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Hi (informal)
Hello (formal)
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
Good night
Good bye
See you later
See you soon
See you next week
See you

1. Excuse me Disculpe, permiso
2. I’m sorry Lo siento
3. Thank you Gracias
4. Thanks Gracias
5. Thank you very much Muchas gracias
6. You’re welcome De nada
7. Don’t mention it De nada
8. Welcome Bienvenido
9. I don’t know No sé
10. Bless you! Salud (estornudo)
11. Maybe Tal vez
12. Not yet Todavía
13. Please Por favor
14. Sorry I’m late Siento llegar tarde
15. Have a good weekend! ¡Que tenga(n) un buen fin de semana!
16. Can I leave the room for a momento? ¿Puedo salir un momento?

1. How do you say………in English? 13. Sit down
2. What is the meaning of ……..? 14. Stand up
3. What does ………. Mean? 15. Look at the board
4. How do you spell it? 16. Don’t write
5. How do you pronounce it? 17. Don’t speak Spanish
6. Could you repeat that, please? 18. Turn off your cell phone
7. Listen, please 19. Work in pairs
8. Silence, please 17. Match the words and pictures
9. Read 18. Underline the verbs
10. Ask and answer the questions 19. Circle the correct answer
11. Write down the words 20. Choose the correct answer
12. Go to page 32 21. Cross out the wrong answer
22. Number the pictures

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