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Name: Jolina Polly

Course: BE111


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be a challenging thing to do especially if you are not used to it.

Eating healthy meals can be very beneficial for our health but sometimes we find it difficult to eat

healthy. For this challenge I planned on eating healthy meals not just vegetables and fruits but also

other foods that are healthy. However, I wouldn’t say that I did eat all healthy foods for the whole

month, but I can say that I am better than before I did this challenge. There are some days that I failed

and some days that I don’t.

What I did for my 30-days

Well as I mentioned earlier, I planned to eat as much healthy meals and to balance my time for school

works and family matters. So, I did a meal tracker calendar where I tracked down all the meals I ate in a

day. In those days I would color a day where I eat heavy foods without any healthy meals, and the other

colors for the healthy melas I eat and the small meals I eat. To be honest I don’t eat healthy foods every

day, there are some days when I don’t eat any vegetables or fruits, there are also some days when I’m

lazy to cook a meal that is healthy, so I would have to eat junk foods instead. For my time there are

some days when I lost track of time and did not complete the task, I list down that I need to do. For all

the failure I had doing my challenge, I’m still happy that I did the challenge, and I was happy about my


The good things about my challenge:

I would say doing this challenge taught me a lot of things. I became very careful of what kind of foods

that I eat each day, I also started to like some healthy foods that I don’t like before. I can now cook

different kind of meals and add some vegetables to it. For my time, now I have an organized list of tasks
that I wanted to do each day. I’m not always forgetful because whenever I would forget I would go

through my list again to see what I did finish and what is not yet done. I’m more responsible and less

stress. This challenge was very fun to me and interesting.


So, in my whole 30-day challenge experienced I faced some failed moments. This challenge really taught

me how to be more grateful and how to take good care for my body on the things that I eat each day.

This also taught me how to be organized in everything I do, I learned to be more patient in the times

where I don’t complete a task, or when I don’t have the time to do the things I want because something

came up that would interfere with my plans. So even though I didn’t eat healthy foods for the whole

month, but I still push myself to at least eat healthy meals.

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