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Diagnostic Challenge - HTML

III Term

Paula Convers, Laura García & Isabella Mora


José Max León Bilingual School

Technology - Arukay

Programming with HTMl & CSS

1. Make a Web Page to help architects in order to show information about a housing
project: Green Life.

2. Features:

a. The Web Site has to have a title: Project´s Name.

b. Include three subtitles: Main Features, Prices, Location

c. Each subtitle has two Items.

d. Each subtitle has to have the respective image or photo.

e. Keep in mind the good presentation, organization and use of CSS styles.

3. Each image must apply a different filter, we can also try the following

a. filter: brightness(200%);

b. filter: contrast(500%);

c. filter: hue-rotate(80deg);

d. filter: opacity(50%);

e. filter: sepia(200%);

4. Design (Mock up)

a. Paste here a general mock up

5. Web Site (Screenshot)

a. Paste here the screenshot of the web site and programing


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link ref="diagnostic test.css" rel="stylesheet" type="TEXT/CSS">
<title>Green Life</title>
<h1> Green Life </h1>
<h3 class="styletitle"> Main features </h3>
<img src=""
<p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque nobis
doloribus modi non consequuntur repudiandae delectus adipisci sint recusandae et
possimus corrupti, atque quaerat dolore a incidunt sit suscipit iusto? </p>

<p> Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. A explicabo aliquid
repellat blanditiis ut molestiae non, ad sequi amet laudantium inventore! Impedit quo
necessitatibus nesciunt explicabo facilis voluptates porro atque!</p>
<h3 class="styletitle"> Price </h3>
<img src="
EVE.png" class="imagen2">
<p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque nobis
doloribus modi non consequuntur repudiandae delectus adipisci sint recusandae et
possimus corrupti, atque quaerat dolore a incidunt sit suscipit iusto? </p>
<p> Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. A explicabo aliquid
repellat blanditiis ut molestiae non, ad sequi amet laudantium inventore! Impedit quo
necessitatibus nesciunt explicabo facilis voluptates porro atque!</p>
<h3 class="styletitle"> Location </h3>
<p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque nobis
doloribus modi non consequuntur repudiandae delectus adipisci sint recusandae et
possimus corrupti, atque quaerat dolore a incidunt sit suscipit iusto? </p>
<p> Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. A explicabo aliquid
repellat blanditiis ut molestiae non, ad sequi amet laudantium inventore! Impedit quo
necessitatibus nesciunt explicabo facilis voluptates porro atque!</p>

text-align: center;
color: #249234;
text-transform: uppercase;
background-color: #6DE7B3;
padding: 10px;
background-color: #E0FFC8;
display: block;

filter: brightness(100%);
filter: opacity(50%);
filter: contrast(250%);

Upload the project to Arukay platform, session 5.


Criteria Description 1 to 4

Resources The web site uses different

style CSS codes.

Design The elements are well

distributed, considering the
use of appropriate colors.
Take good advantage of the

Use of Images The Web Sites shows

different images with
different filters

Function The application meets the

proposed challenge, all its
options work correctly,

Name: Evaluator(s)

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