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Case Study

Friska Febrianty
What is Your Strategy, and
What Kind of Content You are
Going to Post?

The first goal that I want to reach for PowerbuyApp is

reach wide target market, so I'm gonna start with affiliate
marketing strategy featuring influencers.

Advertising through influencers allows us to reach out to a

specific group of people who they watch, interact with,
and trust on a daily basis. Rather than being skeptical of a
commercial or a social media ad, consumers believe that if
their favorite influencer loves the product, they will as

Also with affiliate marketing we don't have to spend a lot

of budget, They will receive commission payments based
on the total sales they drive us.
Type of Content

Kind of content that I'm gonna post is

Instagram Reels. Reels is quickly
establishing itself as the go-to
destination for quick, entertaining.
#1 Instagram
Sample of Contents
Enhance the FOMO
FOMO stands for "fear of missing out,"
and it's a powerful way to get viewers to
watch, like our videos, and attract them
to act according to our CTA.
uy new Adidas!! I will create Instagram reels with
an b
With $50 I c
Powerbuy is
full of hidden gem!! influencers that show how she/him get
a big benefit or deals for something they
buy via Powerbuy. At the end of the
video, the influencers will say, "... the
deals only eligible till Monday" or
something along the lines.
#2 TikTok
Sample of Contents

Create Unique Giveaway with

Unique Challange
Challange a group of people to shop as much
as possible items with
the low budget, the best group will get
special price from Powerbuy.
#ShoppingChallange #ShoppingwithFriends
Thank You

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