture (c) political hegemony of the Prussians ; (d) how French language is replaced by German language 9, ‘But, now it was all so still.’ What is ‘it’ here? * (a) school activities of routine nature (b) teaching (c) student activities (d) hustle-bustle in the school 1 70 | English x1) 10. uy . Hi Ny ‘Smel’s waking up and down shows o his changed exterior. ; Something Unexpected going to happen. C) his nervousness, (d) his agitated mind, epee looked sad’ means i all were expecting a bad news. ) Something unusual was taking place. (c) M. Hamel Was retiring. a = M. Hamel was not to be in the school. * fhe order from Berlin had a stupefying effect on the villagers fam 11, like € to (a) a bolt from blue. (b) a thunder clap. (c) a nightmare, (d) (a) and (b) 3S. Franz forgot all about M. Hamel's ruler and his crankiness when (2) M. Hamel started his last lesson. (b) he felt that M. Hamel was going away. i (c) he felt that he won't see M. Hamel anymore. (d) (b) and (c) 14. How does M. Hamel describe the French language? (a) It is the easiest. (b) It is the most wonderful language in the world. (c) It is the clearest and most logical. (d) It is the simplest language in the world. 15. “M. Hamel looked ‘pale’ when the Prussians trumpeted near the window. does it signify? (a) M. Hamel is greatly distressed to leave teaching his own language. (b) M. Hamel will lose his freedom. (c) He wouldn’t keep his culture and heritage. (d) He would leave the country next day. 16. When do the residents of Alsace and Lorraine realise the value of their language (a) When it is the last lesson for them by M. Hamel. (b) When they sit together. (c) When M. Hamel tells them. (d) When they have to give up their culture, Tho Last Lesson a Oe arom ding his last lesson by “ nclu YY writing ‘Viva La Francel’ on the blackboard shows + pat M. Hamel was overwhelmed with emotions. wanted to distract all attending class that day. c) was Keen ‘on not leaving the country. wanted to teach French participles through it. last lesson by Alphonse Daudet is i pen mainly about the longing to learn___— (a)the mother tongue (b) German ) French (d) the foreign | ‘the Last Lesson’ raises the question of ae pansion of linguistic and j @) He ay a B cultural hegemony of the colonial and imperial (bp) the domination of the powerful over the weak. {c)importance of national feelings and value of language. (d) pride of one’s language. : 0. Tick the correct statement with reference to the two statements given below. Assertion A: One must be patriotic. reason B: Patriotism builds your global image. (a) Statement 1. Both A and B are correct, and Bis the correct explanation of A. (bo) see 2. Both A and B are correct, but B is not the correct explanation of {c) Statement 3. A and B are incorrect. (d) Statement 4. A is correct but B. is incorrect.

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